25 个最佳免费网络爬虫工具(25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools)
- 一些网络爬虫应用程序可以正确地从任何网站URL爬取数据。
- 这些程序可帮助您改进网站的结构,以便搜索引擎能够理解它并提高您的排名。
1.打开搜索服务器(1. Open Search Server)
- 它是一个完全集成的解决方案(completely integrated solution)。
- Open Search Server是一个免费和开源的网络爬虫和搜索引擎。
- 这是一个一站式且具有成本效益的解决方案。
- 它具有一套全面的搜索功能,并且可以构建您自己的索引策略。
- 爬虫几乎可以索引任何东西。
- 有全文、布尔和语音搜索(full-text, boolean, and phonetic searches)可供选择。
- 您可以从17 种不同的语言中(17 different languages)进行选择。
- 进行自动分类。
- 您可以为经常发生的事情制定时间表。
2. Spinn3r
Spinn3r网络爬虫程序允许您从博客、新闻、社交网站、RSS 提要和 ATOM 提要(blogs, news, social networking sites, RSS feeds, and ATOM feeds)中(Spinn3r)完全提取内容。
- 它带有一个闪电般快速的 API,可以处理(lightning-fast API that handles) 95% 的索引工作(of the indexing work)。
- 此网络爬虫应用程序包含高级(Advanced)垃圾邮件保护,可删除垃圾邮件和不恰当的语言使用,从而提高数据安全性。
- 网络爬虫不断地在网络上搜索来自众多来源的更新,为您呈现实时内容。
- 它以与Google(Google)相同的方式索引内容,并将提取的数据保存为JSON文件。
- Parser API允许您快速解析和管理任意 Web URL(URLs)的信息。
- Firehose API专为大规模访问大量数据而设计。
简单的 HTTP 标头用于(Simple HTTP headers are used)验证 Spinn3r 的所有API(APIs)。
- 这是一个免费下载的网络爬虫工具。
- Classifier API使开发人员能够传输要由我们的机器学习技术标记的文本(或URL )。(URLs)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在阿联酋访问被阻止的站点(How to Access Blocked Sites in UAE)
3. 导入.io(3. Import.io)
Import.io允许您在几分钟内抓取数百万个网页,并根据您的需求构建 1000 多个API ,而无需编写任何代码。(APIs)
- 它现在可以通过编程方式进行操作,并且现在可以自动检索数据。
- (Extract)只需按一下按钮,即可从许多页面中提取数据。
- 它可以自动识别分页列表(automatically recognize paginated lists),也可以点击下一页。
- 只需点击几下,您就可以将在线数据整合到您的应用程序或网站中。
- (Create)通过使用页码和类别名称等模式,在几秒钟内创建您需要的所有URL 。(URLs)
- Import.io可以直接演示如何从页面中提取数据。只需(Simply)从数据集中选择一列,然后指向页面上吸引您眼球的内容。
- 您可能会在他们的网站上收到报价(receive a quotation on their website)。
- 列表页面上的链接指向包含更多信息的详细页面。
- 您可以使用Import.io加入它们以一次从详细信息页面获取所有数据。
- 单个代理每秒可以抓取数千页,同时遵守严格的礼貌标准,包括主机和基于 IP 的。
- 它的作业分配建立在现代高速协议之上,以提供非常高的吞吐量,这与早期依赖批处理技术的开源分布式爬虫不同。
- 它使用剥离页面的指纹来检测近似重复(fingerprint of a stripped page to detect near-duplicates)。
- BUbiNG 是一个完全分布式的开源 Java 爬虫(open-source Java crawler)。
- 它有很多并行性。
- 有很多人使用这个产品。
- 很快。
- 它可以实现大规模爬取(large-scale crawling)。
5.GNU Wget
GNU Wget是一个免费的网络爬虫工具,可以免费下载,它是一个用 C 语言编写的开源软件程序,允许您通过HTTP、HTTPS、FTP 和 FTPS(HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS)获取文件。
- 此应用程序最独特的方面之一是能够以各种语言创建基于 NLS 的消息文件。
- 您可以使用REST 和 RANGE(REST and RANGE)重新启动已停止的下载( restart downloads)。
- 如果需要,它还可以将下载文档中的绝对链接转换为相对链接。
- 在文件名和镜像目录中递归使用通配符。
- 基于NLS的多种语言的消息文件。
- 镜像时,会评估本地文件时间戳(local file timestamps are evaluated)以确定是否需要重新下载文档。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中复制文件或文件夹时修复未指定错误(Fix Unspecified error when copying a file or folder in Windows 10)
6. Webhose.io
