今天,使用台式机、笔记本电脑、手机和平板电脑已成为儿童游戏。你能说出任何不使用和/或拥有这些设备的人的名字吗?你不能。没有人可以。这里要注意的重要一点是,如果没有操作系统软件,所有这些设备都是无用的。上述所有小工具的功能取决于安装在它们上的软件类型。无论是网上冲浪、编辑视频、创作艺术品还是执行任何功能,操作系统都扮演着最关键的角色。想象一下,如果安装的软件损坏或恶意软件或恶意软件被上传到设备中?现在会发生什么?上帝(God)禁止!如果发生这种情况,系统将崩溃,您的所有辛勤工作都将付诸东流。正是由于这个原因,恶意软件作为具有犯罪或有害意图的程序或软件也臭名昭著。为了帮助防止这种情况,有许多可用的防病毒软件。我们在Windows 10中展示了 26 个免费的恶意软件清除工具。
26 款最佳免费恶意软件清除工具(26 Best Free Malware Removal Tool)
1.恶意软件字节(1. Malwarebyte)
- 它充当设备之间的调制解调器、集线器或桥接器,并实现它们之间的来回通信(to-and-fro communication)。
- 它警告任何感知到的危险。
- 它可以立即检测Windows(Windows) PC上的威胁。
- 它使您可以在看电影或玩游戏时关闭通知。
- 它保护Android 和 iOS(Android and iOS)手机。
- 它可以保护Chromebook免受网络钓鱼(Phishing)活动的侵害。
- 它检测并删除搭便车者。
- Malwarebyte 浏览器防护可阻止间谍跟踪器(blocks spying trackers)和过滤干扰广告(filter-disturbing ads)。
- 它会自动下载Chrome、Edge和Firefox浏览器。
- 它免费清理损坏或受威胁感染的设备。
- 它删除了可能不需要的程序(Programs)和广告。
- 它会在新威胁出现的那一刻识别和消除新威胁时提供每日更新。
- 它占用的磁盘空间非常少。
- 它是一个多语言(multi-lingual) 软件(software)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中复制文件或文件夹时修复未指定错误(Fix Unspecified error when copying a file or folder in Windows 10)
- 它使您的设备免受病毒、恶意软件和间谍软件的侵害。
- 它可以跟踪超过350,000 个威胁(350,000 threats)。
- 它会自动实时(real-time)扫描威胁和病毒,并定期将其删除。
- 它会检查您的电子邮件帐户。
- 它提供了请求访问您的敏感数据和信息的所有应用程序的列表。
- Avira会扫描您设备的内存存储并删除不需要的垃圾(removes unwanted junk)。
- 这也确保您的系统速度不会受到影响。
- 它可以防止勒索软件(Ransomware)。
- 它提供每月 500 MB 免费VPN使用的额外限制。
- 它保证其他交易的安全(transactions secure)。
- 它禁用间谍软件并保护您。
- 它使您可以自由选择要安装的功能。
- 它提供了在 5 个或更多设备(installation across 5 or more devices)上安装的升级选项。
- 它使您摆脱了任何 VPN 限制。
3.阿瓦斯特(3. Avast)
(Avast)由于以下突出的因素,Avast免费恶意软件删除软件值得列入最佳免费恶意软件删除工具列表:(Best Free Malware Removal Tools)
- 它不仅可以使您的设备免受病毒侵害,还可以防止恶意软件攻击。
- 它会自动扫描并实时删除威胁和病毒。
- 其沙盒功能(sandbox feature)可在您下载或安装到您的设备之前在线检测恶意软件和可疑应用程序
- 它还检查并防止 Web 本身上任何受恶意软件感染的链接。
- 此外,它还会对您的Wi-Fi 网络进行(Wi-Fi network against viruses)安全检查(security check of your) 以防病毒,并让您时刻注意可疑的浏览器插件和不安全的设置。
- Avast可防止勒索软件(Ransomware),确保您不会被勒索以访问您的重要文档和数据文件夹。
- 它有一个有条理、易于使用的界面,带有防火墙保护(firewall protection)。
- 它可以防止隐私侵犯。
- Avast包含一个通知图标,用于通知任何问题。
- 它还可以确保您的密码安全(safety of your password)。
- 它适用于iOS、Android 和 Mac(iOS, Android, and Mac)设备。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )从受病毒感染的笔式驱动器中恢复文件 (2022)(Recover Files from Virus Infected Pen Drive (2022))
4. 比特卫士(4. Bitdefender)
由于以下原因, Bitdefender(Bitdefender)屡获殊荣的反恶意软件和防病毒软件的免费版本值得一试:
- 它立即开始工作,即检查系统弱点并实时确定威胁。
- 这是一款出色的Windows PC(Windows PCs)工具,不仅可以完全(complete immunity)抵御病毒,还可以完全抵御恶意软件。
- 在下载到您的设备之前,它会主动检查网络威胁并防止网络上任何受恶意软件感染的链接。
- Bitdefender 还可以在您每次打开设备时启用即时启动扫描。(instant boot scanning)
- 它保护您的重要数据、文件和文档免受恶意软件的侵害,提供多层勒索软件保护(multi-layer Ransomware protection)。
- 它禁用广告(disables ads);因此,实现了无分心、集中的工作环境。
- 它提供了一个全面的支持系统,可阻止Android 和 iOS 设备(Android and iOS devices)上的垃圾电话、广告和诈骗网站。
- 凭借无忧、用户友好的界面,这个安静的工作人员是一个很好的恶意软件清除工具。
5.迈克菲( 5. McAfee)
- 它为您所有基于 Internet 的设备提供即时保护,抵御各种类型的恶意软件和病毒。
- 它使家长控制(parental control)能够根据年龄和成熟度限制对来自Google Play 商店的内容的访问。(Google Play Store)
- 它可以无限制地使用VPN服务。
- 该程序通过保护系统防火墙(securing a system firewall)来监控和防止数据被盗。
- 它可以防止隐私入侵并阻止黑客和入侵者(blocks hackers and intruders)。
- 它允许我们将在线密码保存在一个位置。
- 使用256 位加密(256-bit encryption),McAfee将我们的私人文件和文件夹存储在系统上。
- 它可以防止网络钓鱼(Phishing)攻击,例如会话劫持、内容注入、链接操纵、虚假网站和网络钓鱼(Phishing)电子邮件。
