我们已经了解什么是黑客攻击,而且几乎我们所有人家里都有 WiFi。“WiFi”的全称是什么?对于我们中的许多人来说,首字母缩略词代表“无线保真度”,这是一种误解。尽管我们大多数人都这么认为,但为了所有人的利益,它只是一个商标短语,意思是IEEE 802.11x,是一种提供高速无线互联网和网络连接的无线技术。
嗅探:是使用设备或软件应用程序拦截和检查或监控数据包的过程,目的是窃取密码、IP 地址(IP Address)等信息或可以帮助任何渗透者进入网络的过程或系统。
WEP:是无线网络使用的一种常用加密方法,代表“无线等效隐私(Wireless Equivalent Privacy)”,现在被认为不是很安全,因为黑客可以轻松破解WEP密钥。
WPA:是无线网络使用的另一种常用加密方法,代表“WiFi 保护访问”,是一种无线应用协议(Application Protocol),不易破解,是最安全的选择,因为它需要使用暴力破解或字典攻击,尽管无法保证破解WPA密钥。
以上述术语为背景,现在让我们尝试在任何操作系统(无论是Windows、Mac还是Linux )上找到适用于 2020 年 PC 的最佳 WiFi 黑客工具。下面详细介绍用于网络故障排除和无线密码破解的流行工具。
适用于 PC 的20种最佳 Wifi 黑客工具(Best Wifi Hacking Tools)(2020 年)
1. Aircrack-ng
Aircrack-ng是一款著名的免费无线密码破解软件,用C 语言(C-language)编写。该软件主要侧重于监控、攻击、测试、最终破解密码的逐步方法。该应用程序使用标准FMS攻击、Korek攻击和新的PTW攻击来优化其速度,使其成为有效的WiFi破解工具。
它主要适用于Linux操作系统,支持Windows、OS X、Free BSD、NetBSD、OpenBSD,甚至Solaris和 eComStation 2 操作系统。该应用程序还支持其他无线适配器,如Live CD 和VMWare映像。使用VMWare(VMWare)镜像不需要太多的专业知识和知识,但它有一定的限制;它适用于一组有限的操作系统,并支持有限数量的USB设备。
目前提供英文版的应用程序使用数据包来破解 802.11b 网络的WEP和WPA-PSK密钥。它可以使用FMS攻击、PTW攻击和字典攻击来破解WEP密钥。(WEP)为了破解WPA2-PSK,它使用字典攻击。该应用程序专注于重放(Replay)攻击、取消身份验证、假接入点等等。它还支持将数据导出到文本文件。
该软件可以通过链接 http://www.aircrack-ng.org/ 下载,最好的一点是,如果您不知道如何使用该软件,您可以使用该公司提供的在线教程设计了这款软件,您可以在其中学习如何安装和使用,以破解无线密码。
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Wireshark Hacking Tool是一款开源、免费的数据包分析器和网络程序分析软件。它是Windows 用户(users)中非常受欢迎的最好的 wifi 黑客工具之一。该工具可以在最细微或微观的层面上了解您的网络上发生的事情。它用于网络故障排除和分析、软件开发和通信程序。它也可以用于教育发展工作。
您可以使用此软件在线或离线检查和分析任意数量的数百个协议,并获得最佳结果。它不仅可以分析无线数据,还可以从蓝牙(Bluetooth)、以太网(Ethernet)、USB、令牌环(Token Ring)、FDDI、IEEE 802.11、PPP/HDLC、ATM、帧中继(Frame)等中提取和读取数据进行分析。
该工具支持多种操作系统,可以使用Windows、Linux、Mac OS、Solaris、FreeBSD、NetBSD等运行。许多商业组织、非营利企业、政府机构和教育机构将其用作现有或事实上的标准,用于跨不同协议的详细检查。
它可以使用TTY 模式的 TShark(TTY-mode TShark)实用程序或图形用户界面(Graphical User Interface)( GUI ) 仔细阅读捕获的数据。它允许通过图形图标和音频指示器进行通信,但不使用基于文本的用户界面、文本导航或键入的命令标签。
它具有丰富的互联网协议(Internet Protocol)语音(Voice),即VoIP分析,或者用标准术语来说,互联网上的电话服务,如果您有良好的互联网连接,这是可能的。(Internet)这可以帮助您避免通过本地电话公司的电话塔拨打电话,因为同一电话的收费比VoIP电话要高。
WireShark也以最强大的显示功能而著称,它还可以在计算机程序运行过程中捕获 gzip 压缩文件并解压,而不会中断或破坏已经运行的程序。
它还支持将数据导出到纯文本文件、PostScript、CVS或XML。WireShark黑客工具被认为是分析具有良好功能的数据包并使用链接(WireShark)的最佳工具 - https://www。wireshark.org/ 你可以下载这个工具供你使用。
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3. 该隐和亚伯
Cane & Abel是恢复Wifi密码的工具列表中的另一个流行软件,这只是使用黑客这个词的一种更温和的方式。它以Adam和Eve的孩子命名,这是该工具开发人员的一种有趣的命名方式。一个有趣的名字,不是吗?但是,让我们将命名留给开发人员的智慧并继续前进。
该工具用于不同版本的Microsoft 操作系统(Microsoft OS),并通过单独调查和分析每个数据包、解码加扰密码或简单地使用暴力破解、字典攻击和密码分析攻击的过程使用各种技术。
使用该应用程序,您还可以通过检测缓存的密码和分析路由安全详细信息来检查无线数据和检索无线网络密钥。新添加的黑客功能是地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol)或ARP支持,用于检测交换LAN(LANs)和MITM攻击。
如果这还不是最终目的,使用Windows WiFi黑客软件,您还可以通过Internet 协议录制(Internet Protocol)语音(Voice),即VoIP对话。
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4. 地图
Nmap是(Nmap)Windows PC上最好的开源 wifi 黑客工具之一。Nmap在其扩展形式中的缩写代表可供Android用户使用的网络映射器。(Network Mapper)它的设计初衷是扫描大型网络,尽管它同样适用于单个主机。主要用于网络发现(network discovery)暨管理和计算机安全审计。
Nmap使用链接 https://github.com/kost/NetworkMapper在Github上免费提供。大多数Nmap扫描仪还可以借助非官方的Android 前端(Android Frontend)来下载、安装和使用它。用户可以根据自己的需要,重新设计,甚至修改软件。该应用程序(App)适用于有根和无根设备上的智能手机用户。(Smartphone)
