即使微软(Microsoft)确实测试了它的更新,近年来也有很多错误的更新破坏了系统的稳定性。因此,如果您的系统在更新后无法正常运行,卸载Windows 11更新可能会派上用场。(Windows 11)本文向您展示了在Windows 11中查看和删除更新的五种方法,包括在系统无法正常启动时从安全模式( Safe Mode )中卸载它们。事不宜迟,让我们开始吧:
1. 从“设置”(Settings)应用卸载 Windows 11 更新
首先打开设置(Settings)应用程序(opening the Settings app)。您可以通过按键盘上的Win + I单击或点击左窗格中的Windows 更新(Windows Update),然后点击更新历史记录(Update history)。

转到“设置”(Settings)应用的Windows 更新(Windows Update)部分中的更新(Update)历史记录
- 功能更新(Feature Updates)- Windows 11 的主要更新带来了新功能,并改变了操作系统的重要方面。这些类型的更新可能会导致某些系统不稳定。如果您在安装功能更新后遇到问题,您可能需要立即将其卸载。
- 质量更新(Quality Updates)- 这些更新不包括新功能或重大改进。它们是维护更新,旨在修复错误、错误、修补安全漏洞并提高可靠性。但有时,它们会影响系统的稳定性。
- 驱动程序更新(Driver Updates)- 对计算机内部硬件组件的更新:网卡、鼠标和键盘、显卡等。通过Windows 更新(Windows Update )提供的驱动程序通常经过Microsoft测试和签名,在大多数情况下,它们不应导致到系统不稳定。
- 定义更新- (Definition Updates)Microsoft Defender 防病毒(Microsoft Defender Antivirus )使用的数据库更新,以保护您免受恶意软件和其他威胁。此类更新不应导致系统不稳定,因此您通常可以忽略它们。
- 其他更新- (Other Updates)Windows 11中包含的应用程序和工具的更新,如Windows Defender 防病毒(Windows Defender Antivirus )平台、.NET Framework更新等。此类更新不应导致系统不稳定,因此您通常可以忽略它们。
您可以通过展开和最小化每个类别来浏览更新列表。对于每次更新,您可以通过单击或点击旁边的了解更多链接来了解更多信息。(Learn more)

安装的Windows 11(Windows 11)更新类型
确定导致问题的更新并记下或记住更新编号(以KB开头的更新编号)。接下来,向下滚动并选择Uninstall updates。这实际上打开了控制面板中的(Control Panel)已安装更新(Installed Updates )部分。

已安装的更新(Installed Updates)窗口显示Windows 11以及您 PC 上安装的其他软件的更新。找到Microsoft Windows部分并找到要删除的更新。现在,单击要删除的更新,然后单击卸载(Uninstall)。或者,您可以双击更新。通过在对话框中选择Yes来确认操作。(Yes )

在 Windows 11 中卸载更新
2.使用控制面板(Control Panel)卸载Windows 11更新
如果你愿意,你可以坚持使用好的 ol' Control Panel。打开它(way to open it)的一种方法是按键盘上的Win + R,键入control,然后按Enter。然后,单击或点击“程序”下的“卸载程序(“Uninstall a program”)”(Programs)链接。

在下一个屏幕上,单击左上角的“查看已安装的更新” 。(“View installed updates")


通过在对话框中选择Yes来确认操作。(Yes )
3. 从Windows 终端卸载 Windows 11 更新(Windows Terminal)
如果上述方法不起作用或者您更喜欢命令行界面,您也可以使用Windows 终端(Windows Terminal)卸载更新。首先(First),以管理员身份运行Windows 终端。(Windows Terminal)(run Windows Terminal)接下来,输入以下命令:

要卸载更新,只需键入以下命令(或将其复制并粘贴到终端(Terminal )窗口中):
其中HotFixID是该更新的标识号。例如,假设我们要卸载更新KB5005537。为此,我们必须输入:wusa /uninstall /kb:5005537。输入命令后按Enter 键(Enter )执行。现在,在对话框中按Yes确认操作。(Yes )

