在深入探讨手头的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)或 AI 聊天机器人主题之前,让我们了解聊天机器人的含义。聊天机器人是一种简单的软件,可在网络上 24×7 在线提供,您可以使用文本到文本或文本到语音的模式进行对话(converse using text-to-text or text-to-speech modes) ,而无需任何直接的人工参与(without any direct human involvement)。换句话说,它用机器代替人类来传递信息和进一步交流。下面详细介绍了一些最流行的在线 AI 聊天机器人,供您参考。继续阅读本文以了解有关网站最佳 AI 聊天机器人的更多信息。
29 个最佳在线网站 AI 聊天机器人
(29 Best AI Chatbots Online for Websites
以下列表包括最好的人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)或基于 AI 的聊天机器人,供个人或企业使用,以增强他们的网站用户体验,并提供一些惊人的功能。
1.流量XO(1. Flow XO)
Flow XO被评为最佳网站聊天机器人之一,因为它具有以下出色功能,可以帮助人们在各种社交媒体平台和不同网站上相互交流:
- 它使您能够使用拖放编辑器(drag-and-drop editor)创建聊天机器人。
- Flow XO 允许您发送虚拟欢迎消息(send Virtual welcome messages)。
- 该软件的另一个特点是它对数据进行了预过滤并收集了用户详细信息(pre-filtration of data and collects user details),以进一步改善用户体验(user experience)。
- 实时聊天(Live chat) 功能(feature)可让您回答简单的问题。
- 它具有易于使用的界面(easy to use interface)。
您将获得免费和标准定价计划(Free & Standard pricing plans):
免费计划(Free Plan):除了聊天机器人和工作流创建之外,它还支持 500 次交互、5 个机器人和 2 周的日志。
标准计划(Standard Plan):它通过您的机器人接受付款,每月定价 19 美元。
2. 机器人化(2. Botsify)
Botsify是最佳网站聊天机器人列表中的另一个在线AI 聊天机器人。(AI chatbot)Botsify出现在这里的原因是:
- Botsify使用简单(simple to use)。
- 它可以在对话表单的帮助下收集用户信息。(collection of user information)
快速设置机器人(Quick set-up of bot)和电子邮件通知(email notifications)是该软件的一些功能。
- Botsify还支持多个平台,如Facebook、Amazon、Slack和其他网站。
- 此外,它还提供多语言支持(multilingual support)。
- 您可以处理和响应包含特定关键字的文本消息(handle and respond to a text message that contains specific keywords)。
- 该软件的一个众所周知的功能是基于云的 Alexa Voice 服务(cloud-based Alexa Voice service)。
免费演示(Free Demo):使用单个聊天机器人免费试用 14 天,适合想要在使用前检查其功能的人
自助服务计划:此计划(Self-service Plan)/ month50 美元可用,允许使用 10 个聊天机器人、无限故事和不超过 30,000 个个人联系人/用户
完全托管计划(Fully Managed Plan):此计划提供无限联系,每月收费 300 美元,并提供某些高级功能。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 雅虎聊天室(Yahoo Chat Rooms):它在哪里消失了?
3. 冒名顶替(3. Imperson)
Imperson AI 聊天(AI chatbot)机器人为其客户开发有目的的、系统的聊天机器人解决方案,被认为是最好的网站聊天机器人之一。
- Imperson AI 聊天机器人提供文本、音频和视频( text, audio, and video) 支持(support)。
- 这个 AI 软件用户界面( User Interface integrates well )与多个平台(如Messenger、Twitter、Slack、SMS、Skype和Amazon )很好地集成在一起。
- 您也可以将此软件与其他网站一起使用,因为它提供了多个网站支持(multiple website support)。
- 此外,它基于神经语言编程(Neuro-Linguistic Programming),使计算机能够与人类语言正确交互。
- 它支持实时理解(real-time understanding)、个性化护理(personalized care)和视觉,以提高聊天性能。
端到端机器人解决方案(End-to-end bot solutions)可供用户使用。
4. Genesys DX
Genesys DX ,以前被LogMeIn称为Bold360,是最好的在线 AI 聊天机器人之一,它允许企业实时提供更好的客户结果和交互。
- 该软件可以快速处理复杂语言的快速解释(quick interpretation of complex languages )。
- 另一方面,它会记住整个对话的上下文,为客户提供个性化(personalized service)的服务。
- 它通过网络消息促进实时在线聊天。(online chatting in real-time)
- 此外,Genesys DX 支持Intranet 网络系统(intranet network systems)。
- Genesys DX 支持应用程序编程接口( Application Programming Interface)。
- 它还支持使用软件制造商提供的软件开发工具包(Software Development Kit)。
- 您可以通过在您的网站上使用该软件支持 40 种语言(40 languages support )来增强用户体验。(user experience)
- 此外,它还向其用户提供最先进的技术、更新、分析(updates, analysis)和报告(and reports)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何使用 Skype 聊天文本效果
5.潘多拉机器人(5. PandoraBot)
PandoraBot不是潘多拉魔盒,而是一整套 Do It Yourself服务,以满足您的业务活动需求。
- PandoraBot 可以使用文本转文本模式(text-to-text mode)和语音模式(voice mode)进行对话。
- 此外,它还允许通过移动聊天进行语音对语音(voice to voice through mobile chats)。
- 为了满足业务的需求,它有助于使用编码语言进行交流(converse using coding language)。
- 该人工智能软件(AI software)允许构建您的高性能和灵活的机器人(high-performing and flexible bots)。
- 它提供免费培训(free training),使您能够记录和保留您的聊天记录(document and retain your chats)。
- 此外,它还支持符号化简技术(symbolic reduction technique)。
PandoraBot提供多种企业定价(enterprise pricing)计划,详情如下:
社区服务计划(Community service Plan):这是一个免费计划,具有与付费版本一样的许多功能。
共享服务计划(Shared Service Plan):每月 75 美元。
专用服务计划(Dedicated Service plan):每月收费 1500 美元,您可以将日志保存长达 1 个月。
6.它还活着(6. ItsAlive)
ItsAlive是另一个在线人工智能聊天机器人(AI chatbot),为客户推广系统化的聊天机器人解决方案,被认为是最好的网站聊天机器人之一。
- ItsAlive是一个人工智能对话程序,其中包含(conversation program featuring) 来自 Facebook 的私人消息(private messages from Facebook)。
- 它很容易设置。(easy to set up.)
