Razer是世界上最受欢迎的游戏公司之一,其计算机外围设备以其卓越的性能和坚固的制造质量而闻名。他们推出的最新款游戏鼠标名为Razer Naga Pro,这是一款高端设备,具有相当独特的功能:三个可更换的侧板,每个侧板都有自己的一组按钮。为适应MMO、MOBA和FPS游戏而设计,无论您喜欢哪种类型,侧板都可以使Naga Pro成为一个不错的选择。(Naga Pro)这款鼠标还能提供什么?你(Are)好奇吗?阅读我们的评论并了解:
Razer Naga Pro:它对谁有好处?
在以下情况下, Razer Naga Pro是您可以做出的最佳选择之一:
- 您想要一款高度可定制的游戏鼠标
- 您是MMO游戏玩家,但您也偶尔会涉足FPS或MOBA游戏
- 你是Razer的粉丝,钱不是问题
以下是Razer Naga Pro的最佳之处:
Buy now
- 由于其可更换的侧键板,这是一款三合一鼠标,适用于FPS、MOBA和MMO游戏
- 它具有高端 20000 DPI光学传感器
- 即使在无线模式下,它也非常灵敏
- Razer光开关效果很好,应该可以使用很长时间
- 建造质量坚如磐石
- 您获得的电池寿命是一流的
- Razer的Synapse软件运行良好,并提供大量自定义选项
- Naga Pro板载内存最多可存储 5 个配置文件
- 它是RGB照明,大多数游戏玩家都喜欢
另一方面,Razer Naga Pro的缺点是:
- 它的价格并不适合所有人
- 2 和 6 按钮侧板没有RGB照明
- 没有可用的鼠标左手版本
Razer Naga Pro是一款与其他鼠标一样的鼠标。就构建质量或出色的开关和光学传感器而言,它不仅仅是一款出色的鼠标。由于其可更换的侧键板,Naga Pro还是一款鼠标,无论您现在喜欢玩什么类型的游戏,它都可以成为您的首选武器。最多在几秒钟内,您就可以将其变成您的FPS鼠标、MOBA鼠标,或者将其变成拥有不少于 19 个可编程按钮的MMO鼠标!(MMO)如果你不关心钱,Naga Pro是一个很好的选择,特别是如果你是一个MMO铁杆粉丝!
Razer Naga Pro 鼠标拆箱
Razer Naga Pro是一款高级设备,因此它的包装质量也很高。在它的正面,盒子的特点是鼠标的光泽图像和哑光深灰色纸板顶部的附加侧板。
在背面,您可以看到有关Razer Naga Pro(Razer Naga Pro)功能和规格的更多详细信息。
在包装盒中,您会找到新的Razer Naga Pro鼠标及其无线USB加密狗(隐藏在鼠标内部)、三个鼠标按钮侧板(一个有 12 个按钮,一个有 6 个按钮,另一个有 2 个按钮)按钮)、Razer Speedflex充电线(USB -A 转 micro- USB)和USB加密狗适配器。您还可以从Razer(Razer)获得常规文档文件、保修和欢迎说明。
拆箱 Razer Naga Pro 是一种高级体验,就像您对这样一款高端设备的期望一样。现在让我们看看这款鼠标的特别之处:(Unboxing the Razer Naga Pro is a premium experience, just like you would expect from such a high-end device. Now let's see what makes this mouse special:)
Razer Naga Pro是一款游戏鼠标,采用顶级光学追踪传感器,分辨率高达 20,000 DPI。借助此传感器,鼠标可以达到高达每秒 650 英寸 ( IPS ) 的跟踪速度和 50 G 的加速度。默认情况下,鼠标的默认DPI设置为 1600,其预配置阶段设置为 400、800、1600、3200 和 6400。但是,您可以使用Razer的Synapse软件根据需要更改这些值。
鼠标是无线和有线的。它可以使用随附的无线USB接收器或通过蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接到您的 PC 。无线加密狗的工作频率为 2.4 GHz,蓝牙(Bluetooth)连接支持 LE(低功耗(Low Energy))技术。
对于Naga Pro鼠标,Razer的按钮非常慷慨。我们甚至会说奢侈。🙂首先(First),您将获得左右单击的两个主要按钮。这两个使用额定不超过 7000 万次点击的光开关。不仅如此,Razer还吹嘘其光学开关能够提供仅 0.2 毫秒的响应时间。
然后,您将获得可用作三向按钮的鼠标滚轮和两个DPI阶段按钮。最后,您还有侧面按钮:2、6 或 12 个按钮,具体取决于您的喜好。
这不是一个错误:您可以选择鼠标左侧的按钮数量,因为Razer Naga Pro配备三个可互换的侧板,每个侧板都有自己的按钮。您总共可以拥有多达 19 个可编程按钮。
Razer Naga Pro通过内置可充电电池获得无线自主权,在 2.4 GHz 下可以持续使用长达 100 小时,在(GHz)蓝牙(Bluetooth)下可以使用长达 150 小时。为了给电池充电,您可以使用随附的USB电缆(1.8 米/6 英尺长)。您也可以使用Razer Mouse Dock Chroma为鼠标充电,但您必须单独购买,因为显然它不包含在Naga Pro中。
