您可以在 Windows 10 台式机/笔记本电脑上使用许多软件优化来优化您的游戏体验。这些范围从增加每秒帧数(Frames)、使用游戏模式(Mode)到硬件更改(例如用SDD替换(Second)HDD )(SDD)。如果您是狂热的游戏玩家,请按照本指南中的方法优化 Windows 10 for Gaming 并最大限度地提高您的机器性能。(optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and maximize the performance of your machine.)
如何针对游戏和性能优化 Windows 10(How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance)
优化后,玩《堡垒(Fortnite)之夜》 、 《荒野大镖客》(Red Dead Redemption)、《使命(Call)召唤(Duty)》 、 《侠盗(GTA V)猎(Minecraft)车手》 、 《我的世界》 、《辐射3(Fallout 3) 》等游戏,对您和您的朋友来说会更加引人入胜。那么,让我们开始吧!
方法一:开启游戏模式(Method 1: Enable Game Mode)
您可以在Windows 10(Windows 10)上执行的最方便的优化是打开或关闭Windows游戏模式。在Windows 10(Windows 10)上启用游戏模式后, (Game Mode)Windows更新、通知等后台进程将停止。禁用游戏模式(Game Mode)将提高玩高度图形化游戏所需的每秒帧数。(Frames Per Second)按照以下步骤打开游戏模式(Game Mode)。
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中输入游戏模式。(Game mode)
2.接下来,单击搜索结果中出现的游戏模式设置以启动它。(Game Mode settings)
3. 在新窗口中,打开切换开关(toggle on)以启用游戏模式(Game Mode),如下图所示。
方法二:去掉 Nagle 算法(Method 2: Remove Nagle’s Algorithm)
启用 Nagle 算法后,您的计算机 Internet 连接通过网络发送的数据包较少。因此,该算法有助于提高TCP/IP网络的效率,即使它是以流畅的互联网连接为代价的。请按照以下步骤禁用 Nagle 算法以优化Windows 10游戏:
1. 在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中,搜索注册表编辑器(Registry editor)。然后,单击它以启动它。
2. 在注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)窗口中,导航以下文件路径:
3. 您现在将在Interfaces文件夹中看到编号的文件夹。单击(Click)左侧面板中的第一个文件夹,如下图所示。
5.将Value data中写入的值替换为您的IP地址(your IP address)。然后,单击OK,如图所示。
6. 然后,右键单击右窗格中的任何空白区域并选择 New > DWORD(32-bit) Value.
7. 将新密钥命名为TcpAckFrequency,如下所示。
8. 双击新键并将值数据(Value data)编辑为1。
9. 通过重复步骤 6-8(steps 6-8)创建另一个键并将其命名为TCPNoDelay并将值数据(Value data)设置为1。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 什么是 Windows 注册表及其工作原理?(What is the Windows Registry & How it Works?)
方法 3:禁用 SysMain(Method 3: Disable SysMain)
SysMain 曾被称为SuperFetch,是一项Windows功能,可减少(Windows)Windows应用程序和Windows操作系统的启动时间。关闭此功能将减少CPU使用率并优化Windows 10的游戏。
1.在Windows 搜索栏中搜索(Windows search)服务(Services),然后单击打开(Open)以启动它。
2. 接下来,向下滚动到SysMain。右键单击它并选择属性,(Properties,)如图所示。
3. 在属性(Properties)窗口中,从下拉菜单中将启动类型( Startup type)更改为禁用。(Disabled)
4. 最后,单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)。
注意:(Note:)要进一步降低CPU使用率,您可以对Windows 搜索( Windows Search )和后台智能传输( Background Intelligent Transfer)进程类似地实施相同的方法。
方法 4:更改活动时间(Method 4: Change Active Hours)
当Windows 10(Windows 10)在未经事先许可的情况下安装更新或重新启动计算机时,您的游戏性能将受到影响。为确保Windows在此期间不更新或重新启动,您可以更改活动(Active)时间,如下所示。
1. 启动设置(Settings )并单击更新和安全。( Update and Security.)
