ETL 是Extract、Transform 和 Load(Extract, Transform, and Load)的缩写。它是从各种数据源收集数据并将其转换为可以存储和将来引用的格式的过程。数据(Data)管理变得更容易,并且通过使用数据库和ETL技术来改进数据仓库。以下是精选的最佳ETL工具,以及对它们最受欢迎的功能的描述以及指向各自网站的链接。ETL工具列表包括商业和开源ETL工具。
28 个最佳 ETL 工具列表(28 Best ETL Tools list)
ETL软件从各种(ETL)RDBMS源系统收集数据,对其进行修改(例如,通过应用计算和连接),然后将其插入数据仓库(Data Warehouse)系统。数据(Data)取自OLTP数据库,转换为适合数据仓库模式,然后输入数据仓库数据库。继续阅读以了解Python ETL和类似的。以下是具有其功能的开源ETL工具列表。(ETL)
1. 五流(1. Fivetran)
Fivetran是一种 ETL 工具,可适应不断变化的环境,具有以下列出的显着功能:
- 它是顶级云 ETL 工具(Cloud ETL Tools)之一,因为它会自动调整架构和 API 更改(automatically adjusts to schema and API changes),使数据访问变得简单可靠。
- 它帮助您使用定义的模式开发强大的自动化流程。
- 该软件允许您快速添加其他数据源(add additional data sources quickly)。
- 无需培训或特定代码。
支持BigQuery、Snowflake、Azure、Redshift(BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure, Redshift)和其他数据库。
- 它使您可以通过SQL 访问(SQL access)所有数据。
(Complete replication)默认情况下启用完整复制。
2. IBM Infosphere DataStage
IBM Data Stage也是此列表中最好的 ETL 工具之一,它允许您处理扩展的元数据并将您的组织与世界其他地方联系起来。
- 它提供可靠的 ETL 数据(reliable ETL data)。
支持Hadoop 和大数据(Hadoop and Big Data)。
- 无需安装新的软件或硬件即可(without new software or hardware)访问(accessed) 额外的存储或服务。
- 此应用程序允许实时数据集成。
- 它优先考虑关键任务操作(mission-critical operations),以充分利用您的装备。
- 它使您能够解决具有挑战性的大数据问题。
- 它可以安装在本地或云端(on-premises or in the cloud)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 31 种最佳网页抓取工具(31 Best Web Scraping Tools)
- 其基于实体的ETL解决方案涵盖了基于(ETL)客户、设备、订单(customers, devices, orders)等业务实体的完整数据集成-准备-交付生命周期。
- 它提供实体的 360 度大规模视图(360-degree view of the entity at scale),允许瞬间提供数据。
- 它适用于任何形式的集成,包括推拉式、实时流式传输和 CDC(push-and-pull, live streaming, and CDC)。
- 它还可以实时清理、格式化、丰富和匿名化数据,从而可以进行运营分析并遵守监管要求。(cleans, formats, enriches, and anonymizes data)
- 它创建了允许完全自动化和产品化的迭代数据管道流程。(iterative data pipeline processes)
- 它通过根据业务实体转换数据来消除对存储或暂存设施的要求。
4. 人才(4. Talend)
Talend 的(Talend’s)Open Studio是免费和开源的ETL工具之一,具有以下列出的显着特性:
- 它旨在转换、聚合和更新(transform, aggregate, and update data)来自多个来源的数据。
- 此应用程序带有一组简单的功能,可简化数据处理。
- 该 ETL 解决方案可以处理大数据集成、数据质量和主数据管理(big data integration, data quality, and master data management)。
- 它无缝连接了 900 多个不同的数据库、文件和应用程序(over 900 different databases, files, and applications)。
- 可以在数据库系统之间同步元数据。
- 管理和监控工具用于启动和监督作业。
- 它支持复杂的流程工作流和重要的数据集成转换(sophisticated process workflows and significant data integration transformations)。
- 它可以处理集成过程的设计、构建、测试和部署(design, construction, testing, and deployment of integration processes)等。
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Actian 的(Actian’s) DataConnect是一种数据集成和ETL解决方案,结合了两全其美。
- 在本地或云端,该工具可帮助您设计、部署和管理数据集成(designing, deploying, and managing data integrations)。
- 数百个预建连接器允许您连接到本地和云源。
- 它提供了一种简单且标准化的RESTful Web 服务 API方法。(RESTful web service APIs)
- 借助IDE框架,您可以通过提供可重用的模板轻松扩展和完成集成。
- 此高级用户工具允许您直接使用元数据。
- 它有多种部署选项(variety of deployment options)。
6. Qlik 实时 ETL(6. Qlik Real-Time ETL)
Qlik是一个ETL和数据集成工具。可视化、仪表板和应用程序(Visualizations, dashboards, and applications)都可以使用它创建。
- 它还允许您查看数据中包含的完整故事。
- 它实时响应(responds in real-time)交互和变化。
- 可以使用多种数据源和文件类型(various data sources and file types)。
- 它使用拖放界面创建可定制的动态数据可视化。(customizable and dynamic data visualizations)
- 它允许您使用自然搜索遍历困难的材料。
- 此外,它还为所有设备提供数据和内容保护(data and content protection across all devices)。
- 它使用一个中心来传播重要的分析,包括应用程序和新闻(apps and news)。
7. 数据多(7. Dataddo)
- 其庞大的连接器库和自定义数据源可以完全控制您需要的测量和属性。
- 中央控制面板同时监控所有数据管道的状态(monitors the status of all data pipelines)。
- 此外,该平台与您现有的数据堆栈协同工作,无需更改您的数据架构。
- 由于其简单的用户界面(simple user interface),非技术人员易于使用。
- 在安全性方面,它符合GDPR、SOC2 和 ISO 27001 标准(GDPR, SOC2, and ISO 27001 standards)。
- Dataddo 的用户友好界面、易于实施和新颖的集成技术(user-friendly interface, easy implementation, and novel integration technologies)简化了可靠数据管道的构建。
- Dataddo内部管理 API 更新(API updates internally),因此无需维护。
- 在十天内,可以添加新的连接。
- 对于每个来源,您可以选择自己的质量和指标。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
8. Oracle 数据集成器(8. Oracle Data Integrator)
