您是否觉得自己在Gmail(Gmail)上花费了太多时间?每周阅读(Reading)、回复和撰写电子邮件可能需要数小时。在此基础上添加(Add)其他任务(例如阻止垃圾邮件(blocking spam emails)、同事转发的大量邮件以及确保任何敏感信息保持私密)以及管理Gmail可能会占用您一整天的时间。

在哪里可以找到 Gmail 加载项和扩展程序(Where to Find Gmail Add-ons and Extensions)
如果您决定通过安装其中一些来增强您的Gmail,那么您可以在两个地方找到并下载附加组件和扩展程序。第一个是Google Workspace(以前的G Suite)市场。
在Google Workspace Marketplace中,您可以找到与(Google Workspace Marketplace)Google 文档(Google Docs)、Google 表格(Google Sheets)或Gmail等(Gmail)Google Workspace应用程序直接集成的插件。它们是扩展您正在使用 的Google应用程序的功能和特性的额外工具。(Google)

第二名是Chrome Web Store。您可以在此处找到可增强Google Chrome网络浏览器功能的扩展程序。您可能以前使用过其中之一。它们是密码管理器、广告拦截器、任务管理器以及Gmail的工具。
如何在 Gmail 中安装和卸载插件(How to Install & Uninstall an Add-on in Gmail)
Gmail插件是为增加Gmail应用程序的功能而创建的工具。它们直接安装到Gmail中,可以在Google Workspace Marketplace中找到。找到所需的加载项后,以下是在Gmail中安装它的方法。
- 从Marketplace(Marketplace)中选择要安装的插件。
- 在页面顶部,选择安装(Install)。

- 会弹出请求您许可的小框。要确认安装,请选择继续(Continue)。

- 登录您的 Google 帐户。

- 选择允许(Allow)以授予插件访问您的Google帐户的权限。

- 打开 Google Workspace 市场。
- 在右上角,选择齿轮图标(gear icon)>管理应用程序(Manage Apps)。

- 在列表中找到您要卸载的插件,然后选择选项(Options)>卸载(Uninstall)。

如何在 Gmail 中安装和卸载扩展程序(How to Install & Uninstall an Extension in Gmail)
虽然扩展程序的用途与附加组件相同,但它们最初是为了扩展Google Chrome浏览器的功能而不是专门为Gmail创建的。因此,它们被安装到Chrome中。在Chrome 网上应用店中(Chrome Web Store)找到您需要的扩展程序后,下面将介绍如何安装它。
- 选择要添加到Gmail的扩展程序。
- 在右上角,选择Add to Chrome。

- 选择添加扩展名(Add extension)进行确认。

- 打开 Chrome 并选择屏幕右上角工具栏中的扩展程序。(Extensions)
- 选择管理扩展(Manage Extensions)。

- 找到您要卸载的扩展并选择删除(Remove)。

- 选择删除(Remove)以确认。
电子邮件高级用户的最佳 Gmail 附加组件和扩展(The Best Gmail Add-ons and Extensions for Email Power Users)
用于管理您的收件箱(For Managing Your Inbox)

(RightInbox)如果您难以掌握Gmail 收件箱的内容, (Gmail Inbox)RightInbox就是您所需要的。此扩展程序将使您可以访问附加功能,例如稍后发送(Send Later)、定期电子邮件(Recurring Emails)、电子邮件提醒(Email Reminders)、电子邮件模板(Email Templates)、电子邮件跟踪(Email Tracking)等。RightInbox将帮助您显着减少花费在电子邮件上的时间。
Checker Plus是一个扩展程序,可让您执行多项任务并处理新邮件,而无需放弃当前任务。该扩展程序会通知您来自Chrome的新电子邮件,这样您就可以在不打开(Chrome)Gmail的情况下阅读、存档或删除它们。
如果笔记是您组织一切的方式,您需要将简单的Gmail笔记添加到您的Gmail应用程序中。此扩展程序允许您向收件箱中的电子邮件添加注释,将注释保存到您的Google Drive,然后使用注释中的引用更快地搜索电子邮件。