- 此外,您可以根据自己的需求和目标构建聊天机器人。(build chatbots )
- 该软件的用户界面为世界各地的用户提供多语言支持。(multilingual support)
- 拖放功能( drag and drop feature)使您可以轻松移动数据。
- 此外,持久菜单功能(persistent menu feature)允许选项列表对其用户始终可用和可见。
未回答的问题选项卡(Unanswered questions tab)使用户能够查看对话期间未回答的任何问题
它支持灵活的定价,并根据以下详细信息提供 5 个级别的价格:
免费计划(The Free Plan):没有高级功能,但最多支持一千条消息和一个聊天机器人。
独奏计划(The Solo Plan):每月收费 19 美元,高级功能有限,但每月可发送 5000 条消息和 1 个聊天机器人。
Plus 计划(The Plus Plan):每月 49 美元,允许 20,000 条消息、2 个聊天机器人和一些高级功能。
专业计划(The Pro Plan):每月收费 99 美元,每月启用 100、000 条消息、5 个聊天机器人和一些附加功能。
企业计划(The Enterprise Plan):这是根据客户的需求和愿望定制的计划。对于此计划的报价,您必须直接联系公司,说明您的要求。
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7. 多聊(7. ManyChat)
ManyChat是一个聊天机器人,它为客户系统地推广聊天机器人解决方案,是Facebook Messenger上用于商业服务的机器人平台。由于以下原因,它被认为是最好的人工智能聊天机器人之一:(Intelligence)
- ManyChat允许感兴趣的客户(allows interested customers to connect with you)通过单击您网站上的链接、快速响应代码(Quick Response code)或任何其他社交媒体平台与您联系。
- 客户可以随时随地( anytime, anywhere)与您或您的销售和营销人员交谈。
- 该软件还收集客户的联系方式(gathers contact details of customers)以扩大用户群。
- 它包含向访问者发送自动欢迎消息的功能。(sends automatic welcome messages)
- 其极其简单的用户界面(easy user interface)还提供拖放(drag and drop)功能。
- ManyChat支持( supports) 并(and couples) 与(with tools)Shopify、Google Sheets、Zapier、MailChimp、HubSpot或ConvertKit等工具结合使用。
免费计划(Free Plan):该计划包括无限的订阅者,既可供初创企业或新机器人用户使用,也可供已建立的商业机构使用。
专业(Pro) 计划(Plan):每月 10 美元或每年 145 美元。
8. Xenio(8. Xenioo)
- 这个聊天设计器兼编辑器(chat designer cum editor)可以克隆、备份和恢复信息。
- 它支持多个渠道(supports multiple channels),例如多个网站以及Facebook Messenger、 WhatsApp、Telegram、Microsoft Teams、Slack、Amazon Alexa和Google Assistant。
- Xenioo 提供文本到文本(text-to-text )以及语音模式( voice mode)。
- 它是一个集成了内置和第三方自然语言(Natural Language)处理器的(Processors)虚拟助手(virtual assistant)。
- 此外,它还允许使用对话执行图(Conversation Execution Diagram)来预览和测试您的聊天机器人。
这个自然的视觉流设计师(flow designer)根据您发送的消息数量和您构建的机器人为每个人提供一系列价格。
免费计划(Free Plan):免费。
入门计划(Starter Plan):每月花费大约 35 美元。
专业计划(Professional Plan):价格为每月 118 美元。
代理计划(Agency Plan):每月 296 美元,每月提供 100 个聊天机器人和 35 万条消息。
企业计划(Enterprise Plan):仅可根据代理商的要求提供定制定价。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Facebook Messenger中离开(Facebook Messenger)群聊(Group Chat)
9. Boost.ai
Boost.ai是另一个交互式人工智能聊天机器人(AI chatbot),被认为是有助于增强客户体验(customer experience)的最佳人工智能聊天(Intelligence)机器人之一。它在网站最佳聊天机器人列表中具有特色,因为:
- Boost.ai 提供与Facebook Messenger、Slack、Microsoft Teams等集成的多渠道支持(multiple channel support)。
- 它通过人工聊天代理实现快速服务。(quick service )
- 本软件自动解答客户(automatically answers customer FAQs)在销售、售后支持、产品质量(product quality)等方面的常见问题。
- 您不需要(do) 任何编码技能( not require any coding skills)或任何技术专业知识即可使用此软件。
- 此外,它的用户界面支持 API 文档( user interface supports API documentation),该文档对开发人员友好,易于访问,并且通过交互式文档和教程快速理解。
Boost.ai不提供公开定价(does not offer open pricing)。因此,要获得提升定价的详细信息,您必须与他们的高管团队取得联系。但是,它也提供预训练(pre-training)。那是相当的东西!
10. 艾达(10. Ada)
Ada是另一个由人工智能驱动的客户服务聊天机器人(customer service chatbot),它被认为是最好的人工智能聊天(Intelligence)机器人之一,可以提升您网站上的用户体验。原因是:
- 该软件的简单用户界面( easy user interface)可帮助您有效地使用拖放编辑器(drag and drop editor)。
- 用户不需要( do not require) 编码技能(coding skills) 或技术专长(or technical expertise)。
- 它支持并与(supports and couples with) Medium、Shopify和MailChimp等许多其他工具(many other tools)结合使用。
- 此外,它还可以在您的消息中添加 GIF 。(addition of GIFs )
- Ada 允许安全存储客户数据(safe storage of customer data)。
- 该软件要求客户提供反馈和报告(feedback and reports from customers)。
- 此外,它还提供实时的建议和支持(real-time suggestions and support)。
(Multiple channels)该聊天机器人软件(chatbot software)支持多个渠道,如Facebook Messenger、微信(WeChat)和WhatsApp。
- 它为您的网站提供完整的数据安全性。(data security)
- 此外,它使用受众细分工具(Audience segmentation tool)根据人口统计数据识别目标目标受众中的子组。(target audience)
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11. Zendesk
Zendesk Chat是 Zendesk 的一项功能,它是一个著名(Zendesk)的公司客户支持软件(company customer support software)。
- Answer Bot 在您的Zendesk 知识库( Zendesk knowledge base)中搜索相关文章,以快速为客户提供他们需要的信息。
- Zendesk 响应机器人可以(may be used independently)在您的网站、移动应用程序或内部Slack组中独立使用。
- 它允许您在线创建您的 AI 聊天机器人( create your AI chatbot online)来回答典型的消费者查询,而无需编写代码。
- 您可以使用自动消息传递(automated messaging),例如触发消息。
- 此外,您还可以使用它与其他聊天机器人技术集成,(integrate with other chatbot technologies)并通过观察哪些产生最多交互来优化您的消息。(optimise your messages)
该服务的支付结构(payment structure)如下:
- 提供14 天免费试用(14-day free trial)。
- 每年开具发票(invoiced annually)时,Zendesk Chat每位座席每月收费 14 美元。
还提供免费精简版(Free Lite edition),它允许您一次只有一个代理和一个讨论。
12. 调查麻雀(12. SurveySparrow)
SurveySparrow是一个会话研究和构建软件平台(research and building software platform)。
- Zapier、Slack、Intercom和Mailchimp用于向网站(add reviews to websites)和其他编程工具添加评论。
- 这是一个完全自动化的系统(fully automated system),它使用应用程序或网站来帮助您模拟现实生活中的对话。
- SurveySparrow 提供分析和报告(analytics and reports)。
- 它带有许多独特的预装问题类型和布局(unique pre-installed question types and layouts)。
- 它提供了一个会话用户界面(conversational user interface)。
- 该软件还允许您复制和粘贴(copy and paste embed code)自动创建的嵌入代码。
- 此外,它还有助于创建用于执行数学计算(mathematical calculations)的表达式。
它提供14 天免费试用(14-day free trial)以及完全免费的计划(completely free plan)。之后,您可以选择以下计划之一:
基本(Basic):每月 19 美元
保费(Premium):每月 29 美元
业务(Business):每月 99 美元
企业(Enterprise):每月 499 美元
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 9款最佳 Android 视频聊天应用程序(Best Android Video Chat Apps)(2022 年)
13. 大沙(13. Dasha)
