当您尝试在Windows 计算机(Windows Computer)上打开应用程序时,会出现 0xc00007b 错误。该错误主要在Windows 7和Windows 10上报告,但其他版本的Windows也遇到此错误。因此,如果您正在寻找修复(fix) 0xc00007b 错误 - 应用程序无法正确启动(0xc00007b error – the application was unable to start correctly),请继续阅读以了解有关此错误的更多信息以及您可以采取哪些措施来修复它。
为什么会出现 0xc00007b 错误?(Why does the 0xc00007b error occur?)
下面列出了Windows(Windows)计算机上出现“应用程序无法正确启动 (0xc00007b)”错误的常见原因。
- 缺少 DLL 文件
- 从未经授权的来源下载
- 防病毒(Anti-virus)软件阻止和删除DLL(DLLs)
- 安装了不正确的可再发行版
- 安装 32 位软件而不是 64 位软件,反之亦然
- 在 64 位系统上运行 32 位应用程序
修复 0xc00007b(Fix 0xc00007b)错误:应用程序无法(Application Was Unable)正确(Correctly)启动
现在,您对可能导致应用程序无法正确启动错误 (0xc00007b) 的原因有所了解。(The application was unable to start correctly error (0xc00007b). )在本指南的下一部分中,我们将介绍每种可用的方法来修复系统上的 0xc00007b 错误。尝试一一实施,直到找到合适的解决方案。
方法一:重启 Windows
重新启动 Windows 可以修复计算机上的许多临时问题和故障。可能,这也可能修复 0xc00007b 错误。
1. 要重新启动 Windows,首先关闭(close)计算机上运行的所有应用程序。
2. 接下来,单击开始(Start)按钮。单击电源(Power),然后单击重新启动,(Restart,)如下图所示。
3. 计算机重新启动后,尝试打开显示 0xc00007b 错误的应用程序。检查错误消息是否消失。如果错误仍然存在,请转到下一个解决方案。
当我们以管理员身份运行任何程序时,我们将获得与管理员(Administrator)帐户相关的所有权限。因此(Hence),此解决方案也可能修复应用程序无法正确启动 (0xc00007b) 错误。
临时以管理员身份运行应用程序(Temporarily Run Application as Administrator)
1. 首先,导航到Windows 搜索栏(search bar)并输入您要打开的应用程序的名称。(name)
2. 接下来,右键单击搜索结果中出现的应用程序名称,然后单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator.)
3.将出现用户帐户控制 (UAC)(User Account Control (UAC) )窗口。单击是(Yes)确认对话框中的消息。
以管理员身份永久运行应用程序(Permanently Run Application as Administrator)
1.在左下角的 Windows搜索栏中搜索应用程序。(search bar)
2. 接下来,右键单击搜索结果中出现的程序名称(name),然后单击打开文件位置(Open file location)。
3.接下来,搜索程序可执行文件(executable file)。它将是一个扩展名为.exe的文件。(.exe )
例如,如果您要打开的程序是 Skype,您的可执行文件将如下所示:Skype.exe。(For example, if the program you want to open is Skype, your executable file will look like this: Skype.exe.)
4. 接下来,右键单击.exe文件,然后从下拉菜单中选择属性。(Properties)
5. 切换到“属性(Properties)”窗口中的“兼容性(Compatibility)”选项卡。现在,选中以管理员(Run this program as an administrator)身份运行此程序旁边的框。
6. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK )以保存这些更改。
现在,无论何时打开此程序,它都会以管理员权限运行。如果 0xc00007b 错误尚未修复,请转到下一个解决方案。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复此设备配置不正确(代码 1)(Fix This Device Is Not Configured Correctly (Code 1))
方法 3:使用CHKDSK命令扫描硬盘(Hard Drive)
如果电脑硬盘有问题,可能会导致 0xc00007b 错误。您可以按以下方式检查计算机硬盘驱动器的问题:
1.在 Windows搜索栏中搜索(search bar)命令提示符(command prompt)。
2. 右键单击搜索结果中的命令提示符(Command Prompt),然后从下拉菜单中单击以管理员身份运行。(Run as administrator )或者,选择以管理员身份运行,(Run as administrator, )这是搜索结果窗口右窗格中的第二个选项。
3. 接下来,在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中键入以下命令并按Enter键:
chkdsk /f /r
4.如果您想在下次计算机重新启动时安排扫描,将显示一条确认消息。(confirmation message)按键盘上的Y键表示同意。
5. 接下来,通过单击Start menu > Power > Restart.
