我听到了什么?您的Android 设备(Android Device)再次崩溃?这对你来说一定很难。有时,当您在与同事进行重要的视频会议时手机停止响应,或者您即将在视频游戏中打破自己的记录,这可能会非常令人不安。当您的手机过载时,它往往会冻结和崩溃,就像您的笔记本电脑或计算机一样。
这是安卓(Android) 用户(users)非常普遍的问题。这通常发生在您在应用程序上花费过多时间或同时运行的应用程序过多时。有时,当您的手机存储容量已满时,它往往会出现这种情况。如果您使用的是旧手机,这也可能是您不断冻结手机的原因。原因列表是无限的,但我们宁愿花时间寻找解决方法。
如何解冻你的安卓手机(How to Unfreeze Your Android Phone)
方法 1:从重新启动您的 Android 设备开始(Method 1: Start with Restarting your Android Device)
1. 同时按下降低音量(Volume Down )和主屏幕( Home Screen )按钮。或者,长按 Android 手机的电源( Power)按钮。
2. 现在在显示屏上寻找Restart/ Reboot
方法 2:强制重启您的 Android 设备(Method 2: Force Restart your Android Device)
1. 长按睡眠或电源(Sleep or Power) 按钮。或者,在某些手机中,完全单击 降低音量和主页按钮。(Volume Down and Home button altogether.)
2.现在,按住这个组合直到您的手机屏幕变黑,然后按住电源按钮(Power button)直到您的手机屏幕再次闪烁。
方法 3:让您的 Android 设备保持最新状态(Method 3: Keep Your Android Device Up To Date)
如果您的操作系统不是最新的,那么它可能会冻结您的Android 手机(Android Phone)。如果及时更新,您的手机将正常工作。因此,让手机的操作系统保持最新对您来说非常重要。更新所做的是修复有问题的错误并引入新功能以获得更好的用户体验,从而提升设备的性能。
1. 点击手机上的设置(Settings)选项,然后选择系统或关于设备(System or About device)。
注意:(Note:)下载更新时,请确保您已使用 Wi-Fi 网络连接到Internet 。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复谷歌地图在 Android 中不说话(Fix Google Maps not talking in Android)
方法 4:清除 Android 设备的空间和内存(Method 4: Clear the Space & Memory of your Android Device)
当您的手机充满垃圾并且您的存储空间不足时,请删除不需要和不必要的应用程序。即使您可以将不必要的应用程序或数据传输到外部存储卡,内部存储器仍然被英国媒体报道(bloatware)和默认应用程序阻塞。我们的 Android 设备存储空间有限,如果我们的手机使用一堆非必要的应用程序超载,可能会使您的设备死机或崩溃。因此,请使用下面列出的步骤尽快摆脱它们:
1. 在应用程序(App)抽屉中搜索设置(Settings)选项并导航应用程序(Applications)选项。
2. 现在您需要做的就是点击管理应用程序(Manage Apps),然后点击卸载(uninstall)选项卡。
3.最后,只需立即卸载即可(uninstalling )删除并清除(delete and clear)所有不需要的应用程序。
方法 5:强制停止有问题的应用程序(Method 5: Force Stop Troublesome Apps)
有时,第三方应用程序或英国媒体报道软件可能会成为麻烦制造者。强制应用程序停止将停止应用程序的工作,并将纠正它正在创建的问题。请按照以下步骤强制停止(Force Stop)您的应用程序:
1. 导航到手机的设置(Settings)选项,然后单击应用程序管理器或管理应用程序(Application Manager or Manage Apps)。(因手机而异)。
3. 点击清除缓存选项旁边的“强制停止”。(Force stop)
4. 现在回到主菜单或应用程序抽屉并再次Open/ Launch 应用程序(Application)。我希望它现在可以顺利运行。
方法 6:取出手机电池(Method 6: Remove Your Phone’s Battery)
现在所有最新的智能手机都是集成的,并带有不可拆卸的电池(non-removable batteries)。它减少了手机的整体硬件,使您的设备更加紧凑和时尚。显然,这正是现在每个人都渴望的。我对吗?