在Windows 11中使用(Windows 11)Windows 终端(Windows Terminal)卸载更新
注意:(NOTE:)如果您想使用命令提示符卸载更新或使用(Command Prompt)PowerShell删除它,上面列出的命令可用于两个命令行 shell。
4. 从Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)中卸载最新更新
有时,Microsoft会通过发布(Microsoft)Windows更新来挑战我们的技术知识,该更新会导致操作系统无法正确启动或导致系统锁定。如果发生这种情况,有办法卸载错误更新。首先(First),让Windows连续三次无法启动。这将激活Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)。或者,如果您想在Windows运行时手动进入Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment ),请打开“开始”菜单(Start Menu),单击或点击右下角的电源按钮,然后在按住键盘上的(Power)Shift 键(Shift)的同时单击重启(Restart)。

(Select Restart)在按住Shift的同时(Shift)选择重新启动以访问Windows RE
加载Windows 恢复环境(Windows Recovery Environment)后,选择疑难解答(Troubleshoot),然后选择高级选项(Advanced Options)。

现在,单击或点击卸载更新(Uninstall updates)。您只能卸载最新的质量或功能更新,但通常是最新的更新导致问题。


选择两个选项之一(我们选择“卸载最新质量更新(Uninstall the latest quality update)”)后,Windows会要求您确认操作。按“卸载质量更新(Uninstall quality update)”确认。


如果您的系统仍然无法启动,或者您想删除顽固的更新,您也可以尝试从安全模式(Safe Mode)卸载更新。首先,使用本文介绍的方法进入安全模式:(Safe Mode)如何以安全模式启动 Windows 11(8 种方式)(How to start Windows 11 in Safe Mode (8 ways))。加载 Windows 后,按键盘上的Win + R控制面板(Control Panel),键入control,然后按Enter。接下来,单击程序和功能(Programs and Features)。

访问(Access Program)控制面板(Control Panel)中的程序和功能(Features)
单击窗口左上角的“查看已安装的更新”以浏览(“View installed updates”)Windows 11更新列表。


删除更新后,退出安全模式(exit Safe Mode)以查看问题是否已解决。
您使用什么方法从Windows 11卸载更新?
这些是从Windows 11(Windows 11)卸载更新的五种方法。在结束本教程之前,请告诉我们:您使用的是哪一个?您知道删除更新的其他方法吗?此外,如果您有任何要添加到本指南的内容,请随时在下面发表评论。
5 ways to uninstall Windows 11 updates -
Even if Microsoft does test its updates, in recent years, thеre were many оccurrences of buggy updates ruining ѕуstem stabilitу. Therefore, uninstalling Windows 11 updates cаn come in handy if your sуstem doesn’t function properly after updating. Thiѕ article shows you five methods to view and remove updates in Windowѕ 11, including uninstalling them from Safe Mode if the system fails to boot normally. Without further ado, let’s begin:
1. Uninstall Windows 11 updates from the Settings app
Begin with opening the Settings app. You can do it by pressing Win + I on your keyboard. Click or tap on Windows Update in the left pane and then on Update history.

Go to Update history in the Windows Update section of the Settings app
Here, you can see all installed updates, along with details and the date they were installed. The list is split into the following categories:
- Feature Updates - major updates to Windows 11 that bring new features, and change important aspects of the operating system. These types of updates may cause instability on certain systems. If you encounter problems after a feature update is installed, you may want to uninstall it immediately.
- Quality Updates - these updates do not include new features or significant improvements. They are maintenance updates meant to fix bugs, errors, patch security vulnerabilities, and improve reliability. Sometimes though, they can impact your system’s stability.
- Driver Updates - updates for the hardware components found inside your computer: the network card, the mouse and keyboard, the graphics card, etc. Drivers delivered through Windows Update are usually tested and signed by Microsoft and, in most cases, they should not lead to system instability.
- Definition Updates - updates to the database used by the Microsoft Defender Antivirus to protect you from malware and other threats. Such updates should not cause system instability, so you can usually ignore them.
- Other Updates - updates to apps and tools included in Windows 11, like the Windows Defender Antivirus platform, .NET Framework updates, etc. Such updates should not cause system instability, so you can usually ignore them.
You can navigate the list of updates by expanding and minimizing each category. For each update, you can find out more information by clicking or tapping the Learn more link next to it.

The types of Windows 11 updates that get installed
Identify the update that is causing problems and write down or memorize the update number (the one that starts with KB). Next, scroll down and select Uninstall updates. This actually opens the Installed Updates section in the Control Panel.

