Wi-Fi是使用任何设备(如 iPhone、iPad 或(Wi-Fi)MacBook )时最重要的实用程序之一,因为它可以让您立即与每个人保持联系。现在几乎每个应用程序都需要互联网连接。这就是为什么应始终确保所有设备上都有正确的Wi-Fi连接。(Wi-Fi)但是,Wi-Fi有时可能无法正常工作,并且会直接影响您在MacBook上的日常工作。在这篇文章中,我们已经回答了这个问题:为什么我的 Mac 网络突然这么慢。(Why is my Mac internet so slow all of a sudden. )因此,向下滚动以了解如何在Mac上加快Wi-Fi速度。
为什么我的 Mac 上网突然这么慢?(Why is My Mac Internet So Slow all of a sudden?)
过时的网络设置:(Outdated Network Settings:)如果您很长时间没有更新 MacBook,您的Wi-Fi连接可能会受到影响。之所以如此,是因为在较新的版本中,一些与网络相关的修复程序会不时修改网络设置。如果没有这些更新,网络设置可能会过时,这可能会导致 Mac 的Wi-Fi速度缓慢问题。
距离: (Distance)Mac Wi-Fi 速度慢的最常见原因之一是 Mac(Mac)与(Wi-Fi)Wi - Fi(Mac)路由器的(Wi-Fi)距离。确保(Make)您的设备靠近Wi-Fi路由器,以加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。
计划设置(Plan settings):您的 Wi-Fi 可能无法高速运行的另一个原因是您的网络计划。请与您的互联网服务提供商联系以进行咨询。
方法 1:使用以太网电缆
(Method 1: Use an Ethernet Cable
- 由于衰减(attenuation)、信号丢失和(signal loss, &) 拥塞(congestion), Wi-Fi 往往会减慢其速度。
- 此外,与您的 Wi-Fi 路由器频率相同的 Wi-Fi 热点(Wi-Fi hotspots with the same frequency)也往往会干扰可用带宽。
对于住在公寓里的人来说尤其如此,因为附近的公寓里也有太多的Wi-Fi路由器。因此,将您的Mac Book插入调制解调器可能有助于加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。
方法 2:将路由器移近
(Method 2: Move the Router Closer
- 将您的互联网路由器放在房间的中央。(center of the room.)
检查路由器的天线(Check the aerials )。确保(Make)它们指向正确的方向。
避免使用来自不同房间的 Wi-Fi,(Avoid using Wi-Fi from a different room)因为它往往会严重阻碍连接。
升级(Upgrade) 您的 Wi-Fi 路由器(your Wi-Fi router),因为最新型号支持高速互联网并提供更广泛的范围。
方法 3:重置您的 Wi-Fi 路由器(Method 3: Reset your Wi-Fi Router)
重置默认Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)的另一种方法是重置Wi-Fi路由器本身。这样做会刷新 Internet 连接并有助于加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。
1. 按住 Wi-Fi 调制解调器上的RESET按钮( button)30 秒(30 seconds)。
2. DNS 灯(DNS light)应闪烁几秒钟,然后再次稳定。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Xfinity 路由器登录:如何登录 Comcast Xfinity 路由器(Xfinity Router Login: How to Login to a Comcast Xfinity Router)
方法 4:切换到更快的 ISP(Method 4: Switch to Faster ISP)
(Buy a premium package)从服务提供商处购买高级Wi-Fi套餐。(Wi-Fi)
将您现有的计划升级(Upgrade your existing plan )到提供更快速度的计划。
切换到另一个 ISP(Switch to another ISP),以实惠的价格获得更好的速度。
方法 5:启用无线安全(Method 5: Enable Wireless Security)
如果您的计划有特定限制,那么您的Wi-Fi很可能被盗。为避免这种免费加载,请打开(turn on the security)Wi-Fi 连接的安全性。这将确保没有其他人在未经您许可的情况下使用您的 Wi-Fi。保护您的 Wi-Fi 的最常见设置是WPA、WPA2、WEP等形式。在所有这些设置中,WPA2-PSK提供了最体面的安全级别。选择一个强密码(Choose a strong password ),这样随机的人就无法猜到它。
方法 6:关闭不必要的应用程序和选项卡(Method 6: Close Unnecessary Apps and Tabs)
通常,为什么我的Mac互联网突然变得如此缓慢的答案是不必要的应用程序在后台运行。浏览器上的这些应用程序和选项卡会不断下载不必要的数据,从而导致Mac缓慢的 Wi-Fi(Wi-Fi)问题。以下是在Mac上加快Wi-Fi速度的方法:
关闭所有应用程序(Close all applications) 和网站(and websites),例如Facebook、Twitter、Mail、Skype、Safari等。
禁用自动更新(Disable Auto-Update)以防万一,它已经启用。
关闭与 iCloud 的自动同步:(Turn-off Auto-Sync to iCloud:)最近在MacBook上引入的 iCloud 也对(MacBook)Wi-Fi带宽的大量使用负责。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何使用键盘快捷键强制退出 Mac 应用程序(How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut)
方法 7:删除现有的 Wi-Fi 首选项(Method 7: Remove Existing Wi-Fi Preference)
1. 单击Apple 菜单(Apple menu)中的系统偏好设置(System Preferences)。
2. 选择网络(Network)。在左侧面板上,单击您要连接的网络。(network)
3. 单击位置(Location)下拉菜单并选择编辑位置...(Edit Locations…)
4. 现在点击(plus) + 号(sign)创建一个新位置。
5. 给它您选择的名称,(name of your choice)然后单击完成(Done),如图所示。
6. 输入密码(password.)加入此网络。
7. 现在点击高级(Advanced)> TCP/IP tag。
8. 在这里,选择Renew “DCPH Lease”并点击Apply。
9. 接下来,单击网络屏幕(Network screen)上的DNS 按钮(DNS button)。
10. 在DNS 服务器列(DNS Servers Column)下,单击 (plus) + sign.
