每个人都喜欢在手机里塞满最新的应用程序和游戏,并用精美的图片和令人难忘的视频填满他们的画廊。但是,内部存储只能存储这么多数据。迟早(Sooner),您将遇到Insufficient Storage Available 错误( Insufficient Storage Available error)。虽然大多数情况下是因为您的内部存储器实际上已满,但有时软件错误也可能是造成它的原因。即使您有足够的可用空间,您也可能会收到错误消息。在本文中,我们将详细讨论这个问题,并研究我们可以解决它的各种方法。
什么导致可用存储空间不足错误?(What Causes the Insufficient Storage Space Available Error?)
Android智能手机的可用内部存储与其规格中承诺的不完全相同。这是因为该空间中的几GB(GBs)被Android操作系统、品牌特定的用户界面(User Interface)和一些预安装的应用程序(也称为Bloatware)占用。因此,如果您的智能手机声称在盒子上有 32 GB 的内部存储空间,实际上您只能使用 25-26 GB。您可以在此剩余空间中存储应用程序、游戏、媒体文件、文档等。随着时间的推移,存储空间会不断被填满,并且会有一个点完全填满。现在,当您尝试安装新应用或保存新视频时,消息“可用存储空间不足(Insufficient storage space available)”会在屏幕上弹出。
当您尝试在设备上使用已安装的应用程序时,它甚至可能会出现。这是因为每个应用程序在您使用它们时都会在您的设备上保存一些数据。如果您注意到,您会发现几个月前安装的只有 200 MB 的应用程序现在占用了 500 MB 的存储空间。如果现有应用程序没有足够的空间来保存数据,则会生成可用存储空间不足的错误。(Insufficient)一旦此消息在您的屏幕上弹出,您就该清理一下了。
如何修复可用存储空间不足的错误?(How to Fix the Insufficient Storage Space Available Error?)
方法 1:在计算机或云存储上备份您的媒体文件(Method 1: Backup your Media Files on a Computer or Cloud Storage)
如前所述,照片、视频和音乐等媒体文件会占用手机内部存储的大量空间。如果您面临存储空间不足的问题,那么将您的媒体文件传输到计算机或云存储(如 Google Drive(transfer your media files to a computer or cloud storage like Google Drive)、One Drive等)总是一个好主意。为您的照片和视频备份可以增加很多好处也是如此。即使您的手机丢失、被盗或损坏,您的数据也将保持安全。选择云存储服务还可以防止数据盗窃、恶意软件和勒索软件。除此之外,这些文件将始终可供查看和下载。您需要做的就是登录您的帐户并访问您的云驱动器。安卓版(Android)用户,照片和视频的最佳云选项是谷歌(Google)照片。其他可行的选项是Google Drive、 One Drive、Dropbox、MEGA等。
方法 2:清除应用程序的缓存和数据( Method 2: Clear Cache and Data for Apps)
所有应用程序都以缓存文件的形式存储一些数据。保存了一些基本数据,以便在打开时,应用程序可以快速显示一些内容。它旨在减少任何应用程序的启动时间。但是,这些缓存文件会随着时间的推移而不断增长。安装时只有 100 MB 的应用程序在几个月后最终占用了近 1 GB。清除应用程序的缓存和数据始终是一个好习惯。社交媒体和聊天应用程序等一些应用程序比其他应用程序占用更多空间。从这些应用程序开始,然后按自己的方式开发其他应用程序。按照给出的步骤清除应用程序的缓存和数据。
1. 转到手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 单击应用程序(Apps)选项以查看您设备上已安装应用程序的列表。
3. 现在选择(select the app)您要删除其缓存文件的应用程序并点击它。
4. 单击存储(Storage)选项。
5.在这里,您将找到清除缓存和清除数据(Clear Cache and Clear Data)的选项。单击(Click)相应的按钮,该应用程序的缓存文件将被删除。