它支持所有主要的计算机操作系统,如Linux操作系统、Windows和Mac OS(Mac OS X) X。网络(Network)管理员发现它对于一些任务非常有用,例如通过检查使用网络的主机数量、它们提供的服务类型和操作系统类型(即各种版本的用于运行活动的操作系统。
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5. Metasploit
它是一款渗透测试软件兼网络安全工具,提供免费版和付费版。它支持日本(Japan)于 1990 年设计的称为“Ruby”的高级通用日本(Japan)编程语言。您可以使用链接 https://www.metasploit.com 下载该软件。如前所述,它可以与 Web 用户界面或命令提示符或链接一起使用。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 10 款适用于 Android 的最佳 Office 应用程序,可提高您的工作效率(10 Best Office Apps for Android to Boost Your Productivity)
Metasploit工具支持(Metasploit)Linux系统、Windows、Mac OS、open BSD、Solaris等所有中央计算机操作系统。该黑客工具通过抽查来测试系统安全性方面的任何妥协。它通过对网络执行必要的渗透测试来计算所有网络执行攻击的列表,并在此过程中避免引起注意。
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6. 基斯梅特
Kismet是一种 Wifi 黑客工具,用于查找和识别无线设备。这个词在阿拉伯语(Arabic)中的意思是“分裂”。在一个轻松的音符中,Kismet是印度国语印地语(Hindi),通常用于当重要的事情完全偶然或命运进入你的生活时。
该工具通过被动检测和披露隐藏网络(如果正在使用)来识别网络。从技术上讲,就黑客攻击而言,它是一种数据包传感器,是一种用于 802.11 二层无线局域网即 802.11a、802.11b、802.11g 和 802.11n 流量的网络和入侵检测系统。
该软件适用于任何支持 from 模式并建立在客户端/服务器模块化设计或框架上的WiFi卡。(WiFi)它支持Linux(Linux)系统、Windows、Mac OS、OpenBSD、FreeBSD、NetBSD等所有操作系统。它还可以在Microsoft Windows和许多其他平台上运行。使用链接 http://www.kismetwireless.net/ 可以毫无问题地下载该软件。
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NetSparker是一个用于安全扫描和道德黑客问题的 Web 应用程序。由于(Due)其基于证明的扫描技术,它被认为是一种高度准确的弱点检测技术。它是一个易于使用的安全扫描软件,可以自动发现可被利用以将用户的敏感数据置于危险之中的易感性。
它可以轻松找到SQL 注入(SQL Injection)、XSS或跨站点脚本(Cross-Site Scripting)和远程文件包含(Remote File Inclusions)等弱点,以及其他 Web 应用程序、Web 服务和 Web API(APIs)。因此,首先,您必须使用NetSparker保护您的网络活动。
无论使用何种平台或技术,它都可以滚动浏览所有现代和自定义的 Web 应用程序。这同样适用于您的 Web 服务器,无论您是在Linux上使用(Linux)Microsoft ISS还是Apache和Nginx。它可以扫描它们以查找所有安全问题。
它有两个版本,既可以作为Microsoft Windows(Microsoft Windows)应用程序中的内置渗透测试和报告工具,也可以作为在线服务,使其能够在 24 小时内扫描数千个其他网站和 Web 应用程序。
此扫描程序支持AJAX和基于 Java 的应用程序,例如HTML 5、Web 2.0和单页应用程序(Single Page Applications)( SPA(SPAs) ),允许团队对已识别的问题采取快速补救措施。简而言之,它是一种出色的工具,可以快速克服数千个网站和应用程序中涉及的所有安全风险。
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8. Airsnort
AirSnort是另一种流行的无线局域网(LAN)或WiFi密码破解软件。该软件由Blake Hegerle和Jeremy Bruestle开发,可免费使用Linux和Windows操作系统。它用于解密WiFi 802.11b网络的WEP Keys/encryption或密码。
可以使用链接 http://sourceforge.net/projects/airsnort从Sourceforge下载此工具,并适用于数据包。(Sourceforge)它首先捕获网络的数据包,然后通过分析数据包尝试恢复网络的密码。
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9. 埃特卡普
Ettercap是一款开源且最佳的 PC Wifi黑客工具,支持跨平台应用程序,这意味着当您可以在多台计算机上使用特定应用程序或在单个系统上使用多个应用程序时。它可用于局域网(Local)上的“中间人攻击”,即通过LAN发送的数据也会发送到发送方和接收方之间连接到LAN的每个设备。(LAN)
该黑客工具支持各种操作系统,包括Linux、Mac OS X、BSD、Solaris和Microsoft Windows。使用该系统,您可以进行安全审计以检查任何漏洞并在发生任何事故之前堵住安全漏洞。它还可以通过检查管理同一网络中所有设备之间数据传输的所有规则来分析网络协议,无论其设计或内部流程如何。
此工具允许自定义插件或附加组件,根据您的习惯需求和要求向现有软件程序添加功能。它还支持内容过滤,并通过拦截和检查数据来检测HTTP SSL安全数据,以防止密码、IP 地址、任何受保护信息等被盗。
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10. NetStumbler
NetStumbler,也称为Network Stumbler,是一种众所周知的免费获取工具,可用于查找开放的无线入口点。它可在从 Windows 2000 到Windows XP的(Windows XP)Microsoft Windows操作系统上运行,并能够检测 802.11a、802.11b 和 802.11g 无线网络。它还有一个被称为MiniStumbler的精简版。
自 2005 年上一次发布以来,该工具已经有近 15 年没有开发了。它的精简版可与手持式消费电子(Consumer Electronic)设备的操作系统一起使用,如 CD、DVD播放器、音响、电视(TVs)、家庭影院、掌上电脑或笔记本电脑和任何其他音频和视频设备。
您还可以使用此工具检测指定关注区域中的未授权访问点。它还有助于查找网络较低的位置,还可以支持验证网络配置,如Linux、Mac OS X、BSD、Solaris、Microsoft Windows等。
