自 2015 年推出以来,Discord应用程序经常被游戏玩家用于交流目的,因为它用户友好且简单明了。使用Discord的优势在于,无论用户住在世界的哪个角落,它都可以让用户通过语音或文本与人们聊天 。Discord的开发是为了在一起玩 PC 游戏时方便个人之间的交流。该服务允许客户端创建由各种文本和语音通道组成的服务器。典型的服务器可能具有针对特定主题的灵活聊天室(例如,“常规聊天”和“音乐讨论”)以及用于游戏或活动的语音通道。
有时,Discord似乎已被卸载,但它仍然潜伏在 PC 上的其他文件位置——用户不知道。因此(Hence),当他们尝试删除Discord时,它在提到的位置没有显示任何文件。因此,如果您要卸载Discord,那么您来对地方了。我们为您带来了一份完美的指南,可帮助您从Windows 10 PC 中删除不和谐。
- Discord会自动启动,尽管它的所有文档、文件夹和注册表项都已被删除。
- (Discord)在Windows 卸载(Windows Uninstallers)程序的程序列表中找不到Discord。
- Discord无法移至回收站(Recycle Bin)。
- 卸载后,该程序的相关文件和扩展名仍会显示在 Internet 浏览器上。
为了在删除过程中远离这些潜在问题,您应该采取可靠的措施,通过完整的步骤完全卸载Windows 10上的Discord。
如何 从Windows 10永久(Windows 10)卸载 Discord(Uninstall Discord)
通过任务管理器(Through Task Manager)
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc键启动任务管理器(Task Manager)。
2. 切换到任务管理器中的启动选项卡。(Startup)
3.在列表中搜索 Discord,然后单击它。(Search for Discord in the list then click on it.)突出显示不和谐后(Discord),单击禁用(Disable)按钮。
4. 这将禁用Discord应用程序在Windows启动时的自动运行。
通过 Discord 设置(Through Discord Settings)
打开 Discord,然后导航到User Settings > Windows Settings,然后在系统启动行为下 禁用(disable the toggle for)“打开 Discord ”的切换。(Open Discord)
如果您仍想在Windows 10 PC 上卸载(Windows 10)Discord,请按照以下方法操作。
方法 1:从控制面板(Discord From Control Panel)卸载Discord
1. 在Windows 10任务栏的最左侧,单击 搜索( search) 图标。
2. 键入 控制面板(Control Panel) 作为您的搜索输入。
3. 导航到程序(Programs ),然后是程序和功能(Programs and Features)。
4. 现在,使用搜索面板并在菜单列表中找到Discord 。
5. 在这里,单击Discord并选择卸载(Uninstall ),如下图所示。
即使您从控制面板(Control Panel)卸载不和谐,它仍然在应用(Apps)和功能下可见。请按照以下步骤从应用程序(Apps)和功能中删除不和谐。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何从 Discord 下载视频(How to Download Videos from Discord)
方法 2:从应用程序和功能中卸载Discord(Discord From Apps)
1. 按Windows Key + S调出搜索菜单,然后在搜索中键入应用程序(Apps)。
2. 现在,点击(click)第一个选项,应用和功能(Apps & features)。
3. 在列表中搜索Discord并选择Discord。
4. 最后,点击卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。
这将在您的 Windows 10 PC 上卸载Discord,但即使在卸载之后,您的系统上仍然存在一些Discord缓存的剩余文件。如果要从系统中删除Discord缓存,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 单击Windows 搜索框(Windows Search box)并输入%appdata%。
2. 单击右侧窗口中的打开。(Open)这将打开AppData/Roaming folder.
