密码(Password)保护文件夹是任何设备上最重要的实用程序之一,尤其是在笔记本电脑上。它可以帮助我们私下共享信息并防止其内容被其他任何人阅读。在其他笔记本电脑和 PC(In other laptops and PCs)中,保持这种隐私的最简单方法是加密文件或文件夹(encrypting the file or folder)。幸运的是,Mac提供了一种更简单的方法,包括为相应的文件或文件夹分配密码。阅读本指南,了解如何在Mac中使用或不使用“磁盘工具(Disk Utility)”功能对文件夹进行密码保护。

如何在Mac中使用(Mac)密码保护(Password Protect)文件夹(Folder)
选择性共享(Selective Sharing):如果您需要将不同的文件发送给特定的一组用户,但这些多个文件保存在同一个文件夹中,您可以单独对它们进行密码保护。通过这样做,即使您发送合并的电子邮件,也只有知道密码的用户才能解锁他们要访问的特定文件。
方法 1:使用磁盘工具对 Mac 中的文件夹进行密码保护(Method 1: Password Protect a Folder in Mac with Disk Utility)
使用磁盘工具(Disk Utility)是在Mac中对文件或文件夹进行密码保护的最简单方法。
1.从 Mac Utilities 文件夹(Utilities Folder,)启动磁盘工具(Disk Utility),如图所示。

或者,通过按键盘上的Control + Command + A keys磁盘工具(Disk Utility)”窗口。

2. 单击磁盘工具(Disk Utility)窗口顶部菜单中的文件。(File)
3. 选择新建图像(New Image)>来自文件夹(Image From Folder)的图像,如下图所示。

4. 选择您要使用密码保护的文件夹。(Folder)
5. 从加密(Encryption)下拉菜单中,选择128 位 AES 加密(128 Bit AES Encryption) (推荐)((recommended))选项。这可以更快地加密和解密,并提供良好的安全性。

6. 输入用于解锁受密码保护的文件夹的密码,并通过(password)重新输入进行验证。(verify)

7. 从图像格式(Image Format)下拉列表中,选择Read/write选项。
8. 最后,点击保存(Save)。该过程完成后,磁盘工具(Disk Utility)将通知您。
除非您更改了位置,否则将在原始位置的(original location)原始文件夹(original folder)旁边创建新的加密 .DMG 文件。(encrypted .DMG file)磁盘映像现在受密码保护,因此只能由知道密码的用户访问。
注意:(Note:)原始original file/folder will remain unlocked and unchanged。因此,为了进一步提高安全性,您可以删除原始文件夹,只留下锁定的文件/文件夹。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Mac 上使用实用程序文件夹(How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac)
方法 2:在没有磁盘工具的情况下使用密码保护 Mac 中的文件夹(Method 2: Password Protect a Folder in Mac without Disk Utility)
当您想要在 macOS 上对单个文件进行密码保护时,此方法最适合。您无需从App Store下载任何其他应用程序。
方法 2A:使用 Notes 应用程序(Method 2A: Use Notes Application)
该应用程序易于使用,可以在几秒钟内创建锁定文件。您可以在 Notes 上创建一个新文件,也可以使用此应用程序从 iPhone 扫描文档以锁定它。请按照给定的步骤执行此操作:
1.在 Mac 上打开笔记应用程序。(Notes)

2. 现在选择您想要密码保护的文件。(File)
3. 从顶部的菜单中,单击锁定图标(Lock icon)。
4. 然后,选择Lock Note,如图所示。

5. 输入强密码(password)。这将用于稍后解密此文件。
6. 完成后,单击设置密码(Set Password)。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Mac 上创建文本文件(How to Create Text File on Mac)
方法 2B:使用预览应用程序
(Method 2B: Use Preview Application
这是使用笔记应用程序的另一种选择。但是,只能使用Preview来对PDF 文件进行密码保护(password protect.PDF files)。
注意:(Note:)为了锁定其他文件格式,您必须先将它们导出为 .pdf 格式。
1.在您的 Mac 上启动预览。(Preview)
2. 从菜单栏中,单击File > Export,如下图所示。

3. 在Export As:字段中重命名文件。例如:ilovepdf_merged。

4. 选中标记为加密(Encrypt)的框。
5. 然后,输入密码(Password)并通过在所述字段中重新输入来验证(Verify)它。
6. 最后,点击保存(Save)。
注意:(Note:)您可以使用类似的步骤在Mac中使用iWork Suite包对文件进行密码保护。这些可能包括Pages、Numbers甚至Keynote文件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Mac 无法连接到 App Store(Fix Mac Cannot Connect to App Store)
方法 3:使用第三方应用程序(Method 3: Use Third-party Applications)
(Encrypto: Secure Your Files
这是一个可以从App Store(App Store)轻松下载的第三方应用程序。如果您的工作需要定期加密和解密文件,这个应用程序将派上用场。您可以通过将文件拖放到应用程序窗口中来轻松加密和解密文件。