ETL 软件是Oracle Data Integrator。它是作为单个实体处理的一组数据。
- 该数据库的目标是跟踪和检索相关数据(keep track of and retrieve relevant data)。
- 它是最有效的ETL测试工具之一,允许服务器管理大量数据,同时允许不同用户访问相同的信息。
- 它通过以相同方式跨驱动器分布数据(distributing data across drives)来提供一致的性能。
- 它适用于单实例和真实世界的应用程序集群(single-instance and real-world application clusters)。
(Real-time application testing)还提供实时应用程序测试。
- 要传输大量数据,您需要高速连接。
- 它与UNIX/Linux and Windows systems兼容。
- 它具有虚拟化支持。
- 此功能允许您连接到(connect to a) 远程数据库、表或视图(remote database, table, or view)。
9. 日志存储(9. Logstash)
- 它收集数据输入并将它们发送到 Elasticsearch 进行索引(data inputs and sends them to Elasticsearch for indexing)。
- 它使您能够从各种来源收集数据并使其可供将来使用。(available for future use.)
- Logstash可以汇集来自各种来源的数据并将其标准化以用于您的预期目的地。
- 它使您能够清理和普及所有数据,为分析和用例可视化做准备。
- 它提供了整合数据处理(consolidate data processing)的能力。
- 它检查范围广泛的有组织和非结构化数据以及事件。
- 它提供了用于连接众多输入源和平台的插件(plug-ins for connecting to numerous input sources and platforms)。
10. CData 同步(10. CData Sync)
在CData Sync中,您的所有Cloud/SaaS数据可以在几分钟内轻松复制(duplicated)到任何数据库或数据仓库。
- 您可以将驱动您的组织的数据与BI、分析和机器学习(BI, Analytics, and Machine Learning)联系起来。
- 它可以连接到Redshift、Snowflake、BigQuery、SQL Server、MySQL 等数据库(Redshift, Snowflake, BigQuery, SQL Server, MySQL, and others)。
- CData Sync是一个简单的数据管道,可将数据从任何应用程序(imports data from any application)或数据源导入您的数据库或数据仓库。
- 它集成了 100 多个业务数据源,包括CRM、ERP、营销自动化、会计、协作(CRM, ERP, Marketing Automation, Accounting, Collaboration)等。
- 它提供智能的自动增量数据复制(automated incremental data replication)。
- (Data)ETL/ELT数据转换可以完全定制。
- 它可以在本地或云端(locally or in the cloud)使用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Google Chrome 上阻止和取消阻止网站(How to Block and Unblock a Website on Google Chrome)
11. 集成.io(11.
Integrate.io是一个专注于电子商务的数据仓库集成平台(Data Warehouse Integration Platform)。这是最好的开源ETL工具之一,包含以下列出的显着功能:
- 它帮助电子商务企业开发360 度(360-degree perspective)客户视角,为数据驱动的选择提供单一事实来源,通过改进运营洞察力增强客户洞察力,并提高投资回报率(ROI)。
- 它提供了一个功能强大的低代码数据转换解决方案(low-code data transformation solution)。
- 可以从任何支持 RestAPI 的源(RestAPI-enabled source)中检索数据。如果不存在RestAPI,您可以使用 的API 生成器(API Generator)来构建一个。
- 数据可以发送到数据库、数据仓库、NetSuite 和 Salesforce(databases, data warehouses, NetSuite, and Salesforce)。
- 与Shopify、NetSuite、BigCommerce 和 Magento(Shopify, NetSuite, BigCommerce, and Magento)等主要电子商务平台集成。
- 现场级数据加密、SOC II 认证、GDPR 合规性和数据屏蔽(field-level data encryption, SOC II certification, GDPR compliance, and data masking)等安全功能可帮助您满足所有监管标准。
- Integrate.io非常重视客户服务和反馈。
- 它的创建目标是自动化数据仓库和大数据的测试(goal of automating the testing of Data Warehouses and Big Data)。
- 它还确保从数据源收集的数据保存在目标系统中。
- 它使您能够提高数据质量和治理(improve data quality and governance)。
- 使用此程序可以加快您的数据传输周期。
- 它有助于手动测试的自动化(automation of manual testing)。
- 它提供在各种平台上的测试,包括Oracle、Teradata、IBM、Amazon、Cloudera等。
- 它将测试过程加速 1,000 倍(accelerates the testing procedure 1,000 times),同时提供 100% 的数据覆盖率。
- 对于大多数Build、ETL和 QA 管理软件,它包含一个开箱即用的 DevOps 解决方案(out-of-the-box DevOps solution)。
- 它提供共享和自动化的电子邮件报告和数据健康仪表板。(email reports and data health dashboards)
13. 河流(13. Rivery)
- 公司的所有内部和外部数据源都通过 Rivery 的ETL(ETL)平台在云中进行整合、转换和管理。
- Rivery 使团队能够为单个团队或项目创建和克隆定制环境。(create and clone bespoke environments)
- Rivery 具有广泛的预构建数据模型(pre-built data models)库,使数据团队能够快速开发有效的数据管道。
- 它是一个完全托管的平台,没有编码、自动可扩展性和令人头疼(no coding, auto-scalability, and no headaches)的问题。
- Rivery负责后端,允许团队专注于关键任务工作,而不是定期维护。
- 它使企业能够立即将数据从云仓库传送到业务应用程序、营销云、CPD(deliver data from cloud warehouses to business apps, marketing clouds, CPDs)和其他系统。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 Windows 的最佳文件复制软件(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows)
14.DB转换(14. DBConvert)
- 该应用程序中有十多个数据库引擎(more than ten database engines)。
- 它允许您在更短的时间内传输超过100 万条数据库记录。(1 million database records)
- 支持以下服务:Microsoft Azure SQL、Amazon RDS、Heroku 和 Google Cloud(Microsoft Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, Heroku, and Google Cloud)。
- 有50 多种迁移途径(50 migration pathways)可供选择。
