我们为老年人提供了 25 个最好的免费在线课程。无论您是经验丰富的在线课程专业人士,还是希望为初学者尝试一些东西,您都可以立即开始您的学习之旅。

在线技术课程(Online Technology Classes)
(Online technology)对于希望按照自己的节奏学习或提高技术技能的老年人来说,在线技术课程是一个完美的选择。课程涵盖众多主题,例如数字安全和办公软件(security and office software)。甚至还有编码课程。
本课程涵盖您可以每天使用的基本数字技能。最重要的是,您可以按照自己的节奏完成每节课和活动。(lesson and activity)使用FutureLearn基本访问权限,您可以在有限的时间内(四个星期)免费访问本课程。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )伦敦国王学院(College London)(通过Futurelearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供FutureLearn Unlimited 会员(FutureLearn Unlimited membership)的成就证书(Certificate of Achievement)(每月 23.33 美元)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程是为不熟悉数字世界的人开发的,特别是为了改善移民、难民或其他首次适应数字时代的人的生活。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )课程安排为四个星期,每周学习时间(study time)为三个小时。但是,您可以按照自己的步调完成整个课程。
iPhone 和 iPad Tips and Tricks是适合刚接触(Tips and Tricks)Apple设备或一般移动设备的老年人的绝佳课程。本课程提供了使用Apple移动设备的大量技巧,从应用程序管理到管理您的数据使用。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )LinkedIn Learning的高级讲师(Senior Staff Instructor)Garrick Chow(Garrick Chow)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程通过领英学习提供(LinkedIn Learning)结业(Completion)证书。LinkedIn Learning第一个月免费,之后每月 26.99 美元。
- 课程水平:(Curriculum level: )中级。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )每节课都很简洁,所以整个课程需要 35 分钟才能完成。您也可以多次返回并重新观看每个部分。

在当今的数字时代,使用生产力软件(productivity software)的技能可以帮助完成一系列任务。这包括预算、通信,甚至业务。Microsoft Office Basics 课程(Microsoft Office Basics course)介绍了 Microsoft软件套件(software suite)的一些技巧和课程。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) Goodwill 社区基金会的GCF 免费学习计划(GCF Learn Free Program)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供结业(Completion)证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )虽然(Though)是针对初学者的,但参加课程的人应该知道基本的计算机操作。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )有四门初级课程(program curricula)和四门充满附加技巧的课程。每个模块包含超过 30 节课,这个自定进度的课程可能需要数周才能完成。
通过面向所有人的(Everyone course)计算机编程(Computer Programming)课程,具有现有数字技能的人可以提高他们对计算机和计算机语言的技术知识。使用 FutureLearn 的基本访问权限,您可以免费参加本课程两周。
本课程非常适合任何寻求高级计算机知识(computer know-how)甚至是职业生涯后期变化的人。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )利兹大学((University)通过FutureLearn.com (Leeds))(FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供FutureLearn Unlimited 会员(FutureLearn Unlimited membership)的成就(Achievement)证书(Certificate)(每月 23.33 美元)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程要求具备计算机知识和使用方法。因此,这是一门中级课程。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程可在两周内完成,每周只需学习两个小时。如果您升级到 FutureLearn 的无限套餐(每月 23.33 美元),也可以按照您喜欢的个人进度完成。
数字安全(Digital security)不仅仅是强密码和防病毒软件(antivirus software)。任何使用计算机的人都应该知道在这个数字时代确保计算机安全的安全提示。从了解诈骗到保护自己免受黑客攻击,本课程对所有人都很有价值。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) LinkedIn Learning 的 Scott Simpson。
- 证书:本课程通过(Certificate: )领英学习帐户(LinkedIn Learning account)提供结业证书。LinkedIn Learning第一个月免费,之后每月 26.99 美元。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程专为各个级别的技术技能而设计。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程自定进度,需要 3 小时 43 分钟才能完成。