在继续了解使用Naga Pro的实际感觉之前,您可能还想知道Razer Naga Pro的轻量级以及它支持的操作系统。这款鼠标重 117 克(0.257 磅),带有 12 个按钮的侧板,长 119 毫米(4.69 英寸),宽 74.5 毫米(2.93 英寸),高 43 毫米(1.69 英寸)。
Razer Naga Pro应该与任何具有免费USB端口或蓝牙 5.0(Bluetooth 5.0)连接的计算机配合使用。为了从所有可用功能中受益,您需要Razer的Synapse软件,您可以在Windows 7 64 位或更高版本上安装和运行该软件。
如果您想了解有关所有功能和硬件规格的更多信息,请访问:Razer Naga Pro。
使用 Razer Naga Pro 鼠标
在讨论其他内容之前,我想说的是,Razer Naga Pro是为那些喜欢用手掌握住鼠标的游戏玩家而设计的。它的形状与其他游戏鼠标有点不同:Naga Pro的机身不是很长,而是形状相当宽,形状略短。我自己是一个手掌抓握的人,我喜欢握在手中的感觉,尽管鼠标的背面比我喜欢的要短一些。但是,我欣赏的一件事是,鼠标在其右侧有一个专门的无名指放置位置。有些人可能喜欢它,有些人可能不那么喜欢。
说到功能,让Naga Pro与众不同的主要是它的侧按钮板。错误的!它的侧按钮板!Naga Pro是一款旨在成为最佳的鼠标,无论您喜欢什么类型的游戏,无论您是FPS、MMO还是MOBA玩家。你会得到三个不同的侧板,你可以随意更换,这取决于你玩什么游戏。有一个用于FPS(FPS)游戏的两键面板,一个用于MOBA游戏的 6 键侧面板,以及一个用于MMO游戏迷或只是讨厌使用键盘的人的 12 键面板。🙂
为了在鼠标垫或桌面上滑动,Razer为(Razer)Naga Pro配备了由PTFE(聚四氟乙烯)制成的五个支脚。通俗的说就是铁氟龙(Teflon):一种摩擦系数低的高分子材料,这意味着鼠标可以在大多数表面上轻松滑动。
我喜欢Naga Pro的另一件事是它的滚轮。首先(First),它非常静音,这是很多鼠标厂商没有注意的。虽然我喜欢嘈杂的机械开关和鼠标按钮,因为它们反馈强烈,但我不喜欢滚动时会发出咔哒声的滚轮。幸运的是,Naga Pro不是这样的设备。更重要的是,滚轮还可以用作三向按钮:您可以按下它,也可以向左或向右倾斜以进行其他操作。
最近,我一直在玩刺客(Assassin)信条奥德赛(Creed Odyssey),等待新的瓦尔哈拉出来(Valhalla)。🙂 这是一款我仍然喜欢玩的动作角色扮演游戏,即使这是我第二次玩。这不是一款我可以诚实地说我需要 12 个侧键的游戏,所以我选择使用带有 6 键侧板的Naga Pro鼠标。(Naga Pro)尽管我花了一些时间来调整,但事实证明,附加按钮对于分配Kassandra的主要能力非常有用。
使用 12 按钮的侧板对我来说感觉有点过头了。尽管如此,对于铁杆MMO游戏玩家来说,如果你能记住他们每个人的工作,我可以看到它们是如何有用的。🙂 作为“旁注”:RGB 照明的唯一侧板按钮是 12 按钮侧板上的按钮。那里有很多“方面”,对吧?🙂 不幸的是,2 按钮板和 6 按钮板都没有任何类型的照明。
最后,谈谈构建质量:随着时间的推移,我发现我使用和测试过的所有Razer鼠标质量都非常出色。(Razer)Naga Pro的感觉是一样的:它看起来做工精良,而且只由高端组件制成。就连它上面的涂层手感都很好,看起来经得起岁月的沧桑。
总的来说,Razer Naga Pro 是我们最近见过的最好、最有趣的游戏鼠标之一。它的主要卖点是可更换的侧键板,这使其成为任何类型的游戏玩家的绝佳选择,甚至对于那些不仅玩 MOBA 或 FPS 游戏,还玩其他类型的游戏,包括 MMO 游戏的铁杆游戏玩家也是如此。这是一款高端设备,即使是最苛刻的游戏玩家也能在桌面上找到它的位置。(Overall, the Razer Naga Pro is one of the best and most interesting gaming mice we've seen lately. Its main selling point is the swappable side buttons plates, which make it a great choice for any type of gamer, and even for those hardcore gamers who play not just MOBA or FPS games, but also other genres, including MMO games. This is a high-end device that finds its place on the desks of even the most demanding gamers out there.)
