Pokémon Go是 Niantic 送给所有渴望成为Pokémon训练师的(Pokémon)Pokémon粉丝的礼物。好吧,他们的祈祷终于得到了回应。这款基于 AR 的奇幻奇幻游戏让您最喜爱的神奇宝贝(Pokémons)栩栩如生。您会发现它们在您的前院散步或在您的游泳池中畅游,等待您捕捉它们。游戏的目标很简单,你需要到外面去寻找尽可能多的神奇(Pokémons)宝贝,训练它们,进化它们,然后最终在指定的(evolve them)神奇宝贝(Pokémon)体育馆参加神奇宝贝(Pokémon)的战斗。
现在,Pokémon Go要求您外出长途跋涉,以探索您的城市并有机会捕捉独特而强大的神奇宝贝作为奖励。不用说,Pokémon Go旨在在您的手机上播放,您需要进行户外探险。然而,并不是每个人都喜欢在街上跑来跑去玩手机游戏。人们一直想找到其他方式,让他们在不离开舒适的家的情况下玩游戏。
其中一种方法是在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go,这正是我们将在本文中讨论的内容。我们将提供详细的分步指南,以使这件事发挥作用。所以,不用多说,让我们开始吧。
如何在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go?
在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go 需要什么?(What is the need to play Pokémon Go on PC?)
尽管在 PC 上玩游戏破坏了别有用心(让人们锻炼并更加活跃),但有几个原因值得探索。
1. 道路安全(1. Road Safety)
第一个令人担忧的原因是道路安全。Pokémon Go主要由缺乏意识的孩子玩。他们可能会因为太专注于游戏而未能遵守道路安全规则并遇到事故。这个问题在拥有大量快速移动车辆的大都市尤其令人担忧。
2. 夜间不安全(2. Unsafe at Night)
3. 驾驶事故(3. Accidents while driving)
虽然Pokémon Go是为了步行玩,但有些人会在开车或骑自行车时使用黑客来玩游戏。这是非常危险的,因为您可能会分心并遇到可怕的事故。您不仅冒着生命危险,还冒着其他司机和行人的危险。
4.没电了(4. Running out of Charge)
在玩像Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)这样令人上瘾的游戏时,很难跟踪电池电量百分比。您可能会继续朝某个随机方向行走以追捕喷火龙(Charizard),最终迷失在小镇的未知区域。更糟糕的是,您的手机电池没电了,您无法导航回家或寻求帮助。
5. 残疾人的唯一选择(5. The only alternative for people with disabilities)
除非你身体健康并且有条件出去散步,否则你不能玩Pokémon Go。对于因残疾或年老而不能正常行走的人来说,这似乎是相当不公平的。每个人都应该能够享受游戏,而在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go可以让他们这样做。
在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go 的先决条件是什么?(What are the pre-requisites for Playing Pokémon Go on PC?)
为了在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go,您需要在计算机上安装各种软件、应用程序和工具的组合。由于没有直接在电脑上玩游戏的方法,所以需要使用模拟器让游戏以为你在使用手机。此外,您需要一个GPS 欺骗应用程序( GPS spoofing app)来模拟步行动作。下面给出了您需要安装的软件列表。
1. 蓝叠(1. BlueStacks)
你一定已经很熟悉这个了。它是PC 上最好的 Android 模拟器(best Android emulator for PC)。这将提供一个虚拟引擎来在您的 PC 上运行手机游戏。
2.假GPS(2. Fake GPS)
Pokémon Go通过跟踪手机的GPS位置来检测您的移动。(GPS)由于您在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go(Pokémon Go)时不会做任何移动,因此您需要一个GPS欺骗应用程序,例如Fake GPS,它可以让您在不实际移动的情况下从一个地方到另一个地方。
3.幸运补丁(3. Lucky Patcher)
Lucky Patcher是一款实用的Android应用程序,可让您修改应用程序和游戏。随着新的反作弊措施到位,Pokémon Go将能够检测是否启用了GPS欺骗或模拟位置,唯一的解决方法是将Fake GPS应用程序转换为系统应用程序。Lucky Patcher将帮助您做到这一点。
4. 金根(4. KingRoot)
现在,为了使用Lucky Patcher,您需要有一个 root 的Android设备。这就是KingRoot出现的地方。
5. Pokémon Go 游戏(5. Pokémon Go Game)
名单上的最后一项当然是Pokémon Go游戏本身。您可以通过从BlueStacks访问(BlueStacks)Play 商店(Play Store)直接找到该游戏,也可以使用APK文件安装它。
在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go 有哪些风险?(What are the risks involved in Playing Pokémon Go on PC?)