Dasha是一个对话式 AI 即服务平台。开发人员可以使用构建对话式 AI 系统所需的技术。此外,您创建的所有Dasha应用程序都是您的知识产权。由于以下功能,它已进入网站最佳AI 聊天机器人列表:(AI chatbot)
(Conversational voice interfaces )移动或物联网设备(mobile or IoT devices)中的对话语音界面可能包含在应用程序中。
- 与 Dasha 合作不需要事先了解 AI 或机器学习(does not need any prior understanding of AI or machine learning)。
- Dasha 具有与人类语音无法区分的语音合成。(speech synthesis)
- 它有无限深度的对话(infinite depth of dialogue)。
- SDK只是与您当前的基础架构进行交互。您可以在您的网站或移动应用程序中加入实时 AI 对话。(real-time AI dialogues)
14. 对讲机(14. Intercom)
对讲机(Intercom)是2011 年推出的首批上市的人工智能在线聊天机器人之一。(AI chatbot)对讲机(Intercom)可以响应高达 33% 的查询。它以具有基本规则的简单业务机器人而闻名。(straightforward business bot)
- Intercom集成了电子邮件营销提供商( integrates email marketing providers)、Slack、Google Analytics、CRM 软件(CRM software)和其他服务。
- 它可以帮助您自动化营销和(automating your marketing and interactions)与客户的互动。
- 随着公司的扩张,扩展很容易(simple to scale)。您可以通过提供更好的客户体验(customer experience)来增加收入。
- 它有一个有趣的客户服务(fun customer service) 部门(department)。
- 该软件预装(250 pre-installed apps)了250 多个应用程序。
- 此外,它还提供了跨桌面和移动设备的流畅用户体验。(smooth user experience)
- Intercom Start 捆绑包(Start bundle)起价为每月 39 美元。
- 要访问聊天机器人功能,您至少需要增长计划(Growth plan),起价为每月 99 美元。
这两个程序都提供14 天的免费试用期( 14-day free trial)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 8 个最佳匿名 Android 聊天应用程序
15. Freshdesk 消息传递(15. Freshdesk Messaging)
Freshdesk Messaging是市场上另一项顶级实时聊天支持服务,其功能可与此列表中的其他公司相媲美。
- Freshdesk Messaging 允许您通过代理或人工智能与客户进行实时交互。(initiate real-time interactions)
客户历史记录(Customer histories)、实时资料(live profiles)和用于自动讨论的自定义机器人(and custom bots)都可用。
- 您可以使用此软件为WhatsApp、Messenger、Apple Business Chat 移动和网络(Apple Business Chat mobile and web)在线创建 AI 聊天机器人。(create an AI chatbot online)
- 其目的是识别消费者意图(recognize consumer intent)并与他们互动。
- 该软件为您提供来自客户和潜在客户的查询列表,这些查询(list of queries from customers and prospects)需要更详细或更好的解决方案。
企业将需要 Freshchat Forest 软件包(package)来在线使用他们的AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot)。每月开具发票时每位用户每月 69 美元,这并不便宜,但值得一试!
16. 梅亚(16. Meya)
Meya AI 是一种基于云的协作技术(collaboration technology),可让您和您的团队一起工作。对于Facebook Messenger、SMS、Telegram、WhatsApp和网络聊天,Meya提供白标B2B和B2C解决方案。
- 您可以通过私人 Slack 频道与 Meya 的专属(dedicated) 客户服务经理互动。(customer service manager)
- 支持的编程语言(programming languages supported)包括Python、Typescript和YAML。
(Specific conversational flows)可以响应用户输入来编写特定的会话流。
- 您可以使用它从一个地方构建、托管和训练您的认知应用程序/AI 机器人。(build, host, and train)
- 代码编辑器(code editor)、测试聊天(test chat)、实时调试器和可视化工具都包含在Bot studio中。它使扩展您的机器人变得轻而易举(scaling your bots a breeze)。
专业版(Pro):每月 799 美元。
合作伙伴(Partner):每月 2,500 美元。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 18 种最佳黑客工具
17. 粗体360(17. Bold360)
Bold360是在线网站的最佳聊天机器人,可帮助组织提供更好的客户服务(customer service)。该公司的客户名单(client list)上有Intuit、Edible Arrangements 和 Vodafone(Edible Arrangements & Vodafone)等知名人士。
- 它采用人工智能来帮助代理创建从机器人到代理的平稳过渡。(create smooth transitions)
- 根据其已注册商标的专有自然语言(proprietary natural language) 处理技术(processing technology),其对话式人工智能可以解释复杂的语言、回忆对话的上下文并以自然的方式回复客户。
- 您还可以为您的在线 AI 聊天机器人赋予个性(give your AI chatbot online a personality)。
18. 艾沃(18. Aivo)
Aivo由一群寻求重塑公司与客户互动方式的企业家创立。它是目前世界上最大、最成功的在线人工智能聊天机器人(AI chatbot)系统之一。Aivo 的客户包括Visa、Uber、LG 和通用(General) 汽车(Motors)。
- 这款AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot)软件对您有益,因为它可以在不需要任何编码(doesn’t require any coding)的平台上创建客户服务(customer care)。
- 此外,它允许您的公司实时回复消费者(reply to consumers in real-time)。
- Salesforce 和 Zendesk(Salesforce and Zendesk)只是它可以轻松对接的第三方解决方案的两个示例。(third-party solutions)
包括多语言支持(Multiple language support)、音频消息和(audio messaging &) 表情符号(emoticons)。
- 它提供了跟踪先前客户通信线程(track prior customer communication threads)的能力。
- Aivo的AgentBot(Aivo)服务(AgentBot service)起价为每月 240 美元,每月 1,000 个会话。
- 额外课程(additional sessions)的费用为每 100 人 26 美元。
- 这还包括30 天免费试用(30-day free trial)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Facebook Messenger 房间和群组限制(Facebook Messenger Rooms and Group Limit)
19. 移动猴子(19. MobileMonkey)
MobileMonkey与(MobileMonkey)Chatfuel 和 Botsify(Chatfuel and Botsify)一样面向非技术消费者。
- 使用简单(simple to use)。
- 它有利于(facilitates) 人为干预(human intervention)。
- 您可以制作一个可以在各种平台上使用的( on various platforms)机器人(single bot)。该软件可用于生成Facebook Messenger聊天机器人和SMS 文本(SMS text)消息。
- MobileMonkey还具有允许创建复杂行为(creation of complex behavior)的功能。
- 您也可以使用它来自动化客户支持(automate customer support)。
- 它允许您在线控制(take command )您的 AI 聊天机器人并随时加入讨论(join the discussion at any moment)。
- 此外,它可在桌面和移动(both desktop and mobile)平台上使用。
- 对于无限量的潜在客户,MobileMonkey每月(per month)收费 14.25美元,每年支付。
- 还提供免费版本(free version),具有无限的潜在客户,但功能较少。
20. 聊天燃料 (20. Chatfuel )
Chatfuel是另一个出色的、易于使用的工具,无需编写代码即可开发Facebook机器人。(Facebook)Facebook Messenger的聊天(Facebook Messenger)机器人(Chatfuel)是使用Chatfuel(Chatbots)开发的。它的一些客户包括阿迪达斯(Adidas)、TechCrunch、乐高(Lego)和T-Mobile。
- 当用户与聊天机器人交互时,他们的信息会保存在您的数据库(information is saved in your database)中。
- 这是一个不需要任何编码的(doesn’t require any coding)人工智能聊天机器人(AI chatbot) 在线平台(online platform)。
- 此外,它通过自动化常见问题解答来减少(reduces) 支持费用。(support expenses)
- Chatfuel 附带机器人分析(bot analytics),可提供有关机器人性能的重要数据。
- Chatfuel 机器人支持(are supported)近50 种语言。(50 languages)
这个在线AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot)有以下选项可供用户选择:
- 由于Chatfuel的某些功能是免费(free)的,您可以尝试一下!