在早期的Android版本中,可以一次删除应用程序的缓存文件,但是此选项已从Android 8.0 ( Oreo ) 和所有后续版本中删除。一次删除所有缓存文件的唯一方法是使用恢复(Recovery)模式中的擦除缓存分区(Wipe Cache Partition)选项。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 第一件事就是关掉你的手机(switch off your mobile phone)。
2. 为了进入引导加载程序,您需要按下组合键。对于某些设备,它是电源按钮和降低音量键,而对于其他设备,它是电源按钮和两个音量键。
3. 请注意,触摸屏在引导加载程序模式下不起作用,因此当它开始使用音量键滚动选项列表时。
4. 转到恢复(Recovery)选项,然后按电源按钮将其选中。
5.现在遍历Wipe Cache Partition选项并按下电源按钮将其选中。
6.删除缓存文件后,重新启动设备并查看是否能够修复可用存储不足错误。 (fix Insufficient Storage Available error. )
方法3:识别占用最大空间的应用程序或文件( Method 3: Identify the Apps or Files occupying Maximum Space)
每部Android智能手机都带有一个内置的存储监控工具(in-built Storage monitoring tool),可以准确显示应用程序和媒体文件占用了多少空间。根据您的智能手机品牌,您可能还有一个内置清洁器,可让您删除垃圾文件、大型媒体文件、未使用的应用程序等。按照以下步骤确定负责占用所有空间的应用程序或文件然后删除它们。
1. 打开手机上的设置。(Settings)
2. 现在,点击存储( Storage)选项。
3. 在这里,您将找到一份详细的报告,显示应用程序、照片、视频、文档等正在占用多少空间。
4. 现在,为了删除大文件和应用程序,单击清理(Clean-up)按钮。
5. 如果您没有内置的清洁器应用程序,则可以使用第三方应用程序,例如Cleaner Master CC或(Cleaner Master CC)Play 商店(Play Store)中您喜欢的任何其他应用程序。
方法 4:将应用程序转移到 SD 卡( Method 4: Transfer Apps to an SD card)
如果您的设备运行的是较旧的Android操作系统,那么您可以选择将应用程序传输到 SD(transfer apps to the SD)卡。但是,只有某些应用程序兼容安装在 SD 卡上而不是内部存储器上。您可以将系统应用程序传输到 SD 卡。当然,您的Android设备还应该首先支持外部存储卡才能进行转换。请按照以下步骤了解如何将应用程序传输到 SD 卡。
2. 现在点击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 如果可能的话,根据应用的大小对应用进行排序,以便您可以先将大应用发送到 SD 卡并释放大量空间。
4. 从应用程序列表中打开任何应用程序,查看“移动到 SD 卡”(“Move to SD card”)选项是否可用。如果是,则只需点击相应的按钮,此应用程序及其数据将被传输到 SD 卡。
现在,检查您是否能够修复 Android手机上的可用存储空间不足错误。(fix Insufficient Storage Available error on your Android)如果您使用的是Android 6.0或更高版本,那么您将无法将应用程序传输到 SD 卡。相反,您需要将 SD 卡转换为内部存储器。Android 6.0 及更高版本允许您格式化外部存储卡,使其被视为内部存储器的一部分。这将使您能够大幅提高存储容量。您将能够在这个增加的内存空间上安装应用程序。
但是,这种方法有一些缺点。新添加的内存将比原来的内存慢,并且一旦您格式化您的 SD 卡,您将无法从任何其他设备访问它。如果您对此感到满意,请按照以下步骤将您的 SD 卡转换为内部存储器的扩展。
1. 您需要做的第一件事是插入 SD 卡(insert your SD card),然后点击设置选项。
2. 从选项列表中选择“用作(Use)内部存储”选项。
3. 这样做会导致SD 卡被格式化并删除其所有现有内容。(SD card is formatted and all its existing content will be deleted.)