Webhose.io是一款出色的网络爬虫应用程序,可让您使用跨越各种来源的各种过滤器扫描数据并提取多种语言的关键字。(several languages)
- 该存档还允许用户查看以前的数据(view previous data)。
- 此外,webhose.io 的爬取数据发现支持多达80 种语言(80 languages)。
- 所有被泄露的个人身份信息都可以在一个地方找到。
- 调查(Investigate)暗网和消息传递应用程序是否存在网络威胁。
XML、JSON 和 RSS 格式(XML, JSON, and RSS formats)也可用于抓取的数据。
- 您可能会在他们的网站上收到报价。
- 用户可以简单地索引和搜索Webhose.io上的结构化数据。
- 在所有语言中,它都可以监控和分析媒体渠道。
- 可以在留言板和论坛上关注讨论。
- 它允许您跟踪来自网络各地的关键博客文章。
7. Norconex
- 这个功能齐全的收集器可以使用或集成到您的程序中。
- 它也可能采用页面的特色图像(page’s featured image)。
- Norconex使您能够抓取任何网站的内容。
- 可以使用任何操作系统。
- 该网络爬虫软件可以在单个平均容量服务器上爬取数百万个页面。
- 它还包括一组用于修改内容和元数据的工具。
- 获取您当前正在处理的文档的元数据。
支持JavaScript 呈现的页面(JavaScript-rendered pages)。
- 它可以检测多种语言。
- 它支持翻译帮助。
- 您爬行的速度可能会改变。
- 已被修改或删除的文档被识别。
- 这是一个完全免费的网络爬虫程序。
8. Dexi.io
提取器、爬行器和管道(Extractors, crawlers, and pipes)是您可以用来进行刮削操作的三种机器人。
- 使用Delta报告预测市场发展。
- 您收集的数据将在 Dexi.io 的服务器上保存两周后存档,或者您可以立即将提取的数据导出为JSON 或 CSV 文件(JSON or CSV files)。
- 您可能会在他们的网站上收到报价。
- 提供专业服务,例如质量保证和持续维护。
- 它提供商业服务来帮助您满足您的实时数据需求。
- 可以跟踪unlimited number of SKUs/products库存和定价。
- 它允许您使用实时仪表板和完整的产品分析来集成数据。
- 它可以帮助您准备和清洗基于 Web 的有组织且随时可用的产品数据。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将文件从 Android 传输到 PC(How to Transfer Files from Android to PC)
9. 齐特(9. Zyte)
- 用户可以在不知道任何编码的情况下使用其开源视觉抓取应用程序抓取网页。
Crawlera是 Zyte 使用的复杂代理旋转器(a complex proxy rotator used by Zyte),它允许用户轻松爬取大型或受 bot 保护的网站,同时规避 bot 对策。
- 您的在线信息会按时并始终如一地交付。因此,您可以专注于获取数据,而不是管理代理。
- 由于智能浏览器功能和渲染,现在可以轻松管理针对浏览器层的反机器人。
- 在他们的网站上,您可能会得到报价。
- 用户可以使用简单的 HTTP API 从众多 IP 和区域爬取( crawl from numerous IPs and regions using a simple HTTP API),无需代理维护。
- 它可以帮助您产生现金,同时通过获取您需要的信息来节省时间。
- 它允许您大规模提取 Web 数据,同时节省编码和蜘蛛维护时间。
10. 阿帕奇纳奇(10. Apache Nutch)
Apache Nutch毫无疑问在最伟大的开源网络爬虫应用程序列表中名列前茅。
- 它可以在一台机器上运行。但是,它在Hadoop集群上表现最好。
- 对于身份验证,采用NTLM 协议(NTLM protocol)。
- 它有一个分布式文件系统(通过Hadoop)。
- 它是一个著名的开源在线数据提取软件项目,具有数据挖掘的适应性和可扩展性(adaptable and scalable for data mining)。
- 世界各地的许多数据分析师、科学家、应用程序开发人员和网络文本挖掘专家都在使用它。
- 这是一个基于 Java 的跨平台解决方案(Java-based cross-platform solution)。
- 默认情况下,获取和解析是独立完成的。
- 使用XPath 和命名空间(XPath and namespaces)映射数据。
- 它包含一个链接图数据库。
11. 视觉刮刀(11. VisualScraper)
- 它提供了一个简单的点击式用户界面(simple point-and-click user interface)。
- 它还提供在线抓取服务,例如数据传播和软件提取器的构建。
- 它也密切关注您的竞争对手。
- 用户可以安排他们的项目在特定时间运行,或者使用Visual Scraper每隔一分钟、一天、一周、一个月和一年重复该顺序。
- 它更便宜,也更有效。
- 甚至没有密码可以说话。
- 这是一个完全免费的网络爬虫程序。
- 实时数据可以从多个网页中提取并保存为CSV、XML、JSON 或 SQL 文件(CSV, XML, JSON, or SQL files)。
- 用户可能会使用它来定期提取新闻、更新和论坛帖子(regularly extract news, updates, and forum posts)。
- 数据是100% accurate and customized的。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