这个黑客软件的缺点是,如果在附近工作,任何无线检测系统或设备都可以很容易地感应到它,而且这个工具也不能在最新的 64位(Bit)操作系统上正常工作。最后,对于那些有兴趣使用它的人,可以使用链接 http://www.stumbler.net/ 下载该工具。
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11. 九湾
这是一款责任扫描器软件,可映射无线网络的欠扫描区域并拦截它们以访问易受攻击/窃取密码、IP 地址和任何其他信息的机会。一旦确定了这些网络,它就会自动开始采取行动来纠正这些责任。
该工具还适用于集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment),这是一个软件程序,它为用户提供了执行各种功能的详尽设施,如代码编辑、调试、文本编辑、项目编辑、输出查看、资源监控等等。IDE程序,例如NetBeans、Eclipse、IntelliJ、Visual Studio 、Webstorm、Phpstorm等,有助于在软件开发过程中提供反馈。
Kiuwan还programming languages like Java, C/C++, Javascript, PHP, JSP, and many more for desktops, webs, and mobile apps。众所周知,它满足最严格的行业标准,包括OWASP、CWE、SANS 25、HIPPA、WASC、ISO/IEC 25000、PCI、ISO/IEC 9126等,使其成为备受青睐的工具。
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Nikto是另一个开源网络扫描仪兼黑客工具,它对指定的网络服务器或远程主机进行全面测试。它扫描多个项目,如 6700 个潜在危险文件、与许多过时服务器相关的问题以及许多服务器的任何特定于版本的问题。
这个黑客工具是Kali Linux发行版的一部分,带有一个简单的命令行界面。Nikto可以检查HTTP服务器选项等配置或识别已安装的 Web 服务器和软件。它还检测默认安装文件,如任何多个索引文件,并经常自动更新扫描项目和插件。
该工具在其软件库中包含许多其他常见的Linux发行版,例如Fedora 。它还执行跨站点脚本(Scripting)敏感性测试,以检查是否允许不受信任的外部源将其恶意代码注入用户的 Web 应用程序以入侵他的WiFi。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在不泄露密码的情况下共享 Wi-Fi 访问的 3 种方法(3 Ways to Share Wi-Fi Access without revealing Password)
它还进行基于字典的暴力攻击以启用WiFi黑客攻击,并且使用LibWhisker IDS编码技术可以逃避入侵检测系统。它可以登录并与Metasploit框架集成。所有评论和报告都保存在文本文件、XML、HTML、NBE和CSV文件格式中。
该工具支持基本的PERL安装,可用于Windows、Mac、Linux和UNIX系统。它可以使用Headers、 favicons 和 files 来识别已安装的软件。这是一个很好的渗透工具,可以轻松地对任何受害者或目标进行漏洞测试。
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13. 打嗝套房
这个WiFi黑客工具由PortSwigger Web Security开发,是一个基于 Java 的渗透测试工具。它可以帮助您识别无线网络中的弱点或易感性。它提供三个版本,即社区(Community)版、专业版和企业(Enterprise)版,每个版本的价格根据您的要求而有所不同。
社区版免费提供,专业版每位用户每年 399 美元,企业(Enterprise)版每年 3999 美元。免费版本本身功能有限,但足以使用。社区版是一套包含基本手动工具的一体化工具。尽管如此,为了增强功能,您可以安装名为BApps(BApps)的附加组件,以更高的成本升级到具有增强功能的更高版本,如上述每个版本所示。
在Burp Suite WiFi(Burp Suite WiFi)黑客工具中提供的各种功能中,它可以扫描 100 种广泛存在的弱点或易感性。您甚至可以安排和重复扫描。它是第一个提供带外应用程序安全测试(Out-Of-Band Application Security Testing)( OAST ) 的工具。
该工具会检查每个弱点,并针对具体报告的工具弱点提供详细建议。它还适用于 CI 或持续集成(Continuous Integration)测试。总的来说,它是一个很好的网络安全测试工具。
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14. 开膛手约翰
John the Ripper是一款开源、免费的WiFi黑客工具,用于破解密码。该工具能够将多个密码破解者组合成一个包,使其成为黑客最流行的破解工具之一。
它最初是为UNIX操作系统设计的,用于检测弱UNIX密码。该工具支持 15 种不同的操作系统,包括 11 种不同版本的UNIX和其他操作系统,如Windows、DOS、BeOS和Open VMS。
该工具以其速度而闻名,实际上是一种快速密码破解工具。正如其名称所暗示的那样,它会撕开密码并立即将其破解。它可以从 _John the Ripper网站下载。
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15. 美杜莎
在上述情况下,最好的在线WiFi黑客工具之一的名称似乎用词不当。由 foofus.net 网站成员设计的工具是一种暴力破解工具,可从 Internet 下载。Medusa黑客工具支持许多支持远程身份验证的服务。
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它是用于扫描 IP 地址和端口的 PC 最佳 Wifi 黑客工具之一。它可以扫描本地网络和互联网。免费使用WiFi黑客工具,无需任何安装,因此可以轻松复制并在任何地方使用。
这种跨平台软件可以支持多种软件平台,可以是智能手机和平板电脑的黑莓(Blackberry)、安卓和iOS等操作系统,也可以是(Android)微软Windows(Microsoft Windows)、Java、Linux、macOS、Solaris等跨平台程序。
Angry IP Scanner应用程序启用命令行界面 ( CLI ),这是一个基于文本的用户界面,用于查看和管理计算机文件。这个轻量级应用程序由软件专家、软件开发组织的共同所有者 Anton Keks编写和维护。
该工具可以将结果保存和导出为CSV、TXT、XML等多种格式。您也可以使用该工具以任何格式归档或随机访问数据,没有事件顺序,可以直接从点跳转A 到 Z 点没有经过正确的顺序。
扫描工具通过发送信号简单地 ping 每个 IP 地址,以确定每个 IP 地址的状态、解析主机名、扫描端口等。然后可以将收集到的有关每个主机的数据扩展为一个或多个段落来解释使用插件的任何复杂性。
该工具对使用多线程方法扫描的每个 IP 地址使用单独的扫描线程,以提高其扫描速度。对于许多数据提取器,此工具允许添加新功能和功能以增强其性能。总体而言,它是一个很好的工具,为用户提供了许多功能。