- 它支持密文(Cipher texting),通过它可以对存储在 PC 或云或USB闪存驱动器上的所有文件、文件夹进行加扰,使未经授权的人无法读取它们。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将文件从 Android 传输到 PC(How to Transfer Files from Android to PC)
6.平均(6. AVG)
- 它有一个简单、易于运行、用户友好的仪表板。
- 它使您可以通过手机扫描您的 PC(scan your PC via your mobile phone)。
- 它可以防止可疑链接,这些链接可能会从网络上传不可靠的软件。
- 由于非常可配置,您可以根据自己的喜好和要求对其进行塑造。
- AVG使您能够使用(AVG)防火墙保护(firewall protection)来加密您的数据。
- 它提供基于人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)的恶意软件实时防御。
- 它通过阻止尝试访问摄像头的应用程序来启用网络摄像头保护。(webcam protection)不仅如此,它还会立即通知网络摄像头用户任何安全漏洞。
- 此外,它可以保护您的数据、文件和文档免受不必要的访问,从而提供勒索软件保护(Ransomware protection)。
7.卡巴斯基(7. Kaspersky)
- 它被全球大多数独立测试实验室评为近乎完美、性能最佳的安全工具。
- 设计精美的用户界面易于使用。
- 它提供了大量的屏幕说明(plenty of on-screen instructions),使初学者的事情变得更简单。这为理解该软件创造了一个更舒适的环境。
- 卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)提供了一种出色而智能的Web 过滤机制(web filtering mechanism),可以检测、阻止和删除危险的威胁和URL(URLs)。
- 它提供准确、一致和有效的勒索软件保护(Ransomware protection)。
- 其自动扫描功能可实现智能监控和逆转恶意行为(smart monitoring & reversing malicious actions)。这使得卡巴斯基(Kaspersky)在当今市场上脱颖而出。
- 它甚至提供实时视频聊天(live video chats)并支持全面的电话通信。
- 它禁用加密挖掘(disables crypto-mining),提供对降低网络设备和服务器性能的蠕虫的即兴保护。
- 该软件持续保护用户隐私。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
8. 杀手临(8. HitmanPro)
如果您的设备已经感染了恶意软件,那么HitmanPro就是您的最佳选择。基于其坚实的基础,它被认为是一种非常有效的诊断工具:(effective diagnostic tool)
注意:(Note: )对于Mac用户,它提供了由其母公司Sophos创建的另一个名为Sophos Home的软件。
- 这款轻量级的 10MB+ 软件无需强制安装即可(without mandatory installation)在系统上下载和运行。
- 该软件在启动操作系统之前启用深度扫描。(deep scanning)
- 它不仅搜索恶意软件,还主动尝试定位特洛伊木马软件(locate Trojan horse software)。
- 它还可以在修复后快速扫描(quick scanning)系统的受感染部分。
- 它会定期清洁和维修您的设备。
- HitmanPro使您的数据保持私密,并且系统没有不需要的应用程序和工具栏。
- 它不支持广告。
- 它不需要卸载,同时确保您的系统不受影响。
- 它提供多语言支持(multi-lingual support)。
9. 高级系统保护器(9. Advanced System Protector)
在这个最好的免费恶意软件清除工具和软件列表中,Advanced System Protector也因为以下原因而站稳脚跟:
- 它通过删除浏览历史记录和浏览器 cookie 来确保完全隐私。(total privacy)
- 它确保不受不需要的流氓应用程序和工具栏的影响。
- ASP根据用户的要求和便利性提供快速、深度和自定义的扫描。(quick, deep & custom scans)
- 它会定期更新(regularly updated)。
- 它检测并删除任何类型的广告或中断。
- 它不仅检测而且删除不需要的工具栏和流氓应用程序。
- 它还阻止键盘记录(blocks Keyloggers)器,即活动监控软件程序。
- 它使用最少的系统(uses minimal system) 资源(resources),确保在深度扫描期间不会出现系统延迟或减速。
- 它确保您的密码安全。
- 该软件兼容Windows(Windows 10) 10、8.1、8 和 7 操作系统,以及 32 位和 64 位Windows Vista 操作系统(Windows Vista OS)。
- 它还拥有一项新技术,可以恢复(recovery of deleted photos)所有格式的已删除照片。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 9 款最佳免费数据恢复软件(2022 年)(9 Best Free Data Recovery Software (2022))
10. 恶意软件狐狸(10. Malwarefox)
顾名思义,Malwarefox是一款免费的恶意软件删除软件(Malware Removal Software),它在最佳免费恶意软件删除工具和软件列表中名列前茅,原因如下:
- 它的Rootkit Removal 工具(Rootkit Removal tool)可防止后门进入称为RootKit的恶意软件集合,进入您 PC 中无法通过其他方式访问的部分。
- 其用户友好的界面提供24×7 保护(24×7 protection),为期两周。除此之外,您必须升级到其高级版本才能获得长达一年的安全性。
- 这是一款轻松、易于安装的软件。
- 作为一个轻量级的应用程序,它不会占用您 PC 中不需要的内存空间。
- 借助内置的广告软件删除工具(inbuilt Adware removal tool),它可以阻止强制广告和不需要的弹出窗口,(Pop-ups)让您免受不必要的干扰。
- 其反勒索软件工具(anti-Ransomware tool)可针对任何强制勒索要求访问您自己的数据提供主动保护。
- 它的间谍软件清除工具(Spyware removal tool)会保护您的隐私。
11. 恶意软件猎人(11. Malware Hunter)
Malware Hunter是一款屡获殊荣的工具,是最好的免费恶意软件清除工具之一,因为:
- 它为您的系统提供快速、完整和自定义的扫描(quick, full, and custom scans)。
- 它支持实时、自动更新功能(real-time, auto-updating features),让您的 PC 和智能手机保持安全和最新。
- 该软件生成受感染和扫描文件的完整概要。
- 它可以通过特定文件名、勒索信名称、电子邮件地址、比特币地址等identify more than 600+ Ransomware
