Snapchat还允许您添加许多朋友;每个人都有一个与其帐户关联的用户名和电话号码。您可以使用他们的用户名和电话号码轻松搜索朋友。但是,如果您两个都没有怎么办?你将如何寻找你的朋友?您也不能在搜索栏中输入姓名并通过查看个人资料图片找到他/她。Snapchat帐户有 bitmojis 而不是个人资料图片。
现在,在你开始诅咒Snapchat之前,请先听我们说完。我们可以帮助您在Snapchat上找人。在本文中,我们将告诉您一些无需用户名或电话号码即可在 Snapchat 上找到朋友的最佳方法 -( find a friend on Snapchat without a username or phone number –)

(Find)在Snapchat上(Snapchat Without Username)查找没有用户名或电话号码的人(Phone Number)
方法 1 – 使用 Snapcode 找人(Method 1 – Find someone using the Snapcode)。

要使用Snapcode添加朋友,您只需使用Snapchat扫描仪扫描某人的Snapcode ,你们两个将在一分钟内成为朋友。请按照以下步骤正确操作 -
1.Ask your friend to send his/her Snapcode并将其保存在您的设备上,或者您可以要求他/她仅在手机中打开他们的Snapcode(如果您的朋友在您身边)。
2. 要在Android 上打开Snapcode –(Android –)您需要在智能手机上打开 Snapchat(open Snapchat)并转到个人资料部分(go to the profile section)。点击您的个人资料并选择共享 Snapcode 选项。(Tap on your profile and select the Share Snapcode option.)

注意:(Note:)要在 iPhone 上分享Snapcode – 在 iPhone 上分享Snapcode与(Snapcode)Android相同,点击个人资料,然后选择分享 URL(tap on the profile, and select Share URL)。
3. 获得朋友的Snapcode后,将其保存在您的设备上。
4. 现在,您需要在您的设备上打开Snapchat应用,然后点击添加好友图标(tap on the Add Friends icon)。看下面的截图——

注意:(Note:)如果您使用 iPhone –点击个人资料页面上的添加朋友图标(Tap on the Add Friends icon),然后选择 Snapcode(select Snapcode)以扫描您iOS 设备(iOS device)上保存的 Snapcode 。
5. 现在,单击(click on the Snapcode icon)搜索栏最右侧可用的 Snapcode 图标,然后从您的媒体库中选择Snapcode以添加朋友。(Snapcode)

方法 2 – 查找附近的 Snapchat 用户(Method 2 – Find Nearby Snapchat users)
如果他们在附近,您也可以在Snapchat上添加新朋友,而无需他们的用户名。Snapchat允许您通过快速添加(Quick Add)功能添加附近的Snapchat好友。唯一的条件是附近的用户必须在您的设备上启用快速添加。(Quick Add)
按照给定的步骤获得更精确的想法 -
1. 第一步是检查您朋友的设备上是否启用了快速添加功能。(Quick Add feature)
2. 现在在您的智能手机上打开Snapchat ,然后点击添加好友(click on Add Friends)。

3. 您将看到名为Quick Add的列表。在列表中搜索(Search)好友并点击添加按钮( tap the Add button)。

还在烦恼吗?查看下一个在没有用户名或号码的情况下在 Snapchat 上查找某人的方法。(Still having trouble? Check out the next method to Find Someone on Snapchat Without Username or Number.)
方法 3 – 使用 Snapchat 搜索栏(Method 3 – Use Snapchat search bar)
1.首先(First),在手机上打开Snapchat ,然后(Snapchat)点击添加好友按钮(tap the Add Friends button)。
2. 现在在搜索栏中输入朋友的名字,(type the friend’s name in the search bar)看看你是否能在所有的建议中找到他/她。