6 . 当计算机重新启动时,chkdsk 命令(chkdsk command)将自动运行以扫描计算机硬盘。
7. 扫描完成并且计算机启动到Windows后,尝试打开显示 0xc00007b 错误的应用程序。
检查应用程序是否正确打开。如果“应用程序无法正确启动 (0xc00007b)(The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly (0xc00007b)) ”错误消息仍然存在,请继续执行下一个解决方案。
方法 4:重新安装应用程序
1. 转到Windows 搜索栏(Windows search bar),然后搜索添加或删除程序。(Add or remove programs.)
2. 接下来,单击搜索结果窗口右侧的打开,如下图所示。(Open)
3. 接下来,单击搜索此列表(Search this list)框,然后键入要删除的应用程序的名称。(name)
4. 现在,单击搜索结果中的应用程序名称(application name)。然后,点击卸载(Uninstall)。参考上图。
5. 接下来,按照屏幕上的说明卸载(uninstall)应用程序。
6.最后,访问您要重新安装的应用程序的官方网站。(official website)下载(Download)并安装文件。
注意:(Note:) 确保(Make)为您的Windows计算机版本选择正确的应用程序版本。
重新安装应用程序后,尝试打开它并检查是否能够修复 0xc00007b 错误:应用程序无法正确启动(fix 0xc00007b error: The application was unable to start correctly)。如果是这样,请尝试下一个方法。
方法 5:更新 .NET Framework
.NET 框架(.NET framework)是一个Windows软件开发框架,有助于在 Windows 上运行应用程序和程序(Windows)。您计算机上的.NET框架可能尚未更新到最新版本,这可能会导致上述错误。
请按照以下步骤更新框架以修复应用程序无法正确启动 (0xc00007b) 错误:
1. 启动任何网络浏览器(web browser)并搜索.net 框架( .net framework)。
2.然后,点击微软(Microsoft)官网第一个搜索结果,标题为Download .NET Framework。
3.将打开一个名为Supported versions的新窗口(Supported versions)。在这里,单击标记为(recommended)的最新 .NET Framework 。
4. 现在,单击运行时(Runtime)部分下的下载(download)按钮。参考上图。
5. 下载后,单击下载的文件(downloaded file)将其打开。然后,在UAC确认对话框中单击是。(Yes)
6. 按照屏幕上的说明进行安装(install)。
7. 软件框架安装完成后,重新启动(restart)计算机。
现在尝试打开应用程序,看看 0xc00007b 错误是否仍然存在。如果是这样,请转到即将到来的方法。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 您的帐户已被禁用。请咨询您的系统管理员 [已解决](Your Account Has Been Disabled. Please See Your System Administrator [SOLVED])
方法 6:更新 DirectX
请按照以下步骤手动更新DirectX,以便修复 0xc0007b 错误:应用程序无法正确启动。
1. 在 Windows搜索栏中(search bar),搜索这台电脑(This PC)并打开它。
2. 点击C 盘(C Drive)。然后,按照下面显示的文件路径导航到名为System 32或SysWOW64的文件夹,具体取决于您的系统架构:
对于 32 位 Windows : Windows > System32
对于 64 位 Windows: Windows > SysWOW64
3. 在窗口右上角的搜索栏中,一一搜索下面列出的文件。(search bar)然后,分别右键单击其中的每一个,然后单击删除,(Delete, )如下图所示。
- 从 d3dx9_24.dll 到 d3dx9_43.dll(From d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll)
- d3dx10.dll
- 从 d3dx10_33.dll 到 d3dx10_43.dll(From d3dx10_33.dll to d3dx10_43.dll )
- d3dx11_42.dll
- d3dx11_43.dll
4. 接下来,访问DirectX End-User Runtime Web的(DirectX End-User Runtime Web)Microsoft下载页面。在这里,选择一种语言(language),然后单击下载(Download )按钮。
5. 下载完成后,打开下载的文件(downloaded file)。它将被命名为dxwebsetup.exe。然后,在 UAC 对话框中选择是。(Yes)
6. 按照屏幕上的说明安装 DirectX(install DirectX)。
7. 安装完成后,重新启动(restart)计算机,然后尝试打开显示 0xc00007b 错误的应用程序。
方法 7:更新 DLL
为了修复应用程序无法正确启动 (0xc00007b) 错误,您需要替换位于计算机 C 驱动器中的 名为xinput1_3.dll的文件。(xinput1_3.dll)
1 、通过谷歌(Google)搜索下载(Download) xinput1_3.dll。
2.接下来,通过右键单击压缩文件夹(zipped folder)然后选择全部提取来提取下载的文件。(Extract All.)
