(Discord)在过去几年中,Discord从作为游戏玩家的信使向更通用的交流平台进行营销,其(communication platform)受欢迎程度(s popularity)迅速提高。Discord服务器非常适合网站、互联网名人等——它们是为品牌、服务或爱好建立互联网社区的最简单方法之一。(internet community)

对于那些对游戏和动漫感兴趣的人来说,有个好消息——许多最独特的Discord 游戏(Discord game)机器人都迎合了这些细分市场。在本文中,让我们回顾一下三个最有趣的Discord 游戏(Discord game),这些游戏适合游戏和动漫迷(gaming and anime fans),它们可以通过机器人玩。
Karuta于 2020 年 2 月(February 2020)推出,是一种迅速普及的新机器人。它提供了一种有趣的方式(fun way)来通过Discord收集超过 70,000 个单独的动漫角色作为卡片。
当添加到服务器时,Karuta的工作方式是让单个玩家在某个时间间隔内运行命令 (k!drop),该命令在公共频道中滚动一组卡片供玩家和其他人(player and others)选择。在这些卡片下面会有一组反应,最多三个,玩家可以点击或点击。
谁最先做出反应,就会得到与反应编号(reaction number)相对应的卡片,这将使玩家的索取能力进入短暂的冷却时间。

当服务器中的玩家主动聊天时,卡片也会自动掉落。在大型服务器中,由于主动和被动丢弃方法,指定的Karuta 通道(Karuta channel)通常非常繁忙。
Karuta是一款全球经济的Discord 游戏(Discord game),这意味着在一个服务器(server persist)中获得的卡牌在所有其他服务器上都存在。卡片掉落时具有五种品质之一——损坏、差、好、优秀或完好——在视觉上会影响它们。还有印刷数字,增加了一层额外的稀有性和虚荣性(rarity and vanity)。玩家可以花费金币将卡片升级到全新状态,从而解锁进一步的进展和装饰选项,例如染色。

Karuta还拥有非常活跃的贸易经济(trade economy)和多种不同的货币类型,让事情变得有趣。该机器人还对作弊采取了非常强硬的立场,不允许玩家使用多个帐户或机器人,并禁止犯下这些罪行的玩家。然后这些玩家的卡片被发送到一个特殊的全球拍卖系统(auction system),在那里它们被分配回经济中。
要玩Pokécord,只需将机器人添加到服务器并允许它监控用户积极聊天的频道。发生这种情况时,Pokécord将自动生成Pokémon以供服务器成员捕捉。要捕捉神奇宝贝(Pokémon),玩家需要输入 p! catch 命令(catch command)后跟神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的名字。

Pokécord融合了休闲琐事和打字速度竞赛(speed contest)。知识最渊博的宝可梦(Pokémon)粉丝能以最快的速度打字,他们会发现自己拥有最多的宝可梦(Pokémon)收藏。
被捕获时,每个神奇宝贝(Pokémon)都会滚动一个级别和 IV(level and IVs)或个人价值(Individual Values),这有助于确定其整体实力水平和价值(power level and value)(用于交易)。这使得机器人的经济不仅仅是捕捉玩家可能想要的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)——捕捉具有完美IV(IVs)的神奇宝贝是最终目标。随着玩家在配备该机器人的Discord服务器中聊天,每个Pokémon的等级都会被动提高。

虽然“抓住他们所有人”是Pokécord的主要吸引力,但还有一个强大的战斗系统(battling system)可以利用IV(IVs)。虽然其他机器人(例如Myuu )在模拟真正的神奇宝贝战斗(Pokémon battle)体验方面可能比Pokécord做得更好,但 Pokécord 的(Pokécord)庞大规模(sheer size)(目前(Pokécord—currently)超过一百万个Discord 游戏(Discord game)服务器)使其保持领先地位。神奇宝贝(Pokémon)粉丝会喜欢这个机器人。
Mudae在本文中对其他机器人的收集式游戏进行了有趣的旋转。Mudae是一个Discord 机器人,以(Discord bot)动漫和视频游戏(anime and video games)中的角色为特色,允许各个服务器运行自己的本地“经济”。Karuta 和 Pokécord 都是全球性的,这意味着玩家的进度会(’ progress)在服务器之间转移,但Mudae让服务器所有者控制游戏的运行方式。
在Mudae中,玩家可以根据几个参数来滚动收集角色——$hg 将滚动视频游戏中的男性角色,$wa 将滚动动漫中的女性角色等。Mudae的噱头(s gimmick)是收集“丈夫”和“waifus”,这两个动漫文化中的流行术语分别用于描述心爱的男性和女性角色。