您可以使用Razer Naga Pro鼠标,而无需安装除基本驱动程序(Windows 10 自动从Microsoft的服务器获取)之外的任何软件。但是,如果您想要完整的体验并希望能够自定义鼠标的各个方面,则必须下载并安装Razer的Synapse软件。
Razer Synapse允许您查看和设置有关Naga Pro的所有信息。这意味着您可以配置其性能设置、为其按钮编程各种操作、校准鼠标、调整其照明效果、与其他兼容设备同步等。该应用程序非常全面,并带有许多可供您使用的选项。
然而,最好的部分是Naga Pro还可以使用其内置闪存存储五个不同的配置文件。根据需要配置鼠标配置文件后,您可以通过按下其底部的专用物理按钮在它们之间快速切换。这样,即使您将Naga Pro连接到另一台设备(例如笔记本电脑),您的配置文件也会保留。
就像所有 Razer 设备一样,Synapse 是您获得 Naga Pro 鼠标完全定制体验所需的应用程序。该应用程序构建良好,并为您提供了大量的设置和选项,非常棒。更重要的是,Naga Pro 还可以在其板载内存中存储多达五个设置配置文件。(Just like for all Razer devices, Synapse is the app that you need for the full customization experience of the Naga Pro mouse. The app is well built and gives you plenty of settings and options to play with, which is great. Even more, Naga Pro can also store up to five settings profiles on its onboard memory.)
你会买 Razer Naga Pro 吗?
现在您对Razer Naga Pro(Razer Naga Pro)鼠标及其提供的功能有了更多了解。您知道它是一款高端设备,可以成为任何游戏玩家桌面的绝佳补充,而且您知道我们非常喜欢它。你会为自己买一个还是作为礼物送给你家里的铁杆玩家(大多数家庭都有,不管他们喜欢与否?🙂在下面的评论中告诉(Tell)我们你的想法。
Razer Naga Pro review: The high-end mouse for any game genre
Razer is one of the most popular gaming companies in the world, and its computer peripherals are well-known for their excellent performance and solid build quality. The lateѕt gaming mоuse that they launched is called Razer Naga Pro, a high-end device that comes with something fairly unique: thrеe swappable side plates, each with its own ѕet of buttons. Madе to accommodate MMO, MOBA, and FРS games, thе side plates can make the Naga Pro a good choiсe regardless of your faνorite genre. What еlsе does this mouse have to offer? Are you curious? Rеаd our reviеw and find out:
Razer Naga Pro: Who is it good for?
