您的 VPN 是否存在问题?无法连接到您的 Android 手机上的 VPN?别担心,在本指南中,我们将看到如何修复 Android 上的 VPN 无法连接问题。但首先,让我们了解什么是 VPN 以及它是如何工作的?(Are you facing issues with your VPN? Unable to connect to a VPN on your Android Phone? Don’t worry in this guide we will see how to fix VPN not connecting issue on Android. But first, let’s understand what a VPN is and how does it work?)
VPN代表虚拟专用网络(Virtual Private Network)。它是一种隧道协议,使用户能够私密且安全地共享和交换数据。它创建一个虚拟专用通道或路由,以便在连接到公共网络时安全地共享数据。VPN可防止数据盗窃、数据嗅探、在线监控和未经授权的访问。它提供各种安全措施,如加密、防火墙、身份验证、安全服务器等。这使得VPN在这个数字时代不可或缺。
VPN可以在电脑和智能手机上使用。有几种流行的VPN服务在Play 商店(Play Store)中提供了它们的应用程序。其中一些应用程序是免费的,而另一些则是付费的。这些应用程序的基本操作几乎相同,并且大多数时候都可以完美运行。但是,就像所有其他应用程序一样,您的VPN 应用程序可能会不时遇到问题( VPN app might run into trouble from time to time)。在本文中,我们将讨论与VPN相关的最常见问题之一,即无法建立连接。在我们详细讨论这个问题之前,我们首先需要了解为什么我们需要VPN。
为什么需要VPN?(Why do you need a VPN?)
VPN最基本的用途是确保隐私。它不提供数据交换的安全渠道,但也掩盖了您的在线足迹。每当您连接到互联网时,都可以使用您的 IP 地址跟踪您的位置。政府(Government)或私人监控机构甚至可以跟踪您在做什么。您搜索的每个项目、您访问的每个网站以及您下载的所有内容都可以被监控。VPN可以让您免于窥探。现在让我们看一下VPN的主要应用。
1. 安全性:(1. Security:)如上所述,VPN最重要的功能之一是数据的安全传输。由于(Due)加密和防火墙,您的数据可以免受企业间谍和盗窃。
2. 匿名性:(2. Anonymity:) VPN允许您在公共网络上保持匿名性。它会隐藏您的 IP 地址,让您远离政府监控。它可以保护您免受侵犯隐私、垃圾邮件、目标营销等的侵害。
3. 地理审查:(3. Geo-censorship:) 某些(Certain)内容在某些地区无法访问。这称为地理审查或地理封锁。VPN会掩盖您的位置,因此可以让您绕过这些障碍。简而言之,VPN将使您能够访问受区域限制的内容。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 VPN 以及它是如何工作的?(What is a VPN and how it works?)
是什么导致 VPN 连接问题?(What causes VPN Connection Problems?)
- 您尝试连接的VPN服务器过载。(VPN)
- 当前使用的VPN协议错误。
- VPN软件或应用程序陈旧过时。
如何修复 VPN(Fix VPN)无法在Android上连接(Android)
方法一:检查VPN连接访问是否开启(Method 1: Check if VPN Connection access is enabled or not)
当一个应用程序第一次运行时,它会请求几个权限请求。这是因为如果一个应用程序需要使用手机的硬件资源,那么它需要获得用户的许可。同样,当您第一次打开VPN应用程序时,会询问您是否允许在您的设备上设置VPN连接。确保授予应用程序必要的权限。(Make sure that grant the app the requisite permission.)之后,VPN应用程序将连接到私人服务器并将您设备的 IP 地址(device’s IP address)设置为国外位置。某些应用程序可能还允许您选择区域、您希望连接的服务器以及为您的设备设置的 IP 地址。建立连接后,由Key指示(Key)通知面板中的图标。因此,重要的是您首先接受连接请求并允许应用程序连接到代理服务器。
方法(Method )2:删除 VPN 应用程序的缓存和数据文件(2: Delete Cache and Data Files for the VPN app)
所有应用程序都以缓存文件的形式存储一些数据。保存了一些基本数据,以便在打开时,应用程序可以快速显示一些内容。它旨在减少任何应用程序的启动时间。但是,有时旧的缓存文件会损坏并导致应用程序出现故障。清除应用程序的缓存和数据始终是一个好习惯。将此视为清理程序,从应用程序的(Consider this as a cleansing procedure that removes old and corrupt files from the app’s)内存中删除旧的和损坏的文件并用新文件替换它们。删除任何应用程序的缓存文件也是绝对安全的,因为它们会再次自动生成。因此,如果您的VPN应用程序出现故障且无法正常工作,请按照以下步骤删除其缓存和数据文件:
