对于不熟悉编码的人来说,创建一个网络爬虫可能很困难。幸运的是,程序员和非程序员都可以访问网络抓取软件。网页(Web)抓取软件是专门设计用于从网站获取相关数据的软件。这些工具对任何想以某种方式从Internet获取数据的人都有好处。(Internet)此信息记录在计算机上的本地文件或数据库中。它是为网络自动收集数据的技术。我们列出了 31 种最佳免费网络抓取工具。
31 款最佳网页抓取工具(31 Best Web Scraping Tools)
1.智取(1. Outwit)
- 这个数据抓取工具使从网络和通过电子邮件收集联系人变得轻而易举。
- 根据您的要求,您将有三种选择来购买此产品。
- 临(Pro)
- 使用Outwit(Outwit)集线器从站点精确数据不需要编程知识。
- 只需单击浏览按钮,您就可以开始抓取数百个网页。
2. PareseHub
- 在下载数据之前,清理文本和HTML。
- 就像使用我们复杂的网络抓取工具选择要提取的数据一样简单。
- 它是最好的数据抓取工具之一,因为它允许您以任何格式存储抓取的数据以供进一步分析。
- 用户友好的图形界面
- 这个互联网抓取工具允许您自动收集和保存服务器上的数据。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Chrome 的 16 个最佳广告拦截扩展( 16 Best Ad Blocking Extension for Chrome)
3.阿皮菲(3. Apify)
- Apify负责基础设施和计费,允许开发人员通过为他人设计工具来赚取被动收入。
- 一些可用的连接器是Zapier、Integromat、Keboola和Airbyte。
- Apify 商店为(Apify Store)Instagram、Facebook、Twitter和谷歌地图(Google Maps)等流行网站提供现成的抓取解决方案。
- JSON、XML、CSV、HTML和Excel都是可以下载的结构化表单。
- HTTPS、地理位置定位、智能 IP 轮换和Google SERP代理都是Apify Proxy的功能。
- 使用5 美元的平台信用(USD 5 platform credit)免费试用 30 天代理( 30-day proxy trial)。
4. 废料堆(4. Scrapestack)
Scrapestack被超过 2,000 家公司使用,他们依赖于这个由 apilayer 提供支持的独特API 。您可能还会对阅读25 个最佳免费网络爬虫工具(25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools)感兴趣。它是最好的免费网络抓取工具之一。
- 使用由 3500 万个数据中心组成的全球 IP 地址池。
- 允许(Allows)一次执行多个API请求。(API)
- 支持 CAPTCHA(CAPTCHA) 解密和(decryption)JavaScript渲染(JavaScript)。
- 提供免费和付费选项。
- Scrapestack 是一个实时运行的在线抓取REST API。
- scrapestack API允许您使用数百万个代理(API)IP(IPs)、浏览器和验证(CAPTCHAs)码在几毫秒内抓取网页。
- Web抓取请求可能从全球 100 多个不同的位置发送。
5. 矿工(5. FMiner)
对于 Windows 和 Mac OS,FMiner是一个流行的在线抓取、数据提取、抓取屏幕抓取、宏和网络支持程序。
- 数据可能是从难以抓取的动态Web 2.0网站收集的。
- 允许您使用易于使用的可视化编辑器创建数据提取项目。
- 结合使用链接结构、下拉菜单和URL模式匹配,让您深入浏览网页。
- 您可以使用第三方自动验证码服务或手动输入目标网站验证(CAPTCHA)码保护。
6. 序贯(6. Sequentum)
- 与其他解决方案相比,提取在线数据变得越来越快。
- 您可以使用此功能在多个平台之间转换。
- 它是用于发展您的公司的最强大的网络抓取工具之一。它包含简单的功能,包括可视化的点击式编辑器。
- 专用的Web API(dedicated web API)将允许您直接从您的网站执行 Web 数据,从而帮助您开发 Web 应用程序。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 前 15 名最佳免费 IPTV 播放器(Top 15 Best Free IPTV Players)
7. 代理(7. Agenty)
Agenty是一个使用 Robotic (Agenty)Process Automation的数据抓取、文本提取和OCR程序。