- 它还指示扫描的持续时间,并在扫描完成后提供已解决问题的完整列表。
- 它通过保护您的数据免遭窥探或间谍程序来维护您的隐私。
- 作为一个小型软件,它使用最少的系统资源。
- Malware Hunter 还能够支持压缩文件(supporting compressed files)。
- 它具有清晰、简单和直观的用户友好界面,使其成为病毒扫描程序的首选。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具(18 Best Tools for Hacking)
12. 字节围栏(12. Bytefence)
由于列出的功能, Bytefence(Bytefence)已成为市场上最好的免费恶意软件清除软件之一:
- 它提供24×7 全年无休的(24×7, year-round protection)恶意恶意软件保护。
- 只需单击鼠标,即可全面扫描您的 PC、智能手机和其他联网设备。
- ByteFence为其用户提供快速、干净的浏览体验(quick and clean browsing experience)。
- 它不仅可以搜索恶意软件,还可以从您的所有设备中定位并删除木马(Trojans)、蠕虫、间谍软件和广告软件。
- 它还提供实时保护(real-time protection),确保您的设备安全、可靠和最新。
TotalAV Antivirus是一款免费的恶意软件清除工具,可在一个易于使用的桌面和智能手机应用程序中为您的所有家庭设备提供全面保护。
- 实时提供反恶意软件(Anti-Malware)、反勒索软件(Anti-Ransomware)、反间谍软件(Anti-Spyware)和反广告软件(Anti-Adware)保护。
- 它的远程防火墙(Remote Firewall)允许您从任何地方访问您的小工具。
- 它提供实时更新的防病毒保护。
- 它还有一个非常安全的密码保险箱(secure Password Vault),可确保您所有密码的安全。
- 它有助于清除病毒、木马和恶意软件。
- 它包含一个Ad Block Pro功能,允许在与VPN一起使用时进行安全浏览。
- 它还可以帮助您使用磁盘清理(disc cleanup)来释放内存。
- 它与Windows、iOS 和 Android(Windows, iOS, and Android)兼容。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将文件从一个 Google Drive 移动到另一个(How to Move Files from One Google Drive to Another)
14. 恢复(14. Restoro)
Restoro是另一个适用于Windows 10的最佳免费恶意软件移除工具。它是一款简单易用的免费恶意软件清除程序,采用先进技术,可保护任何 PC 并将其安全恢复到原始状态。
- 它会安装新的 Windows(installs new Windows)来替换那些损坏或丢失的 Windows。
- 它可以帮助您在潜在有害应用程序对您的计算机造成损害之前检测它们。
- 它通过消除恶意软件(eradicating malware)来帮助您保护您的计算机。
- 您也可以使用它来消除病毒风险(get rid of virus risks)。
- 它有助于检测潜在的有害网站。
- 它可以帮助您恢复最佳性能(regaining maximum performance)。
15. 外字节电脑维修(15. Outbyte PC Repair)
Outbyte PC Repair是一个窗口修复 pc 优化器实用程序,可让您快速了解计算机的性能。
- 它有助于检测和解决可能会损害您的计算机的性能问题。
- 它可以定位和删除任何不再使用的临时或缓存文件。
- 它帮助您将 CPU 处理时间分配(allocating CPU processing time)给指定的程序。
- 它允许您禁用 Windows 遥测功能(disable Windows telemetry capabilities),让您更好地控制数据的隐私。
- 它还可以帮助您解决数百个最常见的计算机问题。
- 它可以与 Windows 一起使用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 5 个最佳 IP 地址隐藏应用程序(5 Best IP Address Hider App for Android)
16. iolo 系统技工(16. iolo System Mechanic)
iolo System Mechanic是使用行为监控技术的恶意软件清除软件。
- 该实用程序有助于检测和消除危险的软件包。
- 它通过云提供恶意软件分析。(malware analysis)
- 该技术能够检测最新的威胁。
- 它能够呈现一个用户友好的界面(user-friendly interface)。
- 该程序有助于保护您的在线隐私(online privacy)。
- 此反恶意软件程序将帮助您擦除硬盘。
17. IObit 恶意软件斗士(17. IObit Malware Fighter)
- 您也可以使用该工具来保护您的在线隐私(online privacy)。
- 该小工具能够实时阻止攻击。
- 它保护您的隐私和您的浏览器。
- 它的Advanced SystemCare功能可以停止(Advanced SystemCare)RAM中的有害进程。
- 其IObit Malware Fighter可提高系统安全性,同时刷新您的网页浏览体验。
- 它还有助于解决驱动器错误和修复窗户。
- (Software)只需单击即可删除软件残余。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 10 的 8 大免费文件管理器软件(Top 8 Free File Manager Software For Windows 10)
18. 明智的反恶意软件(18. Wise Anti Malware)
Wise Anti Malware是另一个适用于(Wise Anti Malware)Windows 10的最佳免费恶意软件移除工具。这是一个恶意软件清除程序,有助于加快您的计算机。
- 此实用程序可以实时保护您免受有害恶意软件的侵害。
- 它能够去除弹出广告(removing pop-up advertisements)。
- 恶意软件(Malware)、病毒、网络钓鱼、间谍软件和其他危险都受到此恶意软件程序的保护。
- 它会从您的计算机硬盘中删除互联网历史记录和其他痕迹。
- 它有能力保护您的隐私(safeguard your privacy)。
- 它还通过对硬盘驱动器上的数据进行碎片整理和重新组织来加速您的计算机。
- 它设置了一个自动磁盘清洁(automated disc cleaning)程序。
- 它还会自动进行软件更新。
19. SolarWinds 安全事件管理器(19. SolarWinds Security Event Manager)
SolarWinds Security Event Manager是另一款适用于Windows 10的最佳免费恶意软件移除工具,有助于保护您的计算机。
- 该程序可以自动识别攻击、监控安全规则并保护您的网络。
