Zen 3系列处理器已上市,为已经令人印象深刻的Zen 2架构带来了重大改进。最好的新处理器之一是AMD Ryzen 9 5900X,仅次于Ryzen 9 5950X。这款CPU拥有海量的 12 核 24 线程,被AMD誉为世界上最好的游戏处理器。这是真的吗?我们不想破坏这个惊喜,但AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是一款出色的处理器,无论是在游戏中还是在任何其他类型的工作负载中。您想了解更多吗?这里是:
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X:它对谁有好处?
如果满足以下条件, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是一个绝佳的选择:
- 您是一名游戏玩家,并渴望获得当今最好的游戏处理器
- 您是内容创作者,您需要出色的多线程性能
- 您希望为未来做好准备,并希望至少有几个CPU额外内核始终可用
关于AMD Ryzen 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 3900X有很多好话要说,因为它:
Buy now
- 是目前市场上最快的台式机处理器之一,仅次于AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
- 拥有12个物理核心和24个线程,这意味着非凡的多线程性能
- 可以维持高升压时钟 (4.8 GHz ) 和出色的单线程速度
- 与 Zen 2 相比,Zen 3架构提供更好的性能和显着改进的IPC(每时钟/周期指令)
- 支持PCI Express 4.0和快速DDR4 RAM
- 具有低TDP,这意味着低温和功耗
- 使用AM4插槽并兼容许多AMD芯片组(500 系列和即将推出的 400 系列芯片组)
- 至少与英特尔(Intel)酷睿(Core)i9 系列的类似处理器一样好,而且通常更快、更强大
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X的唯一缺点是:
- AMD没有为这款处理器捆绑冷却器
- 它比上一代Zen 2的(Zen 2)AMD Ryzen 9 3900X价格昂贵且高出约 50美元(USD)
在撰写这篇评测时,AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 确实是“世界上最好的游戏处理器”。该公司在Zen 3(Zen 3)架构方面做得非常出色,而Ryzen 9 5900X 可能是展示它的最佳方式。该处理器在所有竞争中脱颖而出,在多线程和单线程中提供出色的性能,同时保持低温度和低功耗。没有什么可以阻止它,因为它在游戏、数字内容创建软件和生产力应用程序中都表现出色。在我们看来,AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是一个可以击败目前市场上所有其他处理器的怪物,除了Ryzen 95950X。如果您想要所有这些功能并且有预算,请毫不犹豫地购买它。
Ryzen 9 5900X 是(Ryzen 9)AMD最新一代基于Zen 3的CPU(CPUs)的高端台式机处理器之一。所有Ryzen 5000 系列处理器都建立在(Ryzen 5000 series)AMD从(AMD)Zen 2架构开始使用的相同 7nm 制造工艺上。但是,新阵容带来了一些重大改进。锐龙5000(Ryzen 5000)处理器在多方面进行了重新设计和优化,其中最关键的变化是它们访问3 级(Level 3)缓存的方式。在Zen 2中,锐龙 3000(Ryzen 3000)处理器使用 4 核设计,允许所有内核同时访问 16 MB 的 L3 高速缓存。相比之下,Zen 3 Ryzen 5000 CPU(CPUs)采用 8 核设计,让所有 8 个内核都可以直接访问 32 MB 的三级缓存。这一变化意味着新处理器的内核和高速缓存之间的通信线路更快,内存延迟更低,从而带来更好的整体性能,尤其是在游戏中。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X台式机处理器
Ryzen 9 5900X配备 12 个核心和 24 个线程,以 3.7 GHz的基本时钟和 4.8 (GHz)GHz的升压频率运行。AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 排在第二位,仅次于拥有 16 核 32 线程的Ryzen 9 5950X。(Ryzen 9)Ryzen 9 5900X上可用的3 级(Level 3)缓存内存总量为 64 MB。关于RAM规格,该处理器正式支持在双通道模式下以 3200 MHz运行的(MHz)DDR4 ,尽管最佳点仍然是(DDR4)DDR4-3600 MHz,就像在Zen 2 CPU(CPUs)上一样。
虽然提升频率略高于其前身——锐龙 9 3900X——(Ryzen 9 3900X)但 AMD 锐龙 9 5900X 的TDP(热设计功率)(TDP (Thermal Design Power))相同,为 105瓦(Watts)。考虑到CPU(CPU)的核心数、线程数和运行频率,这是一个极好的价值。对某些人来说不幸的是, (Unfortunately)AMD决定不再将库存冷却器与该处理器捆绑在一起。原因是购买这种高端组件的人通常更喜欢使用他们的冷却解决方案而不是库存空气冷却器。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X:CPU-Z显示的规格(CPU-Z)
