在这个数字时代,没有比在他们熟悉和喜欢的媒介上让孩子练习写作更好的方法了。您孩子的智能手机或平板电脑(smartphone or tablet)可以成为一种相关且有用的媒介,您的孩子可以通过它学习如何写字母,直至完善他们的笔迹。

我们针对儿童的最佳写作应用程序(writing apps)汇总针对学龄前儿童和小学儿童的不同年龄范围和学习水平,因此您可以找到最适合您孩子需求的应用程序。
Letter School是一款字母追踪(alphabet tracing)和手写应用程序,专为年轻学生学习最有效的单词书写方式而设计。该应用程序提示孩子们用他们的食指追踪小写和大写字母,以及数字来勾勒每个字符,直到他们创建一个(lowercase and capital letters)字母或数字(letter or number)的良好表示。
演示可以向孩子们展示他们应该在哪里开始和结束每个数字或字母(number or letter),如果他们希望移动到下一个数字或字母(number or letter),他们必须写出令人满意的表示。

这是一个有趣且引人入胜的应用程序,孩子们会喜欢(fun and engaging app that children will love)它,特别是因为它引人入胜的音效和动画可以鼓励他们定期练习数字和字母的形成。(practice number and letter formation)
每个字母或数字(letter or number)都有四个令人兴奋的游戏,可测试您的孩子在记忆中书写数字和字母时对数字和字母的了解。渐渐地,该应用程序增加了孩子们对正在学习的数字或字母的理解,以这种迷人的方式(captivating style),他们甚至可能忘记他们正在学习。
iTrace 应用程序(iTrace app)是一款儿童书写应用程序,让学习如何书写数字和字母变得有趣而有趣。它会考虑不同孩子的写作方式,并提供字母和数字供他们追踪。
父母可以从三种不同的字母样式中进行选择,并且可以在标准或草书字母之间进行选择。它还为使用该应用程序的左撇子提供了左手方向开关(orientation switch)。

为了培养孩子的肌肉记忆力(muscle memory),该应用程序让他或她多次写同一个字母,并提供至少 10 个独特的奖品作为奖励,以奖励每个字母写得令人满意。此外,由于该应用程序保留了孩子尝试的历史记录,因此父母可以查看孩子的进度。
它是唯一一款为左撇子孩子使用多种字母书写方法和一个开关的应用程序,但它仅适用于iPhone 和 iPad(iPhone and iPad)。
这个应用程序旨在帮助孩子们学习如何追踪数字和字母,同时学习一些语音和字母命名(letter naming)。
如果您的孩子在书写、精细运动和(motor and dysgraphia)书写障碍方面遇到困难,这个应用程序将帮助他们通过有趣的贴纸、游戏和音效等引人入胜的互动图形学习如何以更长和更小的形式书写。

其充满活力和有趣的追踪练习(tracing practice)可帮助孩子们练习追踪形状、单词、大写或小写字母(uppercase or lowercase letters)和数字,每次尝试后都会获得独特的奖励。您可以通过选择不同的样式来自定义笔迹,例如 Handwriting without Tears、D'Nealian、Zaner-Bloser、UK 或 Scandanavia(UK or Scandanavia),并用尖头手指追踪数字、字母、单词或形状(word or shape)。
每个字母都附有一个字母,以便更好地将字母与单词以及单词与图像联系起来。孩子们(Children)还可以学习形成小写和大写字母、简单单词和 0 到 20 数字的正确方法。
一个有趣的卡通人物(fun cartoon character)被称为螃蟹先生(Mr. Crab),引导孩子们通过在编号的点上拖动手指来追踪字母和数字。如果孩子偏离了描线,他必须从头开始,在描完每个项目后,他会得到一张可爱、令人难忘的图片,帮助他记住自己写的东西。

家长可以根据孩子的需要定制应用程序,并选择单个单词或字母供他们练习。您还可以通过帮助您的孩子识别和绘制(child identify and draw images)他们看到的与他们所学的字母相对应的图像来扩展屏幕外的活动。
该应用程序仅适用于iOS 设备(iOS devices)。如果您想在购买应用程序之前进行预览,可以使用Lite 版本。(Lite version)它具有所有功能,但仅限于三个单词和三个字母。
让写作变得有趣(Make Writing Fun)
你有一个最喜欢的写作应用程序(writing app)来教你的孩子如何写得更好吗?在下面的评论中与我们分享。
4 Best Writing Apps for Kids
For some kids, the first time they pick up a pencil can bе a challenge. The beѕt way to help them get better at it is by regularly practіcing writing with thеm and encouraging them to build early literacy skills in the process.
In this digital age, there’s no better way to get children to practice writing than on a medium that they’re familiar with and enjoy. Your child’s smartphone or tablet can be a relevant and useful medium through which your child can learn how to form letters, down to perfecting their handwriting.