完整性监控(Integrity monitoring)包含在此网络安全程序(Integrity monitoring is included in this network security program)中。
- 它提供了一个用户友好的仪表板和用户界面。
- 它具有内置的合规性报告(compliance reporting)功能。
- 它有一个用于集中化的日志收集。
- 该技术可以更快地检测和响应威胁。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是恶意软件,它有什么作用?(What is Malware and What Does it Do?)
20. X病毒(20. XVirus)
Xvirus是一个基本且易于使用的程序,可帮助您保护计算机免受恶意软件的侵害。它也是适用于Windows 10的最佳免费恶意软件移除工具之一。
- 这个应用程序允许您扫描您的计算机,而无需付出任何努力。
- 该应用程序可以实时(real-time)保护您的 PC 。
- 它充分利用了系统资源。
- 它有一个易于使用的用户界面(easy-to-use UI)。
- 它会在后台自行更新。
- 它适用于您当前的防病毒软件。
21. Zemana 反恶意软件(21. Zemana Antimalware)
Zemana Antimalware是一个从您的计算机中扫描并清除恶意软件的程序。这是另一个适用于Windows 10(Windows 10)的最佳免费恶意软件清除程序。
- 广告软件(Adware)、不需要的浏览器插件和广告软件都可以使用此程序删除。
- 此恶意软件扫描程序中包含注册表启动扫描。
- 它提供实时客户服务(live customer service)。
- 您可以使用该工具安排(schedule)扫描。
- 此病毒清理程序适用于Android 和 Windows(Android and Windows)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 十大最佳洪流网站(Top 10 Best Torrent Websites)
22. NoVirusThanks 恶意软件卸妆(22. NoVirusThanks Malware Remover)
NoVirusThanks Malware Remover可以立即从您的系统中处理和删除任何类型的恶意软件。这个免费的恶意软件清除工具具有吸引人的属性,其中一些属性如下所述:
- 它是一种旨在轻松消除间谍软件、恶意软件、木马和其他具有挑战性的威胁的工具。
- NoVirusThanks 还有一个便携版本(portable version)。
- 它可以扫描各种系统劫持(scan for various system hijacks),如浏览器劫持和主机文件劫持,并能够将所有修改后的参数修复为原始值。
- 它适用于Windows 7、8、10(Windows 7)、XP、Vista。
- 行为分析(Behavioral Analysis) 工具(tool)可以在没有任何最新签名的情况下检测新的和未知的恶意软件。
23. 9-Lab 移除工具(23. 9-Lab Removal Tool)
9-Lab Removal Tool是一款免费的恶意软件清除工具,可彻底消除和防止对系统的任何威胁。
- 该工具的主要特点是它不会干扰您系统上安装的任何其他恶意软件。如果您的主要工具无法有效执行任务,则9-Lab Removal Tool充当辅助恶意软件删除(secondary malware removal) 工具。(tool)
- 此工具不使用任何第三方试点项目来消除恶意软件。
- 9-Lab删除工具(Removal Tool)声称使用了网络犯罪分子不知道的(cybercriminals are not aware of)技术。
- 它由最新的恶意软件数据库(up-to-date malware database)提供支持,不会绕过任何安全威胁。
- 使用此工具可以立即删除任何类型的病毒和感染。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 8 个最佳手机清洁器应用程序(8 Best Phone Cleaner Apps for Android)
24. eScanAV 反病毒工具包(24. eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit)
eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit是另一个出色的工具,可以反击和防止恶意软件对您的系统进行攻击。
- 您不必安装此软件。只要下载就够了(downloading suffices)。
- 它可以在您的 PC、CD ROM甚至USB 驱动器上(USB drive)运行。
- 它与您系统上安装的其他恶意软件清除工具兼容。
- eScanAV 与Windows(32/64 位)系统兼容。
- 该工具每天都会更新(tool gets updated daily)最新的更新,可用于下载和消除危险的恶意软件攻击。
25. 自由修复器 (25. FreeFixer )
- 它具有简单而简约的用户界面(simple and minimalist user interface),有助于精确检测和删除恶意软件。
- FreeFixer 会(FreeFixer)扫描您的整个系统并显示结果以供您决定删除哪些不需要的文件。
- 它可以扫描系统上的无数位置以跟踪不需要的文件和已删除文件的痕迹。
- 此免费软件(freeware)与任何Windows版本(32/64 位)兼容。
- 它还可以扫描系统程序(scan system programs),例如启动系统的程序、浏览器设置广告插件等。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
26. 盗贼杀手(26. RogueKiller)
RogueKiller是我们列表中最后一款适用于Windows 10的免费恶意软件移除工具,它还具有一些惊人的功能,如下所述:
- 除了恶意软件保护之外,它还可以保护您的重要文件免遭盗窃和损坏(theft and corruption)。
- 它可以在您的系统上找到已知和未知的病毒。
人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) 和云签名引擎(and cloud signatures engines)嵌入在这个反恶意软件中。
- RogueKiller允许您使用其实时扫描器名称模块化扫描器来检测系统上任何类型的危险恶意软件。
- 它还拥有Anti-rootkit来查找和根除病毒、恶意软件、广告软件等。
另一方面,互联网上并不缺乏免费的恶意软件删除工具(Free Malware Removal Tools)和软件(Software)。因此,它非常平衡。
我们希望该指南对您有所帮助,您现在可以在Windows 10 的给定最佳免费恶意软件删除中(best free malware removal for Windows 10)做出明智的决定。在下面的评论框中让我们知道您的查询/建议。
26 Best Free Malware Removal Tool