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17. OpenVas
众所周知的综合漏洞评估程序也以其旧名称“Nessus”而闻名。它是一个开源系统,可以检测任何主机的安全问题,无论是服务器还是网络设备,如 PC、笔记本电脑、智能手机等。
如前所述,此工具的主要功能是执行详细扫描,从 IP 地址的端口扫描开始,以检测是否有人在监听您输入的内容。如果检测到,将对这些监听进行漏洞测试,并将结果编译成报告以采取必要的行动。
OpenVAS Hacking Tool可以同时扫描多台主机,并能够停止、暂停和恢复扫描任务。它可以进行超过 50,000 次敏感性测试,并以纯文本、XML、HTML或乳胶格式显示结果。
作为一个强大的基于 Web 的界面,该工具在管理员、开发人员和经过认证的信息系统、安全专业人员中非常流行。这些专家的主要功能是检测、预防文档和应对数字信息的威胁。
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18. SQL 映射
SQL Map工具是开源 python 软件,可自动检测和利用SQL注入(SQL)漏洞并接管数据库服务器。SQL 注入(SQL Injection)攻击是最古老、最普遍且高度危险的 Web 应用程序风险之一。
有多种类型的SQL 注入(SQL Injection)攻击,例如带内 SQLi(SQLi)、盲SQLi和带外 SQLi(SQLi)。当您在不知不觉中请求并运行用户输入(例如用户名或用户 ID)而不是数据库上的简单名称/ID 时,就会发生 SQL注入。(SQL)
使用SQL(SQL)注入方法的黑客可以绕过使用SQL数据库(如MySQL、Oracle、SQL Server或其他)的 Web 应用程序上的所有安全措施,并恢复所有内容,如个人数据、商业机密、知识产权、任何其他信息,甚至添加,修改或删除数据库中的记录。
黑客还使用基于字典的密码破解技术,还可以通过对 Web 应用程序弱点使用蛮力技术进行用户枚举攻击。此方法用于从 Web 应用程序或需要用户身份验证的地方恢复有效用户名。
您还可以将您的信息存储在您的数据库中,即 mysqldump 工具。该工具用于备份数据库,以便在数据丢失时可以恢复其内容,位于MySQL安装目录的 root/bin 目录中。它可以通过生成包含SQL(SQL)语句的文本文件来备份您的信息,这些SQL语句可以从现在或从头开始重新创建数据库。
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Intruder 是由经验丰富的安全专家构建的基于云的漏洞扫描程序。此黑客工具可定位您的数字基础设施中的网络安全漏洞,以避免代价高昂的数据泄露。入侵者还与Slack和Jira等主要云提供商联合进行项目跟踪。
该系统提供 9000 多项安全检查,可供所有类型和规模的有兴趣克服其网络安全弱点的公司使用。在检查过程中,它会识别不正确的安全配置并消除执行这些安全控制的错误。
它还检查常见的 Web 应用程序争用,如SQL注入和跨站点脚本,这样您就可以完成您的工作,而不必担心任何人侵入您的工作并切断它。它主动在您的系统上运行,检查任何最新风险并使用其补救措施清除它们,以便您可以平静地继续工作。
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20. 马尔特戈
社区版Maltego CE(Maltego CE)免费提供,而Maltego经典版售价 999 美元,第三版Maltego XL售价 1999 美元。两种定价版本均可供桌面用户使用。Maltego的 Web 服务器还有另一种产品,即CTAS、ITDS和Comms,其中包括培训,初始价格为 40000 美元。
推荐: (Recommended: )适用于 Android 的 15 个最佳 WiFi 黑客应用程序(2020 年)(15 Best WiFi Hacking Apps For Android (2020))
该工具提供基于节点的图形模式的数据,而Maltego XL可以处理大型图形,提供突出网络中弱点和异常的图形图片,以便通过使用突出的易感性轻松进行黑客攻击。该工具支持Windows、Linux和Mac(Mac Operating) 操作系统(Systems)。
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就是这样,我们希望这份适用于 Windows 10 PC 的 20 种最佳 WiFi 黑客工具列表对您有所帮助(20 best WiFi hacking tools for Windows 10 PC was helpful)。现在您将能够在不知道其密码的情况下访问无线网络,主要用于学习目的。密码破解时间可能会因密码的复杂程度和长度而异。请(Please)注意,入侵无线网络以获取未经授权的访问是一种网络犯罪,建议不要这样做,因为这可能会导致法律上的复杂性和风险。
20 Best WiFi Hacking Tools for PC (2022)
Hacking, as the word sυggests, haѕ nothing to do with anything ethiсal. Hacking is forcibly еntering into someone’s system wіth а fraudulеnt mindset to breach his prіvacy or stеal his system data. Nonetheless, if it is donе under intimation and approval to identіfy the weаknesses and threats to either a network of compυters or a single unit to help solve ѕomeone’s networking issues, it would then be termed as ethical. The person іnvolved in doing so is called an ethical hacker.
We have understood what is hacking, and almost all of us have WiFi at home. What is the full form of “WiFi”? For many of us, the acronym stands for “Wireless fidelity”, is a misconception. Though most of us thought it so, for the benefit of one and all, it is simply a trademark phrase meaning IEEE 802.11x and is a wireless technology that provides high-speed wireless internet and network connection.