2. 然后,单击右侧面板中的更改活动时间(Change active hours),如下所示。
3.根据您可能玩游戏的时间设置开始时间(Start time)和结束时间。(End time )选择不希望自动更新和重新启动 Windows 并优化Windows 10(Windows 10)以提高性能的时间。
方法五:编辑预取参数(Method 5: Edit Prefetch Parameters)
预取是Windows操作系统用来加速数据获取的一种技术。禁用此功能将降低CPU使用率并优化Windows 10的游戏性能。
1. 按照方法 2(Method 2)中的说明启动注册表编辑器(Registry editor)。
2. 这一次,导航以下路径:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
3. 从右窗格中,双击EnablePrefetcher,如图所示。
4. 然后,将Value data更改为0,然后单击OK,如图所示。
方法六:关闭后台(Background) 服务(Services)
在后台运行的系统应用程序和Windows 10服务会增加CPU使用率并降低游戏性能。按照给定的步骤关闭后台服务,这反过来会优化Windows 10的游戏:
1 . 启动设置(Settings)并单击隐私(Privacy),如图所示。
2. 然后,点击后台应用程序(Background apps)。
3. 最后,关闭“让应用程序在后台运行”选项的开关(toggle off),(Let apps run in the background,)如下图所示。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Windows 10 提示:禁用 SuperFetch(Windows 10 Tip: Disable SuperFetch)
方法 7:开启对焦辅助(Method 7: Turn on Focus Assist)
不被通知弹出窗口和声音分心是优化游戏系统的一个组成部分。打开Focus Assist将防止在您玩游戏时弹出通知,从而提高您赢得游戏的机会。
1. 启动设置(Settings)并点击系统(System),如图所示。
2.从左侧面板中选择Focus Assist 。
3. 从右侧窗格中显示的选项中,选择仅优先级(Priority only)。
4A。打开自定义优先级列表( Customize your priority list)的链接以选择允许发送通知的应用程序。
4B。仅( Alarms only) 当您要阻止除设置警报之外的所有通知时,才选择警报。
方法八:修改视觉效果设置(Method 8: Modify Visual Effects Settings)
打开并在后台运行的图形可能会影响计算机的性能。以下是通过使用控制面板(Control Panel)更改视觉效果设置来优化Windows 10游戏的方法:
1.在Windows搜索栏中输入Advanced 。单击(Click)查看高级系统设置( View advanced system settings)以从搜索结果中打开它,如图所示。
2. 在系统属性(System Properties)窗口中,单击性能(Performance )部分下的设置。(Settings)
3. 在“视觉效果(Visual Effects )”选项卡中,选择标题为“调整以获得最佳性能(Adjust for best performance)”的第三个选项。
4. 最后,点击Apply > OK,如下图所示。
方法 9:更改电池电源计划
(Method 9: Change Battery Power Plan
将电池电源计划更改(Changing the battery power plan)为高性能(High Performance)将优化电池寿命,进而优化Windows 10以进行游戏。
2. 单击左侧面板中的电源和睡眠(Power and Sleep)。
3. 现在,单击最右侧窗格中的其他电源设置,如图所示。(Additional power settings )
4. 在现在出现的电源选项(Power Options)窗口中,单击创建电源计划(Create a power plan),如图所示。
5. 在这里,选择高性能(High performance)并单击下一步(Next)以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中启用或禁用省电模式(How to Enable or Disable Battery Saver In Windows 10)
方法 10:禁用 Steam 游戏的自动更新(如果适用)
(Method 10: Disable Auto-update of Steam Games (If applicable)
如果您使用Steam玩游戏,您会注意到Steam游戏会在后台自动更新。后台(Background)更新会占用您计算机的存储空间和处理能力。为了优化Windows 10的游戏,请阻止Steam在后台更新游戏,如下所示:
1. 启动蒸汽(Steam)。然后,点击左上角的Steam并选择(Steam)Settings。
2. 接下来,单击下载(Downloads)选项卡。
3. 最后,取消选中(uncheck)允许在游戏期间下载(Allow downloads during gameplay)旁边的框,如突出显示的那样。