高级计划(Premium Plan)起价为每月 300 美元,包括无限机器人和多达 30,000 名用户。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Facebook 消息已发送(Fix Facebook Message Sent)但未送达(Delivered)
21. 陆地机器人(21. Landbot)
对用户最友好的平台之一是Landbot在线AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot),它可能适用于各种平台。消费者将能够通过网络、WhatsApp、Facebook Messenger或支持 API 的渠道与您联系。而且,
- 它允许您使用拖放界面( drag-and-drop interface)轻松开发聊天机器人。
- 为了吸引您的观众,Landbot让您可以利用真正的讨论(leverage genuine discussions)。
- 您的聊天机器人可以定制(customized )以匹配您公司的徽标和目标(logo & goals)。
- 数据(Data)是从Google 表格(Google Sheets)中提取的,可以增强用户交互(enhanced user interactions)。
(Analytical tools)集成到软件中的分析工具有助于(software assist)流量分析(traffic analysis)。
可以进行多种集成(Multiple integrations)。
- 以引人注目的风格创建引人入胜的定制消息,以提高转化率。(engaging, tailored messages)
客户数据(Customer data)可以很容易地在内部共享。
Landbot 订阅(Landbot subscription)计划包括以下内容:
- 沙盒计划(Sandbox plan)是完全免费的。
- 入门套餐(Starter package)每月收费 30 欧元。
专业计划(Professional plan)每月收费 80 欧元。
22. HubSpot
HubSpot的 AI 聊天机器人在线构建器是最好的 AI 聊天机器人之一,因为它可以让您在更大范围内进行无休止的定制聊天。Gmail 和 Outlook(Gmail and Outlook)均受支持。
- 它可以帮助您跟踪潜在客户(keep track of your leads)并添加新联系人。HubSpot(Chatbot)的聊天机器人(HubSpot)允许您通过电子邮件这样做。
- 您只需单击鼠标即可将交易添加到您的 CRM 。(add deals to your CRM)
- 您无需编写任何代码即可创建和调整机器人。(create and tweak bots)
- 您可以建立一个时间表链接(build a schedule link)以分发给潜在的消费者。
- 根据您的机器人的目标,选择一个模板(select a template)。
- 使用自然语言,您可以自定义您的机器人体验( customize your bot experience)。
- HubSpot 提供免费计划(free plan)和免费试用(free trial)。
- 保费计划(premium plan)是每月46 美元。
最好的部分(part isn)不仅限于聊天机器人,它适用于整个CRM。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)适用于Android的15 个最佳免费圣诞动态壁纸应用程序(Christmas Live Wallpaper Apps)
23.焦油 (23. Tars )
Tars是一个在线AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot),可帮助收集适合移动设备和娱乐性网站的业务线索。客户包括美国运通(American Express)、DHL、本田(Honda)和加州(California)大学(University),因为它使用起来非常简单,不需要编码或编程技能(coding or programming skills)。
- 仪表板显示聊天机器人创建者的统计数据和报告(stats and reports)。
- 您可以使用它将聊天机器人集成为(integrate your chatbot as a widget)您网站上的小部件。
启动和(Launching &) 修改(modifying) 聊天机器人(chatbots)很简单。
- 它创建了(created connectors)与Google Calendar、Google Sheets、HubSpot、Zendesk和各种其他应用程序的连接器。
950+ pre-built 模板(templates)。
- Tars 软件使您能够自动化(automate )高达 80% 的业务呼叫。
- 计划价格从$499 per month。
- $899 per month,您将获得最完整的分析和营销工具集合,这些工具可供世界各地的建筑商使用。
24. REVE 聊天(24. REVE Chat)
REVE Chat是一种视频聊天(video chat)、实时聊天和机器人服务,可让您与消费者互动。它提供了一个无需编码经验的即用型AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot) 在线平台。(online platform)
- REVE Chat 是一个人工智能辅助的全渠道实时聊天平台(AI-assisted omnichannel live chat platform)。
- 借助节点和动作(nodes and actions),您可以构建机器人的流程。
- 如果用户提出难题,您可以设置(set up a) 实时聊天接管(live chat takeover)。聊天机器人可以快速部署。
- 它可以轻松地与您的Google 日历(Google calendar)集成,从而允许您安排约会和会议(schedule appointments and meetings)。
- 它包括适用于您的移动应用程序或网站版本的消息传递功能(messaging features)。
客户反馈(Customer feedback)是实时可用的。此外,REVE Chat允许您使用(REVE Chat)Viber、Facebook Messenger和Telegram等聊天应用程序为您的客户提供即时帮助(immediate assistance)。
- 该人工智能软件(AI software)指示机器人忽略某些响应并专注于公司的目标(focus on the company’s objectives)。
REVE Chat具有三个价格等级,每个等级都有14 天的免费试用期(14-day free trial period)。
基本计划(Basic plan)@ 每月 15 美元。
高级计划(Advanced plan)@ 每月 25 美元。
企业计划(Enterprise plan)@ 每月 50 美元。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)如何在Instagram 上发送(Instagram)直接消息(Direct Messages)
25. SAP 对话式人工智能(25. SAP Conversational AI)
客户可以使用SAP Conversational AI为其网站设计和部署对话界面。由于以下属性,它在网站最佳聊天机器人列表中具有特色:
(Boost your employees’ productivity)通过构建让每个人都朝着同一个方向前进的流程来提高员工的工作效率。
- 它使您能够从单个仪表板创建和管理所有聊天机器人。(create and manage )
- 您还可以创建与现有系统一起使用的公司聊天机器人。(create corporate chatbots)
- 您可以自动化(automate) 耗时的活动(time-consuming activities)。
(Scale your systems)在不牺牲一对一参与的情况下扩展您的系统。
- 所有系统都应该集成到一个单一的生态系统(integrated into a single ecosystem)中。
- 它帮助用户回答问题(answering questions)和进行基本活动。
对于这个在线AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot),您可以按(pay as you go)每月 355 美元的价格按块支付 1000 次谈话。
26. 智能循环(26. Smartloop)
Smartloop是 AI 聊天机器人在线平台(online platform),它使用对话式 AI(Conversational AI)帮助您获得优质的潜在(quality lead)客户、培养、分析它,从而帮助提高保留率。以下是这个最好的网站聊天机器人之一的功能。
- 如果您的点击率更高,您将能够销售更多(sell more)。
- 要构建聊天机器人,您不需要编程团队(don’t require a programming team)。
- 您可以通过一对一的对话(one-on-one conversations)和提供有趣的材料来同情您的客户,因为它可以让您以轻松的方式与消费者交流。
- 使用Smartloop(Smartloop)可以获得open rate of 80%和 40% 以上的点击率。
- 它为用户提供量身定制的体验(tailored experiences)。
- 您可以期待更高的点击率(greater click-through rate)和逐渐增加的转化次数。
- 它使您有权分析用户讨论(analyze user discussions),以找出最适合您公司的方法。
