作为一名音乐爱好者,尤其是来自创作者的音乐爱好者,对于那些不想使用节拍制作软件的人来说是一次冒险。您是否开始从头开始创建一个?首先在免费的 PC 节拍制作软件上试用它们,这将成为我们今天文章的主题。好吧(Well),您可能不会从标题中猜到,但我们将讨论的列表将对您和您作为音乐家的职业非常有益。因此,在继续列表之前,让我们深入了解一下 PC 上一款出色的节拍制作软件的功能。

36 大最佳 PC 节拍制作软件(Top 36 Best Beat Making Software for PC)
因此,当您考虑一个好的节拍制作软件时,请确保您有以下几点可以为您的工作选择最好的 -
特定流派的乐器:(Genre-specific instruments:)包括钢琴、鼓和弦乐在内的虚拟乐器可在所有通常评估的应用程序中使用。因为硬件对应物很昂贵,而且您可能会使用多个层,如果您想完全制作像EDM或嘻哈这样的流派,请考虑使用具有可靠合成器和电子鼓机集合的软件。如果您正在创作摇滚音乐,您将需要体面的原声鼓音色以及电贝司和吉他插件。即使您想录制真实乐器,我们发现使用虚拟乐器创建路线图可能会节省时间。
有效的插件:如果您想完成值得上传到(Effective plug-ins:)YouTube或Spotify的作品,请考虑使用具有大量效果的软件。虚拟乐器和样本通常不需要太多的编辑,但在项目中压缩和均衡主总线至关重要,以确保音乐处于正确的水平并且通过耳机和更大的扬声器听起来很棒。现在我们对节拍制作软件有了一些了解,让我们转到它们的列表。
以下是适用于 PC 的最佳节拍制作软件或工具的列表。
1. MuseScore

MuseScore是一个著名且出色的Beat Maker程序。它的众多功能使其成为音乐爱好者的宝贵工具,如下所示:
- 它具有吸引人且清晰的用户界面(appealing and clear user interface),并为任何新手提供了所有必需的学习资源。
- 它是所有音乐爱好者的必备工具,因为它提供了一种简单方便的方法来制作音乐节拍。
- 您可以使用它来录制和编辑您的录音,然后以您喜欢的格式(例如(record and edit your recordings)OGG或Wav)下载成品。
- 它支持Windows、Linux、macOS、iPad、iOS 和Android。
- 它提供免费版本,$49 for the Pro version。
- 它支持 MIDI 键盘输入。
- MIDI、MusicXML和其他方法可用于在应用程序之间传输数据。
- 歌词(Time)中添加了拍号和调号。
- PNG和OGG是可用于导出乐谱的文件格式。
2. 声音陷阱(2. Soundtrap )

Soundtrap(Soundtrap’s)基于浏览器的节拍制作软件工具提供免费试用版。您无需下载任何内容即可使用它,您可以立即与其他在线用户合作。它是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。以下(Below)是其列出的功能:
- 它非常适合(ideal for students and enthusiasts)刚涉足节拍制作行业的学生和爱好者。
- 它提供免费试用,根据功能从每月 7.99 美元到 13.99 美元不等。
- 它提供时间恢复、自动化和自动调谐功能
- 它提供了海量的声音收藏(massive sound collection),每两周更新一次。
- 它提供了无限的项目。
- 因为它是基于网络的,所以与其他人协作很简单。
- 通过每周的声音更新,您将可以使用所有高级功能。
- Splice提供近 300 种声音(仅限时间)
- 来自世界各地的用户可以录制和协作。
虽然没有很多复杂的编辑或混音功能,但这对新手来说不是问题。程序中也时有缺陷(flaws in the program from time to time),但是,Soundtrap会定期发布更新来解决这些缺陷。长期以来,不使用箭头键就无法浏览声音片段。另一方面, Soundtrap(Soundtrap)超出了对免费或低成本软件的期望。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将 WAV 转换为 MP3(How to Convert WAV to MP3)
3.苹果逻辑专业版(3. Apple Logic Pro )

Apple Logic Pro尽管是 Apple 独有的工具,但Apple Logic Pro是生成节拍的绝佳替代品,它在我们的 PC 最佳节拍制作软件列表中名列前茅。低廉的价格为您的资金提供了很大的(provides a lot of bang)收益(或节拍)。此次升级将 Apple 已经非常出色的免费GarageBand提升到了专业水平。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有大量的虚拟乐器(large collection of virtual instruments)。
- 您可以自定义合成鼓,为您正在处理的任何内容创建一组独特的节奏。
- 它有一个用户友好的界面。
- 它有无版权的循环和样本。
- 您最多可以制作 255 个音频和MIDI轨道,这足以构建复杂的编曲并不断为乐曲添加新想法(keep adding new ideas)。
- 每个通道最多可以添加 15 个插入效果(add up to 15 insert effects)和 8 个发送到混音窗口的灵活混音窗口。
- 假设您希望先录制一段旋律,Logic 的虚拟鼓插件采用 AI 算法来调整合成鼓手以适应您生成的音乐类型。
- 它支持 macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$234.73 for the subscription。
4. MAGIX 音乐制作器(4. MAGIX Music Maker )

(MAGIX)如果您想创作自己的音乐,强烈推荐使用MAGIX 。它也是PC上最好的节拍制作软件之一,它使用起来非常简单(simple to use),价格便宜,同时又很专业。MAGIX长期以来一直在制作音乐软件,并赢得了许多赞誉。以下是列出的功能:
- 它提供即时下载和30 天退款保证(30-Day Money-Back Guarantee)。
- 只需单击几下鼠标,您就可以创建自己的节拍和曲调。
- 如果您是新手,MAGIX提供了丰富的在线课程来指导(online courses to guide)您完成整个过程。
- 如果您是专家级用户,您可以直接跳入并使用数百种声音、循环和曲目。
- 它支持Windows、macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后订阅(for the subscription.)$59.99 to $79.99
另请阅读: (Also Read: )在 Windows 10 中将专辑封面添加到 MP3 的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Add Album Art to MP3 in Windows 10)

LMMS是一个完全免费的节拍制作平台(completely free beat-making platform)。它类似于市场上最受欢迎的节拍制作程序之一FL Studio 。LMMS起源于Fruity Loops和Reason等节拍制作软件。与其他遵循更典型音序风格的DAW不同, (DAWs)LMMS非常适合使用您最喜欢的鼓样本和虚拟乐器来敲击节奏和干扰。(hammering up rhythms and jamming)以下(Below)是列出的一些功能:
- 它现代且操作简单。
- 从节拍制作者的角度来看,排序方法是 LMMS 优于此列表中其他数字音频工作站的(sequencing approach is the key benefit )主要优势(LMMS)。
- 有16 个免费的开源合成器(16 free open-source synthesizers)可用。
- 它支持MIDI和打字机键盘。
- 要改进样式、音符、和弦和旋律,请使用Beat+ Bassline Editor Piano Roll Editor来整合乐器轨道。
- 导入 MIDI(Import MIDI)和Hydrogen项目文件
- 它支持Windows、macOS X 和Linux。
6.或鼓箱(6. orDrumbox )

orDrumbox是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。它是制作原创音乐作品的完全免费且极好的选择,因为它具有各种先进和优化的功能。OrdrumBOX不仅有助于音乐的创作,还有助于音乐节拍文件的编辑和存储(editing and storage of music beat files)。您还可以将文件发布到OrdrumBox,以便其他人可以收听并评价它们。OrdrumBOX因其卓越的功能而成为忠实音乐爱好者的潮流,(trend among devoted music enthusiasts)不容忽视。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有一个简单易用的用户界面。
- 拖放(Drag-and-drop)功能可用。
- 可以添加节省时间的循环点以自动化更长的课程。
- 它提供了自动生成的作曲软件。(provides composition software)
- 使用此程序可以导入架子鼓、调整门限和音高以及应用 BP 或 LP 滤波器。
- 它可以在Linux以及Windows和Mac OS上流畅运行。
7. 理性工作室(7. Reason Studios )