在线金融和投资课程(Online Finance & Investing Classes)
了解您作为老年人的财务和投资选择可以帮助您最大限度地利用现有的退休账户并使您的钱(money work)为您服务。
投资课程(Investments course)是麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute)开设的量化投资知识深度(investment knowledge)课程(Technology)。它使用数学、优化的金融理论和全面的市场专业知识(market expertise)来教授专家投资组合决策和高级投资金融。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )麻省理工学院的 OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )没有提供证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )高级(研究生级别)。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程包括 23 个讲座和 5 个小组作业。每节课时长1.5小时,每周有两节课,包括考试。
Just Money: Banking as if Society Mattered是为那些有兴趣了解银行和金融(banking and finances)如何影响社会的人准备的。本课程非常强调您的财务对社会和环境问题的影响,特别是数字工具和方法如何帮助银行改善整个社会。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )麻省理工学院的 OpenCourseWare 和edX。
- 证书:(Certificate:)在 edX 上,经过验证的 49 美元曲目在完成后提供证书。否则,没有提供的证书。没有证书升级(certificate upgrade)(可选),课程完全免费。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )这是面向所有人的入门课程。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )这是一门自定进度的课程。以每周学习三到四个小时的标准速度,需要 16 周才能完成。
发现如何更好地管理您的财务永远不会太晚。财务基础知识:管理家庭预算表(Household Budget Sheet)教授有关借贷、投资和债务的课程。它还侧重于加强和为您持续的财务未来做准备。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )开放大学商学院(Open University Business school)(通过FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程由在线课程认证系统认证(Online Course Certification System)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程适用于任何人。对于希望更好地经营家庭财务的老年人来说,这是一个强大的工具。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )这是一个为期 4 周的指导课程,预计每周学习 3 小时。

对于希望探索投资世界的老年人来说,《投资与退休》是一堂强有力的免费课程。(Retirement)本课程深入探讨投资、共同基金、人寿保险(life insurance)和其他相关金融主题。老年人应该参加这门课程,以帮助他们最大限度地实现即将到来的退休目标的财务状况。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )可汗学院。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程不提供证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程专为任何级别的成年人设计,但那些有财务经验的人可能会更轻松。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程包含 14 个不同长度的视频。闲暇时观看,并期待超过几个小时的富有洞察力的内容。
想要进一步了解个人理财的老年人应该参加财富管理(Wealth Management)原则(Principles)。本课程侧重于高级金融理论和数学公式,以深入研究专业投资、投资组合多元化(portfolio diversification)等。使用 FutureLearn 的免费基本访问计划(access program),本课程为期七周。
- 课程提供者:汉肯(Class provider: )经济(Economics)学院(Hanken School)(通过FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供FutureLearn Unlimited 会员(FutureLearn Unlimited membership)的成就(Achievement)证书(每月 23.33 美元)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程侧重于高级主题。因此,它面向具有现有个人理财知识(finance knowledge)的人。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程可以按照您自己的进度完成。按照每周四小时 的学习计划,完成应该需要七周时间。(study schedule)
在线语言学习班(Online Language Learning Classes)
作为大四学生学习一门新语言是一项具有启发性的事业。它对大脑的多个区域(multiple areas of the brain)有益。此外,在线语言课程帮助老年人改善与来自世界各地的人的沟通。
奥斯陆大学(University)的挪威语(Norwegian)入门(Introduction)课程是为希望学习挪威(Norwegian)语言、习俗和文化 的老年人提供的一门极好的课程。
本课程介绍挪威语语法和发音(grammar and pronunciation)的主要规则。它通过专注于基本的日常对话来做到这一点。此外,挪威语聊天机器人(Chatbot)允许您使用新语言与“本地挪威语 AI”进行交流。FutureLearn 的基本访问计划(access program)可让您免费参加此课程四个星期。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )奥斯陆大学((University)通过FutureLearn.com (Oslo))(FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供FutureLearn Unlimited 会员(FutureLearn Unlimited membership)的成就(Achievement)证书(每月 23.33 美元)。
- 课程水平:(Curriculum level: )本课程无需挪威经验。因此,它可供所有人使用。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程是自定进度的。假设每周学习五个小时,应该需要四个星期才能完成。
作为全球第二大语言(second-most spoken language),西班牙语(Spanish)是一种美丽而有益的语言,每个人都可以学习。由MIT提供的西班牙语(Spanish)I 是一系列 26 个半小时的视频。每个视频都提供了对文化、情感和语言的真正西班牙(Spanish)式的深入了解。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider:) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程适用于没有西班牙语知识的任何人。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程最初是为适应 15 周的时间表而开发的,现在是自学的。预计 13 小时的视频,以及额外的活动时间和额外的练习。