(Also Read: )另请阅读:Discord 文本格式(Discord Text Formatting)综合(Comprehensive Guide)指南
27. 蒂迪奥(27. Tidio)
Tidio是一个由聊天机器人驱动的实时聊天平台(chat platform),可让您通过在线和移动聊天机器人、Facebook Messenger聊天机器人等与客户互动。第一个月的租金是18美元。以下是此在线AI 聊天机器人(AI chatbot)的一些独特功能:
- 它包括一个移动应用程序(mobile app)以及一个简单的仪表板(simple dashboard)。
- 您有两个选择(two options):创建自己的聊天机器人或使用聊天机器人模板(chatbot template)。
- 机器人可以由16 种不同的触发器中的任何一种来触发(16 distinct triggers)。
- 很容易设置并(easy to set up and integrate )与您的电子商务平台(eCommerce platform)、电子邮件营销软件(marketing software)和客户服务软件(customer service software)集成。
- Tidio 有一个易于使用的拖放式构建器(drag-and-drop builder)。
28. 漂移(28. Drift)
- 您可以收集消费者数据(gather consumer data)以更多地了解他们的习惯。
- 此外,您可以投入时间和资源(time and resources)来扩展您的业务( expand your business)。
- Drift 使您能够与之前对您的网站表现出兴趣的客户开始对话。(start conversations with clients)
- Drift AI 驱动的聊天机器人帮助 B2B 企业(help B2B businesses)。
- 该工具可提供出色的客户服务(excellent customer service)。
- 它与(integrates well with)各种不同的技术很好地集成在一起,包括Google Analytics、MailChimp和Zapier。
- 漂移起价为$400 per month,该组 5 人。
- 还有一个免费计划(free plan),但是它没有聊天机器人功能。
另请阅读: (Also Read: )Chrome的16 个最佳广告拦截扩展(Blocking Extension)
29. 获取(29. Aquire)
Acquire 客户体验平台(customer experience platform)包括智能、无代码聊天机器人以及可视化编辑器。使用(Use)Skype、Slack、Facebook Messenger和网络(Web)聊天或即时消息应用程序(messaging apps)等在线聊天和消息传递平台(chat and messaging platforms)与客户交流。
- 设置(simple to set up)很简单,因为它包含自动化的对话和工作流程。
- 它允许您创建适合您公司需求的自定义流程。(create custom flows)
- 各种第三方机器人提供商都集成(third-party bot providers are integrated )到平台上。
- 在混合机器人理念(hybrid bot idea)中,该技术提供了作为虚拟代理运行的AI 和 BOT(and BOT) 集成。(integration)
- (Fix INET E Security Problem)修复Microsoft Edge(Microsoft Edge)中的INET E 安全问题
- 15家小型企业(Small Business)最佳免费电子邮件提供商(Best Free Email Providers)
- Discord 命令列表(Discord Commands List)(最有用的聊天和机器人命令(Chat and Bot Commands))
- (Change Quick Chat Voice)在PUBG Mobile上(PUBG Mobile)更改快速聊天语音
希望本文结束您为您的网站在线搜索最佳 AI 聊天机器人的过程( AI chatbots online for your website)。尽管该列表并不详尽,并且还有许多其他聊天机器人,例如Vergic、Inbenta、Rulai等,具有相似或等效的功能。请(Feel)随时通过下面的评论部分与我们联系,提出您的疑问和建议。让我们知道您接下来想了解什么。
29 Best AI Chatbots Online (2022)
Before we delve into Artificial Intelligence or AI chatbot topic at hand, let us understand the meaning of chatbot. A chatbot is a simple software available 24×7 online on the web for you to converse using text-to-text or text-to-speech modes without any direct human involvement. In other words, it replaces humans with machines for the delivery of information and further communication. Some of the most popular AI chatbots online are detailed below for your ready reference. Keep reading this article to know more about the best AI chatbots for websites.
29 Best AI Chatbots Online for Websites
The following list includes the best Artificial Intelligence or AI-based chatbots out there for individuals or businesses to enhance their website user experience with several amazing features.
1. Flow XO
Flow XO is rated amongst the best chatbot for website as it helps people to communicate with one another across various social media platforms and different sites due to the following excellent features:
- It enables you to create a chatbot with the drag-and-drop editor.
- Flow XO allows you to send Virtual welcome messages.
- Another feature of this software is it does the pre-filtration of data and collects user details to further improve the user experience.
- The Live chat feature allows you to answer simple questions.
- It has easy to use interface.
You will get both Free & Standard pricing plans:
Free Plan: It supports 500 interactions, 5 bots, and 2 weeks of logs besides chatbot and workflow creation.
Standard Plan: It accepts payments through your bot and comes at monthly pricing of $19.
2. Botsify
Botsify is another online AI chatbot amongst the others in the list of the best chatbot for website. The reasons for Botsify to be here are:
- Botsify is simple to use.
- It enables the collection of user information with the help of conversation forms.
Quick set-up of bot and email notifications are some of the features this software has.
- Botsify also supports multiple platforms like Facebook, Amazon, Slack, and other websites.
- In addition, it provides multilingual support.
- You can handle and respond to a text message that contains specific keywords.
- A well-known feature of this software is the cloud-based Alexa Voice service.