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 支持PCI Express 4.0 ,并在与之前的(PCI Express 4.0)AMD处理器系列相同的AM4插槽上工作。然而,尽管您可能会认为您可以在任何AM4主板上使用它,但这并不完全正确。Zen 3 CPU(CPUs)目前仅受使用 500 系列芯片组(例如X570、B550和A520)的主板支持,并且仅当您的主板制造商发布了支持新CPU的(CPUs)BIOS更新时才支持。一些主板制造商也在增加对 400 系列芯片组的支持,例如 X470 或 B450(support for 400 series chipsets such as X470 or B450)。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是一款基于 AMD 最新 Zen 3 架构的处理器,看起来应该是目前市场上最强大的台式机 CPU 之一。包含 12 个核心和 24 个高频率运行的线程,它可能能够在任何竞争中胜出。它不仅速度快、功能强大,而且对电源和冷却解决方案的要求也不高。虽然它在纸面上看起来很棒,但让我们看看基准测试是否证实了这是您可以获得的最好的 CPU 之一。(AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is a processor built on AMD's latest Zen 3 architecture and looks like it should be one of the most powerful desktop CPUs on the market right now. Packing twelve cores and 24 threads that run at high frequencies, it's probably able to ace any competition. Not only is it fast and powerful, but also non-demanding in terms of power and cooling solutions. While it looks great on paper, let's see whether benchmarks confirm the fact that this is one of the best CPUs you can get.)
我们在具有以下硬件和软件的 PC 上测试了AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 处理器:(AMD Ryzen 9)
为了更清楚地了解AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 提供的性能,我们将其与AMD Ryzen 5 5600X(Zen 3 架构,六核,12 线程)和AMD Ryzen 7 3700X(Zen 2 架构,八核)进行了比较, 16 个线程)。
我们从运行CPU-Z开始对处理器的单线程性能进行基准测试。我们得到了令人印象深刻的 650 分。锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 5600X 接近,但频率较低的上一代锐龙7 3700X 远远落后,相差 23.07%。(Ryzen 7)
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:CPU-Z单线程(Single Thread)
在CPU-Z的多线程基准测试中,锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 3900X 获得了 9391 分的高分。这几乎是锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 5600X 得分的两倍,但核心和线程数也是如此。与锐龙7 3700X相比,锐龙(Ryzen 7)9(Ryzen 9) 5900X多出的四核八线程带来的性能提升72.12%!
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:CPU-Z多线程(Multi Thread)
接下来,我们运行了一些渲染基准。在Cinebench R23中,AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 使用其所有处理器内核获得了 20487 分。仅通过查看下面的图表就很明显,它的 24 条线程有所不同。具有 12 个线程的Ryzen 5 5600X 只能提供Ryzen 9 5900X 的 55.34% 的性能,而基于Zen 2 的具有 16 个线程的Ryzen 7 3700X 也不远(仅提供Ryzen 9 5900X的 59%做)。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:Cinebench R23
在计算各种场景的渲染时间的Blender中,速度越快的(Blender)CPU(CPUs)得到的结果越低。像往常一样,我们选择渲染 bmw27 和教室场景,而AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 只需要 5.1 分钟即可完成。这还不到AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 或Ryzen 5 5600X 所需时间的一半!这种工作负载显示了大量内核和线程在现实生活中的影响。如果您是一名摄像师并且需要渲染视频内容,那么AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 在完成工作所需的时间方面会产生相当大的差异。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:Blender