对于有兴趣学习中国文化和语言的老年人来说,(China)当代(culture and language)汉语是一个(Contemporary Chinese)很好的起点。本课程教授繁体字和拼音(Pīnyīn),介绍汉语普通话(Mandarin)的基础知识。此外,学生将了解中国文化的各个方面。这包括从传统的家谱到文化习俗。
您可以通过FutureLearn 的 ExpertTrack 程序的(FutureLearn’s ExpertTrack program)7 天免费试用来体验本课程,但需要升级才能完成。ExpertTrack计划(ExpertTrack program)是在购买 FutureLearn 大量在线课程的完全访问权限之前尝试课程以确保您喜欢它们的好方法。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) Chinese Plus(通过FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供经过验证的官方结业证书和FutureLearn Expert Track 会员资格(FutureLearn Expert Track membership)(每月 39 美元)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程是为有兴趣学习中文(Chinese)的人开发的。不需要先前的经验。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )这是一门自学课程。每周完成五个小时的学习需要五周时间。
完全拥抱意大利的文化(和食物),用你的嘴(Your Mouth Full)说意大利语(Speak Italian),通过美食教授语言。该课程(Broken)分为 13 节视频课程,主要通过教授如何像意大利人一样烹饪来教授如何说意大利语。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程很有趣,对没有意大利语技能的人来说很容易上手。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程是自定进度的。除了课程之外,各种食谱需要不同的时间来完成。
爱尔兰语 101:爱尔兰语言和文化(Language and Culture)介绍将使对爱尔兰(Ireland)历史和文化(history and culture)充满好奇的老年人感兴趣。通过关注爱尔兰人民及其遗产,学生学习基本的爱尔兰语言技能。此课程免费提供,可基本访问 FutureLearn 的平台,为期 4 周。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: )都柏林城市大学(Dublin City University)(通过FutureLearn.com)。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程提供FutureLearn Unlimited 会员(FutureLearn Unlimited membership)的成就(Achievement)证书(每月 23.33 美元)。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程是为对爱尔兰语言、历史和文化感兴趣的任何人开发的。因此,不需要之前的爱尔兰经验。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )每周学习四个小时,这门课程需要四个星期。但是,它是自定进度的,因此请随时按照您的日程安排学习。
在线艺术和音乐课程(Online Art & Music Classes)
作为一名大四学生,你可能终于找到了你一直想要的艺术创作时间。通过在线课程,您可以将艺术和音乐教育(art and music education)带入您的客厅(living room)。这些课程旨在通过帮助您找到新的爱好并提高休眠技能来增强您对艺术的热爱。
对讲故事艺术感兴趣的老年人会发现麻省理工学院的大众文化和叙事(Culture and Narrative):系列讲故事(Storytelling)非常有价值。本课程侧重于时间的流逝、流行文化和各种媒体形式如何影响故事的创作和讲述方式。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程适用于所有人。先前(Prior experience)的艺术和文学(art and literature)经验可能有助于清晰,但没有必要。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程分为 25 个自定进度课程。建议每周完成两次两小时的课程。
《艺术史(Art History)导论》提供了对通过艺术讲述的历史写照以及艺术如何影响历史并在历史中自身发生变化的深刻见解。对于过去七个世纪以来热爱经典欧美艺术的老年人来说,这是一个绝佳的机会。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程是为所有人开发的,不需要艺术史的先验知识。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )最初开发为为期 15 周的课程,在线版本是自定进度的。话虽如此,每周两次,每次 1.5 小时是平均速度。