方法 11:更新 GPU 驱动程序(Method 11: Update GPU drivers)
必须保持图形(Graphics) 处理单元(Processing Unit)的更新,以使您的游戏体验流畅且不间断。过时的GPU可能会导致故障和崩溃。为避免这种情况,请按照说明进行操作:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索设备管理器。(Device Manager)通过在搜索结果中单击它来启动设备管理器。(Device Manager )
2. 在新窗口中,单击显示适配器(Display adapters )旁边的向下箭头(downward arrow)将其展开。
3. 接下来,右键单击您的图形驱动程序(graphics driver)。然后,选择更新驱动程序,(Update driver, )如下图所示。
4. 最后,单击标题为自动搜索驱动程序(Search automatically for drivers )的选项以下载并安装最新的图形驱动程序。
方法 12:禁用指针精度(Method 12: Disable Pointer Precision)
(Pointer)使用任何Windows(Windows)程序或第三方软件时,指针精度会有所帮助。但是,它会影响您在玩游戏时的Windows 10性能。按照给定的步骤禁用指针精度并优化Windows 10的游戏和性能:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中搜索鼠标设置。(Mouse settings)然后,从搜索结果中单击它。
2. 现在,选择Additional mouse options,如下所示。
3. 在鼠标(Mouse) 属性(Properties)窗口中,切换到指针选项选项(Pointer Options)卡。
4. 最后,取消选中(uncheck)标记为增强指针精度的框。(Enhance pointer precision.)然后,单击“应用(Apply )” > “确定”。(OK.)
方法 13:禁用键盘辅助功能选项(Method 13: Disable Keyboard Accessibility Options)
当您收到一条消息说在您的计算机上工作时已启用粘滞键(sticky keys)时,这可能会很烦人,在您玩游戏时更是如此。以下是通过禁用Windows 10来优化游戏性能的方法:(Windows 10)
1. 启动设置(Settings)并选择轻松访问( Ease of Access),如图所示。
2. 然后,单击左侧窗格中的键盘(Keyboard )。
3. 关闭使用粘滞键(Use Sticky Keys)、使用切换键(Use Toggle Keys, )和使用过滤键( Use Filter keys )的切换以禁用它们。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Windows 10 中关闭讲述人语音(How to Turn off Narrator Voice in Windows 10)
方法 14:使用独立 GPU 进行游戏(如果适用)
(Method 14: Use Discrete GPU for Gaming (If applicable)
1. 启动系统设置(System Settings),如前所述。
2. 然后,点击显示(Display)>图形设置(Graphics settings),如图所示。
3. 从“选择要设置的应用程序”(Choose an app to set preference)的下拉菜单中,选择桌面应用程序( Desktop App ),如图所示。
4. 接下来,单击浏览(Browse )选项。导航到您的游戏文件夹(game folder)。
5. 选择 。游戏的exe(exe) 文件(file),然后单击添加(Add)。
6. 现在,在“设置”窗口中单击(Settings)添加的游戏(added game),然后单击“选项”。(Options. )
注意:(Note:)我们以谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)为例说明了该步骤。
7.从列出的选项中选择高性能。(High performance)然后,单击“保存”,(Save, )突出显示。
8.重新启动计算机(Restart your computer)以使所做的更改生效。这是如何优化Windows 10的性能。
方法 15:在显卡控制面板中调整设置(如果适用)(Method 15: Tweak Settings in Graphics Card Control Panel (If applicable))
安装在您的系统上的NVIDIA(NVIDIA)或AMD显卡具有各自的控制面板来更改设置。您可以更改这些设置以优化Windows 10的游戏性能。
1. 右键单击桌面(desktop),然后单击图形驱动程序控制面板。(graphic driver control panel. )例如,NVIDIA 控制面板。
2. 在设置菜单中,更改以下设置(如果适用):
- 将最大预渲染帧数(Maximum Pre-rendered frames)减少到 1。
- 调整线程优化(Threaded Optimization)。
- 关闭垂直同步(Vertical Sync)。