The flexible pricing for this software are as follows:
Free Demo: 14 days free trial with a single chatbot, for those who want to check its features before use
Self-service Plan: This plan is available @ $50 / month and allows the use of 10 chatbots, unlimited stories, and not more than 30,000 individual contacts/users
Fully Managed Plan: This plan comes with unlimited contacts, at a cost of $300 per month and has on offer certain advanced features.
Also Read: Yahoo Chat Rooms: Where did it fade away?
3. Imperson
Imperson AI chatbot develops purposeful, systematic chatbot solutions for its customers and is considered amongst the best chatbot for website.
- Imperson AI chatbot offers text, audio, and video support.
- This AI software User Interface integrates well with more than one platform like Messenger, Twitter, Slack, SMS, Skype, and Amazon.
- You can also use this software with other websites as it provides multiple website support.
- Moreover, it is based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which enables computers to interact properly with human languages.
- It enables real-time understanding, personalized care, and vision to boost chatting performance.
End-to-end bot solutions are available for the users.
4. Genesys DX
Genesys DX, formerly known as Bold360 by LogMeIn, is one of the best online AI chatbots that permits businesses to deliver better customer results and interactions in real-time.
- This software can handle the quick interpretation of complex languages swiflty.
- On the other hand, it memorizes the context of the entire conversation, providing personalized service to its customers.
- It facilitates online chatting in real-time via web messaging.
- Moreover, Genesys DX enables intranet network systems.
- Genesys DX supports an Application Programming Interface.
- It also enables the use of a Software Development Kit, provided by software manufacturers.
- You can enhance the user experience by using this software with 40 languages support on your website.
- Furthermore, it provides state of the art, updates, analysis, and reports to its users.
Also Read: How to Use Skype Chat Text Effects
5. PandoraBot
PandoraBot, on a lighter note, is not a pandora’s box, but a whole range of Do It Yourself services to meet the demands of your business activities.
- PandoraBot can converse using text-to-text mode as well as voice mode.
- Also, it allows voice to voice through mobile chats.
- To meet the demands of business, it helps converse using coding language.
- This AI software permits building your high-performing and flexible bots.
- It provides free training and enables you to document and retain your chats.
- Besides, it enables a symbolic reduction technique.
PandoraBot offers multiple enterprise pricing plans as detailed below:
Community service Plan: This is a free plan that has lots of features as in the paid versions.
Shared Service Plan: It comes @ $75 per month.
Dedicated Service plan: It costs $1500 per month with which you can save logs for up to 1 month.
6. ItsAlive
ItsAlive is another AI chatbot online that promotes systematic chatbot solutions for its customers and is considered amongst the best chatbot for website.
- ItsAlive is an AI conversation program featuring private messages from Facebook.
- It is easy to set up.
- Moreover, you can build chatbots according to your needs and goals.
- The user interface of this software provides multilingual support for users around the world.
- The drag and drop feature enables you to move your data easily.
- Further, the persistent menu feature allows a list of options to be always available and visible to its user.
Unanswered questions tab enables the user to view any questions left unanswered during a conversation
It enables flexible pricing and offers 5 levels of prices as per the following details:
The Free Plan: Has no advanced features but enables up to a thousand messages and one chatbot.
The Solo Plan: It is available at a cost of $19 per month and has limited advanced features but enables 5000 messages a month and 1 chatbot.
The Plus Plan: It comes for $49 per month and allows 20,000 messages, 2 chatbots, and some advanced features.
The Pro Plan: It costs $99 per month and enables 100, 000 messages a month, 5 chatbots, and some additional functions.
The Enterprise Plan: This is a customized plan depending on the customer’s needs and wants. For a quote for this plan, you have to directly contact the company, specifying your requirements.
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7. ManyChat
ManyChat is a chatbot that systematically promotes chatbot solutions for its customers and is a bot platform on Facebook Messenger for commercial services. It is considered amongst the best Artificial Intelligence chatbots for the following reasons:
- ManyChat allows interested customers to connect with you by clicking the link on your website, Quick Response code, or any other social media platform.
- Customers can converse with you or your sales and marketing personnel anytime, anywhere.
- This software also gathers contact details of customers to expand the user base.
- It incorporates a feature that sends automatic welcome messages to visitors.
- Its extremely easy user interface offers the drag and drop feature as well.
- ManyChat supports and couples with tools like Shopify, Google Sheets, Zapier, MailChimp, HubSpot, or ConvertKit.
It enables flexible pricing and offers three pricings plans as per details below:
Free Plan: This plan includes unlimited subscribers and can be used both by start-ups or new bot users and also by already established business houses too.
Pro Plan: It is available at $10 per month or at $145 per year.
8. Xenioo
Xenioo is another all-in-one professional, artificial intelligence chatting platform to be considered amongst the best Artificial Intelligence chatbots for the following reasons:
- This chat designer cum editor enables cloning, backup, and restoration of information.
- It supports multiple channels like several websites along with Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, Microsoft Teams, Slack, Amazon Alexa, and Google Assistant.
- Xenioo provides both text-to-text as well as voice mode.
- It is a virtual assistant that integrates with built-in and third-party Natural Language Processors.
- Besides, it enables the use of the Conversation Execution Diagram to preview and test your chatbot.
This natural visual flow designer offers a range of prices for everyone depending upon the number of messages you send and bots you build.
Free Plan: At no cost.
Starter Plan: Costing approximately $35 per month.
Professional Plan: Priced at $118 per month.
Agency Plan: At the rate of $296 per month, offering 100 chatbots and 350K messages per month.
Enterprise Plan: Custom-built pricing available on request from the agency only.
Also Read: How to Leave a Group Chat in Facebook Messenger
9. Boost.ai
Boost.ai is another interactive AI chatbot and is considered amongst the best Artificial Intelligence chatbots that help in enhancing customer experience. It features on the list of best chatbot for website because:
- Boost.ai offers multiple channel support integrating with Facebook Messenger, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and many more.
- It enables quick service through human chat agents.
- This software automatically answers customer FAQs in terms of sales, after-sales support, product quality, etc.
- You do not require any coding skills or any technical expertise to use this software.
- Additionally, its user interface supports API documentation which is developer-friendly, easily accessible, and quick to understand with interactive documents and tutorials.
Boost.ai does not offer open pricing. So to get boost pricing details, you have to get in touch with their team of executives. However, it does also provide pre-training. That’s quite something!
10. Ada
Ada is another AI-powered customer service chatbot that is considered one of the best Artificial Intelligence chatbots which boosts user experience on your website. The reasons are:
- The easy user interface of this software helps you to use the drag and drop editor effectively.
- Users do not require coding skills or technical expertise.
- It supports and couples with many other tools like Medium, Shopify, and MailChimp.
- Furthermore, it enables the addition of GIFs to your messages.
- Ada allows the safe storage of customer data.
- This software asks for feedback and reports from customers.
- Besides, it also provides real-time suggestions and support.