如前所述,Pokémon Go旨在通过手机和现实生活中的地面进行游戏。如果您尝试在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go ,那么您就违反了(Pokémon Go)Niantic制定的规则和规定。它将被视为作弊或黑客攻击。
Niantic对其反作弊政策非常严格。如果它发现您正在使用模拟器或使用GPS欺骗,那么它可能会禁止您的帐户。它以警告和软禁令开始,然后最终导致永久禁令。您将无法再访问您的帐户,并且您的所有数据都将消失。因此,您在 PC 上尝试玩Pokémon Go时应始终使用辅助帐户,以确保您的主帐户安全。
在欺骗您的位置时,您需要非常小心。请记住(Remember),Niantic通过不断收集您的GPS位置来跟踪您的移动,因此如果您从一个地方移动到另一个地方的速度过快,Niantic会立即知道某事是可疑的。因此,在更改您的位置之前,请给予足够的冷却时间。一次只能走一小段距离,步行即可轻松完成。如果您足够聪明并仔细遵循所有说明,您将能够欺骗Niantic并在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。
另请阅读:(Also read:) 新更新后如何更改 Pokémon Go 名称(How To Change Pokémon Go Name After New Update)
如何在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go?(How to Play Pokémon Go on PC?)
现在我们已经详细讨论了需求、要求和所涉及的风险,让我们开始在您的 PC 上设置Pokémon Go的实际过程。(Pokémon Go)下面给出了一个分步指南,您需要遵循这些指南才能在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。
第 1 步:安装 BlueStacks(Step 1: Install BlueStacks)
第一步是在您的 PC 上安装 Android 模拟器。(install the Android emulator)BlueStacks将允许您在设备上获得智能手机的体验。它是一个虚拟引擎,可让您在计算机上安装和使用Android应用程序。
您可以在 Internet 上找到安装文件,并且完全免费下载。安装完成后,登录您的Google帐户。确保(Make)这与您将用于Pokémon GO的 id 相同。
第 2 步:是时候 Root 您的设备了(Step 2: Time to Root your device)
如前所述,您需要有根设备才能使用Lucky Patcher。您需要在BlueStacks上安装(BlueStacks)KingRoot应用程序。现在,您不会在Play 商店(Play Store)中找到此应用程序,因此必须在您的计算机上单独安装APK文件。
之后,单击屏幕左侧导航窗格上的APK符号。(APK)BlueStacks现在将要求您从计算机中选择APK文件。浏览并选择(Browse)KingRoot的相应APK文件,然后单击打开(Open)按钮。KingRoot 应用程序(KingRoot App)现在将安装在BlueStacks上。
现在,启动KingRoot应用程序并点击Root按钮。就是这样,现在等待几分钟,您将拥有一个具有超级用户访问权限的植根BlueStacks版本。在此之后重新启动 BlueStacks(Reboot BlueStacks),然后继续下一步。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 扎根 Android 手机的 15 个理由(15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone)
第 3 步:安装假 GPS 应用程序(Step 3: Install Fake GPS app)
您需要的下一个应用是Fake GPS。这是最重要的应用程序,因为它可以让您在 PC 上玩神奇宝贝(Pokémon),而无需实际移动或离开家。假 GPS(Fake GPS)应用程序将您的实际GPS位置替换为模拟位置。如果位置是缓慢而逐渐变化的,那么它可以用来模拟步行。这样你就可以从一个地方旅行到另一个地方,捕捉不同种类的神奇宝贝(Pokémon)。
尽管此应用可在Play Store上找到,但请勿直接安装。我们需要将Fake GPS安装为系统应用程序,因此暂时只需下载Fake GPS的(Fake GPS)APK文件并将其放在一边。
第 4 步:将假 GPS 转换为系统应用程序(Step 4: Convert Fake GPS into a System App)
早些时候,您可以简单地在您的设备上启用模拟位置并使用Fake GPS应用程序来欺骗您的位置。然而,Niantic改进了他们的安全系统,现在它可以检测是否启用了模拟位置,在这种情况下它不允许你玩游戏。
这就是为什么您需要将Fake GPS转换为系统应用程序的原因,因为如果Pokémon Go来自系统应用程序,它将无法检测到模拟位置。Lucky Patcher将为您提供帮助。与KingRoot类似,此应用在(KingRoot)Play 商店(Play Store)中不可用。您需要在BlueStacks上下载并安装(BlueStacks)APK文件。
