Pokémon Go是Niantic的基于 AR 的科幻奇幻游戏,您可以在其中实现成为神奇宝贝(Pokémon)训练师的童年梦想。探索世界以发现稀有而强大的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)并挑战您的朋友进行决斗,这不是您一直想要的吗?好吧(Well),现在Niantic让这成为可能。所以,走出去,自由奔跑,忠于神奇宝贝的座右铭“Gotta catch ém all”。(So, go out, run free, and be true to the Pokémon motto “Gotta catch ém all.”)
该游戏鼓励您走出去,从一个地方到另一个地方寻找神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。它会在地图上随机生成神奇宝贝,并在您所在地区的(Pokémons)神奇宝贝站(Pokéstops)和健身房指定特定区域(通常是地标) 。最终目标是通过收集神奇宝贝(Pokémons)、控制体育馆、参加活动等来获得经验值和金币。现在,您既可以努力工作,四处收集来自不同地方的东西,也可以走捷径。
有几种技巧和作弊可以使您更轻松地玩游戏。除非作弊的想法使您陷入道德难题,否则本文将成为您解锁全新乐趣的指南。老实说,Pokémon Go本身就是一款颇有偏见的游戏,因为它显然为生活在大城市的人们带来了很多优势。如果您居住在人口稠密的大都市,游戏会更加有趣。因此,我们发现使用一些技巧和作弊来使游戏更加有趣和令人兴奋是没有错的。从轻松获取资源到在神奇宝贝(Pokémon)体育馆赢得战斗,这些技巧和作弊可以帮助您充分利用这款游戏。所以,事不宜迟,让我们开始吧,看看什么是最好的 Pokémon Go Hacks(Best Pokémon Go Hacks)和秘籍(Cheats)加倍的乐趣。
最佳 Pokémon Go 黑客(Best Pokémon Go Hacks)和秘籍(Cheats)让乐趣倍增(Fun)
什么是最好的 Pokémon Go 秘籍?(What are some of the Best Pokémon Go Cheats?)
1. GPS 欺骗(1. GPS Spoofing)
让我们从一些简单且相当容易完成的事情开始。我们都知道Pokémon Go可以在您的GPS位置上工作。它收集您的位置信息并在您附近产生神奇宝贝。GPS欺骗允许您欺骗游戏,让您认为您在不同的新位置;因此,您无需移动即可找到更多神奇宝贝。
这也让来自农村的玩家能够更好地享受游戏。此外,由于神奇宝贝是在主题合适的环境中生成的,因此GPS欺骗是生活在内陆地区的人们捕捉水型神奇宝贝的唯一途径。要做到这一点,您只需要一个Fake GPS 应用程序(Fake GPS app)、一个模拟位置屏蔽模块和一个VPN应用程序。您需要确保您的 IP 地址和GPS设置为相同的虚假位置。如果你能正确完成它,这是最好的 Pokémon Go 黑客之一。
使用这个技巧,你甚至不必走出去捕捉神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。你可以简单地不断改变你的位置,让神奇宝贝(Pokémons)在你身边产卵。但是,请确保不要过于频繁地使用它,否则Niantic会为您服务。尝试将您的位置设置为一次可以找到很多神奇宝贝(Pokémons)的地方。如果Niantic发现您正在使用虚假 GPS(Fake GPS)广告,它甚至可能会永久禁止您的帐户。因此,我们建议您仅在您可以承受后果(即永远失去您的帐户)的情况下才承担风险。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在不移动的情况下玩 Pokémon Go(Android 和 iOS)(How To Play Pokémon Go Without Moving (Android & iOS))
2. 下注(2. Botting)
您可以分配一个或多个机器人帐户来基本上为您玩游戏。他们将使用您的凭据登录并使用您当前的位置(或您想要的任何虚假位置)作为起点。现在,他们将通过GPS(GPS)欺骗来模拟步行动作,并不时向Niantic发送适当的数据。每当遇到Pokémon时,它都会使用一些脚本并调用API通过向 Pokémon 投掷 Pokémon来捕捉Pokémon。抓到宝(Pokémon)可梦后,它会移动到下一个位置。
这样,您可以在机器人为您收集Pokémon并获得奖励和 XP 积分时坐下来。这是在很短的时间内完成游戏的最简单方法。它绝对是最好的Pokémon Go黑客列表中的特色,但你必须承认它消除了游戏的乐趣。此外,Niantic一直在努力消除游戏中的机器人。它对机器人帐户实施了影子禁令,这使他们无法找到除了普通和低功率的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)之外的任何东西。他们还会砍掉任何不公平获得的神奇宝贝(Pokémon),使它们在战斗中毫无用处。