3. 在漫游文件夹下,( Roaming folder,)找到并单击Discord文件夹。
4.右键单击(Right-click) Discord 文件夹并从上下文菜单中选择删除。(delete)
5. 接下来,再次打开搜索框(Search box)(Press Windows Key + S)并输入%LocalAppData%. 单击右侧窗口中的打开。(Open)
6.在AppData/Local folder. 夹下找到Discord 文件夹。(Discord folder)然后右键单击 Discord 文件夹(right-click on the Discord folder)并选择删除。 (Delete. )
7. 重新启动系统,现在不和谐文件将被删除。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Discord (2021) 上修复无路由错误(How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021))
从注册表中删除 Discord
删除Discord缓存后,您需要从注册表编辑器中删除(Registry Editor)Discord 注册表(Discord Registry)项。
1. 按Windows Key + S调出Windows搜索,然后键入regedit并单击打开。 (Open. )
2. 启动注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)并遵循以下路径:
3. 右键单击 Discord文件夹并将其删除(delete),如下图所示。
4. 重新启动计算机以保存更改。
使用卸载软件(Use Uninstaller Software)永久卸载 Discord(Permanently Uninstall Discord)
如果您仍然无法永久删除Discord,请尝试使用卸载软件来执行此操作。这些包括处理所有事情的程序 - 从从您的系统永久删除所有Discord文件到从文件系统和注册表中的(Registry)Discord引用。
第三方卸载程序可以更轻松、更简单、更安全地从您的 PC 上永久卸载Discord 。如前所述,此类程序有很多示例:iObit Uninstaller、Revo Uninstaller、ZSoft Uninstaller等。在本文中,考虑使用Revo Uninstaller卸载和清理 PC 上剩余的(Revo Uninstaller)Discord文件。
1.通过点击免费下载(FREE DOWNLOAD, )从官方网站安装 Revo Uninstaller(Install Revo Uninstaller ) ,如下图所示。
2. 现在,在列表中搜索不和谐应用程序,然后从顶部菜单中单击卸载。(Uninstall )
3. 在这里,单击确认提示中的继续(Continue )。
4. Revo Uninstaller将创建一个还原点。在这里,单击卸载 Discord(Uninstall Discord)。
注意:(Note:)在第 4 步之后,卸载级别将自动设置为中等。
5. 现在,单击“扫描”按钮(Scan button )以显示注册表中的所有不和谐文件。
6.接下来,单击全选(Select all ),然后单击删除。(Delete.) 在确认提示中单击(Click)是。(Yes)
7. Revo Uninstaller(Revo Uninstaller)将找到所有剩余的注册表(Registry)不一致文件。现在,单击Select all> Delete> Yes (在确认提示中)以从系统中完全删除不和谐文件。通过重复相同的过程,确保系统中是否存在不和谐文件。如果系统中不存在该程序,将显示如下提示。
8. 重启电脑保存更改,所有不和谐文件将被删除。
类似程序中卸载和清理的交互、速度和质量可能会发生变化。然而,这通常是直观且合理的,因为供应商设计此类程序是为了解决客户在各种 PC 体验方面的问题。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Discord 未打开?修复不和谐的 7 种方法不会打开(Discord Not Opening? 7 Ways To Fix Discord Won’t Open)
修复无法(Fix Unable)在Windows 10上卸载Discord
这些恶意软件工具可确保用户无法删除您在 PC 上安装的程序。要解决此问题,请运行完整的系统防病毒扫描。完成防病毒扫描后,这些恶意软件工具将被禁用,因此您的计算机能够从系统中删除Discord文件。
2.使用程序安装(Program Install)和卸载(Uninstall)疑难解答
Microsoft团队意识到安装和卸载问题非常普遍。因此,他们创建了一个名为程序安装(Program Install)和卸载(Uninstall)工具的工具。
因此,如果您在从系统中卸载Discord(Discord)应用程序时遇到任何挑战,请下载并启动Microsoft 程序安装和卸载工具(Program Install and Uninstall tool)。
如何删除不和谐帐户(How to Delete Discord Account)
1. 打开 Discord,然后单击左下角的齿轮图标(设置)( Gear icon (Settings))。
2. 现在从左侧菜单中单击用户设置下 的我的帐户。( My Account)
3.在我的帐户(My Account)下,滚动到底部并单击删除帐户按钮。(Delete Account button.)
4. 将弹出一个确认窗口,要求您输入密码。输入您的Discord帐户密码,然后再次单击“删除帐户(Delete Account )”按钮。
这就是这个问题的全部内容!完成后,您的帐户将处于待删除状态,并将在 14 天内删除。(deleted in 14 days.)
如果您在这 14 天内尝试登录该帐户,则会弹出一个对话框,询问您是否要恢复您的帐户。
- 点击,I am sure!将使您的帐户仍处于此状态。
- 单击恢复帐户(Restore Account)将停止删除过程,您的帐户将被恢复。
删除帐户后,用户将无法再访问他的Discord帐户。配置文件将设置为默认值,用户名将更改为已删除用户(Deleted User)#0000。
删除 Discord 会禁用 Discord 帐户(Does Deleting Discord Disable Discord Account)吗?