安装完成后,启动Lucky Patcher并授予它寻求的任何访问权限。现在点击重建(Rebuild)和安装选项。之后导航到您为假 GPS保存(Fake GPS)APK文件的文件夹并打开它。现在单击“作为系统应用程序(System)安装(Install)”选项,然后单击“是”(Yes)按钮进行确认。Lucky Patcher现在将在BlueStacks上安装(BlueStacks)Fake GPS作为系统应用程序。
忽略此操作后,系统将提示您重新启动BlueStacks,并通过单击右上角的齿轮图标手动重新启动它,然后单击重新启动 Android 插件(Restart Android Plugin)选项。当BlueStacks重新启动时,您会注意到Fake GPS未列在已安装的应用程序中。这是因为它是一个隐藏的系统应用程序。您每次都必须从Lucky Patcher启动该应用程序。(Lucky Patcher)我们将在本文后面讨论这个问题。
第 5 步:安装 Pokémon Go(Step 5: Install Pokémon Go)
现在,是时候在BlueStacks上安装(BlueStacks)Pokémon Go了。尝试在Play 商店(Play Store)中搜索它,如果您没有找到它,您可以像KingRoot和Lucky Patcher一样简单地下载并安装(Lucky Patcher)APK文件。但是,不要在安装后立即启动游戏,因为它不起作用。在您可以在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go之前,还有一些事情需要注意。
第 6 步:更改位置设置(Step 6: Change Location Settings)
为了正确欺骗您的位置,需要更改一些设置。首先,您需要为BlueStacks上的位置设置(BlueStacks)高精度(High Accuracy)模式。为此,请单击右上角的齿轮图标,然后选择“设置”(Settings)选项。现在转到Location并在此处将Mode设置为High Accuracy。
您需要做的下一件事是禁用Windows的定位服务。这是为了确保不会发生位置冲突。如果您使用的是Windows 10,则可以直接按Windows + I 打开Settings。在这里,转到隐私(Privacy)并选择位置(Location)选项。之后,只需关闭 PC 的定位服务。您也可以简单地在“开始(Start)”菜单中搜索“位置(Location)”并从那里禁用该设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在 Pokémon Go 中更改位置?(How to Change Location in Pokémon Go?)
第 7 步:是时候使用假 GPS(Step 7: Time to Use Fake GPS)
一切就绪后,就该熟悉Fake GPS了。如前所述,您不会在其他已安装的应用程序中找到该应用程序。这是因为它是一个系统应用程序,Bluestacks不显示系统应用程序。每次打开应用都需要使用幸运补丁。(Lucky Patcher)
启动(Launch)Lucky Patcher应用程序并直接前往底部的搜索栏。(Search)在这里你会找到过滤器,选择它并单击(Filters)系统(System)应用程序旁边的复选框,然后点击应用(Apply)。假 GPS(Fake GPS)现在将显示在列表中。单击(Click)它并选择启动(Launch)应用程序选项。这将打开Fake GPS。由于这是您第一次启动该应用程序,因此您会收到一些操作说明。后面会有一个简短的教程。仔细阅读它以了解该应用程序的工作原理。
使用Fake GPS应用程序非常简单。进入主页后,您将看到一张地图,其中您的位置以蓝点表示。这是您的实际位置。为了改变你的位置,你需要做的就是点击地图的任何部分,你会看到一个十字准线出现在它的顶部。现在按下播放(Play)按钮,您的GPS位置将被更改。您可以通过打开任何其他应用程序(例如Google 地图(Google Maps))进行检查。当您想停止GPS欺骗时,只需点击停止(Stop)按钮。
我们将在玩Pokémon Go时使用这个技巧从一个地方移动到另一个地方。切记(Remember)不要做任何大的或突然的动作,否则Niantic会变得可疑并禁止您的帐户。在再次更改位置之前,请始终(Always)走一小段距离并给予足够的冷却时间。
第 8 步:开始玩 Pokémon Go(Step 8: Start Playing Pokémon Go)
现在,您要做的就是在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。启动游戏并通过登录您的帐户进行设置。我们建议您在使用您的实际主帐户之前先尝试使用新帐户。
游戏开始运行后,您必须切换到Fake GPS应用程序并更改您的位置才能移动。每次你想去一些新的地方时,你都必须这样做。使该过程更容易的一种方法是将一些位置保存在Fake GPS上作为收藏夹(例如Pokéstops和健身房)。这样,您可以快速来回移动到不同的位置。您有时可能会在设置虚假位置时遇到问题,但不用担心,只需重新启动BlueStacks就可以了。
由于Pokémon Go是一款基于 AR 的游戏,因此可以选择使用手机的摄像头在真实环境中查看Pokémon 。(Pokémons)但是,在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go时,这是不可能的。因此,当您第一次遇到神奇宝贝(Pokémon)时,神奇宝贝 Go(Pokémon Go)会通知您相机无法正常工作。它会询问您是否要禁用 AR 模式。这样做,您将能够在虚拟环境中与神奇宝贝互动。(Pokémons)