- 该程序使您能够将所有处理过的数据重新用于分析目的。
- 您只需单击几下鼠标即可构建代理。
- 作业完成后,您将收到一封电子邮件。
- 它允许您连接到Dropbox并使用安全的FTP。
- 可以查看所有事件的所有活动日志。
- 帮助您提高公司的成功率。
- 让您轻松实现业务规则和自定义逻辑。
8. 进口.io(8. Import.io)
- Web 表单/登录名易于使用。
- 它是利用API(APIs)和 webhook 将数据集成到应用程序中的最佳数据抓取解决方案之一。
- 您可以通过报告、图表和可视化获得洞察力。
- (Data)应提前计划数据提取。
- Import.io云允许您存储和访问数据。
- 与网络和工作流程的交互可以自动化。
9. Webz.io
- 它使您可以访问跨越十年数据的历史提要。( historical feeds)
- 允许您访问大型数据馈送数据库,而无需支付任何额外费用。
- 您可以使用高级过滤器进行详细分析并提供数据集( do detailed analysis and feed datasets)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 针对小型企业的 15 家最佳免费电子邮件提供商(15 Best Free Email Providers for Small Business)
10. 爬虫(10. Scrapeowl)
Scrape Owl是一个易于使用且经济实惠的网页抓取平台。(Web)
- Scrape Owl 的主要目标是抓取任何类型的数据,包括电子商务、工作委员会和房地产列表。
- 在提取材料之前,您可以运行自定义JavaScript。
- 您可以使用位置来规避本地限制并访问本地内容。
- 提供可靠的等待功能。
- 支持整页JavaScript渲染。
- 此应用程序可直接在Google Sheet上使用。
- 在购买任何会员资格之前提供 1000 信用免费试用以试用该服务。无需使用信用卡。
11. 刮痧(11. Scrapingbee)
- 它可以在页面上执行Javascript并为每个请求轮换代理,因此您可以阅读原始HTML而不会被列入黑名单。
- 还提供了用于提取Google搜索结果的第二个API 。
- 支持 JavaScript 渲染。
- 它具有自动代理轮换功能。
- 此应用程序可直接在Google 表格(Google Sheets)上使用。
- 使用该程序需要Chrome网络浏览器。(Chrome)
- 它非常适合亚马逊(Amazon) 抓取(scraping)。
- 它允许您抓取Google结果。
12.明亮的数据(12. Bright Data)
Bright Data是世界领先的在线数据平台,提供了一种经济高效的解决方案来大规模收集公共 Web 数据,轻松将非结构化数据转换为结构化数据,并在完全透明和合规的同时提供卓越的客户体验。
- 它是最具适应性的,因为它带有预制解决方案并且可扩展和可调节。
- Bright Data 的下一代Data Collector在单个仪表板上提供自动化和个性化的数据流,无论集合的大小如何。
- 它每周 7 天、每天 24 小时开放,并提供客户帮助。
- 从电子商务(eCommerce) 趋势(trends)和社交网络数据到竞争对手情报和市场研究,数据集都是根据您的业务需求量身定制的。
- 您可以通过自动访问您所在行业的可靠数据来专注于您的主要业务。
- 这是最有效的,因为它使用无代码解决方案并使用更少的资源。
- 最可靠,具有最优质的数据、更长的正常运行时间、更快的数据和更好的客户服务。
13. 爬虫 API(13. Scraper API)
您可以使用Scraper API工具来处理代理、浏览器和验证码(CAPTCHAs)。
- 该工具提供无与伦比的速度和可靠性,允许创建可扩展的网络抓取工具。
- 您可以通过单个API调用从任何网页获取HTML 。
- 设置起来很简单,因为您所要做的就是向 API 端点发送带有API(API endpoint)密钥(API key)和URL的(URL)GET请求。
- 允许更轻松地呈现JavaScript 。
- 它允许您自定义每个请求的请求类型和标头。
- 具有地理位置(Geographical)的轮换代理
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 20 款最佳手机追踪应用(20 Best Cell Phone Tracking App)
14.德喜智能(14. Dexi Intelligent)
Dexi Intelligent是一款在线抓取应用程序,可让您将任意数量的网络数据快速转化为商业价值。
- 这个在线抓取工具可以让您为您的公司节省金钱和时间。