4.在做任何事情之前,你应该首先备份你原来的xinput1_3.dll文件(irst backup your original xinput1_3.dll file)。如果某些事情没有按计划进行,您可以随时从备份文件中恢复它。
5. 现在导航到C:\Windows\SysWOW64,并将 xinput1_3.dll 文件粘贴到 SysWOW64 文件夹(paste the xinput1_3.dll file in the SysWOW64 folder)中。您可以通过右键单击并选择“粘贴(Paste)”或同时按CTRL + V 键来执行此操作。
6. 最后,在出现的确认框中,点击Copy and Replace。
方法 8:修复C++ Redistributable
或者,您可以尝试修复Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable包以修复 0xc00007b 错误,如下所示:
1.如前所述,启动添加或删除程序。(Add or remove programs )
2. 在“搜索此列表”(Search of this list’)栏中,键入Microsoft Visual C++.
4. 然后,在UAC对话框中单击是。(Yes)
5. 在出现的弹出窗口中,点击修复(Repair)。等待该过程完成。
6. 确保通过重复步骤 3(Steps 3)和 4 对每个 C++ 包执行此操作。
7. 最后,重启(restart)电脑。
打开您之前无法打开的应用程序。如果这不起作用,请尝试重新安装 C++ 可再发行组件。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复此应用程序无法在 Windows 10 上的 PC 上运行错误(Fix This app can’t run on your PC error on Windows 10)
Method 9: Reinstall C++ Redistributable
如果之前修复Microsoft C++ Visual Redistributable的方法没有修复 0xc00007b 错误,那么您将不得不重新安装 Redistributable。按照给定的步骤卸载并重新安装它们。
1.如前所述,启动添加或删除程序。(Add or remove programs )在“搜索此列表”(Search of this list’)栏中,键入Microsoft Visual C++。
2. 点击搜索结果中的第一个,然后点击卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。Make sure to do this for all the C++ packages.
3.如本指南前面所述,通过以管理员身份运行(Run as an administrator )选项打开命令提示符。(Command Prompt)
4. 在命令提示符(Command Prompt)窗口中输入以下内容,然后按Enter键:
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
5. 该过程完成后,重新启动(restart)计算机。
6. 接下来,访问微软网站(Microsoft website)下载最新的 C++ 包,如图所示。
7. 下载后,点击打开下载的文件(downloaded file)。按照屏幕上的说明安装(Install)软件包。
8. 安装完成后,最后重启电脑。
打开显示 0xc00007b 错误的应用程序。如果错误仍然存在,请尝试下一个替代方案。
有可能会出现“0xc00007b 错误:应用程序无法正确启动”错误,因为该应用程序与您计算机上安装的当前版本的Windows不兼容。(Windows)请按照以下步骤以兼容模式运行程序以解决此问题:
1. 在 Windows搜索栏中(search bar),键入扩展名为.exe的应用程序的名称。( .exe)
例如,如果未打开的应用程序是Skype,则在搜索栏中搜索 skype.exe 文件。
2. 点击搜索结果,然后点击打开文件位置(Open file location ),如下图所示。
3. 在打开的新窗口中,右键单击应用程序(application)。从下拉菜单中单击属性。( Properties )
4. 接下来,单击现在出现的“属性”窗口中的“(Properties)兼容性(Compatibility)”选项卡。
5. 在兼容(Compatibility)模式部分,选中以兼容模式运行此程序(Run this program in compatibility mode)旁边的框( check the box),然后从下拉菜单中选择不同的 Windows 版本。(different Windows version)为清楚起见,请参阅图片。
6. 单击应用,然后单击确定。
打开应用程序或程序,看看您是否能够修复应用程序无法正确启动(0xc00007b)错误。如果错误再次发生,您也需要对所有其他版本的Windows重复此过程。检查(Check)哪个版本的 Windows 可以正确打开程序而没有 0xc00007b 错误。
方法 11:更新 Windows
如果程序没有在任何版本的Windows的兼容模式下打开,那么除了更新系统上安装的Windows版本之外别无选择。您可以按照以下简单步骤更新Windows :
1. 在 Windows搜索栏中(search bar),键入Windows更新。然后,单击搜索结果中显示的Windows 更新设置。(Windows Update )
2. 在下一个窗口中,单击检查更新。(Check for updates.)