Reason Studios,前身为Propellerhead Reason,以其令人惊叹的合成器和庞大的声音收藏(amazing synthesizers and large sound collection)而闻名。它也是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。您可以在他们当前的软件中选择 The Rack和Reason Plus 。The Rack是一个插件,而不是一个成熟的音乐创作应用程序。它与FL Studio和Ableton Live以及其他音乐制作软件兼容。Reason 的乐器、声音和效果都可以通过Rack插件获得。但是,不包括排序和混合。这取决于您和您使用的任何音乐制作程序。以下(Below)是一些列出的功能:
- (VST)支持来自第三方的VST乐器和效果器。
- 它带有一个颗粒采样器(comes with a grain sampler),您可以使用它以多种方式拼接、拉伸和切片您的录音。
- 其强大的步进音序器对于创建复杂的鼓模式特别有效,例如在嘻哈(Hip Hop)或EDM中看到的那些。
- 它还有大量的鼓样本(large number of drum samples)和库存乐器。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$19.99 per month。
另请阅读(Also Read): 如何在不损失质量的情况下将 PNG 转换为 JPG(How to Convert PNG to JPG without Losing Quality)
8. 阿贝尔顿现场(8. Abelton Live )

Ableton Live是Windows Beat Making Software列表中的下一个。您可以从免费版本开始,稍后再升级。它可以从其官方网站下载,您可以利用它的高级特性和功能。使用这个音乐制作程序非常简单,它在您的家用 PC 上为您提供音乐工作室的感觉。(music studio feel on your home PC. )以下(Below)是列出的一些功能:
- 它配备了立式钢琴(Upright Piano)、铜管四重奏(Brass Quartet)和弦乐四重奏(String Quartet)这三种高品质的声音乐器。
- Voice Box、Mood Reel和Drone Lab的声音包。
- 大自然启发了 6 种乐器和音效。
- 支持MIDI(MIDI)中的复音表达式( MPE )。
- 要一次修改多个音轨(modify numerous soundtracks at once),请使用 Link Tracks 功能。
- 它支持Windows、macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$79 to $599 as per features。
9. FL工作室(9. FL Studio)

FL Studio最初的名称是Fruity Loops。如果你不是一个完整的新手,你会喜欢这个程序。有多种功能,只需单击几下鼠标,您就可以开始制作自己的节奏。它非常适合不想在硬件上花钱的人。使用该程序和您的计算机,您可以创建任何东西。以下是列出的功能:
- 嘻哈(Hip-hop)和EDM制作人可以使用特定流派的循环和乐器。
- 它提供了出色的可定制性和可用性选项(excellent customizability and usability options)。
- 它免费提供升级(provides upgrades at no cost)。
- 它目前仅适用于 PC,但FL Studio正在开发Mac版本。如果你有Mac,你可以通过Boot Camp运行这个程序。
- 它提供免费试用,Fruity 版99 美元, (Fruity Edition)Producer 版(Producer Edition)199美元,All Plugins 版(Plugins Edition)399 美元。
10. 波形(10. Waveform )

Waveform Free 是 Tracktion 首次尝试提供其商业程序的免费版本。因此,您可以在免费工具中获得商业 DAW 的所有高质量功能(high-quality features of a commercial DAW in a free tool)。尽管如此,即使对于经验丰富的制作人来说,这也是他们所需要的。从没有人为的界限到第三方插件的灵活性和极其简化的 UI,这一切都可以做到。以下(Below)是列出的一些功能:
- 它完全免费使用(completely free to use)。
- 这个免费程序的主要卖点是它的完全自动化,它的外观和感觉与一些更昂贵的选项一样好。
- MIDI 模式制作器。
- 嘻哈(Hip-hop)和EDM制作人可以使用特定流派的循环和乐器。
- 它提供了出色的可定制性和可用性选项。
- 免费提供升级服务。
- 最新版本包括许多节省时间的功能(time-saving features),但我们最喜欢的是创新的MIDI工具,它可以将您的 QWERTY 键盘变成乐器。
- 它支持Mac和 PC,支持MIDI。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )如何在 Facebook Messenger 上发送音乐(How to Send Music on Facebook Messenger)
11. Serato 节拍软件(11. Serato Beat Software )

Serato Studio 是DJ 友好的节拍制作软件(DJ-friendly beat-making software)。它与 Serato 流行的 DJ 软件兼容,让DJ(DJs)可以创建自己的音乐混搭。对于那些不熟悉它的人来说,该应用程序非常用户友好。以下(Below)是列出的一些功能:
- Serato 的目的是让您即使没有音乐理论知识也能快速制作节拍。(make beats rapidly)
- 它非常适合学习节拍制作的基础知识(fundamentals of beat production)。
- 该应用程序还具有出色的鼓和音符序列。
- 声音包和样本可供选择。
- 教程可用。
- Serato 还支持 VST 和 AU 插件(supports VST and AU plugins)。
- 它支持 Windows 和 Mac。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$9.99 per month to $249 one-time purchase。
然而,整个界面的设计巧妙地考虑了DJ(DJs)。例如,您只能使用DJ EQing,这意味着您只有High、Mid和Low的可能性。
12. 库乐队(12. GarageBand )

(GarageBand)如果您拥有 Macbook , (free if you own a Macbook)GarageBand是您免费开始音乐制作冒险的理想场所。这个节拍制作软件提供了所有必要的元素。以下是列出的功能:
- 它从音乐项目开始。
- 它提供人声和其他乐器的录音和校正。
- 它支持编辑和转置音乐(supports editing and transposing music),无论是 MIDI 还是音频格式。
- 它创建了一个免版税的循环数据库。
- 第三方插件可用。
- 您可以使用集成的乐器和Apple Loops来捕捉音频、创作曲调和生成鼓节奏。
- 遗憾的是, GarageBand(GarageBand)无法使用VST插件进行扩展。
- 它允许(allows for collaboration)Apple用户之间就计划进行协作。
- 它可以轻松地将项目从 iOS 智能手机传输到Mac OS设备。
- 它使用压缩、均衡器和限制器等动态处理器(uses dynamics processors)来塑造动态。
- 它支持 macOS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将音乐从 CD 传输到 iPhone(How to Transfer Music from CD to iPhone)
13. 鼓流(13. Drumflow )

Drum Flow是一个免费的节拍制作程序,可让您在线制作自己的节拍和歌曲(make your own beats and songs online)。在几分钟内,您可以制作自己的音乐或节拍,并且输出文件可以以任何格式存储。该程序可免费下载。以下是列出的功能:
- 有一个内置的鼓设置编辑器。
- 用户界面非常基本和直观,即使是新手也可以轻松操作。
- 它具有鼓调整和定制打击乐组件的开发。
- 它支持打击乐部分的 MIDI 编辑器导出(supports MIDI editor export)。
- 它调整音调和音高。
- 它支持 Windows 和 Mac。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$35 for the subscription。
14. HammerHead 节奏站(14. HammerHead Rhythm Station )

(HammerHead)如果您正在寻找免费且可以帮助您创作音乐并具有许多功能的高质量软件,(high-quality software that is free)HammerHead是一个不错的选择。不熟悉该主题的人可能会使用其用于生成出色音乐曲目和节拍的广泛指南。以下是列出的功能:
- 它允许导入 WAV。
- 它内置了鼓合成器(drum synths built-in)。
- 支持由多节奏和多音计提供。
- 它支持 MIDI。
- 它作为一个 AUv3 插件工作(works as an AUv3 plugin)。
- 它支持 Windows。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复无法读取文件 iTunes Library.itl( Fix The file iTunes Library.itl cannot be read)
15. 蛋糕步道(15. Cakewalk )

Cakewalk是一个可以追溯到 1980 年代的节拍制作程序。它已经存在了将近三年。该程序包括制作音乐所需的一切。此外,您可以快速适应界面并使用该程序(quickly adjust to the interface and utilize the program),而不管您的先验知识如何。以下是列出的功能:
- 它可以快速简单地创作、录制、编辑、混合和分发您的作品。
- 该程序因其创新但用户友好的界面而获得了多项荣誉。
- 它具有颜色主题选择、布局灵活性和显示设置。
- 它有一个ProChannel 和一个 64 位混合引擎(ProChannel and a 64-bit mix engine)。
- 有可用的 MIDI 支持。
- MIDI控制器用于更改插件的参数。
- 这个程序最好的特点是它是免费的。
- 它支持 Windows。
16. 氢气(16. Hydrogen)