11. 添加OpenDNS( 和或Google DNS( 和。
12. 导航到硬件(Hardware)选项卡并手动更改配置(Configure)选项。
14. 完成后,单击确定。(OK.)
您现在已经创建了一个新的 Wi-Fi 网络。不用怀疑为什么我的Mac网速突然这么慢。
方法 8:将 Mac Wi-Fi 重置为默认值(Method 8: Reset Mac Wi-Fi to Default)
要加快Mac上的Wi-Fi,您还可以尝试将网络设置重置为默认值。此方法适用于在 macOS Sierra之后启动的任何 macOS 。只需(Just),按照给定的步骤操作:
1.关闭(Switch off)您的 MacBook Wi-Fi 连接并移除(remove)所有之前建立的无线网络。
2. 现在,点击Finder > Go > Go To Folder,如图所示。
4. 搜索这些文件:
- 列表
- apple.airport.preferences.plist
- apple.network.identification.plist 或 com.apple.network.eapolclient/configuration.plist
- apple.wifi.message-tracer.plist
- 列表
6. 现在通过右键单击原始文件并选择(delete the original files)Move to Bin来删除它们。
8.重新启动(Reboot)您的 Mac 并打开(turn on)Wi-fi。
MacBook 重新启动后,再次检查上一个文件夹。您会注意到已经创建了新文件。这意味着您的 Wi-Fi 连接已恢复为出厂设置。
注意:(Note:)如果方法正常,则从桌面删除复制的文件。(delete the copied files)
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 iTunes 自行打开(Fix iTunes Keeps Opening By Itself)
方法 9:使用(Method 9: Use)无线诊断( Wireless Diagnostics)
此方法基于Mac的内置应用程序,即无线诊断。Apple 支持(Apple Support)提供一个专门的页面来使用无线诊断(Use Wireless Diagnostics)。按照给定的步骤使用它来加速Mac上的Wi-Fi:
1.关闭所有(Close all)打开的应用程序和选项卡。
2. 按住键盘上的Option 键(Option key)。
3. 同时,单击屏幕顶部的Wi-Fi 图标。(Wi-Fi icon)
4. 显示下拉菜单后,单击打开(Open) 无线诊断(Wireless Diagnostics)。
5. 出现提示时输入您的密码(password)。现在将分析您的无线环境。
6. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)点击继续(Continue)。
7. 该过程完成后,将显示一条消息,您的 Wi-Fi 连接似乎正在按预期工作(Your Wi-Fi connection appears to be working as expected)。
8. 在“摘要(Summary)”部分,您可以单击i(信息)( i (info))查看已修复问题的详细列表。
方法 10:切换到 5GHz 频段(Method 10: Switch to 5GHz Band )
如果您的路由器可以在 2.5 GHz或 5 GHz频段运行,您可以尝试将您的Mac Book 切换到 5 GHz频率。在大多数情况下,这有助于加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。但是,如果您住在公寓中,而您的邻居正在使用许多在 2.4 GHz频率上运行的设备,那么可能会有一些干扰。此外,5 GHz频率能够传输更多数据。按照给定的步骤:
1. 打开系统偏好设置(System Preferences)并选择网络(Network)。
2. 然后点击Advanced并将5 GHz 网络(5 GHz network)移至顶部。
3. 再次尝试连接到您的Wi-Fi以检查问题是否已解决。
方法 11:更新固件(Method 11: Update the Firmware)
确保(Make)您的路由器使用最新的软件运行。在大多数情况下,更新会自动进行。但是,如果自动功能不可用,您可以从软件界面进行升级 。(upgrade )
方法12:(Method 12: U)使用锡箔纸(se Tin Foil)
如果您准备进行一些DIY,创建一个锡箔扩展器(tin foil extender)可能有助于加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。由于金属是良好的导体并且可以轻松反射Wi-Fi信号,因此您可以使用它来将它们引导至您的Mac设备。
1. 取一张箔纸,(sheet of foil)将其包裹在一个自然弯曲的物体上。(curved object.)例如——瓶子或擀面杖。
2. 箔纸包裹好后,取出(remove) 物体(the object)。
3.将它(Position this)放在路由器后面,并朝向您的MacBook倾斜。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何将播放列表复制到 iPhone、iPad 或 iPod(How to Copy Playlists to iPhone, iPad, or iPod)
方法 13:更改频道(Method 13: Change the Channel)