3. 使用多个帐户(3. Using Multiple Accounts)
4. 共享账户(4. Sharing Accounts)
另一个相对无害的作弊,在最佳Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)黑客 列表中具有特色,仅仅是因为它简单易行。您需要做的就是与居住在不同城市或国家的朋友或家人分享您的登录凭据,并让他们为您收集神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。这样,您将能够收集更多稀有和独特的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。您可以将一些永远不会在您所在地区自然生成的特殊神奇宝贝添加到您的收藏中。(Pokémons)如果您有朋友住在人口稠密的大城市,请与他们分享您的帐户,让他们为您收集一些很棒的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。
现在,虽然从技术上讲它不是作弊,但Niantic不赞成(Niantic)帐户(Account)共享的做法。因此,他们禁止了几个经常沉迷于此行为的帐户。因此,在使用此 hack 时要小心。在要求某人从其他位置登录您的帐户之前,请确保花足够的时间离线。(Make)这会让Niantic相信你真的去了一个新的地方。
5.自动IV检查器(5. Auto-IV Checkers)
IV 代表个人价值观(Individual Values)。它是衡量神奇宝贝(Pokémon)战斗能力的指标。IV越高,神奇宝贝(Pokémon)在战斗中获胜的机会就越大。每个神奇宝贝(Every Pokémon)都有三个基本属性,除了它的CP是攻击(Attack),防御(Defense)和耐力(Stamina)。这些中的每一个都具有 15 的最高分,因此,神奇宝贝(Pokémon)可以拥有的最高统计数据是完整的 45。现在 IV 是神奇宝贝(Pokémon)总分 45 的百分比表示。在理想情况下,你会想要拥有100% IV的神奇宝贝。(Pokémon)
了解神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的 IV 很重要,这样您就可以更好地决定是否要花费糖果来进化它。一个低IV的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)在战斗中不会被证明是非常有效的,即使你完全进化它。相反,花费宝贵的糖果来进化更强大的拥有更多 IV的神奇宝贝会更明智。(Pokémon)
现在,由于您无法访问这些统计数据,因此您无法真正预测神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的好坏。你能做的最多的就是从你的团队领导那里得到一个评估。不过,这个评价有点模棱两可,含糊其辞。团队负责人使用星星、印章和图形条生成神奇宝贝的表现报告。(Pokémon)带有红色标记的三颗星表示 100% IV。80-99% IV 用三颗星和一颗橙色星表示,80-66% 用两颗星表示。您的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)可以获得的最低值是代表 50-65% IV 的一星。
如果您正在寻找更准确和精确的结果,您可以使用第三方IV 检查应用程序(IV checking apps)。其中一些应用程序手动运行,您需要截取您的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)并将其上传到这些应用程序以检查它们的 IV。与使用直接链接到您帐户的Auto IV(Auto IV)检查器相比,使用这些应用程序更安全。自动IV(Auto IV)检查器可以节省大量时间,因为您只需在游戏中点击神奇宝贝(Pokémon)并找出他们的 IV。无需为您的所有Pokémon单独截屏。但是,Niantic 很有可能会发现这个小小的第三方应用程序集成并决定禁止您的帐户。所以,小心行事。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 新更新后如何更改 Pokémon Go 名称(How To Change Pokémon Go Name After New Update)
什么是最好的 Pokémon Go Hacks?(What are the Best Pokémon Go Hacks?)