3. 允许Windows检查更新并下载当时可用的任何最新更新。(download any latest updates that are available at the time.)
4. 接下来,安装(install the updates)在上一步中下载的更新。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 0xc00007b 错误 – 应用程序无法正确启动(fix 0xc00007b error – The application was unable to start correctly)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何问题或意见,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix 0xc00007b Error: The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly
The 0xc00007b error occurs when yоu try tо оpen an applіcation on Windоws Computer. The error has been reported mostly on Windows 7 and Windows 10, but other νersions of Windows also encounter this error. So, if you are looking to fix 0xc00007b error – the application was unable to start correctly, then read on to know more about this error and what you can do to fix it.
Why does the 0xc00007b error occur?
Listed below are the common reasons why the ‘The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b)’ error occurs on your Windows computer.
- Missing DLL files
- Downloads from an unauthorized source
- Anti-virus software blocking and deleting DLLs
- Incorrect re-distributable installed
- Installing 32-bit software instead of 64-bit, and vice-versa
- Running 32-bit apps on a 64-bit system
Fix 0xc00007b Error: The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly
Now, you have an idea about what could cause The application was unable to start correctly error (0xc00007b). In the next part of this guide, we will go through each available method to fix the 0xc00007b error on your system. Try implementing them one-by-one, till you find a suitable solution.
Method 1: Restart Windows
Rebooting Windows can fix a lot of temporary issues and glitches on your computer. Possibly, this might also fix the 0xc00007b error.
1. To restart Windows, first close all the applications that are running on your computer.
2. Next, click on the Start button. Click on Power, and then click on Restart, as illustrated below.
3. Once your computer restarts, try to open the application that was showing the 0xc00007b error. Check if the error message is gone. If the error still persists, move to the next solution.
Method 2: Run the Program as Administrator
When we run any program as an administrator, we get all the rights associated with the Administrator account. Hence, this solution might fix the application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b) error as well.
Temporarily Run Application as Administrator
Follow the given steps to run an app as an Administrator temporarily:m
1. First, navigate to the Windows search bar and type in the name of the application you want to open.
2. Next, right-click on the name of the application that appears in the search result and then click on Run as administrator.
3. The User Account Control (UAC) window will appear. Click Yes to confirm the message in the dialogue box.
Permanently Run Application as Administrator
To permanently run the application as an administrator, you need to change the Compatibility settings of the application. Follow these steps to do so:
1. Search for the application in the Windows search bar in the bottom-left corner.
2. Next, right-click on the name of the program that appears in the search result, and then click on Open file location.
3. Next, search for the program executable file. It will be a file with the .exe extension.
For example, if the program you want to open is Skype, your executable file will look like this: Skype.exe.
4. Next, right-click on the .exe file, and then select Properties from the drop-down menu.
5. Switch to the Compatibility tab in the Properties window. Now, check the box next to Run this program as an administrator.