12. Web狮身人面像(12. WebSphinx)
- 它专为希望自动扫描 Internet 有限部分的复杂网络用户和(scan a limited portion of the Internet automatically)Java程序员而设计。
- 这个在线数据提取解决方案包括一个Java类库和一个交互式编程环境。
- 页面可以连接起来形成一个可以浏览或打印的文档。
(Extract all text)从一系列页面中提取符合给定模式的所有文本。
- (Web)多亏了这个包,网络爬虫现在可以用Java编写。(Java)
- Crawler Workbench 和WebSPHINX类库(Crawler Workbench and the WebSPHINX class library)都包含在 WebSphinx 中。
- Crawler Workbench是一个图形用户界面,允许您自定义和操作网络爬虫。
- 一个图表可以由一组网页组成。
- 将页面保存(Save)到本地驱动器以供离线阅读。
13. OutWit 集线器(13. OutWit Hub)
OutWit Hub(OutWit Hub) 平台(Platform)由一个内核组成,该内核具有广泛的数据识别和提取功能库,可以在其上创建无数不同的应用程序,每个应用程序都利用内核的功能。
- 此网络爬虫应用程序可以扫描站点并(scan through sites and preserve the data)以可访问的方式保存它发现的数据。
- 它是一种多功能收割机,具有尽可能多的功能以满足各种要求。
- Hub已经存在了很长时间。
- 对于知道如何编码但认识到PHP(PHP)并不总是提取数据的理想选择的非技术用户和 IT 专业人员来说,它已经发展成为一个有用且多样化的平台。
- OutWit Hub 提供单一界面,可根据您的需求抓取适度或大量数据。(single interface for scraping modest or massive amounts of data)
- 它使您能够直接从浏览器中抓取任何网页,并构建自动代理来抓取数据并根据您的要求进行准备。
- 您可能会在他们的网站上收到报价。(receive a quotation)
14. 刮擦(14. Scrapy)
- 它是一个完整的网络爬虫框架,可以处理使网络爬虫难以创建的所有特征,例如代理中间件和查询问题(proxy middleware and querying questions)。
- 您可以编写提取数据的规则,然后让Scrapy处理其余部分。
- 无需修改内核即可轻松添加新功能,因为它就是这样设计的。
- 它是一个基于 Python 的程序,可在Linux、Windows、Mac OS X 和 BSD 系统上运行(Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and BSD systems)。
- 这是一个完全免费的实用程序。
- 它的库为程序员提供了一个现成的结构,用于自定义网络爬虫并从网络中大规模提取数据。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 9 款最佳免费数据恢复软件(2022 年)(9 Best Free Data Recovery Software (2022))
15. 莫曾达(15. Mozenda)
Mozenda也是最好的免费网络爬虫应用程序。它是一个面向业务的基于云的自助式网页(Web)抓取程序。Mozenda已抓取超过70 亿页(7 billion pages scraped),并在世界各地拥有企业客户。
- Mozenda 的网络抓取技术消除了对脚本的要求和工程师的雇用。
- 它将数据收集速度提高了五倍(speeds up data collecting by five times)。
- 您可以使用 Mozenda 的点击功能从网站上抓取文本、文件、图像和PDF信息。(PDF)
- 通过组织数据文件,您可以为发布做好准备。
- 您可以使用 Mozeda 的 API 直接导出到 TSV、CSV、XML、XLSX 或 JSON(TSV, CSV, XML, XLSX, or JSON using Mozeda’s API)。
- 您可以使用 Mozenda 复杂的数据(Data Wrangling)整理来组织您的信息,以便您做出重要的决定。
- 您可以使用 Mozenda 合作伙伴的平台之一来集成数据或在几个平台中建立自定义数据集成。
16. Cyotek Webcopy
Cyotek Webcopy是一款免费的网络爬虫工具,可让您自动将网站内容下载到本地设备。
- 所选网站的内容将被扫描和下载。
- 您可以选择要克隆网站的哪些部分以及如何使用其复杂的结构。
- 新的本地路由会将链接重定向到样式表、图片和其他页面等(stylesheets, pictures, and other pages)网站资源。
- 它将查看网站的HTML标记并尝试查找任何连接的资源,例如其他网站、照片、视频、文件下载(websites, photos, videos, file downloads)等。
- 它可能会爬取网站并下载它所看到的任何内容,以制作可接受的原始副本。
17. 普通爬行(17. Common Crawl)
Common Crawl适用于任何有兴趣探索和分析数据以获取有用见解的人。
- 这是一家501(c)(3) 非营利组织(501(c)(3) non-profit ),依靠捐款来正常运营。
- 任何希望使用Common Crawl的人都可以在不花任何钱或造成问题的情况下这样做。
- Common Crawl是一个可用于教学、研究和分析的语料库。(teaching, research, and analysis.)
