HDMI(高清多媒体接口(High-Definition Multimedia Interface))是当今世界上最流行的音频和视频接口,这并不奇怪。尽管是专有的,但由于高清显示器电视(TVs)的兴起,该标准多年来变得非常流行,预计随着 4K 的普及,该标准将再次飙升。

为什么要升级到 HDMI 2.1
随着下一代游戏机的到来,拥有一台支持HDMI的电视或显示器非常重要。但是,更具体地说,需要一台支持HDMI 2.1(该标准的最新版本)的设备。
在本文中,我们将解释为什么 2.1 版如此重要,以及您是否应该升级您当前的设备以利用它所提供的功能。
- HDMI 2.1 支持动态 HDR
- 支持自动低延迟模式(Auto Low Latency Mode)( ALLM )
- 由于更高的带宽,更多的像素
- 支持可变刷新率(Rate)( VRR )
- 让我们来看看增强型音频回传通道(Enhanced Audio Return Channel)(eARC)
1] HDMI 2.1 支持动态 HDR
HDR代表高动态范围(Dynamic Range),之前版本的HDMI支持。但是,当涉及到动态HDR时,只有 2.1 版才能以最佳方式支持这一点,而不会耗尽带宽。
Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5都将支持HDMI 2.1,并且很可能是其采用的驱动力。
2]支持自动低延迟模式(Auto Low Latency Mode)(ALLM)
根本不需要激活游戏模式(Game Mode),只需跳进去玩,看着你的问题消失。
3] 由于更高的带宽,更多的像素
HDMI 2.1的一大优点是它能够提供更多像素和更高带宽。你看,HDMI 1.4的带宽最大为每秒 10.2 Gbits,而 2.0 版只能达到每秒18 Gbits 。然而,2.1 版更为重要,因为它的最大速度为每秒48 Gbits 。
由于这种令人印象深刻的速度,人们在未来播放 8K 内容应该不会有什么问题。微软(Microsoft)已经明确表示,Xbox Series X不仅是一款 4K 游戏机,而且还可以实现 8K。
这种速度还提高了游戏玩家应该期望的每秒帧数。如果您的电视或显示器不支持新的HDMI 2.1标准,那么不要指望以 120FPS 的速度玩某些游戏,而是以 60FPS 的速度玩游戏。
不久前,微软(Microsoft)宣布《战争机器(Gears)5(War 5)》多人模式将支持 120FPS,只有HDMI标准的 2.1 版本才能为您实现。
4]支持可变(Support)刷新率(Variable Refresh Rate)( VRR )
然而, HDMI 2.1(HDMI 2.1)背后的人们想用VRR做他们自己的事情。在大多数情况下,它的工作原理与我们上面提到的相同,Xbox Series X和PlayStation 5都将支持它。

5]让我们看看增强型音频回传通道(Enhanced Audio Return Channel)(eARC)
光纤音频电缆的消亡很久以前就开始了,但HDMI 2.1开始提供致命一击。借助对 eARC 的支持,新标准可以为您的环绕声系统提供音频,而无需额外的电缆。
总体而言,人们不应期望HDMI 2.1会立即起飞,因为大多数支持该标准的电视对于许多潜在买家来说都太贵了。目前,我们只能耐心等待价格下跌。
Why you should upgrade to HDMI 2.1 for next-generation gaming
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is the most pоpulаr audio and video interface in the world today, and that’s not surprising at all. Despіte being proprietary, the standard has gotten extremеly popular over the years due to the rise of high definition monitorѕ TVs and is expected to skyroсket again with the coming popularity of 4K.

Why you should upgrade to HDMI 2.1
With the coming of next-generation consoles, having a TV or monitor that supports HDMI is very important. However, to be more specific, one would need to have a device that supports HDMI 2.1, the newest version of the standard.
In this article, we are going to explain why version 2.1 is so important and whether or not you should upgrade your current devices to take advantage of what it has to offer.
- HDMI 2.1 supports dynamic HDR
- Support for Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)
- More pixels due to higher bandwidth
- Support for Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)
- Let us take a look at Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC)
Let’s take a look at this from a more detailed perspective, shall we?
1] HDMI 2.1 supports dynamic HDR
HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, which the previous version of HDMI supported. However, when it comes down to dynamic HDR, only version 2.1 supports this in the best possible way without running out of bandwidth.
You see, this new HDR delivers a lot more information to the television; therefore, content should look much better.
Both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 will support HDMI 2.1, and will likely be the driving force behind its adoption.
2] Support for Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM)
When you fire up your next-generation console, you will need to have the fastest possible response time, and not every TV can deliver that. With ALLM in action, gamers should have little problems when playing their favorite games.
There will be no need to activate Game Mode at all, just jump in and play and watch your problems disappear.
3] More pixels due to higher bandwidth
One of the best things about HDMI 2.1 is the ability for it to deliver more pixels and higher bandwidth. You see, HDMI 1.4 bandwidth maxes out at 10.2 Gbits per second, while version 2.0 can only hit 18 Gbits per second. However, version 2.1 is far more significant because it maxes out at 48 Gbits per second.
Because of this impressive speed, folks should have little problems playing back 8K content in the future. Microsoft has made it clear that the Xbox Series X is not only a 4K console but one that can achieve 8K as well.
This speed also improves the frames per second gamers should expect. If your TV or monitor doesn’t support the new HDMI 2.1 standard, then don’t expect to play some game at 120FPS, but rather 60FPS instead.
Not long-ago Microsoft announced that Gears of War 5, in multiplayer, will support 120FPS, and only version 2.1 of the HDMI standard can make it happen for you.
4] Support for Variable Refresh Rate (VRR)
When it comes down to gaming, the frame rate is critical, especially to gamers who play competitively. Now, as we might already know, the refresh rate your TV or monitor supports is measured in hertz, and it is all about the number of times the panel refreshes per second.
If the refresh rate of the TV is not the same as frames per second being delivered by the game, then screen tearing will likely take place. To mitigate this, NVIDIA decided to create G-Sync, while AMD chose to develop Free-Sync.
However, the folks behind HDMI 2.1 want to do their own thing with VRR. For the most part, it works the same as the ones we mentioned above, and both the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 will support it.

5] Let us take a look at Enhanced Audio Return Channel (eARC)
The death of the optical audio cable began a long time ago, but HDMI 2.1 sets out to deliver the killing blow. With support for eARC, the new standard can provide audio to your surround sound system without additional cables.
It is smart enough to make sure audio is sent to the correct output without issues. This is great, and we only expect it to get better as times go by.
Overall, one should not expect HDMI 2.1 to take off right away since most televisions that support the standard are too expensive to acquire by many potential buyers. For now, we can only wait patiently for prices to fall.