对于那些对全球当代艺术和文化(art and culture worldwide)更感兴趣的人来说,麻省理工学院自 1940 年以来的艺术是一个不错的选择。(Art)本课程专注于二战后(WWII era)的艺术,探讨过去一个世纪艺术、政治和文化之间的关系。此外,本课程将研究 40 年代的艺术热潮(art boom)如何演变成今天的艺术。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程对所有人开放。虽然它涉及更具体的艺术史时期,但不需要艺术或历史(art or history)方面的先前经验。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )这门自学课程有 14 场讲座,涵盖各种主题。标准步速假设每周进行两次训练,每次训练耗时 1.5 小时。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程级别:(Curriculum level: )本课程适用于所有人,不需要任何先前的技能。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程有 14 节每周三小时的讲座。
专注于美国以外的流行音乐(Popular Musics),世界(World)流行音乐着眼于音乐流行的原因。它还关注音乐如何因西方录音技术和艺术影响而在世界范围内发生变化。
- 课程提供者:(Class provider: ) MIT OpenCourseWare。
- 证书:(Certificate: )本课程没有证书。
- 课程水平:(Curriculum level: )本课程不需要任何先前的教育或经验(education or experience)。
- 完成时间:(Time to complete: )本课程包含 26 周的课程和作业。每周分为两个 1.5 小时的课程。
在线大学课程(Online College Classes)
在线大学(Online college)课程是老年人学习新技能和提高现有能力的绝佳方式。在大多数州,如果可以开课,老年人的入学是免费的,或者费用会大大降低(free or costs are greatly reduced)。
许多州立大学和学院提供免费的大学课程。世界上一些顶级机构免费(top institutions in the world) 提供在线(offer online)课程,包括耶鲁大学和哈佛大学(Yale and Harvard University)。此外,一些非大学教育服务,如Udacity 和 Coursera(Udacity and Coursera),提供各种学科的大学水平课程。

21. 耶鲁公开课(21. Open Yale Courses)
Open Yale Courses免费提供课程资料(course material)和录制的视频讲座。这些自学课程侧重于各个层次的文科学科。这些产品范围从人文科学到生物科学。不需要注册,但也不提供学分或证书(credit or certificate)。
22. 哈佛公开课(22. Harvard Open Courses)
哈佛公开课程(Harvard Open Courses)提供超过 400 门关于各种主题和熟练程度的课程。您可以免费审核 120 多门课程,包括随附的课程计划和课程作业。从个人健康和医学(health and medicine)到数据科学,许多学科都提供付费课程。
23. 斯坦福免费在线课程(23. Stanford Free Online Courses)
斯坦福的免费在线课程(Stanford’s Free Online Courses)提供由世界一流的斯坦福教师(Stanford faculty)教授的学术课程。课程多种多样。老年人可以找到有关网络安全(Cybersecurity)、狭义相对论(Special Theory)以及介于两者(Relativity)之间的大量讲座。
24. edX 开放大学课程(24. edX Open College Courses)
edX是一家免费的在线课程提供商,与包括(online course provider)伯克利和麻省理工学院(Berkely and MIT)在内的 160 多所世界顶尖大学合作。在 30 多个学科中提供 3,000 多门大学水平的课程。
edX 的所有课程都是免费的审核课程。每节课还提供不同价格的经过验证的曲目。每个经过验证的轨道都有由教师评分的作业、测验和考试,然后在课程结束时颁发经过验证的证书。
还有各种其他学位和认证计划(degree and certification programs),尽管大多数不是免费的。
25. 大规模开放在线课程(MOOC) (25. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) )
作为 edX 图书馆的一部分,Massive Open Online Courses为成千上万的学习者提供了 edX 广泛的课程库。(course library)MOOC(MOOCs)可以提供大学学分和其他公认的荣誉。作为 edX 的一部分,所有课程材料和讲师课程都针对在线学习(online learning)进行了优化。
如何为在线学习做准备(How to Prepare for Online Learning)
在线(Online)学习为老年人提供了扩展教育的绝佳选择。只要有互联网连接(internet connection),您就可以参加所有在线课程,这意味着您可以在客厅(living room)上课,甚至可以在旅途中上课。

您需要什么材料?(What Materials Do You Need?)
免费课程真的免费吗?(Are Free Classes Really Free?)
与麻省理工学院的 OpenCourseWare(MIT’s OpenCourseWare)一样,其他学术资源免费提供完整的课程和课程资料(curricula and course materials)。同样(Again),这些本质上是自我主导的、经过审核的课程。然而,这些内容是由各自领域的一些领军人物创造的。
优质教育资源将毫不犹豫地预先突出其定价结构。注册免费课程时,请始终确保所有资源都是真正免费的。切勿为应该免费的课程输入任何付款信息。(payment information)

