微软的Surface Pro 7是对以前型号的改进,但即使是触摸屏笔记本电脑的新头像也继续遭受熟悉的休眠异常。关于设备随机关闭的投诉不时地充斥着论坛页面。幸运的是,此问题的修复程序已完成测试,现在可供用户使用。这是你可以做的!
Surface Pro 7休眠或一直随机关闭
乍一看,该问题似乎不是硬件问题,因此无需更换设备。不过,如果您有一个新的Surface Pro并且它一直在休眠或意外关闭,您可以尝试以下四种方法中的任何一种来检查它是否适合您。
- 将显示(Display) 驱动程序(Drivers)更新到最新版本
- 将显示(Display) 驱动程序(Drivers)更改为Microsoft 基本显示适配器(Microsoft Basic Display Adapter)
- 禁用Intel Graphics Command Center中的“Panel Self Refresh”选项(Intel Graphics Command Center)
- 删除“现代待机”功能并创建新的(非平衡)电源计划。
根本问题很可能与固件/驱动程序有关,而不是硬件本身。因此,建议尝试将英特尔的显示驱动程序更新到最新版本。(update the display drivers)
访问此网页(web page),以ZIP文件(ZIP)的形式从英特尔(Intel)下载最新的显示驱动程序(download the latest display drivers),并将文件从ZIP文件解压缩到本地文件夹。
然后,通过控制面板(Control Panel)或“运行(Run)”对话框打开“设备管理器”。(Device Manager)
展开“显示适配器(Display Adapters)”类别。右键单击“ Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics ”并选择“更新驱动程序(Update driver)”选项。
接下来,选择“浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序软件(Browse my computer for driver software)”>“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中进行选择(Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer)”。
选择“从磁盘(Have Disk)安装”按钮并浏览到包含提取文件的文件夹。

此后,在“图形(Graphics)”子文件夹中,选择文件“ iigd_dch.inf ”并单击“确定”。
点击“下一步(Next)”按钮安装最新的Iris Plus 驱动程序。默认情况下,这还会安装英特尔图形命令中心(Intel Graphics Command Center)应用程序。
2]删除现代待机(Remove Modern Standby)功能并更改电源(Power)计划
请(Please)注意,此方法需要您对注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)进行更改。如果对注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)的更改不正确,可能会出现严重问题。在继续之前创建一个系统还原点。
Press Win+R键以打开“运行”对话框。
在出现的框中,输入“ regedit.exe ”并点击“Enter”。
此后,在打开的注册表(Registry)窗口中,导航到以下路径地址 -

将“ CsEnabled ”值从“1”更改为“0”。单击确定(Click OK)并重新启动Surface Pro。
接下来,选择高性能(igh performance) 电源计划,看看是否有帮助。
3]将显示驱动程序更改为(Change)Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
再次打开设备管理器(Device Manager),如果您已关闭它。
找到“显示适配器(Display Adapters)”类别。找到后,展开它。

右键单击“ Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics ”并选择“更新驱动程序(Update driver)”。