- 如果您没有任何技术技能来了解其他人利用Common Crawl数据取得的非凡发现,那么您应该阅读这些文章。
- 教师可以使用这些工具来教授数据分析。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将文件从一个 Google Drive 移动到另一个(How to Move Files from One Google Drive to Another)
18. 塞姆拉什(18. Semrush)
- 它有用于搜索引擎优化、市场研究、社交媒体营销和广告(SEO, market research, social media marketing, and advertising)的工具。
- 它有一个用户友好的用户界面。
Metadata, HTTP/HTTPS, directives, status codes, duplicate content, page response speed, internal linking, image sizes, structured data和其他元素。
- 它使您可以快速简单地审核您的网站。
- 它有助于分析日志文件(analysis of log files)。
- 该程序提供了一个仪表板,可让您轻松查看网站问题。
19. Sitechecker.pro
- 您可以轻松地可视化网页的结构。
- 它创建了一个页面上的 SEO 审计报告(on-page SEO audit report),客户可以通过电子邮件获得该报告。
- 这个网络爬虫工具可以查看您网站的内部和外部链接(website’s internal and external links)。
- 它可以帮助您确定网站的速度(determining your website’s speed)。
- 您还可以使用 Sitechecker.pro检查登录页面上的索引问题( check for indexing problems on landing pages)。
- 它可以帮助您防御黑客攻击(defend against hacker attacks)。
- 许可证的(cost of a license)起价为$139。
- 您将使用 WebHarvy 的内置浏览器加载在线站点并使用鼠标单击选择要抓取的数据。
- 它可以自动从网站上抓取( scrape) 文本、照片、URL 和电子邮件(text, photos, URLs, and emails),并以各种格式保存。
代理服务器或 VPN(Proxy servers or a VPN) 可用于(can be used)访问目标网站。
- 抓取数据不需要创建任何程序或应用程序。
- 您可以通过使用代理服务器或VPN(VPNs)访问目标网站,匿名抓取并防止网页抓取软件被网络服务器禁止。
- WebHarvy自动识别网站中的数据模式。
- 如果您需要从网页中抓取对象列表,则无需执行任何其他操作。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 10 的 8 大免费文件管理器软件(Top 8 Free File Manager Software For Windows 10)
21. NetSpeak 蜘蛛(21. NetSpeak Spider)
NetSpeak Spider是一款桌面网络爬虫应用,用于日常SEO 审计,快速发现问题,进行系统分析,抓取网页(SEO audits, quickly identifying problems, conducting systematic analysis, and scraping webpages)。
- 这个网络爬虫应用程序擅长评估大型网页,同时最大限度地减少RAM使用。
- CSV文件可以很容易地从网络爬取数据中导入和导出。
- 只需单击几下,您就可以识别这些以及数百个严重的其他网站SEO问题。
- 该工具将帮助您评估网站的页面优化,包括状态代码、抓取和索引说明、网站结构和重定向等。
- 来自Google Analytics 和 Yandex(Google Analytics and Yandex)的数据可能会被导出。
- 为您的网站页面、流量、转化、目标甚至电子商务(E-commerce)设置考虑数据范围、设备类型和细分。
- 它的每月订阅(monthly subscriptions)起价$21。
(Broken links and photos will be detected)SEO爬虫将检测到损坏的链接和照片,以及重复的材料,例如页面、文本、重复的标题和元描述标签以及H1(H1s)。
- 您可以在Windows(Windows)上安装机器人过程自动化应用程序。
- 它可以从许多网页中以表格和基于模式的形式提取数据。
- UiPath 可以直接进行额外的爬取( additional crawls right out of the box)。
- 报告会跟踪您的机器人,以便您随时参考文档。
- 如果您标准化您的实践,您的结果将更加有效和成功。
每月订阅(Monthly subscriptions)起价$420。
- Marketplace 的200 多个现成组件(more than 200 ready-made components)为您的团队提供更多时间和更少的时间。
- UiPath机器人通过遵循满足您需求的确切方法来提高合规性。
- 公司可以通过优化流程、认识经济和提供见解来以更低的成本实现快速的数字化转型。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复调试器检测到的错误(How to Fix Debugger Detected Error)
23. 氦刮板(23. Helium Scraper)
Helium Scraper是一个可视化在线数据网络爬取应用程序,当元素之间几乎没有关联时效果最佳。基本可以满足用户的爬取需求。
- 它不需要任何编码或配置。
- 清晰简单的用户界面允许您从指定列表中选择和添加活动。
- 在线模板也可用于专门的爬网要求。
- 在屏幕外,使用了几个 Chromium 网络浏览器( Chromium web browsers are utilized)。
- 增加同时浏览器的数量以获取尽可能多的数据。
- 定义您自己的操作或将自定义JavaScript用于更复杂的实例。
- 它可以安装在个人计算机或专用Windows服务器上。
- 它的 licenses start at $99,并从那里开始上涨。
24. 80腿(24. 80Legs)
2009 年,80Legs成立,旨在让在线数据更易于访问。它是另一个最好的免费网络爬虫工具之一。最初,该公司专注于为各种客户提供网络爬虫服务。
- 我们广泛的网络爬虫应用程序将为您提供个性化信息。
- 爬取速度会根据网站流量自动调整(automatically adjusted based on website traffic)。
- 您可以通过 80legs 将调查结果下载到本地环境或计算机。
- 只需提供一个URL,您就可以抓取该网站。
- 它的每月订阅起价为$29 per month。
- 通过SaaS,可以构建和进行网络爬虫。
- 它有许多服务器,可让您从各种 IP 地址查看站点。
- 获得(Get)对站点数据的即时访问,而不是在网络上搜索。
- 它有助于定制网络爬虫的构建和执行。
- 您可以使用此应用程序来跟踪在线趋势(keep track of online trends)。
- 如果你愿意,你可以制作你的模板。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 5 个最佳 IP 地址隐藏应用程序(5 Best IP Address Hider App for Android)
25. ParseHub
ParseHub是一款出色的网络爬虫应用程序,可以从使用(ParseHub)AJAX、JavaScript、cookie 和其他相关技术的网站收集信息。
- 它的机器学习引擎可以读取、评估在线内容并将其转换为有意义的数据(read, evaluate, and convert online content into meaningful data)。
- 您还可以使用浏览器中的内置网络应用程序。
- 从数以百万计的网站获取信息是可能的。
- ParseHub将自动搜索数千个链接和单词。
- 数据(Data)会自动收集并存储在我们的服务器上。
每月套餐(Monthly packages)起价$149。
- 作为共享软件,您只能在ParseHub上构建五个公共项目。
- 您可以使用它来访问下拉菜单、登录网站、单击地图以及使用无限滚动、选项卡和弹出窗口管理网页(access drop-down menus, log on to websites, click on maps, and manage webpages using infinite scroll, tabs, and pop-ups)。
- ParseHub 的桌面客户端可用于Windows、Mac OS X 和 Linux(Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux)。
- 您可以获取任何格式的抓取数据进行分析。