在线课程表如何运作?(How Do Online Class Schedules Work?)
在大多数情况下,免费课程可以适合任何时间表,因为没有固定的课程时间(set course time)。许多在线教育网站了解成年人的繁忙日程。他们的课程是按照自己的时间表自主学习和完成的。
话虽如此,在注册之前仔细检查每门课程的细节。一些课程与校内课程同时进行。这些课程可能需要准时出勤并(attendance and interaction)与您的同学互动(因此请确保您有相机,以便您的同龄人可以看到您!)。
我附近的老年人免费课程(Free Classes for Seniors Near Me)
要查找特定课程(在线或面对面(online or in-person)),只需在Google 上搜索(Google search)我附近的老年人免费课程(Free classes for seniors near me)即可。忽略(Ignore)旁边显示“广告”的任何结果。您的最佳结果应该适合您所在的地区。
25 Free Online Classes for Seniors
We are living in a digіtal age. Millions are working online from the comfort of their own homes. Meanwhile, students of all ages use the internet to continue their studies (or learn something completely new).
Learning a new skill or finding your next favorite thing has arguably never been easier. The wealth of free online classes for seniors makes it highly accessible for anyone.
We’ve sourced 25 of the best free online courses for seniors. Whether you’re a seasoned pro at taking online classes or looking to try something for beginners, you can get started on your learning journey right away.

Online Technology Classes
Online technology classes are a perfect choice for seniors looking to learn or enhance their tech skills at their own pace. Classes are available on numerous topics, such as digital security and office software. There are even curricula for coding.
This course covers fundamental digital skills that you can use every day. Best of all, you can complete each lesson and activity at your own pace. With FutureLearn basic access, you can access this course for a limited time (four weeks) for free.
- Class provider: King’s College London (through Futurelearn.com).
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Achievement with the FutureLearn Unlimited membership (at $23.33/month).
- Curriculum level: This course was developed for people unfamiliar with the digital world — specifically, to improve the lives of migrants, refugees, or others adapting to the digital age for the first time.
- Time to complete: The course is scheduled for four weeks, with three hours of weekly study time. However, you can take the entire course at your own pace.
iPhone and iPad Tips and Tricks is an excellent course for seniors new to Apple devices or mobile devices in general. This course provides ample tips for using Apple’s mobile devices, from app management to managing your data usage.
- Class provider: Garrick Chow, Senior Staff Instructor at LinkedIn Learning.
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Completion through LinkedIn Learning. LinkedIn Learning is free for the first month and $26.99/month after.
- Curriculum level: Intermediate.
- Time to complete: Each lesson is concise, so the entire course should take you 35 minutes to complete. You can also go back and rewatch each section multiple times.

In today’s digital age, skills with productivity software can help with a range of tasks. This includes budgeting, correspondence, and even business. The Microsoft Office Basics course introduces several tips and lessons for Microsoft’s software suite.
The courses are self-paced and great for first-time users. Plus, the lessons are free with guided steps and videos.
- Class provider: Goodwill Community Foundation’s GCF Learn Free Program.
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Completion.
- Curriculum level: Though intended for beginners, those taking the course should know basic computer operations.
- Time to complete: There are four primary program curricula and four courses full of additional tips. With each module containing upwards of 30 lessons, this self-paced course may take weeks to complete.
With the Computer Programming for Everyone course, those with existing digital skills can boost their technical knowledge of computers and computer languages. Using FutureLearn’s basic access, you can take this course for free for two weeks.
This course is excellent for anyone searching for advanced computer know-how or even a late-career change.
- Class provider: The University of Leeds (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course provides a Certificate of Achievement with the FutureLearn Unlimited membership (at $23.33/month).
- Curriculum level: This course requires previous knowledge of computers and how to use them. As such, this is an intermediate-level course.
- Time to complete: This course can be finished in two weeks, with just two hours of weekly study. It can also be completed at your preferred personal pace if you upgrade to FutureLearn’s unlimited package ($23.33/month).
Digital security isn’t merely strong passwords and antivirus software. Anyone who uses a computer should know the security tips to keep them safe in this digital age. From understanding scams to protecting yourself from hackers, this course is valuable for all.
- Class provider: Scott Simpson of LinkedIn Learning.
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Completion with a LinkedIn Learning account. LinkedIn Learning is free for the first month and $26.99/month after.
- Curriculum level: This course is designed for every level of technological skill.
- Time to complete: This course is self-paced, and it should take three hours and 43 minutes to complete.