Hydrogen是另一款免费的 PC 节拍制作软件,可让您免费制作节拍(make beats for no cost)。它带有各种强大的工具和功能,使您能够免费制作自己的歌曲和应用程序。以下是列出的功能:
- 它基于 QT 4,(based on QT 4,)这是一个非常用户友好、模块化、快速且直观的图形界面。
- 它的.wav、.au 和.aiff 格式的声音样本可以导入到这个基于样本的立体声音频引擎中。
- 支持压缩FLAC文件中的样本。
- 最好的方面是您可以制作任意数量的文件并以您选择的任何格式保存它们。
- 它几乎可以播放所有音乐格式(play practically every music format),包括 MP3、WMV 等。
- 它支持GNU/Linux、Windows、Mac OSX。
17. iZotope 乙烯基(17. iZotope Vinyl )

iZotope Vinyl是一个免费的经典节拍制作软件插件,应包含在每个节拍制作软件入门包中。简而言之,它是让您的音频看起来像是直接来自黑胶唱片的一站式商店。以下是列出的功能:
- iZotope Vinyl 是典型的 lo-fi 效果(quintessential lo-fi effect)– 一个在 1980 年代通过重采样而诞生的老派角色。
- 您可以通过让您的完全数字化的声音具有复古感来复制古代嘻哈歌曲的声音。(replicate the sound of ancient hip-hop songs)
- 转盘电机产生的隆隆声和噪音量。
- 它在内部产生了电噪声,例如 60 Hz 的接地嗡嗡声,称为电噪声。
- 它控制唱片的磨损程度(controls the degree of wear on the record),从新鲜到上千次播放。
- 记录上的灰尘——记录上的灰尘量。
- 唱片上划痕的数量和深度。
- 翘曲(Warp)——记录中翘曲的数量和形式,从最小翘曲到完全融化和翘曲的边缘。
- 电唱机年(Record Player Year)——从现代线性跟踪转盘到 1930 年的留声机,电唱机之年。
- 使用立体声/单声道开关在立体声和单声道输出之间切换。
- 通过可见的电平表反馈,设置效果的进出增益。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
18. 麝香(18. Musink )

Musink是我们列表中的下一款免费音乐制作软件。这个被数百万作曲家使用的程序有一个易于使用的乐谱编辑器(easy-to-use notation editor),让您可以简单地制作优美的音乐。Musink Lite和Musink Pro是提供的两个软件版本。以下(Below)是列出的功能:
- 它支持 MIDI 设备。
- 提供MIDI(MIDI)文件导入/导出。
- MIDI文件、片段、乐谱和书籍。
- 支持循环播放。
- 它具有自动布局机制,内置(auto layout mechanism, a built-in)模板设计器。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$60 for pro。
另请阅读(Also Read): 修复 iTunes 自行打开(Fix iTunes Keeps Opening By Itself)
19. Musink Lite

Musink Lite是一款免费的嘻哈节拍制作(free hip-hop beat maker)工具,用户只需点击几下即可制作节拍。仪表板上有一张乐谱,您可以使用它来制作或混合不同的节奏。(make or mix different rhythms.)该程序有两个版本可用。第一个是免费的,而第二个是收费服务。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有所见即所得的支持。
- 提供 MIDI 支持。
- 它让音乐制作更加轻松(allows music production at ease)。
- 它支持 Windows。
20. 拼接节拍器(20. Splice Beat maker )

Splice Beat Maker软件对于任何想要利用各种流行样本和循环来构建和共享序列节拍的人来说都是必不可少的。(build and share sequenced beats )这个在线节拍制作程序推荐给(recommended for professional music beatmakers)习惯使用此类软件的专业音乐节拍制作者。以下是列出的功能:
- 支持使用MIDI的设备。
- 过滤器基于流派、BPM、键和其他因素。
- 使用这个最佳节拍发生器程序,只需按一下按钮,您就可以更改您最喜爱的艺术家(如KRNE、KSHMR等)的原始声音。(change the original sounds)
- 您可以通过拖放文件下载音乐。
- 通过人工智能实现搜索、浏览和声音同步。
- 它支持 macOS。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$7.99 per month。
21. 酒杯 2(21. Graillon 2 )

Graillon 2现在是最好的免费自动调谐插件。您可以使用它来快速修复人声录音的音高(fix the pitch of a vocal recording)或创建不太明显的自动调谐效果。自动调谐人声是当今后期音乐中的一个常见功能,如果您想要免费的自动调谐效果, Graillon 2是可以使用的插件。(Graillon 2)以下是列出的功能:
- Graillon Pitch-Tracking Modulation(Graillon Pitch-Tracking Modulation)改变了使用的扬声器类型。
- 它发展喉音,创造合唱、八度音,并增强声音以使其更有男子气概(enhances a voice to make it more manly)。
- Pitch Shifter是一种语音优化的音高移位器,可以清晰地上下变换声音。
- Bitcrusher功能柔和地为混音增添了闪光,而音高校(Pitch Correction)正模块则添加了即时的机器人音色。
- 它支持Windows、macOS 和Linux。
- 它提供免费试用,然后$29 for full purchase版。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 10 大免费音乐下载器应用程序(Top 10 Free Music Downloader Apps For Android)
22. Kontakt 播放器(22. Kontakt Player )

Kontakt Player也是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。尽管有几十个Kontakt库可供下载,但Native Instruments提供了免费的必需品。当您加入免费的Komplete Start软件包时,您将获得Kontakt Player、免费的Kontakt Factory Selection库以及许多其他Native Instruments好东西。(Native Instruments)以下是列出的功能:
- 行业标准(Standard)实践:KONTAKT 为种类最多的采样乐器提供支持。(largest variety of sampled instruments)
- 包括多个架子鼓,以及一些很棒的管弦乐音色、低音吉他、钢琴,甚至合成器。
- 包括一个55+ GB factory library ,让您可以访问大量详细、创新和富有表现力的乐器。
- 要使用您自己的声音,只需将样本拖放到乐器的界面中即可。
- 借助广泛的样本编辑和乐器构建工具,您可以创建自己的乐器。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
- 然后它提供免费演示,$199 purchase price。
23. 浪涌(23. Surge )

Surge毫无疑问是最棒的免费合成器插件。这就是为什么它值得在任何节拍制作软件列表中占有一席之地。另一方面,Surge不适合内心脆弱的人。(Surge)这个用途广泛的合成器可以让您制作几乎任何您能想象到的声音(let you make practically any sound you can imagine),但首先,您需要学习如何对其进行编程。以下是列出的功能:
- 它具有 MPE 选项(MIDI 复音(MIDI Polyphonic)表达式)和调音选项。
- Surge 带有多个音库,并且可以在线免费下载其他预设。
- 该合成器带有数百个预设(synth comes with hundreds of presets),可以自定义并用于通过声音设计实验制作您的音色。
- 它具有缩放功能和各种可用的皮肤。
- 它支持Windows、macOS 和Linux。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何修复 VLC 不支持 UNDF 格式(How to Fix VLC does not support UNDF Format)
24. 苛性碱 3(24. Caustic 3 )

(Caustic 3)如果您对节拍创作不认真(这很棒),或者您只需要一个应用程序来快速记录您的音乐创意,Caustic 3是您的完美免费软件。Caustic 3 最好被描述为Propellerhead Reason 的缩小版本(scaled-down version of Propellerhead Reason)。在 Caustic 3 中创作节拍很有趣,它的限制可能会鼓励你更有创造力。以下是列出的功能:
效果机架支持每台计算机两种效果(Two effects per computer are supported)(20 种效果类型)。
- 该程序包括一个音序器、一个混音器和一个带有各种乐器和音频效果的虚拟模块化机架。
- 它在调音台上具有Global Delay/Reverb effects
- 它在主控部分具有参数均衡器和限制器。
- 它是完美的歌曲音序器。
- 它是制作合格音乐的绝佳工具(tool for making competent music)。
- 通过视频培训更容易掌握 Caustic 3。
- 支持Android、Windows XP及以上、iOS、macOS。
25. 音乐摇(25. MusicShake )

Music Shake让音乐歌曲的制作和混音变得简单(simple to produce and mix music songs),而且完全免费。新手beatmaker可能很难找到具有基本界面和音乐选择的beatmaker。幸运的是,它是一个更简单、更易于使用的节拍创建器,可以推荐给任何想要构建和混合他们创建的音乐曲目的新手。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有一个网站界面。
- 您可以根据不同的流派,通过网站上提供的各种不同的声音来创作音乐。(variety of different sounds available)
- 使用简单,轻松下载MP3 。
- 它支持Windows和iOS。
26. 修整器微型(26. Finisher Micro)