Before we delve further let us try to understand that a hacking attack is of two types, namely Passive and Active attack and the use of some other terminologies like sniffing, WEP and WPA, etc.
Passive Attack: It first captures data packets of the network and then tries to recover the password of the network by analysis of the packets, in other words taking information from a system without destroying the information. It is more of monitoring and analysis, whereas
Active Attack is when in the process of recovering a password by capturing data packets with either altering or destroying these data packets in other words, taking system information from the system, and then either changing the data or destroying it altogether.
Sniffing: is the process of intercepting and inspecting or, in short, monitoring data packets using a device or a software application with the purpose of either stealing information like password, IP Address, or processes that can help any an infiltrator to enter into a network or system.
WEP: Is a common type of encryption method used by wireless networks standing for ‘Wireless Equivalent Privacy’ and is not considered very safe nowadays as hackers can easily crack WEP keys.
WPA: Is another common encryption method used by wireless networks standing for “WiFi Protected Access” is a Wireless Application Protocol that cannot be easily cracked and is the most secure option as it would require the use of brute force or dictionary attack, in spite of which there would be no surety to crack WPA keys.
With the above terminologies in the background, let us now try to find the best WiFi hacking tools for PC in 2020 working on any operating system, be it, Windows, Mac, or Linux. Detailed below are the popular tools used for network troubleshooting and wireless password cracking.
20 Best Wifi Hacking Tools for PC (2020)
1. Aircrack-ng
Aircrack-ng is a well known, free wireless password cracking software written in C-language. This software mainly focuses on a stepwise method of monitoring, attacking, testing, and finally cracking the password. This application uses the standard FMS attack, the Korek attack, and the new PTW attack to optimize its speed, making it an effective WiFi cracking tool.
It primarily works on the Linux operating system and supports Windows, OS X, Free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and even Solaris and eComStation 2 operating systems. The app also supports other wireless adaptors like Live CD and VMWare images. You do not require much expertise and knowledge to use the VMWare image, but it has certain constraints; it works with a limited set of operating systems and supports a limited number of USB devices.
The app currently available in English uses data packets to crack the 802.11b network’s WEP and the WPA-PSK keys. It can crack WEP keys using an FMS attack, PTW attack, and dictionary attacks. To crack WPA2-PSK, it uses dictionary attacks. The app lays focus on Replay attacks, de-authentication, fake access points, and much more. It also supports the export of data to a text file.
This software can be downloaded using the link http://www.aircrack-ng.org/, and the best part is that in case you do not know how to use the software, you have available online tutorials, provided by the company which has designed this software, where you can learn how to install and use, to crack wireless passwords.
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2. WireShark
Wireshark Hacking Tool is an open-source, free data packet analyzer and network procedure analysis software. It is one of the best wifi hacking tool which is very popular among Windows users. This tool enables an understanding of what’s happening on your network at the minutest or microscopic level. It is used for network troubleshooting and analysis, development of software, and communications procedures. It can also be used in educational developmental work.
You can use this software to inspect and analyze either online or offline any number of hundreds of protocols and get the best results. It can not only just analyze wireless data but can also pick up and read data from Bluetooth, Ethernet, USB, Token Ring, FDDI, IEEE 802.11, PPP/HDLC, ATM, Frame relay, etc. for analysis.
This tool supports multiple Operating systems and can be run using Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and much more. Many commercial organizations, non-profit enterprises, government agencies, and educational institutions use it as an existing or de facto standard for detailed inspection across different protocols.
It can peruse through captured data using TTY-mode TShark utility or the Graphical User Interface (GUI). It allows communication through graphical icons and audio indicators but does not use a text-based user interface, text navigation, or typed command labels.
It has a rich Voice over Internet Protocol i.e., VoIP analysis or, in standard terms, phone service over the Internet, which is possible if you have a good internet connection. This helps you avoid your call through a local phone company tower, which charges more for the same call than a VoIP call.
WireShark is also known for the most powerful display features, and it can also capture gzip-compressed files and decompress them during the running of a computer program without interrupting or disrupting the already running program.
The app can also be used to decrypt many protocols like IPsec, ISAKMP, Kerberos, SNMPv3, SSL/TLS, WEP, and WPA/WPA2. Using the app, you can also apply different color coding to your list of data packets for a quick and easy to use and understand analysis.
It also supports the export of data to a plain text file, PostScript, CVS, or XML. The WireShark hacking tool is considered the best tool for analyzing data packets with good functionality and using the link – https://www. wireshark.org/ you can download this tool for your use.
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3. Cain & Abel
Cane & Abel is another popular software in the list of tools to recover Wifi password, which is simply a softer way of using the word hacking. It is named after the children of Adam and Eve, an interesting way of naming by the tool’s developers. An intriguing name, isn’t it? However, let’s leave the naming to the wisdom of the developers and proceed ahead.
This tool is used for different versions of Microsoft OS and uses various techniques through the process of investigating and analyzing each data packet individually, and decoding scrambled passwords, or simply by using brute force, dictionary attacks, and cryptanalysis attacks.
Using the app you can also examine wireless data and retrieve wireless network keys by detecting cached passwords and analyzing routing security details. A newly added hacking feature is Address Resolution Protocol or the ARP support for detection on switched LANs and MITM attacks.
If this is not the end-all, using the Windows WiFi hacking software, you can also record Voice over Internet Protocol i.e., VoIP conversations.
This is the recommended and most used tool by security consultants, professional penetration testers, and anyone who plans to use it constructively for ethical purposes and not cheating on anyone for unauthorized password access.
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4. Nmap
Nmap is one of the best open-source wifi hacking tool for Windows PC. The abbreviation of Nmap in its expanded form stands for Network Mapper available for Android users. It was designed with the original intention to scan large networks though it can work equally well for single hosts. It is mainly used for network discovery cum management and computer security auditing.
Nmap is made available freely on Github using the link https://github.com/kost/NetworkMapper. Most Nmap scanners can also take the help of unofficial Android Frontend to download, install, and use it. The user can, according to his need, redesign, or even modify the software. The App works well for the Smartphone user on both rooted and non-rooted devices.