在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go 的替代方法(Alternative Methods to Play Pokémon Go on PC)
尽管使用BlueStacks几乎是标准且最常用的方法,但它并不是最简单的方法。此外,您可能需要为Fake GPS等应用程序付费才能正常工作。值得庆幸的是,有几种替代方式可以在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。让我们来看看它们。
1. 使用 Nox 应用播放器(1. Using the Nox App Player)
Nox App Player是另一个Android模拟器,可让您在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。事实上,您会发现Pokémon Go预装在Nox Player上。您甚至不需要任何其他应用程序(例如Fake GPS)来欺骗您的位置。Nox Player允许您使用键盘上的WASD键在游戏中移动。(WASD)您可以通过用鼠标单击它们来与不同的对象和神奇宝贝进行交互。换句话说,Nox Player是专门为那些想足不出户在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go的人设计的。(Pokémon Go)最好的部分是它是完全免费的。
2.使用屏幕镜像应用程序(2. Using a Screen Mirror App)
另一种可行的选择是使用像AceThinker Mirror这样的(AceThinker Mirror)屏幕(Screen)镜像应用程序。顾名思义,它将允许您在计算机上查看手机屏幕,您可以使用它在您的 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。但是,您还需要一个GPS欺骗应用程序才能使其工作。
安装AceThinker Mirror后,继续将您的设备连接到计算机。您可以通过USB电缆或无线方式连接这两个设备(前提是它们连接到同一个Wi-Fi网络)。镜像完成后,您就可以开始玩Pokémon Go了。为了四处走动,您将不得不使用位置欺骗应用程序。您在设备上所做的任何更改也将反映在游戏中。
我们希望这些信息对您有所帮助,并且您能够在 PC 上玩 Pokémon Go。(play Pokémon Go on your PC.)Niantic 的Pokémon Go大获成功,受到了所有人的喜爱。然而,人们发现在舒适的沙发上和 PC 上玩游戏更方便,因此,变通方法开始出现。
在本指南中,我们几乎涵盖了您在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go所需了解的所有内容。(Pokémon Go)然而,Niantic意识到了这些黑客和技巧,并不断试图阻止它们。因此,我们建议您在它持续的时候尝试它,并继续寻找新的和优雅的方式在 PC 上玩Pokémon Go 。
How To Play Pokémon Go On PC? (Step-by-Step Guide)
Pokémon Gо is Niantic’s gift to all Pokémon fans whо always aѕpired to be Pokémon trаiners themselves. Well, thеir prayеrѕ hаve finally been answеred. This AR-based fiction fantasy game brings to life your favorite Pokémons. You can find them taking a stroll in your front yard or taking a dip in your pool, waiting for you to catch them. The objеctive of the game is quite simple, you need to wander outside in a quest to catch as many Pokémons as you can, train them, evolve them, and then eventually participate in Pokémon battles at designated Pokémon gyms.
Now, Pokémon Go requires you to go out for long walks in order to explore your city and get the opportunity to catch unique and powerful Pokémons as a reward. Needless to say, Pokémon Go is designed to be played on your mobile phones which you need to carry on your outdoor expeditions. However, not everyone is a big fan of running around on the streets for playing a mobile game. People have always wanted to find alternate ways that allow them to play the game without leaving the comfort of their homes.
