戴尔与惠普笔记本电脑:(Dell Vs HP Laptops: )当您去市场购买新笔记本电脑时,您会看到很多可供选择的选项。其中,需求量最大的两个品牌是——惠普(HP)和戴尔(Dell)。从成立之日起,两者都是彼此的巨大竞争对手。这两个品牌都非常成熟,并为他们的粉丝提供最优质的产品。因此,客户通常会混淆他们应该购买哪个品牌的笔记本电脑——惠普或戴尔(Dell)。此外,由于它不是一种便宜的产品,因此在购买任何一种产品之前都需要做出明智的决定。
惠普(HP)和戴尔有什么共同点?(What do HP and Dell have in common?)
- 他们都是市场领导者,专注于为客户提供价值。
- 两者都制造具有最新规格的笔记本电脑,并且在预算范围内。
- 两者都生产适合从学生到专业人士再到游戏玩家的广泛受众的笔记本电脑。
- 他们都提供专注于提高生产力的高质量产品。
戴尔与惠普笔记本电脑——哪款(Dell Vs HP Laptops – Which)笔记本电脑更好?
戴尔和惠普笔记本电脑的区别(Difference between Dell and HP Laptops)
戴尔是一家位于(Dell)得克萨斯州(Texas)朗德罗克(Round Rock)的美国科技公司。它成立于 1984 年,现在是世界上最大的科技公司,生产各种产品,如笔记本电脑、台式机和许多其他硬件和软件服务。
HP 代表Hewlett-Packard是另一家位于加利福尼亚(California)州帕洛阿尔托(Palo Alto)的美国科技公司。它也是世界领先的计算机硬件制造商之一,将设计和技术提升到了全新的水平。
- 惠普笔记本电脑的设计始终牢记笔记本电脑是一款完全面向娱乐的设备。
- 惠普笔记本电脑包含许多戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑在相同预算下缺乏的功能。
- 与戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑相比,惠普笔记本电脑的电池备份和寿命更长。
- 惠普不预装它的补充软件。
因此,如果您正在根据性能寻找最好的笔记本电脑,那么您完全应该选择HP 笔记本电脑(HP laptops)。但惠普笔记本电脑的制造质量值得怀疑,所以请记住这一点。
但是,如果您谈论性能而不包括质量,那么戴尔笔记本电脑(Dell laptops)很容易击败惠普笔记本电脑。虽然,你最终可能会多付一点钱,但每一分钱都是值得的。
2.设计与外观( 2.Design And Appearance)
- 与戴尔(Dell)不同,惠普使用不同的材料来制造其笔记本电脑,这使得它可以定制和导航,这是使用塑料外壳无法实现的。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑提供多种颜色选择。另一方面,惠普笔记本电脑的颜色选择非常有限,因此只能在黑色和灰色之间摇摆。
- 惠普笔记本电脑外观精美,而戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑外观一般,没有太大吸引力。
- 惠普笔记本电脑大多采用时尚设计,吸引眼球,而戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑只是标准外观。
3.硬件( 3.Hardware)
- 它们具有最新的规格和配置。
- 他们使用的Intel 处理器(Intel processor)是i3、i5 和 i7(i3, i5, and i7)。
- 它们包含日立(Hitachi)、三星(Samsung)等生产的容量从 500GB 到 1TB 的硬盘。
- 两者的 RAM 可以从 4GB 到 8GB 不等。同时,它们的容量也更大。
- 他们的主板是由神达(Mitac)、富士康(Foxconn)、华硕(Asus)等制造的。
4.整体( 4.Overall Body)
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑的尺寸相当大。它们的屏幕尺寸从 11 英寸到 17 英寸不等,而惠普的屏幕尺寸从 13 英寸到 17 英寸不等。
- 大多数惠普笔记本电脑都有端到端键盘,而大多数戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑没有。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑携带起来非常方便,而惠普笔记本电脑则更加精致,需要小心处理。
- 许多戴尔(Dell)小屏幕笔记本电脑不支持全高清(Full HD)分辨率,而戴尔(Dell)的大屏幕笔记本电脑则支持全高清(Full HD)格式。另一方面,每台惠普笔记本电脑都支持全高清(Full HD)分辨率。
5.电池( 5.Battery )
电池寿命(Battery life)是笔记本电脑的重要功能之一,在购买笔记本电脑时需要考虑。如果您需要便携式笔记本电脑,那么检查电池寿命是最重要的。
- 与戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑相比,惠普笔记本电脑的电池容量更大。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑在其机器中装有 4 芯电池,其使用寿命很长,但您需要经常充电。
- 惠普笔记本电脑在其机器中使用 4 芯和 6 芯电池,这是可靠的。
- HP 笔记本电脑电池可高效工作 6 小时至 12 小时。
6.声音( 6.Sound)
- 惠普笔记本电脑投入了大量时间和金钱来为用户提供最优质的声音。例如, HP Pavilion 系列专门配备由Altec Lansing设计的音响系统。
- 惠普笔记本电脑由高品质扬声器组成,而戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑扬声器与惠普笔记本电脑相比效率不高。
7.加热效果( 7.Heating effect)
戴尔笔记本电脑(Dell laptops)非常注意气流,以免笔记本电脑升温过快。另一方面,与前者相比,惠普笔记本电脑的升温速度更快。