到目前为止,我们一直在讨论一些非常严重的作弊行为,这些作弊行为可能会导致您的帐户被禁止。让我们把它调低一点,并尝试专注于一些完全安全使用的巧妙技巧。这些黑客只是利用游戏代码中的一些漏洞,使用户更容易获得奖励和利益。我们必须说,这些是一些最好的 Pokémon Go hack,我们衷心感谢并感谢所有发现这些技巧的忠实玩家。
1. 将皮卡丘作为入门宝可梦(1. Get Pikachu as a Starter Pokémon)
皮卡丘(Pikachu)最初不会出现。你将不得不等待。这可以被认为更像是Niantic在游戏中巧妙放置的一个复活节(Easter)彩蛋。诀窍是等待足够长的时间而不选择任何神奇宝贝(Pokémon)并继续四处游荡。最终,你会发现皮卡丘(Pikachu)也会和其他宝(Pokémons)可梦一起出现在地图上。您现在可以继续让皮卡丘(Pikachu)成为您的首发神奇宝贝(Pokémon),就像主角Ash Ketchum一样。
2.让皮卡丘坐在你的肩膀上(2. Make Pikachu sit on your shoulder)
我们喜欢皮卡丘(Pikachu)的一件事是,他更喜欢站在小智的肩膀上或(Ash)走在他身边,而不是呆在精灵球里(Pokéball)。你可以在Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)中体验同样的事情。除了超级酷之外,它还具有奖励形式的其他额外好处。这得益于2016 年9 月(September 2016)更新 中引入的好友(Buddy)系统。
你可以选择皮卡丘(Pikachu)做你的伙伴,他会开始走在你身边。与您的好友一起散步还可以让您获得糖果(Candy)作为奖励。现在,当你与皮卡丘(Pikachu)为好友完成 10 公里的步行时,他会爬上你的肩膀。这是一个超级酷的技巧,绝对值得成为最好的 Pokémon Go hack 之一。
3.立即添加朋友(3. Add Friends in no Time)
有一些特殊活动(称为特殊研究(Special Research))需要您添加朋友才能参与。比如火箭队的“麻烦事”和基拉奇(A Troubling)首次出现在“千年沉睡”专研中,只能在添加好友后才能开始。
4. 轻松踢出道馆中的强大神奇宝贝(4. Kick out Powerful Pokémons from a Gym easily)
你有多少次遇到过一个充满了你无法击败的强大神奇宝贝的健身房?(Pokémon)如果经常回答这个问题,那么这个 hack 可能对你来说是最有用的。它可以通过踢出强大的、充满电的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)(如Dragonite或Greninja )来帮助您控制任何健身房(Gym)。然而,这个技巧需要三个人,所以确保你有两个朋友来帮助你。按照下面给出的步骤在健身房赢得任何(Gym)神奇宝贝(Pokémon)战斗。
- 您需要做的第一件事是与三名玩家开始一场健身房之战。(Gym)
- 现在前两名玩家将几乎立即离开战斗,第三名玩家将继续战斗。
- 前两名玩家现在将与两名玩家开始新的战斗。
- 再一次,他们中的一个会立即离开,另一个会继续战斗。
- He/she现在将开始新的战斗并继续战斗。
- 三名玩家最终将同时完成战斗。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何改变 Pokémon Go 团队(How to Change Pokémon Go Team)
5. 在横向模式下享受 Pokémon Go(5. Enjoy Pokémon Go in Landscape mode)
Pokémon Go的默认方向设置是纵向(Portrait)模式。虽然这使得投掷精灵球(Pokéballs)和捕捉精灵变得更容易,但它极大地限制了视野。在横向模式下,您会看到更大的地图部分,这意味着更多的神奇宝贝(Pokéstops)、神奇宝贝站和体育馆。
如果您通过提交高优先级问题进行特别报告, Niantic(Niantic)仅允许您更改方向。但是,即使没有归档和报告并使系统认为已报告问题,您也可以完成这项工作。按照下面给出的步骤来看看如何。
1. 首先,将手机横放,启动游戏。请记住(Remember)在执行所有后续步骤时继续水平握住手机。
2. 现在点击屏幕底部中心的精灵球按钮打开主菜单。(Pokéball)
3. 之后,点击设置(Settings)选项。
4. 在这里您会找到底部的“报告高优先级问题”选项。(Report High-Priority Issue)点击它。
5. 现在点击是(Yes)按钮进行确认,这将关闭游戏并开始加载网站页面以报告问题。
6. 在页面加载之前,点击主页(home)按钮并进入主屏幕。
7. 现在继续水平握住手机(hold the phone horizontally)并再次启动 Pokémon Go。
8. 您将看到设置(Settings)页面将打开,并且方向将更改为横向模式。即使退出设置,游戏也将继续处于横向模式。
在水平模式下玩Pokémon Go有利有弊。更宽的角度允许您加载地图的更大部分。结果,游戏被迫在您附近产生更多的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。此外,您可以更好地了解您附近的Pokéstops和Pokémon体育馆。不利的一面是,游戏的某些方面可能无法在横向模式下正常运行,因为按钮和动画无法正确对齐。
捕捉神奇宝贝并与(Pokémons)神奇宝贝站(Pokéstops)和健身房等其他物品互动可能很困难。神奇宝贝(Pokémons)列表可能无法正确加载,因此您将无法查看所有神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。然而,健身房的战斗仍将照常进行。好处是您可以随时通过简单地关闭游戏并重新启动它 来恢复到原始的肖像模式。(Portrait)
6. 使用 Pidgey Exploit 快速获得 XP(6. Gain XP fast with the Pidgey Exploit)
从技术上讲,这不是一个 hack,而是一个巧妙的计划,可以充分利用特殊资源在短时间内获得大量 XP。它在最佳Pokémon GO黑客列表中具有非常简单和天真的特点。