1.从App Store下载并安装 Encrypto(Download & Install Encrypto)。
2. 然后,从Mac Applications 文件夹(folder)启动应用程序。
3. 在现在打开的窗口中拖动要设置密码保护的Folder/File
4. 输入将来用于解锁文件夹的密码。(password)
5.要记住密码,还可以添加小提示(Little hint)。
6. 最后,点击加密(Encrypt)按钮。
注意:(Note:)受密码保护的文件将被创建并保存在 Encrypto Archives(created and saved in Encrypto Archives)文件夹中。如果需要,您可以拖动此文件并将其保存到新位置。
7. 要删除此加密,请输入密码(Password)并单击解密(Decrypt)。
BetterZip 5
与第一个应用程序不同,此工具将帮助您压缩然后密码保护(compress and then, password protect)Mac中的文件夹或文件。由于Betterzip是一种压缩软件,它可以压缩所有文件格式,以便它们在MacBook上占用更少的存储空间。它的其他值得注意的功能包括:
- 您可以在此应用程序上压缩文件,同时通过256 AES 加密(256 AES encryption)对其进行保护。密码(Password)保护非常安全,有助于防止文件被窥探。
- 此应用程序支持超过 25 种文件和文件夹格式(supports more than 25 file & folder formats),包括RAR、ZIP、7-ZIP和ISO。
使用给定的链接为您的 Mac 设备下载和安装 BetterZip 5(download and install BetterZip 5)。

另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 MacOS Big Sur 安装失败错误(Fix MacOS Big Sur Installation Failed Error)
如何解锁 Mac 上的锁定文件?
(How to Unlock Locked Files on Mac?
1. 受密码保护的文件夹将在Finder中显示为.DMG 文件(.DMG file )。双击它。
3. 此文件夹的磁盘映像将显示在左侧面板的Locations选项卡下。(Locations)单击(Click)此文件夹(Folder)以查看其内容。
注意:(Note:)您还可以将其他文件拖放(drag and drop additional files)到此文件夹中以进行修改。
4. 输入密码后,文件夹将被解锁(unlocked),并一直保持到再次锁定为止。
5. 如果您想再次锁定此文件夹,请右键单击它并选择弹出(Eject)。该文件夹将被锁定,并且从“位置(Locations)”选项卡中消失。
锁定文件夹或用密码保护它是一个非常重要的实用程序。值得庆幸的是,它可以通过上述任何一种方法来完成。我们希望您可以学习如何使用密码保护 Mac 中的文件夹或文件。(how to password protect a folder or a file in Mac.)如有其他疑问,请通过以下评论与我们联系。我们会尽快回复他们。
How to Password Protect a Folder in Mac
Password protecting a folder is onе of the most important utilities on any dеvice, espеcially on laptopѕ. It helps us to privately share information and keep its contents from being read by anyone else. In other laptops and PCs, the easiest way to maintain this kind of privacy is by encrypting the file or folder. Fortunately, Mac provides an easier way that includes assigning a password to the respective file or folder instead. Read this guide to know how to password protect a folder in Mac with or without the Disk Utility feature.

How to Password Protect a Folder in Mac
There are several reasons why you would want to assign a password to a particular folder in your MacBook. Some of these are listed below:
Privacy: Some files are not to be shared with everyone. But if your MacBook is unlocked, almost anyone can navigate through its contents. This is where password protection comes in handy.
Selective Sharing: If you need to send different files to a specific group of users, but these multiple files are saved in the same folder, you can password protect them individually. By doing so, even if you send a consolidated email, only those users who know the password will be able to unlock the specific files they are meant to access.
Now, you know about a few reasons why you may need to password protect a file or a folder in Mac, let us take a look at the ways to do the same.
Method 1: Password Protect a Folder in Mac with Disk Utility
Using Disk Utility is the easiest method to password protect a file or folder in Mac.
1. Launch Disk Utility from Mac Utilities Folder, as shown.

Alternately, open the Disk Utility window by pressing the Control + Command + A keys from the keyboard.

2. Click on File from the top menu in the Disk Utility window.
3. Select New Image > Image From Folder, as depicted below.