One such way is to play Pokémon Go on PC and that is exactly what we are going to discuss in this article. We are going to provide a detailed step-wise guide to make this thing work. So, without any further, let us get started.
How To Play Pokémon Go On PC?
What is the need to play Pokémon Go on PC?
Although playing the game on PC destroys the ulterior motive (to get people to exercise and be more active), there are several reasons why it is worth exploring.
1. Road Safety
The first cause of concern is safety on the roads. Pokémon Go is mostly played by kids who certainly lack awareness. They might get so engrossed in the game that they fail to abide by the road safety rules and meet with an accident. This problem is especially concerning in big metropolitan cities with their array of fast-moving vehicles.
2. Unsafe at Night
A lot of people play the game at night hoping to catch a dark or ghost type Pokémon. Thrilling as it seems, it is definitely not safe. Poorly lit streets coupled with eyes glued to the screen is a formula for danger. In addition to that, unwary kids might stroll into some dark and desolate alleys and run into miscreants.
3. Accidents while driving
Although Pokémon Go is meant to be played on foot, some people employ hacks to play the game while driving or riding a bike. This is extremely dangerous as you might get distracted and run into a terrible accident. You are not only risking your life but also of other drivers and pedestrians.
4. Running out of Charge
It is difficult to keep a track of battery percentage while playing a game as addictive as Pokémon Go. You might continue walking in some random direction in pursuit of a Charizard and end up getting lost in an unknown part of the town. To make matters worse, your phone’s battery is dead and you can’t navigate back home or call for help.
5. The only alternative for people with disabilities
Unless you are fit and in condition to go out for long walks, you can’t play Pokémon Go. This seems to be quite unfair for people who can’t walk properly due to disabilities or old-age. Everyone should be able to enjoy a game and playing Pokémon Go on PC allows them to do so.
What are the pre-requisites for Playing Pokémon Go on PC?
In order to play Pokémon Go on PC, you will need to install a combination of various software, apps, and tools on your computer. Since there is no direct way to play the game on your computer, you need to use an emulator to make the game think that you are using a mobile phone. Also, you need a GPS spoofing app to emulate the walking motion. Given below is a list of software that you need to install.
1. BlueStacks
You must already be familiar with this one. It is the best Android emulator for PC. This will provide a virtual engine to run the mobile game on your PC.
2. Fake GPS
Pokémon Go detects your movement by tracking the GPS location of your phone. Since you won’t be doing any movement while playing Pokémon Go on PC, you will need a GPS spoofing app like Fake GPS that will allow you to go from one place to another without actually moving.
3. Lucky Patcher
Lucky Patcher is a useful Android app that allows you to modify apps and games. With the new anti-cheating measures in place, Pokémon Go will be able to detect if GPS spoofing or mock locations is enabled, the only workaround is to convert the Fake GPS app into a system app. Lucky Patcher will help you to do exactly that.
4. KingRoot
Now, in order to use Lucky Patcher, you need to have a rooted Android device. This is where KingRoot comes into the picture.
5. Pokémon Go Game
The final item on the list of course is the Pokémon Go game itself. You will find this game either directly by visiting the Play Store from BlueStacks or install it using an APK file.
What are the risks involved in Playing Pokémon Go on PC?
As mentioned earlier, Pokémon Go is meant to be played on a phone and by covering ground in real life. If you attempt to play Pokémon Go on your PC, then you are violating the rules and regulations set by Niantic. It will be treated as cheating or hacking.
Niantic is pretty strict about its anti-cheating policies. If it discovers that you are using an emulator or using GPS spoofing then it might ban your account. It starts off with a warning and soft ban and then ultimately leads to a permanent ban. You will no longer be able to access your account and all your data will be gone. Therefore, you should always use a secondary account while trying to play Pokémon Go on PC so that your main account is safe.
You need to be very careful while spoofing your location. Remember that Niantic tracks your movements by constantly collecting your GPS location, so if you move from one place to another too fast, Niantic would immediately understand that something is fishy. Therefore, give enough cooling time before changing your location. Only travel small distances at a time, something that you can easily cover on foot. If you are smart enough and carefully follow all the instructions, you will be able to trick Niantic and play Pokémon Go on PC.