是的,但在帐户删除的最初 30 天内,您的帐户用户名将替换为Deleted User,并且您的个人资料照片将不可见。在这 30 天内,您可以使用您的电子邮件和密码登录并恢复您的帐户,您的用户名和头像将被恢复。假设您没有恢复您的帐户,您的帐户将被删除,您将无法再恢复它。您的消息将可见;但是,您的用户名将替换为已删除的用户(Deleted User)和默认的个人资料图片。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够从 Windows 10 PC 中完全卸载 Discord(completely uninstall Discord from Windows 10 PC)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Completely Uninstall Discord on Windows 10
Since іts laυnсh in 2015, thе Discord application has been regularlу used by gamers for communication purposes since it is user-friеndly and straightforwаrd. The advantage оf using Discord is that it enables users to chat over voіce оr text to people no matter what corner of thе world they live in. Discord was developed for easy communication between individuals while plаying PC gameѕ together. The sеrvice permits clients to create servers, which сonsist of a variеty of text and voice chаnnels. A typical server may have flexible chаt rooms for specific themes (for example, “General chat” and “Music dіscussion”) as well as voice channels for games or actіνities.
Despite all these features, uninstalling the Discord application is a sensible choice if you decide to switch over to other platforms. Moreover, there is no use in keeping a rarely used program in your system. But Discord is a stubborn program as several users have complained that this application cannot be uninstalled sometimes even after multiple attempts.
Sometimes it may appear that Discord has been uninstalled, but it still lurks on the PC in some other file location— unknown to the user. Hence, when they attempt to delete Discord, it shows no file in the mentioned location. So, if you are looking to uninstall Discord, then you are at the right place. We bring to you a perfect guide that will help you to delete discord from the Windows 10 PC.
Common issues users face while uninstalling Discord:
- Discord starts automatically despite all of its documents, folders, and registry keys having been deleted.
- Discord can’t be found on the programs list of Windows Uninstallers.
- Discord can’t be moved to Recycle Bin.
- Associated files and extensions of the program still show up on the internet browser after uninstalling it.
To stay away from these potential issues during the deletion, you should take reliable action with complete steps to completely uninstall Discord on Windows 10.
How to Permanently Uninstall Discord from Windows 10
If you’re looking to disable Discord auto-run then you don’t need to uninstall Discord from your system, simply follow the below-listed steps:
Through Task Manager
1. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to launch Task Manager.
2. Switch to the Startup tab in the Task Manager.
3. Search for Discord in the list then click on it. Once Discord is highlighted, click on the Disable button.
4. This will disable the auto-run of the Discord application on Windows startup.
Through Discord Settings
Open Discord then navigates to User Settings > Windows Settings then disable the toggle for ‘Open Discord‘ under System Startup Behaviour.
If you still want to uninstall Discord on Windows 10 PC, then follow the below methods.
Method 1: Uninstall Discord From Control Panel
1. On the far left of Windows 10’s taskbar, click on the search icon.
2. Type Control Panel as your search input.
3. Navigate to Programs followed by Programs and Features.
4. Now, use the search panel and find Discord in the menu list.
5. Here, click on Discord and select Uninstall as depicted below.
Even if you uninstall discord from Control Panel, it is still visible under Apps & features. Follow the below steps to delete discord from Apps & features.
Also Read: How to Download Videos from Discord
Method 2: Uninstall Discord From Apps & Features
1. Press Windows Key + S to bring up the search menu then type Apps in the search.
2. Now, click on the first option, Apps & features.
3. Search for Discord in the list and select Discord.
4. Finally, click on Uninstall as depicted below.
This will uninstall Discord on your Windows 10 PC, but even after uninstallation, there are still some leftover files of Discord cache present on your system. If you want to delete the Discord cache from the system, follow the below steps:
1. Click the Windows Search box and type %appdata%.
2. Click on Open from the right-hand side window. This will open the AppData/Roaming folder.
3. Under the Roaming folder, find and click on the Discord folder.
4. Right-click on the Discord folder and select delete from the context menu.
5. Next, open the Search box (Press Windows Key + S) again and type %LocalAppData%. Click on Open from the right-hand side window.
6. Find the Discord folder under the AppData/Local folder. Then right-click on the Discord folder and select Delete.
7. Restart your system and now discord files will be deleted.
Also Read: How to Fix No Route Error on Discord (2021)
Delete Discord from the Registry
Once you delete the Discord cache, you need to delete the Discord Registry keys from the Registry Editor.