Finisher Micro是一个免费软件程序,旨在增加对曲目的兴趣(designed to add interest to a track),由UJAM开发,UJAM是广受好评的Finisher NEO插件的制造商。以下是列出的功能:
- 总共有25 种模式(25 modes in all),每种模式都有一个复杂的自动化多效果链。
- 第一次在插件中,模式更改没有音频丢失。
- 您可以使用它通过创建叠加、过滤器扫描和其他效果来为您的节奏添加旋律深度。(add melodic depth to your rhythms)
- 对于音乐、声音设计和音频,可以获得即时的创意灵感。
- UJAM Instruments有一个很棒的 FX 伙伴。
- 它有一个旋钮,可(single knob that controls numerous FX settings)根据预设控制大量 FX 设置。
- Finisher Micro是一个免费插件,带有 25 个预设,每个预设都基于不同的多重效果链。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Windows 10 的 5 款最佳视频编辑软件(5 Best Video Editing Software For Windows 10)
27. 6号限制器(27. Limiter No. 6 )

Limiter No6是目前可用的最好的免费限制器插件。(finest free limiter plugin)如果您不熟悉限制器,则可能会使用限制器使您的节奏看起来更响亮。(make your rhythm)限制太多可能会降低节奏的动态范围,使它们听起来平淡无味。然而,如果你做得正确,你完成的录音将在你最喜欢的音乐家的音乐旁边站得高高而自豪。以下是列出的功能:
- RMS压缩器、峰值限制器、高频限制器、削波器和真正的峰值限制器是可用的五个模块之一。
- 用于母带处理的高质量信号处理(high-quality signal processing)。
- 它具有不同的时序设置、砖墙和软限制。
- 它有modes such as M/S and multiband。
- 4x 过采样是一项可选功能。
- 它具有 ISP 限制(真正的样本间峰值)。
- 模拟格式的指示器。
- 峰值(Peak)限制器立体声链接大大减少了失真。
- 它的参数值可以进行数字编辑。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
28. 凹槽 BPB(28. Grooove BPB )

Groove BPB是一个免费的鼓采样器插件,您只能从Bedroom Producers Blog获得。brunsandspork(Groove sampler by brunsandspork)的Groove 采样器是这个插件的基础。您可以使用振动器来增强您的军鼓声音或在底鼓上叠加一个冲击样本以增加冲击力。以下是列出的功能:
- 每个(Per)鼓垫,二元声音引擎(Sound Engine)允许两种速度相关的变体(two velocity-dependent variants)。
- 它内置了14 个鼓组和 150 个鼓样本(14 drum kits and 150 drum samples),可以通过额外的样本进行扩展。
- 它有 6 个双鼓垫,最多可同时容纳 2 个样本。
- 每个(Per)鼓垫有 11 个速度控制的声音参数。
- 要创建出乎意料的混音,请在鼓录音之上快速叠加额外的声音。
- 有三个立体声音频输出(three stereo audio outputs),以及一个微型混音器。
- 有两个 LFO。
- 它与 32 位和 64 位版本的Mac OS X和Windows兼容。
- VST2、VST3和 AU 都是独立选项。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
29. TX16Wx 软件采样器(29. TX16Wx Software Sampler)

(TX16Wx Software Sampler)CWITEC的(CWITEC)TX16Wx 软件采样器插件是市场上更复杂的节拍创建工具之一,因为它是围绕雅马哈 TX16W(Yamaha TX16W)硬件采样器建模的。然而,初学者应该避免它。(Beginner)以下是列出的功能:
- 它具有大规模的声音雕刻。
调制是(Modulation is possible)无限可能的。
- 它带有几乎无限的示例编辑工具集。
- 它有一个活跃的预览和文件浏览器。
- 一个强大的映射编辑器是可用的。
- 您可以制作自己的样本录音。
- 它有一个节拍切片器和波形编辑器(beat slicer and wave editor)。
- 它可以切换复杂的触发器。
- 它具有发送和插入的效果。
- 它有一个内置的琶音器(arpeggiator built-in)。
- 它具有极其强大的现代特征。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC、Windows 媒体播放器、iTunes 将 MP4 转换为 MP3(How to Convert MP4 to MP3 Using VLC, Windows Media Player, iTunes)
30. 泰瑞 N6(30. Tyrell N6 )

Tyrell N6是由 U-He 创建的虚拟合成器(virtual synthesizer created by U-He),这家公司为我们带来了Diva、Repro和Hive。当您将Tyrell N6添加到您的节拍制作库中时,您将可以访问下载随附的各种电子声音预设。Tyrell N6有几个免费的第三方音(several free third-party soundbanks)库。其中大部分可以在U-He网站上找到。以下是列出的功能:
- 借助传统架构和数字增强功能,它就像是虚拟模拟体验。
- 它有一个环形调制器、两个振荡器和一个噪声发生器。
- 它有2 个具有 8 个波形的主机同步 LFO(2 host-synchronized LFOs with 8 waveforms)。
- 凭借真正的过载和滤波器反馈,这款音频源混音器是必备品。
- Tyrell N6最棒的地方在于它的编程非常简单。
- Diva有双重过滤器(早期型号)
- 最多 8 个声音同时出现。
- 它具有Loopable 或 LFO 触发的模拟型(Loopable or LFO-triggered analog-type)ADSR 包络。
- 对于来自第二个源的深度调制,使用了一个小的调制矩阵。
- 它有3 种合唱(3 modes of the chorus)效果模式。
- 对于硬件控制,MIDI学习/取消学习。
- 从 70% 到 200% 可调整大小的用户界面。
- 它有带有皮肤的用户界面。
- 出厂时提供超过 580 种设置。
- 它支持Windows、macOS 和Linux。
31. SampleTank 4 定制商店(31. SampleTank 4 Custom Shop)

SampleTank 4 Custom Shop是IK Multimedia 的旗舰 SampleTank 4 引擎的免费声音库(free sound library of IK Multimedia’s flagship SampleTank 4 engine)。它也是PC上最好的节拍制作软件。SampleTank 4的虚拟混音器包含 70 种效果,使用与AmpliTube 4和T-RackS 5插件相同的(T-RackS 5)DSP技术,可用于调整特色声音。以下是列出的功能:
- 它在 50 种乐器中拥有超过4 GB 的声音素材。(4 GB of sound material)
- 这个综合图书馆有16个类别。
- 为了快速构建曲调,有200 个 MIDI 凹槽可用(200 MIDI grooves available)。
- 只包括全新的、新生成的东西。
- 4 个新的Groove 播放器(Groove Players)在浏览器中为您的声音添加动画效果 重新设计的带有光盘流的声音引擎。
- 70 种效果、FX 发送和主总线都可在此混音器上使用。
- 它允许无限期地授予许可,没有时间限制。
- 它可以用作插件或独立应用程序。
SampleTank 库可以添加(SampleTank libraries can be added)到系统中。
- SampleTron 2、Syntronik和Miroslav Philharmonik 2也可供下载。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
32. 实验室(32. LABS )

LABS是一款基于样本的免费乐器,值得添加到您的节拍制作软件库中。它是另一个最好的 PC 节拍制作软件。LABS是由Spitfire Audio的声音设计大师创建的免费声音库集合(collection of free sound libraries)。目前,有很多迷人的声音可供下载,而且几乎每个月都会发布新的库。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有一个Spitfire 插件(spitfire Plug-in)(Kontakt 不需要!)。
- 它有一个明确强调的界面。
- LABS有一架阴沉的原声钢琴、一架尘土飞扬的Wurlitzer和一支华丽的大提琴四重奏,为你的下一个节拍增添趣味。
- 目前可用:软钢琴和弦乐
- 它与 VST2、VST3、AAX 和 AU 兼容(compatible with VST2, VST3, AAX, & AU)。
- 下载和使用这个程序是完全免费的。
- 它支持Windows、macOS 和 macOSX
33. 西塔拉(33. Sitala )