1. 按住Option键并单击Wi-Fi 图标(Wi-Fi icon)
2. 然后,如图所示打开无线诊断(Wireless Diagnostics)。
3. 单击顶部菜单栏中的窗口(Window),然后选择扫描(Scan)。该列表现在将显示连接到您的网络的设备。屏幕还将显示可用于更高速度的最佳频道。
4. 通过关闭路由器然后(router off and then, on )重新打开来更改频道。最强的选项将被自动选择。
5. 如果Wi-Fi连接问题是间歇性的,请选择监控我的 Wi-Fi 连接(Monitor my Wi-Fi connection)选项而不是继续摘要。(Continue to Summary.)
6. 在摘要页面上,(Summary page,)您可以通过单击信息图标(info icon)查看已修复问题列表和互联网连接提示。
方法14:优化Safari(Method 14: Optimize Safari)
如果您的 Wi-Fi 问题仅限于Mac浏览器Safari,那么是时候进行一些优化了。
1. 打开Safari并单击首选项(Preferences)。
2. 选择隐私(Privacy)选项卡并单击管理网站数据...(Manage Website Data… )按钮。
3. 现在选择全部删除(Remove All)。
4.通过单击“历史记录”选项卡下的“清除历史记录”按钮清除 Safari 历史记录(History ),(Clear History)突出显示(Safari)。
5.通过单击Preferences下的Extensions 选项卡(Extensions tab )禁用所有Safari扩展。
6. 导航到~Library/Preferences 文件夹,如图所示。
修改完所有这些设置后,尝试再次连接到您的 Wi-Fi 并在浏览器中打开一个网站以检查它现在是否正常运行。
稳定的 Wi-Fi 连接是正常工作和学习的先决条件。值得庆幸的是,这份全面的故障排除指南是一个一站式解决方案,可帮助您了解为什么您的 Mac 互联网突然变得如此缓慢,(why is your Mac internet so slow all of a sudden)并有助于加快Mac上的Wi-Fi。如果您能够解决Mac缓慢的 Wi-Fi(Wi-fi)问题,请在下面的评论中与我们分享您的经验!
Why is My Mac Internet So Slow All of a Sudden?
Wі-Fi is one of the most important utilitiеs while using any device i.e. yoυr iPhone, iPad, or MacBook as it allows you to remain connectеd with everyоne, instantly. Almost every applicаtion nowadays requires an internet connectіon. That іs why a proper Wі-Fi conneсtion should alwаys be ensured on all devices. Howeνer, Wi-Fi may not work properlу sometimes and woυld directly contribute to hindrance in your routinе work оn your MacBook. In this artіcle, we have answered the qυestion: Why is my Mac internet so slow all of a sudden. So, scroll down to learn how to speed up Wi-Fi on Mac.
Why is My Mac Internet So Slow all of a sudden?
Outdated Network Settings: When you haven’t updated your MacBook for a very long time, your Wi-Fi connection may get affected. It is so because, in newer versions, several network-related fixes revamp the network setting from time to time. In the absence of these updates, the network settings may become outdated, which may contribute to Mac’s slow Wi-Fi issue.
Distance: One of the most common reasons for Mac slow Wi-Fi is the distance of your Mac from the Wi-Fi router. Make sure that your device is placed closer to the Wi-Fi router to speed up Wi-Fi on Mac.
Plan settings: Another reason why your Wi-Fi may not be functioning at high speeds is because of your network plan. Contact your internet service provider to inquire about the same.