- 该工具会自动转换视图/查询。
- 它使用基于触发器的同步机制(trigger-based synchronization mechanism)来加快进程。
15.AWS胶水(15. AWS Glue)
AWS Glue是一种ETL服务,可帮助用户准备和加载数据进行分析,该工具具有以下功能:
- 它是最出色的大数据(Big Data)ETL 工具之一,允许您从AWS 管理控制台开发和执行各种(AWS Management Console)ETL操作。
- 它带有一个自动模式查找功能(automatic schema finding feature)。
- 此ETL(ETL)工具会自动生成用于提取、转换和加载数据(extract, convert, and load your data)的代码。
- AWS Glue 任务可以按计划、按需或响应(run on a schedule, on-demand, or in response)特定事件运行。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中压缩或解压缩文件和文件夹(Zip or Unzip Files and Folders in Windows 10)
16. 阿鲁玛(16. Alooma)
Alooma是一种 ETL 工具,可为团队提供可见性和控制权。
- 它是具有内置安全网(built-in safety nets)的顶级 ETL 解决方案,可让您在不停止流程的情况下管理错误(manage errors without stopping your process)。
- 要进行分析,您可以创建将事务或用户数据与来自任何其他来源的数据混合的混搭。
- 它将数据存储孤岛(data storage silos)组合到一个位置,无论是在本地还是在云中(on-premises or in the cloud)。
- 它为数据移动提供了一种前沿的方法(cutting-edge method for data movement)。
- Alooma的基础设施可以扩展以满足您的需求。
- 它可以帮助您解决数据管道挑战(resolving data pipeline challenges)。
- 它很容易帮助记录所有交互(recording of all interactions)。
17. 斯凯维亚(17. Skyvia)
Skyvia是由Devart构建的云数据平台,允许无编码数据集成、备份、管理和访问(no-coding data integration, backup, management, and access)。以下(Below)是这个最好的开源ETL工具之一的一些功能。
- 它为各种数据集成场景提供ETL解决方案,包括(ETL)CSV 文件(CSV files)、SQL Server、Oracle、PostgreSQL 和 MySQL(SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL)等数据库,Amazon Redshift 和 Google BigQuery 等云数据仓库,以及 Salesforce、HubSpot 等云应用程序,动态 CRM(Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery, and cloud apps such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Dynamics CRM)等。
- Devart拥有超过 40,000 名满意的客户和两个研发部门,是数据访问解决方案、数据库工具、开发工具(data access solutions, database tools, development tools)和其他软件产品的知名且值得信赖的供应商。
- 模板代表常见的集成场景。
- 还提供了云(cloud) 数据备份工具、在线 SQL 客户端和 OData 服务器即服务解决方案(data backup tool, an online SQL client, and an OData server-as-a-service solutio)。
- (Advanced)为数据操作提供了高级映射设置,包括常量、查找和强表达式。(constants, lookups, and strong expressions,)
- 您可以按计划执行集成自动化。
- 它提供了目标保持源数据链接的能力。
- 不重复导入(import without duplicates)至关重要(critical to) 。
- 两个方向是同步的。
- 使用基于向导的无编码技术配置集成不需要大量技术知识。
- 此基于订阅的商业云解决方案提供免费选项。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 28 个最佳错误跟踪工具(Top 28 Best Bug Tracking Tools)
18. 马蒂利翁(18. Matillion)
- 它使您能够轻松、快速、大规模地提取、加载和操作数据(extract, load, and manipulate data with ease, speed, and scale)。
- (ETL)帮助您有效管理组织的ETL解决方案。
- 该程序有助于发现数据的隐藏价值(discovery of your data’s hidden worth)。
- ETL 解决方案可以帮助您更快地实现业务目标。
- 它有助于为数据分析和可视化软件(data analytics and visualization software)准备数据。
19. 流集(19. StreamSets)
StreamSets ETL软件使您能够为公司的所有领域提供连续数据。
- 在新的数据工程和集成方法的支持下,它还可以控制数据漂移(controls data drift)。
- 借助Apache Spark,您可以将大数据转化为整个企业的洞察力。
- 它允许您在不使用Scala或Python编程语言的情况下执行大规模 ETL 和机器学习处理。(perform large-scale ETL and machine learning processing)
- 它通过用于设计、测试和部署 Spark 应用程序(for designing, testing, and deploying Spark applications)的单一界面快速运行。
- 通过漂移和错误管理,它提供了对Spark操作的更多可见性。
20. Informatica PowerCenter
ETL工具列表中的下一个是 Informatica Corporation 的Informatica PowerCenter,它是下面列出的重要功能的最佳工具之一:
- 它是可用的最出色的 ETL 工具之一,能够连接并从各种来源获取数据(connect and get data from various sources)。
- 它带有一个集中的日志记录机制,可以更轻松地记录错误并将数据拒绝到关系表中。
- 它通过内置智能提高性能(improves performance with built-in intelligence)。
- 它具有限制 Session Log(to limit the Session Log)的能力。
- 该工具提供数据集成扩展能力(Data Integration Scale-up Capability)和数据架构基础(Data Architecture Foundation)的现代化(Modernization)。
- 它通过强制执行的代码开发最佳实践提供更好的设计。
可以将代码与第三方软件(Integration of code with third-party software)配置工具集成,
- 此外,您可以在地理位置分散的团队成员之间进行同步(synchronize among members of a geographically dispersed team)。
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21. 布兰多(21. Blendo)
- 该工具可以帮助您节省大量实施时间。
- 该工具提供具有所有功能的14 天免费试用。(14-day free trial)
- 它将分析就绪的数据(analytics-ready data into your data warehouse)从您的云服务获取到您的数据仓库。