稍后,选择“浏览我的计算机以查找驱动程序软件(Browse my computer for driver software)”>“让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中进行选择(Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer)”。
最后,选择“ Microsoft Basic Display Adapter ”并点击“ Next ”按钮安装驱动程序。
4]在英特尔图形命令中心(Intel Graphics Command Center)禁用面板自我刷新(Panel Self Refresh)选项
请(Please)注意,Windows 声明性组件化硬件(Windows Declarative Componentized Hardware)( DCH )图形驱动程序(Graphics Drivers)的驱动程序安装程序包中不再提供英特尔图形命令中心(Intel Graphics Command Center)。因此,如果您想安装DCH驱动程序,您可以访问Microsoft Store。如果英特尔® Graphics Command Center(Intel® Graphics Command Center)无法自动安装,您可以选择手动安装!
上述方法是阻止Surface Pro随机休眠或关闭的一些最简单、最快的方法。缺点是其中一些消除了颜色配置文件切换和可能的GPU优势。此外,其中很少有像Registry hack 这样的违反微软(Microsoft)官方建议的。
相关阅读(Related read):Microsoft Surface 无法打开、启动或从睡眠中唤醒(Microsoft Surface won’t turn on, start-up or wake from Sleep)。
Surface Pro 7 hibernates or keeps turning off randomly
Microsoft’s Surface Pro 7 is a refinement over previous models but, even the new avatar of the touchscreen laptop continues to suffer from familiar hibernation anomalies. Complaints regarding the device turning off randomly continue to flood forum pages every now and then. Luckily, the fix for this issue has completed testing and is now available to users. Here’s what you can do!
Surface Pro 7 hibernates or keeps turning off randomly
Upon first look, it appears the problem is not a hardware issue and so, exchanging the device would not be considered as necessary. Nevertheless, if you have a new Surface Pro and it keeps hibernating or shutting down unexpectedly, you can try any one of the following four methods to check if it works for you.
- Update the Display Drivers to the latest version
- Change the Display Drivers to the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
- Disable the ‘Panel Self Refresh’ option in the Intel Graphics Command Center
- Remove ‘Modern Standby”‘ features and create a new (non-balanced) power plan.
The underlying issue is most likely related to firmware/drivers rather than the hardware itself. As such, it is advisable to try and update the display drivers from Intel, to the latest version.
1] Update the display drivers to the latest version
Visit this web page to download the latest display drivers from Intel as a ZIP file and extract the files from the ZIP file to a local folder.
Then, open the ‘Device Manager’ via Control Panel or through the ‘Run’ dialog box.
Expand ‘Display Adapters’ category. Right-click on ‘Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics’ and select ‘Update driver’ option.
Next, choose ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ > ‘Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer’.
Select the ‘Have Disk’ button and browse to the folder containing the extracted files.

Thereafter, in the ‘Graphics’ subfolder, select the file ‘iigd_dch.inf’ and click OK.
Hit the ‘Next’ button to install the latest Iris Plus drivers. This also installs the Intel Graphics Command Center application by default.
2] Remove Modern Standby features & change Power Plan
Please note that this method requires you to make changes to the Registry Editor. Serious issues can occur if the changes are made incorrectly to the Registry Editor. Create a system restore point before proceeding further.
Press Win+R key in combination to open the ‘Run’ dialog box.
In the box that appears, type ‘regedit.exe’ and hit ‘Enter’.
Thereafter, in the Registry window that opens, navigate to the following path address –

Change the ‘CsEnabled’ value from ‘1’ to ‘0’. Click OK and restart the Surface Pro.
Next, choose the High performance Power Plan and see if that help.
3] Change the display drivers to the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter
Open the Device Manager, again if you’ve closed it.
Locate ‘Display Adapters’ category. When found, expand it.

Right-click on ‘Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics’ and select ‘Update driver’.

Later, choose ‘Browse my computer for driver software’ > ‘Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer’.
In the end, select ‘Microsoft Basic Display Adapter’ and hit the ‘Next’ button to install the drivers.
4] Disable Panel Self Refresh option in Intel Graphics Command Center
Please note that the Intel Graphics Command Center is no longer available in the driver installer package with Windows Declarative Componentized Hardware (DCH) Graphics Drivers. So, if you wish to install a DCH driver, you can visit Microsoft Store. If the Intel® Graphics Command Center fails to install automatically, you can choose to install it, manually!
The above methods are some of the easiest and fastest ways to stop Surface Pro from hibernating or turning off randomly. The downside is that some of them remove color profile switching and possible GPU benefits. Also, few of these such as the Registry hack goes against official Microsoft recommendations.
If you are aware of any other methods, apart from the ones listed above do share them with us in the comments section below.
Related read: Microsoft Surface won’t turn on, start-up or wake from Sleep.