- 它提高了生产力、准确性和质量。
- 它可以实现最快和最有效的数据提取。
- 它有一个大规模的知识获取系统( large-scale knowledge capturing system)。
15. 差异机器人(15. Diffbot)
- 使用 AI 提取器,您将能够从任何URL中提取准确的结构化数据。
- 您无需为耗时的网站抓取或手动查询付费。
- 为了构建每个对象的完整和准确的图像,许多数据源被合并。
- 您可以使用AI Extractors从任何URL中提取结构化数据。
- 使用Crawlbot,您可以将提取扩展到数万个域。
- 知识图(Knowledge Graph)功能为 Web 提供了准确、完整和深入的数据,BI 需要这些数据来提供有意义的见解。
16. 数据流(16. Data Streamer)
Data Streamer是一种技术,可让您从 Internet 上获取社交网络资料。
- 它是使用自然语言处理来检索关键元数据的最伟大的在线抓取工具之一。
- 基于信息检索算法、集成样板删除和内容提取。
- 建立在容错基础架构上,以提供高信息可用性。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Google Chrome 上阻止和取消阻止网站(How to Block and Unblock a Website on Google Chrome)
17. 莫曾达(17. Mozenda)
- 您可以使用您选择的 Bl 工具或数据库来收集和发布在线数据。
- 它是用于组织和格式化数据文件以供发布的最佳在线抓取工具之一。
- 通过点击式界面,您可以在几分钟内创建网络抓取代理。
- 要实时收集 Web 数据,请使用Job Sequencer和Request Blocking 功能(capabilities)。
- 客户(Account)管理和客户服务在业内名列前茅。
18. 数据挖掘 Chrome 扩展(18. Data Miner Chrome Extension)
(Web)使用Data Miner 浏览器插件可以更轻松地进行(Data Miner browser plugin)Web抓取和数据捕获。
- 它具有爬取多个页面以及动态数据提取的能力。
- (Data)可以以多种方式进行数据选择。
- 它检查已抓取的信息。
- 它可以将抓取的数据(Data)保存为CSV文件。
- 本地存储用于存储抓取的数据。
- Chrome 插件Web Scraper从动态站点中提取数据。
- 它可以导入和导出站点地图。(Sitemaps)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 28 款适用于 Windows 的最佳文件复制软件(28 Best File Copy Software for Windows)
19. 刮擦(19. Scrapy)
Scrapy也是最好的网页抓取工具之一。它是一个基于 Python 的开源在线抓取框架,用于创建网络抓取工具。
- 它为您提供了从网站快速提取数据、分析数据并以您选择的结构和格式保存数据所需的所有工具。
- 如果您有一个大型数据抓取项目并希望使其尽可能高效,同时保留很大的灵活性,则此数据抓取工具是必不可少的。
- 数据可以导出为JSON、CSV或XML。
- Linux、Mac OS X和 Windows 均受支持。
- 它是在Twisted(Twisted)异步网络技术之上开发的,这是其主要功能之一。
- Scrapy以其简单易用、丰富的文档和活跃的社区而著称。
20. ScrapeHero 云(20. ScrapeHero Cloud)
ScrapeHero将其多年的网络爬虫知识转化为经济且易于使用的预构建爬虫程序和API ,用于从(APIs)亚马逊(Amazon)、谷歌(Google)、沃尔玛(Walmart)等网站抓取数据。
- ScrapeHero 云(ScrapeHero Cloud)爬虫包括自动旋转代理和同时运行多个爬虫的选项。
- 您无需下载或学习如何使用任何数据抓取工具或软件即可使用ScrapeHero Cloud。
- ScrapeHero 云(ScrapeHero Cloud)爬虫可让您立即抓取数据并将其导出为JSON、CSV或Excel格式。
- ScrapeHero Cloud 的免费(Free)和轻(Lite)量计划客户收到电子邮件(Email)帮助,而所有其他计划都获得优先(Priority)服务。
- ScrapeHero 云(ScrapeHero Cloud)爬虫也可以配置为满足特定的客户要求。
- 这是一个基于浏览器的网络爬虫,适用于任何网络浏览器。
- 您不需要任何编程知识或开发爬虫;就像点击、复制和粘贴一样简单!