- 您可以建立至少20 个具有高级会员级别的私人抓取项目。(20 private scraping projects)
我们希望这篇文章对您有所帮助,并且您选择了自己喜欢的免费网络爬虫(free web crawler)工具。在下面的评论部分分享您的想法、疑问和建议。此外,您可以向我们建议缺少的工具。让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools
Are you lоoking for tools to improvе your SEO ranking, exposure, and conversions? To do so, you need а web crawler tool. A web crawler is a computer program that scans the Internet. Web spiders, web data extraсtion ѕoftware, and website scraping prоgrams are examрles of Internet web crawling technologies. It’s also known as a spider bot or a spider. Today, we’ll look at some free web crawler tools to download.
25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools
Web crawler tools provide a wealth of information for data mining and analysis. Its primary purpose is to index web pages on the Internet. It can detect broken links, duplicate content, and missing page titles and identify severe SEO issues. Scraping online data may benefit your business in a variety of ways.
- Several web crawler apps can properly crawl data from any website URL.
- These programs assist you in improving the structure of your website so that search engines can comprehend it and boost your rankings.
In the list of our top tools, we’ve compiled a list of web crawler tool free download and their features and costs for you to choose from. The list also includes payable applications.
1. Open Search Server
OpenSearchServer is a free web crawler and has one of the top ratings on the Internet. One of the best alternatives available.
- It is a completely integrated solution.
- Open Search Server is a web crawling and search engine that is free and open source.
- It’s a one-stop and cost-effective solution.
- It comes with a comprehensive set of search capabilities and the possibility to construct your own indexing strategy.
- Crawlers can index just about anything.
- There are full-text, boolean, and phonetic searches to choose from.
- You may pick from 17 different languages.
- Automatic classifications are made.
- You can create a timetable for things that happen frequently.
2. Spinn3r
The Spinn3r web crawler program allows you to fully extract content from blogs, news, social networking sites, RSS feeds, and ATOM feeds.
- It comes with a lightning-fast API that handles 95% of the indexing work.
- Advanced spam protection is included in this web crawling application, which removes spam and inappropriate language usage, improving data security.
- The web scraper continually scours the web for updates from numerous sources to present you with real-time content.
- It indexes content in the same way as Google does, and the extracted data is saved as JSON files.
- The Parser API allows you to parse and manage information for arbitrary web URLs quickly.
- The Firehose API is designed for mass access to enormous volumes of data.
Simple HTTP headers are used to authenticate all of Spinn3r’s APIs.
- This is a web crawler tool for free download.
- The Classifier API enables developers to transmit text (or URLs) to be labeled by our machine learning technology.
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3. Import.io
Import.io allows you to scrape millions of web pages in minutes and construct 1000+ APIs based on your needs without writing a single line of code.
- It can now be operated programmatically, and data may now be retrieved automatically.
- Extract data from many pages with the stroke of a button.
- It can automatically recognize paginated lists, or you may click on the next page.
- You can incorporate online data into your app or website with only a few clicks.
- Create all the URLs you need in a couple of seconds by employing patterns like page numbers and category names.
- Import.io makes demonstrating how to pull data from a page straightforward. Simply select a column from your dataset and point to something on the page that catches your eye.
- You may receive a quotation on their website.
- Links on list pages lead to detailed pages with further information.