Let us now take a look at all possible ways which you can implement to fix Mac slow Wi-Fi issue.
Method 1: Use an Ethernet Cable
Using an Ethernet cable instead of a wireless connection proves to be a lot better in terms of speed. This is because:
- Wi-Fi tends to slow down its speed because of attenuation, signal loss, & congestion.
- Moreover, Wi-Fi hotspots with the same frequency as your Wi-Fi router also tend to interfere with the available bandwidth.
This is especially, true for people who live in apartments since there are too many Wi-Fi routers in nearby flats too. Therefore, plugging your MacBook into the modem may help speed up Wi-Fi on Mac.
Method 2: Move the Router Closer
If you don’t wish to use the cable, make sure that the Wi-Fi router is kept close to your MacBook. You can do the following to fix the issue:
- Place your internet router in the center of the room.
Check the aerials of the router. Make sure that they are pointing in the right direction.
Avoid using Wi-Fi from a different room since it tends to impede the connection significantly.
Upgrade your Wi-Fi router as the latest models support high-speed internet and provide a wider range.
Method 3: Reset your Wi-Fi Router
Another alternative to resetting the default Wi-Fi is resetting the Wi-Fi router itself. Doing so refreshes the internet connection and helps speed up Wi-Fi on Mac.
1. Press the RESET button on your Wi-Fi modem and hold it for 30 seconds.
2. The DNS light should blink for a few seconds and then, get stable again.
You can now connect your MacBook to Wi-Fi to check if the problem has been resolved.
Also Read: Xfinity Router Login: How to Login to a Comcast Xfinity Router
Method 4: Switch to Faster ISP
As mentioned earlier, Mac slow Wi-Fi could be because of your ISP norms. Even if you have the best kit at your home, you won’t get high-speed internet, if you resort to low MBPS connections. Therefore, try the following:
Buy a premium package of Wi-Fi from the service provider.
Upgrade your existing plan to the one that provides better speeds.
Switch to another ISP, for better speed at an affordable price.
Method 5: Enable Wireless Security
If you have a plan with specific limits, the chances are that your Wi-Fi is being stolen. To avoid this freeloading, turn on the security of your Wi-Fi connection. This will ensure that no one else is using your Wi-Fi without your permission. The most common settings to protect your Wi-Fi are in the form of WPA, WPA2, WEP, etc. Out of all these settings, WPA2-PSK provides the most decent level of security. Choose a strong password so that random people cannot guess it.
Method 6: Close Unnecessary Apps and Tabs
Often, the answer to why is my Mac internet so slow all of a sudden is unnecessary applications functioning in the background. These applications and tabs on your browser keep downloading unnecessary data, thereby causing Mac slow Wi-Fi issue. Here’s how you can speed up Wi-Fi on Mac:
Close all applications and websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Mail, Skype, Safari, etc.
Disable Auto-Update in case, it is already enabled.
Turn-off Auto-Sync to iCloud: The recent introduction of iCloud on MacBook is also responsible for significant utilization of Wi-Fi bandwidth.
Also Read: How to Force Quit Mac Applications With the Keyboard Shortcut
Method 7: Remove Existing Wi-Fi Preference
Another alternative to speed up Wi-Fi on Mac is to remove pre-existing Wi-Fi preferences. Follow the given steps to do so:
1. Click on System Preferences from the Apple menu.
2. Select Network. On the left panel, click on the network that you would like to connect to.
3. Click on the Location drop-down menu and select Edit Locations…
4. Now click on the (plus) + sign to create a new location.
5. Give it the name of your choice and click on Done, as depicted.
6. Join this network by typing the password.
7. Now click on Advanced > TCP/IP tag.
8. Here, select Renew “DCPH Lease” and click on Apply.
9. Next, click on the DNS button on the Network screen.
10. Under the DNS Servers Column, click on the (plus) + sign.
11. Either add OpenDNS ( and or Google DNS ( and
12. Navigate to the Hardware tab and manually change the Configure option.
13. Modify the MTU option by changing the numbers to 1453.
14. Once you are done, click on OK.
You have now created a new Wi-Fi network. There should be no need to wonder why is my Mac internet so slow all of a sudden.