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在启动时修复 Discord JavaScript 错误(Fix Discord JavaScript Error on Startup)
21. 数据爬虫(21. Data Scraper)
Data Scraper是一款免费的在线抓取应用程序,可从单个网页抓取数据并将其保存为CSV或XSL文件。
- 它是一个浏览器扩展,可将数据转换为简洁的表格格式。
- 安装插件需要使用Google Chrome浏览器。
- 免费版每月可以刮 500 页;但是,如果您想抓取更多页面,则必须升级到昂贵的计划之一。
22. 视觉网络开膛手(22. Visual Web Ripper)
Visual Web Ripper是用于网站的自动数据抓取工具。
- (Data)使用此工具从网站或搜索结果中收集数据结构。
- 您可以将数据导出为CSV、XML和Excel文件,并且它具有用户友好的界面。
- 它还可以从动态网站(例如使用AJAX的网站)收集数据。
- 您只需要设置一些模板,其余的将由网络抓取工具处理。
- Visual Web Ripper提供计划选项,甚至在项目失败时向您发送电子邮件。
23.八卦(23. Octoparse)
- 它的点击式界面使您可以轻松地从网站上选择您希望抓取的信息。由于AJAX、JavaScript、 cookie 和其他功能,Octoparse 可以处理静态和动态网页。
- (Advanced)现在可以访问允许您提取大量数据的高级云服务。
- 抓取的信息可以保存为TXT、CSV、HTML或XLSX文件。
- 免费版的Octoparse允许您构建多达 10 个爬虫;但是,付费会员计划包括API和大量匿名 IP 代理等功能,这将加快您的提取速度并允许您实时下载大量数据。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Windows 10 中压缩或解压缩文件和文件夹(Zip or Unzip Files and Folders in Windows 10)
24. 网络哈维(24. Web Harvey)
WebHarvey 的(WebHarvey’s)可视化网络抓取工具有一个内置的浏览器,用于从在线站点抓取数据。它也是最好的网络抓取工具之一。以下是此工具的一些功能。
- 它提供了一个点击式界面,使选择项目变得简单。
- 这个爬虫的好处是不需要你写任何代码。
- 也可以将其保存在SQL 数据库(database)中。WebHarvey具有多级类别抓取功能,可以通过跟踪每个级别的类别连接从列表页面中抓取数据。
- 正则表达式可以与互联网抓取工具一起使用,为您提供额外的自由。
- 您可以设置代理服务器以在从网站提取数据时隐藏您的 IP,从而保护一定程度的隐私。
25. PySpider
PySpider也是最好的免费网络抓取工具之一,它是一个基于 Python 的网络爬虫。下面列出了该工具的一些功能。
- 它具有分布式架构并支持Javascript页面。
- 你可能有很多这样的爬虫。PySpider 可以将数据存储在您选择的任何后端,包括MongoDB、MySQL、Redis等。
- RabbitMQ、Beanstalk和Redis等消息队列可用。
- PySpider 的优势之一是其简单的用户界面,它允许您更改脚本、监控正在运行的活动并检查结果。
- 信息可以JSON和CSV格式下载。
- 如果您正在使用基于网站的用户界面,PySpider 是需要考虑的Internet抓取工具。(Internet)
- 它也适用于使用大量AJAX的网站。
26. 内容抓取器(26. Content Grabber)
Content Grabber是一个可视化的在线抓取工具,具有易于使用的点击式界面来选择项目。以下是此工具的功能。
- CSV、XLSX、JSON和PDF是可以导出数据的格式。使用此工具需要中级编程技能。(Intermediate)
- 分页、无限滚动页面和弹出窗口都可以通过其用户界面实现。
- 它还具有 AJAX/Javascript处理、验证码解决方案、正则表达式支持和 IP 轮换(使用Nohodo)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 7-Zip vs WinZip vs WinRAR(最佳文件压缩工具)(7-Zip vs WinZip vs WinRAR (Best File Compression Tool))
27. 木村井(27. Kimurai)
- Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS或基本 HTTP 查询(basic HTTP queries)开箱即用地抓取JavaScript 生成的(JavaScript-produced)网页并与之交互。
- 它具有与Scrapy类似的语法和可配置选项,包括设置延迟、轮换用户代理和默认标头。
- 它还使用Capybara(Capybara)测试框架与网页交互。
28. Cheerio
Cheerio是另一种最好的网络抓取工具。它是一个解析HTML和XML文档并允许您使用 jQuery 语法对下载的数据进行操作的包。以下是此工具的功能。
- 如果您正在开发JavaScript网络爬虫,Cheerio API提供了一种用于解析、修改和显示数据的快速选择。
- 它不会在 Web 浏览器中呈现输出、应用CSS、加载外部资源或运行JavaScript。
- 如果需要这些功能中的任何一个,您应该查看PhantomJS或JSDom。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在浏览器中启用或禁用 JavaScript(How to Enable or Disable JavaScript in your Browser)
29. 傀儡师(29. Puppeteer)
Puppeteer是一个Node包,它允许您使用强大而简单的API来管理 Google 的无头(API)Chrome浏览器。下面列出了该工具的一些功能。
- 它在后台运行,通过API执行命令。
- 无头浏览器是一种能够发送和接收请求但缺少图形用户界面的浏览器。
- (Puppeteer)如果您要查找的信息是利用API 数据(API data)和Javascript代码的组合生成的,那么Puppeteer是该任务的正确解决方案。
- 您可以通过在用户所做的相同位置键入和单击来模仿用户的体验。
- Puppeteer 也可用于捕获打开 Web 浏览器时默认显示的网页屏幕截图。
30. 剧作家(30. Playwright)
Playwright是一个为浏览器自动化而设计的Microsoft Node库。它是另一种最好的免费网络抓取工具。以下是此工具的一些功能。
- 它提供称职、可靠和快速的跨浏览器网络自动化。
- Playwright旨在通过消除不稳定、提高执行速度和深入了解浏览器的工作原理来改进自动化 UI 测试。
- 它是一个现代浏览器自动化应用程序,在许多方面都可以与Puppeteer(Puppeteer)相媲美,并且预装了兼容的浏览器。
- 它的主要优势是跨浏览器兼容性,因为它可以运行Chromium、WebKit和Firefox。
- Playwright定期与Docker、Azure、Travis CI和AppVeyor 集成。( AppVeyor)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 uTorrent 卡在连接到对等点上(Fix uTorrent Stuck on Connecting to Peers)
31. PJScrape
PJscrape是一个基于 Python 的在线抓取工具包,它使用Javascript和JQuery。以下是此工具的功能。
- 它旨在与PhantomJS一起使用,因此您可以在完全呈现、启用 Javascript 的上下文中从命令行抓取站点,而无需浏览器。
- 这意味着您不仅可以访问DOM,还可以访问Javascript变量和函数,以及AJAX 加载的内容(AJAX-loaded content)。
- 刮板功能在整个浏览器的上下文中进行评估。
我们希望本指南对最佳网络抓取工具(best web scraping tools)有所帮助。让我们知道您觉得哪种工具对您来说很容易。继续访问我们的页面以获取更多很酷的提示和技巧,并在下面留下您的评论。
31 Best Web Scraping Tools
