由Bioware开发并由(Bioware)Electronic Arts发行的Dragon Age(Dragon Age) : Inquisition 凭借其令人难以置信的战略多人游戏玩法,成为最受欢迎的角色扮演动作游戏之一。龙腾世纪审判(Dragon Age Inquisition)是龙腾世纪系列的第三个主要新增内容,是同样受欢迎的(Dragon Age)龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):起源的续集。自 2014 年11 月(November 2014)以来,该游戏已在全球所有主要平台上提供,即Microsoft Windows、PlayStation、Xbox One和 Xbox 360 。
无法玩你花了很多钱买的游戏可能是有史以来最令人沮丧的事情。启动/启动问题是游戏中的常见问题,《龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):宗教裁判所》也不能幸免。但幸运的是,这是一个很容易解决的问题,只需要你几分钟的时间,之后你就可以愉快地回到审判官(Inquisitor)的身份,继续你的旅程来关闭Breach。
修复 Dragon Age Inquisition 无法在 Windows 10 中启动(Fix Dragon Age Inquisition won’t launch in Windows 10)
什么可以阻止龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):审判的启动?
冲突的后台服务 -(Conflicting background services – )在后台运行的服务可能会干扰游戏的功能并导致问题。通常,罪魁祸首是 Windows 自己的服务之一或某些第三方应用程序。
丢失或损坏的游戏文件(Missing or corrupt game files)——每个游戏文件都是游戏正常启动和运行所必需的。即使是单个丢失或损坏的文件也可能导致游戏出现重大问题。
Direct X 和 VC Redist –(Direct X and VC Redist – ) Direct X(Direct X)和VC Redist应用程序文件随游戏一起提供,位于名为“游戏安装”的文件夹中。有时,Direct X或VC Redist的版本可能与用户的系统不兼容,从而干扰游戏的功能并阻止其启动。
管理权限——(Administrative Privileges – )需要授予游戏管理权限,以使其元素顺利、正确地运行。如果未授予这些权限,他们可以停止其功能。
全屏优化 -引入了(Full- Screen Optimization – )Windows全屏优化功能,将游戏作为“无边界窗口”运行。此功能旨在平滑游戏体验,但也可能最终干扰游戏元素。
兼容性 – (Compatibility – )Dragon Age : Inquisition 的程序要求可能与您系统上的(Dragon Age)Windows 10架构不兼容,这可能会导致冲突。幸运的是,Windows 10包含一种在其兼容模式下运行程序的方法,适用于以前版本的Windows。
如何修复龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):宗教裁判所(Inquisition)无法启动?
方法 1:检查系统要求
龙腾世纪:审判顺利运行的推荐规格是:(Recommended specification for Dragon Age: Inquisition to run smoothly are:)
CPU: AMD六核CPU @ 3.2 GHz , Intel四核CPU @ 3.0 GHz
操作系统:(OS:) Windows 7 或 8.1 64 位
系统内存:(System RAM: ) 8 GB
硬盘:(Hard drive: ) 26 GB
直连(DirectX)11(DirectX 11)
显卡:(Graphics card: )AMD Radeon HD 7870或R9 270 , NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
显存:(Graphics memory:) 3 GB
龙腾世纪:审判所需的最低规格是:(The minimum specification needed for Dragon Age: Inquisition to function are:)
操作系统:(OS: ) Windows 7 或 8.1 64 位
CPU: AMD四核CPU @ 2.5 GHz , Intel四核CPU @ 2.0 GHz
系统内存:(System RAM:) 4 GB
硬盘:(Hard drive:) 26 GB
DirectX 10