- You may use Import.io to join them to acquire all the data from the detail pages at once.
4. BUbiNG
BUbiNG, a next-generation web crawler tool, is the culmination of the authors’ experience with UbiCrawler and ten years of research into the topic.
- Thousands of pages per second can be crawled by a single agent while complying with strict politeness standards, both host and IP-based.
- Its job distribution is built on contemporary high-speed protocols to deliver very high throughput, unlike earlier open-source distributed crawlers that depend on batch techniques.
- It uses the fingerprint of a stripped page to detect near-duplicates.
- BUbiNG is a completely distributed open-source Java crawler.
- It has a lot of parallelisms.
- There are a lot of people that utilize this product.
- It’s quick.
- It enables large-scale crawling.
5. GNU Wget
GNU Wget is a free web crawler tool free download available, and it is an open-source software program written in C that allows you to get files through HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FTPS.
- One of the most distinctive aspects of this application is the ability to create NLS-based message files in various languages.
- You may restart downloads that have been halted using REST and RANGE.
- It can also transform absolute links in downloaded documents into relative links if necessary.
- Recursively use wildcards in filenames and mirror directories.
- Message files based on NLS for a variety of languages.
- While mirroring, local file timestamps are evaluated to determine whether documents need to be re-downloaded.
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6. Webhose.io
Webhose.io is a fantastic web crawler application that lets you scan data and extract keywords in several languages using various filters that span a wide range of sources.
- The archive also allows users to view previous data.
- In addition, webhose.io’s crawling data discoveries are available in up to 80 languages.
- All personally identifiable information that has been compromised may be found in one place.
- Investigate darknets and messaging applications for cyber threats.
XML, JSON, and RSS formats are also accessible for scraped data.
- You may receive a quotation on their website.
- Users may simply index and search the structured data on Webhose.io.
- In all languages, it can monitor and analyze media outlets.
- It is possible to follow discussions on message boards and forums.
- It allows you to keep track of key blog posts from all around the web.
7. Norconex
Norconex is an excellent resource for businesses looking for an open-source web crawler app.
- This full-featured collector may be used or integrated into your program.
- It may also take a page’s featured image.
- Norconex gives you the ability to crawl any website’s content.
- It is possible to utilize any operating system.
- This web crawler software can crawl millions of pages on a single average-capacity server.
- It also includes a set of tools for modifying content and metadata.
- Obtain the metadata for the documents you’re currently working on.
JavaScript-rendered pages are supported.
- It enables the detection of several languages.
- It enables translation assistance.
- The speed at which you crawl may be changed.
- Documents that have been modified or removed are identified.
- This is a totally free web crawler program.
8. Dexi.io
Dexi.io is a browser-based web crawler app that allows you to scrape information from any website.
Extractors, crawlers, and pipes are the three types of robots you may utilize to make a scraping operation.
- Market developments are forecasted using Delta reports.
- Your collected data will be preserved for two weeks on Dexi.io’s servers before archiving, or you may immediately export the extracted data as JSON or CSV files.
- You may receive a quotation on their website.
- There are professional services offered, such as quality assurance and ongoing maintenance.
- It offers commercial services to help you fulfill your real-time data needs.
- It is possible to track stock and pricing for an unlimited number of SKUs/products.
- It allows you to integrate the data using live dashboards and full product analytics.
- It helps you to prepare and rinse web-based organized and ready-to-use product data.
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9. Zyte
Zyte is a cloud-based data extraction tool that assists tens of thousands of developers to locate crucial information. It is also one of the best free web crawler app.
- Users may scrape webpages using its open-source visual scraping application without knowing any coding.
Crawlera, a complex proxy rotator used by Zyte, allows users to crawl big or bot-protected sites easily while evading bot countermeasures.
- Your online information is delivered on schedule and consistently. Consequently, instead of managing proxies, you can focus on obtaining data.
- Because of smart browser capabilities and rendering, antibots targeting the browser layer may now be easily managed.
- On their website, you may get a quote.
- Users may crawl from numerous IPs and regions using a simple HTTP API, eliminating the need for proxy maintenance.
- It helps you generate cash while also saving time by acquiring the information you require.
- It allows you to extract web data on a large scale while saving time on coding and spider maintenance.
10. Apache Nutch
Apache Nutch is unquestionably at the top of the list for the greatest open source web crawler app.
- It can operate on a single machine. However, it performs best on a Hadoop cluster.
- For authentication, the NTLM protocol is employed.
- It has a distributed file system (via Hadoop).
- It’s a well-known open-source online data extraction software project that’s adaptable and scalable for data mining.
- Many data analysts use it, scientists, application developers, and web text mining specialists all around the world.
- It’s a Java-based cross-platform solution.
- By default, fetching and parsing are done independently.
- The data is mapped using XPath and namespaces.
- It contains a link graph database.
11. VisualScraper
VisualScraper is another fantastic non-coding web scraper for extracting data from the Internet.
- It offers a simple point-and-click user interface.