For folks who aren’t familiаr with coding, creating a web scraper might be tough. Fortunately, web scraping software iѕ accessible for both рrogrammers and non-programmers. Web scraping ѕoftware is particularly designed softwаrе fоr obtainіng relevant data from websites. These tools are benеficial to anyone who wants to acquire data from the Internet in some way. This information is recorded in a local file on the computer or in a databasе. It is the technique of autonomously collecting data for the web. We bring to a list of the 31 best free web scraping tools.
31 Best Web Scraping Tools
A selected list of the best web scraping tools can be found here. This list contains both commercial and open-source tools, as well as links to respective websites.
1. Outwit
Outwit is a Firefox add-on that’s simple to install from the Firefox add-ons shop.
- This data scraper tool makes gathering contacts from the web and via email a breeze.
- Depending on your requirements, you will have three alternatives for purchasing this product.
- Pro
Expert, and
Enterprise editions are available.
- Exacting data from sites using Outwit hub requires no programming knowledge.
- You may start scraping hundreds of web pages with a single click on the exploring button.
2. PareseHub
ParseHub is another one of best free web scraping tools.
- Before downloading data, clean up the text and HTML.
- It’s as simple as picking the data you want to extract using our sophisticated web scraper.
- It’s one of the best data scraping tools since it allows you to store scraped data in any format for further analysis.
- The user-friendly graphical interface
- This internet scraping tool allows you to automatically harvest and save data on servers.
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3. Apify
Apify is another one of best web scraping and automation tools that lets you construct an API for any website, with built-in residential and data center proxies that make data extraction easier.
- Apify takes care of infrastructure and billing, allowing developers to make passive money by designing tools for others.
- Some of the connectors available are Zapier, Integromat, Keboola, and Airbyte.
- Apify Store has ready-made scraping solutions for popular websites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Google Maps.
- JSON, XML, CSV, HTML, and Excel are all structured forms that may be downloaded.
- HTTPS, geolocation targeting, clever IP rotation, and Google SERP proxies are all features of Apify Proxy.
- Free 30-day proxy trial with a USD 5 platform credit.
4. Scrapestack
Scrapestack is used by over 2,000 firms, and they rely on this unique API, which is powered by apilayer. It might also interest you to read about 25 Best Free Web Crawler Tools. It is one of best free web scraping tools.
- Uses a worldwide IP address pool of 35 million data centers.
- Allows many API requests to be performed at once.
- Both CAPTCHA decryption and JavaScript rendering are supported.
- There are both free and paid options available.
- Scrapestack is an online scraping REST API that operates in real-time.
- The scrapestack API allows you to scrape web pages in milliseconds using millions of proxy IPs, browsers, and CAPTCHAs.
- Web scraping requests may be sent from more than 100 different locations throughout the world.
5. FMiner
For Windows and Mac OS, FMiner is a popular online scraping, data extraction, crawling screen scraping, macro, and web support program.
- Data may be collected from difficult-to-crawl dynamic Web 2.0 websites.
- Allows you to create a data extraction project using the visual editor, which is simple to use.
- Uses a combination of link structures, drop-down menus, and URL pattern matching to let you dig down through web pages.
