- 在 GIF 上添加移动文本
- 为 GIF 添加标题或副标题
- 裁剪、调整大小和反转 GIF
- 在 GIF 上添加动态图像
- 控制文本何时出现在GIF上(GIF)
- 自定义文本颜色和轮廓
- 在GIF(GIF)的每一帧上为添加的图像或文本设置动画
- 加快和减慢 GIF
- 编辑和修剪 gif 的开始和结束帧
由于Gifntext是基于在线的,因此您将需要 Internet 连接来上传图像、下载和使用该工具。从我们的角度来看,这非常简单,因此,我们怀疑您在理解它的工作原理方面会遇到很多问题。
- 上传并添加文本
- 上传并添加图片
- 更改对象出现时
- 预览 GIF
- 完成项目
![使用 GIFnText 将动画文本和图像添加到 GIF](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3RJ-1NxMGHw/YVWk-x0O-PI/AAAAAAAAOpM/Wq-MqC7mcC4Op-uBTkToqyRdNEC9dJL1wCPcBGAYYCw/s0/vw9FfWUqpcAXI_SbdLU2FK10Udc.gif)
第一步是将您的GIF上传到编辑区。您可以复制并粘贴内容的URL,也可以直接从计算机上传。完成后,单击“添加文本(Add Text)”按钮,该按钮基本上是一个 T。
单击(Click)工具栏上的添加图像(Add Image)按钮。可以选择上传自定义图像或免费添加库中已有的图像。添加图像后,使用鼠标抓取图像并将其移动到GIF上的任何位置。
然后,最后一步是单击“生成(Generate)”以创建带有动画文本或图像的新GIF 。
How to add animated text and images to your GIF
Therе’s nothing more entertaining than ѕhаring a GIF when having аn online conνersation. We have been doing this fоr a very long time, but GIFs have managed to go mainstream in rеcent years and we’rе very happy about this. Since this іmaging platform is so popular, we assume some of you will want to add animated texts to your GIFs. However, you have no idea how to do it, therefore, we’ve come up with an interesting way to get you on thе right track.
Have you ever heard of GIFnText? Probably not, but now you do. It’s an online tool that allows the user to add animated texts to their GIFs. Not only that, but the option is there to add moving images as well, which is great for splicing up your potentially viral GIF. The online GIF editor tool lets you:
- Add moving text over a GIF
- Add captions or subtitles to a GIF
- Crop, Resize & Reverse a GIF
- Add moving images over a GIF
- Control when text appears over a GIF
- Customize text color and outline
- Animate the added image or text on each frame of a GIF
- Speed up and slow down a GIF
- Edit and trim a gif’s beginning and end frames
Because Gifntext is online-based, you will need an internet connection to upload images, download, and to use the tool in general. It’s pretty straightforward from our point of view, therefore, we doubt you’ll have much of a problem in understanding how it works.
How to add animated text & images to your GIF
The procedure involved in adding animated text and images to your GIF using GIFnText is simple:
- Upload and add a text
- Upload and add an image
- Change when objects appear
- Preview the GIF
- Complete the project
1] Upload and add a text
![Add animated text and images to your GIF using GIFnText](https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3RJ-1NxMGHw/YVWk-x0O-PI/AAAAAAAAOpM/Wq-MqC7mcC4Op-uBTkToqyRdNEC9dJL1wCPcBGAYYCw/s0/vw9FfWUqpcAXI_SbdLU2FK10Udc.gif)
The first step is to upload your GIF to the editing area. You can either copy and paste the URL of the content, or upload directly from the computer. Once that is done, click on the Add Text button, which is basically a T.
From there, double-click on your image to select where the text should be placed. Additionally, you can drag the text around, change the font, style, color, and more.
2] Upload and add an image
Click on the Add Image button that is located on the toolbar. The option is there to either upload a custom image or add one already available in the library for free. After adding your image, use the mouse to grab and move the image to any location on the GIF.
3] Change when objects appear
When you’re done adding images or texts, drag and drop the layer into the timeline in a bid to determine when it should be visible.
4] Preview the GIF
After completing the process, its time to see if everything is up to scratch. Do this by clicking on the play button, or just hitting Space on your keyboard. The preview should give all the information needed to determine if more work is required.
5] Complete the project
The final step, then, is to click on Generate to create the new GIF with animated text or images.
Visit the official website of GIFnText. There are no forced watermarks.