1. Press Windows Key + S to bring up the Windows search then type regedit and click on Open.
2. Launch the Registry Editor and follow this path:
3. Right-click on the Discord folder and delete it as depicted below.
4. Restart your computer to save changes.
Use Uninstaller Software to Permanently Uninstall Discord
If you still could not delete Discord permanently, then trying using an uninstaller software to do this. These comprise programs that take care of everything— from deleting all Discord files permanently from your system to Discord references from the file system and Registry.
Some of the best uninstaller software for your computer are:
Third-party uninstallers make it easier, simpler, and more secure to uninstall Discord from your PC permanently. As discussed earlier, there are a ton of examples of such programs: iObit Uninstaller, Revo Uninstaller, ZSoft Uninstaller, etc. In this article, consider uninstalling and cleaning your PC of leftover Discord files with Revo Uninstaller.
1. Install Revo Uninstaller from the official website by clicking on FREE DOWNLOAD, as depicted below.
2. Now, search for discord application in the list and click on Uninstall from the top menu.
3. Here, click on Continue in the confirmation prompt.
4. The Revo Uninstaller will create a restore point. Here, click on Uninstall Discord.
Note: After step 4, the uninstall level will be automatically set to moderate.
5. Now, click on the Scan button to display all the discord files in the registry.
6. Next, click on Select all followed by Delete. Click on Yes in the confirmation prompt.
7. All the remaining Registry discord files will be found by Revo Uninstaller. Now, click on Select all> Delete> Yes (in the confirmation prompt) to remove discord files entirely from the system. Ensure if the discord files are present in the system by repeating the same procedure. A prompt will be displayed as depicted below if the program does not exist in the system.
8. Restart your PC to save changes, and all the discord files will be deleted.
The interaction, speed, and quality of uninstallation and cleanup in similar programs may change. However, it is often intuitive and justifiable, as vendors design such programs to address clients’ issues with various PC experiences.
Also Read: Discord Not Opening? 7 Ways To Fix Discord Won’t Open
Fix Unable to Uninstall Discord on Windows 10
1. Run an Antivirus scan
Some types of malware might be preventing you from uninstalling programs from your computer. This may be because they install malicious tools themselves on your computer.
These malware tools ensure that the user cannot delete the programs you have installed on your PC. To solve this problem, run a full system antivirus scan. Once the antivirus scan is done, these malware tools are disabled, and thus your computer becomes capable of deleting Discord files from your system.
2. Use the Program Install and Uninstall troubleshooter
The Microsoft team is aware of the fact that install and uninstall issues are pretty common. Hence they have created a tool called Program Install and Uninstall tool.
Hence, if you face any challenges while uninstalling the Discord application from your system, download and launch Microsoft Program Install and Uninstall tool.
How to Delete Discord Account
To delete your Discord account, you must move the ownership of the servers you own. If you try to delete your account before doing so, a warning will show up. As soon as you move the ownership of the servers, you will be able to proceed with the Discord account deletion.
1. Open Discord then click on the Gear icon (Settings) from the bottom-left corner.
2. Now from the left-hand menu click on My Account under User Settings.
3. Unde My Account, scroll to the bottom and click on the Delete Account button.
4. A confirmation window will pop up, requesting your password. Type your Discord account password and click on the Delete Account button again.
And that’s all for this problem! Once done, your account will be in a Pending deletion state and will be deleted in 14 days.
If you try to log in to the account within these 14 days, a dialog box will pop up, asking whether you want to restore your account.
- Clicking, I am sure! will keep your account still in this state.
- Clicking Restore Account will stop the deletion process, and your account will be restored.
Once the account is deleted, the user can no longer access his Discord account. The profile will be set to default, and the username will be changed to Deleted User #0000.
Does Deleting Discord Disable Discord Account?
Yes, but during the initial 30 days of account deletion, your account username will be replaced with Deleted User, and your profile picture will not be visible. In these 30 days, you can log in with your email and password and recover your account, and your username and profile picture will be restored. Assuming you don’t recover your account, your account be will deleted and you won’t be able to recover it anymore. Your messages will be visible; however, your username will be replaced with Deleted User and the default profile picture.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to completely uninstall Discord from Windows 10 PC. Let us know which method worked for you best. Also, if you have any queries/comments regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section.