Method 8: Reset Mac Wi-Fi to Default
To speed up Wi-Fi on Mac, you can also try resetting the network settings to default values. This method will work for any macOS launched after macOS Sierra. Just, follow the given steps:
1. Switch off your MacBook Wi-Fi connection and remove all previously established wireless networks.
2. Now, click on Finder > Go > Go To Folder, as illustrated.
3. Type /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ and press Enter.
4. Search for these files:
- plist
- apple.airport.preferences.plist
- apple.network.identification.plist or com.apple.network.eapolclient/configuration.plist
- apple.wifi.message-tracer.plist
- plist
5. Copy these files and paste them on your desktop.
6. Now delete the original files by right-clicking them and selecting Move to Bin.
7. Enter your password, if prompted.
8. Reboot your Mac and turn on the Wi-fi.
Once your MacBook restarts, check the previous folder again. You will notice that new files have been created. This means that your Wi-Fi connection has been restored to factory settings.
Note: If the method works fine, then delete the copied files from the desktop.
Also Read: Fix iTunes Keeps Opening By Itself
Method 9: Use Wireless Diagnostics
This method is based on the inbuilt application of Mac i.e. wireless diagnostics. Apple Support hosts a dedicated page to Use Wireless Diagnostics. Follow the given steps to utilize it to speed up Wi-Fi on Mac:
1. Close all open applications and tabs.
2. Press and hold the Option key from the keyboard.
3. Simultaneously, click on the Wi-Fi icon at the top of the screen.
4. Once the drop-down menu is displayed, click on Open Wireless Diagnostics.
5. Enter your password, when prompted. Your wireless environment will now be analyzed.
6. Follow the on-screen instructions and click on Continue.
7. Once the process is completed, a message is displayed, Your Wi-Fi connection appears to be working as expected.
8. From the Summary section, you can click on i (info) to view a detailed list of issues fixed.
Method 10: Switch to 5GHz Band
You can try switching your MacBook to 5 GHz frequency if your router can function in both 2.5 GHz or 5 GHz bands. In most cases, this helps to speed up Wi-Fi on Mac. However, if you live in an apartment where your neighbors are using a lot of devices that function on 2.4 GHz frequency, then there could be some interference. Also, 5 GHz frequency is capable of transferring more data. Follow the given steps:
1. Open System Preferences and select Network.
2. Then click on Advanced and move the 5 GHz network to the top.
3. Try connecting to your Wi-Fi again to check if the problem has been resolved.
Method 11: Update the Firmware
Make sure that your router is functioning with the latest software. In most cases, the update takes place automatically. However, in case the automatic function is not available, you can upgrade it from the software interface.
Method 12: Use Tin Foil
If you are up for some DIY, creating a tin foil extender may help speed up Wi-Fi on Mac. Since metal is a good conductor and can easily reflect Wi-Fi signals, you can use it to direct them towards your Mac device.
1. Take a sheet of foil and wrap it around a naturally curved object. For example – a bottle or a rolling pin.
2. Once the foil is wrapped, remove the object.
3. Position this behind the router and angle it towards your MacBook.
Try connecting to the Wi-Fi once again to confirm that it works faster than before.
Also Read: How to Copy Playlists to iPhone, iPad, or iPod
Method 13: Change the Channel
Fortunately, Apple enables its users to view the broadcasting network of nearby users. In case, the nearby networks are using the same channel, your Wi-Fi will automatically slow down. To find out the network band your neighbors are using, and to understand why is my Mac internet so slow all of a sudden, follow these simple steps:
1. Press and hold the Option key and click on the Wi-Fi icon
2. Then, open Wireless Diagnostics, as depicted.
3. Click on Window from the top menu bar and then, select Scan. The list will now display the devices that are connected to your network. The screen will also display the best channels that you can use for higher speed.
4. Change the channel by turning the router off and then, on again. The strongest option will be chosen automatically.
5. If the Wi-Fi connectivity problem is intermittent, select Monitor my Wi-Fi connection option instead of Continue to Summary.
6. On the Summary page, you can view the list of issues fixed and internet connection tips by clicking on the info icon.
Method 14: Optimize Safari
If your Wi-Fi issues are restricted to Mac browser Safari, it is time for some optimization.
1. Open Safari and click on Preferences.
2. Select the Privacy tab and click the Manage Website Data… button.
3. Now select Remove All.
4. Clear Safari history by clicking on the Clear History button under the History tab, as highlighted.
5. Disable all the Safari extensions by clicking on the Extensions tab under Preferences.
6. Navigate to ~Library/Preferences folder, as shown.
7. Here, delete the preferences file of Safari browser: apple.Safari.plist
Once all these settings have been modified, try to connect to your Wi-Fi once again and open a website in the browser to check if it functions properly now.
A stable Wi-Fi connection is a prerequisite for working and studying properly. Thankfully, this comprehensive troubleshooting guide is a one-shot solution to help you understand why is your Mac internet so slow all of a sudden and help speed up Wi-Fi on Mac. If you were able to fix Mac slow Wi-fi problems, share your experience with us in the comments below!