1. 转到手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 单击应用程序(Apps)选项以查看您设备上已安装应用程序的列表。
3. 现在搜索您正在使用的VPN 应用程序(VPN app)并点击它以打开应用程序设置。
4. 单击存储(Storage)选项。
5.在这里,您将找到清除缓存和清除数据(Clear Cache and Clear Data)的选项。单击(Click)相应的按钮,VPN应用程序的缓存文件将被删除。
方法 3:更新 VPN 应用程序(Method 3: Update the VPN app)
每个VPN应用程序都有一组固定的服务器,它允许您连接到其中的任何一个。但是,这些服务器会不时关闭。因此,VPN需要查找或创建新服务器。如果您使用的是旧版本的应用程序,那么提供给您的服务器列表很可能是旧版本。始终保持应用程序更新( keep the app updated at all times.)总是一个好主意。它不仅会为您提供新的更快的服务器,还会显着改善应用程序的用户界面并提供更好的体验。新的更新还附带了可以解决网络连接问题的错误修复。请按照以下步骤更新您的VPN应用程序:
1. 前往Play 商店(Play Store)。
2. 在左上角,你会发现三条水平线(three horizontal lines)。点击它们。
3. 现在,单击“我的应用程序和游戏”(“My Apps and Games”)选项。
4. 搜索您正在使用的VPN 应用程序(VPN app)并检查是否有任何待处理的更新。
5. 如果是,则单击更新( update)按钮。
6. 应用程序更新后,再次尝试使用它并检查您是否能够修复 Android 上的 VPN 连接问题。(fix VPN connection issues on Android.)
方法4:卸载应用程序,然后重新安装(Method 4: Uninstall the app and then Re-install)
如果更新应用程序不起作用或首先没有任何可用更新,那么您需要卸载该应用程序,然后他们从Play 商店(Play Store)重新安装。这就像选择一个新的开始。这样做很有可能会解决 VPN 的问题,而不是连接到您的设备上。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在,转到应用程序(Apps)部分。
3. 请搜索您的VPN 应用(VPN app)并点击它。
4. 现在,单击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
5. 删除应用程序后,从Play 商店(Play Store)重新下载并安装应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在您的 Android 手机上卸载或删除应用程序(How to Uninstall or Delete Apps on your Android Phone)
方法 5:禁用从 Wi-Fi 到蜂窝数据的自动切换(Method 5: Disable Automatic Switch from Wi-Fi to Cellular Data)
几乎所有现代Android智能手机都具有称为 Wi-Fi+ or Smart switch或类似功能的功能。如果Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)信号强度不够强,它会自动从Wi-Fi切换到蜂窝数据,帮助您保持持续稳定的互联网连接。它通常是一个有用的功能,可以避免我们失去连接,并在需要时自动进行切换,而不必手动进行。
但是,这可能是您的 VPN 失去连接的原因。(However, it could be the reason why your VPN is losing connection.)你看,VPN掩盖了你的实际 IP 地址。当您连接到Wi-Fi网络时,您的设备有一个特定的 IP 地址来确定您的位置。当您连接到VPN服务器时,该应用程序会掩盖您的实际 IP 并用代理替换它。如果从Wi-Fi切换到蜂窝网络,连接到(Wi-Fi)Wi-Fi时提供的原始 IP 地址会更改,因此VPN掩码将无用。结果,VPN断开连接。
1.在您的 Android 设备上打开设置。(Settings)
2. 现在进入无线和网络设置(Wireless and network settings)。
3. 在这里,点击Wi-Fi选项。
4. 之后,单击屏幕右上角 的菜单选项(三个垂直点) 。(menu option (three vertical dots))
5. 从下拉菜单中,选择Wi-Fi+。
6. 现在toggle off the switch next to Wi-Fi+以禁用自动切换功能。
7. 重新启动您的设备并尝试再次连接到VPN。
一旦设备重新启动,我们希望您能够修复 Android 问题上的 VPN 无法连接。(fix VPN not connecting on the Android issue.)但是,如果您仍然卡住,请继续下一个方法。
方法 6:重置网络设置(Method 6: Reset Network Settings)