4. 转换完成后,您可以选择现在移动文件或稍后移动它们。
5. 就是这样,你现在可以走了。您的内部存储现在将有更多容量来存储应用程序、游戏和媒体文件。
6.您可以随时重新配置您的SD卡(re-configure your SD card)成为外部存储。为此,只需打开设置并转到存储(Storage)和USB。
7. 在这里,点击卡的名称并打开其设置(Settings)。
8. 之后,只需选择“用作便携式存储”(“Use as portable storage”)选项。
Method 5: Uninstall/Disable Bloatware
摆脱 Bloatware(get rid of Bloatware is by directly uninstalling them)的最简单方法是直接卸载它们。就像(Just)任何其他应用程序一样,点击并按住其图标并选择卸载(Uninstall)选项。但是,对于某些应用程序,卸载(Uninstall)选项不可用。您需要从Settings禁用这些应用程序。请按照以下步骤查看如何:
1. 进入手机设置(Settings)。
2. 现在单击应用程序(Apps)选项。
3. 这将显示您手机上安装的所有应用程序的列表。(list of all the apps installed)选择您不想要的应用程序并单击它们。
4. 现在,您将找到Disable 而不是 Uninstall(Disable instead of Uninstall)的选项。如前所述,某些应用程序无法完全删除,您必须禁用它们而不是卸载它们。
5. 如果两个选项均不可用且Uninstall/Disable buttons are greyed out则表示无法直接删除该应用程序。您将不得不使用System App Remover(System App Remover)或 No Bloat Free等第三方应用程序来摆脱这些应用程序。
6. 但是,只有在您绝对确定删除该特定应用程序不会干扰您的Android(Android)智能手机的正常运行时,才继续执行上述步骤。
方法 6:使用第三方清洁器应用程序( Method 6: Use Third-Party Cleaner Apps)
Play 商店(Play Store)中最受欢迎的第三方清洁器应用程序之一是CC Cleaner。它是免费的,可以轻松下载。如果您根本没有任何空间并且无法下载此应用程序,请删除未使用的旧应用程序或删除一些媒体文件以腾出一点空间。
安装应用程序后,它将负责其余的工作。使用该应用程序也很容易。它有一个存储分析器,可以显示您的内部存储器目前是如何使用的。您只需轻点几下即可使用该应用程序直接删除不需要的垃圾(directly delete unwanted junk)。专用的快速清理按钮(Quick Clean button)可让您立即清除垃圾文件。它还有一个RAM助推器,可以清除在后台运行的应用程序并释放RAM,从而使设备更快。
您可以使用上述任何方法来修复 Android 设备上的可用存储空间不足错误(fix insufficient storage available error on your Android device)。但是,如果您的设备太旧,那么迟早其内部存储器将不足以支持甚至重要且必要的应用程序。如前所述,应用程序的大小随着每次新更新而变得越来越大。
Fix Insufficient Storage Available Error on Android
Every Android smartphone haѕ limited internal storage capacitу and if yoυ have a slightly old mobile, then chances are that you are going to run out of space soon. The reason behind this is that aрps and games are becoming heavier and are starting to occupy more and more space. Apаrt from that, thе file size of photos and videos has increased еxponentially. Our demand for better quality pictures has been met by mobile manufacturers bу creating smartphones with cameras that could give DSLRs a run for their money.
Everyone loves to cram their phones with the latest apps and games and fill their galleries with beautiful pictures and memorable videos. However, the internal storage can only take so much data. Sooner or later, you will experience the Insufficient Storage Available error. While most of the time it is because of your internal memory actually being full, sometimes a software error can also be responsible for it. It is possible that you are receiving the error message even if you have enough space available. In this article, we are going to discuss this issue in detail and look into the various ways in which we can fix it.
What Causes the Insufficient Storage Space Available Error?
The available internal storage of an Android smartphone isn’t exactly the same as promised in its specifications. This is because a few GBs of that space is occupied by the Android operating system, the brand-specific User Interface, and some pre-installed apps (also called Bloatware). As a result, if your smartphone claims to have 32 GB internal storage on the box, in reality, you will be able to use only 25-26 GB. You can store apps, games, media files, documents, etc. in this remaining space. With time, the storage space will keep getting filled and there will be a point when it becomes completely full. Now, when you try to install a new app or maybe save a new video, the message “Insufficient storage space available” pops up on your screen.
It might even show up when you are trying to use an already installed app on your device. This is because every app saves some data on your device when you are using them. If you notice you will find out that the app that you installed a couple of months ago and was only 200 MB now occupies 500 MB of storage space. If an existing app does not get sufficient space to save data, it will generate an Insufficient storage space available error. Once this message pops up on your screen, it is time for you to clean up.
How to Fix the Insufficient Storage Space Available Error?