- 它使您能够混合来自多个来源(例如销售、营销和客户服务)的数据,以显示与您的组织相关的答案(sales, marketing, and customer service to surface answers relevant to your organization)。
- 借助可靠的数据、模式和分析就绪的表,此工具可让您快速加快调查(quickly speed up your investigation)以获得洞察力。
22. IRI贪婪(22. IRI Voracity)
- 它在 Eclipse 中内置并(data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics features built-in and on Eclipse)提供了广泛的数据发现、集成、迁移、治理和分析功能。
- 数据(Data)映射和迁移可以修改字段、记录、文件、表的字节顺序,并添加代理键(endianness of fields, records, files, tables, and add surrogate keys)。
- 它为结构化、半结构化和非结构化数据、静态和流数据、历史和当前系统、本地和云环境、静态和流数据、历史和现代系统以及本地和云环境提供连接器。
- Voracity 支持数百个数据源,并(data sources and directly feeds BI and visualization targets)作为生产分析平台直接提供 BI 和可视化目标。
还可以使用多线程和资源优化的 IRI CoSort 引擎在 MR2、Spark、Spark Stream、Storm 或 Tez(Transformations in MR2, Spark, Spark Stream, Storm, or Tez, using the multi-threaded and resource-optimizing IRI CoSort engine)中进行转换。
预排序的批量加载、测试表、自定义格式的文件、管道和 URL、NoSQL 集合(Pre-sorted bulk loads, test tables, custom-formatted files, pipelines and URLs, NoSQL collections)和其他目标都可以同时创建。
ETL、子集、复制、更改数据捕获、渐变维度、测试数据创建(ETL, subsetting, replication, change data capture, slowly changing dimensions, test data creation)和更多向导可用。
- 使用数据清理工具和规则,您可以识别、过滤、统一、替换、验证、规范、标准化和综合值(identify, filter, unify, replace, validate, regulate, standardize, and synthesize values)。
- 此外,它还提供与Splunk和KNIME分析、同传报告和数据整理的集成。
- 出于性能或成本原因,用户可以利用该平台加速或放弃当前的ETL解决方案,例如Informatica 。
- ETL 解决方案可以构建采用已经优化的 E、T 和 L 程序的实时或批处理流程。
- 在任务和 IO 合并的数据操作中给出了许多转换、数据质量和屏蔽功能。
- 它的速度与Ab Initio相当,而成本与Pentaho相当。
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23. Azure 数据工厂(23. Azure Data Factory)
Azure 数据工厂(Azure Data Factory)是一种混合数据集成解决方案,可提高ETL流程的效率。
- 它是一种既经济又无服务器(both cost-effective and serverless)的云数据集成解决方案。
- 它缩短了上市时间以提高生产力。
- Azure安全措施允许您连接到本地、基于云和软件即服务的程序(on-premises, cloud-based, and software-as-a-service programs)。
- 构建混合ETL和ELT管道不需要任何维护。
- 您可以使用SSIS 集成运行时(SSIS integration runtime)重新托管本地SSIS包。
24. SAS
- 这些活动是从一个中心位置协调的。因此,用户可以从任何地方通过Internet访问应用程序。
- 可以使用报告和统计可视化显示数据(reports and statistical visualizations)。
- 应用程序交付通常更接近于一对多模型,而不是一对一模式(closer to a one-to-many model)。
- 它能够进行复杂的分析并在公司内部传播信息(complex analyses and disseminating information)。
- 原始(Raw)数据文件可以在外部数据库中查看。
- 它使用传统的 ETL 工具进行数据输入、格式化和转换(data entry, formatting, and conversion),以帮助您管理数据。
- 用户可以使用集中的功能更新来获得修复和升级。
25. Pentaho 数据集成(25. Pentaho Data Integration)
- 该程序使用简单的交互式方法(simple and interactive method)来帮助业务用户访问、发现和合并(accessing, discovering, and merging data)各种类型和大小的数据。
- 数据管道可以在企业平台的帮助下加速。
- 社区(Community)仪表板编辑器(Dashboard Editor)支持快速创建和部署(rapid creation and deployment)。
- 它是所有数据集成问题的完整解决方案。
- 无需编码,大数据集成成为可能。
- 该程序简化了嵌入式分析。
- 几乎可以访问任何数据源。
- 自定义(Custom)仪表板可帮助您可视化数据。
- 对于知名的云数据仓库,提供批量加载支持(bulk load support is available)。
- 它提供了将所有数据与易用性结合起来(combine all data with ease of usage)的能力。
- 它启用mongo dB 操作报告(mongo dB operational reporting)。
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26. 伊特莱普(26. Etleap)
- 您可以使用此工具来开发ETL数据管道。
- 它有助于减少工程工作量(reduction of engineering efforts)。
- 您无需编写任何代码即可创建、管理和扩展 ETL 管道。(create, manage, and grow ETL pipelines)
- 它允许您轻松集成所有资源。(integrate all of your sources)
- Etleap跟踪ETL管道并协助解决模式更新和源 API 限制(schema updates and source API restrictions)等问题。
- 使用管道编排和调度,您可以自动执行重复的活动。
27. 赫沃(27. Hevo)
Hevo也是此列表中最好的 ETL 工具之一,具有无代码数据管道(Data Pipeline)平台。它可以让您从任何来源实时传输数据,包括数据库、云应用程序、SDK 和流媒体(databases, cloud applications, SDKs, and streaming)。
- Hevo只需几分钟即可设置和运行。
- Hevo提供准确的警报和详细的监控,以始终掌握您的数据。
- Hevo 强大的算法可以检测传入的数据模式并将其复制到数据仓库中,(detect incoming data schema and replicate it in the data warehouse)而无需任何用户交互。
- 它建立在实时流式架构(real-time streaming architecture)之上,允许您将数据实时输入到您的仓库中。
- 这可确保您随时准备好分析数据。
- 在将数据迁移到仓库之前和之后,Hevo包含复杂的工具,可让您清理、修改和增强数据(clean, modify, and enhance your data)。
- 它符合GDPR、SOC II 和 HIPAA 法规(GDPR, SOC II, and HIPAA regulations)。