It supports all the major computer operating systems such as Linux operating system, Windows, and Mac OS X. Network admins have found it to be a very useful tool for several tasks like getting to know the network inventory by checking the number of hosts using the network, the type of services being offered by them and the kind of operating system i.e., various versions of operating systems being used to run the activities.
This service available free of cost is best used for the scanning of networks. It supports several Operating systems, as indicated above, and keeps an eye on the kinds of data packet filters/firewalls being used and many other attributes/aspects like transferring data using binaries using HTTPS default.
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5. Metasploit
Metasploit is a free, open-source, powerful hacking tool owned by Rapid7, a Massachusetts-based security company. This hacking software can test the weaknesses/susceptibility of computer systems or break into the systems. Like many information security tools, Metasploit can be used for both legal and illegal activities.
It is a penetration testing software cum cybersecurity tool available both in the free and paid version. It supports the high level general-purpose Japanese programming language called ‘Ruby’ designed in Japan in 1990. You can download the software using the link https://www.metasploit.com. It can be used with a web user interface or a command prompt or link, as mentioned.
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The Metasploit tool supports all the central computer operating systems such as Linux system, Windows, Mac OS, open BSD, and Solaris. This hacking tool tests any compromises in system security through spot-checking. It makes a count of the list of all networks carry out attacks by executing necessary penetration tests on networks and also elude getting noticed in the process.
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6. Kismet
Kismet is a Wifi-hacking tool used to find and identify wireless devices. The word in Arabic means ‘division’. On a lighter note, Kismet, in the Indian national language Hindi, is often used when something of importance comes into your life entirely by chance or by fate.
This tool identifies networks by passively detecting and disclosing hidden networks, if in use. Technically speaking in terms of hacking, it is a data packet sensor, which is a network and intrusion detection system for 802.11 layer-2 wireless local area networks i.e., 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n traffic.
This software works with any WiFi card that supports from mode and is built on client/server modular design or framework. It supports all operating systems such as Linux system, Windows, Mac OS, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD. It can also run on Microsoft Windows and many other platforms. Using the link http://www.kismetwireless.net/ the software can be downloaded without any problem.
Kismet also supports channel hopping, implying that it can continuously change from one channel to another without following any sequence, as defined by the software user. Since the adjacent channels overlap, it enables capturing more data packets, which is an additional advantage of this software.
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7. NetSparker
NetSparker is a web application used for security scanning and ethical hacking issues. Due to its proof-based scanning technology, it is considered a highly accurate weakness detection technique. It is an easy to use security scanner software that can automatically find susceptibilities that can be exploited to put the user’s sensitive data at risk.
It can easily find weaknesses like SQL Injection, XSS or Cross-Site Scripting and Remote File Inclusions, and other web applications, web services, and web APIs. So the first thing first, you have to secure your web activities using NetSparker.
It can scroll through all modern and custom web applications regardless of the platform or technology they have used. The same applies to your web servers, whether you are using Microsoft ISS or Apache and Nginx on Linux. It can scan them for all security issues.
It is available in two versions either as a built-in penetration testing and reporting tool in Microsoft Windows applications or an online service to enable its use for scanning of thousands of other websites and web applications in just 24 hours.
This scanner supports AJAX and Java-based applications like HTML 5, Web 2.0, and Single Page Applications (SPAs), allowing the team to take quick remedial action on the identified issue. In a nutshell, it’s an excellent tool to overcome all involved security risks in thousands of web sites and applications in a quick time.
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8. Airsnort
AirSnort is another popular wireless LAN or WiFi password cracking software. This software developed by Blake Hegerle and Jeremy Bruestle comes free of cost with Linux and Windows operating systems. It is used to decrypt WEP Keys/encryption or password of a WiFi 802.11b network.
This tool can be downloaded from Sourceforge using the link http://sourceforge.net/projects/airsnort and works on data packets. It first captures data packets of the network and then tries to recover the password of the network by analysis of the packets.
In other words, it undertakes a passive attack i.e., works by simply monitoring the transmission of the data and tries to gain information or quantify the encryption or password keys on receipt of an adequate quantity of data packets without destroying the data. It is plainly monitoring and recognition of the information.
AirSnort is a simple tool to crack WEP passwords. It is available under the GNU general public license and is free. Though the software is functional but has been no longer maintained for the last three years, no further development has occurred.
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9. Ettercap
Ettercap is an open-source and best Wifi hacking tool for PC that supports cross-platform application, implying that when you can use a particular application on multiple computers or multiple applications on a single system. It can be used for the ‘man-in-the-middle attack’ on the Local area network i.e., the data sent across the LAN gets also sent to each device connected to the LAN in between the sender and the receiver.
This hacking tool supports various operating systems, including Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Solaris, and Microsoft Windows. Using this system, you can undertake security audits to check for any loopholes and plug the security leaks before any mishap. It can also analyze the network protocol by checking all the rules governing data transfer amongst all devices in the same network irrespective of their design or internal process.
This tool allows for custom plug-ins or add-ons that add features to the already present software program as per your customary needs and requirements. It also enables content filtering and enables sniffing of HTTP SSL secured data by intercepting and inspecting the data to counter the stealing of passwords, IP addresses, any protected information, etc.
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10. NetStumbler
NetStumbler, also known as Network Stumbler, is a well-known, free to acquire tools available to find open wireless ingress points. It runs on Microsoft Windows operating systems from Windows 2000 to Windows XP and enables detection of 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g wireless networks. It also has a trimmed down version of itself known as the MiniStumbler.
This tool has not been developed for almost 15years since the last release in 2005. Its trimmed-down version can be used with the operating systems in handheld Consumer Electronic devices like the CD, DVD players, stereos, TVs, home theatres, handheld computers or laptops, and any other audio and video equipment.
Once you run the tool, it automatically starts to scan the wireless networks around, and once completed; you will see the complete list of networks in the vicinity. It is, therefore, basically used for wardriving, which is a process of mapping WiFi networks in a locally specified area and is also known as access point mapping.