- 对于戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑,您可能并不总是需要冷却风扇,但对于惠普笔记本电脑,您将始终需要一个。
8.价格( 8.Price)
- 与戴尔(Dell)相比,惠普笔记本电脑更便宜。
- 对于惠普笔记本电脑,大部分笔记本电脑的销售都是通过零售商完成的。
- 戴尔(Dell)制造商避免通过零售商销售他们的笔记本电脑,因此与惠普相比,他们的价格更高。
- 如果戴尔(Dell)制造商通过零售商销售他们的笔记本电脑,他们会通过授权零售商进行销售。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑比惠普贵,因为戴尔笔记本电脑的某些组件和材料非常(Dell)昂贵,这会自动提高笔记本电脑的价格。
9.客户支持( 9.Customer Support )
- 戴尔(Dell)是世界上提供一流客户(Customer)支持的最佳公司之一。
- 戴尔(Dell)客户服务可在一周中的所有日子每天 24 小时在线和通过电话提供。另一方面,周日(Sundays)不提供惠普客户服务。
- 惠普手机支持不如戴尔(Dell)好。大多数情况下,客户必须花费大量时间通过电话与客户支持人员交谈,直到问题真正得到解决。
- 戴尔(Dell)客户支持在多个国家/地区提供。所以如果你是一个旅行者,你一定要依赖惠普笔记本电脑。
- 戴尔(Dell)提供非常快速的客户支持。
- 如果您的笔记本电脑有任何问题,如果它的任何部件损坏,或者任何部件不能正常工作,那么戴尔(Dell)就会在那里进行救援,这不仅适合而且可以快速更换,而如果是惠普的话可能需要一些时间。
- 戴尔(Dell)网站非常人性化且响应迅速。与戴尔(Dell)相比,惠普网站非常用户友好,但可信度仍然较低。
10.保修( 10.Warranty )
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑在保修方面胜过惠普笔记本电脑。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑的保修期比惠普更长。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑有各种与保修相关的政策,这些政策有利于客户并为他们提供最大的利益。
因此,在保修方面,戴尔(Warranty Dell)笔记本电脑是可取的。
11.优惠和折扣( 11.Offers And Discounts)
- 戴尔(Dell)以非常实惠的价格提供免费内存升级等优惠。
- 戴尔(Dell)还为其笔记本电脑提供定期折扣。惠普也提供此类折扣,但与戴尔(Dell)相比微不足道。
- 它们还提供了通过支付很少或不支付额外费用来延长保修的机会。
12.产品范围( 12.Range of Products)
让我们看看戴尔(Dell)和惠普笔记本电脑是如何日新月异的。哪一个(Which one)改进得更多,以使他们的设备比竞争对手的所有其他品牌的笔记本电脑更胜一筹。
- 随着技术的进步,这两个品牌都在改进他们的产品。
- 戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑不断为其笔记本电脑添加新功能,就像大多数戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑现在都有无边框屏幕,也称为无限边缘。
- 现在大多数戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑都有一个芯片,作为CPU和GPU的动力源。
- 惠普在其许多笔记本电脑中添加了触摸屏技术。
- 二合一机器也是惠普的一个附加功能。
但如果你想知道戴尔与惠普(Dell Vs HP)辩论的最终结果,那么戴尔笔记本电脑比惠普好(Dell laptops are better than HP)。这是因为戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑具有良好的制造质量、更好的客户支持、良好的规格、坚固的构造、多种选择等。唯一的缺点是它的价格,戴尔(Dell)笔记本电脑比惠普笔记本电脑贵。尽管惠普笔记本电脑更便宜,但众所周知,惠普会在质量上做出妥协,即使您会以相同的价格获得一台性能优良的笔记本电脑。
所以你有它!使用上述指南,您可以轻松结束关于戴尔与惠普笔记本电脑(Dell vs HP Laptops)的争论——哪种笔记本电脑更好。(Which)但是,如果您对本指南仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
Dell Vs HP Laptops – Which is a better laptop?
Dell Vs HP Laptops: When you go to the market to purchase a new laptop, you get to see lots of options to choose from. Among them, the two most demanded brands are – HP and Dell. From the years of their inception, both have been huge competitors of each other. Both of these brands are well established and provide the best quality products to their fans. So, it generally creates confusion for customers as to which brand’s laptop are they ought to purchase- HP or Dell. Also, as it is not a cheap product to purchase, so one needs to take a wise decision before purchasing any one of them.