Sitala是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。这是一个非常易于使用的鼓采样器插件。(drum sampler plugin)它的设计很简单,但Sitala最大的好处是它没有复杂的功能。该插件为节拍器提供了所有必需的样本编辑功能(包络修改、音高、声相和音调)。在加载样本和处理MIDI时, (MIDI)Sitala作为节拍制作工具大放异彩。要加载声音,请使用网络或将样本放在鼓垫上(use the web or just put a sample on a drum pad)。在几秒钟内,使用MIDI学习功能将Sitala连接到您的MIDI控制器。Pad 可以分配给 16 个不同的人。以下是列出的功能:
- 它使用拖放进行声音管理(sound management using Drag and Drop)。
- 它的套件可以很容易地重新排列。
- 在保持整体响度不变(keeping the overall loudness constant)的同时,调整声音的起音、持续时间和延音。
- 为您的声音添加(Add)额外的延音,使其更具冲击力。在链接动态时,自动增益补偿可保持整体音量。
- 在查看它们在频率范围内的位置时,它会将音高或降低一个八度音阶。
- 强调声音的高音或低音。要将声音放入混音中,请强调或挖掘中频。根据每个声音的音高内容进行调整。
- 每个鼓垫上都有一个压缩器,为您提供更多声音创建选项。
- 它有平移/音量。
- 它具有可编辑的 MIDI 映射。
- 内置文件浏览器允许您查看文件夹中的所有示例。
- 它有免费的 VST、AudioUnit、AAX、Standalone 和 808 Kit(free VST, AudioUnit, AAX, Standalone, and 808 Kit)。
- 它支持 Windows、Ubuntu、macOS。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 iTunes 收到的无效响应(Fix Invalid Response Received iTunes)
34. 格蕾丝(34. Grace )

Grace在像(Grace)Sitala这样的基本采样器和像(Sitala)TX16Wx Software Sampler这样的强大采样工具之间实现了完美的折衷。它是 PC 上最好的节拍制作软件之一。该界面用户友好且简单明了,(interface is user-friendly and straightforward,)但您还可以访问强大的样本编辑和声音创建工具。以下是列出的功能:
- 要微调样本层,请使用Key Groups。
- 信封:2 个 AHDSR。
- Grace带有许多滤波器和调制选项,以及几个有用的内置鼓组
- 它有2 个 LFO(低频运算符)(2 LFOs (Low-Frequency Operator))。
- 它有步进音序(Sequencers)器(有两个)。
- 它具有带有 4 x XY 控制垫的 Meta 调制(Meta modulation with 4 x XY control pads)。
- 低通(Lowpass)、高通和环形调制属于内置效果。
- 支持的音频(Audio)文件类型包括WAV、AIF和SND。
- 来自游戏SFZ的补丁被导入。
- 可以使用拖放技术加载样本。
- 它支持 Windows。
35. 平衡(35. Poise )

(Poise)如果您想要比Sitala更可调但又不太难的东西, Poise是一个不错的选择。它是另一个最好的 PC 节拍制作软件。在过去,这款令人惊叹(Back)的 MPC 风格的鼓采样器是VST的瑰宝。Poise现在完全免费使用(free to use)。如果您想改进您的节拍设置,Poise非常值得下载。它具有各种复杂的功能,同时又保留了快速简单的过程(a quick and simple process)。以下是列出的功能:
- 它有 16 个鼓的垫子
- 每个鼓垫有 8 个样本。
- 它在许多采样模式之间切换。
- Poise 的最大优势在于其均衡的工作流程(well-balanced workflow)。
- 通过预览,有一个内置的示例浏览器。
- 可以使用拖放技术加载样本。
- 输出范围从 2 到 16 个立体声。
- 打击垫(Pad)和样本(Sample)编辑也包括在内。
可以(Several pads can be edited)一次编辑多个打击垫。
- 当样品被转移时,没有任何中断。
- 它支持 Windows。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用 VLC 在 Windows 10 中剪切视频(How to Cut Video in Windows 10 using VLC)
36. Youlean响度计(36. Youlean Loudness Meter )

Youlean Volume Meter是另一个最好的 PC 节拍制作软件。它是一个免费的优秀工具,用于检查您掌握的声音的响度(checking the loudness of your mastered sound)。您可能知道,每个流媒体网站都有自己的一套响度标准,这个免费插件将帮助您在流媒体音乐时避免任何响度罚款。以下是列出的功能:
- 它具有电影(Film)、电视和游戏(Gaming)预设。
- 它具有 GUI 调整大小和缩放功能。
- 它具有流式预设和自定义预设(streaming presets and Custom presets)。
- 它有一个漂亮的动态图。
- 您可以更改插件视图。
- 您可以导出 PDF、PNG 或 SVG 文件中的所有内容(export everything in PDF, PNG, or SVG files)。
- 它有一个浅色或深色主题可供选择。
- 100% 准确计量
- 它具有拖放功能。
- 它支持 Windows 和 macOS。
- 它提供免费版本和$55.46 one-time purchase。
因此,以上是互联网海洋中一些最好的 PC 节拍制作软件。(beat making software for PC)制作节拍的旅程通常是一种奇妙的体验,我们希望这篇文章确实能以某种方式为它做出贡献。请在下面的评论部分提及您最喜欢的音乐创作工具,并提及其中任何一个以帮助我们可能在这里错过的社区。如果您仍然坚持为自己选择一个好的节拍制作工具,请直接向我们提出您的问题!
Top 36 Best Beat Making Software for PC
Bеing a music lover, especially from the creators’ table, iѕ an adνenture for those who wouldn’t want beat-making softwаre. Are you starting to create one from the ѕcratch? Try them first out on the free beat makers software for PC and thіs іs going to be the topic of our today’s article. Well, not like you wouldn’t have already guеssed from the title, but the list we’ll discuss will be very beneficіal for you and your career as a musician. So before proceedіng to the list, let’s dig a bit into the features of a good beat making software for PC.

Top 36 Best Beat Making Software for PC
So, when you consider a good beat making software, make sure you have the following points counting in to select the best one for your work –
Recording: Vocals and other external instruments can be recorded, which is a significant part of music creation. Beat-making software that allows you to record many sources at once eliminates the need to rent studio time.
Genre-specific instruments: Virtual instruments including piano, drums, and strings are available in all of the applications that are usually evaluated. Because the hardware counterpart is expensive, and you may be utilizing numerous layers of each, consider software with a solid synthesizer and electronic drum machine collection if you want to make a genre like EDM or hip-hop entirely. If you’re writing rock music, you’ll need decent acoustic drum sounds and electric bass and guitar plug-ins. Even if you want to record real instruments, we discovered that creating a roadmap using virtual instruments might save time.
Effective plug-ins: Consider software with a large number of effects if you want to finish a work worthy of being uploaded to YouTube or Spotify. Virtual instruments and samples don’t normally require much editing, but it’s crucial to compress and EQ the master bus in a project to ensure that the music is at the right level and sounds excellent via headphones and bigger speakers. Now that we have a trace about the beat making software, let’s move to the list of them.
Following is the list of the best beat making software or tools for PC.
1. MuseScore

MuseScore is a well-known and outstanding Beat Maker program. Its long number of functions distinguishes it as a valuable tool for music fans which are as follows:
- It has an appealing and clear user interface and it gives all the required learning resources for any newbie.
- It is a must-have for all music lovers since it provides a simple and convenient approach to producing music beats.
- You may use it to record and edit your recordings, and then download the finished product in your preferred format, such as OGG or Wav.
- It supports Windows, Linux, macOS, iPad, iOS, and Android.
- It provides a free version, $49 for the Pro version.
- It supports MIDI keyboard input.
- MIDI, MusicXML, and other methods can be used to transfer data between applications.
- Time and key signatures are added to the lyrics.
- PNG and OGG are file formats that can be used to export music sheets.
2. Soundtrap

Soundtrap’s browser-based beat-making software tool comes with a free trial. You don’t need to download anything to utilize it, and you may work with other online users right away. It is one of the best beat making software for PC. Below is its listed function:
- It’s ideal for students and enthusiasts who are just getting their feet wet in the beat-making industry.
- It provides a free trial, From $7.99 to $13.99 per month according to the features.
- It provides time restore, automation, and autotune features
- It provides a massive sound collection with bi-weekly updates.
- It provides limitless projects.
- Because it’s web-based, it’s simple to collaborate with other people.
- With weekly sound updates, you’ll have access to all of the premium features.
- Splice provides almost 300 sounds (limited time only)
- Users from all over the world may record and collaborate.
Although there aren’t many sophisticated editing or mixing capabilities, this isn’t a problem for newcomers. There are also flaws in the program from time to time, however, Soundtrap releases regular updates to solve them. For a long, there was no way to browse through sound clips without using the arrow keys. Soundtrap, on the other hand, surpasses expectations for free or low-cost software.
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3. Apple Logic Pro