现在游戏的主要目标之一是通过获得 XP(代表经验值)来提升排名。您因执行不同的任务(如捕捉神奇宝贝(Pokémon)、与神奇宝贝站互动、(Pokéstops)在健身房战斗等)而获得 XP。您可以获得的最大 XP 为 1000 XP,这是在进化神奇宝贝(Pokémon)时奖励的。
您可能熟悉Lucky Egg,激活后,任何活动所获得的 XP 都会翻倍,持续 30 分钟。这意味着如果您充分利用这段时间,您可以获得很多 XP 点数。诀窍是尽可能多地进化神奇宝贝,因为没有什么能比这给你更多的 XP。现在,当真正的动机是获得经验值时,你应该选择进化像Pidgey这样的普通神奇宝贝,因为它们不需要花费很多糖果(Pidgey只需要 12 个糖果)。因此,您拥有的宝可梦越多,进化它们所需花费的资源(糖果)就越少。下面给出了使用Pidgey(Pidgey)漏洞的更详细的逐步解释。
1. 让我们从准备阶段开始。在您激活幸运蛋(Lucky Egg)之前,请确保您拥有足够多的常见神奇宝贝,例如Pidgey。不要犯转移它们的错误。
3. 进化完所有宝可梦后,时间还很充裕,尽量抓到更多宝可梦,充分利用时间。
6. 当你用完所有的糖果并且没有更多的神奇宝贝可以进化时,将诱饵模块附加到神奇宝贝站(Pokéstop)或使用香来吸引更多神奇宝贝。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置?(How to Change Location in Pokémon Go?)
7.绕过Pokémon Go中的驾驶锁定(7. Bypass the Driving lockouts in Pokémon Go)
Pokémon Go是在徒步旅行时玩的。它鼓励你走出去,走很长的路。因此,它只记录您步行时行驶的公里数。它不会增加您通过自行车或汽车等交通工具覆盖的任何地面。Pokémon Go有多个基于速度的锁定,当你发现你以异常快的速度移动时,它们会暂停计数器。这些被称为驾驶锁定。他们还暂停了游戏的其他功能,例如旋转Pokéstops 、 Pokémons产卵、显示Nearby和Sightings等。
一旦它记录到 10 公里/小时及以上的速度,它将停止计算伙伴步行(提供糖果)和孵化蛋的公里数。一旦您达到 35 公里/小时的标记,其他功能(如生成神奇宝贝(Pokémons)、与神奇宝贝(Pokéstops)站互动等)也会停止。所有这些锁定的存在都是为了防止玩家在开车时玩游戏,因为这对每个人来说都是非常危险的。但是,它也可以防止乘客(在汽车或公共汽车上)在移动时玩游戏。因此,您可以使用某些技巧来绕过这些锁定。我们强烈建议您仅在处于安全位置且切勿在驾驶时玩Pokémon Go时使用此功能。(Pokémon Go)请按照以下步骤查看如何绕过驾驶锁定。
- 您需要做的第一件事是启动游戏并转到Eggs屏幕。
- 现在只需点击主页(Home)按钮并返回主屏幕。
- 不要打开任何其他应用程序,并确保屏幕始终保持开启。
- 现在上车开大约 10 分钟(在此期间不要让屏幕变黑)。
- 之后,再次启动游戏,你会看到你已经获得了所有的距离。
- 如果您有Apple手表,您还可以尝试不同的技巧。
- 使用您的Apple Watch 开始Pokémon Go锻炼并乘坐公共汽车、踏板车或渡轮等慢速交通工具(越慢越好)。
- 现在,当车辆移动时,继续上下移动你的手臂,这将模拟你正在行走。
- 你会发现距离越来越远。
- 如果一切正常,那么您甚至可以与神奇宝贝站(Pokéstops)互动并捕捉神奇宝贝。
8. 获取关于 Spawns、Raids 和 Gyms 的信息(8. Get Information about Spawns, Raids, and Gyms)
Pokémon Go被设计为一种自发的冒险,神奇(Pokémons)宝贝在你周围随机生成。你应该去那里,探索城市寻找稀有而强大的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)。Pokémon Go想亲自到Pokémon Gym去了解哪个团队控制它以及上面有哪些神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。特殊事件是突袭(Raids)旨在偶然发现并且事先不知道。
但是,想象一下,如果您在离开家之前就已经掌握了所有这些信息,您将节省多少时间。这对于捕捉不经常生成的稀有神奇宝贝很有帮助。(Pokémon)看到巨大的潜力,许多Pokémon Go爱好者部署了一大群机器人帐户前往不同的地点并收集有关它的信息。然后将这些信息汇编在地图上并提供给公众。有几个专为Pokémon Go设计的(Pokémon Go)地图(Maps)和追踪器(Tracker)应用程序。你可以找到很多关于神奇宝贝(Pokémon)产卵、正在进行的突袭地点、关于神奇宝贝道馆的信息(Pokémon Gyms)等。它们使游戏变得非常简单方便,因此在最佳Pokémon Go黑客列表中占有一席之地。
我们希望您发现最好的 Pokémon Go(Best Pokémon Go)黑客和作弊对您有所帮助。我们必须同意的一件事是,通常不赞成使用作弊和黑客手段。但是,如果您只是为了实验和乐趣而想尝试它们,那绝对没有坏处。
Best Pokémon Go Hacks And Cheats To Double The Fun
Pokémon Go is Niantic’s AR-based fictiоn fantasy game wherе yоu get to fulfill your childhood dream to become a Pokémon trainer. Exploring the world to dіscover rare and powerful Pokémons and challenging your friеnds to a duel, isn’t that something you always wanted? Well, now Niantic has made it pоssible. So, go out, run free, and be true to the Pokémon motto “Gotta catch ém all.”