如果您使用Gmail(Gmail)的主要问题是在收到有关新电子邮件的通知时分心于您的任务,那么Inbox When Ready是最适合您的扩展程序。它会在预定的时间段内隐藏您的收件箱,以便不显示新电子邮件。
改善您的电子邮件(For Improving Your Emails)
Chrome的 Grammarly将帮助您处理电子邮件中出现的任何语法和拼写错误。它还为您提供有关如何提高整体写作的建议,并教您像专业人士一样(write like a pro)写作。
如果您的电子邮件需要不同类型的帮助 - 例如帮助您保持使用强大的语言而不是弱语言 - 将Just Not sorry安装到Gmail中。此扩展程序将通过在您的电子邮件中提供有用的单词建议,帮助您以更令人信服的方式表达您的观点。

Boomerang是一款功能齐全的生产力工具,可通过为您提供适用于不同情况的模板来帮助您处理电子邮件。不过,此扩展程序的主要功能是它提供的 AI 驱动的写作帮助。
与您的联系人互动 (For Interacting with Your Contacts )
Zoom for Gmail是一个插件,可让您从Gmail中与您的联系人开始(Gmail)Zoom会议。这种集成使您能够访问附加的 Zoom 功能(access added Zoom functionality),例如您安排的Zoom会议,而无需离开Gmail。
如果您使用 Slack以及电子邮件与您的朋友或同事进行交流,您现在可以安装Slack for Gmail并享受两全其美的体验。此扩展允许您结合两个通信渠道并将电子邮件直接发送到Slack。
Dropbox for Gmail是一款出色的团队协作工具,特别是如果您已经是 Dropbox 的活跃用户(an active user of Dropbox)。它允许您将Dropbox文件直接附加到您的电子邮件中,以及将电子邮件附件直接保存到您的Dropbox帐户中。

当您需要签名并通过电子邮件发送文档时,您是否仍然打印、签名和扫描文档?DocuSign是一个扩展程序,可让您在不离开Gmail的情况下(Gmail)在线签署文档(sign documents online),以及请求他人签名。
对于任务管理(For Task Management)

Todoist 是任何想要掌握电子邮件的人的绝佳扩展。一旦安装在Gmail中,它就可以让您将电子邮件保存为任务,并为它们设置提醒、优先级和截止日期。该扩展对那些已经使用 Todoist 作为任务管理器(use Todoist as their task manager)的人特别有用。
如果您是 Evernote 粉丝(you’re an Evernote fan),请获取Evernote插件以将其与Gmail结合使用。使用Evernote,您可以使用便笺整理电子邮件,将电子邮件保存到您的Evernote帐户,然后在以后快速找到它们。
如果您喜欢Trello 看板(Trello boards)并认为这是一种组织信息的好方法,那么您会喜欢这个Gmail插件。Trello for Gmail可帮助您使用Trello 看板(Trello)来整理您的电子邮件,直接从您的收件箱(Inbox)添加新卡片,并设置截止日期以确保您及时回复重要电子邮件。
为了增加安全性(For Added Security)
您是否经常通过电子邮件共享敏感信息并希望确保其保密?使用以下一种(或全部)扩展程序为您的 Gmail 添加额外的安全级别。(add extra security levels)
为您的Gmail帐户设置强密码(strong password)对于确保所有重要数据的安全至关重要。但是,复杂的密码可能很难记住。LastPass将帮助您为多个帐户生成安全且唯一的密码,而无需记住所有密码。