显卡:(Graphics card:) AMD Radeon HD 4870、NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
显存:(Graphics memory:) 512 MB
1.按Windows key + R打开运行(Run)提示。输入'dxdiag'然后点击'Enter'。确认(Confirm)弹出的任何其他提示。
2. 这将打开“ DirectX 诊断工具(DirectX Diagnostic Tool)”窗口,您将在此处找到列出的所有系统规格。
您可以切换到显示(Display )选项卡以检查您的显卡信息。如果您有专用显卡,则有关它的信息将列在“渲染(Render )”选项卡中。
有许多服务在用户不知道的情况下不断在后台运行。其中一项后台服务可能会与某些基本游戏服务发生冲突,从而引发Dragon Age Inquisition的启动问题。
1. 首先,确保您是从管理员帐户登录计算机。现在,在 Windows 搜索栏中键入“MSConfig” ,然后(‘MSConfig’)按 Enter(Enter)。
2. 在出现的系统配置(System Configuration)窗口中,单击“服务”(‘Services’)选项卡。
3. 现在,选中“隐藏所有 Microsoft 服务”(‘Hide all Microsoft Services’.)旁边的框。
4. 最后,点击“全部禁用(Disable All)”按钮,停止所有第三方服务在后台运行。
5. 要确保禁用所有应用程序,首先右键单击任务栏(Taskbar)并选择“任务管理器”(‘Task Manager’)。您也可以同时按下“ Ctrl + Shift + Esc’ 任务管理器(Task Manager)。
6. 接下来,单击顶部的“启动”选项卡。(‘Start-up’ )
7. 现在,在“状态”(Status’ )部分下,确保所有应用程序都标记为“已禁用”(‘Disabled’)。如果您发现任何不是,请单击其名称,然后单击“禁用”(‘Disable’ )按钮。
8. 禁用所有应用程序后重新启动计算机。再次运行游戏并检查错误是否仍然存在。
1.在您的系统上打开 Origin 客户端应用程序(Open the Origin Client application)并登录(sign in)您的帐户。
2. 单击左侧面板上的“游戏库”选项以查找您的所有游戏。(‘Game Library’ )右键单击“龙腾世纪”(‘Dragon Age’),然后在出现的下拉菜单中,选择“修复游戏”(‘Repair Game’ )选项以验证是否所有游戏文件都存在。现在,将自动下载丢失的文件并替换损坏的文件。
3. 几分钟后,再次运行游戏,检查是否运行流畅。
方法 4:重新安装Direct X和VC Redist
每个游戏都会安装自己的Direct X和VC Redist版本,安装的版本可能与游戏重合并阻止其正确启动。因此,我们将手动安装推荐版本的Direct X和VC Redist 。以下(Below)是执行相同操作的过程。
对于直接 X(For Direct X)
1. 打开文件资源管理器(Windows键 + E)并导航到以下位置 - ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\directx\redist’
2.检查所有项目,找到' DXSetup.exe'可执行文件并运行它以替换所有以前的版本。
对于 VC Redist(For VC Redist )
1. 与Direct X类似,导航到‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\vc’
2. 在文件夹中,运行所有“VCRedist.exe”可执行文件以替换每个以前的版本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 上修复 Minecraft 崩溃问题的 10 种方法(10 Ways To Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues on Windows 10)
方法 5:更新您的图形驱动程序
1. 打开控制面板(Control Panel)并找到您的显卡的配套应用程序(英伟达(Nvidia)用户的GeForce Experience)。您可以打开程序来管理图形卡的设置等。找到更新驱动程序的选项并单击它。按照随后出现的任何屏幕提示进行操作。
1. 按‘Windows key + X’打开高级用户(Power user)菜单并选择设备管理器(Device Manager)。
2. 在设备管理器(Device Manager)窗口中,展开“显示适配器”(‘Display Adapters’)并右键单击显卡。选择“更新驱动程序”。(‘Update Driver’.)