The game encourages you to step outside and travel from one place to another in search of Pokémons. It spawns Pokémons on the map randomly and designates specific areas (usually landmarks) in your locality at Pokéstops and gyms. The ultimate objective is to gain XP points and coins from collecting Pokémons, taking control of gyms, participating in events, etc. Now, you can either do the hard work and go around collecting stuff from different places or take the easy way out.
There are several hacks and cheats which make the game easier for you. Unless the thought of cheating makes you suffer from an ethical conundrum, this article shall be your guide to unlocking a whole new level of fun. To be honest, Pokémon Go is a pretty biased game itself as it clearly gives a lot of advantages to people living in big cities. The game is much more enjoyable if you are residing in a heavily populated metropolitan city. Therefore, we find nothing wrong in using a few hacks and cheats to make the game more fun and exciting. Starting from getting easy access to resources to winning battles at the Pokémon gym, these hacks and cheats can help you get the most of this game. So, without any further ado let’s get started and see what are the Best Pokémon Go Hacks And Cheats to double the fun.
Best Pokémon Go Hacks And Cheats To Double The Fun
What are some of the Best Pokémon Go Cheats?
1. GPS Spoofing
Let’s start the list with something simple and fairly easy to pull off. We all know that Pokémon Go works on your GPS position. It collects your location information and spawns Pokémons near you. GPS spoofing allows you to trick the game into thinking that you are in a different and new location; thus, you are able to find more Pokémons without even moving.
This also allows players from the countryside to enjoy the game better. Also, since the Pokémons are spawned in a thematically appropriate environment, GPS spoofing is the only way for people living in a land-locked area to catch water-type Pokémons. To pull this off, all you need is a Fake GPS app, a mock locations masking module, and a VPN app. You need to make sure that your I.P. address and GPS are set to the same fake location. This is one of the best Pokémon Go hacks if you can pull it off properly.
Using this hack, you won’t even have to step outside to catch Pokémons. You can simply keep changing your location and have Pokémons spawning right next to you. However, make sure not to use it too frequently, or else Niantic will be on to you. Try to set your location to such a place where you will find a lot of Pokémons at once. If Niantic finds out that you are using a Fake GPS ad, it might even ban your account permanently. So, we will advise you to take the risk only if you are okay with the consequences, i.e., losing your account forever.
Also Read: How To Play Pokémon Go Without Moving (Android & iOS)
2. Botting
This hack is used by the laziest of the lot. People who do not want to make any effort whatsoever can use bots to do their bidding. You can set multiple bot accounts to automatically spoof your location and catch Pokémons for you. They will visit different places and catch rare and powerful Pokémons for you.
You can assign one or multiple bot accounts to essentially play the game for you. They will use your credentials to log in and use your current location (or any fake location that you want) as a starting point. Now they will emulate a walking motion by GPS spoofing and sending appropriate data to Niantic from time to time. Whenever it encounters a Pokémon, it will use a number of scripts and call an API to catch the Pokémon by throwing Pokéballs at it. Having caught the Pokémon, it will move on to the next location.
This way, you can simply sit back while the bots collect Pokémons for you and gain rewards and XP points. This is the easiest way to progress through the game in a very short period of time. It definitely features in the list of best Pokémon Go hacks but you got to admit that it takes the fun out of the game. Additionally, Niantic has been working pretty hard to eliminate bots from the game. It imposes shadow bans on bot accounts, which prevent them from finding anything but common and low-powered Pokémons. They also slash out any Pokémon gained unfairly, making them useless in battles.