Digify for Gmail是一个扩展程序,可让您跟踪您发送的电子邮件并查看谁打开了它们,取消发送发送给错误人的电子邮件,并将您的电子邮件编程为自毁。通过电子邮件交换敏感数据的任何人都必须具有扩展名。
成为 Gmail 高级用户(Become a Gmail Power User)
Gmail是一个强大的工具,它不断发展并发布新的功能(new features)和工具。通过自动化您的Gmail(Gmail)任务并减少整理电子邮件所花费的时间, 充分利用它们并提高您的工作效率。
The 20 Best Gmail Add-ons and Extensions for Email Power Users
Do you feel like you spend too much of your time at work in Gmail? Reading, answering, and writing emails cаn take hours weekly. Add other tasks on top of that – like blocking spam emails, mass messages forwarded from your colleagues, and making sure any sensitive information stays private – and managing Gmail can take up your whole day.
The good news is that for every Gmail task that you’re dreading, there’s an add-on or an extension that can make it easier. Have a look through our list of the best Gmail add-ons and extensions that will improve your productivity and reduce the time you spend on Gmail.

Where to Find Gmail Add-ons and Extensions
If you’ve decided to enhance your Gmail by installing some of them, there are two places where you can find and download add-ons and extensions from. The first one is the Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) Marketplace.
The Google Workspace Marketplace is where you’ll find the add-ons that integrate with Google Workspace apps like Google Docs, Google Sheets, or Gmail directly. They’re extra tools that extend the functions and features of the Google app that you’re using.

The second place is the Chrome Web Store. That’s where you’ll find extensions that increase the functionality of your Google Chrome web browser. You’ve probably used one of them before. They’re password managers, ad blockers, task managers, as well as the tools for Gmail.
How to Install & Uninstall an Add-on in Gmail
Gmail add-ons are the tools created to increase the functionality of your Gmail app. They’re installed directly into Gmail and can be found at the Google Workspace Marketplace. Once you’ve found an add-on that you need, here’s how to install it in Gmail.
- Select the add-on that you want to install from the Marketplace.
- On top of the page, select Install.

- The small box asking for your permission will pop-up. To confirm the installation, select Continue.

- Sign in to your Google account.

- Select Allow to give the add-on access to your Google account.

You’ll then see a message confirming the installation, as well as the information on where to find your new Gmail add-on. You can remove the add-on at any time after you’ve installed it in Gmail. To uninstall an add-on, follow the steps below.
- Open Google Workspace Marketplace.
- In the upper-right corner, select the gear icon > Manage Apps.

- Find the add-on that you want to uninstall in the list and select Options > Uninstall.

The add-on will then be removed from your list of apps.
How to Install & Uninstall an Extension in Gmail
While extensions serve the same purpose as add-ons, they’re initially created to extend the functionality of the Google Chrome browser rather than Gmail specifically. Thus, they’re installed into Chrome instead. Once you’ve found an extension that you need in the Chrome Web Store, here’s how to install it.
- Select the extension that you want to add to your Gmail.
- In the upper-right corner, select Add to Chrome.

- Select Add extension to confirm.

After you install the extension, it’ll appear in the list of extensions in your Chrome toolbar in the upper-right corner of the screen. If you want to remove an extension later, follow the steps below.
- Open Chrome and select Extensions in the toolbar in the upper-right corner of the screen.
- Select Manage Extensions.

- Find the extension that you want to uninstall and select Remove.

- Select Remove to confirm.
The extension will then be removed from the list of extensions.
The Best Gmail Add-ons and Extensions for Email Power Users
Now that you know how to add and remove these tools from Gmail, go through our list of the most powerful add-ons and extensions and add the ones that you need to Gmail.
For Managing Your Inbox
First things first, here are the essential Gmail extensions for anyone who wants to manage their Inbox better.

RightInbox is what you need if you’re struggling to keep on top of the contents of your Gmail Inbox. This extension will give you access to added features, like Send Later, Recurring Emails, Email Reminders, Email Templates, Email Tracking and more. RightInbox will help you cut down the time you spend on your emails significantly.
If you often find yourself wondering whether your email has been received and opened, get the Mailtrack extension. It’ll help you track whether your email has been opened, give live notifications when someone opens your emails, and give you a breakdown of recent activity of the emails you’re tracking.
Checker Plus is an extension that allows you to multitask and deal with new mail without having to abandon your current tasks. The extension will notify you of new emails from within Chrome so you can read, archive or delete them without opening Gmail.
If notes are your way of organizing everything, you need to add Simple Gmail Notes to your Gmail app. This extension allows you to add notes to emails in your inbox, save the notes to your Google Drive, and then search for emails quicker using the references from the notes.
The perfect Gmail extension for forwarding emails to multiple users at once. Especially useful for anyone who works in a big company and deals with a lot of work emails on a daily basis.