While purchasing a laptop, there are few things that a customer should keep in mind and choose the laptop according to their needs, so they do not regret their decision later. The things that one should keep in mind while purchasing a laptop are its specification, durability, maintenance, price, processor, RAM, design, customer support and much more.
What do HP and Dell have in common?
- Both of them are market leaders and focus on providing value to the customers.
- Both make laptops with the latest specification and comes within one’s budget.
- Both produce laptops which are suitable for a very vast range of audience from students to professionals to gamers.
- Both of them provides high-quality products which focus on increasing productivity.
As both of them hold so many similarities in between, so when you go to the market to purchase one of them, it is usual to get confused as to which one to choose. But the similarities do not come in isolation, so there are many differences between them also.
So without wasting any time let’s see in this article what are the differences between Dell and HP laptops and how you can use this guide to make a better purchase decision according to your needs.
Dell Vs HP Laptops – Which is a better laptop?
Difference between Dell and HP Laptops
Dell is an American tech company based in Round Rock, Texas. It was initiated in 1984 and now it is the world’s largest tech company that produces various products like laptops, desktops and many other hardware and software services.
HP stands for Hewlett-Packard is another American tech company situated in Palo Alto, California. It is also one of the world’s leading computer hardware manufacturers which has taken the design and technology to the whole new level.
Below are the differences between Dell and HP laptops:
HP performance is considered to be better as compared to Dell because of the following reasons:
- HP laptops are designed by keeping in mind that laptops are a totally entertainment-oriented device.
- HP laptops contain a number of features which Dell laptops lack for the same budget.
- HP laptops have a better battery backup & life than its Dell counterpart.
- HP does not pre-install it’s complementary software’s.
So, if you are looking for the best laptop, based on performance, then you should totally go for HP laptops. But the build quality of HP laptops is questionable, so keep that in mind.
But if you talk about the performance without comprising the quality then Dell laptops easily beat the HP laptops. Although, you might end up paying a bit more but every extra penny will be worth it.