Apple Logic Pro despite being an Apple-only tool, Apple Logic Pro is a fantastic alternative for generating beats, and it tops our list of the best beat making software for PC. The low price provides a lot of bang (or beat) for your money. This upgrade elevates Apple’s already superb free GarageBand to a professional level. Below are the listed features:
- It has a large collection of virtual instruments.
- You can customize your synthetic drums to create a unique set of rhythms for whatever you’re working on.
- It has a user-friendly interface.
- It has rights-free loops and samples.
- You can make up to 255 audio and MIDI tracks, which is plenty to build a complex arrangement and keep adding new ideas to a composition.
- You may add up to 15 insert effects and eight sends per channel to the mix window’s flexible mix window.
- Presuming you wish to record a melody first, Logic’s virtual drum plug-in employs an AI algorithm to adjust a synthetic drummer to the kind of music you generate.
- It supports macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $234.73 for the subscription.
4. MAGIX Music Maker

MAGIX comes highly recommended if you wish to create your own music. It is also one of the best beat making software for PC which is really simple to use, inexpensive, and professional at the same time. MAGIX has been making music software for a long time and has won a slew of accolades. Below are the listed features:
- It provides instant download with a 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
- You can create your own beats and tunes with only a few mouse clicks.
- If you’re a newbie, MAGIX offers a wealth of online courses to guide you through the process.
- You may hop straight in and use the hundreds of sounds, loops, and tracks if you’re an expert user.
- It supports Windows, macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $59.99 to $79.99 for the subscription.
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LMMS is a completely free beat-making platform. It’s similar to FL Studio, one of the most popular beat-making programs on the market. LMMS has its origins in beat-making software like Fruity Loops and Reason. LMMS is ideal for hammering up rhythms and jamming with your favourite drum samples and virtual instruments, unlike other DAWs that follow a more typical sequencing style. Below are some of the listed features:
- It is modern and simple to operate.
- The sequencing approach is the key benefit of LMMS over the other digital audio workstations on this list from the standpoint of a beatmaker.
- There are 16 free open-source synthesizers available.
- It supports both MIDI and typewriter keyboards.
- To improve patterns, notes, chords, and melodies, use the Beat+ Bassline Editor Piano Roll Editor to consolidate instrument tracks.
- Import MIDI and Hydrogen project files
- It supports Windows, macOS X, and Linux.
6. orDrumbox

orDrumbox is one of the best beat making software for PC. It is a completely free and excellent choice for making original music compositions because it has various advanced and optimized features. OrdrumBOX not only aids in the creation of music but also in the editing and storage of music beat files. You can also post your files to OrdrumBox so that others may listen to them and rate them. OrdrumBOX is becoming a trend among devoted music enthusiasts because of its exceptional features, and it should not be overlooked. Below are the listed features:
- It has a simple and easy-to-use UI.
- Drag-and-drop functionality is available.
- Time-saving loop points can be added to automate longer courses.
- It provides composition software that is automatically generated.
- Importing drum kits, adjusting gate and pitch, and applying BP or LP filters are all possible with this program.
- It runs smoothly on Linux as well as Windows and Mac OS.
7. Reason Studios

Reason Studios, previously Propellerhead Reason, is recognized for its amazing synthesizers and large sound collection. It is also one of best beat making software for PC. You may choose between The Rack and Reason Plus in their current software. The Rack is a plug-in rather than a full-fledged music creation application. It’s compatible with FL Studio and Ableton Live, as well as other music production software. Reason’s instruments, sounds, and effects are all available via the Rack plugin. Sequencing and mixing, however, are not included. That’s up to you and whatever music-making program you use. Below are some of the listed features:
- VST instruments and effects from third parties are supported.
- It comes with a grain sampler that you can use to splice, stretch, and slice your recordings in a variety of ways.
- Its powerful step sequencers are especially effective for creating complicated drum patterns, such as those seen in Hip Hop or EDM.
- It also has a large number of drum samples and stock instruments.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $19.99 per month.
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8. Abelton Live

Ableton Live is next on the list of Windows Beat Making Software. You can start with the free version and upgrade later. It is available for download from its official website, and you may take advantage of its premium features and capabilities. It’s quite simple to use this music producer program, and it provides you with a music studio feel on your home PC. Below are some of the listed features:
- It comes up with Upright Piano, Brass Quartet, and String Quartet are three high-quality sound instruments.
- Sound bundles from Voice Box, Mood Reel, and Drone Lab.
- Nature has inspired 6 instruments and sound effects.
- Polyphonic Expression in MIDI is supported (MPE).
- To modify numerous soundtracks at once, use the Link Tracks feature.
- It supports Windows, macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $79 to $599 as per features.
9. FL Studio

FL Studio original name was Fruity Loops. You will like this program if you are not a complete newbie. There are several capabilities, and you may begin making your own rhythms with only a few mouse clicks. It’s perfect for individuals who don’t want to spend money on hardware. With the program and your computer, you can create anything. Below are the listed features:
- Hip-hop and EDM producers can use genre-specific loops and instruments.
- It comes up with excellent customizability and usability options.
- It provides upgrades at no cost.
- It is currently only available for PC, however, FL Studio is working on a Mac version. If you have a Mac, you can run this program via Boot Camp.
- It provides a free trial then $99 for Fruity Edition, $199 for Producer Edition, $399 for All Plugins Edition.
10. Waveform

Waveform Free is Tracktion’s first foray into offering a free version of its commercial program. As a result, you receive all of the high-quality features of a commercial DAW in a free tool. Despite this, even for seasoned producers, this has all they need. This does it all, from no artificial boundaries to third-party plugin flexibility and a wonderfully simplified UI. Below are some of the listed features:
- It is completely free to use.
- The key selling point of this free program is its full automation, which looks and feels as nice as some of the more expensive options.
- Pattern maker for MIDI.
- Hip-hop and EDM producers can use genre-specific loops and instruments.
- It comes up with excellent customizability and usability options.
- Upgrades are provided at no cost.
- The most recent version included many time-saving features, but our favourite was the innovative MIDI tool, which transforms your QWERTY keyboard into a musical instrument.
- It supports Mac and PC, MIDI is supported.
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11. Serato Beat Software

Serato Studio is DJ-friendly beat-making software. It’s compatible with Serato’s popular DJ software, allowing DJs to create mashups of their own music. The application is incredibly user-friendly for those who are new to it. Below are some of the listed features:
- Serato’s purpose is for you to be able to make beats rapidly even if you have no prior knowledge of music theory.
- It’s excellent for learning the fundamentals of beat production.
- The application also has an excellent drum and note sequences.
- Sound bundles and samples to choose from.
- Tutorials are available.
- Serato also supports VST and AU plugins.
- It supports Windows and Mac.
- It provides a free trial then $9.99 per month to $249 one-time purchase.
However, the entire interface is cleverly designed with DJs in mind. For example, you can only utilize DJ EQing, which means you only have High, Mid, and Low possibilities.
12. GarageBand

GarageBand is the logical location to start your music production adventure for free if you own a Macbook. This beat-making software offers all of the necessary elements. Below are the listed features:
- It starts from the ground up with musical projects.
- It provides vocals and other instruments recording and correction.
- It supports editing and transposing music, whether in MIDI or audio format.
- It creates a royalty-free loops database.
- Third-party plug-ins are available.
- You can use the integrated instruments and Apple Loops to capture audio, compose tunes, and generate drum rhythms.
- GarageBand can’t be expanded with VST plugins, unfortunately.
- It allows for collaboration between Apple users on initiatives.
- It easily transfers projects from an iOS smartphone to a Mac OS device.
- It uses dynamics processors like compression, EQ, and limiters to shape dynamics.
- It supports macOS.
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13. Drumflow

Drum Flow is a free beat-making program that allows you to make your own beats and songs online. In a matter of minutes, you may make your own music or beat, and the output files can be stored in any format. This program is available for download for free. Below are the listed features:
- There is a built-in drum setup editor.
- The user interface is so basic and intuitive that even a novice can operate it without difficulty.
- It has drum adjustment and custom percussion components development.
- It supports MIDI editor export for percussion sections.
- It adjusts the tone and pitch.
- It supports Windows and Mac.
- It provides a free trial then $35 for the subscription.
14. HammerHead Rhythm Station

HammerHead is a good choice if you’re seeking high-quality software that is free and can help you create music and has a lot of features. Its extensive guidance for generating superb music tracks and beats may be used by persons who are new to this subject. Below are the listed features:
- It allows importation of WAV.
- It has drum synths built-in.
- The support is provided by polyrhythms and polymeters.
- It supports MIDI.
- It works as an AUv3 plugin.
- It supports Windows.
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15. Cakewalk