Multiple channels like Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and WhatsApp are supported with this chatbot software.
- It provides complete data security for your website.
- Moreover, it uses the Audience segmentation tool to identify subgroups within the intended target audience based on demographics.
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11. Zendesk
Zendesk Chat is a feature of Zendesk, a prominent company customer support software.
- The Answer Bot searches your Zendesk knowledge base for relevant articles to provide clients with the information they need quickly.
- The Zendesk response bot may be used independently on your website, in mobile apps, or in internal Slack groups.
- It allows you to create your AI chatbot online to answer typical consumer inquiries without writing code.
- You may employ automated messaging, such as triggering messages.
- Furthermore, you may also use it to integrate with other chatbot technologies and optimise your messages by observing which ones generate the most interaction.
The payment structure for this service is as follows:
- A 14-day free trial is available.
- When invoiced annually, Zendesk Chat costs $14 per agent each month.
Free Lite edition is also available, which allows you to have only one agent and one discussion at a time.
12. SurveySparrow
SurveySparrow is a conversational research and building software platform.
- Zapier, Slack, Intercom, and Mailchimp are used to add reviews to websites and other programming instruments.
- It’s a fully automated system that uses apps or websites to help you simulate real-life conversations.
- SurveySparrow delivers analytics and reports.
- It comes with a number of unique pre-installed question types and layouts.
- It offers a conversational user interface.
- This software also allows you to copy and paste embed code that is automatically created.
- Moreover, it facilitates the creation of expressions for performing mathematical calculations.
It offers a 14-day free trial as well as a completely free plan. After that, you have the option of selecting one of the following plans:
Basic: $19 per month
Premium: $29 per month
Business: $99 per month
Enterprise: $499 per month
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13. Dasha
Dasha is a platform for conversational AI as a service. The technologies needed to build conversational AI systems are available to developers. Additionally, all Dasha apps you create are your intellectual property. It has made to the list of best AI chatbot for website due to the following features:
Conversational voice interfaces in mobile or IoT devices may be included in the apps.
- Working with Dasha does not need any prior understanding of AI or machine learning.
- Dasha has speech synthesis that is indistinguishable from human speech.
- It has an infinite depth of dialogue.
- The SDK simply interacts with your current infrastructure. You may include real-time AI dialogues into your websites or mobile apps.
14. Intercom
Intercom was one of the first AI chatbot online to hit the market when it launched in 2011. Intercom can respond to up to 33% of inquiries. It’s known for being a straightforward business bot with basic rules.
- Intercom integrates email marketing providers, Slack, Google Analytics, CRM software, and other services.
- It can assist you in automating your marketing and interactions with your clients.
- As your company expands, it’s simple to scale. You can increase income by providing a better customer experience.
- It has a fun customer service department.
- This software has over 250 pre-installed apps.
- In addition, it gives a smooth user experience across desktop and mobile.
Its subscription plans include:
- The Intercom Start bundle starts at $39 per month.
- To access the chatbot capabilities, you’ll need at least the Growth plan, which starts at $99 per month.
Both of these programs come with a 14-day free trial.
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15. Freshdesk Messaging
Freshdesk Messaging is another of the top live chat support services on the market, with features that rival those of the other firms on this list.
- Freshdesk Messaging allows you to initiate real-time interactions with clients via agents or artificial intelligence.
Customer histories, live profiles, and custom bots for automatic discussions are all available.
- You can create an AI chatbot online for WhatsApp, Messenger, Apple Business Chat mobile and web by using this software.
- Its purpose is to recognize consumer intent and engage with them.
- This software provides you with a list of queries from customers and prospects that require more detailed or better solutions.
Enterprises will require Freshchat Forest package to employ their AI chatbot online. At $69 per user each month when invoiced monthly, this isn’t inexpensive but worth a shot!
16. Meya
Meya AI is a cloud-based collaboration technology that allows you and your team to work together. For Facebook Messenger, SMS, Telegram, WhatsApp, and webchat, Meya delivers white-labeled B2B as well as B2C solutions.
- You may interact with Meya’s dedicated customer service manager via a private Slack channel.
- The programming languages supported include Python, Typescript, and YAML.
Specific conversational flows can be written in response to user input.
- You can use it to build, host, and train your cognitive application/AI bot all from one place.
- A code editor, a test chat, a live debugger, and a visualizer are all included in the Bot studio. It makes scaling your bots a breeze.
Meya provides the essential flexibility to work with businesses of all sizes, with three distinct price options:
Pro: $799 per month.
Partner: $2,500 per month.
Enterprise: Contact them for a custom-based quote.
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17. Bold360
Bold360 is the best chatbot for websites online that helps organizations provide better customer service. The company’s client list hosts big names like Intuit, Edible Arrangements & Vodafone.
- It employs artificial intelligence to assist agents to create smooth transitions from bots to agents.
- Its conversational AI can interpret sophisticated language, recollect the context of a conversation, and reply to customers in a natural way, according to its proprietary natural language processing technology, which it has trademarked.
- You may also give your AI chatbot online a personality.
18. Aivo
Aivo was started by a group of entrepreneurs looking for a means to reinvent how companies engage with their customers. It is presently one of the world’s largest and most successful online AI chatbot systems. Aivo’s clients include Visa, Uber, LG, and General Motors.
- This AI chatbot software is beneficial to you as it creates customer care on a platform that doesn’t require any coding.
- Moreover, it allows your company to reply to consumers in real-time.
- Salesforce and Zendesk are just two examples of third-party solutions that it interfaces with readily.
Multiple language support, audio messaging & emoticons are included.
- It offers the capacity to track prior customer communication threads.
Let us now look at its subscription models:
- The AgentBot service from Aivo starts at $240 per month for 1,000 monthly sessions.
- The cost of additional sessions is $26 per 100 people.
- This also includes a 30-day free trial.
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19. MobileMonkey
MobileMonkey is intended towards non-technical consumers, in the same way as Chatfuel and Botsify.
- It’s simple to use.
- It facilitates human intervention.
- You may make a single bot that can be used on various platforms. This software can be used to generate Facebook Messenger chatbots and SMS text messages.
- MobileMonkey also has capabilities that allow for the creation of complex behavior.
- You may also use it to automate customer support.
- It allows you to take command of your AI chatbot online and join the discussion at any moment.
- Besides, it is available on both desktop and mobile platforms.
It offers the following plans to its users:
- For an infinite amount of leads, MobileMonkey costs $14.25 per month, payable yearly.
- A free version is also available, with limitless leads but fewer features.
20. Chatfuel
Chatfuel is another fantastic, easy-to-use tool for developing Facebook bots without having to code. Chatbots for Facebook Messenger have been developed using Chatfuel. Some of its clients include Adidas, TechCrunch, Lego, and T-Mobile.
- When a user interacts with the chatbot, their information is saved in your database.
- It’s an AI chatbot online platform that doesn’t require any coding.
- Furthermore, it reduces support expenses by automating FAQs.