You can also detect unauthorized access points in the specified area of concern using this tool. It also helps find locations with low network and can also support in verifying network configurations like Linux, Mac OS X, BSD, Solaris, Microsoft Windows, and many more.
The drawback of this hacking software is that it can be easily sensed by any wireless detection system or device if working in the vicinity, and also this tool also does not work accurately with the latest 64 Bit operating system. Lastly, the tool can be downloaded using the link http://www.stumbler.net/ for those interested in using it.
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11. Kiuwan
This is a liability scanner software that maps the area underscan for wireless networks and intercepts them to accesses the gullibility to hack/steal a password, IP addresses, and any other information. Once those networks are identified, it automatically begins its action to redress these liabilities.
The tool also caters to the Integrated Development Environment, a software program that provides exhaustive facilities to users to perform various functions like code editing, debugging, text editing, project editing, output viewing, resource monitoring, and many more. The IDE programs, e.g., NetBeans, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual studio, Webstorm, Phpstorm, etc. help provide feedback during software development.
Kiuwan also makes provisions for twenty plus programming languages like Java, C/C++, Javascript, PHP, JSP, and many more for desktops, webs, and mobile apps. It is known to meet the most rigorous industry standards, including OWASP, CWE, SANS 25, HIPPA, WASC, ISO/IEC 25000, PCI, ISO/IEC 9126, and more, making it a highly favored tool.
Kiuwan multi-technology scan engine also through its ‘Insights’ tool reports on weakness in the wireless networks in open source components besides managing license compliance. This code review tool offers a free trial and single time use for hackers at a cost for once-in-a-while hackers. For the many reasons indicated, it is regarded amongst the leading hacking tools in the industry.
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12. Nikto
Nikto is another open-source web scanner cum hacking tool which undertakes comprehensive tests against specified web servers or remote hosts. It scans multiple items like 6700 potentially dangerous files, issues related to many outdated servers, and any version-specific concerns of many servers.
This hacking tool is a part of Kali Linux distribution with a simple command-line interface. Nikto enables checks for configurations like HTTP server options or identification of installed web servers and software. It also detects default installation files like any multiple index files and frequently auto-updates scan items and plug-ins.
The tool houses many other customary Linux distributions like Fedora in its software arsenal. It also executes a Cross-Site Scripting susceptibility test to check if the untrusted outside source is allowed to inject its malicious code into the user’s web application to hacking his WiFi.
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It also undertakes dictionary-based brute attacks to enable WiFi hacking, and using LibWhisker IDS encoding techniques can evade intrusion detection systems. It can log-in and integrate with the Metasploit framework. All reviews and reports are saved in a text file, XML, HTML, NBE, and CSV file formats.
This tool supports basic PERL installation and can be used on Windows, Mac, Linux, and UNIX systems. It can be using Headers, favicons, and files to identify the installed software. It is a good penetration tool that makes vulnerability testing easy on any victim or target.
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13. Burp Suite
This WiFi hacking tool has been developed by PortSwigger Web Security and is a Java-based penetration testing tool. It helps you to identify the weakness or susceptibilities in the wireless networks. It is available in three versions, i.e., the Community version, the professional version, and the Enterprise version, each priced differently based on your requirement.
The community version is available free of cost, while the professional version costs $399 per user per year, and the Enterprise version costs $3999 per year. The free version has in itself a limited functionality but is good enough for use. The community version is an all-in-one set of tools with essential manual tools. Still, to enhance the functionality, you can install add-ons called BApps, upgrading to higher versions with enhanced functionality at higher costs as indicated against each version above.
Amongst the various features available in the Burp Suite WiFi hacking tool, it can scan for 100 types of widespread weakness or susceptibilities. You can even schedule and repeat scanning. It was the first tool to provide Out-Of-Band Application Security Testing (OAST).
The tool checks on each weakness and provides detailed advice for the specifically reported weakness of the tool. It also caters to CI or Continuous Integration testing. Overall, it is a good web security testing tool.
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14. John the Ripper
John the Ripper is an open-source, free of cost WiFi hacking tool for password cracking. This tool has the proficiency to conjoin several password crackers into one package making it one of the most popular cracking tools for hackers.
It performs dictionary attacks and can also make necessary alterations to it to enable password cracking. These alterations can be in single attack mode by modifying a related plaintext (such as a username with an encrypted password) or checking the variations against the hashes.
It also uses the Brute force mode for cracking passwords. It caters to this method for those passwords that do not appear in dictionary wordlists, but it takes a longer time to crack them.
It was originally designed for the UNIX operating system to detect weak UNIX passwords. This tool supports fifteen different operating systems, which include eleven different versions of UNIX and other Operating systems like Windows, DOS, BeOS, and Open VMS.
This tool automatically detects password hash types and work as a customizable password cracker. We observe that this WiFi hacking tool can crack various types of encrypted password formats, including hash type crypt passwords often found on multiple UNIX versions.
This tool is known for its speed and is, in fact, a fast password cracking tool. As suggested by its name, it rips through the password and cracks it open in no time. It can be downloaded from _John the Ripper website.
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15. Medusa
The name Medusa, in Greek mythology, was the daughter of the Greek deity Phorcys portrayed as a winged female with snakes in place of hair and was cursed to turn into stone anyone who looked into her eyes.
In the above context, the name of one of the best online WiFi hacking tools seems quite a misnomer. The tool designed by the foofus.net website members is a brute force hacking tool, available to download from the internet. A number of services that support remote authentication are supported by the Medusa hacking tool.
The tool has been devised so that it allows thread-based parallel testing, which is an automatic software testing process that can initiate multiple tests against multiple hosts, users, or passwords at the same time to verify the key functional capabilities of a specific task. The purpose of this test is time-saving.
Another key feature of this tool is its flexible user input, wherein the target input can be specified in various ways. Each input can be either a single input or multiple inputs in a single file, giving the user the flexibility to create customizations and shortcuts to hasten his performance.
