正如一位著名的电影反派所说(said):“谁有时间?谁有时间?但是,如果我们从不花时间,我们怎么会有时间呢?” (“Who has time? Who has time? But then if we do not ever take time, how can we ever have time?”)虽然Matrix(Matrix)电影中的 Merovingian可能是道德上可疑的智慧来源,但时间确实是你无法拥有的一种资源。
时间(Time)管理是一项很难学习的技能,但是这 21 种时间管理工具在将宝贵的时间分配给现代生活的需求方面都有自己的贡献。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 创建(Create)适合您的项目和团队的列和卡片。
- (Pack)将卡片的所有相关信息直接打包到其中。
- 分配(Assign)到期日和负责黑板上每张卡片的特定团队成员。
定价:(Pricing: )免费提供各种付费选项,每位用户每月 12.50 美元起。
网站:(Website: )https://trello.com/
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 自动时间跟踪,无需手动数据输入。
- 自动提示添加离线时间。
- 高度详细的报告和见解。
定价:(Pricing: ) 14 天试用期,每位用户每月 6.50 美元起。
网站:(Website: )https://www.rescuetime.com/
3. Todoist
一个惊人的待办事项列表应用程序(amazing to-do list application),似乎已经想到了一切。它可以帮助您确保您有足够的时间以正确的顺序完成所有事情,而不会感到焦虑。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 快速任务添加系统,具有重复日期选项。
- 轻松将任务委派给其他用户。
- 适用于各种项目类型的有用模板库。
定价:(Pricing: )免费,高级选项起价为每位用户每月 4 美元。
网站:(Website:) https://todoist.com/
Toggle Track是专门用于时间跟踪的三个Toggle工具之一。(Toggle)具有特别有吸引力和直观的设计。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 快速的一键式计时器。
- 在后台自动跟踪应用程序和网站。
- 即使您忘记激活计时器,也会自动跟踪时间。
定价:(Pricing: )免费,每位用户每月 10 美元起。
网址:(Website: )https://toggl.com/
5. 滴答滴答
TickTick是一个待办事项列表和任务管理器应用程序,可用于数量惊人的设备、平台和操作系统。包括苹果手表(Apple Watch)!
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 支持任务语音输入。
- 基于位置的提醒。
- 多优先任务系统。
定价:(Pricing: )免费开始,每位用户每年 27.99 美元。
网站:(Website: )https://ticktick.com/
6. 泰梅
Tyme是 iOS、watchOS 和 macOS 独有的。提供(Offering)流畅直观的时间跟踪,非常适合完全融入Apple生态系统的任何人。那些跨平台工作的人应该把目光投向别处。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 与日历(Calendar)和Siri等(Siri)Apple软件完美集成。
- Tyme提醒直接发送到您的通知中心。
- 根据位置打卡进出。
定价:(Pricing: )每位用户每月 3.99 美元。
网站:(Website: )https://tyme-app.com/en/
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 您在各种工作应用程序上花费的所有时间都会自动起草到每日时间表中。
- 实时团队仪表板。
- 位置跟踪支持基于位置的时间跟踪。
定价:(Pricing: )每位用户每年 96 美元起。
网址:(Website: )https://memory.ai/timely
8. 口袋
Pocket 是一种时间管理工具,可让您避免对有趣内容的干扰,让您轻松保存所有内容以供以后工作完成。也非常适合组织有计划的工作或学习阅读。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 保存(Save)来自任何地方和几乎任何类型的内容。
- 离线阅读支持。
- 保存在您的桌面浏览器上,并从任何设备查看您的口袋。
定价:(Pricing:)免费广告,每月 4.99 美元的保费。
网站:(Website: )https://getpocket.com/
记住 The Milk是一款智能且易于使用的任务管理器,专门设计用于让忙碌的人保持正轨,避免忘记一项关键任务。对于任务密度高且容易漏掉一些任务的人来说,这是一个很好的选择。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 智能添加(Smart Add)允许在单行文本中创建详细的任务。
- 提醒可以发送到多种服务,例如Gmail或Skype。
- 支持任务的子任务和文件附件。
定价:(Pricing: )专业(Pro)用户每年 39.99 美元免费。
网站:(Website: )https://www.rememberthemilk.com/
10. 收获
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- (Time)通过计时器或手动输入进行时间跟踪。
- 与Chrome(Chrome)和Trello等应用程序集成。
- 根据计费时间直接创建发票。
定价:(Pricing: )可免费试用。每位用户每月 12 美元。
网站:(Website: )https://www.getharvest.com/
11. 阿瓦萨
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 用于数据洞察和计费小时跟踪的一键式计时器。
- 批量时间表导入。
- 对计费费率和非计费时间进行细粒度调整。
定价:(Pricing: )免费,付费计划每月 9,95 美元起。
网站:(Website: )https://www.avaza.com/
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 提供基于计时器的跟踪和手动输入。
- 计费时间和非付费时间很容易分开。
- 提供干净且富有洞察力的项目仪表板。
定价:(Pricing: )免费!