- Chatfuel comes with bot analytics which provides vital data on the bot’s performance.
- Nearly 50 languages are supported by the Chatfuel bot.
This AI chatbot online has following options available for users to choose from:
- Since certain features of Chatfuel are free, you can give it a try!
Premium Plan starts at $300 per month and includes unlimited bots and up to 30,000 users.
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21. Landbot
One of the most user-friendly platforms is Landbot online AI chatbot that may be made for a variety of platforms. Consumers will be able to contact you over the web, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, or an API-enabled channel. Moreover,
- It allows you to easily develop a chatbot using a drag-and-drop interface.
- To engage your audience, Landbot lets you leverage genuine discussions.
- Your chatbots may be customized to match your company’s logo & goals.
- Data is pulled from Google Sheets allowing for enhanced user interactions.
Analytical tools integrated into the software assist with traffic analysis.
Multiple integrations are available.
- Create engaging, tailored messages with an eye-catching style to boost conversions.
Customer data may be readily shared internally.
Landbot subscription plans include the following:
- The Sandbox plan is completely free.
- The Starter package costs 30€ per month.
Professional plan costs 80€ per month..
22. HubSpot
AI chatbot online builder by HubSpot is one of the finest AI chatbots since it allows you to have endless tailored chats at a larger scale. Gmail and Outlook are both supported.
- It helps you to keep track of your leads and add new contacts. Chatbot by HubSpot allows you to do so through email.
- You can add deals to your CRM with a single mouse click.
- You can create and tweak bots without having to write any code.
- You may build a schedule link to distribute to potential consumers.
- Based on the goal of your bot, select a template.
- Using natural language, you may customize your bot experience.
It offers the given modes to choose from:
- HubSpot offers a free plan as well as a free trial.
- The premium plan is $46 per month.
The best part isn’t just limited to chatbots, it applies to the entire CRM.
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23. Tars
Tars is an AI chatbot online that aids in the collection of business leads for mobile-friendly and entertaining websites. Clients include American Express, DHL, Honda, and the University of California as it is extremely simple to use and requires no coding or programming skills.
- The dashboard displays stats and reports for chatbot creators.
- You may use it to integrate your chatbot as a widget on your website.
Launching & modifying chatbots is simple.
Drag-and-drop function may be used to make chatbots.
- It has created connectors with Google Calendar, Google Sheets, HubSpot, Zendesk, and a variety of other apps.
950+ pre-built templates for AI chatbots online.
- Tars software enables you to automate up to 80% of your business calls.
It’s plan details are as follows:
- Plan prices start at $499 per month.
- For $899 per month, you will get the most complete collection of analytics and marketing tools accessible among builders throughout the world.
24. REVE Chat
REVE Chat is a video chat, live chat, and bot service that allows you to engage with your consumers. It provides a ready-to-use AI chatbot online platform that requires no coding experience.
- REVE Chat is an AI-assisted omnichannel live chat platform.
- With the aid of nodes and actions, you can construct the flow of your bot.
- If a user poses a hard question, you may set up a live chat takeover. Chatbots can be deployed quickly.
- It easily integrates with your Google calendar thereby, allowing you to schedule appointments and meetings.
- It includes messaging features for your mobile app or website verison.
Customer feedback is available in real-time. Moreover, REVE Chat allows you to provide immediate assistance to your customers using chat apps such as Viber, Facebook Messenger, and Telegram.
- This AI software instructs the bot to disregard some responses and focus on the company’s objectives.
REVE Chat has three price tiers each with a 14-day free trial period.
Basic plan @ $15 per month.
Advanced plan @ $25 per month.
Enterprise plan @ $50 per month.
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25. SAP Conversational AI
Customers can use SAP Conversational AI to design and deploy conversational interfaces for their websites. It features on the list of best chatbot for website because of the following attributes:
Boost your employees’ productivity by building processes that get everyone going in the same direction.
- It gives you the ability to create and manage all of your chatbots from a single dashboard.
- You may also create corporate chatbots that work with your existing system.
- You can automate time-consuming activities.
Scale your systems without sacrificing one-on-one engagement.
- All systems should be integrated into a single ecosystem.
- It assists the user in answering questions and doing basic activities.
You may pay as you go with rates beginning at $355 per month for 1000 talks in blocks for this online AI chatbot.
26. Smartloop
Smartloop is AI chatbot online platform that uses Conversational AI to help you acquire a quality lead, nurture it, analyse it thereby, helping to enhance retention rates. Following are the features of this one of best chatbot for website.
- You’ll be able to sell more if your CTR is greater.
- To build a chatbot, you don’t require a programming team.
- You can empathize with your customers by having one-on-one conversations and delivering interesting material as it allows you to communicate with consumers in a lighthearted manner.
- You may get an open rate of 80% and a click-through rate of over 40% using Smartloop.
- It provides users with tailored experiences.
- You can expect a greater click-through rate and an increase in conversions gradually.
- It entitles you to analyze user discussions in order to figure out what works best for your firm.
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27. Tidio
Tidio is a chatbot-powered live chat platform that enables you to engage with your customers via online and mobile chatbots, Facebook Messenger chatbots, and more. The rent for the first month is $18. Here are some unique features of this online AI chatbot:
- It includes a mobile app as well as a simple dashboard.
- You get two options: create your own chatbot or utilize a chatbot template.
- Bots can be triggered by any one of the 16 distinct triggers.
- It’s easy to set up and integrate with your eCommerce platform, email marketing software, and customer service software.
- Tidio has a drag-and-drop builder that is simple to use.
28. Drift
Like many of the other tools on our list, Drift lets you blend live chat with an artificial chatbot. It also connects to the most widely used CRMs and email marketing platforms. It features on the list of best chatbot for website because:
- You may gather consumer data to understand more about their habits.
- Moreover, you can devote your time and resources to expand your business.
- Drift enables you to start conversations with clients who have shown interest in your website previously.
- Drift AI-powered chatbots help B2B businesses.
- This tool delivers excellent customer service.
- It integrates well with a variety of different technologies, including Google Analytics, MailChimp, and Zapier.
The versions offered to customers are listed below:
- Drift starts at $400 per month with 5 people in this group.
- There is also a free plan, however, it does not have chatbot capabilities.
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29. Aquire
Acquire customer experience platform includes intelligent, no-code chatbots along with visual editor. Use online chat and messaging platforms like Skype, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and Web chat or instant messaging apps to communicate with customers.
- It is simple to set up as it contains dialogues and workflows that are automated.
- It allows you to create custom flows that are suited to your company’s needs.
- A variety of third-party bot providers are integrated onto the platform.
- In a hybrid bot idea, the technology delivers AI and BOT integration that operate as virtual agents.
Hope this article ends your search for best AI chatbots online for your website. Although the list is inexhaustive and there are many other Chatbots like Vergic, Inbenta, Rulai, etc. with similar or equivalent features. Feel free to reach out to us with your queries and suggestions via the comments section below. Let us know what you want to learn about next.