3. 现在,选择“自动搜索更新的驱动程序软件”(‘Search automatically for updated driver software’)选项。
等到(Wait)该过程结束并重新启动系统以检查问题是否已解决。如果您无法修复Dragon Age Inquisition无法在Windows 10中启动,请尝试这4 种方法来更新显卡驱动程序(4 ways to update the graphics driver)。
方法 6:授予您的游戏管理权限
1. 打开系统上的游戏安装文件夹。右键单击游戏可执行文件(扩展名为“ .exe ”的文件),然后单击“属性”(‘Properties’)。您还可以选择文件并按 ‘Alt + Enter’ 打开“属性”。
2. 在属性窗口中,单击“兼容性”(‘Compatibility’)选项卡。然后选中“以管理员身份运行此程序”(‘Run this program as an administrator’)旁边的框。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Mac 的 13 款最佳录音软件(13 Best Audio Recording Software for Mac)
1. 按照上一个方法,打开游戏可执行文件的“属性”(‘Properties’ )。再次切换到“兼容性”(‘Compatibility’ )选项卡。
2. 选中“禁用全屏优化”(‘Disable fullscreen optimizations’ )选项旁边的框。现在,点击“应用”(‘Apply’ )按钮。
方法 8:排除兼容性问题
在某些系统中,龙腾世纪(Dragon Age):宗教裁判所可能不完全支持Windows 10的架构。在尝试启动游戏或玩游戏时,这可能会导致问题。您可以使用Windows故障排除工具来确定游戏的最佳操作系统版本。
1. 打开游戏可执行文件的属性窗口,然后单击“兼容性”(‘Compatibility’ )选项卡。按“运行兼容性疑难解答”(‘Run Compatibility Troubleshooter’ )按钮开始该过程。
2.等待(Wait)Windows自动确定最适合在兼容模式下运行游戏的操作系统。选择“尝试推荐设置”(‘Try Recommended Settings’),然后在接下来的窗口中,单击“测试程序”(‘Test the program’)。
3. 测试程序,如果游戏运行流畅则永久应用这些设置并退出。
方法 9:禁用任何防病毒(Antivirus)软件
您可以按照以下步骤在Windows Defender中进行例外处理:
1. 在 Windows 搜索栏中键入病毒和威胁防护( Virus & threat protection ),然后在搜索返回时按 Enter。
2. 向下滚动并选择位于“排除”部分下的“添加或删除排除” 。(‘Add or Remove Exclusions’)
3. 单击(Click)“添加排除项”(‘Add an exclusion’)旁边的加号 (+) 图标,然后在出现的弹出菜单中选择“文件夹”( ‘Folder’)。然后找到并选择Dragon Age : Inquisition 的游戏文件夹。
推荐:(Recommended: )修复 Geforce Experience 错误代码 0x0003(Fix Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003)
方法 10:使用专用显卡运行系统(Graphic Card)
Dragon Age : Inquisition 需要大显卡才能流畅运行,因此显卡不足可能是所有问题的根本原因。用功能强大的专用显卡(如NVIDIA 或 AMD(NVIDIA or AMD)卡)替换低功耗英特尔(Intel)芯片组可能是完美的解决方案。
Fix Dragon Age Inquisition won't launch in Windows 10
Developed by Bioware and published bу Electronіc Arts, Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of the most popular role-playing action game thanks to its incredibly strаtegic multiplayer gameplay. Dragon Age Inquisition is the third major addition in the Dragon Age franchise and is a sequel to the equally-popular Dragon Age: Origin. The game has been available worldwide on all major platforms, namely, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 since November 2014.
Being unable to play a game that you paid good money for is probably the most frustrating thing ever. Launching/Start-up problems are a common issue in games and Dragon Age: Inquisition is not immune to this either. But luckily, it is an easy problem to fix and requires only a few minutes of your time, after which you can happily go back to being the Inquisitor and continue your journey to close the Breach.
Fix Dragon Age Inquisition won’t launch in Windows 10
In this article, we have listed multiple causes that are known to trigger this problem while also providing you with viable solutions to completely eradicate them.
What can halt Dragon Age: Inquisition from launching?
Before we move towards finding a solution, let’s understand the nature and cause of the issue. There is no one specific reason for this issue, it has multiple triggers caused due to a number of possible misconfigurations.
Conflicting background services – Services running in the background may be interfering with the game’s function and causing an issue. Usually, it is one of Windows’ very own services or some third-party applications that are the culprits.
Missing or corrupt game files – Each and every game file is necessary for the game to launch and function correctly. Even a single missing or corrupt file can cause major problems to the gameplay.
Direct X and VC Redist – The Direct X and VC Redist application files are provided with the game itself, inside a folder called ‘game installation’. Sometimes, versions of Direct X or VC Redist may not be compatible with the user’s system, thus interfering with the game’s function and preventing it from launch.
Administrative Privileges – One needs to grant the game administrative privilege for its elements to run smoothly and correctly. If these privileges aren’t granted, they can halt its functionality.
Full- Screen Optimization – Windows full-screen optimization feature was introduced to run the game as a ‘borderless window’. This feature is intended to smoothen the gaming experience but it can also end up interfering with the game elements.
Compatibility – Dragon Age: Inquisition’s program requirements may not be compatible with the architecture of Windows 10 on your system, which may result in conflicts. Luckily, Windows 10 includes a way to run your program in its compatibility mode for previous versions of Windows.