- 如图所示,将电源管理模式(Power Management Mode)设置为最大值。
这不仅有助于优化Windows 10的游戏性能,还解决了如何优化Windows 10的性能问题。
方法 16:安装 DirectX 12
(Method 16: Install DirectX 12
DirectX是一款可以显着增强您的游戏体验的应用程序。它通过提供高效的功耗、增强的图形、多 CPU 和多 GPU 内核以及更流畅的帧速率来实现这一点。Direct X 10和Direct X 12版本深受全球游戏玩家的青睐。请按照以下步骤升级您计算机上安装的DirectX版本,以优化Windows 10的性能:
1. 按Windows + R keys启动运行(Run)对话框。
2. 接下来,在对话框中输入 dxdiag ,然后单击(dxdiag)OK。DirectX诊断工具现在将打开。
4. 如果您的计算机上 没有安装DirectX 12 ,请从此处下载并安装(download and install it from here)。
5.接下来,转到Settings > Update & Security,如图所示。
6. 单击检查更新(Check for updates )并更新Windows 操作系统(Windows OS)以优化Windows 10的游戏。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复在 Windows 10 上未检测到显卡(Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10)
方法17:硬盘碎片整理(Method 17: Defragmentation of HDD)
这是Windows 10中的内置实用程序,可让您对硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理以更有效地工作。碎片整理(Defragmentation)以整齐有序的方式移动和重组分布在硬盘上的数据。请按照以下步骤使用此实用程序优化Windows 10的游戏:
1.在Windows 搜索(Windows search)栏中键入碎片整理。(defrag)然后,单击碎片整理和优化驱动器。(Defragment and Optimize Drives.)
2. 选择要进行碎片整理的HDD(硬盘驱动器)。
注意:(Note:)请勿对固态驱动器(Solid State Drive)( SDD ) 进行碎片整理,因为它会缩短其使用寿命。
方法 18:升级到 SSD(Method 18: Upgrade to SSD)
硬盘驱动器或 HDD(Hard Disk Drives or HDDs)有一个读/写臂,它必须冲刷旋转磁盘的不同部分才能访问数据,类似于黑胶唱片播放器。这种机械性使它们变得缓慢且非常脆弱(slow and very fragile)。如果带有HDD的笔记本电脑掉落,数据丢失的可能性会更高,因为撞击可能会破坏移动的磁盘。
(Solid State Drives or SSDs)另一方面,固态驱动器或 SSD具有抗震性(shock-resistant)。固态硬盘(State)更适合用于重度和密集游戏的计算机。它们也更快(faster),因为数据存储在更易于访问的闪存芯片上。它们是非机械的并且消耗更少的功率(non-mechanical and consume lesser power),因此可以节省笔记本电脑的电池寿命。
因此,如果您正在寻找提高 Windows 10 笔记本电脑性能的可靠方法,请考虑购买笔记本电脑并将其从HDD升级到SSD。
注意:(Note:)查看我们的指南以了解 Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs Hard Drive之间的区别。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够针对游戏和性能优化 Windows 10(optimize Windows 10 for gaming and performance)。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何问题或建议,请随时在评论部分提出。
18 Ways to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming
There are many software optimizations that you саn mаke use of on your Windows 10 desktop/laptop to оptimize your gamіng experience. These range from increasing Frames per Second, using Gaming Mode to hardware changes like replacing HDD with SDD. If you are an avid gamer, follow the methods in thiѕ guide to optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and maximize the performance of your machine.