3. Using Multiple Accounts
This does not really fall under the category of cheats and hacks but still allows users to get an undue advantage. As the name suggests, people use multiple accounts created in the names of their friends and family members and use them to take control of gyms quickly. The user will have multiple accounts, and each of them will be on a different team. He/she will then quickly use these secondary accounts to clear gyms before logging into the main account and using it to fill up these already cleared gyms. This way, the user will face almost no challenge while fighting to take control of a gym.
Meanwhile, others can use these secondary accounts to fill up other gyms and preparing more easy targets for the main account. Niantic is aware of this trick and comes down strongly on players who are discovered using this.
4. Sharing Accounts
Another comparatively harmless cheat that features in the list of best Pokémon Go hacks simply because it is simple and easy to pull off. All that you need to do is share your login credentials with your friends or family members who are living in a different city or country and have them collect Pokémons for you. This way you will be able to collect more rare and unique Pokémons. You can add to your collection some special Pokémons which would never naturally spawn in your locality. If you have friends living in highly populated big cities then share your account with them and have them collect some great Pokémons for you.
Now, although it isn’t technically cheating, Niantic frowns upon the practice of Account sharing. Therefore they have banned several accounts that were frequently indulging in this act. So, be careful while using this hack. Make sure to spend enough time offline before asking someone to log in to your account from a different location. This will lead Niantic to believe that you actually traveled to a new location.
5. Auto-IV Checkers
IV stands for Individual Values. It is a metric to gauge the combat abilities of a Pokémon. The higher the IV, the better are the chances of a Pokémon winning in a battle. Every Pokémon has three basic stats in addition to its CP is Attack, Defense, and Stamina. Each of these has a maximum score of 15, and thus, the highest stat that a Pokémon can have is a full 45. Now IV is a percentage representation of the Pokémon’s total score out of 45. In an ideal situation, you would want to have a Pokémon with 100% IV.
It is important to know the IV of a Pokémon so that you can make a better decision as to whether or not you would like to spend candy to evolve it. A Pokémon with a low IV will not prove to be very effective in battle, even if you fully evolve it. Instead, it would be wiser to spend precious candy in evolving a stronger Pokémon with more IV.
Now, since you don’t have access to these stats, you can’t really predict how good or bad a Pokémon is. The most you can do is get an appraisal from your team leader. However, this appraisal is a little ambiguous and vague. The team leader generates a performance report of a Pokémon using stars, stamps, and graphical bars. Three stars with a red stamp indicate 100% IV. 80-99% IV is represented by three stars and an orange star, and 80-66% is indicated by two stars. The lowest that your Pokémon can get is a one-star that represents 50-65% IV.
If you are looking for more accurate and precise results, you can use third-party IV checking apps. Some of these apps work manually, and you need to take a screenshot of your Pokémon and upload it to these apps for checking their IV. Using these apps are safer in comparison to using Auto IV checkers that link directly to your account. An Auto IV checker saves a lot of time as you can simply tap on the Pokémon in-game and find out their IV. There is no need to take individual screenshots for all your Pokémons. However, there is a good chance that Niantic might discover this little third-party app integration and decide to ban your account. So, tread carefully.
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What are the Best Pokémon Go Hacks?
Up until now, we have been discussing some pretty serious cheats that could get your account banned. Let’s dial it down a little and try to focus on some clever hacks that are perfectly safe to use. These hacks merely exploit some loopholes in the game’s code to make it easier for the user to gain rewards and benefits. We must say that these are some of the best Pokémon Go hacks, and we sincerely thank and appreciate all the dedicated gamers out there for discovering these tricks.
1. Get Pikachu as a Starter Pokémon
When you launch the game for the first time, the first order of business is choosing a starter Pokémon. The available options are Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur. These are the standard choices that every Pokémon trainer is offered. However, there exists a secret fourth option, and that is Pikachu.
Pikachu will not appear initially. You will have to wait. This can be considered more like an Easter egg that Niantic has cleverly placed in the game. The trick is to wait long enough without choosing any Pokémon and continue to wander about. Eventually, you will find that Pikachu will also appear on the map along with the other Pokémons. You can now go ahead and make Pikachu your starter Pokémon, just like the protagonist Ash Ketchum.
2. Make Pikachu sit on your shoulder
One thing that we loved about Pikachu is that he preferred to be on the shoulder of Ash or walk beside him instead of staying inside a Pokéball. You can experience the same thing in Pokémon Go. Besides being super cool, it also has other additional benefits in the form of rewards. This was made possible due to the Buddy system introduced in September 2016 update.