6. Finally, click on Apply and then click on OK to save these changes.
Now, whenever you open this program, it will run with administrator privileges. If the 0xc00007b error is not yet fixed, move to the next solution.
Also Read: Fix This Device Is Not Configured Correctly (Code 1)
Method 3: Scan Hard Drive using the CHKDSK command
If there are problems with the computer hard drive, it might lead to the 0xc00007b error. You can check for issues with the computer hard drive as follows:
1. Search for the command prompt in the Windows search bar.
2. Either right-click on the Command Prompt in the search result and then click on Run as administrator from the drop-down menu. Or, select Run as administrator, the second option from the right pane in the search results window.
3. Next, type the following command in the Command Prompt window and press the Enter key:
chkdsk /f /r
4. A confirmation message will be displayed if you want to schedule the scan for the next time the computer restarts. Press the Y key on the keyboard to agree to it.
5. Next, restart the computer by clicking Start menu > Power > Restart.
6. When the computer restarts, the chkdsk command will run automatically to scan the computer hard drives.
7. Once the scan is complete and the computer boots into Windows, try to open the application that was showing the 0xc00007b error.
Check if the application is opening correctly. If the ‘The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly (0xc00007b)‘ error message persists, proceed to the next solution.
Method 4: Reinstall the Application
To fix the error, reinstall the application that is facing this error. Follow the given steps to first uninstall the application and then reinstall it:
1. Go to the Windows search bar and then search for Add or remove programs.
2. Next, click on Open from the right side of the search results window as depicted below.
3. Next, click on the Search this list box, and then type the name of the app you want to remove.
4. Now, click on the application name in the search result. Then, click on Uninstall. Refer to the above pic.
5. Next, follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall the application.
6. Finally, visit the official website of the app you want to reinstall. Download and install the file.
Note: Make sure that you select the right version of the app for your version of Windows computer.
Once the application has been reinstalled, try to open it and check if you’re able to fix 0xc00007b error: The application was unable to start correctly. If it does, try the next method.
Method 5: Update .NET Framework
The .NET framework is a Windows software development framework that helps to run applications & programs on Windows. There is a chance that the .NET framework on your computer has not been updated to the latest version, which may be causing the said error.
Follow these steps to update the framework to fix The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b) error:
1. Launch any web browser and search for the .net framework.
2. Then, click on the first search result from Microsoft official website titled Download .NET Framework.
3. A new window named Supported versions will open. Here, click on the latest .NET Framework that is marked as (recommended).
4. Now, click the download button under the Runtime section. Refer to the above picture.
5. Once downloaded, click on the downloaded file to open it. Then, click Yes in the UAC confirmation dialogue box.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install it.
7. After the software framework has been installed, restart the computer.
Try to open the application now and see if the 0xc00007b error persists. If it does, move to the upcoming methods.
Also Read: Your Account Has Been Disabled. Please See Your System Administrator [SOLVED]
Method 6: Update DirectX
Follow these steps to manually update DirectX so that you can fix the 0xc0007b error: The application was unable to start correctly.
1. In the Windows search bar, search for This PC and open it.
2. Click on C Drive. Then, follow the file path shown below to navigate to a folder called System 32 or SysWOW64 depending on your system architecture:
For 32-bit Windows: Windows > System32
For 64-bit Windows: Windows > SysWOW64
3. In the search bar in the top right corner of the window, search for the files listed below one by one. Then, right-click on each of these individually and click on Delete, as illustrated below.
- From d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll
- d3dx10.dll
- From d3dx10_33.dll to d3dx10_43.dll
- d3dx11_42.dll
- d3dx11_43.dll
4. Next, visit the Microsoft download page for DirectX End-User Runtime Web. Here, choose a language and then click on the Download button.
5. Once the downloading is complete, open the downloaded file. It will be titled dxwebsetup.exe. Then, select Yes in the UAC dialogue box.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions to install DirectX.
7. Once the installation is complete, restart the computer and then try to open the application that was showing the 0xc00007b error.
Method 7: Update DLL
In order to fix The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b) error, you need to replace a file called xinput1_3.dll, which is located in the C drive of your computers.