如果上述方法都不起作用,那么是时候采取一些严厉的措施了。解决方案列表中的下一个选项是重置Android设备上的网络设置。(Network Settings)这是一种有效的解决方案,可以清除所有保存的设置和网络并重新配置设备的Wi-Fi。由于连接到VPN服务器需要稳定的互联网连接,因此您的(VPN)Wi-Fi非常重要,并且蜂窝网络设置不会干扰该过程。确保这一点的最佳方法是重置设备上的网络设置。去做这个:
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在,单击系统(System)选项卡。
3. 单击重置(Reset)按钮。
4. 现在,选择重置网络设置(Reset Network Settings)。
5. 您现在将收到有关将要重置的内容的警告。单击(Click)“重置网络设置”(“Reset Network Settings”)选项。
6. 现在,连接到Wi-Fi网络,然后尝试连接到VPN服务器,看看问题是否已经解决。
方法 7:确保您的浏览器支持 VPN(Method 7: Make sure that your browser supports VPN)
归根结底,您的浏览器需要与您的VPN应用程序兼容。如果您使用的浏览器不允许您使用VPN屏蔽您的 IP ,则会导致连接问题。此问题的最佳解决方案是使用VPN应用推荐的浏览器。Google Chrome和Firefox等浏览器几乎可以与所有VPN应用程序配合使用。
除此之外,将浏览器更新到最新版本。如果Android 上的 VPN 无法连接问题(VPN not connecting on the Android issue )与浏览器有关,则将浏览器更新到最新版本可以解决问题。如果您想要逐步指南来更新您的浏览器,那么您可以参考为更新VPN应用程序提供的步骤,因为它们是相同的。只需导航到已安装应用程序列表中的浏览器,而不是VPN应用程序。
方法 8:删除其他 VPN 应用程序和配置文件(Method 8: Delete other VPN apps and profiles)
1. 首先,决定您要保留哪个VPN应用程序,然后卸载其他应用程序。(VPN)
2. 点击并按住他们的图标,然后单击卸载选项或将其拖到垃圾箱(Trash)图标。
3. 或者,您也可以从您的设备中删除VPN 配置文件。(VPN profiles)
4. 打开设备上的设置,然后转到无线和网络(Wireless and network)设置。
5. 在这里,点击VPN选项。
6. 之后,单击VPN(VPN)配置文件旁边的齿轮图标,然后点击删除或忘记 VPN(Remove or Forget VPN)选项。
7. 确保只有一个VPN配置文件与您希望将来使用的应用程序相关联。
方法 9:确保省电模式不会干扰您的应用(Method 9: Make Sure Battery Saver isn’t interfering with your app)
2. 现在点击电池(Battery)选项。
3. 在这里,单击电池使用(Battery usage)选项。
4. 搜索您的VPN 应用(VPN app)并点击它。
5. 之后,打开应用启动(app launch)设置。
6. 禁用自动管理(Manage Automatically)设置,然后确保启用自动启动、辅助(Secondary)启动和后台(Background)运行(Run)旁边的切换(enable the toggle switches next to Auto-launch)开关。
7. 这样做可以防止省电(Battery)应用程序限制 VPN 应用程序的功能,(restricting the functionalities of the VPN app)从而解决连接问题。
方法 10:确保您的 Wi-Fi 路由器与 VPN 兼容(Method 10: Make sure that your Wi-Fi router is Compatible with VPN)
您还需要确保在您的路由器设置或您正在使用的任何其他防火墙程序中启用了必要的端口转发(Port Forwarding)和协议。(Protocols)使用 IPSec 的 VPN(VPNs using IPSec)需要转发UDP端口 500 ( IKE ),并打开协议 50 ( (IKE)ESP ) 和 51 (AH)。
至此,我们来到了本文的结尾,我们希望这些解决方案对您有所帮助,并且能够修复无法在 Android 上连接的 VPN。( fix VPN not connecting on Android.)但是,如果您的VPN应用程序仍然存在问题,那么您需要寻找替代方案。Play Store上有数百个VPN应用程序可用,其中大部分是免费的。Nord VPN和Express VPN等应用程序(Apps)受到许多Android用户的高度评价和推荐。如果没有其他方法,请切换到其他VPN应用程序,我们希望它可以完美运行。
Fix VPN not connecting on Android
Are you facing issues with your VPN? Unable to connect to a VPN on your Android Phone? Don’t worry in this guide we will see how to fix VPN not connecting issue on Android. But first, let’s understand what a VPN is and how does it work?
VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. It is a tunneling protocol that enables users to share and exchange date privately and securely. It creates a virtual private channel or route to share data safely while connected to a public network. VPN protects against data theft, data sniffing, online monitoring, and unauthorized access. It provides various security measures like encryption, firewall, authentication, secure servers, etc. This makes VPN indispensable in this digital age.
VPN can be used on both computers and smartphones. There are several popular VPN services that have their apps available on the Play Store. Some of these apps are free, while others are paid. The basic operation of these apps is pretty much the same, and it runs most times flawlessly. However, just like every other app, your VPN app might run into trouble from time to time. In this article, we are going to discuss one of the most common problems associated with the VPN, and that is a failure to establish a connection. Before we discuss the problem in detail, we need to understand why we need a VPN in the first place.
Why do you need a VPN?
The most basic use of a VPN is to ensure privacy. It not provides a secure channel for the exchange of data but also masks your online footprint. Whenever you connect to the internet, your location can be tracked using your IP address. Government or private monitoring agencies can even track what you are doing. Every item you search for, every website you visit, and everything you download can be monitored. A VPN saves you from all that snooping. Let us now take a look at the primary applications of a VPN.
1. Security: As mentioned above, one of the most important features of a VPN is the secure transfer of data. Due to encryption and firewall, your data is safe from corporate espionage and theft.
2. Anonymity: VPN allows you to maintain anonymity while on the public network. It hides your IP address and enables you to stay hidden from government monitoring. It protects you from the invasion of privacy, spamming, target marketing, etc.
3. Geo-censorship: Certain content isn’t accessible in certain regions. This is called geo-censorship or geographic blocking. VPN masks your location and hence allows you to circumvent these blocks. In simple words, the VPN will enable you to access region-restricted content.
Also Read: What is a VPN and how it works?
What causes VPN Connection Problems?
VPN is a software that might malfunction due to multiple reasons. Some of which are local, meaning the problem is with your device and its settings, while others are server related issues like:
- The VPN server that you are trying to connect to is overloaded.
- The VPN protocol that is currently being used is wrong.
- The VPN software or app is old and outdated.
How to Fix VPN not connecting on Android
If the problem is with the VPN app’s server itself, then there is nothing that you can do rather than wait for them to fix it on their end. However, if the problem is due to the device’s settings, you can do a number of things. Let us take a look at the various solutions to fix the VPN connectivity issues on Android.
Method 1: Check if VPN Connection access is enabled or not
When an app is run for the first time, it asks for several permission requests. This is because if an app needs to use the mobile’s hardware resources, then it needs to seek permission from the user. Similarly, the first time you open the VPN app will ask you permission to set up a VPN connection on your device. Make sure that grant the app the requisite permission. After that, the VPN app will connect to a private server and set your device’s IP address to a foreign location. Some apps might also allow you to choose the region, whose server you wish to connect to and the IP address set for your device. Once the connection is established, it is indicated by a Key icon in the notification panel. Thus, it is important that you accept the connection request in the first place and allow the app to connect to the proxy server.