How to Optimize Windows 10 for Gaming and Performance
After optimization, playing games like Fortnite, Red Dead Redemption, Call of Duty, GTA V, Minecraft, Fallout 3, and many more, would be even more engrossing for you and your friends. So, let us begin!
Method 1: Enable Game Mode
The most accessible optimization that you can carry out on Windows 10 is to turn Windows game mode on or off. Once Game Mode is enabled on Windows 10, background processes like Windows updates, notifications, etc., are halted. Disabling Game Mode will boost the Frames Per Second needed to play highly graphical games. Follow these steps to turn on Game Mode.
1. Type Game mode in the Windows search bar.
2. Next, click on the Game Mode settings that appear in the search results to launch it.
3. In the new window, turn the toggle on to enable Game Mode, as shown below.
Method 2: Remove Nagle’s Algorithm
When Nagle’s algorithm is enabled, your computer internet connection sends lesser packets over the network. Thus, the algorithm helps increase the efficiency of TCP/IP networks, even though it comes at the cost of a smooth internet connection. Follow these steps to disable Nagle’s algorithm to optimize Windows 10 for gaming:
1. In the Windows search bar, search for Registry editor. Then, click on it to launch it.
2. In the Registry Editor window, navigate the following file path:
3. You will now see numbered folders within the Interfaces folder. Click on the first folder from the left panel, as illustrated below.
4. Next, double-click on DhcpIPAddress, as shown above.
5. Replace the value written in Value data with your IP address. Then, click on OK, as depicted.
6. Then, right-click on any empty space in the right pane and select New > DWORD(32-bit) Value.
7. Name the new key TcpAckFrequency as shown below.
8. Double-click on the new key and edit the Value data to 1.
9. Create another key by repeating steps 6-8 and name it TCPNoDelay with Value data to 1.
You have now successfully disabled the algorithm. Resultantly, gameplay will be better optimized on your computer.
Also Read: What is the Windows Registry & How it Works?
Method 3: Disable SysMain
SysMain, which was once called SuperFetch, is a Windows feature that decreases the start-up times for Windows applications and Windows operating systems. Turning off this feature will reduce CPU usage and optimize Windows 10 for gaming.
1. Search for Services in the Windows search bar and then, click on Open to launch it.
2. Next, scroll down to SysMain. Right-click on it and select Properties, as depicted.
3. In the Properties window, change the Startup type to Disabled from the drop-down menu.
4. Lastly, click on Apply and then, OK.
Note: To further decrease CPU usage, you can implement the same method for Windows Search and Background Intelligent Transfer processes similarly.
Method 4: Change Active Hours
Your gaming performance will be affected when Windows 10 installs updates or reboots the computer without prior permission. To ensure that Windows does not update or reboot during this time, you can change the Active hours, as instructed below.
1. Launch Settings and click on Update and Security.
2. Then, click on Change active hours from the right panel, as shown below.
3. Set the Start time and End time in accordance with when you are likely to be gaming. Choose when you wouldn’t want automatic Windows updates and reboots to take place and optimize Windows 10 for performance.
Method 5: Edit Prefetch Parameters
Prefetch is a technique used by the Windows operating system to speed up the fetching of data. Disabling this will decrease CPU usage and optimize Windows 10 for gaming.
1. Launch Registry editor as explained in Method 2.
2. This time, navigate the following path:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters
3. From the right pane, double click on EnablePrefetcher, as shown.
4. Then, change the Value data to 0, and click OK, as highlighted.
Method 6: Turn off Background Services
System applications and Windows 10 services running in the background can increase CPU usage and slow down gaming performance. Follow the given steps to turn off background services which in turn, will optimize Windows 10 for gaming:
1. Launch Settings and click on Privacy, as shown.
2. Then, click on Background apps.
3. Finally, turn the toggle off for the option titled Let apps run in the background, as illustrated below.
Also Read: Windows 10 Tip: Disable SuperFetch
Method 7: Turn on Focus Assist
Not being distracted by notification pop-ups and sounds is an integral part of optimizing your system for gaming. Turning on Focus Assist will prevent notifications from popping up when you are gaming and thus, enhance your chances of winning the game.