但是,如果您是那些仍然拥有可拆卸电池手机的经典手机用户之一,那么今天是您的幸运日。取出手机电池是解冻 Android 手机(unfreeze your Android Phone)的好方法。如果您的手机对默认重启方式没有响应,请尝试取出 Android 的电池。
2. 现在,寻找可以放置薄而薄的抹刀或者你的指甲来分开两个部分的小空间。(the little space)请记住,每部手机都有不同且独特的硬件设计,因此所有Android(Android)设备的流程可能不一致。
4. 取出手机电池后,清洁并吹掉灰尘,然后将其滑回。现在,再次按住电源按钮(Power Button)直到手机开机。只要您看到屏幕亮起,您的工作就完成了。
另请阅读:(Also Read: )修复 Google 助理不断随机弹出(Fix Google Assistant keeps popping up Randomly)
方法 7:摆脱所有有问题的应用程序(Method 7: Get rid of all the Problematic Apps)
您可以从手机上完全删除并擦除该应用程序,也可以将其卸载然后再次尝试下载,或者找到一个可以完成相同工作的替代应用程序。如果您从第三方来源安装了应用程序,那么这些应用程序肯定会冻结您的 Android 手机(Your Android Phone),但有时Play Store应用程序也会导致此类问题。
2. 您现在可以拖动图标(drag the icon)。把它带到卸载(Uninstall )按钮。
转到设置(Settings)并点击应用程序(Applications)。然后找到“管理应用程序”选项。(Manage Apps’. )现在,只需找到您要删除的应用程序,然后按“卸载(Uninstall)”按钮。弹出确认菜单时点击确定。(OK)
3. 将出现一个选项卡,询问您是否允许删除它,单击“确定”。(OK.)
4. 等待应用程序(App)卸载,然后直接访问Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)。现在只需在搜索框中找到应用程序(App ),或寻找更好的替代应用程序(alternate app)。
5.完成搜索后,单击安装(install )按钮并等待下载完成。
方法8:使用第三方应用解冻你的安卓手机(Method 8: Use Third-Party app to Unfreeze Your Android Phone)
臭名昭著的Tenorshare ReiBoot for Android 是修复Frozen Android设备的解决方案。无论您的手机冻结的原因是什么;这个软件会找到它并杀死它,就像那样。要使用此应用程序,您需要将此工具下载到您的 PC 并使用USB或数据线插入您的设备以立即修复您的手机。
不仅如此,除了解决死机、死机问题,还解决了设备无法开机或关机、黑屏问题、手机卡在下载模式、设备不断重启等问题。反复,以此类推。该软件是一个多任务处理程序,并且用途更广泛。 请按照以下步骤使用此软件:(Follow these steps to use this software:)
1. 完成下载和安装程序后,启动它,然后将您的设备连接到 PC。
2. 点击 开始(Start) 按钮并输入软件所需的必要设备详细信息。
3. 输入设备的所有必要数据(necessary data)后,您将能够下载正确的固件。
4. 在手机屏幕上,您需要通过将其关闭进入下载模式,然后同时按住(Download mode)降低音量(Volume Down) 和电源按钮(and Power buttons)5-6 秒,直到弹出警告标志。
5. 看到Android或设备制造商徽标后,松开(release)电源按钮(Power button),但不要离开降低音量按钮(Volume Down button),直到手机进入下载模式。
6. 将设备置于下载模式后,手机的固件将被下载并成功安装。从这一点开始,一切都是自动的。所以,完全不要紧张。
方法 9:将您的设备重置为出厂设置(Method 9: Reset your Device to Factory Settings)
此步骤只能用作解冻您的 Android 手机的最后手段。(Unfreeze Your Android Phone.)虽然我们最后讨论了这种方法,但它是最有效的方法之一。但请记住,如果您将设备重置为出厂设置,您将丢失手机上的所有数据。因此,在继续之前,建议您创建设备的备份。
注意:(Note:)我们建议您备份所有重要文件和数据并将它们传输到Google驱动器、云(Cloud)存储或任何其他外部存储,例如SD 卡(SD Card)。
1. 将您的数据从内部存储备份到外部存储,如 PC 或外部驱动器。您可以将照片同步到谷歌(Google)照片或小米云(Mi Cloud)。
2. 打开设置,然后点击 关于手机(About Phone ),然后点击备份和重置。 (Backup & reset. )
3. 在重置下,您将找到“擦除所有数据(恢复出厂设置)(Erase all data (factory reset)) ”选项。
4.接下来,点击底部的“重置手机”。(Reset phone)
5. 按照屏幕上的说明将您的设备重置为出厂默认设置。
推荐:(Recommended:) 修复安卓 Wi-Fi 连接问题(Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems)
相信我,每隔一小段时间就会崩溃和冻结Android 设备真的很令人失望。(Android Device)但是,我们希望我们的有用提示让您满意,并帮助您解冻您的 Android 手机(Unfreeze Your Android Phone)。请在下面的评论框中告诉我们哪种方法适合您。
How to Unfreeze Your Android Phone
What did I hear? Your Androіd Device crashed again? Thiѕ mυst be really hard for you. Sometimes, when your phone stops resрonding while yоu’re in the middle of an important video conference with your colleagueѕ or maybe you are on the verge of breaking your own record in a video game, it cаn be quite disturbing. Your phоne tends to freeze and crash when it’s overloaded, just like yoυr laptops or computers.