Also read: How To Change Pokémon Go Name After New Update
How to Play Pokémon Go on PC?
Now that we have discussed in detail the need, the requirements, and the risks involved, let’s get started with the actual process of setting up Pokémon Go on your PC. Given below is a step-wise guide that you need to follow in order to play Pokémon Go on PC.
Step 1: Install BlueStacks
The first step would be to install the Android emulator on your PC. BlueStacks will allow you to get the experience of a smartphone on your device. It is a virtual engine that allows you to install and use Android apps on the computer.
You can find the setup file on the internet and it is absolutely free to download. Once the installation is complete sign in to your Google account. Make sure that this is the same id that you will be using for Pokémon GO.
Step 2: Time to Root your device
As mentioned earlier, you need a rooted device to use Lucky Patcher. You need to install the KingRoot app on BlueStacks. Now, you won’t find this app in the Play Store and so will have to install the APK file separately on your computer.
After that, click on the APK symbol on the navigation pane on the left side of the screen. BlueStacks will now ask you to select the APK file from the computer. Browse and select the respective APK file for KingRoot and click on the Open button. KingRoot App will now get installed on BlueStacks.
Now, launch the KingRoot app and tap on the Root button. That’s it, now wait for a couple of minutes and you will have a rooted BlueStacks version with superuser access. Reboot BlueStacks after this and then proceed to the next step.
Also Read: 15 Reasons To Root Your Android Phone
Step 3: Install Fake GPS app
The next app that you need is the Fake GPS. This is the most important app, as it will allow you to play Pokémon on PC without actually moving or leaving the house. Fake GPS app replaces your actual GPS location with that of a mock location. If the location is changed slowly and gradually, then it can be used to emulate walking. This way you will be able to travel from one place to another and catch different kinds of Pokémons.
Although this app is available on the Play Store, do not install it directly. We need to install Fake GPS as a system app, so for the time being, just download an APK file for Fake GPS and keep it aside.
Step 4: Convert Fake GPS into a System App
Earlier on, you could simply enable mock locations on your device and use the Fake GPS app to spoof your location. However, Niantic improved their security system and now it can detect if mock locations are enabled, in which case it does not allow you to play the game.
This is why you need to convert Fake GPS into a system app, as Pokémon Go will not be able to detect mock locations if it comes from a system app. Lucky Patcher will help you with this. Similar to KingRoot, this app is not available on the Play Store. You need to download and install the APK file on BlueStacks.
After the installation is complete, launch Lucky Patcher and grant whatever access permission it seeks. Now tap on the Rebuild and install option. After that navigate to the folder where you have saved the APK file for Fake GPS and open it. Now click on the Install as a System app option and confirm by clicking the Yes button. Lucky Patcher will now install Fake GPS as a system app on BlueStacks.
You will be prompted to restart BlueStacks after this ignore that and reboot it manually by clicking on the cogwheel icon on the top-right corner and click on the Restart Android Plugin option. When BlueStacks restarts, you will notice that Fake GPS is not listed among the installed apps. This is because it is a hidden system app. You will have to launch the app from Lucky Patcher each time. We will discuss this later in the article.
Step 5: Install Pokémon Go
Now, it is time for you to install Pokémon Go on BlueStacks. Try searching for it on the Play Store, if you do not get it there, you can simply download and install the APK file as in the case of KingRoot and Lucky Patcher. However, do not launch the game immediately after installation, as it won’t work. There are still a few more things that need to be taken care of before you can play Pokémon Go on PC.
Step 6: Change Location Settings
In order to properly spoof your location, there are a few settings that need to be changed. Firstly you need to set High Accuracy mode for location on BlueStacks. To do so, click on the cogwheel icon on the top-right corner and then select the Settings option. Now go to Location and here set the Mode to High Accuracy.
The next thing that you need to do is disable location services for Windows. This is to make sure that conflict of location does not take place. If you are using Windows 10 then you can directly press Windows + I to open Settings. Here, go to Privacy and select the Location option. After that simply turn off the location services for your PC. You can also simply search for Location in the Start menu and disable the setting from there.
Also Read: How to Change Location in Pokémon Go?