1. Launch Settings and click on System, as shown.
2. Choose Focus Assist from the left panel.
3. From the options displayed in the right pane, choose Priority only.
4A. Open the link to Customize your priority list to select apps that will be allowed to send notifications.
4B. Choose Alarms only if you want to block all notifications except for set alarms.
Method 8: Modify Visual Effects Settings
Graphics that are turned on and run in the background can affect the performance of your computer. Here’s how to optimize Windows 10 for gaming by changing Visual Effects settings using Control Panel:
1. Type Advanced in the Windows search bar. Click on View advanced system settings to open it from the search results, as shown.
2. In the System Properties window, click on Settings under the Performance section.
3. In the Visual Effects tab, choose the third option titled Adjust for best performance.
4. Lastly, click on Apply > OK, as depicted below.
Method 9: Change Battery Power Plan
Changing the battery power plan to High Performance will optimize the battery life and in turn, optimize Windows 10 for gaming.
1. Launch Settings and click on System, as earlier.
2. Click Power and Sleep from the left panel.
3. Now, click on Additional power settings from the right-most pane, as shown.
4. In the Power Options window that now appears, click on Create a power plan, as depicted.
5. Here, choose High performance and click Next to save the changes.
Also Read: How to Enable or Disable Battery Saver In Windows 10
Method 10: Disable Auto-update of Steam Games (If applicable)
If you play games using Steam, you would have noticed that Steam games automatically update in the background. Background updates use up storage space & processing power of your computer. In order to optimize Windows 10 for gaming, block Steam from updating games in the background as follows:
1. Launch Steam. Then, click on Steam in the top-left corner and select Settings.
2. Next, click on the Downloads tab.
3. Lastly, uncheck the box next to Allow downloads during gameplay, as highlighted.
Method 11: Update GPU drivers
It is essential to keep the Graphics Processing Unit updated so that your gaming experience is smooth and uninterrupted. An outdated GPU may lead to glitches and crashes. To avoid this, do as instructed:
1. Search for Device Manager in the Windows search bar. Launch Device Manager by clicking on it in the search result.
2. In the new window, click on the downward arrow next to Display adapters to expand it.
3. Next, right-click on your graphics driver. Then, select Update driver, as shown below.
4. Finally, click on the option titled Search automatically for drivers to download and install the latest graphics drivers.
Method 12: Disable Pointer Precision
Pointer precision can help when working with any Windows programs or third-party software. But, it can affect your Windows 10 performance while gaming. Follow the given steps to disable pointer precision and to optimize Windows 10 for gaming and performance:
1. Search for Mouse settings in the Windows search bar. Then, click on it from the search results.
2. Now, select Additional mouse options, as marked below.
3. In the Mouse Properties window, switch to the Pointer Options tab.
4. Finally, uncheck the box marked Enhance pointer precision. Then, click on Apply > OK.
Method 13: Disable Keyboard Accessibility Options
It can be pretty annoying when you get a message saying that sticky keys have been enabled while working on your computer, even more so when you are playing a game. Here’s how to optimize Windows 10 for gaming performance by disabling them:
1. Launch Settings and select Ease of Access, as shown.
2. Then, click on Keyboard in the left pane.
3. Turn the toggle off for Use Sticky Keys, Use Toggle Keys, and Use Filter keys to disable them all.
Also Read: How to Turn off Narrator Voice in Windows 10
Method 14: Use Discrete GPU for Gaming (If applicable)
In case you own a multi-GPU computer, the integrated GPU offers better power efficiency, while the discrete GPU enhances the performance of graphics-heavy, intensive games. You can choose to play graphics-heavy games by setting discrete GPU as the default GPU to run them, as follows:
1. Launch System Settings, as earlier.
2. Then, click on Display > Graphics settings, as shown.
3. From the drop-down menu given for Choose an app to set preference, select Desktop App as shown.
4. Next, click on the Browse option. Navigate to your game folder.
5. Select the .exe file of the game and click on Add.
6. Now, click on the added game in the Settings window, then click on Options.
Note: We have explained the step for Google Chrome as an example.