Method 2: Delete Cache and Data Files for the VPN app
All apps store some data in the form of cache files. Some basic data is saved so that when opened, the app can display something quickly. It is meant to reduce the startup time of any app. However, sometimes old cache files get corrupted and cause the app to malfunction. It is always a good practice to clear cache and data for apps. Consider this as a cleansing procedure that removes old and corrupt files from the app’s memory and replaces them with new ones. It is also absolutely safe to delete the cache files for any app, as they will automatically be generated once again. Thus, if your VPN app is acting out and not working properly, then follow the steps given below to delete its cache and data files:
1. Go to the Settings on your phone.
2. Click on the Apps option to view the list of installed apps on your device.
3. Now search for the VPN app you are using and tap on it to open the app settings.
4. Click on the Storage option.
5. Here, you will find the option to Clear Cache and Clear Data. Click on the respective buttons, and the cache files for the VPN app will get deleted.
Method 3: Update the VPN app
Every VPN app has a fixed set of servers, and it allows you to connect to anyone of them. These servers, however, get shut down from time to time. As a result, the VPN needs to find or create new servers. If you are using an older version of the app, then the chances are that the server list that is being provided to you is an old one. It is always a good idea to keep the app updated at all times. It will not only provide you with fresh and faster servers but also significantly improve the app’s user interface and provide a better experience. A new update also comes with bug fixes that can solve network connectivity issues. Follow the steps given below to update your VPN app:
1. Go to the Play Store.
2. On the top left-hand side, you will find three horizontal lines. Click on them.
3. Now, click on the “My Apps and Games” option.
4. Search for the VPN app that you are using and check if there are any pending updates.
5. If yes, then click on the update button.
6. Once the app gets updated, try using it again and check if you’re able to fix VPN connection issues on Android.
Method 4: Uninstall the app and then Re-install
If updating the app didn’t work or there wasn’t any update available in the first place, then you need to uninstall the app, and they install it again from the Play Store. This would be like opting for a fresh start. There is a solid chance that doing so will fix VPN’s problem, not connecting on your device. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, go to the Apps section.
3. Please search for your VPN app and tap on it.
4. Now, click on the Uninstall button.
5. Once the app has been removed, download and install the app again from the Play Store.
Also Read: How to Uninstall or Delete Apps on your Android Phone
Method 5: Disable Automatic Switch from Wi-Fi to Cellular Data
Almost all the modern Android smartphones come with a feature called Wi-Fi+ or Smart switch or something similar. It helps you to maintain a continuous and stable internet connection by automatically switching from Wi-Fi to the cellular data if the Wi-Fi signal strength isn’t strong enough. It is generally a useful feature that saves us from losing connection and automatically makes the switch when needed instead of having to do it manually.
However, it could be the reason why your VPN is losing connection. You see, a VPN masks your actual IP address. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, your device has a specific IP address that pinpoints your location. When you connect to a VPN server, the app masks your actual IP and replaces it with a proxy. In case of a switch from Wi-Fi to a cellular network, the original IP address that was provided when connected to the Wi-Fi is changed, and thus the VPN mask is useless. As a result, the VPN gets disconnected.
To prevent this from happening, you need to disable the automatic switch feature. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Open Settings on your Android device.
2. Now go to Wireless and network settings.
3. Here, tap on the Wi-Fi option.
4. After that, click on the menu option (three vertical dots) on the top right-hand side of the screen.
5. From the drop-down menu, select Wi-Fi+.
6. Now toggle off the switch next to Wi-Fi+ to disable the automatic switch feature.
7. Restart your device and try connecting to the VPN again.
Once the device restarts, we hope that you will be able to fix VPN not connecting on the Android issue. But if you’re still stuck then continue to the next method.