If your main issue with Gmail is getting distracted from your tasks whenever you get a notification about a new email, Inbox When Ready is the best extension for you. It hides your inbox for a scheduled time period so that new emails aren’t displayed.
For Improving Your Emails
The following extensions can help you improve your writing and compose better emails that will help you reach your communication goals.
Grammarly for Chrome will help you take care of any grammar and spelling mistakes that occur in your emails. It also gives you suggestions on how to improve your overall writing and teaches you to write like a pro.
If your emails require different kind of help – like helping you maintain the use of powerful language instead of weak language – install Just Not Sorry into Gmail. This extension will help you get your point across in a more convincing way by providing useful word suggestions right inside your email.

Boomerang is a full-on productivity tool that helps you deal with your emails by providing you with templates for different situations. The main feature of this extension though is the AI-powered writing help that it offers.
For Interacting with Your Contacts
Below are the best add-ons and extensions to enhance the way you interact with other people in Gmail.
Zoom for Gmail is an add-on that allows you to start Zoom meetings with your contacts from within Gmail. This integration gives you an ability to access added Zoom functionality like your scheduled Zoom meetings without leaving Gmail.
If you use Slack as well as email for communication with your friends or colleagues, you can now install Slack for Gmail and enjoy the best of both worlds. This extension allows you to combine the two communication channels and send emails directly to Slack.
Dropbox for Gmail is a great team collaboration tool, especially if you’re already an active user of Dropbox. It allows you to attach Dropbox files directly to your emails, as well as to save email attachments straight to your Dropbox account.

Do you still print, sign, and then scan documents when you need to sign and send them via email? DocuSign is an extension that allows you to sign documents online without leaving Gmail, as well as request signatures from others.
For Task Management
If you’re not sure which part of Gmail is taking up the most of your time, give one of the following tools a try and see if that helps you improve your overall productivity.
Gmelius is both a project management and a collaboration tool. The features it adds to your standard Gmail functionality include email automation, email tracking, templates for various occasions, and the ability to have a shared inbox with other users.

Todoist is a great extension for anyone who wants to stay on top of their emails. Once installed in Gmail, it allows you to save emails as tasks and set reminders, priorities, and due dates for them. The extension is especially useful for those who already use Todoist as their task manager.
If you’re an Evernote fan, get the Evernote add-on to combine it with Gmail. With Evernote, you can organize your emails using notes, save your emails to your Evernote account, and then quickly locate them later.
If you love Trello boards and think it’s a great way to organize information, you’ll love this Gmail add-on. Trello for Gmail helps you use Trello boards to organize your email, add new cards right from your Inbox, and set due dates to make sure you reply to important emails in time.
For Added Security
Do you often share sensitive information over email and want to make sure it stays private? Use one (or all) of the following extensions to add extra security levels to your Gmail.
Having a strong password for your Gmail account is essential to keep all your important data safe. However, complex passwords can be difficult to remember. LastPass will help you generate secure and unique passwords for multiple accounts without having to memorize them all.

FlowCrypt is a simple extension that uses end-to-end encryption to help you compose and exchange secure emails and attachments on Gmail.
Digify for Gmail is an extension that enables you to track the emails you send and see who opened them, unsend emails that were sent to the wrong person, and program your emails to self-destruct. A must have extension for anyone who exchanges sensitive data over email.
Become a Gmail Power User
Gmail is a powerful tool that is constantly evolving and releasing new features and tools. Make the most use of them and improve your productivity by automating your Gmail tasks and reducing the time you spend sorting out your email.
What Gmail add-ons or extensions have you used before? Have you noticed your productivity improve since you started using it? Share your experience with Gmail extensions in the comments section below.