Scroll down and select Uninstall updates
The Installed Updates window shows updates for Windows 11, as well as for other software installed on your PC. Find the Microsoft Windows section and locate the update you want to remove. Now, click on the update you want to remove and then click Uninstall. Alternatively, you can double-click the update. Confirm the action by selecting Yes in the dialog box.

Uninstalling updates in Windows 11
2. Use Control Panel to uninstall Windows 11 updates
If you want, you can stick to the good ol’ Control Panel. One way to open it is by pressing Win + R on your keyboard, typing control, and pressing Enter. Then, click or tap on the “Uninstall a program” link under Programs.

Press on Uninstall a program to see a list of apps and programs on the device
On the next screen, click “View installed updates" in the upper-left corner.

Switch from programs to updates by pressing on View installed updates
Now, the procedure is identical to the previous method: select the update and click on Uninstall in the list header. Alternatively, you can right-click (or press and hold) on the update you want to remove and then click Uninstall.

You can right-click an update and then click Uninstall
Confirm the action by selecting Yes in the dialog box.
3. Uninstall Windows 11 updates from the Windows Terminal
You can also uninstall updates using Windows Terminal if the methods above don’t work or if you prefer the command-line interface. First, run Windows Terminal as administrator. Next, enter the following command:
Press Enter. This command lists all installed updates, like in the screenshot below.

This command lists the installed updates
To uninstall an update, just type the following command (or copy and paste it in the Terminal window):
where HotFixID is the identification number of that update. As an example, let’s say that we want to uninstall the update KB5005537. To do that, we must type: wusa /uninstall /kb:5005537. Press Enter after typing the command to execute it. Now, confirm the action by pressing Yes in the dialog.

Uninstall an update using Windows Terminal in Windows 11
NOTE: if you want to uninstall an update using Command Prompt or remove it using PowerShell, the commands listed above can be used for both command-line shells.
4. Uninstall the latest update from Windows Recovery Environment
Sometimes, Microsoft challenges our technical know-how by releasing a Windows update that renders the operating system unable to boot correctly or makes the system lock up. If this happens, there are ways to uninstall the buggy update. First, let Windows fail to boot three times in a row. This will activate Windows Recovery Environment. Alternatively, if you want to enter the Windows Recovery Environment manually when Windows is running, open the Start Menu, click or tap the Power button in the lower right corner and then, while pressing Shift on your keyboard, click on Restart.

Select Restart while holding Shift to access Windows RE
Once the Windows Recovery Environment loads, select Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options.

Click or tap on Troubleshoot, then on Advanced options
Now, click or tap on Uninstall updates. You can only uninstall the latest quality or feature update, but usually it’s the latest update that is causing problems.

Press on Uninstall updates
As described before, feature updates are significant updates that include new features, updated integrations, and sometimes new graphical user interface elements. Quality updates refer to security, drives, telemetry updates, etc. Select the type of update to uninstall based on your objective or based on the symptoms of the device.

Uninstall the latest quality update or the latest feature update
After choosing one of the two options (we went with “Uninstall the latest quality update”), Windows asks you to confirm the action. Confirm it by pressing “Uninstall quality update.”

Confirm your command to continue
It might take a few minutes for the latest update to be uninstalled. When the process is finished, press Done. Then, press Continue to boot Windows normally. Hopefully, the problem will be gone.

Click or tap on Continue to load Windows
5. Uninstall updates from Safe Mode
If your system still fails to boot or if you want to remove a stubborn update, you can also try uninstalling updates from Safe Mode. First, enter Safe Mode by using a method described in this article: How to start Windows 11 in Safe Mode (8 ways). Once Windows is loaded, open the Control Panel by pressing Win + R on your keyboard, typing control, and pressing Enter. Next, click on Programs and Features.

Access Program and Features in the Control Panel
Click on “View installed updates” in the upper left corner of the window to browse through the list of Windows 11 updates.

View installed updates in Safe mode
Now, just like in the first two methods, select the update you want to remove and then click on Uninstall in the list header. Alternatively, double-click on the update or right-click on it and then press Uninstall. Finally, confirm the action by pressing Yes in the dialog box.

Uninstall an update in Safe mode
After the update is removed, exit Safe Mode to see if the problem is solved.
What method do you use to uninstall updates from Windows 11?
These are the five methods to uninstall updates from Windows 11. Before closing this tutorial, tell us: which one do you use? Do you know other ways to remove the updates? Also, if you have anything to add to this guide, do not hesitate to leave a comment below.