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28. SQL Server 集成服务(28. SQL Server Integration Services)
ETL 活动是使用SQL Server Integration Services执行的,这是一种数据仓库工具,这个开源ETL工具具有以下功能:
- SQL Server 集成(SQL Server Integration)还附带大量预建作业(large number of pre-built jobs)。
Microsoft Visual Studio 和 SQL Server(Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server)紧密相连。
- 维护和打包设置更容易。
- 它消除了网络作为数据插入的瓶颈。
- 数据可以同时导入多个位置(imported to several locations simultaneously)。
- 在同一个包中,它可以处理来自多个数据源的数据(data from many data sources)。
- SSIS接受来自具有挑战性的来源的数据,例如FTP、HTTP、MSMQ 和分析服务(FTP, HTTP, MSMQ, and Analysis services)。
我们希望本文对您有所帮助,并且您已经了解了最佳ETL 工具列表(ETL tools list)。从列表中告诉我们您最喜欢的开源或Python ETL工具。请随时在评论部分提出您的疑问或建议。另外,让我们知道你接下来想学什么。
28 Best ETL Tools list
ETL is an abbreviation for Extract, Transform, and Load. It is the process of collecting data from diverse data sources and converting it into a format that can be stored and referenced in the future. Data administration is made easier, and data warehousing is improved by employing databases and ETL technologies like these. The following is a hand-picked selection of the best ETL tools, along with descriptions of their most popular features and links to respective websites. The ETL tools list includes both commercial and open source ETL tools.
28 Best ETL Tools list
ETL software collects data from various RDBMS source systems, modifies it (for example, by applying computations and concatenations), and then inserts it into the Data Warehouse system. Data is taken from an OLTP database, transformed to fit the data warehouse schema, and then fed into the data warehouse database. Continue reading to learn about Python ETL and similar ones. Following is a list of open source ETL tools with their features.
1. Fivetran
Fivetran is an ETL tool that adapts to the changing landscape with noticeable features that are listed below:
- It’s one of the top Cloud ETL Tools because it automatically adjusts to schema and API changes, making data access simple and dependable.
- It assists you in the development of strong and automated processes using defined schemas.
- This software allows you to add additional data sources quickly.
- There is no need for training or specific code.
BigQuery, Snowflake, Azure, Redshift, and other databases are supported.
- It gives you SQL access to all of your data.
Complete replication is enabled by default.
2. IBM Infosphere DataStage
IBM Data Stage is also one of the best ETL tools in this list that allows you to handle expanded metadata and link your organization to the rest of the world.
- It provides reliable ETL data.
Hadoop and Big Data are supported.
- Additional storage or services can be accessed without new software or hardware being installed.
- This application allows for real-time data integration.
- It prioritizes mission-critical operations to make the most of your gear.
- It gives you the ability to solve challenging big data problems.
- It may be installed either on-premises or in the cloud.
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3. K2View
K2View utilizes an entity approach to ETL and is one of the best for the following reasons:
- Its entity-based ETL solutions span the complete data integration-preparation-delivery lifecycle based on business entities like customers, devices, orders, and many more.
- It provides a 360-degree view of the entity at scale, allowing for split-second data provisioning.
- It works with any form of integration, including push-and-pull, live streaming, and CDC.
- It also cleans, formats, enriches, and anonymizes data in real-time, making it possible to conduct operational analytics and comply with regulatory requirements.
- It creates iterative data pipeline processes that allow for complete automation and productization.
