今天的Android(Android) 手机(Phones)不断添加新功能来保护用户的数据。除了传统的密码选项外,几乎所有手机现在都有指纹传感器。(Almost)高端(Higher-end)手机还具有许多其他高级功能,例如嵌入在屏幕上的指纹传感器、面部扫描仪以及许多其他加密选项。
只有在用户保持手机锁定的情况下, Android上的数据才是安全的。但除此之外,它们位于完全开放的文件夹中,供任何想要查看它们的人使用。许多文件和其他数据可能是机密的,因此保护您的手机很重要。但是,大多数人不知道如何使用密码保护他们Android手机上的任何文件和文件夹。幸运的是, Android(Android)手机上有很多方法可供用户用来加密他们想要的任何数据。
密码保护文件和文件夹的最佳 Android 应用程序(Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files And Folders)
Google Play 商店有许多应用程序可供人们用来保护手机上的数据。本文将告诉您如何使用密码保护您的Android 手机(Android Phone)中的任何文件和文件夹。以下是Google Play 商店(Stores)中最好和最安全的应用:
1. 文件柜(1. File Locker)
答案是应用程序本身的名称。File Locker可以说是用户保护手机而不必担心违规的最佳选择。File Locker非常方便且易于使用。第一步是从Play Store下载应用程序。下载并打开应用程序后,您将看到如下屏幕,要求用户设置密码。
下载文件柜( Download File Locker)
2.文件夹锁(2. Folder Lock)
(Folder Lock)对于不介意仅花费 4 美元或略低于卢比的用户来说,文件夹锁定是一个不错的选择。300 对其文件和文件夹进行可靠加密。购买高级服务后,大多数最佳功能都可用。它不是最漂亮的应用程序,但它的功能令人惊叹。
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用户将可以访问私有云服务(cloud service),锁定无限的文件,甚至是紧急按钮等独特功能。如果用户认为有人试图偷看他们的数据,他们可以按下紧急按钮以快速切换到另一个应用程序。人们需要做的第一件事就是从Google Play 商店下载(Google Play Store)Folder Lock应用程序。一旦他们下载并打开应用程序,应用程序将首先要求用户设置密码。
然后他们会看到他们可以使用该应用程序锁定的许多文件。他们只需单击要锁定的任何文件或文件夹并将其添加到Folder Lock。
如果用户想要撤消文件的加密,他们可以在应用程序中选择这些文件并点击“取消隐藏”。这就是用户在Android手机上使用文件夹锁定(Folder Lock)应用程序所需了解的全部内容。
下载文件夹锁( Download Folder Lock)
3.智能隐藏计算器(3. Smart Hide Calculator)
Smart Hide Calculator是更酷的应用程序之一,它允许用户加密他们想要的任何文件和文件夹。乍一看,它只是手机上一个功能齐全的计算器应用程序。但这是一种秘密的密码保护Android手机上的任何文件和文件夹的方法。
用户的第一步是从Google Play 商店下载(Google Play Store)Smart Hide Calculator。Smart Hide Calculator将要求用户在下载并打开应用程序后设置密码以访问保险库。用户必须输入两次密码才能确认。
进入保险库后,用户将看到允许他们隐藏、取消隐藏甚至冻结应用程序的选项。单击(Click)“隐藏应用程序”,将打开一个弹出窗口。选择要隐藏的应用程序,然后点击“确定”。这是使用Smart Hide(Smart Hide)计算器对Android手机上的任何文件和文件夹进行密码保护的方法。
下载智能隐藏计算器( Download Smart Hide Calculator)
4.画廊金库(4. Gallery Vault)
Gallery Vault是另一个在Android手机上加密文件和文件夹的最佳选择之一。它具有允许用户锁定照片、视频、文档和其他文件的功能。用户甚至可以完全隐藏Gallery Vault图标,这样其他人就不会知道用户隐藏了一些文件。
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用户的第一步是在手机上访问Google Play 商店并下载(Google Play Store)Gallery Vault应用程序。用户下载应用程序后,Gallery Vault将在继续之前请求一些权限。授予应用程序运行的所有权限非常重要。Gallery Vault然后会要求用户设置Pin或Password,如下图所示。
只需(Simply)单击此选项,您就会看到Gallery Vault可以保护的不同类型的文件。选择类别并选择要加密的文件或文件夹。该应用程序将自动加密文件。
完成所有步骤后,Gallery Vault将开始保护用户选择的任何文件和文件夹。每当有人想查看这些文件和文件夹时,他们都必须输入Pin或密码。(Password)
下载画廊保险库( Download Gallery Vault)