In using this crude hacking tool, its core applications need not be modified to compound the list of services for brute force attacks. In the device, all service modules exist as independent .mod file making it a modular design application.
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16. Angry IP Scanner
It is one of the best Wifi hacking tool for PC for scanning IP addresses and ports. It can scan both local networks as well as the internet. It’s free to use the WiFi hacking tool, which does not require any installation by virtue of which it can be effortlessly copied and used anywhere.
This cross-platform software can support multiple software platforms, which may be operating systems like Blackberry, Android, and iOS for smartphones and tablet computers or cross-platform programs like Microsoft Windows, Java, Linux, macOS, Solaris, etc.
The Angry IP Scanner application enables a command-line interface (CLI), a text-based user interface used to view and manage computer files. This lightweight application is written and maintained by Anton Keks, a software expert, the co-owner of a software development organization.
This tool can save and export the results in several formats like CSV, TXT, XML, etc. You can also file in any format using this tool or randomly access the data, there is no sequence of events, and you can jump directly from point A to point Z without going through the proper sequence.
The scanning tool simply pings each IP address by sending a signal in order to determine the status of every IP address, resolve a hostname, scan ports, etc. The data thus collected about each host can then be expanded in one or more paragraphs to explain any complexities using plug-ins.
This tool uses a separate scanning thread for every single IP address scanned using a multi-threaded approach to increase its scanning speed. With many data fetchers, this tool allows the addition of new capabilities and functionality to enhance its performance. It is overall a good tool with a number of features for its users.
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17. OpenVas
A well known comprehensive vulnerability assessment procedure is also known by its old name “Nessus”. It is an open-source system that can detect any host’s security issues, whether a server or a network device such as PCs, laptops, smartphones, etc.
As stated, this tool’s primary function is to perform detailed scanning, starting with the port scan of an IP address to detect if anyone is listening to what you are typing. If detected, these listening are tested for vulnerabilities, and the results are compiled into a report for necessary action.
OpenVAS Hacking Tool can scan multiple hosts simultaneously with the ability to stop, pause, and resume scan tasks. It can undertake more than 50,000 susceptibility tests and show the results in plain text, XML, HTML, or latex formats.
This tool advocates False-positive management and posting any false positive to its mailing list results in immediate feedback. It can also schedule scans, has a powerful command-line interface, and composite Nagios monitoring software besides graphics and statistics generation methods. This tool supports Linux, UNIX, and Windows operating systems.
Being a powerful web-based interface, this tool is very popular amongst administrators, developers, and certified information systems, security professionals. The major function of these experts is to detect, prevent document, and counter threats to digital information.
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18. SQL Map
The SQL Map tool is open source python software that automatically enables detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. SQL Injection attacks are one of the oldest, most pervading, and highly dangerous web application risks.
There are various types of SQL Injection attacks like the in-band SQLi, blind SQLi, and out-of-band SQLi. An SQL injection occurs when you unknowingly ask for and run a user input like their username or user-id rather than a simple name/id on your database.
Hackers using the SQL injection method can bypass all security measures on web applications using an SQL database such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or others and recover all the contents like personal data, trade secrets, intellectual property, any other information and even add, modify or delete records in the database.
The hackers also employ dictionary-based password cracking techniques and can also undertake the user enumeration attack by using brute-force techniques on web application weaknesses. This method is used to recover the valid username from a web application or where user authentication is required.
You can also store your information in your database, dumb, known as the mysqldump tool. This tool is used to back-up a database so that its contents can be restored in the event of data loss and is located in the root/bin directory of the MySQL installation directory. It enables the back-up of your information through the generation of a text file that contains SQL statements that can re-create the databases from now or scratch.
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19. Intruder
The intruder is a cloud-based vulnerability scanner built by experienced security professionals. This hacking tool locates cybersecurity weaknesses in your digital infrastructure to avoid costly data breaches. The intruder also coalesces with major cloud providers like Slack and Jira for project tracking.
This system has more than 9000 security checks available, which are up for use to all types and sizes of companies interested to overcome the weaknesses in their cybersecurity. In the process of checking, it looks to identify incorrect security configurations and removes the errors in the execution of these security controls.
It also keeps a check on common web application contentions like SQL injection and cross-site scripting so that you can do your work without the fear of anyone ripping into your work and severing it. It proactively works on your system, checking for any latest risks and clears them using its remedies so that you can peacefully continue with your working.
So what is the difference between a hacker and an intruder? Their aim or goal is to break the weaker network security systems to steal information. The hacker is a mastermind in the art of programming to hacking into programs that work and can be termed as a ‘computer criminal’ whereas intruders are those who, through their continuous network scanning programs are aware of weaknesses in the system and networks and ultimately exploit them to breach into networks and information systems.
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20. Maltego
Maltego is a tool for link analysis and data mining, which helps you locate the network’s weak points and abnormalities. It works on real-time data mining and information collection. It is available in three versions.
Maltego CE, the community version, is available free of cost, whereas the Maltego classic is available at a price of $999, and the third version, the Maltego XL, is available at the cost of $1999. Both the priced versions are available for the desktop user. There is another product of Maltego for the webserver, namely CTAS, ITDS, and Comms, which includes training and has an initial price of $40000.
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This tool provides data on node-based graphical patterns, whereas Maltego XL can work with large graphs, providing graphic pictures highlighting the weaknesses and abnormalities in the network to enable easy hacking by using the highlighted susceptibilities. This tool supports Windows, Linux, and Mac Operating Systems.
Maltego also provides an on-line training course, and you are given three months to complete the course, during which you are eligible to access all new videos and updates. Upon completing all exercises and lessons, you will be given a certificate of participation by Maltego.
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That’s it, we hope that this list of 20 best WiFi hacking tools for Windows 10 PC was helpful. Now you will be able to access the wireless network without knowing its password, basically for learning purposes. The password cracking time may vary depending on the complexity and length of the passwords. Please note hacking wireless networks to get unauthorized access is a cyber-crime, and it is advised to refrain from doing so as it may lead to legal complications and risks.