Step 7: Time to Use Fake GPS
Once everything has been set, it is time to get familiar with Fake GPS. As mentioned earlier, you won’t find the app among other installed apps. This is because it is a system app and Bluestacks does not display system apps. You need to use Lucky Patcher to open the app each time.
Launch the Lucky Patcher app and head straight to the Search bar at the bottom. Here you will find Filters, select that and click on the check box next to System apps and hit Apply. Fake GPS will now be displayed on the list. Click on it and select the Launch app option. This will open Fake GPS. Since it is the first time that you are launching the app, you will be greeted with a little How to operate instructions. This will be followed by a brief tutorial. Carefully go through it to understand how the app works.
The next thing that you need to do is enable Expert mode. Click on the three-dot menu on the top-right corner and select Settings. Here, you will find the Expert mode, make sure to click on the check box next to it to enable it. When you get a warning message, simply tap on the Ok button.
Using the Fake GPS app is pretty simple. Once you are on the home page, you will see a map with your location indicated as a blue dot. This is your actual location. In order to change your location, all that you need to do is tap on any part of the map and you will see a crosshair appear on top of it. Now press the Play button and your GPS location will be changed. You can check by opening any other app like Google Maps. When you would like to stop GPS spoofing, simply tap on the Stop button.
We will be using this trick to move from one place to another while playing Pokémon Go. Remember to not make any big or sudden movements, or else Niantic will become suspicious and ban your account. Always cover small distances and give enough cooling period before changing the location again.
Step 8: Start Playing Pokémon Go
Now, all that is left for you to do is play Pokémon Go on PC. Launch the game and set it up by logging in to your account. We would recommend you to try it first with a new account before using your actual main account.
Once the game starts running, you will have to switch to the Fake GPS app and change your location in order to move. You have to do this every time you wish to go to some new location. One way to make the process easier is to save a few locations on Fake GPS as favorites (e.g. Pokéstops and gyms). This way you can quickly move back and forth to different locations. You might face problems in setting a fake location at times but do not worry simply restart BlueStacks and it will be fine.
Since Pokémon Go is an AR-based game, there is the option to view Pokémons in the real environment by using your phone’s camera. However, this won’t be possible while playing Pokémon Go on PC. So, when you encounter a Pokémon for the first time, Pokémon Go will notify you that the camera is not working. It will ask you if you would like to disable AR mode. Do that and you will be able to interact with the Pokémons in a virtual environment.
Alternative Methods to Play Pokémon Go on PC
Although using BlueStacks is pretty much the standard and most commonly used method, it isn’t the easiest one. Additionally, you might have to pay for some apps like Fake GPS for it to work properly. Thankfully, there are a couple of alternate ways to play Pokémon Go on PC. Let’s take a look at them.
1. Using the Nox App Player
Nox App Player is another Android emulator that allows you to play Pokémon Go on PC. In fact, you will find Pokémon Go preinstalled on Nox Player. You won’t even need any other app like Fake GPS to spoof your location. Nox Player allows you to move in the game by using the WASD keys on your keyboard. You can interact with different objects and Pokémons by clicking on them with your mouse. In other words, Nox Player is designed specifically for people who would like to play Pokémon Go on PC without leaving their home. The best part is that it is absolutely free.
2. Using a Screen Mirror App
Another workable alternative is to use a Screen mirroring app like AceThinker Mirror. As the name suggests it will allow you to view the mobile’s screen on your computer and you can use it to play Pokémon Go on your PC. However, you will also need a GPS spoofing app to make it work.
Once you install AceThinker Mirror, go ahead and connect your device to the computer. You can either connect the two devices via a USB cable or wirelessly (provided that they are connected to the same Wi-Fi network). As soon as mirroring is complete, you can start playing Pokémon Go. In order to move around, you will have to use a location-spoofing app. Any changes that you make on your device will be reflected in the game as well.
We hope that you find this information helpful and you were able to play Pokémon Go on your PC. Niantic’s Pokémon Go is a big hit and was loved by one and all. However, people find it more convenient to play the game from the comfort of their couch and on their PC, as a result, workaround started to spring into existence.
In this guide, we have covered pretty much everything that you need to know in order to play Pokémon Go on your PC. However, Niantic is aware of these hacks and tricks and constantly trying to stop them. Therefore, we would recommend you to try it while it lasts and keep looking for new and elegant ways to play Pokémon Go on PC.