You can choose Pikachu to be your buddy, and he will start walking at your side. Walking with your buddy also allows you to earn Candy as a reward. Now, when you complete a 10km walk with Pikachu as your buddy, he will climb up on your shoulder. This is a super cool trick and definitely deserves to be one of the best Pokémon Go hacks.
3. Add Friends in no Time
There are certain special events (known as Special Research) that require you to add a friend in order to participate. For example, Team Rocket’s “A Troubling situation” and Jirachi’s first appearance in the “A Thousand-Year Slumber” special research can only be started after adding a friend.
This seems like a fairly easy task if you have a lot of players in your vicinity. However, for people living in remote areas, all the players are already friends with each other. In that case, you need to use a simple workaround and take advantage of a small loophole. You can simply remove an existing friend from the Friend list and add him again. It will do the trick. Moreover, you won’t even lose your friendship level or any unopened gifts from the friend. Niantic does not mind this hack and would not fix the loophole because then it would be really problematic for someone who accidentally removed a friend.
4. Kick out Powerful Pokémons from a Gym easily
How often have you come across a gym that is filled with powerful Pokémons that you can’t defeat? If the answer this quite often, then this hack would probably be the most useful one for you. It can help you take control of any Gym by kicking out powerful, fully charged Pokémons like Dragonite or Greninja. However, this trick will need three people, so make sure that you get two friends to help you in the act. Follow the steps given below to win any Pokémon battle at the Gym.
- The first thing that you need to do is start a Gym battle with three players.
- Now the first two players will leave the battle almost immediately, and the third player will keep fighting.
- The first two players will now start a new battle with two players.
- Again, one of them will leave immediately, and the other will keep fighting.
- He/she will now start a new battle and keep fighting.
- All three players will eventually finish the battle at the same time.
The reason why this trick will successfully defeat any Pokémon is that the system will treat all the three different battles as separate encounters. As a result, any damage dealt will be considered three times, and the opponent Pokémon will be knocked out easily. Not even the strongest Pokémon stands a chance because it has to deal with three sets of damage at the same time.
Also Read: How to Change Pokémon Go Team
5. Enjoy Pokémon Go in Landscape mode
The default orientation setting for Pokémon Go is Portrait mode. Although this makes it easier to toss Pokéballs and catch Pokémons, it significantly restricts the field of view. In landscape mode, you would see a much larger portion of the map, which means more Pokémons, Pokéstops, and gyms.
Niantic only allows you to change the orientation if you make a special report by filing a High priority issue. However, you can make this work even without filing and report and making the system think that an issue has been reported. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. Firstly, hold your phone horizontally and launch the game. Remember to continue holding the phone horizontally while following all the subsequent steps.
2. Now tap on the Pokéball button at the bottom-center of the screen to open the main menu.
3. After that, tap on the Settings option.
4. Here you will find the “Report High-Priority Issue” option towards the bottom. Tap on it.
5. Now tap on the Yes button to confirm, and this will close the game and start loading the website page to report issues.
6. Before the page loads, tap the home button and come to the main screen.
7. Now continue to hold the phone horizontally and launch Pokémon Go again.
8. You will see that the Settings page will open, and the orientation will be changed to landscape mode. The game will continue to be in landscape mode even when you exit the settings.
Playing Pokémon Go in the horizontal mode has its pros and cons. The wider angle allows you to load a much larger section of the map. As a result, the game is forced to spawn more Pokémons near you. Additionally, you get a better view of the Pokéstops and Pokémon gyms near you. On the downside, some aspects of the game might not work properly in the landscape mode as buttons and animations won’t be properly aligned.
It might be difficult to catch Pokémons and interact with other items like Pokéstops and gyms. The list of Pokémons might not load properly, and thus, you won’t be able to see all your Pokémons. Battles at the gym however will still work as usual. The good this is you can revert to the original Portrait mode at any time by simply closing the game and relaunching it.
6. Gain XP fast with the Pidgey Exploit
Technically, this isn’t a hack but a clever plan to make the best use of special resources to gain a lot of XP in a short period of time. It features in the list of best Pokémon GO hacks for being very simple and ingenuous.
Now one of the main objectives of the game is to rank up by getting XP (stands for experience points). You are awarded XP for performing different tasks like catching a Pokémon, interacting with Pokéstops, fighting at a gym, etc. The maximum XP that you can get is 1000 XP, which is awarded upon evolving a Pokémon.