- You can use third-party automatic decaptcha services or manual input to target website CAPTCHA protection.
6. Sequentum
The Sequentum is a robust big data tool for obtaining trustworthy online data. It is another one of best free web scraping tools.
- In comparison to alternative solutions, extracting online data is becoming quicker.
- You may transition between multiple platforms using this feature.
- It’s one of the most powerful web scrapers for growing your company. It contains straightforward features including a visual point-and-click editor.
- The dedicated web API will assist you in developing web apps by allowing you to execute web data straight from your website.
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7. Agenty
Agenty is a data scraping, text extraction, and OCR program that uses Robotic Process Automation.
- This program enables you to repurpose all of your processed data for analytics purposes.
- You can build an agent with only a few mouse clicks.
- You will receive an email message after your assignment is completed.
- It allows you to connect to Dropbox and use secure FTP.
- All activity logs for all occurrences are available to see.
- Assists you in improving your company’s success.
- Allows you to easily implement business rules and custom logic.
8. Import.io
By importing data from a certain web page and exporting the data to CSV, the import.io web scraping application assists you in forming your datasets. It is also one of best web scraping tools. Following are the features of this tool.
- Web forms/logins are simple to use.
- It’s one of the best data scraping solutions for leveraging APIs and webhooks to integrate data into apps.
- You may get insight via reports, charts, and visualizations.
- Data extraction should be planned ahead of time.
- Import.io cloud allows you to store and access data.
- Interaction with the web and workflows can be automated.
9. Webz.io
Webz.io allows you to crawl hundreds of websites and have access to structured and real-time data right away. It is also one of best free web scraping tools.
You may acquire organized, machine-readable datasets in JSON and XML formats.
- It gives you access to historical feeds that span over ten years of data.
- Allows you to have access to a large database of data feeds without having to pay any additional expenses.
- You may use an advanced filter to do detailed analysis and feed datasets.
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10. Scrapeowl
Scrape Owl is a Web scraping platform that is easy to use and economical.
- Scrape Owl’s primary goal is to scrape any type of data, including e-commerce, job boards, and real estate listings.
- Before extracting the material, you can run custom JavaScript.
- You may use locations to circumvent local restrictions and access local content.
- Provides a dependable wait function.
- Full-page JavaScript rendering is supported.
- This application may be used directly on a Google Sheet.
- Offers a 1000 credit free trial to try out the service before purchasing any memberships. There is no need to use a credit card.
11. Scrapingbee
Scrapingbee is a web scraping API that takes care of proxy settings and headless browsers.
- It can execute Javascript on the pages and rotate proxies for each request, so you can read the raw HTML without getting blacklisted.
- A second API for extracting Google search results is also available.
- JavaScript rendering is supported.
- It has an automated proxy rotation feature.
- This application may be used directly on Google Sheets.
- The Chrome web browser is required to utilize the program.
- It’s ideal for Amazon scraping.
- It allows you to scrape Google results.
12. Bright Data
Bright Data is the world’s leading online data platform, offering a cost-effective solution to gather public web data at scale, convert unstructured data to structured data with ease, and provide a superior customer experience while being fully transparent and compliant.
- It’s the most adaptable since it comes with pre-made solutions and is expandable and adjustable.
- Bright Data’s next-generation Data Collector provides an automated and personalized flow of data on a single dashboard, regardless of the size of the collection.
- It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and offers customer assistance.
- From eCommerce trends and social network data to competitor intelligence and market research, data sets are tailored to your business’s needs.
- You may concentrate on your primary business by automating access to reliable data in your industry.
- It’s the most efficient since it uses no-code solutions and uses fewer resources.
- Most dependable, with the best quality data, higher uptime, quicker data, and better customer service.
13. Scraper API
You may use the Scraper API tool to handle proxies, browsers, and CAPTCHAs.
- The tool provides unrivaled speed and reliability, allowing for the creation of scalable web scrapers.
- You may get the HTML from any web page with a single API call.
- It’s straightforward to set up since all you have to do is send a GET request with your API key and URL to the API endpoint.
- Allows JavaScript to be rendered more easily.
- It allows you to customize the request type and headers for each request.
- Rotating Proxies with a Geographical Location
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14. Dexi Intelligent
Dexi intelligent is an online scraping application that enables you to turn any amount of web data into quick commercial value.
- This online scraping tool allows you to save money and time for your company.
- It has improved productivity, accuracy, and quality.
- It enables the fastest and most efficient data extraction.
- It has a large-scale knowledge capturing system.
15. Diffbot
Diffbot enables you to quickly obtain a variety of important facts from the internet.