Online Finance & Investing Classes
Understanding your finances and investing options as a senior can help you maximize your existing retirement accounts and make your money work for you.
The Investments course is an in-depth class in quantitative investment knowledge offered by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It uses mathematics, optimized financial theories, and comprehensive market expertise to teach expert portfolio decisions and advanced investment finances.
- Class provider: MIT’s OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There are no certificates provided.
- Curriculum level: Advanced (Graduate Level).
- Time to complete: This course comprises 23 lectures and five group assignments. Each lesson lasts 1.5 hours, and there are two lectures each week, including exams.
Just Money: Banking as if Society Mattered is for those interested in understanding how banking and finances affect society. This course places a strong emphasis on the impact of your finances on social and environmental concerns, especially how digital tools and methods can help banks improve society as a whole.
- Class provider: MIT’s OpenCourseWare and edX.
- Certificate: On edX, the $49 verified track offers a certificate upon completion. Otherwise, there is no provided certificate. Without the certificate upgrade (optional), the course is entirely free.
- Curriculum level: This is an introductory course available for everyone.
- Time to complete: This is a self-paced course. At the standard speed of three to four hours of study per week, it will take 16 weeks to complete.
It is never too late to discover how to manage your finances better. Finance Fundamentals: Managing the Household Budget Sheet teaches lessons on borrowing, investments, and debts. It also focuses on strengthening and preparing for your ongoing financial future.
- Class provider: The Open University Business school (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course is accredited by the Online Course Certification System.
- Curriculum level: This course is available for anyone. It is a powerful tool for seniors looking to operate their household finances better.
- Time to complete: This is a guided four-week course, with three hours of weekly study expected.

Investments and Retirement is a powerful and free lesson for seniors looking to explore the world of investments. This course delves into investments, mutual funds, life insurance, and other relevant financial topics. Seniors should take this course to help maximize their finances for upcoming retirement goals.
- Class provider: Khan Academy.
- Certificate: This course offers no certificate.
- Curriculum level: This course is designed for adults of any level, but those with prior financial experience may have an easier time.
- Time to complete: This course features 14 videos of various lengths. Watch at your leisure, and expect upwards of a few hours’ worth of insightful content.
Seniors looking for further insight into personal finance should enroll in Principles of Wealth Management. This course focuses on advanced financial theories and mathematical formulas to delve into specialized investments, portfolio diversification, and more. This course is available for seven weeks using FutureLearn’s free basic access program.
- Class provider: Hanken School of Economics (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Achievement with the FutureLearn Unlimited membership (at $23.33/month).
- Curriculum level: This course focuses on advanced topics. As such, it is geared toward those with existing personal finance knowledge.
- Time to complete: This course can be completed at your own pace. Following a study schedule of four hours per week, it should take seven weeks to complete.
Online Language Learning Classes
Learning a new language as a senior is an enlightening undertaking. It is beneficial for multiple areas of the brain. Also, online language classes help seniors improve communication with people from all over the globe.
The University of Oslo’s Introduction to Norwegian is an excellent course for seniors looking to learn the Norwegian language, customs, and culture.
This course addresses the main rules of Norwegian grammar and pronunciation. It does so by focusing on basic, everyday conversations. Plus, a Norwegian Chatbot allows you to communicate in your new language with a “native Norwegian AI.” FutureLearn’s basic access program lets you take this course for four weeks for free.
- Class provider: The University of Oslo (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Achievement with the FutureLearn Unlimited membership (at $23.33/month).
- Curriculum level: No prior Norwegian experience is needed for this course. As such, it is available for everyone.
- Time to complete: This course is self-paced. It should take four weeks to complete, assuming five hours of weekly study.
As the second-most spoken language globally, Spanish is a beautiful and beneficial language for everyone to learn. Offered by MIT, Spanish I is a series of 26 half-hour videos. Each video provides an authentically Spanish dive into the culture, emotions, and language.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course is for anyone without previous knowledge of Spanish.
- Time to complete: Originally developed to fit a 15-week schedule, this course is now self-led. Expect 13 hours of videos, plus additional time for activities and extra exercises.