The storage space on your Android smartphone is occupied by a lot of things. Some of these things are needed while many others aren’t. In fact, a substantial amount of space is also being hogged up by junk files and unused cache files. In this section, we are going to address each of these in detail and see how we can make space for that new app that you wish to install.
Method 1: Backup your Media Files on a Computer or Cloud Storage
As mentioned earlier, media files like photos, videos, and music take up a lot of space on your mobile’s internal storage. If you are facing the problem of insufficient storage, then it is always a good idea to transfer your media files to a computer or cloud storage like Google Drive, One Drive, etc. Having a backup for your photos and videos has a lot of added benefits as well. Your data will remain safe even if your mobile gets lost, stolen, or damaged. Opting for a cloud storage service also provides protection against data theft, malware, and ransomware. Apart from that, the files will always be available for viewing and download. All that you need to do is log in to your account and access your cloud drive. For Android users, the best cloud option for photos and videos is Google photos. Other viable options are Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, MEGA, etc.
You can also choose to transfer your data to a computer. It won’t be accessible at all times but it offers much more storage space. In comparison to cloud storage that offers limited free space (you need to pay for extra space), a computer offers almost unlimited space and can accommodate all your media files irrespective of how much it is.
Method 2: Clear Cache and Data for Apps
All apps store some data in the form of cache files. Some basic data is saved so that when opened, the app can display something quickly. It is meant to reduce the startup time of any app. However, these cache files keep growing with time. An app that was only 100 MB while installation ends up occupying almost 1 GB after some months. It is always a good practice to clear cache and data for apps. Some apps like social media and chatting apps occupy more space than others. Start from these apps and then work your way to other apps. Follow the steps given to clear cache and data for an app.
1. Go to the Settings on your phone.
2. Click on the Apps option to view the list of installed apps on your device.
3. Now select the app whose cache files you would like to delete and tap on it.
4. Click on the Storage option.
5. Here, you will find the option to Clear Cache and Clear Data. Click on the respective buttons and the cache files for that app will get deleted.
In earlier Android versions, it was possible to delete cache files for apps at once however this option was removed from Android 8.0 (Oreo) and all the subsequent versions. The only way to delete all cache files at once is by using the Wipe Cache Partition option from the Recovery mode. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. The first thing that you need to do is to switch off your mobile phone.
2. In order to enter the bootloader, you need to press a combination of keys. For some devices, it is the power button along with the volume down key while for others it is the power button along with both the volume keys.
3. Take note that the touchscreen does not work in the bootloader mode so when it starts using the volume keys to scroll through the list of options.
4. Traverse to the Recovery option and press the power button to select it.
5. Now traverse to the Wipe Cache Partition option and press the power button to select it.
6. Once the cache files get deleted, reboot your device and see if you’re able fix Insufficient Storage Available error.
Method 3: Identify the Apps or Files occupying Maximum Space
Some apps occupy more space than others and they are the primary reason behind internal storage running out of space. You need to identify these apps and delete them if they are not important. An alternate app or the lite version of the same app can be used to replace these space-hogging apps.
Every Android smartphone comes with an in-built Storage monitoring tool that shows you exactly how much space is being occupied by apps and media files. Depending on your smartphone brand you might also have an in-built cleaner that will allow you to delete junk files, large media files, unused apps, etc. Follow the steps given below to identify the apps or files responsible for taking up all your space and then deleting them.
1. Open the Settings on your phone.
2. Now, tap on the Storage option.
3. Here, you will find a detailed report of exactly how much space is being occupied by apps, photos, videos, documents, etc.
4. Now, in order to delete the large files and apps click on the Clean-up button.
5. If you do not have an in-built cleaner app, then you can use a third-party app like Cleaner Master CC or any other that you prefer from the Play Store.
Method 4: Transfer Apps to an SD card
If your device is running an older Android operating system, then you can choose to transfer apps to the SD card. However, only some apps are compatible to be installed on an SD card instead of the internal memory. You can transfer a system app to the SD card. Of course, your Android device should also support an external memory card in the first place to make the shift. Follow the steps given below to learn how to transfer apps to the SD card.
1. Firstly, open Settings on your device.
2. Now tap on the Apps option.
3. If possible, sort the apps according to their size so that you can send the big apps to the SD card first and free up a substantial amount of space.