- It also offers online scraping services such as data dissemination and the building of software extractors.
- It keeps an eye on your competitors as well.
- Users may schedule their projects to run at a certain time or have the sequence repeated every minute, day, week, month, and year with Visual Scraper.
- It is less expensive as well as more effective.
- There isn’t even a code to speak.
- This is a totally free web crawler program.
- Real-time data may be extracted from several web pages and saved as CSV, XML, JSON, or SQL files.
- Users might use it to regularly extract news, updates, and forum posts.
- Data is 100% accurate and customized.
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12. WebSphinx
WebSphinx is a fantastic personal free web crawler app that is simple to set up and use.
- It’s designed for sophisticated web users and Java programmers who wish to scan a limited portion of the Internet automatically.
- This online data extraction solution includes a Java class library and an interactive programming environment.
- Pages can be concatenated to make a single document that can be browsed or printed.
Extract all text that fits a given pattern from a sequence of pages.
- Web crawlers may now be written in Java thanks to this package.
- The Crawler Workbench and the WebSPHINX class library are both included in WebSphinx.
- The Crawler Workbench is a graphical user interface that allows you to customize and operate a web crawler.
- A graph can be made from a group of web pages.
- Save pages to your local drive for offline reading.
13. OutWit Hub
The OutWit Hub Platform consists of a kernel with an extensive library of data recognition and extraction capabilities, on which an endless number of different apps may be created, each utilizing the kernel’s features.
- This web crawler application can scan through sites and preserve the data it discovers in an accessible manner.
- It’s a multipurpose harvester with as many features as possible to accommodate various requirements.
- The Hub has been around for a long time.
- It has evolved into a useful and diverse platform for non-technical users and IT professionals who know how to code but recognize that PHP isn’t always the ideal option for extracting data.
- OutWit Hub provides a single interface for scraping modest or massive amounts of data depending on your demands.
- It enables you to scrape any web page directly from the browser and construct automated agents that grab data and prepare it according to your requirements.
- You may receive a quotation on their website.
14. Scrapy
Scrapy is a Python online scraping framework for building scalable web crawlers.
- It’s a complete web crawling framework that handles all of the characteristics that make web crawlers difficult to create, such as proxy middleware and querying questions.
- You can write the rules for extracting the data and then let Scrapy handle the rest.
- It’s easy to add new features without modifying the core because it’s designed that way.
- It’s a Python-based program that operates on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, and BSD systems.
- This is a completely free utility.
- Its library provides programmers with a ready-to-use structure for customizing a web crawler and extracting data from the web on a huge scale.
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15. Mozenda
Mozenda is also the best free web crawler app. It is a business-oriented cloud-based self-serve Web scraping program. Mozenda has over 7 billion pages scraped and has corporate customers all around the world.
- Mozenda’s web scraping technology removes the requirement for scripts and the hiring of engineers.
- It speeds up data collecting by five times.
- You can scrape text, files, images, and PDF information from websites with Mozenda’s point-and-click capability.
- By organizing data files, you may prepare them for publishing.
- You may export directly to TSV, CSV, XML, XLSX, or JSON using Mozeda’s API.
- You may use Mozenda’s sophisticated Data Wrangling to organize your information so that you can make vital decisions.
- You can use one of Mozenda’s partners’ platforms to integrate data or establish custom data integrations in a few platforms.
16. Cyotek Webcopy
Cyotek Webcopy is a free web crawler tool that allows you to download a website’s content to your local device automatically.
- The content of the chosen website will be scanned and downloaded.
- You may choose which parts of a website to clone and how to use its complex structure.
- The new local route will redirect links to website resources like stylesheets, pictures, and other pages.
- It will look at a website’s HTML markup and try to find any connected resources, such as other websites, photos, videos, file downloads, and so on.
- It may crawl a website and download whatever it sees to make an acceptable copy of the original.
17. Common Crawl
Common Crawl was intended for anybody interested in exploring and analyzing data to acquire helpful insights.
- It’s a 501(c)(3) non-profit that relies on donations to run its operations properly.
- Anyone who wishes to utilize Common Crawl can do so without spending any money or causing problems.
- Common Crawl is a corpus that may be used for teaching, research, and analysis.
- You should read the articles if you don’t have any technical skills to learn about the remarkable discoveries others have made utilizing Common Crawl data.
- Teachers can use these tools to teach data analysis.
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18. Semrush
Semrush is a website crawler app that examines the pages and structure of your website for technical SEO issues. Fixing these problems can help you enhance your search results.
- It has tools for SEO, market research, social media marketing, and advertising.
- It has a user-friendly UI.
Metadata, HTTP/HTTPS, directives, status codes, duplicate content, page response speed, internal linking, image sizes, structured data, and other elements will be examined.
- It allows you to audit your website fast and simply.
- It aids in the analysis of log files.
- This program provides a dashboard that allows you to view website issues easily.
19. Sitechecker.pro
Sitechecker.pro is another best free web crawler app. It is an SEO checker for websites that helps you enhance your SEO rankings.