2.Design And Appearance
When you are all prepared to purchase a laptop, the look of the device is a matter of priority for sure! There are some noticeable differences in the looks and appearances of both HP and Dell laptops. They are:
- HP uses a different material, unlike Dell, to manufacture its laptops which makes it customizable and navigable which is not possible using a plastic case.
- Dell laptops provide huge choices in color. On the other hand, HP laptops have very limited color choices left for the buyers thus, swaying between black and grey only.
- HP laptops have polished appearance while Dell laptops are average looking and not much enticing.
- HP laptops are appealing to the eyes with mostly follow sleek designs, while Dell laptops are just standard looking.
So if you are looking for a laptop with better design and appearance, then you should definitely choose HP if you are ready to compromise with colors. And if the color matters to you, then Dell is the best choice for you.
The hardware used by both the laptops are made by contractors so there is not much difference between the two. The hardware used by these laptops are:
- They have the latest specification and configuration.
- The Intel processor used by them is i3, i5, and i7.
- They contain hard disk of capacity ranging from 500GB to 1TB produced by Hitachi, Samsung, etc.
- RAM in both can vary from 4GB to 8GB. Meanwhile, they have a larger capacity as well.
- Their motherboard is constructed by Mitac, Foxconn, Asus, etc.
4.Overall Body
Dell and HP laptops vary a lot in their body build.
Differences in their overall body structure are given below:
- Dell laptops are quite big in size. Their screen size varies from 11 to 17 inches while HP screen size varies from 13 inches to 17 inches.
- Most of the HP laptops have an end to end keyboard while most of the Dell laptops do not.
- Dell laptops are quite handy to carry while HP laptops are more delicate and need to be handled with care.
- Many of the Dell smaller screen laptops does not support Full HD resolution whereas the larger screen laptops of Dell do support the Full HD format. On the other hand, every HP laptop supports Full HD resolution.
Battery life is one of the important features of a laptop which needs to be considered while purchasing a laptop. If you need a portable laptop, then checking out the battery span is the most important.
- The battery capacity of an HP laptop is more as compared to Dell laptops.
- Dell laptops hold 4-cell batteries in their machine whose life span is great but you need to charge it quite frequently.
- HP laptops use both 4-cell and 6-cell batteries in their machine which are reliable.
- HP laptop batteries can work efficiently from 6 hours to 12 hours.
So, if you are looking for a laptop with better battery backup, then HP laptops are the best option.
The sound quality of laptops matters a lot apart from other qualities aforementioned.
- HP laptops invested a lot of time and money in providing the best quality sound to their users. The HP Pavilion line, for example, comes exclusively with sound systems designed by Altec Lansing.
- HP laptops consist of high-quality speakers while Dell laptop speakers are not much efficient as compared to HP laptops.
7.Heating effect
Anything on earth, whether living or non-living cannot function efficiently without rest! Similarly, when you are using laptops for several hours they have the tendency to heat up as the components inside it start producing heat after a certain point of time. So the laptops which get heated faster matters a lot, as heating of laptops reduces its duration.
Dell laptops pay a lot of attention to the airflow so that the laptop does not heat up too fast. On the other hand, HP laptops heat up faster as compared to the former.
- With Dell laptops, you may not always need a cooling fan, but with HP laptops you will always need one.
So, while purchasing laptops heating effect must remain as one of the main concerns in the case of Dell laptops.
The main concern when you purchase any laptop is its Price. None of your choices must dent your budget! Everyone wants a laptop these days which is the best and falls under their budget. As far as price is considered, Dell and HP laptops have huge difference in their prices. Let us see below the difference between their prices.
- As compared to Dell, HP laptops are cheaper.
- In the case of HP laptops, the sale of most of their laptops are done through retailers.
- Dell manufacturers avoid selling their laptops through retailers and thus, their prices are more as compared to HP.
- If Dell manufacturers sell their laptops through retailers, they do so through authorized retailers.
- Dell laptops are expensive than HP because some of the components and material of Dell laptops are very expensive which automatically increases the price of laptops.