For seniors interested in learning the culture and language of China, Contemporary Chinese is an excellent place to start. Teaching traditional Chinese characters and Pīnyīn, this course introduces the basics of Chinese Mandarin. Also, students will learn about various aspects of Chinese culture. This ranges from traditional family trees to cultural customs.
You can sample this class with a free seven-day trial of FutureLearn’s ExpertTrack program but will need to upgrade to finish. The ExpertTrack program is a great way to try out classes to make sure you enjoy them before purchasing full access to FutureLearn’s vast category of online classes.
- Class provider: Chinese Plus (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course offers a validated, official certificate of completion with a FutureLearn Expert Track membership ($39/month).
- Curriculum level: This course is developed for anyone interested in learning Chinese. No prior experience is needed.
- Time to complete: This is a self-guided course. It should take five weeks to complete at five hours of study per week.
Fully embracing Italy’s culture (and the food), Speak Italian With Your Mouth Full teaches the language through cuisine. Broken down into 13 video lessons, the curriculum focuses on teaching how to speak Italian by teaching how to cook like an Italian.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course is fun and accessible to people with no prior Italian skills.
- Time to complete: This course is self-paced. In addition to the lessons, the various recipes take different times to complete.
Irish 101: An Introduction to Irish Language and Culture will interest seniors curious about the history and culture of Ireland. By focusing on the Irish people and their heritage, students learn basic Irish language skills. This class is available for free with basic access to FutureLearn’s platform for four weeks.
- Class provider: Dublin City University (through FutureLearn.com).
- Certificate: This course offers a Certificate of Achievement with the FutureLearn Unlimited membership (at $23.33/month).
- Curriculum level: This course is developed for anyone interested in the Irish language, history, and culture. As such, no prior Irish experience is needed.
- Time to complete: With four hours of study per week, this course should take four weeks. However, it is self-paced, so feel free to learn on your schedule.
Online Art & Music Classes
As a senior, you might finally find the time you’ve always wanted for artistic endeavors. With online classes, you can bring art and music education right into your living room. These courses are designed to bolster your love of art by helping you find a new hobby and brush up on dormant skills.
Seniors interested in the art of storytelling will find great value in MIT’s Popular Culture and Narrative: Serial Storytelling. This course focuses on how the passage of time, popular culture, and various media forms influence how stories are created and told.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course is available for all. Prior experience with art and literature might help with clarity, but it is unnecessary.
- Time to complete: This course is broken into 25 self-paced sessions. It is recommended to complete two two-hour sessions each week.
Introduction to Art History provides a deep insight into the portrayal of history as told through art and how art has influenced and has itself changed through history. It’s an excellent opportunity for seniors who love classic, Euro-American art over the past seven centuries.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course has been developed for everyone, and no prior knowledge of art history is needed.
- Time to complete: Originally developed as a 15-week course, the online version is self-paced. With that said, two weekly sessions of 1.5 hours each are the average pace.

For those more interested in contemporary art and culture worldwide, MIT’s Art Since 1940 is a strong choice. Focusing on art after the WWII era, this course explores the relationship between art, politics, and culture over the past century. Additionally, the course will study how the art boom of the 40s has evolved into today’s art.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course is available to all. While it deals with a more specific period of art history, no prior experience in art or history is needed.
- Time to complete: This self-led course features 14 lectures covering various topics. A standard pace assumes two sessions a week, with each session taking 1.5 hours.
The Anthropology of Sound is designed for students interested in the auditory arts. The course focuses on the relationship between humans, culture, and the transmission of sound. First, students will explore sounds from music to environmental noises. Then, they will study how those sounds correspond to cultural and scientific advancements.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: This course is available for all, and no prior skills are necessary.
- Time to complete: This course features 14 three-hour weekly lectures.
Focusing on popular music outside of the U.S., Popular Musics of the World looks at what makes music popular. It also focuses on how music has changed worldwide due to Western recording technology and artistic influences.
- Class provider: MIT OpenCourseWare.
- Certificate: There is no certificate for this course.
- Curriculum level: No prior education or experience is required for this course.
- Time to complete: This course features 26 weeks of lessons and assignments. Each week is divided into two 1.5-hour sessions.
Online College Classes
Online college classes are an excellent way for senior citizens to learn new skills and improve their existing proficiencies. In most states, enrollment for seniors is free or costs are greatly reduced if class openings are available.
Many state universities and colleges offer free college courses. Some of the top institutions in the world offer online courses for free, including Yale and Harvard University. In addition, several non-college educational services, such as Udacity and Coursera, offer college-level courses on various subjects.