- It removes the requirement for storage or staging facilities by transforming data depending on business entities.
4. Talend
Talend’s Open Studio is one of the free and open source ETL tools with noticeable features that are listed below:
- It’s designed to transform, aggregate, and update data from several sources.
- This application comes with a simple collection of features that simplify working with data.
- This ETL solution can handle big data integration, data quality, and master data management.
- It seamlessly connects over 900 different databases, files, and applications.
- It is possible to synchronize metadata between database systems.
- Management and monitoring tools are used to launch and supervise the jobs.
- It supports sophisticated process workflows and significant data integration transformations.
- It can handle the design, construction, testing, and deployment of integration processes, among other things.
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5. Actian
Actian’s DataConnect is a data integration and ETL solution that combines the best of both worlds.
- On-premises or in the cloud, the tool assists you in designing, deploying, and managing data integrations.
- Hundreds of pre-built connectors allow you to connect to on-premise and cloud sources.
- It offers an approach to RESTful web service APIs that are simple and standardized.
- With the IDE framework, you can easily scale and complete integrations by providing reusable templates.
- This tool for power users allows you to work directly with metadata.
- It has a variety of deployment options.
6. Qlik Real-Time ETL
Qlik is an ETL and data integration tool. Visualizations, dashboards, and applications may all be created using it.
- It also allows you to view the complete story included inside the data.
- It responds in real-time to interactions and changes.
- There are various data sources and file types that may be used.
- It creates customizable and dynamic data visualizations using drag-and-drop interfaces.
- It allows you to traverse difficult materials using natural search.
- Also, it provides data and content protection across all devices.
- It uses a single center to disseminate important analysis, including apps and news.
7. Dataddo
Dataddo is a flexible cloud-based ETL platform that requires no coding consisting of the following features:
- Its large library of connectors and customized data sources provides complete control over the measurements and properties you need.
- A central control panel monitors the status of all data pipelines simultaneously.
- In addition, the platform works in tandem with your existing data stack, needing no changes to your data architecture.
- It’s easy to use for non-technical people due to its simple user interface.
- In terms of security, it complies with GDPR, SOC2, and ISO 27001 standards.
- Dataddo’s user-friendly interface, easy implementation, and novel integration technologies simplify building reliable data pipelines.
- Dataddo manages API updates internally, so there is no need for maintenance.
- Within ten days, new connections can be added.
- For each source, you may choose your own qualities and metrics.
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8. Oracle Data Integrator
ETL software is Oracle Data Integrator. It’s a group of data that are handled as a single entity.
- The goal of this database is to keep track of and retrieve relevant data.
- It is one of the most effective ETL testing tools, allowing the server to manage large volumes of data while allowing different users to access the same information.
- It provides consistent performance by distributing data across drives in the same way.
- It’s suitable for both single-instance and real-world application clusters.
Real-time application testing is also available.
- To transport large amounts of data, you’ll need a high-speed connection.
- It’s compatible with both UNIX/Linux and Windows systems.
- It has virtualization support.
- This function allows you to connect to a remote database, table, or view.
9. Logstash
The next data collecting pipeline tool on the list is Logstash which is considered one of the best due to the following reasons:
- It gathers data inputs and sends them to Elasticsearch for indexing.
- It enables you to collect data from various sources and make it available for future use.
- Logstash can bring together data from a variety of sources and normalize it for use in your intended destinations.
- It enables you to cleanse and democratize all of your data in preparation for analytics and use case visualization.
- It provides the ability to consolidate data processing.
- It examines a wide range of organized and unstructured data as well as events.
- It provides plug-ins for connecting to numerous input sources and platforms.
10. CData Sync
In CData Sync, all your Cloud/SaaS data may be readily duplicated to any database or data warehouse in minutes.
- You can link the data that drives your organization with BI, Analytics, and Machine Learning.
- It can connect to databases like Redshift, Snowflake, BigQuery, SQL Server, MySQL, and others.
- CData Sync is a simple data pipeline that imports data from any application or data source into your database or data warehouse.
- It integrates with more than 100 business data sources, including CRM, ERP, Marketing Automation, Accounting, Collaboration, and others.
- It offers automated incremental data replication that is intelligent.
- Data transformation in ETL/ELT may be totally customized.
- It may be used locally or in the cloud.
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11. is an e-commerce-focused Data Warehouse Integration Platform. This one of the best open source ETL tools comprises noticeable features that are listed below:
- It aids e-commerce businesses in developing a 360-degree perspective of their customers, producing a single source of truth for data-driven choices, enhancing customer insights through improved operational insights, and boosting ROI.
- It offers a low-code data transformation solution with a lot of power.
- Data may be retrieved from any RestAPI-enabled source. If no RestAPI exists, you may use’s API Generator to build one.
- Data may be sent to databases, data warehouses, NetSuite, and Salesforce.
- integrates with Shopify, NetSuite, BigCommerce, and Magento, among other major e-commerce platforms.
- Security features such as field-level data encryption, SOC II certification, GDPR compliance, and data masking help you meet all regulatory standards.
- places a premium on customer service and feedback.
12. QuerySurge
RTTS is another one of the best ETL tools in this list that has created an ETL testing solution called QuerySurge which has the following features:
- It was created with the goal of automating the testing of Data Warehouses and Big Data.
- It also assures that data collected from data sources is preserved in the destination systems.
- It gives you the ability to improve data quality and governance.
- Your data transmission cycles can be sped up using this program.