The Razer Naga Pro is one of the best choices you could make if:
- You want an extremely customizable gaming mouse
- You are a MMO gamer, but you also dabble occasionally into FPS or MOBA games
- You're a Razer fan, and money is no issue
Pros and cons
Here are the best things about the Razer Naga Pro:
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- Thanks to its swappable side buttons plates, this is a 3-in-1 mouse, fit for both FPS, MOBA, and MMO games
- It has a high-end 20000 DPI optical sensor
- It's very responsive, even in wireless mode
- The Razer optical switches work great and should last a long time
- The build quality is rock solid
- The battery life you get is top-notch
- Razer's Synapse software works well and offers a ton of customization options
- Naga Pro can store up to 5 profiles on its onboard memory
- It's RGB illuminated, which most gamers like
On the other hand, the Razer Naga Pro downsides are:
- Its price is not for everyone
- The 2 and 6-button side plates don't have RGB illumination
- There's no left-hand version of the mouse available
The Razer Naga Pro is a mouse like few others. It is not just a great mouse in terms of build quality or excellent switches and optical sensor. Thanks to its swappable side buttons plates, the Naga Pro is also a mouse that can become your weapon of choice regardless of what types of games you love playing these days. In a couple of seconds at most, you can make it your FPS mouse, MOBA mouse, or go the full length to transform it into your MMO mouse that has no fewer than 19 programmable buttons! If money is of no concern for you, the Naga Pro is an excellent choice, especially if you're an MMO hardcore fan!
Unboxing the Razer Naga Pro mouse
The Razer Naga Pro is one premium device, so its package is also high quality. On its front, the box features a glossy image of the mouse and its additional side plates on top of matte dark grey cardboard.
On the back, you get to see a lot more details about Razer Naga Pro's features and specifications.
In the box, you're going to find your new Razer Naga Pro mouse and its wireless USB dongle (hidden inside the mouse itself), three mouse buttons side plates (one with 12 buttons, one with 6 buttons, and another one with 2 buttons), a Razer Speedflex charging cable (USB-A to micro-USB), and a USB dongle adapter. You also get the usual documentation papers, warranty, and a welcome note from Razer.
Unboxing the Razer Naga Pro is a premium experience, just like you would expect from such a high-end device. Now let's see what makes this mouse special:
Hardware specifications
Razer Naga Pro is a gaming mouse that uses a top-end optical tracking sensor with an incredible resolution of 20,000 DPI. Thanks to this sensor, the mouse can reach tracking speeds of up to 650 inches per second (IPS) and a 50 G acceleration. By default, the mouse's default DPI is set to 1600, and its preconfigured stages are set to 400, 800, 1600, 3200, and 6400. However, you can change these values as you see fit, using Razer's Synapse software.
The mouse is both wireless and wired. It can connect to your PC using either the included wireless USB receiver or via Bluetooth. The wireless dongle works on the 2.4 GHz frequency, and the Bluetooth connectivity supports LE (Low Energy) technology.
For the Naga Pro mouse, Razer has been more than generous with buttons. We would say lavish even. 🙂 First of all, you get the two main buttons for left and right-clicking. These two use optical switches that are rated for no more no less than 70 million clicks. Not only that, but Razer also brags that its optical switches are able to deliver a response time of only 0.2 milliseconds.
Then, you get the mouse wheel that can act as a three-way button, and two DPI stages buttons. Finally, you also have the side buttons: 2, 6, or 12 buttons, depending on what you prefer.
That's not a mistake: you can choose how many buttons you want on the left side of the mouse because Razer Naga Pro comes with three interchangeable side plates, each with its own buttons. In total, you can have up to 19 programmable buttons.
Razer Naga Pro gets its wireless autonomy from a built-in rechargeable battery that can officially last you up to 100 hours on 2.4 GHz, and up to 150 hours on Bluetooth. In order to charge the battery, you can use the bundled USB cable (1.8 meters/6 feet long). You can also charge the mouse using a Razer Mouse Dock Chroma, but you have to buy it separately, because, obviously, it's not included with the Naga Pro.
Before moving on to how it actually feels to use the Naga Pro, you might also want to know how lightweight the Razer Naga Pro is and what operating systems it supports. This mouse weighs 117 grams (0.257 lbs) with the 12-button side plate, and it's 119 mm (4.69 in) long, 74.5 mm (2.93 in) wide, and 43 mm (1.69 in) high.
The Razer Naga Pro should work with any computer that has a free USB port or Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. In order to benefit from every feature available, you need Razer's Synapse software, which you can install and run on Windows 7 64-bit or higher.
If you want to read more about all the features and hardware specifications, visit: Razer Naga Pro.
Using the Razer Naga Pro mouse
Before getting into anything else, I'd like to say that the Razer Naga Pro is destined for those gamers who like to hold their mouse with a palm grip. Its shape is a bit different from other gaming mice: instead of a long body, the Naga Pro has a rather wide shape and slightly shorter form. I, myself, am a palm grip person, and I like how it feels in my hand, although the back of the mouse is a bit shorter than I prefer. However, one thing that I appreciate is the fact that, on its right side, the mouse has a dedicated resting place for the ring finger. Some may like it, others maybe not so much.