So, if you are looking for a laptop that falls under your convenient budget without compromising on its quality, then you should go for HP laptops.
9.Customer Support
When you purchase a laptop you look for what type of customer service support gets provided by the company. Below are the types of customer service provided by the Dell and HP laptops:
- Dell is one of the world’s best company to provide top-notch Customer support.
- Dell customer service is available online and also over the phone for 24 hours a day and on all days of the week. On the other hand, HP customer service is not available on Sundays.
- HP phone support is not as good as compared to Dell. Most of the time, a customer has to spend a lot of time over a call talking to the customer support person until the problem is actually resolved.
- Dell customer support is available in several countries. So if you are a traveler, you must definitely rely on HP laptops.
- Dell provides a very quick customer support.
- If you have any problem regarding your laptop per say, if any of its parts gets damaged, or any part is not functioning properly, then Dell is there to the rescue which is not only apt but a fast replacement whereas, in case of HP it may take some time.
- Dell website is very user-friendly and is responsive. HP website is very user-friendly but still less in credibility, as compared to Dell.
So, if you are looking for a laptop that will provide you the best customer support and a quick solution to the problem, then your first choice should be Dell.
Warranty is something which every buyer looks for while purchasing an expensive device. He wants longer warranty as possible for ensuring the longevity of the device.
Let us see below what are the warranty differences between Dell and HP laptops.
- Dell laptops outshine the HP laptops in warranty.
- Dell laptops come with more duration warranty than HP.
- Dell laptops have various policies related to warranty which are in favor of customers and provide them with maximum benefits.
So, in terms of Warranty Dell laptops are preferable.
11.Offers And Discounts
While purchasing laptops, the customer looks for what extra discounts or perks he can get with the purchase. In terms of offers and discounts, Dell laptops ace the market. Dell is very caring for its customers and wants its customers to get the maximum benefit for purchasing the same.
- Dell offers deals like free memory upgrade at very affordable costs.
- Dell also offers regular discounts on their laptops. Such discounts are also offered by HP, but insignificant as compared to Dell.
- They both also provide opportunities to extend the warranty by paying very little or no extra price.
12.Range of Products
When a customer goes to buy a laptop he wants to get a plethora of options to choose from. Dell provides a wide range of options as compared to HP.
Customers purchasing a Dell laptop can almost get all the features they’re looking for where there is no need to compromise. On the other hand, customers who intend to buy an HP laptop may have to make some compromise and settle for something other than what they are actually looking for.
Let us see how Dell and HP laptops are getting innovated day by day. Which one is improving more to make their devices outshine the competitor’s laptops of all other brands available.
- Both the brands are making improvements in their product as the technology is becoming advanced.
- Dell laptops are continuously adding new features to their laptops like most of the Dell laptops now have borderless screens also called infinity edge.
- Most of the Dell laptops nowadays have a single chip that acts as the powerhouse for both the CPU and GPU.
- HP added touchscreen technology to many of its laptops.
- The 2-in-1 machine is also an added feature of HP.
So, when it comes to innovation, both the brands are making the best of improvements in their products.
Dell vs HP: The Final Verdict
As given above, you have seen all the differences between Dell and HP laptops and you must have also noticed that both the brands have a set of merits and demerits. You cannot say that one is bad and the other is good as both of them have something best as compared to the other.
But if you want to know the final verdict of the Dell Vs HP debate then Dell laptops are better than HP. That’s because Dell laptops have good build quality, better customer support, good specification, sturdy build, variety of options to choose from, etc. The only downside is its price, Dell laptops are costlier than HP laptops. Although HP laptops are cheaper but it is well known that HP compromises on quality, even though you will get a good specification laptop for the same price.
So, when you go to the market to purchase a laptop, always look for the laptop that can fulfill your needs the best and can fall under your budget without compromising on quality.
So, there you have it! You can easily end the debate of Dell vs HP Laptops – Which is a better laptop, using the above guide. But if you still have any queries regarding this guide then feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.