- With AI extractors, you’ll be able to extract accurate structured data from any URL.
- You will not be charged for time-consuming website scraping or manual inquiry.
- To build a complete and accurate image of each object, many data sources are merged.
- You may extract structured data from any URL with AI Extractors.
- With Crawlbot, you can scale up your extraction to tens of thousands of domains.
- The Knowledge Graph feature provides the web with accurate, full, and deep data that BI need to deliver meaningful insights.
16. Data Streamer
Data Streamer is a technology that allows you to get social networking material from all over the internet.
- It is one of the greatest online scrapers that uses natural language processing to retrieve crucial metadata.
Kibana and Elasticsearch are used to provide integrated full-text search.
- Based on information retrieval algorithms, integrated boilerplate removal, and content extraction.
- Built on a fault-tolerant infrastructure to provide high information availability.
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17. Mozenda
You may extract text, photos, and PDF material from web pages using Mozenda.
- You may use your choice Bl tool or database to gather and publish online data.
- It’s one of the best online scraping tools for organizing and formatting data files for publishing.
- With a point-and-click interface, you can create web scraping agents in minutes.
- To gather web data in real-time, use the Job Sequencer and Request Blocking capabilities.
- Account management and customer service are among the best in the industry.
18. Data Miner Chrome Extension
Web scraping and data capture are made easier with the Data Miner browser plugin.
- It has the ability to crawl several pages as well as dynamic data extraction.
- Data selection may be done in a variety of ways.
- It Examines the information that has been scraped.
- It Data scraped may be saved as a CSV file.
- Local storage is used to store scraped data.
- The Chrome add-on Web Scraper pulls data from dynamic sites.
- it Sitemaps can be imported and exported.
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19. Scrapy
Scrapy is also one of best web scraping tools. It is a Python-based open-source online scraping framework for creating web scrapers.
- It provides you with all of the tools you’ll need to rapidly extract data from websites, analyze it, and save it in the structure and format of your choice.
- This data scraping tool is a must-have if you have a large data scraping project and want to make it as efficient as possible while preserving a lot of flexibility.
- The data may be exported as JSON, CSV, or XML.
- Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows are all supported.
- It is developed on top of the Twisted asynchronous networking technology, which is one of its key features.
- Scrapy is notable for its simplicity of use, extensive documentation, and active community.
20. ScrapeHero Cloud
ScrapeHero has taken its years of web crawling knowledge and turned it into economical and simple-to-use pre-built crawlers and APIs for scraping data from sites like Amazon, Google, Walmart, and others.
- ScrapeHero Cloud crawlers include auto-rotating proxies and the option to run many crawlers at the same time.
- You do not need to download or learn how to utilize any data scraping tools or software to use ScrapeHero Cloud.
- ScrapeHero Cloud crawlers let you instantly scrape data and export it in JSON, CSV, or Excel formats.
- ScrapeHero Cloud’s Free and Lite plan clients receive Email assistance, while all other plans receive Priority service.
- ScrapeHero Cloud crawlers may also be configured to meet specific customer requirements.
- It’s a browser-based web scraper that works with any web browser.
- You don’t need any programming knowledge or to develop a scraper; it’s as easy as clicking, copying, and pasting!
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21. Data Scraper
Data Scraper is a free online scraping application that scrapes data from a single web page and saves it as CSV or XSL files.
- It’s a browser extension that converts data into a neat tabular format.
- Installing the plugin necessitates the use of the Google Chrome browser.
- You can scrape 500 pages each month with the free version; but, if you wish to scrape more pages, you must upgrade to one of the expensive plans.
22. Visual Web Ripper
Visual Web Ripper is an automatic data scraping tool for websites.
- Data structures are collected from websites or search results using this tool.
- You can export data to CSV, XML, and Excel files, and it features a user-friendly interface.
- It can also harvest data from dynamic websites, such as those that use AJAX.
- You simply need to set up a few templates, and the web scraper will handle the rest.
- Visual Web Ripper offers scheduling options and even sends you an email if a project fails.
23. Octoparse
Octoparse is a user-friendly webpage scraping application with a visual interface. It is one of best free web scraping tools. Following are the features of this tool.
- Its point-and-click interface makes it simple to pick the information you wish to scrape from a website. Octoparse can handle both static and dynamic webpages thanks to AJAX, JavaScript, cookies, and other capabilities.
- Advanced cloud services that allow you to extract large amounts of data are now accessible.
- The scraped information can be saved as TXT, CSV, HTML, or XLSX files.