网站:(Website: )https://clockify.me/
13. 森林
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 通过种植一棵虚拟树来开始一项任务。
- 如果您在 30 分钟之前离开应用程序,树就会枯萎死亡。
- 种植虚拟树木获得的虚拟币可以用于真正的植树慈善事业。
定价:(Pricing: ) 1.99 美元,可选应用内购买。
网址:(Website: )https://www.forestapp.cc
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- (Earn)通过完成任务来获得经验值。
- 升级你的角色。
- 通过完成任务在任务地图上取得进展。
定价:(Pricing: ) 1.99 美元
网站:(Website: )http://www.rexbox.co.uk/epicwin/
15. 循环
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 专有的习惯评分算法。
- 开源(Open source),离线工作,完全私有。
- 提醒、复杂的日程安排支持和有吸引力的小部件。
定价:(Pricing: )免费和开源
网站:(Website: )https://loophabits.org/
16. 我的生活组织
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 简单、优雅的拖放式待办事项列表创建。
- 支持直观的分层待办事项列表。
- 从复杂的分层任务大纲生成智能列表。
定价:移动版免费,(Pricing: )专业(PRO)版29.99 美元。49.95 美元的Windows 标准版(Windows Standard Edition)。59.95 美元的Windows 专业版(Windows Pro Edition)..
网站:(Website: )https://www.mylifeorganized.net/
17. 谷歌任务
来自Google(Google)的准系统时间管理工具,与Google 套件(Google suite)完美集成。简单是它的优势,但对某些人来说可能过于稀疏。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 仅精简和核心功能。
- 支持子任务。
- 直接从 Gmail 创建任务。
定价:(Pricing: )免费!
网站:在(Website: )Play Store或Apple App Store上找到它
18. 清除待办事项
适用于 iPad 和 iOS 的极简主义但功能强大的以触控为中心的待办事项列表工具。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 简单的今日视图(Today View)让您一目了然地查看您的即时任务。
- 没有任何杂乱。
- 从头开始专为触摸界面而设计。
Pricing: $4.99
网站:(Website: )在 iOS App Store上找到它(App Store)
来自 Microsoft 的强大且集成的待办事项工具(to-do tool from Microsoft),它取代了流行且备受推崇的Wunderlist。非常适合(Perfect)那些已经嵌入Microsoft生态系统的工作人员。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 提供一个网络应用程序,因此您可以从任何地方访问它。
- 智能日程表提供个性化建议,以确保任务列表准确有用。
- 任务可以分解为简单的子步骤。
定价:(Pricing: )免费!
网站:(Website: )https://to-do.microsoft.com/tasks/
Tomato Timers作为基于 Web 的计时器或应用程序提供,提供了一种简单而优雅的方式来实现“番茄钟”技术(“Pomodoro” technique)。每个番茄时间为 25 分钟。用户完成任务,直到计时器用完。检查番茄钟,然后休息五分钟。每四个番茄钟后,休息一下。该方法旨在提高效率。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 简单的界面,帮助用户理解和使用番茄工作法。
- 伟大的,简单的网络应用程序。
- 应用程序(App)只有足够的工具来坚持你的番茄工作。
定价:(Pricing: )免费提供广告支持和应用内购买。
网站:(Website: )http://www.tomatotimers.com/
Nirvana是一个基于云的任务管理和待办事项应用程序,它是围绕David Allen发明的(David Allen)Getting Things Done时间管理方法构建的。这种方法基于知道您下一步可以采取和应该采取的行动,确保您只专注于下一步或目标,直到您完成所有工作。
主要特点:(Key Features:)
- 可以按时间、能量和标签等属性过滤项目。
- 使用“区域(Areas)”功能选择聚焦的位置。
- 可以在网络、Android和 iOS 手机和平板电脑上同步。
定价:(Pricing: )Pro免费,每月 5 美元起。
网站:(Website: )https://nirvanahq.com/
哦,我的毛皮(My Fur)和胡须(Whiskers)!我来晚了(Late),我来晚了(Late)!