Fortunately, there are writing apps for kids that can help your child move from the first shaky crayon-written letter, to polished words and sentences.
Our roundup of the best writing apps for kids are geared towards different age ranges and learning levels from preschoolers and grade-school kids alike, so you can find one that best suits your child’s needs.
Letter School is an alphabet tracing and handwriting app designed for younger students to learn the most efficient way of writing words. The app prompts children to trace lowercase and capital letters, and numerals using their index fingers to outline each character until they create a good representation of the letter or number.
Demos are available to show children where they should start and end each number or letter, and if they wish to move to the next number or letter, they have to write a satisfactory representation of it.

It’s a fun and engaging app that children will love especially because of its engaging sound effects and animations that encourage them to practice number and letter formation regularly.
There are four exciting games for each letter or number that test your child’s knowledge of the numbers and letters as they write them from memory. Gradually, the app increases children’s understanding of the numbers or letters being learned in such a captivating style, they may even forget they’re learning.
The app is available for Android and iOS devices.
iTrace app is a writing app for kids that makes learning how to write numbers and letters fun and interesting. It factors in how different children write and provides letters and numbers for them to trace.
Parents can select from three different letter styles, and can choose between standard or cursive letters. It also provides a left-handed orientation switch for lefties using the app.

In order to develop your child’s muscle memory, the app lets him or her write the same letter several times, and offers at least 10 unique prizes as rewards for writing each letter satisfactorily. Plus, parents can review their children’s progress as the app keeps a history of the child’s attempts.
It’s the only app that uses multiple letter writing methodologies and a single switch for left-handed kids, but it’s only available on iPhone and iPad.
This app is designed to help kids learn how to trace numbers and letters, while learning some phonetic sounds and letter naming.
If your child struggles with handwriting, fine motor and dysgraphia, this app will help them learn how to write in longer and smaller forms through engaging and interactive graphics like fun stickers, games and sound effects.

Its vibrant and playful tracing practice helps kids practice tracing shapes, words, uppercase or lowercase letters and numbers with unique rewards after each attempt. You can customize the handwriting by selecting from different styles such as Handwriting without Tears, D’Nealian, Zaner-Bloser, UK or Scandanavia, and watch as a hand with a pointed finger traces the number, letter, word or shape.
The child learns to trace out characters guided by red arrows and targets that show the tracing direction, and sound cues that tell them what to do next.
It’s an engaging and interactive app with surprising animations from rushing rainbows, to dancing cupcakes, bouncing hearts, tiger faces and more, which motivate your child to keep practicing.
The app is available for Android and iOS devices.
This handwriting and tracing app is designed to help younger kids practice writing numbers and letters at their pace. It uses whimsical sound effects and cartoon graphics to teach kids how to write simple words, while helping them become more familiar with the basic structures and sounds of individual letters.
Each letter is accompanied with a letter for better association of letters with words, and words with images. Children also get to learn the correct way of forming lowercase and uppercase letters, simple words, and numbers from 0 to 20.
A fun cartoon character dubbed Mr. Crab, guides the kids along as they trace letters and numbers by dragging their fingers on numbered dots. If the child diverges from the tracing line, he has to start all over again, and after tracing each item, he gets a cute, memorable picture that helps him remember what he wrote.

It’s a handy app especially if you have a reluctant tracer who could be drawn into the interactive experience of hand-drawn pictures, ABC sing along songs, and the letter-eating vortex.
Parents can customize the app to the children’s needs and select individual words or letters for them to practice. You can also extend the activity off-screen by helping your child identify and draw images they see that correspond to the letters they’ve learned.
The app is only available on iOS devices. There’s a Lite version if you’d like a preview before purchasing the app. It has all the features but limited to three words and three letters only.
Make Writing Fun
By getting your child to write early and often, you’re preparing him or her to succeed across all subjects. With these writing apps for kids, your child will practice writing letters, numbers, sight words and short sentences too. They’re a great tool for any child who is learning the fundamentals of writing.
Do you have a favorite writing app you use to teach your child how to write better? Share with us in a comment below.