Cakewalk is a beat-making program that dates back to the 1980s. It’s been around for almost three decades. The program includes everything you need to make music. Furthermore, You can quickly adjust to the interface and utilize the program, regardless of your prior knowledge. Below are the listed features:
- It composes, record, edit, mix, and distribute your work quickly and simply.
- The program has received several honors for its innovative but user-friendly interface.
- It has color theme selection, layout flexibility, and display settings.
- It has a ProChannel and a 64-bit mix engine.
- There is MIDI support available.
- MIDI controllers are used to change the parameters of the plug-ins.
- The nicest feature of this program is that it is free.
- It supports Windows.
16. Hydrogen

Hydrogen is another free beat-making software for PC that allows you to make beats for no cost. It comes with a variety of strong tools and capabilities that enable you to make your own songs and apps for free. Below are the listed features:
- It is based on QT 4, a very user-friendly, modular, quick, and intuitive graphical interface.
- Its sound samples in.wav,.au, and.aiff formats can be imported into this sample-based stereo audio engine.
- Its samples in compressed FLAC files are supported.
- The best aspect is that you may make as many files as you like and save them in any format you choose.
- It can play practically every music format, including MP3, WMV, and others.
- It supports GNU/Linux, Windows, Mac OSX.
17. iZotope Vinyl

iZotope Vinyl is a free classic beat-making software plugin that should be included in each beat-making software starter package. In a nutshell, it’s a one-stop shop for making your audio seem like it came straight from a vinyl record. Below are the listed features:
- iZotope Vinyl is the quintessential lo-fi effect – An old-school character born by resampling in the 1980s.
- You may replicate the sound of ancient hip-hop songs by giving your completely digital sounds a vintage touch.
- The amount of rumbling and noise produced by the turntable motor.
- It has internally generated electrical noise, such as the 60 Hz grounding hum, which is referred to as electrical noise.
- It controls the degree of wear on the record, from fresh to thousands of times played.
- Dust on the record – the quantity of dust on the record.
- The number and depth of scratches on a record.
- Warp – The quantity and form of warping on the record, ranging from minimal warp to completely melted and warped edges.
- Record Player Year – From modern linear tracking turntables to phonographs from 1930, the year of the record player.
- Switch between stereo and mono outputs with the stereo/mono switch.
- With visible level metre feedback, set the gain in and out of the effect.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
18. Musink

Musink is the next piece of free music production software on our list. This program, which is used by millions of composers, has an easy-to-use notation editor that allows you to simply produce beautiful music. Musink Lite and Musink Pro are the two software versions offered. Below are the listed features:
- It has support for the MIDI device.
- MIDI file import/export is provided.
- MIDI files, snippets, scores, and books.
- Loopable playback is supported.
- It has auto layout mechanism, a built-in template designer.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $60 for pro.
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19. Musink Lite

Musink Lite is a free hip-hop beat maker that allows users to make beats in only a few clicks. There’s a music sheet on the dashboard that you may use to make or mix different rhythms. Two versions of this program are available. The first is free, while the second is a fee-based service. Below are the listed features:
- It has WYSIWYG support.
- MIDI support is available.
- It allows music production at ease.
- It supports Windows.
20. Splice Beat maker

Splice Beat Maker software is essential for anyone who wants to build and share sequenced beats utilizing a variety of popular samples and loops. This online beat maker program is recommended for professional music beatmakers who are accustomed to using such software. Below are the listed features:
- Devices that use MIDI are supported.
- Filters are based on genre, BPM, key, and other factors.
- You can change the original sounds of your favorite artists (such as KRNE, KSHMR, and others) with only a press of a button with this best beat generator program.
- You may download music by dragging and dropping files.
- Searching, browsing, and sound synchronization are enabled by AI.
- It supports macOS.
- It provides a free trial then $7.99 per month.
21. Graillon 2

Graillon 2 right now is the finest free autotune plugin available. You can use it to rapidly fix the pitch of a vocal recording or to create an autotune effect that isn’t too evident. Autotuned vocals are a common feature in today’s post music, and Graillon 2 is the plugin to utilize if you want a free autotune effect. Below are the listed features:
- The Graillon Pitch-Tracking Modulation alters the type of speakers used.
- It develops throat sounds, creates choruses, octaver sounds, and enhances a voice to make it more manly.
- The Pitch Shifter is a voice-optimized pitch shifter that cleanly transposes a voice up and down.
- The Bitcrusher feature softly adds sparkles to the mix, while the Pitch Correction module adds an instant robotic tone.
- It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.
- It provides a free trial then $29 for full purchase.
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22. Kontakt Player

Kontakt Player is also one of best beat making software for PC. Although there are dozens of Kontakt libraries available for download, Native Instruments offers the essentials for free. You’ll get Kontakt Player, the free Kontakt Factory Selection library, plus many other Native Instruments goodies when you join up for the free Komplete Start package. Below are the listed features:
- Standard practice in the industry: The largest variety of sampled instruments is powered by KONTAKT.
- There are multiple drum kits included, as well as some great orchestral sounds, bass guitars, pianos, and even synths.
- A 55+ GB factory library is included, giving you access to a wealth of detailed, innovative, and expressive instruments.
- To utilize your own sounds, just drag and drop samples into the instrument’s interface.
- With extensive sample editing and instrument-building tools, you can create your own instruments.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
- It provides a free demo then, a $199 purchase price.
23. Surge

Surge is without a doubt the greatest free synthesiser plugin available. That is why it is deserving of a place on any beat-making software list. Surge, on the other hand, is not for the weak of heart. This immensely versatile synthesiser will let you make practically any sound you can imagine, but first, you’ll need to learn how to program it. Below are the listed features:
- It has MPE options (MIDI Polyphonic expression) and tuning options.
- Surge comes with multiple soundbanks, and additional presets may be downloaded for free online.
- The synth comes with hundreds of presets that may be customized and used to make your patches through sound design experiments.
- It has a zoom feature and various skins available.
- It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.
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24. Caustic 3

Caustic 3 is the perfect freeware for you if you’re not serious about beat creating (which is great) or if you just need an app to rapidly document your musical ideas. Caustic 3 is best described as a scaled-down version of Propellerhead Reason. Composing beats in Caustic 3 is enjoyable, and its limits might encourage you to be more inventive. Below are the listed features:
Two effects per computer are supported by the effects rack (20 effect types).
- The program includes a sequencer, a mixer, and a virtual modular rack with a variety of instruments and audio effects.
- It has Global Delay/Reverb effects on the mixer desk.
- It has parametric EQ and limiter in the master portion.
- It is the perfect sequencer of songs.
- It is a great tool for making competent music.
- Caustic 3 is easier to master with video training.
- It supports Android, Windows XP, and above, iOS, macOS.
25. MusicShake

Music Shake makes it simple to produce and mix music songs, and it’s completely free. It might be tough for a novice beatmaker to discover a beatmaker with a basic interface and music selections. Fortunately, it is a simpler and easier-to-use beat creator that may be recommended to any newbie looking to build and mix their created music tracks. Below are the listed features:
- It has a website interface.
- You can create your music through a variety of different sounds available on the site according to various genres.
- Simple using, MP3 download available at ease.
- It supports Windows, and iOS.
26. Finisher Micro

Finisher Micro is a freeware program designed to add interest to a track, developed by UJAM, the makers of the acclaimed Finisher NEO plugin. Below are the listed features:
- There are 25 modes in all, each with a complicated automated multi-effect chain.
- First time in a plug-in, mode change with no audio drop-outs.
- You can use it to add melodic depth to your rhythms by creating buildups, filter sweeps, and other effects.
- For music, sound design, and audio, instant creative inspiration is available.
- UJAM Instruments has a great FX buddy.
- It has a single knob that controls numerous FX settings based on the preset.
- Finisher Micro is a free plugin that comes with 25 presets, each based on a distinct chain of multi-effects.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
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27. Limiter No. 6

Limiter No6 is the finest free limiter plugin currently available. Limiters may be used to make your rhythm seem louder if you aren’t familiar with them. Limiting too much might reduce the dynamic range of your rhythms, making them sound flat and lifeless. However, if you do it correctly, your completed recordings will stand tall and proud next to the music of your favorite musician. Below are the listed features:
- RMS compressor, peak limiter, high-frequency limiter, clipper, and genuine peak limiter are among the five modules available.
- For mastering purposes, high-quality signal processing.
- It has different timing settings, brick wall, and soft limiting.
- It has modes such as M/S and multiband.
- 4x oversampling is an optional feature.
- It has ISP limiting (true inter-sample peaks).
- Indicator in analog format.
- Peak limiter stereo-linking decreased distortions substantially.
- Its values for parameters can be edited numerically.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
28. Grooove BPB