How to fix Dragon Age: Inquisition won’t launch?
Now that you understand the basic nature of the problem, you can move forward towards finding a solution. Listed below are various methods to fix this issue. Go through them one by one until you find a solution that helps you launch the game.
Method 1: Check System Requirements
First off, check your system specifications as the game developers have put forth certain system requirements that are essential for the game to run smoothly. Sometimes, the hardware installed may not meet these minimum requirements, due to which the game stops running. Checking your computer’s specifications and then comparing them with the actual game requirements is essential.
Recommended specification for Dragon Age: Inquisition to run smoothly are:
CPU: AMD six-core CPU @ 3.2 GHz, Intel quad-core CPU @ 3.0 GHz
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
System RAM: 8 GB
Hard drive: 26 GB
DirectX 11
Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
Graphics memory: 3 GB
The minimum specification needed for Dragon Age: Inquisition to function are:
OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
CPU: AMD quad-core CPU @ 2.5 GHz, Intel quad-core CPU @ 2.0 GHz
System RAM: 4 GB
Hard drive: 26 GB
DirectX 10
Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 4870, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Graphics memory: 512 MB
If you don’t know the specifications already, you can check your system’s hardware by following the below mentioned process:
1. Open the Run prompt by pressing the Windows key + R. Type ‘dxdiag’ and then hit ‘Enter’. Confirm any other prompts that pop up.
2. This will open the ‘DirectX Diagnostic Tool’ window, here you will find all your system specifications listed.
You can switch to the Display tab to check your graphic card information. If you have a dedicated graphics card, information regarding it will be listed in the Render tab.
Compare the values to the recommended ones and check if your system is up to mark. If your system is fully compatible, you can move to the next solution.
Method 2: Clean boot your PC
There are a number of services that constantly run in the background without the user ever knowing about them. One of these background services may be causing a conflict with certain essential game services prompting launch issues for Dragon Age Inquisition.
Booting into the Windows system without any third party services or other unnecessary Windows Services running might be the optimal solution in this case.
1. Firstly, make sure that you are logged into the computer from the administrator account. Now, type ‘MSConfig’ in the Windows Search bar and hit Enter.
2. In the resulting System Configuration window, click on the ‘Services’ tab.
3. Now, check the box next to ‘Hide all Microsoft Services’.
4. Finally, click on the ‘Disable All’ button to stop all the third-party services from running in the background.
5. To make sure that all applications are disabled, first right-click on the Taskbar and select ‘Task Manager’. You can also open the Task Manager by simultaneously pressing the ‘Ctrl + Shift + Esc’ keys.
6. Next, click on the ‘Start-up’ tab located on top.
7. Now, under the ‘Status’ section, make sure that all the applications are labeled as ‘Disabled’. If you spot any that aren’t, click on their name and then the ‘Disable’ button.
8. Restart your computer once all applications are disabled. Run the game again and check if the error persists.
Method 3: Verify game files
Every game you download or install brings along a bunch of files and each one is important for the proper functioning of the game. Even a single missing or corrupt file can lead to a variety of issues in your gameplay. So it is important to check if all the game files are present and are not corrupted.
1. Open the Origin Client application on your system and sign in to your account.
2. Click on the ‘Game Library’ option located on the left panel to find all your games. Right-click on ‘Dragon Age’ and in the resulting drop-down menu, select the ‘Repair Game’ option to verify if all the game files are present. Now, missing files will automatically be downloaded and corrupted ones will be replaced.
3. After a few minutes, run the game again and check if it is running smoothly.
Method 4: Reinstall Direct X and VC Redist
Each game installs its own version of Direct X & VC Redist and it is possible that the installed version might be coinciding with the game and preventing it from launching correctly. So we will be installing the recommended versions of Direct X & VC Redist manually. Below is the procedure to do the same.
For Direct X
1. Open the file explorer (Windows key + E) and navigate yourself to the following location – ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\directx\redist’
2. Go through all the items to find ‘DXSetup.exe’ executable and run it to replace all the previous versions.
For VC Redist
1. Similar to Direct X, navigate to ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\__Installer\vc’
2. In the folder, run all the ‘VCRedist.exe’ executable files to replace every previous version.
Restart your computer and check if the problem continues.