- It aids in the automation of manual testing.
- It provides testing on various platforms, including Oracle, Teradata, IBM, Amazon, Cloudera, and others.
- It accelerates the testing procedure 1,000 times while simultaneously offering 100 percent data coverage.
- For most Build, ETL, and QA management software, it incorporates an out-of-the-box DevOps solution.
- It delivers email reports and data health dashboards that are shared and automated.
13. Rivery
Rivery automates and orchestrates all data operations, enabling organizations to realize the potential of their data.
- All of a company’s internal and external data sources are consolidated, transformed, and managed in the cloud through Rivery’s ETL platform.
- Rivery gives teams the ability to create and clone bespoke environments for individual teams or projects.
- Rivery features a wide library of pre-built data models that enable data teams to develop effective data pipelines quickly.
- It’s a completely managed platform with no coding, auto-scalability, and no headaches.
- Rivery takes care of the backend, allowing teams to concentrate on mission-critical work rather than regular maintenance.
- It enables businesses to instantly deliver data from cloud warehouses to business apps, marketing clouds, CPDs, and other systems.
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14. DBConvert
DBConvert is an ETL tool for database synchronization and communication and takes its place on the ETL tools list due to the following reasons:
- There are more than ten database engines in this application.
- It allows you to transmit more than 1 million database records in a shorter time.
- The following services are supported: Microsoft Azure SQL, Amazon RDS, Heroku, and Google Cloud.
- There are more than 50 migration pathways available.
- Views/queries are automatically converted by the tool.
- It uses a trigger-based synchronization mechanism that speeds up the process.
15. AWS Glue
AWS Glue is an ETL service that assists users in preparing and loading data for analysis, and this tool has the following features:
- It’s one of the greatest ETL tools for Big Data, allowing you to develop and perform various ETL operations from the AWS Management Console.
- It comes with an automatic schema finding feature.
- The code to extract, convert, and load your data is generated automatically by this ETL tool.
- AWS Glue tasks can be run on a schedule, on-demand, or in response to a specific event.
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16. Alooma
Alooma is an ETL tool that provides visibility and control to the team.
- It is a top ETL solution with built-in safety nets that allow you to manage errors without stopping your process.
- To analyze, you can create mashups that blend transactional or user data with data from any other source.
- It combines data storage silos into a single location, whether on-premises or in the cloud.
- It provides a cutting-edge method for data movement.
- The infrastructure of Alooma may be scaled to meet your demands.
- It assists you in resolving data pipeline challenges.
- It easily aids in the recording of all interactions.
17. Skyvia
Skyvia is a cloud data platform built by Devart that allows for no-coding data integration, backup, management, and access. Below are a few features of this one of the best open source ETL tools.
- It offers an ETL solution for a variety of data integration scenarios, including CSV files, databases such as SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, cloud data warehouses such as Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery, and cloud apps such as Salesforce, HubSpot, Dynamics CRM, and others.
- With over 40,000 satisfied clients and two R&D departments, Devart is a well-known and trusted provider of data access solutions, database tools, development tools, and other software products.
- Templates represent common integration scenarios.
- A cloud data backup tool, an online SQL client, and an OData server-as-a-service solution are also provided.
- Advanced mapping settings, including constants, lookups, and strong expressions, are provided for data manipulations.
- You can perform integration automation on a schedule.
- It offers the target’s capacity to preserve source data linkages.
- It’s critical to import without duplicates.
- Both directions are synchronized.
- Configuring integrations with a wizard-based, no-coding technique does not require a lot of technical knowledge.
- Free options are available for this commercial, subscription-based cloud solution.
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18. Matillion
Matillion is a cloud-based ETL solution with sophisticated features that are listed below:
- It gives you the ability to extract, load, and manipulate data with ease, speed, and scale.
- ETL solutions that assist you in effectively managing your organization.
- The program aids in the discovery of your data’s hidden worth.
- ETL solutions can help you achieve your business goals faster.
- It aids in the preparation of data for data analytics and visualization software.
19. StreamSets
The StreamSets ETL software enables you to supply continuous data to all areas of your company.
- With the support of a new approach to data engineering and integration, it also controls data drift.
- With Apache Spark, you can turn large data into insights throughout your enterprise.
- It allows you to perform large-scale ETL and machine learning processing without using the Scala or Python programming languages.
- It acts quickly with a single interface for designing, testing, and deploying Spark applications.
- With drift and error management, it provides more visibility into Spark operation.
20. Informatica PowerCenter
The next on the ETL tools list is Informatica Corporation’s Informatica PowerCenter, which is one of the best for the significant features that are listed below:
- It is one of the greatest ETL tools available, with the ability to connect and get data from various sources.
- It comes with a centralized logging mechanism that makes recording errors and rejecting data into relational tables easier.
- It improves performance with built-in intelligence.
- It has the ability to limit the Session Log.
- This tool offers Data Integration Scale-up Capability and Modernization of Data Architecture Foundation.
- It offers better designs with code development best practices that are enforced.
Integration of code with third-party software configuration tools is available,
- Also, you can synchronize among members of a geographically dispersed team.
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21. Blendo
With only a few clicks, Blendo synchronizes analytics-ready data into your data warehouse.
- This tool can help you save a lot of time for implementation.
- The tool offers a 14-day free trial with all capabilities.
- It gets analytics-ready data into your data warehouse from your cloud service.
- It enables you to mix data from many sources such as sales, marketing, and customer service to surface answers relevant to your organization.