This is a very common problem among Android users. This usually happens when you’ve spent too much time on an app or if too many apps are working at the same time. Sometimes, when your phone’s storage capacity is full, it tends to act up like that. If you are using an old phone, that might also be the reason behind your constantly freezing phone. The list of reasons is infinite, but we should rather spend our time looking for its fixes.
Whatever it may be, there is always a solution to your problem. We, as always, are here to rescue you. We have jotted down a number of fixes to help you out of this situation and unfreeze your Android phone.
Let us start, shall we?
How to Unfreeze Your Android Phone
Method 1: Start with Restarting your Android Device
The first fix that you need to try is restarting your Android device. Rebooting the device can really fix anything. Give your phone a chance to breathe and let it start afresh. Your Android device tends to freeze especially when they have been working for a long time or if too many Apps are working all together. Restarting your device can solve many such minor issues.
Steps to reboot your Android device are as follows:
1. Press the Volume Down and the Home Screen button, together. Or, long-press the Power button of your Android Phone.
2. Now look for the Restart/ Reboot option on the display and tap on it.
And now, you are good to go!
Method 2: Force Restart your Android Device
Well, if the traditional way of rebooting your Android device did not work well for you, try force restarting your device. Maybe this could act as a lifesaver.
1. Long press the Sleep or Power button. Or, in some phones, click on the Volume Down and Home button altogether.
2. Now, hold this combo until your mobile screen goes blank and then press and hold the Power button until your phone’s screen flashes again.
Remember that this process may differ from phone to phone. So keep that in mind before performing the above steps.
Method 3: Keep Your Android Device Up To Date
If your operating system is not up to date then it might freeze Your Android Phone. Your phone will work properly if it is updated in a timely manner. So it is really important for you to keep your Phone’s operating system up to date. What updates do is, they fix the problematic bugs and bring in new features for better user experience, so as to escalate the device’s performance.
You simply have to slide into the Settings option and check for firmware updates. Often, people are reluctant to update the firmware immediately, as it costs you data and time. But doing so can save your tide in future. So, think about it.
Follow these instructions in order to update your device:
1. Tap on the Settings option on your phone and select System or About device.
2. Simply check if you have received any new updates.
Note: When the updates are being downloaded make sure you are connected to the Internet using a Wi-Fi network.
3. If yes then put it on Download and wait until the installation process to complete.
Also Read: Fix Google Maps not talking in Android
Method 4: Clear the Space & Memory of your Android Device
When your phone is jam-packed with junk and you are falling short on storage, delete the unwanted and unnecessary apps. Even though you can transfer the unnecessary apps or data to an external memory card, the internal memory is still choked up with the bloatware and default apps. Our Android devices come with limited storage, and overloading our phones with a bunch of non-essential apps can make your device freeze or crash. So get rid of them as soon as possible using the below-listed steps:
1. Search for the Settings option in the App drawer and navigate the Applications option.
2. Now all you need to do is tap on Manage Apps and tap on the uninstall tab.
3. Finally, delete and clear all the unwanted apps by simply uninstalling them right away.
Method 5: Force Stop Troublesome Apps
Sometimes, a third-party app or bloatware can act as a troublemaker. Forcing the app to stop will cease the app from working and will rectify the issues it is creating. Follow these steps below to Force Stop your app:
1. Navigate to your phone’s Settings option and simply click on Application Manager or Manage Apps. (Differs from phone to phone).
2. Now look for the app which is causing trouble and select it.
3. Tap on ‘Force stop’ next to the Clear Cache option.
4. Now find your way back to the main menu or the app drawer and Open/ Launch the Application again. I hope it will work smoothly now.
Method 6: Remove Your Phone’s Battery
All the latest Smartphones nowadays are integrated and come with non-removable batteries. It reduces the overall hardware of the cell phone, making your device more compact and sleek. Apparently, that is what everyone is longing for right now. Am I right?