Today the uѕe of desktopѕ, laptops, mobile phones, and tablets has become a child’s play. Can yoυ name anyone who doеsn’t use and/or оwn any of these devices? You can’t. No one cаn. The important thing to note here is that all these devices are useless without the oрerating system softwаre. The functioning of all the gadgets mentioned abоve depends upon the type of software inѕtalled on them. Whether it is to surf the web, edit a video, create a work of аrt, or perform any functіon, OS plays the most crucial role. Imagine if the installed software gets corrupted or maliсious software or malware gets uploaded into the device? What will happen now? God forbid! If this happens, the system will crash and all of your hard wоrk wіll come to naught. It іs for this reason that malware is also infamous as a program or software with criminal or harmful intent. To help рrevent this, there arе many antivirus ѕoftware available. We have shown 26 free malware removаl tool in Windows 10.
26 Best Free Malware Removal Tool
Generally, most users install malware scanners or antivirus software at the time of installation of new OS on their device or with every new purchase. In our discussion below, we will be harping on some of the best free malware removal tools and software. If you need help deciding which one to install, read our guide to learn about their scanning & compatibility features.
1. Malwarebyte
Malwarebyte acts as the centralized management and is considered to be the most effective malware removal software tool for the following reasons:
- It acts as a modem, hub, or bridge between devices and enables to-and-fro communication between them.
- It warns about any perceived danger.
- It instantly detects threats on Windows PC.
- It enables you to turn off notifications while watching a movie or while gaming.
- It protects Android and iOS mobiles.
- It protects Chromebook against Phishing activities.
- It detects and removes hitchhikers.
- Malwarebyte browser guard blocks spying trackers and filter-disturbing ads.
- It downloads Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers, automatically.
- It cleans your corrupted or threat-infected devices, free of cost.
- It removes Potentially Unwanted Programs and ads.
- it provides daily updates as and when it identifies and removes new threats the minute they appear.
- it occupies very less disk space.
- It is a multi-lingual software.
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2. Avira
Avira is a malware scanner that ranks amongst the best free malware removal tool and software.
- It keeps your device free of viruses, malware, and spyware.
- It can track more than 350,000 threats.
- It automatically scans for threats and viruses in real-time and removes them regularly.
- It keeps a check on your e-mail account.
- It provides a list of all the apps which request access to your sensitive data and information.
- Avira scans your device’s memory storage and removes unwanted junk.
- This also ensures your system speed is not compromised.
- It protects against Ransomware.
- It provides an additional limit of 500 MB per month of free VPN usage.
- It keeps other transactions secure.