Note: Downloading files from a third party is risky as you can download malware or virus and install it on your system. So, proceed with caution.
1. Download xinput1_3.dll by searching for it on Google.
2. Next, extract the downloaded files by right-clicking on the zipped folder and then selecting Extract All.
3. Next, copy the xinput1_3.dll file.
4. Before doing anything, you should first backup your original xinput1_3.dll file. If something didn’t go as planned you can always restore it from the backup file.
5. Now navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64, and paste the xinput1_3.dll file in the SysWOW64 folder. You can do this either by right-clicking and selecting Paste Or by pressing CTRL + V keys together.
6. Lastly, in the confirmation box that appears, click on Copy and Replace.
The DLL files should now be updated & the error should be resolved.
Method 8: Repair C++ Redistributable
Alternately, you can try to repair the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable packages to fix the 0xc00007b error as follows:
1. Launch Add or remove programs as explained earlier.
2. In the ‘Search of this list’ bar, type Microsoft Visual C++.
3. Click on the first one in the search result, then click on Modify, as depicted in the picture below.
4. Then, click Yes on the UAC dialogue box.
5. In the pop-up window that appears, click on Repair. Wait for the process to finish.
6. Make sure to do this for each C++ package by repeating Steps 3 & 4.
7. Finally, restart the computer.
Open the application that you were unable to open previously. If this didn’t work, try reinstalling the C++ redistributable instead.
Also Read: Fix This app can’t run on your PC error on Windows 10
Method 9: Reinstall C++ Redistributable
If the previous method of repairing the Microsoft C++ Visual Redistributable did not fix the 0xc00007b error, then you will have to reinstall the redistributable. Follow the given steps to uninstall & then install these again.
1. Launch Add or remove programs as explained earlier. In the ‘Search of this list’ bar, type Microsoft Visual C++.
2. Click on the first one in the search result, then click Uninstall, as depicted in the picture below. Make sure to do this for all the C++ packages.
3. Open Command Prompt via Run as an administrator option, as explained earlier in this guide.
4. Type the following into the Command Prompt window and press the Enter key:
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
5. Once the process is complete, restart the computer.
6. Next, visit the Microsoft website to download the latest C++ package as shown here.
7. Once downloaded, open the downloaded file by clicking on it. Install the package by following the on-screen instructions.
8. Once the installation is complete, finally restart the computer.
Open the application that was showing the 0xc00007b error. If the error persists, then try the next alternatives.
Method 10: Run the Program in Compatibility mode
There is a chance that the ‘0xc00007b error: The application was unable to start correctly’ error occurs because the app is not compatible with the current version of Windows installed on your computer. Follow these steps to run the program in compatibility mode to fix this issue:
1. In the Windows search bar, type the name of the application with the .exe extension.
For example, if the application that is not opening is Skype, then search for the skype.exe file in the search bar.
2. Click on the search result and then click on Open file location as depicted below.
3. In the new window that opens, right-click on the application. Click on Properties from the drop-down menu.
4. Next, click on the Compatibility tab in the Properties window that now appears.
5. In the Compatibility mode section, check the box next to Run this program in compatibility mode, and then select a different Windows version from the drop-down menu. Refer to the picture for clarity.
6. Click on Apply and then OK.
Open the application or program and see if you’re able to fix The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b) error. If the error occurs again, you will need to repeat this process for all other versions of Windows too. Check which version of windows opens the program correctly without the 0xc00007b error.
Method 11: Update Windows
If the program did not open in compatibility mode for any version of Windows, then there’s no other choice than to update the version of Windows installed on your system. You can update Windows by following these simple steps:
1. In the Windows search bar, type Windows update. Then, click on the Windows Update settings that appear in the search result.
2. In the next window, click on Check for updates.
3. Allow Windows to check for updates and download any latest updates that are available at the time.
4. Next, install the updates that were downloaded in the previous step.
Once the updates have been installed, the application should open without errors.
We hope that this guide was helpful and that you were able to fix 0xc00007b error – The application was unable to start correctly. Let us know which method worked best for you. If you have any questions or comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.