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 Snapchat 上找到没有用户名或电话号码的人。(find someone on Snapchat without username or phone number.) 如果有人问您相同的问题,您可以告诉他们如何操作并展示您的Snapchat技能!但在此之前,如果您对上述步骤有任何疑问或问题,请发表评论,我们会尽快回复您。快乐的 Snapchat(Snapchat)!
Find Someone on Snapchat Without Username or Number
Snapchat is one of the most pоpulаr and unique social media platforms. It offers many uniquе and first of its kind feаtures such as automatiс deletion of chats, bitmojis, snap-ѕtreaks, screenshot notification, etc. Sending snaps and maintainіng streaks is great fun.
Snapchat also allows you to add numerous friends; everyone has a username and phone number associated with their account. You can easily search for a friend using their username and phone number. But what if you have neither of them? How will you search for your friend? It’s not like you can type the name in the search bar and find him/her by looking at the profile picture either. Snapchat accounts have bitmojis instead of a profile picture.
Now, wait before you start cursing Snapchat, hear us out first. We can help you with finding people on Snapchat. In this article, we will tell you some of the best methods to find a friend on Snapchat without a username or phone number –

Find Someone on Snapchat Without Username or Phone Number
Method 1 – Find someone using the Snapcode.
As we have already told you, Snapchat is the king of unique features. You can find anyone and add them as a friend on Snapchat if you have their Snapcode. This feature of using code was marked in Snapchat much before Instagram. The Snapcode feature was an instant hit, and people all around the world started using Snapcodes to add friends.

To add a friend using the Snapcode, you only have to scan the Snapcode of someone using the Snapchat scanner and you two will be friends within a minute. Follow the steps given below to do it right –
1. Ask your friend to send his/her Snapcode and save it on your device, or you can ask him/her to open their Snapcode in their phone only (if your friend is around with you).
2. To open Snapcode on Android – You need to open Snapchat on your smartphone and go to the profile section. Tap on your profile and select the Share Snapcode option.

Note: To share Snapcode on iPhone – Sharing Snapcode on iPhone is the same as Android, tap on the profile, and select Share URL.
3. Once you have got the Snapcode of your friend, save it on your device.
4. Now, you need to open the Snapchat app on your device and tap on the Add Friends icon. Look in the screenshot below –

Note: If you use iPhone – Tap on the Add Friends icon on the profile page and then select Snapcode to scan a saved Snapcode on your iOS device.
5. Now, click on the Snapcode icon available on the rightmost side of the search bar and select the Snapcode from your media gallery to add a friend.

Now that you have added a new friend start sending snaps with funny face filters and maintain snap streaks.
Method 2 – Find Nearby Snapchat users
You can also add new friends on Snapchat if they are nearby, that too without having their username. Snapchat allows you to add nearby Snapchat friends through the Quick Add feature. The only condition is that the nearby users must have Quick Add enabled on your device.
Follow the given steps to get a more precise idea –
1. The first step is to check if the Quick Add feature is enabled on your friend’s device.
2. Now open Snapchat on your smartphone and click on Add Friends.

3. You will see a list under the name Quick Add. Search for the friend in the list and tap the Add button.

Still having trouble? Check out the next method to Find Someone on Snapchat Without Username or Number.
Method 3 – Use Snapchat search bar
If you do not have the Snapcode, username, and phone number of your friend, you can still find that friend by typing his/her name in the search bar. It becomes easier if a mutual friend of you two is added to your friend list. However, this method is a sure-shot. There may be many people with the same name, so it is up to you if you can find the right one.
Follow the steps given below to add friends on Snapchat without a username or phone number:
1. First, open Snapchat on your phone and tap the Add Friends button.
2. Now type the friend’s name in the search bar and see if you are able to find him/her amongst all the suggestions.

3. You can try searching your friend by their username o other social media platforms. Many times, people tend to use the same username for every social media platform for their convenience.
We have shared the best methods to search and add friends even if you do not have their username and phone number. You can now find and add anyone without worrying about username and number at all.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to find someone on Snapchat without username or phone number. If anyone asks you the same query, you can tell them how to do so and showcase your Snapchat skills! But before that, if you have any doubt or issue with the above-mentioned steps, drop a comment, and we will get back to you. Happy Snapchatting!