4. Choose the Folder that you intend to password protect.
5. From the Encryption drop-down menu, select the 128 Bit AES Encryption (recommended) option. This is quicker to encrypt and decrypt and provides decent security.

6. Enter the password that will be used to unlock the password-protected folder and verify it by re-entering it.

7. From the Image Format drop-down list, select the Read/write option.
Note: If you select other options, you won’t be allowed to add new files or update them after decryption.
8. Finally, click Save. Once the process is completed, Disk Utility will notify you.
The new encrypted .DMG file will be created next to the original folder in the original location unless you have changed the location. The disk image is now password-protected, so it can only be accessed by users who know the password.
Note: The original file/folder will remain unlocked and unchanged. Therefore, to enhance further security, you can delete the original folder, leaving only the locked file/folder.
Also Read: How to Use Utilities Folder on Mac
Method 2: Password Protect a Folder in Mac without Disk Utility
This method is best suited when you want to password protect individual files on macOS. You won’t need to download any additional apps from the App Store.
Method 2A: Use Notes Application
This application is easy to use and can create a locked file within seconds. You can either create a new file on Notes or scan a document from your iPhone to lock it using this application. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Open the Notes app on Mac.

2. Now select the File that you would like to password-protect.
3. From the menu on the top, click on the Lock icon.
4. Then, select Lock Note, as shown highlighted.

5. Enter a strong password. This will be utilized for decrypting this file later.
6. Once done, click Set Password.

Also Read: How to Create Text File on Mac
Method 2B: Use Preview Application
This is another alternative to using the notes application. However, one can only use Preview to password protect.PDF files.
Note: In order to lock other file formats, you would have to export them to .pdf format first.
Here’s how to password protect a file in Mac using this app:
1. Launch Preview on your Mac.
2. From the menu bar, click on File > Export as illustrated below.

3. Rename the file in Export As: field. For example: ilovepdf_merged.

4. Check the box marked Encrypt.
5. Then, type the Password and Verify it by re-typing it in the said field.
6. Finally, click on Save.
Note: You can use similar steps to password protect a file in Mac using the iWork Suite package. These may include Pages, Numbers, and even Keynote files.
Also Read: Fix Mac Cannot Connect to App Store
Method 3: Use Third-party Applications
Several third-party applications can be utilized to password protect a folder or a file on Mac. We will discuss two such apps here.
Encrypto: Secure Your Files
This is a third-party application that can be easily downloaded from the App Store. If your line of work requires to encrypt and decrypt files regularly, this app will come in handy. You can easily encrypt and decrypt files by dragging and dropping them into the application window.

1. Download & Install Encrypto from the App Store.
2. Then, launch the application from the Mac Applications folder.
3. Drag the Folder/File that you want to password protect in the window that now opens.
4. Enter the password that will be utilized to unlock the folder, in the future.
5. To remember your password, you can also add a Little hint.
6. Lastly, click on the Encrypt button.
Note: The password-protected file will be created and saved in Encrypto Archives folder. You can drag this file and save it to a new location if needed.
7. To remove this encryption, enter the Password and click on Decrypt.
BetterZip 5
Unlike the first application, this tool will help you to compress and then, password protect a folder or a file in Mac. Since Betterzip is a compression software, it compresses all file formats so that they utilize lesser storage space on your MacBook. Its other noteworthy features include:
- You can compress the file on this application while protecting it by 256 AES encryption. Password protection is very secure and helpful in keeping the file safe from prying eyes.
- This application supports more than 25 file & folder formats, including RAR, ZIP, 7-ZIP, and ISO.
Use the given link to download and install BetterZip 5 for your Mac device.

Also Read: Fix MacOS Big Sur Installation Failed Error
How to Unlock Locked Files on Mac?
Now that you have learned how to password protect a folder in Mac, you ought to know how to access & edit such files or folders too. Follow the given instructions to do so:
1. The password-protected folder will appear as a .DMG file in the Finder. Double click on it.
2. Enter the decryption/encryption Password.
3. The disk image of this folder will be displayed under the Locations tab on the left panel. Click on this Folder to view its content.
Note: You can also drag and drop additional files into this folder to modify them.
4. Once you have entered your password, the folder will be unlocked and will remain so until locked again.
5. If you want to lock this folder again, right-click on it and select Eject. The folder will be locked and also, disappear from the Locations tab.
Locking a folder or protecting it with a password is quite an important utility. Thankfully, it can be done by either of the methods mentioned above. We hope that you could learn how to password protect a folder or a file in Mac. In case of further queries, contact us through the comments below. We will try to get back to them as soon as possible.