21 Best Time Management Tools and Apps You Need to Try
As a famous movie villain once said: “Who has time? Who has time? But then if we do not ever take time, how can we ever have time?” While the Merovingian from the Matrix films may be an ethically dubious source for wisdom, it is true that time is the one resource that you can’t have more of.
Whether you’re rich or poor, you only have so many days on this earth. Therefore you need to manage that time to get to all the important stuff.
Time management is a tough skill to learn, but these 21 time management tools all have their own contribution to make when it comes to doling out your precious time to the demands of modern life.
1. Trello
Trello is one of our absolute favorite time and project management tools. It’s what we use! You can easily break any project into phases, with columns and cards representing specific tasks. Alternatively, use the column and card system any way you want!
Key Features:
- Create columns and cards to suit your project and team.
- Pack all related info for a card directly into it.
- Assign due dates and specific team members responsible for each card on the board.
Pricing: Free with various paid options starting at $12.50 per user, per month.
Website: https://trello.com/
2. Rescue Time
An automatic time management tool that gives you insight into how you’re using your time and where you can win some of it back. Ideal for those who never seem to have enough time to get it all done, but don’t know where the time went!
Key Features:
- Automatic time-tracking, with no need for manual data entry.
- Automatic prompts to add offline time.
- Highly-detailed reporting and insights.
Pricing: 14-day trial with prices starting at $6.50 per user, per month.
Website: https://www.rescuetime.com/
3. Todoist
An amazing to-do list application that seems to have thought of everything. It can help you make sure you have enough time to get to everything, in the right order, without the anxiety.
Key Features:
- Fast task-adding system, with recurring date options.
- Easy delegation of tasks to other users.
- Useful template library for various project types.
Pricing: Free, with premium options starting at $4 per month, per user.
Website: https://todoist.com/
4. Toggl Track
Toggle Track is one of the three Toggle tools that specializes in time tracking. WIth a particularly attractive and intuitive design.
Key Features:
- Fast one-click timers.
- Auto-tracking of apps and websites in the background.
- Auto-tracking of time even if you forget to activate a timer.
Pricing: Free with plans starting at $10 per user, per month.
Website: https://toggl.com/
5. TickTick
TickTick is a todo list and task manager application that’s available across a staggering number of devices, platforms and operating systems. Including the Apple Watch!
Key Features:
- Supports voice input for tasks.
- Location-based reminders.
- Multi-priority task system.
Pricing: Free to start, with $27.99 per user annually.
Website: https://ticktick.com/
6. Tyme
Tyme is exclusive to iOS, watchOS and macOS. Offering slick and intuitive time-tracking that’s perfect for anyone totally hooked into the Apple ecosystem. Those who work across platforms should look elsewhere.
Key Features:
- Peerless integration with Apple software such as Calendar and Siri.
- Tyme reminders straight to your notification center.
- Clock in and out based on location.
Pricing: $3.99 per month, per user.
Website: https://tyme-app.com/en/
7. Timely
Accurate, AI-powered time-tracking that virtually eliminates manual entry for your time usage during the day. Great if you don’t even have the time to track the time that you do have.
Key Features:
- All your time spent in various work apps are automatically drafted into a daily timeline.
- Real time team dashboards.
- Location tracking support for location-based time tracking.
Pricing: Starts at $96 per year, per user.
Website: https://memory.ai/timely
8. Pocket
Pocket is a time management tool that lets you avoid the distraction of interesting content, by letting you easily save it all for later when your work is done. Also great for organizing planned reading for work or study.
Key Features:
- Save content from anywhere and virtually any type.
- Offline reading support.
- Save on your desktop browser, and view your pocket from any device.
Pricing: Free with ads, $4.99 per month for premium.
Website: https://getpocket.com/
9. Remember The Milk
Remember The Milk is a smart and simple to use task manager designed specifically to keep busy people on track and avoid forgetting that one crucial task. A great choice for anyone with a high density of tasks who tends to let some slip through.
Key Features:
- Smart Add allows detailed task creation in a single line of text.
- Reminders can be sent to multiple services such as Gmail or Skype.
- Supports subtasks and file attachments to tasks.
Pricing: Free with $39.99 per year for Pro users.
Website: https://www.rememberthemilk.com/
10. Harvest
Harvest is a time management and expense tracking app with a focus on team management and insight via an intuitive dashboard.
Key Features:
- Time tracking via timers or manual entry.
- Integration with apps like Chrome and Trello.
- Direct creation of invoices based on billable hours.
Pricing: Free trial available. $12 per user, per month.
Website: https://www.getharvest.com/
11. Avaza
All-in-one business management software that includes integrated time and expense tracking. A good choice for teams that have complex roles and tasks.