- The free version of Octoparse allows you to construct up to 10 crawlers; however, paid membership plans include features such as an API and a large number of anonymous IP proxies, which will speed up your extraction and allow you to download big volumes of data in real-time.
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24. Web Harvey
WebHarvey’s visual web scraper has a built-in browser for scraping data from online sites. It is also one of best web scraping tools. Here are a few features of this tool.
- It offers a point-and-click interface that makes it simple to pick items.
- This scraper has the benefit of not requiring you to write any code.
CSV, JSON, and XML files can be used to save the data.
- It’s also possible to save it in a SQL database. WebHarvey features a multi-level category scraping function that can scrape data from listing pages by following each level of category connections.
- Regular expressions may be used with the internet scraping tool, giving you additional freedom.
- You may set up proxy servers to keep your IP hidden while pulling data from websites, allowing you to preserve a measure of privacy.
25. PySpider
PySpider is also one of best free web scraping tools which is a Python-based web crawler. A few features of this tool is listed below.
- It features a distributed architecture and supports Javascript pages.
- You may have many crawlers this way. PySpider may store data on any backend you choose, including MongoDB, MySQL, Redis, and others.
- Message queues such as RabbitMQ, Beanstalk, and Redis are available.
- One of PySpider’s benefits is its simple user interface, which allows you to change scripts, monitor running activities, and examine results.
- The information may be downloaded in JSON and CSV formats.
- PySpider is the Internet scrape to consider if you’re working with a website-based user interface.
- It also works with websites that use a lot of AJAX.
26. Content Grabber
Content Grabber is a visual online scraping tool with an easy-to-use point-and-click interface for selecting items. Following are the features of this tool.
- CSV, XLSX, JSON, and PDF are the formats in which data may be exported. Intermediate programming skills are required to use this tool.
- Pagination, limitless scrolling pages, and pop-ups are all possible with its user interface.
- It also features AJAX/Javascript processing, a captcha solution, regular expression support, and IP rotation (using Nohodo).
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27. Kimurai
Kimurai is a Ruby web scraping framework for creating scrapers and extracting data. It is also one of best free web scraping tools. Here are a few features of this tool.
- It allows us to scrape and interact with JavaScript-produced webpages right out of the box with Headless Chromium/Firefox, PhantomJS, or basic HTTP queries.
- It has a similar syntax to Scrapy and configurable options including setting a delay, rotating user agents, and default headers.
- It also interacts with web pages using the Capybara testing framework.
28. Cheerio
Cheerio is another one of best web scraping tools. It is a package that parses HTML and XML documents and allows you to operate with the downloaded data using the jQuery syntax. Following are the features of this tool.
- If you’re developing a JavaScript web scraper, Cheerio API provides a quick choice for parsing, modifying, and displaying data.
- It doesn’t render the output in a web browser, apply CSS, load external resources, or run JavaScript.
- If any of these functionalities are required, you should look at PhantomJS or JSDom.
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29. Puppeteer
Puppeteer is a Node package that allows you to manage Google’s headless Chrome browser using a powerful yet simple API. A few features of this tool is listed below.
- It runs in the background, carrying out commands through an API.
- A headless browser is one that is capable of sending and receiving requests but lacks a graphical user interface.
- Puppeteer is the right solution for the task if the information you’re looking for is generated utilizing a combination of API data and Javascript code.
- You may mimic the user’s experience by typing and clicking in the same places they do.
- Puppeteer may also be used to capture screenshots of web pages that are shown by default when a web browser is opened.
30. Playwright
Playwright is a Microsoft Node library designed for browser automation. It is another one of best free web scraping tools. Here are a few features of this tool.
- It offers competent, dependable, and rapid cross-browser web automation.
- Playwright was intended to improve automated UI testing by removing flakiness, increasing execution speed, and providing insight into how the browser works.
- It’s a modern browser automation application that’s comparable to Puppeteer in many ways and comes with pre-installed compatible browsers.
- Its main advantage is cross-browser compatibility since it can run Chromium, WebKit, and Firefox.
- Playwright integrates with Docker, Azure, Travis CI, and AppVeyor on a regular basis.
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31. PJScrape
PJscrape is a Python-based online scraping toolkit that uses Javascript and JQuery. Following are the features of this tool.
- It’s designed to work with PhantomJS, so you can scrape sites from the command line in a fully rendered, Javascript-enabled context, with no need for a browser.
- This implies you can access not just the DOM but also Javascript variables and functions, as well as AJAX-loaded content.
- The scraper functions are assessed in the context of the entire browser.
We hope that this guide was helpful about best web scraping tools. Let us know which tool you find easy for you. Keep visiting our page for more cool tips & tricks and leave your comments below.