在Mudae中,点击无人认领的骰子下方的心脏反应(heart reaction beneath)将允许玩家“嫁给”这些角色,让他们独自拥有它。由于游戏是本地化的,这意味着每个角色一次只能被一个人认领。
Mudae还具有深度货币系统(currency system)kakera ,它允许玩家升级徽章,从而增强他们体验游戏的方式。例如,玩家可以使用他们的 kakera 来锻造青铜徽章(Bronze badge),这会给他们一个额外的愿望清单插槽(wishlist slot),当他们想要的角色被滚动时,它会提示他们。

Mudae将动漫和游戏角色结合在一起,由于其有限的生成系统(finite spawning system),在小型服务器中尤其出色。
3 Discord Games For Gaming & Anime Fans
Disсord’s popularity has boomed over the past several yеars during its transition from being marketed as a meѕsenger for gamers to а more general communication platform. Discord servers are perfect for websites, internet personalities, and more—they’re one of the easiest ways to build an internet community for a brand, service, or hobby.
With this popularity has come a surge in the development of third-party applications, such as Discord bots. These bots have become more and more creative as Discord grows older, and some have evolved into full-fledged, text/image-based games that people can play entirely through Discord.

For those interested in gaming and anime, there’s good news—many of the most unique Discord game bots cater to these niches. In this article, let’s go over three of the most interesting Discord games for gaming and anime fans that can be played through a bot.
Launched in February 2020, Karuta is a new bot that’s quickly gaining popularity. It offers a fun way to collect over 70,000 individual anime characters as cards through Discord.
When added to a server, Karuta works by letting individual players run a command (k!drop) on a timed interval, which rolls a set of cards in a public channel for the player and others to choose from. Beneath these cards will be a set of reactions, numbered up to three, which players can tap or click on.
Whoever is first to react gets the card corresponding to the reaction number, which will then put the player’s claiming ability on a brief cooldown.

Cards will also automatically drop as players in the server chat actively. In large servers, the designated Karuta channel is often very busy due to both the active and passive drop methods.
Karuta is a Discord game with a global economy, meaning cards obtained in one server persist across all others. Cards drop with one of five qualities—damaged, poor, good, excellent, or mint—which visually affects them. There are also print numbers, adding an extra layer of rarity and vanity. Players can spend gold to upgrade cards up to mint condition, which unlocks further progression and cosmetic options, such as dyeing.

Karuta also has a very active trade economy and multiple different currency types to keep things interesting. The bot also takes a very strong stance against cheating, not allowing players to use multiple accounts or bots, and bans players who commit these offenses. Those players’ cards are then sent to a special global auction system where they are distributed back into the economy.
For anime fans and collectors or completionists, Karuta is an incredibly addictive bot.
Pokécord has been around for years and has established itself as one of the truest ways to experience the world of Pokémon through Discord.
To play Pokécord, just add the bot to a server and allow it to monitor channels where users actively chat. As this happens, Pokécord will automatically spawn Pokémon for members of the server to catch. To catch a Pokémon, players need to type the p!catch command followed by the Pokémon’s name.

Pokécord is a blend of casual trivia and a typing speed contest. The most knowledgeable Pokémon fans who can type the fastest will find themselves with the largest collection of Pokémon.
When caught, each Pokémon rolls a level and IVs, or Individual Values, which help determine its overall power level and value (for trading). This makes the bot’s economy much deeper than just catching the Pokémon a player may want—catching one with perfect IVs is the ultimate goal. Each Pokémon’s level passively increases as players chat in Discord servers that feature the bot.

While “catching ‘em all” is the main draw to Pokécord, there is a robust battling system that takes advantage of IVs. While other bots, such as Myuu, may do better of a job than Pokécord at simulating a true Pokémon battle experience, the sheer size of Pokécord—currently over a million Discord game servers—keeps it on top. Pokémon fans will love this bot.
Mudae puts an interesting spin on the collection-style game of other bots in this article. Mudae is a Discord bot featuring characters from anime and video games that allows individual servers to run their own local “economy.” Karuta and Pokécord are both global, meaning players’ progress transfers with them across servers, but Mudae puts server owners in control of how the game works.
In Mudae, players are able to roll collectible characters based on several parameters—$hg will roll male characters from video games, $wa will roll female characters from anime, etc. Mudae’s gimmick is collecting “husbandos” and “waifus”, both popular terms in anime culture to describe beloved male and female characters, respectively.

In Mudae, clicking the heart reaction beneath unclaimed rolls will allow players to “marry” these characters, putting them in sole possession of it. Since the game is localized, this means that each character can only be claimed by one person at a time.
Mudae also features a deep currency system, kakera, which allows players to level up badges that augment the way they experience the game. For example, players can use their kakera to forge a Bronze badge that will give them an additional wishlist slot, which will ping them when a character they wish for has been rolled.

Mudae brings together both anime and gaming characters and is especially great in smaller servers due to its finite spawning system.
The Discord games listed above would be a great addition to any server filled with fans of video games or anime, and all three are regularly updated to keep things fresh. Do you have any questions or comments about any of these bots? If so, feel free to leave a comment below.