You might be familiar with the Lucky Egg, which, when activated, doubles the XP gained for any activity for a period of 30 minutes. This means that you can gain a lot of XP points if you make the best use of this time. The trick is to evolve as many Pokémons as you can as nothing gives you more XP than that. Now, when the actual motive is to gain XP, you should choose to evolve common Pokémons like Pidgey because they do no cost a lot of candy (Pidgey requires only 12 candies). Therefore, the more Pokémons you will have, the fewer resources (candy) you will have to spend to evolve them. Given below is a more detailed step-wise explanation to use the Pidgey exploit.
1. Let’s begin with the preparation stage. Before you activate the Lucky Egg, make sure that you have enough common Pokémons like Pidgey. Do not make the mistake of transferring them.
2. Also, save those Pokémons that will evolve into something that you haven’t caught before as it will give you even more XP.
3. Since you will have a lot of time left after evolving all Pokémons, try to make the best use of it by catching more Pokémons.
4. Go to someplace with multiple Pokéstops nearby and stock up on Incense and lure.
5. Now activate the Lucky egg and immediately get to evolving Pokémons.
6. Once you have exhausted all your candies and there are no more Pokémons to evolve, attach a Lure module to a Pokéstop or use incense to attract more Pokémons.
7. Use the remaining time to catch as many Pokémons as you can to maximize the XP gained.
Also Read: How to Change Location in Pokémon Go?
7. Bypass the Driving lockouts in Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go is meant to be played while travelling on foot. It encourages you to step outside and go for long walks. As a result, it only registers kilometres travelled when you are on your foot. It won’t add any ground that you cover by some means of transport like a bike or a car. Pokémon Go has multiple speed-based lockouts that suspend the counter when you are found moving at unusually fast speeds. These are known as driving lockouts. They also suspend other functionalities of the game like spinning Pokéstops, spawning of Pokémons, displaying Nearby and Sightings, etc.
Once it registers a speed of 10km/hr and above it will stop counting the kilometres for buddy walks (that gives candy) and egg hatching. Once you hit the 35km/hr mark, other functionalities like spawning Pokémons, interacting with Pokéstops, etc., also stops. All these lockouts exist to prevent players from playing the game while driving, as it could be very dangerous for everyone. However, it also prevents passengers (in a car or bus) from playing the game while on the move. Therefore, you can use certain tricks to bypass these lockouts. We would strongly advise you to use this only when you are in a safe position and never play Pokémon Go while driving. Follow the steps given below to see how to bypass the driving lockouts.
- The first thing that you need to do is launch the game and go to the Eggs screen.
- Now simply tap on the Home button and come back to the main screen.
- Do not open any other app, and make sure that the screen is kept On at all times.
- Now get in your car and drive for about 10 minutes (do not let the screen go black in the meantime).
- After that, launch the game again, and you will see that you have gained all the distance.
- If you have an Apple, watch you can also try a different trick.
- Use your Apple watch to start a Pokémon Go workout and get on a slow mode of transportation like a bus, scooter, or a ferry (the slower, the better).
- Now, while the vehicle is moving, keep moving your arm up and down and this will emulate that you are walking.
- You will find that you are gaining distance.
- If everything works fine, then you might even be able to interact with Pokéstops and catch Pokémons.
8. Get Information about Spawns, Raids, and Gyms
Pokémon Go was designed to be a spontaneous adventure where Pokémons randomly spawn around you. You are supposed to go out there, exploring the city in search of rare and powerful Pokémons. Pokémon Go wants to be there physically at a Pokémon Gym to find out which team controls it and what Pokémon is on it. Special events are Raids are meant to be stumbled upon and not known from beforehand.
However, just imagine how much time you would save if you already had all this information even before leaving your home. This would be a great help in catching Rare Pokémons that do not spawn quite often. Seeing the huge potential, many Pokémon Go enthusiasts deployed an army of bot accounts to travel to different locations and gather information about it. This information is then compiled on a map and made available to the public. There are several Maps and Tracker apps that are designed specifically for Pokémon Go. You can find a lot of information about Pokémon spawns, ongoing raid locations, information about Pokémon Gyms, etc. They make the game really easy and convenient and thus get a spot in the list of best Pokémon Go hacks.
Although it is a great way to discover secrets, a lot of maps and tracker apps were deemed useless after a recent change in the game’s API. However, there are still a couple of them that work so you will have to try multiple apps before you find one that is active in your location.
We hope that you find the Best Pokémon Go hacks and cheats helpful. One thing that we have to agree that using cheats and hacks is usually frowned upon. However, if you want to try them just for the sake of experimentation and fun, there is absolutely no harm.
Some of these hacks are really clever and must be appreciated by trying at least once. If you don’t want to take the risk of getting your original account banned while trying them, make a secondary account, and see which ones work. When you get tired of playing the game the usual way, try using these hacks for a change. We can guarantee that you will definitely have fun.