我们运行的以下基准测试是PCMark 10。我们使用它是因为我们总是想知道处理器在浏览网页、参加视频会议、使用Office应用程序以及创建数字内容等常规活动中的速度和功能有多强大。AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 又获得了 7606 分的优异成绩。尽管我们图表中它与其他两个CPU(CPUs)之间的差异没有其他基准测试那么高,但Ryzen 9 5900X 仍然有很大的优势。我们预计锐龙5 5600X 的性能提升 3.80%,锐龙(Ryzen 5)7(Ryzen 7) 3700X 的性能提升15.01% 。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:PCMark 10
同样,网页浏览是我们在电脑上最常做的事情。这就是为什么我们还使用可用的最新版Google Chrome运行(Google Chrome)JetStream 2浏览基准。在此基准测试中,您获得的分数越高,您的处理器在打开网页时的性能就越好。Ryzen 9 5900X 的得分为 196 分,令人印象深刻。它与锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 5600X 不相上下,即使后者的核心和线程数只有锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 5900X 的一半。不过相比Zen 2 Ryzen 7 3700X,性能提升接近25%。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:JetStream 2
如果您想更清楚地了解处理器的速度,7-Zip 是一款文件压缩应用程序,它非常有用。AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 的压缩率为 76 MB/s。由于其额外的内核,它比Ryzen 5 5600X (34.21%) 和Ryzen 7 3700X (28.95%) 都快。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:7-Zip 压缩
7-Zip的解压速度让我们印象深刻:1841 MB/s。锐龙9(Ryzen 9) 5900X的核心和线程是锐龙5(Ryzen 5) 5600X 的两倍,可管理超过一倍的解压速度。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:7-Zip 解压
接下来,我们想检查一下AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是否真的像(AMD Ryzen 9)AMD所说的那样是“世界(World)上最好的游戏处理器(Processor)” 。我们还尝试通过以 1080p 分辨率和最低图形质量设置运行游戏来避免我们的AMD Radeon RX 5700显卡可能出现的(AMD Radeon RX 5700)GPU瓶颈。
在《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)》中,我们使用AMD Ryzen 9 5900X(Shadow),测得帧率为 199 fps。它仅比我们使用Ryzen 5 5600X 获得的多一点,但与Ryzen 7 3700X (29.22%) 相比有显着增长。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)
在近年来要求最高的游戏之一Metro Exodus中,我们感到惊讶。(Metro Exodus)使用我们测试的所有三个处理器,我们每秒获得相同数量的帧。那是因为,即使我们为游戏设置了最低的图形质量,这些处理器都非常快,以至于我们的显卡都成为了瓶颈。因此,如果您拥有这些CPU(CPUs)中的任何一个,您可能希望将其与高端显卡配对,以便在游戏中充分利用它。AMD Radeon RX 5700不足以释放这些处理器的全部功能。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:Metro Exodus
使用AMD Ryzen 9 5900X,我们在(AMD Ryzen 9)World War Z中测量了 295 fps 的帧速率。与《古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)之影(Shadow)》类似,锐龙9 5900X 的性能与锐龙(Ryzen 9)5(Ryzen 5) 5600X稍有相同,但明显优于上一代AMD 锐龙 7(AMD Ryzen 7) 3700X(增长 40.47%)。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:第二次世界大战(World War Z)
Assassin 's Creed Valhalla是目前最好的游戏之一,也是游戏玩家在几乎所有游戏和硬件网站上谈论的游戏。不幸的是,它也是对硬件要求最高的游戏之一。我们之前在Metro Exodus中的惊喜不再是Valhalla中的惊喜。🙂无论我们使用何种CPU ,我们的显卡(CPU)Radeon RX 5700每秒都无法渲染超过 105 帧,这实际上成为了瓶颈。简而言之,这些处理器中的任何一个都非常适合游戏。尽管如此,对于最新的游戏,前几代的中档显卡是不够的。如果您打算购买AMD Ryzen 9 5900X CPU,而且您是游戏玩家,您还应该考虑购买高端的Nvidia 3000系列或Radeon 6000系列显卡。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 基准测试结果:刺客信条(Assassin)瓦尔哈拉(Creed Valhalla)
为了测试AMD Ryzen 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 5900X达到的温度,我们进行了AIDA64的稳定性测试。我们看到的最高温度是 81摄氏度(Celsius)(178华氏度(Fahrenheit))。它的温度比我们预期的要低,这很棒!