上述应用程序是对 Android 手机上的任何文件和文件夹进行密码保护的最佳选择。但是,如果用户对上述应用程序不满意,还可以考虑其他一些选项。以下是在 Android 手机上加密数据的替代选项:(The above apps are the best options to password protect any files and folders on an Android phone. But there are also some other options that users can consider if they are not happy with the above apps. The following are alternative options to encrypt data on an Android Phone:)
5. 文件保险箱(5. File Safe)
File Safe不提供与此列表中的其他应用程序不同的任何内容。用户可以使用这个相当简单的应用程序隐藏和锁定他们的文件和文件夹。它没有最漂亮的界面,因为它看起来像Android手机上的文件管理器。(File Manager)如果有人想访问文件Safe上的文件,他们必须输入Pin/Password才能这样做。
6.文件夹锁定高级(6. Folder Lock Advanced)
Folder Lock Advanced是Folder Lock App的高级版本。它增加了画廊锁定(Gallery Lock)等功能,允许用户锁定他们画廊中的所有照片和视频。此外,该应用程序具有出色的图形并且比文件夹锁定(Folder Lock)性能更好。用户甚至可以使用此应用程序保护他们的钱包卡。唯一的缺点是这个应用程序是一项高级服务,只适合那些在手机上拥有高度机密信息的人。您可能还会对阅读10 大最佳 Android 手机钱包(Top 10 Best Android Mobile Wallet)感兴趣。
7.保险库(7. Vaulty)
8.应用锁(8. App Lock)
App Lock不一定会加密应用程序上的特定文件和文件夹。相反,顾名思义,它会锁定整个应用程序,例如Whatsapp、Gallery、Instagram、Gmail等。对于只想保护某些文件的用户来说,这可能会有些不便。
9. 安全文件夹(9. Secure Folder)
就其提供的安全性而言,安全文件夹可以说是此列表中最安全和最佳的选择。问题是它只在三星智能手机(Samsung Smartphones)上可用。三星开发此应用程序的目的是为拥有(Samsung)三星(Samsung)手机的人提供额外的安全保障。它在此列表中的所有应用程序中具有最高的安全性,拥有三星(Samsung)手机的人甚至不需要考虑下载其他应用程序,只要安全文件夹(Secure Folder)在那里。
10. 私人区域(10. Private Zone)
Private Zone与此列表中的所有其他应用程序非常相似。人们必须输入密码才能访问隐藏的数据,用户可以隐藏许多东西,例如照片、视频和重要文件。这个应用程序的最大优点是它看起来非常好。Private Zone的图形和整体外观令人惊叹。
11. 文件柜(11. File Locker)
顾名思义,File Locker为用户提供了轻松在手机上为重要文件和文件夹创建私人空间的选项。除了普通的照片、视频和文件之外,它甚至可以锁定和隐藏联系人和录音等内容。
12. 诺顿应用锁(12. Norton App Lock)
诺顿(Norton)是网络安全(cybersecurity)领域的世界领导者之一。Norton Anti-Virus是最好的计算机防病毒程序之一。由于其高质量,Norton App Lock对用户来说是一个了不起的高级选项。使用此应用程序保护文件和文件夹非常容易,但唯一的缺点是人们必须支付对应用程序功能的完全访问权限。
13. 保持安全(13. Keep Safe)
Keep Safe也是一项高级服务,在为用户提供 30 天免费试用后,每月收费 5 美元。该应用程序具有非常好的界面,并且非常方便且易于使用。与其他应用程序一样,用户需要输入密码才能访问文件,但如果用户忘记密码, Keep Safe还会在用户的电子邮件中提供备用密码。
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以上所有选项都将满足对Android 手机(Android Phone)上文件和文件夹的基本保护需求。如果某人的手机上有高度敏感的数据,最好使用高级服务,例如文件夹锁定(Folder Lock)、诺顿应用程序锁定(Norton App Lock)或保持安全(Keep Safe)。这些将提供额外的高安全性。然而,对于大多数人来说,其他应用程序是密码保护其Android(Android)手机上任何文件和文件夹的完美选择。
13 Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files and Folders
Android Phones today keep adding new featυres to protect uѕers’ datа. Almost аll phoneѕ now havе a fingerprint sensor in addition to the traditional password option. Higher-end phones also have many other advanced features such as fingerprint sensors embedded on the screеn, facе scanners, and a host of other encryption oрtions.