21. Open Yale Courses
Open Yale Courses provide course material and recorded video lectures for free. These self-guided courses focus on liberal arts disciplines of all levels. These offerings range from humanities to biological sciences. There is no required registration, but no credit or certificate is offered either.
22. Harvard Open Courses
Harvard Open Courses provides over 400 courses on various topics and proficiency levels. You can audit over 120 courses for free, including the accompanying lesson plans and coursework. Paid classes are available in many disciplines, from personal health and medicine to data sciences.
23. Stanford Free Online Courses
Stanford’s Free Online Courses provide academic lessons taught by world-class Stanford faculty. Courses are varied and diverse. Seniors can find lectures on Cybersecurity, the Special Theory of Relativity, and plenty in between.
24. edX Open College Courses
edX is a free online course provider partnered with over 160 of the world’s top universities, including Berkely and MIT. Over 3,000 college-level courses are offered in over 30 subjects.
All of edX’s offerings are free as audited courses. Each lesson also features a verified track for varying prices. Every verified track has assignments, quizzes, and exams graded by instructors and then awards a verified certificate at the end of the course.
There are also various other degree and certification programs, although most are not free.
25. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
As part of edX’s library, Massive Open Online Courses provides edX’s extensive course library to hundreds of thousands of learners. MOOCs can offer college credits and other recognized accolades. As a part of edX, all course materials and instructor lessons are optimized for online learning.
How to Prepare for Online Learning
Online learning provides seniors with an excellent option for expanding their education. You can join all online courses wherever an internet connection is available, meaning you can attend a class in your living room, or even while traveling.

What Materials Do You Need?
Online courses will require a computer and an internet connection. Be sure to bring along a notebook for notes, and find a quiet area that is conducive to learning.
For specific courses, additional materials and supplies will be listed. This can range from textbooks to software, and students may have to purchase these items themselves. Be sure to check for materials requirements before signing up for any course.
Are Free Classes Really Free?
In most cases, “free” is another word for auditing the course. This typically won’t result in any certificates or credit. However, the lessons themselves are otherwise unimpacted.
Like MIT’s OpenCourseWare, other academic sources provide entire curricula and course materials for free. Again, these are essentially self-led, audited courses. However, the contents have been created by some of the leading minds in their respective fields.
Quality sources of education will highlight their pricing structures up-front and without hesitation. When signing up for a free course, always ensure that all resources are truly free. Never enter any payment information for a course that should be free.

How Do Online Class Schedules Work?
In most cases, free courses can fit any schedule because there’s no set course time. Many online education sites understand the busy schedules of adults. Their lessons are made to be self-led and completed on one’s own schedule.
With that said, double-check the specifics of each course before signing up. Some courses run concurrently with on-campus offerings. These courses might require on-time attendance and interaction with your classmates (so be sure you have a camera so your peers can see you!).
More interactive courses may also have set days and times of the week to better reach all students at once. While this is more likely for paid courses, some free courses track attendance, so be sure to free up your schedule for education.
Free Classes for Seniors Near Me
Free in-person classes can be found in many locations. Seniors can visit local public libraries, community colleges, and even museums for a variety of courses.
To find specific classes (online or in-person), simply perform a Google search for Free classes for seniors near me. Ignore any results that say “ad” next to them. Your top results should be tailored to your local area.
Online classes allow seniors and busy older adults to build skills in nearly any discipline. Additionally, most online courses are self-led. This allows students to set the pace of their education around their lives. If you’ve felt the need to improve your mental acuity, turn to online classes. In the digital age, lifelong learning is achievable by everyone.