Method 6: Reset Network Settings
If none of the above methods work then, it is time to take some drastic measures. The next option in the list of solutions is to reset the Network Settings on your Android device. It is an effective solution that clears all saved settings and networks and reconfigures your device’s Wi-Fi. Since connecting to a VPN server requires a stable internet connection, it is very important your Wi-Fi, and cellular network settings aren’t interfering in the process. The best way to make sure of that is to reset the network settings on your device. To do this:
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Now, click on the System tab.
3. Click on the Reset button.
4. Now, select the Reset Network Settings.
5. You will now receive a warning as to what are the things that are going to get reset. Click on the “Reset Network Settings” option.
6. Now, connect to the Wi-Fi network and then try the connection to the VPN server and see if the issue has been resolved or not.
Method 7: Make sure that your browser supports VPN
At the end of the day, it is your browser that needs to be compatible with your VPN app. If you are using a browser that does not allow you to mask your IP using a VPN, then it will result in connection problems. The best solution to this problem is to use a browser that is recommended by the VPN app. Browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox work fine with almost all VPN apps.
Apart from that, update the browser to its latest version. If VPN not connecting on the Android issue is browser related, then updating the browser to its latest version can solve the problem. If you want a stepwise guide to update your browser, then you can refer to the steps given for updating the VPN app as they are the same. Just navigate to your browser in the list of installed apps instead of the VPN app.
Method 8: Delete other VPN apps and profiles
Having multiple VPN apps installed on your device could cause conflict and result in connection problems with your VPN app. If you have more then one VPN apps installed on your device or set up multiple VPN profiles, you need to uninstall these apps and remove their profiles. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, decide which VPN app you would like to keep and then uninstall the other apps.
2. Tap and hold their icons and then click on the uninstall option or drag it to the Trash icon.
3. Alternatively, you can also remove the VPN profiles from your device.
4. Open Settings on your device and go to Wireless and network settings.
5. Here, tap on the VPN option.
6. After that, click on the cogwheel icon next to a VPN profile and tap on the Remove or Forget VPN option.
7. Make sure that there is just one VPN profile that is associated with the app that you wish to use in the future.
Method 9: Make Sure Battery Saver isn’t interfering with your app
Most of the Android devices come with an in-built optimizer or battery saver tool. Although these apps help you to conserve power and increase your battery life, they can sometimes interfere with the formal functioning of your apps. Especially if your battery is running low, then power management apps will limit certain functionalities, and this could be the reason behind VPN not connecting on your device. Follow the steps given below to exempt your VPN app from being controlled by your battery optimization or battery saver app:
1. Open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the Battery option.
3. Here, click on the Battery usage option.
4. Search for your VPN app and tap on it.
5. After that, open the app launch settings.
6. Disable the Manage Automatically setting and then make sure to enable the toggle switches next to Auto-launch, Secondary launch, and Run in Background.
7. Doing so will prevent the Battery saver app from restricting the functionalities of the VPN app and thus solve the connection problem.
Method 10: Make sure that your Wi-Fi router is Compatible with VPN
A lot of public Wi-Fi routers, especially the ones at schools, colleges, and offices, do not allow VPN passthrough. This means that unrestricted flow of traffic over the internet is blocked with the help of firewalls or simply disabled from router settings. Even on a home network, it is possible that your internet service provider has disabled VPN passthrough. In order to set things straight, you will need admin access to change your router and firewall settings to enable IPSec or PPTP. These are the most commonly used VPN protocols.
You will also need to make sure that necessary Port Forwarding and Protocols are enabled in your router settings or any other firewall programs that you are using. VPNs using IPSec need UDP port 500 (IKE) forwarded, and protocols 50 (ESP), and 51 (AH) opened.
To get a better idea as to how to change these settings, you need to go through the user manual for your router and understand how its firmware works. Alternatively, you can also contact your internet service provider to get assistance on this issue.
With this, we come to the end of this article, and we hope that you find these solutions helpful and were able to fix VPN not connecting on Android. However, if you are still facing issues with your VPN app, then you need to look for alternatives. There are hundreds of VPN apps available on the Play Store, and most of them are free. Apps like Nord VPN and Express VPN are highly rated and recommended by a lot of Android users. If nothing else works, switch to a different VPN app, and we hope that it works perfectly.