But, if you are one of those classic cell phone users who still own a phone with a removable battery, today is your lucky day. Removing the phone’s battery is a good trick to unfreeze your Android Phone. If your phone is not responding to the default way of restarting, try pulling out your Android’s battery.
1. First, slide and remove the backside of your phone’s body (the cover).
2. Now, look for the little space where you can fit a thin and lean spatula or maybe your nail to part the two segments. Please remember that each phone has a different and unique hardware design, so the process might not be consistent for all the Android devices.
3. Be very careful and cautious while using sharp tools because you do not want to damage the internal parts of your mobile. Make sure you handle the battery with care because it is very fragile.
4. After removing the phone’s battery, clean it and blow the dust off, then slide it back in. Now, press and hold the Power Button again till your phone switches on. As soon as you see your screen light up, your work is done.
Also Read: Fix Google Assistant keeps popping up Randomly
Method 7: Get rid of all the Problematic Apps
If you are in a situation, where your phone freezes every time you launch a specific application, then there is a high possibility that that app is the one messing around with your phone. You have two solutions to this problem.
Either you delete & wipe away the app completely off your phone or you can uninstall it and then try downloading it again or maybe find an alternate app that does the same work. If you have apps installed from third-party sources then these apps can definitely freeze Your Android Phone, but sometimes Play Store apps can also cause such issues.
1. Find the App you wish to uninstall from the app drawer and long-press it.
2. You will now be able to drag the icon. Take it to the Uninstall button.
Go to Settings and tap on Applications. Then find the option saying ‘Manage Apps’. Now, simply find the app you want to delete and then press the Uninstall button. Tap on OK when the confirmation menu pops up.
3. A tab will show up asking for your permission to delete it, click on OK.
4. Wait for the App to uninstall and then visit the Google Play Store straight away. Now simply find the App in the search box, or look for a better alternate app.
5. Once you are done searching for, click on the install button and wait for the download to complete.
Method 8: Use Third-Party app to Unfreeze Your Android Phone
The infamous Tenorshare ReiBoot for Android is THE solution to fix your Frozen Android device. Whatever may be the reason behind your phone freezing; this software will find it and kill it, just like that. To use this app, you need to download this tool to your PC and plug in your device using a USB or data cable to fix your phone in no time.
Not only that, along with fixing the crashing and freezing issues, it also resolves a number of other problems, such as the device won’t switch on or switch off, blank screen issues, phone stuck in the download mode, the device keeps restarting repeatedly, and so on. This software is a multi-tasker and much more versatile. Follow these steps to use this software:
1. Once you are done downloading and installing the program, launch it, and then connect your device to the PC.
2. Tap on the Start button and enter the necessary device details required by the software.
3. After you have input all the necessary data of the device you will be able to download the right firmware.
4. While on your phone screen, you need to enter Download mode by switching it off, and then holding the Volume Down and Power buttons together for 5-6 seconds until a warning sign pops up.
5. Once you see the Android or device manufacturer logo, release your Power button but do not leave the Volume Down button until the phone enters download mode.
6. After you’ve put your device on download mode, the firmware for your phone gets downloaded and successfully installed. From this point onwards, everything is automatic. So, do not stress at all.
Method 9: Reset your Device to Factory Settings
This step should only be used as a last resort in order to Unfreeze Your Android Phone. Although we are discussing this method at last but it is one of the most effective ones. But remember that you will lose all the data on your phone if you reset the device to factory settings. So before moving forward, it is recommended that you create a backup of your device.
Note: We suggest you backup all your important files & data and transfer them to either Google drive, Cloud storage or any other external storage, like the SD Card.
If you’ve really made up your mind about this, follow these steps to reset your device to factory settings:
1. Backup your data from the internal storage to external storage such as PC or external drive. You can sync photos to Google photos or Mi Cloud.
2. Open Settings then tap on About Phone then tap on Backup & reset.
3. Under Reset, you will find the ‘Erase all data (factory reset)‘ option.
Note: You can also directly search for Factory reset from the search bar.
4. Next, tap on “Reset phone” at the bottom.
5. Follow on-screen instructions to reset your device to factory default.
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Crashing and freezing of Android Device after small intervals can be really disappointing, trust me. But, we hope that we have satisfied you with our useful tips and helped you to Unfreeze Your Android Phone. Do let us know which method worked for you in the comments box below.