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 温度
最后,再次使用AIDA64 ,我们还检查了(AIDA64)AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 在苛刻的工作负载中需要多少功率。我们看到最大功耗为 135瓦,考虑到这个(Watts)CPU有多少内核和线程,这是一个很小的值。如果您正在查看英特尔最新的 6 核 CPU(Intel's latest 6-core CPUs) ,它会更令人印象深刻,它们消耗的电量相似。
AMD 锐龙 9 5900X 功耗
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 速度惊人,其大量内核使其能够在任何类型的工作负载或游戏中提供非凡的性能。现在,AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是桌面处理器世界的大力士,没有什么能阻止它。(AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is incredibly fast, and its large number of cores allow it to offer extraordinary performance in any kind of workload or game. Right now, the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is the Hercules of the desktop processors world, and nothing is stopping it.)
您对AMD 锐龙 9(AMD Ryzen 9) 5900X 有何看法?
现在您知道AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 是您能买到的最好的台式机处理器,也许除了Ryzen 9 5950X,但我们还没有测试过。🙂您是(Are)在考虑购买它,还是会满足于内核更少但价格更低的Ryzen 5000处理器?(Ryzen 5000)在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X review: The world's best gaming processor? -
The Zen 3 family of processors is available on the market, bringing significant improvements to the already impressive Zen 2 architecture. One of the best new processors is the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, which comes second only after the Ryzen 9 5950X. This CPU fеatureѕ a maѕsіve amount of 12 cores and 24 threads and is dubbed by AMD as the world's best gaming processor. Is it true? We don't wаnt to spoil the surprise, but the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is one heck of a proсessor, both іn gaming and in any оther kind оf workload. Do you want to know more about it? Here it is:
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X: Who is it good for?
The AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is an excellent choice if:
- You are a gamer and desire the best gaming processor that you can get today
- You're a content creator, and you need the excellent multi-threading performance
- You want to be prepared for the future and want to have at least a few CPU extra cores always available
Pros and cons
There are a lot of good things to say about the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X, as it:
See price on:
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- Is one of the fastest desktop processors on the market right now, second only after the AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
- Has 12 physical cores and 24 threads, which means extraordinary multi-threading performance
- Can sustain a high boost clock (4.8 GHz) and a fantastic single-thread speed
- The Zen 3 architecture delivers better performance and significantly improved IPC (instructions per clock/cycle) compared to Zen 2
- Supports PCI Express 4.0 and fast DDR4 RAM
- Has a low TDP, which translates into low temperatures and power consumption
- Uses the AM4 socket and is compatible with many AMD chipsets (500 series and soon, also 400 series chipsets)
- Is at least as good and often faster and more powerful than Intel's similar processors from the Core i9 family
The only downsides of the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X are these:
- AMD doesn't bundle a cooler for this processor
- It is expensive and costs about 50 USD more than the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X from the previous Zen 2 generation
When writing this review, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is indeed the “world's best gaming processor.” The company did a fantastic job with the Zen 3 architecture, and the Ryzen 9 5900X is probably the best way to showcase it. This processor axes all its competition, offering fantastic performance in multi-thread and single-thread while keeping both its temperatures and power consumption low. There's nothing out there that can stop it, as it performs magnificently both in games, as well as in digital content creation software, and in productivity apps. In our opinion, the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is a monster that defeats every other processor on the market right now, except for the Ryzen 9 5950X. If you want all that power and have the budget for it, buy it without hesitation.
Hardware specifications
The Ryzen 9 5900X is one of the high-end desktop processors from AMD's latest generation of Zen 3 based CPUs. All the Ryzen 5000 series processors are built on the same 7nm manufacturing process that AMD uses starting with the Zen 2 architecture. However, the new lineup brings some significant improvements. The Ryzen 5000 processors have been redesigned and optimized in many aspects, and the most crucial change is how they access the Level 3 cache memory. In Zen 2, Ryzen 3000 processors used a 4-core design that allowed all cores to access 16 MB of L3 cache simultaneously. In comparison, Zen 3 Ryzen 5000 CPUs use an 8-core design that lets all eight cores access 32 MB of L3 cache directly. This change means that the new processors have a faster communication line between their cores and cache memory and lower memory latency, which leads to better overall performance, but especially in gaming.