Groove BPB is a free drum sampler plugin that you can only get from Bedroom Producers Blog. The Groove sampler by brunsandspork is the foundation for this plugin. You can use a shaker to enhance your snare sound or layer an impact sample on top of a kick to add punch. Below are the listed features:
- Per drum pad, the dualistic Sound Engine allows for two velocity-dependent variants.
- Its built-in are 14 drum kits and 150 drum samples, which may be expanded with additional samples.
- It has 6 dual drum pads that can hold up to 2 samples at the same time.
- Per drum pad, there are 11 velocity-controlled sound parameters.
- To create unexpected mixes, swiftly layer additional sounds on top of drum recordings.
- There are three stereo audio outputs, as well as a tiny mixer.
- There are two LFOs.
- It is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Mac OS X and Windows.
- VST2, VST3, and AU are all standalone options.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
29. TX16Wx Software Sampler

TX16Wx Software Sampler plugin by CWITEC is one of the more sophisticated beats creating tools on the market since it is modeled around the Yamaha TX16W hardware sampler. Beginner beatmakers, however, should avoid it. Below are the listed features:
- It has sound sculpting on a grand scale.
Modulation is possible indefinitely.
- It comes with an almost limitless set of example editing tools.
- It has an active preview and file browser.
- A powerful mapping editor is available.
- You can make your own recordings of samples.
- It has a beat slicer and wave editor.
- It can switch complex triggers.
- It has effects to send and insert.
- It has an arpeggiator built-in.
- It has modern characteristics that are extremely powerful.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
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30. Tyrell N6

Tyrell N6 is a virtual synthesizer created by U-He, the same firm that brought us Diva, Repro, and Hive. When you add Tyrell N6 to your beat-making arsenal, you’ll get access to a variety of electronic sound presets that come with the download. There are several free third-party soundbanks for the Tyrell N6. The majority of them may be found on the U-He website. Below are the listed features:
- With traditional architecture and digital enhancements, it’s like a virtual analog experience.
- It has one ring modulator, two oscillators, and one noise generator.
- It has 2 host-synchronized LFOs with 8 waveforms.
- With real overdrive and filter feedback, this audio source mixer is a must-have.
- The nicest part about the Tyrell N6 is how simple it is to program.
- Diva has a dual filter (early model)
- Up to 8 voices in unison.
- It has Loopable or LFO-triggered analog-type ADSR envelopes.
- With depth modulation from a second source, a small modulation matrix is used.
- It has 3 modes of the chorus effect.
- For hardware control, MIDI learn/unlearn.
- From 70% to 200% resizable user interface.
- It has UI with skins.
- There are over 580 settings available from the factory.
- It supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.
31. SampleTank 4 Custom Shop

SampleTank 4 Custom Shop is a free sound library of IK Multimedia’s flagship SampleTank 4 engine. It is also the best beat making software for PC. SampleTank 4’s virtual mixer, which includes 70 effects and uses the same DSP technology as AmpliTube 4 and T-RackS 5 plugins, may be used to adjust the featured sounds. Below are the listed features:
- It has over 4 GB of sound material in 50 instruments.
- There are 16 categories in this comprehensive library.
- To quickly construct tunes, there are 200 MIDI grooves available.
- There are only brand-new, freshly generated stuff is included.
- 4 new Groove Players animate your sounds in the browser Redesigned sound engine with disc streaming.
- 70 effects, FX sends, and a master bus are all available on this mixer.
- It allows permission to be granted indefinitely, with no time limit.
- It may be used as a plug-in or as a standalone application.
SampleTank libraries can be added to the system.
- SampleTron 2, Syntronik, and Miroslav Philharmonik 2 are also available for download.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
32. LABS

LABS is a free sample-based instrument worth adding to your beat-making software library. It is another one of best beat making software for PC. LABS is a collection of free sound libraries created by the sound design gurus at Spitfire Audio. At the present, there are a lot of fascinating sounds to download, and new libraries are being released virtually every month. Below are the listed features:
- It has a spitfire Plug-in (not necessary for Kontakt!).
- It has an interface with a clear emphasis.
- The LABS has a gloomy acoustic piano, a dusty Wurlitzer, and a gorgeous cello quartet to spice up your next beat.
- Currently available: soft piano and strings
- It is compatible with VST2, VST3, AAX, & AU.
- Downloading and using this program is completely free.
- It supports Windows, macOS, and macOSX
33. Sitala

Sitala is one of the best beat making software for PC. It is a drum sampler plugin that is very easy to use. It’s designed to be simple, yet Sitala’s greatest benefit is its lack of complex features. The plugin provides the beatmaker with all of the required sample editing features (envelope modification, pitch, pan, and tone). Sitala shines as a beat-making tool when it comes to loading samples and dealing with MIDI. To load sounds, use the web or just put a sample on a drum pad. In a matter of seconds, use the MIDI learn function to connect Sitala to your MIDI controller. Pads can be assigned to 16 different people. Below are the listed features:
- It has sound management using Drag and Drop.
- Its kits can be easily rearranged.
- While keeping the overall loudness constant, adjust the attack, duration, and sustain of your sounds.
- Add extra sustain to your sounds to make them more punchy. While chaining dynamics, automatic gain makeup maintains overall volume.
- It has pitch sounds up or down by an octave while seeing where they lie in the frequency range.
- Emphasizes a sound’s highs or lows. To place the sound in the mix, emphasize or scoop the midrange. Adapts based on each sound’s pitch content.
- A compressor is accessible on each drum pad, giving you some more sound creation options.
- It has Pan / Volume.
- It has editable MIDI Mapping.
- The built-in file browser allows you to see all of the samples in a folder.
- It has free VST, AudioUnit, AAX, Standalone, and 808 Kit.
- It supports Windows, Ubuntu, macOS.
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34. Grace

Grace achieves the perfect compromise between a basic sampler like Sitala and a powerful sampling tool like the TX16Wx Software Sampler. It is one of best beat making software for PC. The interface is user-friendly and straightforward, but you also have access to powerful sample editing and sound creation tools. Below are the listed features:
- For fine-tuning sample layers, use the Key Groups.
- Envelopes: 2 x AHDSR.
- Grace comes with many filters and modulation options, as well as several useful built-in drum kits
- It has 2 LFOs (Low-Frequency Operator).
- It has step Sequencers (there are two of them).
- It has Meta modulation with 4 x XY control pads.
- Lowpass, highpass, and ring modulation are among the built-in effects.
- Audio file types supported include WAV, AIF, and SND.
- Patches from the game SFZ are imported.
- Samples may be loaded with a drag and drop technique.
- It supports Windows.
35. Poise

Poise is a great option if you want something a little more adjustable than Sitala but not too difficult. It is another one of best beat making software for PC. Back in the day, this amazing MPC-style drum sampler was a VST gem. Poise is now entirely free to use. If you’re trying to improve your beat-making setup, Poise is well worth the download. It has various complex capabilities while yet retaining a quick and simple process. Below are the listed features:
- It has pads for 16 drums
- Each Drum Pad has 8 samples.
- It switches between many sample modes.
- Poise’s greatest strength is its well-balanced workflow.
- With a preview, there is an in-built sample browser.
- Samples may be loaded with a drag and drop technique.
- Outputs range from 2 to 16 stereos.
- Pad and Sample editing are also included.
Several pads can be edited at once.
- When samples are transferred, nothing breaks.
- It supports Windows.
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36. Youlean Loudness Meter

Youlean Volume Meter is another one of best beat making software for PC. It is a free excellent tool for checking the loudness of your mastered sound. As you may be aware, each streaming site has its own set of loudness standards, and this free plugin will assist you in avoiding any loudness fines when streaming your music. Below are the listed features:
- It has Film, TV, and Gaming presets.
- It has GUI resizing and scaling.
- It has streaming presets and Custom presets.
- It has a beautiful dynamics graph.
- You can change the plugin views.
- You can export everything in PDF, PNG, or SVG files.
- It has a light or dark theme selection available.
- 100% accurate metering
- It has Drag & Drop.
- It supports Windows and macOS.
- It provides a free version and a $55.46 one-time purchase.
So, above are some of the best beat making software for PC available in the sea of internet. A beat-making journey is usually a fantastic experience and we hope this article did contribute to it in some way. Do mention your favorite tools to create music in the comment section below and also mention any of them to help the community which we might have missed out here. If you’re still stuck with selecting a good beat-making tool for yourself, shoot your queries directly to us!