- It disables spyware and keeps you protected.
- it gives you the liberty to choose the features you want to install.
- it gives an upgraded option of installation across 5 or more devices.
- It rids you of any VPN limit.
3. Avast
Avast free malware removal software is worth making the list of Best Free Malware Removal Tools due to the below-highlighted factors:
- It keeps your device not only free from viruses, but also against malware attacks.
- It automatically scans and removes threats and viruses in real-time.
- Its sandbox feature detects malicious software and suspicious apps online before you download or install them on your device
- It also checks and protects against any malware-infected links on the web itself.
- In addition, it does a security check of your Wi-Fi network against viruses and keeps you on the lookout for dubious browser add-ons and unsafe settings.
- Avast protects against Ransomware, ensuring you are not held to ransom to access your important documents and data folders.
- It has an organized, easy-to-use interface with firewall protection.
- It protects against privacy invasion.
- Avast includes a notification icon that notifies of any issues.
- It also ensures the safety of your password.
- It is available for iOS, Android, and Mac devices.
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4. Bitdefender
The free version of Bitdefender award-winning anti-malware and anti-virus software is worth a shot due to the following reasons:
- It instantly gets to work viz checking for system weaknesses and determining threats in real-time.
- This is an excellent tool for Windows PCs providing complete immunity not only against viruses but also against malware.
- It proactively checks for network threats and protects against any malware-infected links on the web, before downloading onto your device.
- Bitdefender also enables instant boot scanning every time your device is switched on.
- It shields your important data, files, and documents against malicious software providing multi-layer Ransomware protection.
- It disables ads; thus, enabling a distraction-free, concentrated working environment.
- It provides a comprehensive support system blocking spam calls, ads, and scam websites on both Android and iOS devices.
- With a hassle-free, user-friendly interface, this silent worker is a good malware removal tool to have.
5. McAfee
McAfee free of cost tool ranks amongst the list of the best malware removal software because:
- It provides instant protection to all of your internet-based devices, against various types of malware and viruses.
- It enables parental control to restrict access to content from the Google Play Store, based on age & maturity level.
- It enables unlimited use of VPN service.
- This program monitors & prevents data theft by securing a system firewall.
- It protects against privacy invasion and blocks hackers and intruders.
- It allows us to save our online passwords in a single location.
- Using 256-bit encryption, McAfee stores our private files and folders on the system.
- It protects against Phishing attacks like session hijacking, content injection, link manipulation, fake websites, and Phishing emails.
- It enables Cipher texting, by way of which one can scramble all files, folders stored in a PC or the cloud or on a USB flash drive, making them unreadable to an unauthorized person.
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6. AVG
AVG simple, multi-featured, all-in-one anti-malware solution is considered to be one of the best malware removal tools due to the below-listed reasons:
- It has a simple, easy to run, user-friendly dashboard.
- It enables you to scan your PC via your mobile phone.
- It protects against dubious links, which could upload unreliable software from the web.
- Being quite configurable, you can mold it as per your preferences and requirements.
- AVG enables you to encrypt your data using firewall protection.
- It provides Artificial Intelligence-based real-time defense against malware.
- It enables webcam protection by blocking apps that try to access the camera. Not only that, it instantly notifies the webcam user of any breach in security too.
- Moreover, it secures your data, files, and documents against unwanted access providing Ransomware protection.
7. Kaspersky
Kaspersky software is considered to be one such malware protection software that is useful for beginners as well as professionals. This is so, because:
- It was ranked near-perfect, best-performing security tool by most independent test labs worldwide.
- It is easy to use with a superbly designed user interface.
- It offers plenty of on-screen instructions which make things a lot simpler for beginners. This creates a more comfortable environment to understand this software.
- Kaspersky comes with an excellent and smart web filtering mechanism that detects, blocks, and removes dangerous threats and URLs.
- It delivers accurate, consistent, and effective Ransomware protection.
- Its automatic scanning feature enables smart monitoring & reversing malicious actions. This makes Kaspersky stand out from the rest on the market today.
- It even offers live video chats and supports full-scale telephonic communication.
- It disables crypto-mining providing impromptu protection against worms that slow down the performance of devices and servers on a network.
- This software continuously protects user privacy.
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8. HitmanPro
If your device has been infected with malicious software then, HitmanPro is the way to go. It is considered to be a very effective diagnostic tool based on its solid groundwork:
Note: For Mac users, it offers another software called Sophos Home created by their parent company Sophos.
- This light-duty, 10MB+ software can be downloaded and run on the system without mandatory installation.
- This software enables deep scanning before booting an operating system.
- Rather than just searching for malware, it proactively tries to locate Trojan horse software.
- It also enables quick scanning of just the infected part of the system, after repair.
- It cleans and repairs your device regularly.
- HitmanPro keeps your data private and system free of unwanted apps and toolbars.
- It does not support advertisements.
- It does not call for uninstalling while ensuring no compromise in your system.
- It provides multi-lingual support.
9. Advanced System Protector
In this list of best free malware removal tools and software, the Advanced System Protector also holds its ground because of the below-mentioned reasons:
- It ensures total privacy by deleting browsing history and browser cookies.
- It ensures freedom from unwanted rogue apps and toolbars.
- ASP offers quick, deep & custom scans as per requirement and convenience of users.