4. Open any app from the list of apps and see if the option “Move to SD card” is available or not. If yes, then simply tap on the respective button and this app and its data will be transferred to the SD card.
Now, check if you’re able to fix Insufficient Storage Available error on your Android phone or not. If you are using Android 6.0 or later, then you won’t be able to do transfer apps to an SD card. Instead, you need to convert your SD card into internal memory. Android 6.0 and later allows you to format your external memory card in a way that it is treated as a part of the internal memory. This will allow you to boost your storage capacity substantially. You will be able to install apps on this added memory space.
However, there are a few downsides to this method. The newly added memory will be slower than the original internal memory and once you format your SD card, you will not be able to access it from any other device. If you are fine with that then follow the steps given below to convert your SD card into an extension of the internal memory.
1. The first thing that you need to do is insert your SD card and then tap on the Setup option.
2. From the list of options choose the “Use as internal storage” option.
3. Doing so will result in the SD card is formatted and all its existing content will be deleted.
4. Once the transformation is completed you will be given options to move your files now or move them later.
5. That’s it, you are now good to go. Your internal storage will now have more capacity to store apps, games, and media files.
6. You can re-configure your SD card to become external storage at any time. To do so, simply open Settings and go to Storage and USB.
7. Here, tap on the name of the card and open its Settings.
8. After that simply choose the “Use as portable storage” option.
Method 5: Uninstall/Disable Bloatware
Bloatware refers to the pre-installed apps on your Android smartphone. When you buy a new Android device, you find a lot of apps are already installed on your phone. These apps are known as bloatware. These apps could have been added by the manufacturer, your network service provider, or could even be specific companies that pay the manufacturer to add their apps as a promotion. These could be system apps like weather, health tracker, calculator, compass, etc. or some promotional apps like Amazon, Spotify, etc.
A bulk of these built-in apps are never even used by the people and yet they occupy a lot of precious space. It just doesn’t make sense keeping a bunch of apps on your device which you will never use.
The simplest way to get rid of Bloatware is by directly uninstalling them. Just like any other app tap and hold their icon and select the Uninstall option. However, for some apps the Uninstall option is unavailable. You need to disable these apps from Settings. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Go to the Settings of your phone.
2. Now click on the Apps option.
3. This will display the list of all the apps installed on your phone. Select the apps that you don’t want and click on them.
4. Now, you will find the option to Disable instead of Uninstall. As mentioned earlier, some apps can’t be removed completely and you have to make do with disabling them instead of uninstalling them.
5. In case, neither of the options is available and the Uninstall/Disable buttons are greyed out then it means that the app cannot be removed directly. You will have to use third-party apps like System App Remover or No Bloat Free to get rid of these apps.
6. However, proceed with the above-mentioned step only if you absolutely certain that deleting that particular app won’t interfere with the normal functioning of your Android smartphone.
Method 6: Use Third-Party Cleaner Apps
Another convenient method to free up space is to download a third-party cleaner app and let it do its magic. These apps will scan your system for junk files, duplicate files, unused apps, and app data, cached data, installation packages, large files, etc. and allow you to delete them from a single place with a few taps on the screen. This is a super-efficient and convenient way to delete all unnecessary items in one go.
One of the most popular third-party cleaner apps available on the Play Store is the CC Cleaner. It is free and can be downloaded easily. In case you do not have any space at all and you are not able to download this app, then delete an old unused app or delete some media files to create a little space.
Once the app is installed it will take care of the rest. Using the app is also pretty easy. It has a storage analyzer that shows how your internal memory is being utilized at the moment. You can use the app to directly delete unwanted junk with just a couple of taps. A dedicated Quick Clean button allows you to clear junk files instantly. It also has a RAM booster that clears apps running in the background and frees up RAM which makes the device faster.
You can use any of the methods described above to fix insufficient storage available error on your Android device. However, if your device is too old then sooner or later its internal memory will not be enough to supports even the important and necessary apps. As mentioned earlier, apps are getting bigger in size with every new update.
Apart from that the Android operating system itself would require updates from time to time and operating system updates are usually large in size. Therefore, the only viable solution left is to upgrade to a new and better smartphone with bigger internal memory.