The AMD Ryzen 9 5900X desktop processor
The Ryzen 9 5900X comes with 12 cores and 24 threads running at a base clock of 3.7 GHz and a boost frequency of 4.8 GHz. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is second in line only after the Ryzen 9 5950X, which has 16 cores and 32 threads. The total amount of Level 3 cache memory available on the Ryzen 9 5900X is 64 MB. Regarding RAM specs, the processor officially supports DDR4 running at 3200 MHz in dual-channel mode, although the sweet spot is still DDR4-3600 MHz, just like on Zen 2 CPUs.
Although the boost frequency is slightly higher than its predecessor - Ryzen 9 3900X - AMD Ryzen 9 5900X has the same TDP (Thermal Design Power) of 105 Watts. That's an excellent value considering the number of cores, threads, and running frequencies of the CPU. Unfortunately for some, AMD decided to no longer bundle stock coolers with this processor. The reasoning is that people who buy such a high-end component usually prefer to use their cooling solutions instead of stock air coolers.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X: Specifications shown by CPU-Z
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X supports PCI Express 4.0 and works on the same AM4 socket as the previous AMD processors series. However, although you might be tempted to assume that you can use it on any AM4 motherboard, that's not entirely true. Zen 3 CPUs are currently supported only by motherboards that use a 500-series chipset (such as X570, B550, and A520) and only if your motherboard manufacturer released a BIOS update that supports the new CPUs. Some motherboard manufacturers are also adding support for 400 series chipsets such as X470 or B450.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is a processor built on AMD's latest Zen 3 architecture and looks like it should be one of the most powerful desktop CPUs on the market right now. Packing twelve cores and 24 threads that run at high frequencies, it's probably able to ace any competition. Not only is it fast and powerful, but also non-demanding in terms of power and cooling solutions. While it looks great on paper, let's see whether benchmarks confirm the fact that this is one of the best CPUs you can get.
Performance in benchmarks and games
We tested the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor on a PC with the following hardware and software:
To get a clearer idea about the performance offered by the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, we compared it with an AMD Ryzen 5 5600X (Zen 3 architecture, six cores, 12 threads) and with an AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (Zen 2 architecture, eight cores, 16 threads).
We started with running CPU-Z to benchmark the processor's single-thread performance. We got an impressive score of 650 points. The Ryzen 5 5600X is close, but the previous generation Ryzen 7 3700X with its lower frequencies is far behind, by 23.07%.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: CPU-Z Single Thread
In CPU-Z's Multi-Thread benchmark, the Ryzen 9 3900X managed a massive score of 9391 points. That's almost double the score of the Ryzen 5 5600X, but so is the number of cores and threads. Compared to the Ryzen 7 3700X, the increase of performance offered by the additional four cores and eight threads of the Ryzen 9 5900X is 72.12%!
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: CPU-Z Multi Thread
Next, we ran some rendering benchmarks. In Cinebench R23, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X obtained 20487 points using all its processor cores. It's obvious just by looking at the chart below that its twenty-four threads make a difference. The Ryzen 5 5600X with its 12 threads can offer only 55.34% of the performance of a Ryzen 9 5900X, and the Zen 2-based Ryzen 7 3700X with its 16 threads is not far either (offers just 59% of what the Ryzen 9 5900X does).