- With solid data, schemas, and analytics-ready tables, this tool allows you to quickly speed up your investigation to insights.
22. IRI Voracity
Voracity is a cloud-based ETL and data management platform known for its CoSort engine’s affordable speed-in-volume value.
- It offers extensive data discovery, integration, migration, governance, and analytics features built-in and on Eclipse.
- Data mappings and migrations can modify the endianness of fields, records, files, tables, and add surrogate keys.
- It offers connectors for structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, static and streaming data, historical and current systems, on-premise and cloud environments, static and streaming data, historical and modern systems, and on-premise and cloud environments.
- Voracity supports hundreds of data sources and directly feeds BI and visualization targets as a production analytic platform.
Transformations in MR2, Spark, Spark Stream, Storm, or Tez, using the multi-threaded and resource-optimizing IRI CoSort engine are also available.
Pre-sorted bulk loads, test tables, custom-formatted files, pipelines and URLs, NoSQL collections, and other targets may all be created simultaneously.
ETL, subsetting, replication, change data capture, slowly changing dimensions, test data creation, and more wizards are available.
- Using data cleaning tools and rules, you may identify, filter, unify, replace, validate, regulate, standardize, and synthesize values.
- Also, it offers integration with Splunk and KNIME analytics, same-pass reporting, and data wrangling.
- Users can utilize the platform to speed up or leave a current ETL solution, such as Informatica, for performance or cost reasons.
- ETL solutions can build real-time or batch processes that employ already-optimized E, T, and L procedures.
- Many transformations, data quality, and masking functions are given in a task- and IO-consolidated data manipulation.
- Its speed is comparable to that of Ab Initio, while its cost is comparable to that of Pentaho.
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23. Azure Data Factory
The Azure Data Factory is a hybrid data integration solution that makes the ETL process more efficient.
- It’s a cloud data integration solution that’s both cost-effective and serverless.
- It reduces time to market to increase productivity.
- Azure security measures allow you to connect to on-premises, cloud-based, and software-as-a-service programs.
- Building hybrid ETL and ELT pipelines does not necessitate any maintenance.
- You may use the SSIS integration runtime to rehost on-premises SSIS packages.
24. SAS
SAS is a popular ETL tool that allows you to access data from various sources. This one of best open source ETL tools have the following benefits:
- The activities are coordinated from a central location. As a result, users may access apps through the Internet from anywhere.
- Data may be shown using reports and statistical visualizations.
- Instead of a one-to-one paradigm, application delivery is often closer to a one-to-many model.
- It is capable of doing complex analyses and disseminating information inside the company.
- Raw data files can be viewed in external databases.
- It uses conventional ETL tools for data entry, formatting, and conversion to help you manage your data.
- Users can obtain fixes and upgrades using centralized feature updates.
25. Pentaho Data Integration
Pentaho is also one of best open source ETL tools. It is a data warehousing and business analytics software and has the following significance:
- The program uses a simple and interactive method to assist business users in accessing, discovering, and merging data of all sorts and sizes.
- The data pipeline may be sped up with the help of an enterprise platform.
- Community The Dashboard Editor enables rapid creation and deployment.
- It’s a complete solution for all data integration problems.
- Without the requirement for coding, big data integration is possible.
- Embedded analytics has been simplified with this program.
- Virtually any data source may be accessed.
- Custom dashboards help you visualize data.
- For well-known cloud data warehouses, bulk load support is available.
- It offers an ability to combine all data with ease of usage.
- It enables mongo dB operational reporting.
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26. Etleap
The Etleap technology assists companies that require consolidated and trustworthy data for faster and more accurate analysis. Following are a few features of this one of the best open source ETL tools.
- You may use this tool to develop ETL data pipelines.
- It aids in the reduction of engineering efforts.
- You can create, manage, and grow ETL pipelines without writing a single line of code.
- It allows you to integrate all of your sources easily.
- Etleap keeps track of ETL pipelines and assists with issues like schema updates and source API restrictions.
- Using pipeline orchestration and scheduling, you can automate repeated activities.
27. Hevo
Hevo is also one of the best ETL tools on this list with no-code Data Pipeline platform. It can let you transport data in real-time from any source, including databases, cloud applications, SDKs, and streaming.
- Hevo takes only a few minutes to set up and run.
- Hevo provides exact alerts and detailed monitoring to always be on top of your data.
- Hevo’s powerful algorithms can detect incoming data schema and replicate it in the data warehouse without any user interaction.
- It is built on a real-time streaming architecture that allows you to enter data into your warehouse in real-time.
- This ensures that you have ready-to-analyze data at all times.
- Before and after migrating data to the warehouse, Hevo includes sophisticated tools that allow you to clean, modify, and enhance your data.
- It complies with GDPR, SOC II, and HIPAA regulations.
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28. SQL Server Integration Services
ETL activities are performed with SQL Server Integration Services, a data warehousing tool, and this open source ETL tools have the following features:
- SQL Server Integration also comes with a large number of pre-built jobs.
Microsoft Visual Studio and SQL Server are tightly connected.
- Maintaining and packaging setup is easier.
- It removes the network as a bottleneck for data insertion.
- Data can be imported to several locations simultaneously.
- In the same package, it may handle data from many data sources.
- SSIS accepts data from challenging sources such as FTP, HTTP, MSMQ, and Analysis services.
We hope that this article was helpful and you have learned about the best ETL tools list. Let us know your favorite open source or Python ETL tool from the list. Please feel free to drop your queries or suggestions in the comment section. Also, let us know what you want to learn next.