- You can easily visualize the structure of a web page.
- It creates an on-page SEO audit report that clients may get via email.
- This web crawler tool can look at your website’s internal and external links.
- It aids you in determining your website’s speed.
- You may also use Sitechecker.pro to check for indexing problems on landing pages.
- It helps you to defend against hacker attacks.
20. Webharvy
Webharvy is a web scraping tool with a simple point-and-click interface. It’s designed for those who don’t know how to code.
- The cost of a license starts at $139.
- You’ll use WebHarvy’s built-in browser to load online sites and choose the data to be scraped using mouse clicks.
- It can automatically scrape text, photos, URLs, and emails from websites and save them in various formats.
Proxy servers or a VPN can be used to access target websites.
- Scraping data does not necessitate the creation of any programming or apps.
- You may scrape anonymously and prevent web scraping software from being prohibited by web servers by using proxy servers or VPNs to access target websites.
- WebHarvy automatically identifies data patterns in websites.
- If you need to scrape a list of objects from a web page, you don’t need to do anything else.
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21. NetSpeak Spider
NetSpeak Spider is a desktop web crawler app for daily SEO audits, quickly identifying problems, conducting systematic analysis, and scraping webpages.
- This web crawling application excels at evaluating large web pages while minimizing RAM use.
- CSV files may be readily imported and exported from web crawling data.
- With just a few clicks, you may identify these and hundreds of severe other website SEO concerns.
- The tool will assist you in assessing a website’s on-page optimization, including the status code, crawling and indexing instructions, website structure, and redirects, among other things.
- Data from Google Analytics and Yandex may be exported.
- Take data range, device kind, and segmentation into account for your website pages, traffic, conversions, targets, and even E-commerce settings.
- Its monthly subscriptions begin at $21.
Broken links and photos will be detected by the SEO crawler, as will duplicate material such as pages, texts, duplicate title and meta description tags, and H1s.
22. UiPath
UiPath is a web crawler online scraping tool that allows you to automate robotic procedures. It automates online and desktop data crawling for most third-party programs.
- You may install the robotic process automation application on Windows.
- It can extract data in tabular and pattern-based forms from many web pages.
- UiPath can conduct additional crawls right out of the box.
- Reporting keeps track of your robots so that you may refer to the documentation at any time.
- Your outcomes will be more efficient and successful if you standardize your practices.
Monthly subscriptions start at $420.
- The Marketplace’s more than 200 ready-made components provide your team with more time in less time.
- UiPath robots increase compliance by following the exact method that meets your needs.
- Companies may achieve rapid digital transformation at lower costs by optimizing processes, recognizing economies, and offering insights.
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23. Helium Scraper
Helium Scraper is a visual online data web crawling application that works best when there is little association between elements. On a basic level, it could satisfy users’ crawling requirements.
- It does not necessitate any coding or configuration.
- A clear and easy user interface allows you to select and add activities from a specified list.
- Online templates are also available for specialized crawling requirements.
- Off-screen, several Chromium web browsers are utilized.
- Increase the number of simultaneous browsers to obtain as much data as feasible.
- Define your own actions or utilize custom JavaScript for more complex instances.
- It may be installed on a personal computer or a dedicated Windows server.
- Its licenses start at $99 and go up from there.
24. 80Legs
In 2009, 80Legs was founded to make online data more accessible. It is another one of the best free web crawler tools. Initially, the firm focused on providing web crawling services to various clients.
- Our extensive web crawler app will provide you with personalized information.
- Crawling speed is automatically adjusted based on website traffic.
- You can download findings to your local environment or computer via 80legs.
- By just providing a URL, you may crawl the website.
- Its monthly subscriptions start at $29 per month.
- Through SaaS, it is possible to construct and conduct web crawls.
- It has many servers that let you view the site from various IP addresses.
- Get instant access to site data instead of scouring the web.
- It facilitates the construction and execution of customized web crawls.
- You may use this application to keep track of online trends.
- You may make your templates if you want to.
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25. ParseHub
ParseHub is an excellent web crawler app that can collect information from websites that use AJAX, JavaScript, cookies, and other related technologies.
- Its machine learning engine can read, evaluate, and convert online content into meaningful data.
- You may also make use of the built-in web app in your browser.
- Obtaining information from millions of websites is possible.
- ParseHub will search through thousands of links and words automatically.
- Data is gathered and stored automatically on our servers.
Monthly packages start at $149.
- As shareware, you can only build five public projects on ParseHub.
- You may use it to access drop-down menus, log on to websites, click on maps, and manage webpages using infinite scroll, tabs, and pop-ups.
- ParseHub’s desktop client is available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
- You may acquire your scraped data in any format for analysis.
- You can establish at least 20 private scraping projects with premium membership levels.
We hope that this article was helpful and you have chosen your favorite free web crawler tool. Share your thoughts, queries, and suggestions in the comment section below. Also, you can suggest to us the missing tools. Let us know what you want to learn next.