Windows中的指纹读取器(Fingerprint Reader)可让您使用指纹登录Windows笔记本电脑。该功能提供生物识别凭据以登录您的帐户,这需要您在Windows 11/10。

指纹读取器(Fingerprint Reader)软件主要通过扫描您的指纹图像然后保存它的注册副本来工作。当您登录Windows 10/8.1,指纹读取器会扫描您的指纹并与保存的版本进行核对。如果匹配,则允许您访问系统。
据观察,在更新驱动程序或将 Windows 操作系统升级到较新版本后,内置指纹读取器会出现问题。如果您遇到这样的问题,那么这篇文章可能会帮助您解决问题。
指纹读取器在(Fingerprint Reader)Windows 11中不起作用
首先使用纸巾或干净的布对指纹读取器传感器进行物理清洁(physically clean),并确保您的指纹读取器软件(fingerprint reader software)是最新的。看看现在能不能用。
如果您使用Microsoft Fingerprint Reader 软件,如果您的指纹未正确注册或(Microsoft Fingerprint Reader software)Windows帐户没有Windows密码,则可能会出现此问题。
通过用户(User)帐户(Accounts)创建Windows登录密码。接下来(Next),卸载并重新安装DigitalPersona Password Manager或您的指纹(Fingerprint)读取器(Reader)软件并重新注册您的指纹(Fingerprint)。
- 按(Press)电源(Power)按钮启动计算机,然后按F10键打开BIOS设置实用程序。
- 在System Configuration下,查找Biometric Device选项;如果存在,请启用它。
- 按 F10(Press F10)保存此设置并重新启动计算机。
为此,请搜索“设备管理器”(“Device Manager”)并将其打开。接下来,找到“生物识别设备。(“Biometric Devices.)展开已识别的生物识别传感器设备列表。指纹传感器被列为Validity Sensor或AuthenTec Sensor,具体取决于您计算机的型号。

如果有生物识别条目,则 Windows 支持该设备。如果没有,您可能需要搜索特定计算机的指纹读取器驱动程序。您可以通过简单的Internet搜索或在其制造商的网站上查找您的计算机的规格来做到这一点。
找到正确的设备后,右键单击它并单击“属性”。(“Properties.”)在打开的属性(Properties)框中,单击“驱动程序”( “Driver”)选项卡。
接下来,如果可用,请单击“回滚驱动程序” 。(“Roll Back Driver”)在某些情况下会,在其他情况下不会。
如果您没有找到“回滚”选项,请单击“卸载”。(“Uninstall.” )您的计算机屏幕上应该会出现一个弹出窗口,要求您确认决定。单击“删除此设备的驱动程序软件”(“Delete the driver software for this device,”)旁边的复选框,然后单击“确定”。
卸载驱动程序后,关闭计算机。重新启动它并再次打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
现在,右键单击设备列表顶部的计算机名称,然后单击“扫描硬件更改”。(“Scan for hardware changes.”)该操作应选择指纹读取器并为其重新安装原始驱动程序。
(Hope this helps.)
Fingerprint Reader not working in Windows 11/10
A Fingerprint Reader in Windows lets you log into your Windows laptop using your fingerprint. The feature provides biometric credentials to sign in to your account that requires you to enter your account credentials in Windows 11/10.

The Fingerprint Reader software primarily works by scanning an image of your fingerprint and then saving a registered copy of it. When you sign in to Windows 10/8.1, the fingerprint reader scans your fingerprint and checks it with the saved version. If it matches, you are allowed to access the system.
It’s been observed that the built-in fingerprint reader develops issues when updating drivers or after you upgrade your Windows OS to a newer version. If you face such an issue, then this post may help you troubleshoot the issue.
Fingerprint Reader not working in Windows 11
1] Physically clean the fingerprint reader sensor
First physically clean the fingerprint reader sensor using a tissue or a clean cloth and ensure that your fingerprint reader software is up-to-date. See if it works now.
2] Check if it has been registered correctly
If you use Microsoft Fingerprint Reader software, then this issue could occur if your fingerprint has not been registered correctly or if there is no Windows password for the Windows account.
Create a Windows login password via User Accounts. Next, uninstall and then reinstall DigitalPersona Password Manager or your Fingerprint Reader software and register your Fingerprint afresh.
3] Check if it is enabled in BIOS
The Biometric device is a hardware that controls the fingerprint reader. Depending on the model number of your computer, there are options in the BIOS to turn the biometric device on and off.
If you need to enable this feature, check your BIOS for biometric support:
- Press the Power button to start the computer, and press the F10 key to open the BIOS setup utility.
- Under System Configuration, look for a Biometric Device option; if it exists, enable it.
- Press F10 to save this setting and restart the computer.
If a biometric option does not exist in your BIOS, then the fingerprint reader is always enabled.
4] Check Drivers
Although it seems logical and beneficial to update your drivers to keep them in a normal state, sometimes an update can render your fingerprint reader useless. Unless specifically advised or recommended, it is better to ignore any sensor or fingerprint reader driver updates. But if you have updated the drivers and the action has disabled your fingerprint reader, it is advisable to fix this issue by rolling back your drivers to earlier versions.
To do this, search for “Device Manager” and open it. Next, locate “Biometric Devices. Expand the list of recognized biometric sensor devices. The fingerprint sensor is listed as a Validity Sensor or AuthenTec Sensor, depending on the model number of your computer.

If there is a Biometric entry, then Windows supports the device. If not, you may need to search for your specific computer’s driver for its fingerprint reader. You can do this with a simple Internet search or look up your computer’s specifications at its manufacturer’s web site.
Upon finding the right device, right-click on it and click “Properties.” In the Properties box which opens, click on “Driver” tab.
Next, click on “Roll Back Driver” if available. In some cases it will be, in others it won’t.
If you do not find the ‘Roll Back’ option, click on “Uninstall.” A pop-up should appear on your computer screen requesting you to confirm the decision. Click the checkbox adjacent to “Delete the driver software for this device,” then OK.
Once the driver is uninstalled, turn off your computer. Restart it and open the Device Manager again.
Now, right-click on your computer’s name at the very top of the devices list and click “Scan for hardware changes.” The action should select the fingerprint reader and reinstall the original driver for it.
Hope this helps.