7. Select High performance from the listed options. Then, click on Save, as highlighted.
8. Restart your computer for the changes that you made to take effect. This is how to optimize Windows 10 for performance.
Method 15: Tweak Settings in Graphics Card Control Panel (If applicable)
NVIDIA or AMD graphic cards installed on your system have their respective control panels to change settings. You can alter these settings to optimize Windows 10 for gaming.
1. Right-click on your desktop and then click on your graphic driver control panel. For example, NVIDIA Control Panel.
2. In the settings menu, change the following settings (if applicable):
- Reduce the Maximum Pre-rendered frames to 1.
- Tun on Threaded Optimization.
- Turn off Vertical Sync.
- Set Power Management Mode to Maximum, as depicted.
This will not only help optimize Windows 10 for gaming but also solve how to optimize Windows 10 for performance issues.
Method 16: Install DirectX 12
DirectX is an application that can significantly enhance your gaming experience. It does so by offering efficient power consumption, enhanced graphics, multi-CPU, and multi-GPU cores, along with smoother frame rates. Direct X 10 & Direct X 12 versions are greatly favored by gamers worldwide. Follow the steps given below to upgrade the DirectX version installed on your computer to to optimize Windows 10 for performance:
1. Press Windows + R keys to launch the Run dialogue box.
2. Next, type dxdiag in the dialogue box and then, click on OK. The DirectX diagnostic tool will open now.
3. Check the version of DirectX as shown below.
4. If you do not have DirectX 12 installed on your computer, download and install it from here.
5. Next, go to Settings > Update & Security, as shown.
6. Click on Check for updates and update Windows OS to optimize Windows 10 for gaming.
Also Read: Fix Graphics Card Not Detected on Windows 10
Method 17: Defragmentation of HDD
This is an inbuilt utility in Windows 10 that allows you to defragment your hard disk drive to work more efficiently. Defragmentation moves and reorganizes the data spread across your hard drive in a neat and organized manner. Follow the steps given below to use this utility to optimize Windows 10 for gaming:
1. Type defrag in the Windows search bar. Then, click on Defragment and Optimize Drives.
2. Select the HDD (Hard disk drive) to be defragmented.
Note: Do not defragment Solid State Drive (SDD) because it can reduce its lifespan.
3. Then, click on Optimize, as shown below.
The selected HDD will be automatically defragmented for enhanced performance of your Windows desktop/laptop.
Method 18: Upgrade to SSD
Hard Disk Drives or HDDs have a read/write arm that has to scour different parts of a spinning disk to access data, similar to a vinyl record player. This mechanical nature makes them slow and very fragile. If a laptop with an HDD is dropped, there are higher chances of data loss because the impact could disrupt the moving disks.
Solid State Drives or SSDs, on the other hand, are shock-resistant. Solid State Drives are much more suited for computers being used for heavy and intensive gaming. They are also faster because the data is stored on flash memory chips, which are much more accessible. They are non-mechanical and consume lesser power, thus, saving the battery life of your laptop.
Therefore, if you are looking for a sure-fire way to improve the performance of your Windows 10 laptop, consider buying and upgrading your laptop from HDD to SSD.
Note: Check out our guide to learn the difference between Mac Fusion Drive Vs SSD Vs Hard Drive.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to optimize Windows 10 for gaming and performance. Let us know which method worked for you the best. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding this article, feel free to drop them in the comments section.