Also Read: 10 Ways To Fix Minecraft Crashing Issues on Windows 10
Method 5: Update your Graphics Driver
Keeping your graphic card up to date is crucial for your system as well as your gameplay. A graphics driver controls how you see images/videos (or text) on games, websites, video streams, and more.
Updating a graphic card boosts your system’s overall performance and helps you get a clearer image. There are multiple ways to update your graphic drivers and a few are listed below:
1. Open the Control Panel and find the companion application for your graphic card (GeForce Experience for Nvidia users). You can open the program to manage the graphics card’s settings among other things. Locate the option to update drivers and click on it. Follow any on-screen prompts that follow.
2. You can also update the drivers through the device manager.
1. Press ‘Windows key + X’ to open the Power user menu and choose Device Manager.
2. In the Device Manager window, expand the ‘Display Adapters’ and right-click on the graphic card. Select ‘Update Driver’.
3. Now, choose the ‘Search automatically for updated driver software’ option.
Wait until the process is over and restart your system to check if the issue has been fixed. If you’re unable to fix Dragon Age Inquisition won’t launch in Windows 10, then try these 4 ways to update the graphics driver.
Method 6: Grant your game Administrative Privileges
Administrative privileges are required by certain elements of the game to function. If these permissions aren’t granted, issues may arise and disrupt your gameplay. You can easily grant these privileges by following the below method:
1. Open the game installation folder on your system. Right-click on the game executable file (files with the extension ‘.exe’) and click on ‘Properties’. You can also select the file and press ‘Alt + Enter’ to open Properties.
2. In the properties window, click on the ‘Compatibility’ tab. Then check the box next to ‘Run this program as an administrator’.
Restart your system once and run the game to check if you still face the issue.
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Method 7: Disable full-screen optimization
As mentioned earlier, the full-screen optimization function of Windows was introduced to run applications as a ‘borderless window’, i.e, in full screen, but this attempt of creating a better gaming experience and smoothening the gameplay may be interfering with the game’s program.
You can disable the full-screen optimization mode by following the below method:
1. Following the previous method, open the ‘Properties’ of the game’s executable file. Switch to the ‘Compatibility’ tab again.
2. Check the box located next to the ‘Disable fullscreen optimizations’ option. Now, tap on the ‘Apply’ button.
Start the game again and check if it runs without interruptions.
Method 8: Troubleshoot Compatibilities
In some systems, Dragon Age: Inquisition may not fully support the architecture of Windows 10. This can lead to a problem when trying to launch the game or while playing it. You can use the Windows troubleshooting tool to determine the best OS version for the game.
1. Open the game executable’s properties windows and then click on the ‘Compatibility’ tab. Press the ‘Run Compatibility Troubleshooter’ button to start the process.
2. Wait for Windows to automatically determine the most suitable operating system to run the game in compatibility mode for. Select ‘Try Recommended Settings’ and in the next windows, click on ‘Test the program’.
3. Test the program, apply these settings permanently if the game runs smoothly and exit.
Method 9: Disable any Antivirus software
Occasionally, third-party antivirus software can flag and label a perfectly safe program as ‘Unsafe’. These false alarms can prevent a safe program from launching. Hence, disabling all your anti-virus, anti-malware software or any other security program might hold the key to solving the problem.
We recommend that you should make an exception in the software to bypass the scan of the particular game instead of disabling the program completely.
You can make an exception in Windows Defender by following the below step:
1. Type Virus & threat protection in the windows search bar and press enter when the search returns.
2. Scroll down and select ‘Add or Remove Exclusions’ located under the ‘ Exclusions’ section.
3. Click on the plus (+) icon located next to ‘Add an exclusion’ and in the resulting pop-up menu choose ‘Folder’. Then find and select Dragon Age: Inquisition’s game folder.
This will make your antivirus software skip the game during its usual scan, thus preventing it from raising any red flags.
Recommended: Fix Geforce Experience Error Code 0x0003
Method 10: Run your system with a dedicated Graphic Card
Dragon Age: Inquisition requires a hefty graphics card to function smoothly, so an inadequate graphic card may be the root cause of all your problems. Replacing a low power Intel chipset with a capable dedicated graphics card (like NVIDIA or AMD cards) may be the perfect solution.