- It keeps itself regularly updated.
- It detects and removes advertisements or interruptions of any kind.
- It not only detects but also deletes unwanted toolbars and rogue apps.
- It also blocks Keyloggers i.e. the activity-monitoring software programs.
- It uses minimal system resources ensuring no system lag or slowdown during deep scanning.
- It ensures the safety of your password.
- This software is compatible with Windows 10, 8.1, 8, and 7 operating systems, besides the 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista OS.
- It also hosts a new technology that enables the recovery of deleted photos of all formats.
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10. Malwarefox
As the name suggests, Malwarefox is a free Malware Removal Software that has made its name in the list of best free malware removal tool and software for the following reasons:
- Its Rootkit Removal tool prevents back-door entry to a collection of malicious software known as RootKit, to that portion of your PC that cannot otherwise, be accessed.
- Its user-friendly interface provides 24×7 protection, for a fortnight. Beyond that, you must upgrade to its premium version for year-long security.
- This is hassle-free, easy-to-install software.
- Being a lightweight application, it does not occupy unwanted memory space in your PC.
- With an inbuilt Adware removal tool, it blocks forced ads and unwanted Pop-ups keeping you free from the nuisance of uncalled-for distractions.
- Its anti-Ransomware tool provides active protection against any forcible ransom demand to access your own data.
- Its Spyware removal tool takes care of your privacy.
11. Malware Hunter
Malware Hunter, an award-winning tool, is one of the best free malware removal tool because:
- It offers quick, full, and custom scans for your system.
- It enables real-time, auto-updating features, keeping your PCs and smartphones secure and up-to-date.
- This software generates a complete synopsis of infected and scanned files.
- It can identify more than 600+ Ransomware by specific filenames, ransom note names, e-mail addresses, bitcoin addresses, etc.
- It also indicates the duration of the scan and provides a complete list of the issues resolved, once the scan is complete.
- It maintains your privacy by protecting your data from prying or spying programs.
- Being a small-sized software, it uses minimal system resources.
- Malware Hunter is also capable of supporting compressed files.
- It has a clear, simple, and intuitive user-friendly interface making it a preferred choice amongst virus scanners.
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12. Bytefence
Bytefence has made its mark in the market as one of the best free malware removal software due to listed features:
- It provides 24×7, year-round protection against malicious malware.
- It enables a complete scan of your PCs, smartphones, and other network-connected devices with just one click of the mouse.
- ByteFence provides its users with a quick and clean browsing experience.
- It not only searches for malware but also, locates and removes Trojans, worms, spyware, and adware from all your devices.
- It too offers real-time protection keeping your devices safe, secure, and up-to-date.
13. TotalAV
TotalAV Antivirus is a free malware eradication tool that provides comprehensive protection for all of your home devices in a single, easy-to-use desktop and smartphone application.
- Anti-Malware, Anti-Ransomware, Anti-Spyware, and Anti-Adware protection are available in real-time.
- Its Remote Firewall allows you to access your gadgets from anywhere.
- It offers anti-virus protection that is updated in real-time.
- It also has a very secure Password Vault to keep all of your passwords safe.
- It aids in the removal of viruses, trojans, and malware.
- It contains an Ad Block Pro function that allows for secure browsing when used with a VPN.
- It also assists you in freeing up memory with the use of a disc cleanup.
- It’s compatible with Windows, iOS, and Android.
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14. Restoro
Restoro is another one of the best free malware removal for Windows 10. It is a simple-to-use free malware removal program with advanced technology that safeguards and safely restores any PC to its original form.
- It installs new Windows to replace those that are broken or missing.
- It assists you in detecting potentially harmful applications before they do damage to your computer.
- It assists you in protecting your computer by eradicating malware.
- You may also use it to get rid of virus risks.
- It aids in the detection of potentially harmful websites.
- It aids you in regaining maximum performance.
15. Outbyte PC Repair
Outbyte PC Repair is a window repair pc optimizer utility that gives you a rapid overview of your computer’s performance.
- It aids in the detection and resolution of performance issues that may be harming your computer.
- It can locate and delete any temporary or cached files that are no longer in use.
- It assists you in allocating CPU processing time to specified programs.
- It allows you to disable Windows telemetry capabilities, giving you more control over your data’s privacy.
- It also assists you in resolving hundreds of the most frequent computer problems.
- It can be used with Windows.
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16. iolo System Mechanic
iolo System Mechanic is malware removal software that uses behavior monitoring techniques.
- The utility aids in the detection and elimination of dangerous software packages.
- It provides malware analysis through the cloud.
- The technology is capable of detecting the most recent threats.
- It is capable of presenting a user-friendly interface.
- This program aids in the protection of your online privacy.
- This anti-malware program will assist you in erasing your hard disc.
17. IObit Malware Fighter
IObit is a malware detection tool that is basic and straightforward to use. It assists you with cleaning, speeding up, optimizing, and safeguarding your system.
- You may also use the tool to protect your online privacy.
- The gadget is capable of thwarting attacks in real-time.
- It protects your privacy and your browser.
- Its Advanced SystemCare feature can halt a harmful process in RAM.
- Its IObit Malware Fighter improves system security while refreshing your web browsing experience.
- It also aids in the resolution of drive errors and the repair of windows.
- Software remnants may be removed with a simple click.