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: Cinebench R23
In Blender, which counts the rendering time of various scenes, the faster CPUs get lower results. As usual, we chose to render the bmw27 and classroom scenes, and the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X required only 5.1 minutes to finalize them. That's less than half the time the AMD Ryzen 7 3700X or the Ryzen 5 5600X need! This kind of workload shows where the high number of cores and threads make a difference in real life. If you're a videographer and need to render video content, an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X makes a considerable difference in terms of the time required to finish your job.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: Blender
The following benchmark we ran was PCMark 10. We use it because we always want to know how fast and powerful a processor is in regular activities like browsing the web, participating in video conferences, working with Office apps, and creating digital content. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X managed another excellent score of 7606 points. Although the differences between it and the other two CPUs in our charts are not as high as in other benchmarks, the Ryzen 9 5900X is still better by a significant margin. We're looking at a performance increase of 3.80% from a Ryzen 5 5600X and 15.01% from a Ryzen 7 3700X.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: PCMark 10
Similarly, web browsing is the most common thing we all do on our computers. That's why we also run the JetStream 2 browsing benchmark using the latest version of Google Chrome available. In this benchmark, the higher the score you get, the better your processor is at opening web pages. The Ryzen 9 5900X managed a score of 196 points, impressive on its own. It's on par with the Ryzen 5 5600X, even if the latter only has half the number of cores and threads of the Ryzen 9 5900X. However, the rise in performance compared to the Zen 2 Ryzen 7 3700X is close to 25%.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: JetStream 2
7-Zip, a file compression app, is useful if you want to get a clearer picture of how fast a processor is. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X managed a compression rate of 76 MB/s. Thanks to its additional cores, it's faster than both the Ryzen 5 5600X (by 34.21%) and Ryzen 7 3700X (by 28.95%).
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: 7-Zip Compression
The decompression speed in 7-Zip was what impressed us: 1841 MB/s. With double the cores and threads of the Ryzen 5 5600X, the Ryzen 9 5900X manages more than double decompression speed.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: 7-Zip Decompression
Next, we wanted to check whether the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X really is "The World's Best Gaming Processor," as AMD claims. We also tried to avoid possible GPU bottlenecks from our AMD Radeon RX 5700 video card by running games in 1080p resolution and with the lowest graphics quality set.
In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, using the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, we measured a framerate of 199 fps. It's only slightly more than what we got with Ryzen 5 5600X, but it's a significant increase from Ryzen 7 3700X (29.22%).
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: Shadow of the Tomb Raider
In Metro Exodus, one of the most demanding games in recent years, we were in for a surprise. With all the three processors we tested, we got the same number of frames per second. That's because, even if we set the lowest graphics quality for the game, these processors are all so fast that our graphics card bottlenecked each one. Thus, if you have any of these CPUs, you might want to pair it with a high-end graphics card to get the most out of it in games. AMD Radeon RX 5700 is just not enough to unlock the full power of these processors.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: Metro Exodus
Using the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, we measured a framerate of 295 fps in World War Z. Similarly to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, the Ryzen 9 5900X offers slightly the same performance as a Ryzen 5 5600X but outperforms the previous generation AMD Ryzen 7 3700X by a significant margin (40.47% increase).
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: World War Z
Assassin's Creed Valhalla is one of the best games at the moment and one that gamers talk about on practically every gaming and hardware website. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most hardware demanding games. The earlier surprise we had in Metro Exodus was no longer a surprise in Valhalla. 🙂 Our graphics card, the Radeon RX 5700, couldn't render more than 105 frames per second, regardless of the CPU we used, effectively becoming a bottleneck. To put it simply, either of these processors is great in games. Still, for the latest titles, a mid-range graphics card from the previous generations is not enough. If you intend to buy an AMD Ryzen 9 5900X CPU, and you're a gamer, you should also consider purchasing a high-end Nvidia 3000 series or Radeon 6000 series graphics card.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X benchmark results: Assassin's Creed Valhalla
To test the temperatures reached by the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, we ran AIDA64's stability test. The maximum temperature we saw was 81 degrees Celsius (178 Fahrenheit). It's a lower temperature than we expected and that's great!
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X temperatures
Finally, again using AIDA64, we also checked how much power the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X needs in demanding workloads. We saw a maximum power consumption of 135 Watts, which is a small value considering how many cores and threads this CPU has. It's even more impressive if you're looking at Intel's latest 6-core CPUs, which draw similar amounts of electricity.
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X power consumption
AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is incredibly fast, and its large number of cores allow it to offer extraordinary performance in any kind of workload or game. Right now, the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is the Hercules of the desktop processors world, and nothing is stopping it.
What's your opinion about the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X?
Now you know that the AMD Ryzen 9 5900X is the best desktop processor you can buy, maybe except for the Ryzen 9 5950X, but we didn't test that yet. 🙂 Are you considering purchasing it, or will you settle for a Ryzen 5000 processor with fewer cores but a lower price? Let us know in the comments section below.