When it comes to features, the main thing that sets the Naga Pro apart from others is its side buttons plate. Wrong! Its side buttons plates! Naga Pro is a mouse designed to be the best regardless of what type of games you prefer, regardless of whether you're an FPS, MMO, or MOBA player. You get three different side plates that you can swap as you please, depending on what game you play. There's a two-button plate for FPS games, a 6-button side plate for MOBA games, and a 12-button plate for those of you who are fans of MMO games or simply hate using the keyboard. 🙂
Regardless of which side buttons plate you want to use, mounting it is easy. From underneath the mouse, you can simply pull the side plate out, as it's held in place only by magnets. Once you've taken the current side plate off, attaching the new one is just as easy: just bring it near the mouse, and it clips into its place.
To glide on your mouse pad or desk, Razer equipped the Naga Pro with five feet made of PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). In common words, that's Teflon: a polymer material with a low friction coefficient, which means that the mouse can glide easily on most surfaces.
Another thing that I like about Naga Pro is its scroll wheel. First of all, it's very silent, which is something that many mice manufacturers don't pay attention to. Although I love noisy mechanical switches and mouse buttons for their strong feedback, I dislike scroll wheels that are clicky when they spin. Fortunately, the Naga Pro is not such a device. Even more, the scroll wheel also acts as a three-way button: you can press it, and you can also tilt it left or right for additional actions.
Lately, I've been playing Assassin's Creed Odyssey waiting for the new Valhalla to come out. 🙂 It's an action role-playing game that I still enjoy playing, even if it's the second time around for me. It is not a game in which I could honestly say I need 12 side buttons, so I chose to use the Naga Pro mouse with its 6-buttons side plate. Even if it took me a bit of time to adjust, the additional buttons proved to be quite useful for assigning Kassandra's main abilities.
Using the 12-buttons side plate feels like overkill for me. Still, for hardcore MMO gamers, I can see how they can be useful if you can remember what each of them does. 🙂 As a "side note": the only side plate buttons that are RGB-illuminated are the ones on the 12-button side plate. A lot of "sides" there, right? 🙂 Unfortunately, neither the 2-button nor the 6-button plates have any type of illumination.
Finally, a word about the build quality: in time, I've found that all the Razer mice that I've used and tested were of excellent quality. The Naga Pro feels the same: it looks well built and made of only high-end components. Even the coating on it feels nice and looks like it will withstand the vicissitudes of time.
Overall, the Razer Naga Pro is one of the best and most interesting gaming mice we've seen lately. Its main selling point is the swappable side buttons plates, which make it a great choice for any type of gamer, and even for those hardcore gamers who play not just MOBA or FPS games, but also other genres, including MMO games. This is a high-end device that finds its place on the desks of even the most demanding gamers out there.
Drivers and software
You can use the Razer Naga Pro mouse without installing any software except its basic drivers (which Windows 10 gets automatically from Microsoft's servers). However, if you want the full experience and want to be able to customize the mouse's every aspect, you have to download and install Razer's Synapse software.
Razer Synapse allows you to view and set up everything there is about the Naga Pro. That means that you can configure its performance settings, program various actions to its buttons, calibrate the mouse, adjust its lighting effects, sync it with other compatible devices, etc. The app is comprehensive and comes with many options that you can play with.
The best part, however, is that the Naga Pro can also store five different profiles on itself, using its built-in flash memory. Once you've configured the mouse profiles as you like, you can quickly switch between them by pushing the dedicated physical button found on its bottom. That way, your profiles are kept even when you connect your Naga Pro to another device, like to your laptop, for example.
Just like for all Razer devices, Synapse is the app that you need for the full customization experience of the Naga Pro mouse. The app is well built and gives you plenty of settings and options to play with, which is great. Even more, Naga Pro can also store up to five settings profiles on its onboard memory.
Would you buy a Razer Naga Pro?
Now you know more about the Razer Naga Pro mouse and what it has to offer. You know that it's a high-end device that can become a great addition to any gamer's desk, and you know that we like it a lot. Would you buy one for yourself or as a gift for the hardcore gamer in your family (which most families have, whether they like it or not? 🙂 Tell us what you think in the comments below.