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18. Wise Anti Malware
Wise Anti Malware is another best free malware removal for Windows 10. It is a malware removal program that helps speed up your computer.
- This utility can protect you against harmful malware in real-time.
- It is capable of removing pop-up advertisements.
- Malware, virus, phishing, spyware, and other dangers are all protected by this malware program.
- It removes internet history and other traces from your computer’s hard drive.
- It has the ability to safeguard your privacy.
- It also speeds up your computer by defragging and reorganizing data on your hard drive.
- It set up an automated disc cleaning routine.
- It also does software updates automatically.
19. SolarWinds Security Event Manager
SolarWinds Security Event Manager is another one of the best free malware removal for Windows 10 that aids with the security of your computer.
- This program can identify attacks, monitor security rules, and safeguard your network automatically.
Integrity monitoring is included in this network security program.
- It offers a user-friendly dashboard and user interface.
- It has built-in compliance reporting features.
- It has a log collecting for centralization.
- The technology can detect and respond to threats more quickly.
Also Read: What is Malware and What Does it Do?
20. XVirus
Xvirus is a basic and easy-to-use program that helps you keep your computer safe from malicious software. It is also one of best free malware removal for Windows 10.
- This app allows you to scan your computer without having to put in any effort.
- The application can safeguard your PC in real-time.
- It makes light use of the system’s resources.
- It has an easy-to-use UI.
- It updates itself in the background.
- It works with your current antivirus software.
21. Zemana Antimalware
Zemana Antimalware is a program that scans and eliminates malware from your computer. This is another best free malware removal for Windows 10.
- Adware, unwanted browser add-ons, and adware may all be removed using this program.
- A registry startup scan is included in this malware scanner.
- It provides live customer service.
- You may schedule your scan using the tool.
- This virus cleanup program works on both Android and Windows.
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22. NoVirusThanks Malware Remover
NoVirusThanks Malware Remover can handle and remove any kind of malware from your system in no time. This free malware removal tool has attractive attributes, and some of them are mentioned below:
- It is a tool designed to eliminate spyware, malware, trojan, and other challenging threats easily.
- NoVirusThanks also has a portable version.
- It can scan for various system hijacks like browser hijacks and hosts file hijacks and has the ability to fix all modified parameters to the original values.
- It is available for Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista.
- The Behavioral Analysis tool can detect new and unknown malware without any up-to-date signatures.
23. 9-Lab Removal Tool
9-Lab Removal Tool is a free malware removal tool that thoroughly eliminates and prevents any threats to the system.
- The main feature of this tool is it does not interfere with any other malware software installed on your system. 9-Lab Removal Tool acts as a secondary malware removal tool if your primary can’t perform the tasks efficiently.
- This tool does not use any third pilot party projects to eliminate malware.
- 9-Lab Removal Tool claims of using a technology that cybercriminals are not aware of.
- It is powered by an up-to-date malware database that does not let bypass any security threats.
- Any kind of viruses and infections can be removed instantly with this tool.
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24. eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit
eScanAV Anti-Virus Toolkit is another fantastic tool to counter and prevent malware attacks on your system.
- You don’t have to install this software. Just downloading suffices.
- It can be run on your PC, from your CD ROM, or even on a USB drive.
- It has compatibility to function with other malware removal tools installed on your system.
- eScanAV is compatible with Windows (32/64 bit) systems.
- This tool gets updated daily with the latest updates available to download and eliminate dangerous malware attacks.
25. FreeFixer
FreeFixer helps your systems get rid of the potential harmful viruses and malware to make it a safe place to perform your daily tasks.
- It has a simple and minimalist user interface to aid the precise detection and removal of malware.
- FreeFixer scans your entire system and presents the results for you to decide which unwanted files to remove.
- It can scan myriad locations on your system to trace unwanted files and traces of already deleted files.
- This freeware is compatible with any Windows version (32/64 bit).
- It can also scan system programs, such as the programs that start your system, browser settings ad plugins, etc.
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26. RogueKiller
RogueKiller is the last best free malware removal for Windows 10 on our list that also has some amazing features, as mentioned below:
- Along with malware protection, it can also protect your vital documents from theft and corruption.
- It can find both known and unknown viruses on your system.
Artificial Intelligence and cloud signatures engines are embedded in this anti-malware software.
- RogueKiller allows you to use its real-time scanner names modular scanner to detect any type of dangerous malware on the system.
- It also possesses Anti-rootkit to find and eradicate viruses, malware, adware, etc.
RogueKiller has three subscription versions:
Free: It has all basic malware protection functionalities for no money whatsoever.
Premium: For $13/year, you can use ransomware protection and enterprise use functions.
Technician: Portable configuration & license and unlimited machines support is possible with $32/year.
To conclude the above discussion, we observe that if on the one hand, the threat of cyberattacks is very real and scary due to the presence of a host of Trojans, worms, and viruses;
on the other hand, there is no dearth of Free Malware Removal Tools and Software on the internet. So, it’s pretty much balanced.
There is no particular tailor-made solution for anything. You can choose any of these depending on your occupation, your usage, your web surfing preferences, your expectations from the tool, and the cost of the subscription.
We hope that guide was helpful and you are now able to make an informed decision among the given best free malware removal for Windows 10. Let us know your queries/suggestions in the comment box below.