Key Features:
- One-click timers for data insights and billable hour tracking.
- Bulk timesheet importing.
- Finely-grained tuning of billing rates and non-billable hours.
Pricing: Free, starting at $9,95 per month for paid plans.
Website: https://www.avaza.com/
A popular, simple and free time tracker that works for teams as well as individuals.
Key Features:
- Offers timer-based tracking and manual entry.
- Billable and unpaid hours are separated easily.
- Offers a clean and insightful project dashboard.
Pricing: Free!
Website: https://clockify.me/
13. Forest
A unique app that helps you prevent smartphone distraction by rewarding you with the planting of real trees, limited to five real trees per user.
Key Features:
- Start a task by planting a virtual tree.
- If you leave the app before 30 minutes have elapsed, the tree withers and dies.
- Virtual coins earned growing virtual trees can be spent on real tree planting charities.
Pricing: $1.99 with optional in-app purchases.
Website: https://www.forestapp.cc
14. Epic Win
A cool gamified time management tool that turns your real-life tasks into a roleplaying game. Perfect for MMORPG addicts!
Key Features:
- Earn experience points by completing your tasks.
- Level up your character.
- Progress on the quest map by completing tasks.
Pricing: $1.99
Website: http://www.rexbox.co.uk/epicwin/
15. Loop
Loop uses innovative tracking and feedback to help you cultivate good daily habits and time efficiency, based on a unique understanding of how habits are formed and sustained.
Key Features:
- Proprietary habit score algorithm.
- Open source, works offline and completely private.
- Reminders, complex schedule support and attractive widgets.
Pricing: Free and open source
Website: https://loophabits.org/
16. MyLifeOrganized
Flexible, fully-featured time management app with optional paid cloud-syncing feature.
Key Features:
- Simple, elegant drag-and-drop to-do list creation.
- Support for intuitive hierarchical to-do lists.
- Generates smart lists from complex hierarchical task outlines.
Pricing: Free on mobile with $29.99 PRO version. $49.95 Windows Standard Edition. $59.95 Windows Pro Edition..
Website: https://www.mylifeorganized.net/
17. Google Tasks
Barebones time management tool from Google, brilliantly integrated with the Google suite. Simplicity is its strength, but it might be too sparse for some.
Key Features:
- Stripped-down and core functionality only.
- Supports sub-tasks.
- Create tasks directly from Gmail.
Pricing: Free!
Website: Find it on the Play Store or Apple App Store
18. Clear Todos
An incredibly minimalist yet powerful touch-centric to-do list tool for iPad and iOS.
Key Features:
- Simple Today View to see your immediate tasks at a glance.
- Free of all clutter.
- Designed for touch-interfaces from the ground up.
Pricing: $4.99
Website: Find it on the iOS App Store
19. Microsoft To Do
Powerful and integrated to-do tool from Microsoft, which replaces the popular and well-regarded Wunderlist. Perfect for those already embedded in the Microsoft ecosystem at work.
Key Features:
- Offers a web-app, so you can access it from anywhere.
- The smart daily planner offers personalized suggestions to ensure an accurate and useful task list.
- Tasks can be broken down into simple sub-steps.
Pricing: Free!
Website: https://to-do.microsoft.com/tasks/
20. Tomato/Pomodoro Timers
Available as a web-based timer or an app, Tomato Timers offers a simple and elegant way to implement the “Pomodoro” technique. Each pomodoro is 25 minutes long. Users work on the task till the timer runs out. Check off a pomodoro and then take a five minute break. After every four pomodoros, take a long break. The method is meant to improve efficiency.
Key Features:
- Simple interface that helps users understand and use the pomodoro technique.
- Great, simple web app.
- App has only enough tools to stick to your pomodoro practice.
Pricing: Free with ad support and in-app purchases.
Website: http://www.tomatotimers.com/
21.Nirvana For GTD
Nirvana is a cloud-based task management and to-do application that’s built around the Getting Things Done time management method invented by David Allen. This method is based around knowing which action you can and should take next, making sure that you only focus on the next step or goal until you get everything done.
Key Features:
- Items can be filtered by properties such as time, energy and labels.
- Choose where to focus by using the Areas feature.
- Can sync across the web, Android and iOS phones and tablets.
Pricing: Free with Pro starting at $5 a month.
Website: https://nirvanahq.com/
Oh My Fur And Whiskers! I’m Late, I’m Late!
That is a long, long list of time management tools. Which, ironically, must have taken you quite a bit of time to work through! However, think of it as an investment of time now, to have more of it later.
Just remember that it’s not only the work aspect of life that deserves to have some time set aside!