Despite all these new features, Android phones are not necessarily always safe. People might hand over their phones to other people for any reason. But once they unlock the phone and put it in other people’s hands, any curious mind has access to all the data they want to see. They can go through your messages, see your photos and videos, and even skim through all your files and documents.
Data on Android is only safe for as long as the users keep their phones locked. But otherwise, they are in completely open folders for anyone who wants to see them. Many files and other data might be confidential, and thus, it is important to protect your phones. However, most people do not know how to password protect any files and folders on their Android phones. Fortunately, there are many ways on Android phones that users can use to encrypt whatever data they want.
Best Android Apps to Password Protect Files And Folders
The Google play store has many apps that people can use to protect the data on their phones. This article will tell you how to password protect any files and folders in your Android Phone. The following are the best and safest apps on the Google Play Stores to do:
1. File Locker
The answer is in the name of the app itself. File Locker is arguably the best option for users to protect their phones without worrying about breaches. File Locker is extremely convenient and easy to use. The first step is to download the app from the Play Store. Once you download and open the app, you will see a screen as below asking users to set a pin.
Then the app will ask for a recovery email in case the user forgets the pin.
The app will have a plus sign at the top where users need to click add a new file or folder. All the user now has to do is go click on the file or folder they want to lock.
Once they click, the app will ask for confirmation to lock the file or folder. Tap on the “Lock” Option. This is all the user needs to do to encrypt any file or folder on their Android phone. After this, anyone who wants to see the file will have to put in the password to do so.
Download File Locker
2. Folder Lock
Folder Lock is a great option for users who do not mind spending just $4 or just a little under Rs. 300 to get solid encryption on their files and folders. Most of the best features are available after buying the premium service. It is not the most beautiful app, but its features are amazing.
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Users will get access to a private cloud service, lock unlimited files, and even a unique feature like the panic button. If a user thinks that someone is trying to glance at a peek at their data, they can press the panic button to switch to another application quickly. The first thing that people need to do is simply download the Folder Lock app from the Google Play Store. Once they download and open the app, the app will ask the user to set a password first and foremost.
Then they will see the many files that they can lock using the app. They need to simply click on whichever file or folder they want to lock and add it to Folder Lock.
If a user wants to undo the encryption on a file, they select those files in the app and tap on “Unhide.” This is all that users need to know about using the Folder Lock app on Android phones.
Download Folder Lock
3. Smart Hide Calculator
Smart Hide Calculator is one of the more cool apps that allow users to encrypt any file and folder they want. At first glance, it is simply a fully functioning calculator app on one’s phone. But it is secretly a way to password protect any files and folders on Android phones.
The first step for users is to download the Smart Hide Calculator from the Google Play Store. Smart Hide Calculator will ask users to set a password to access the vault once they download and open the app. Users will have to type in the password twice to confirm it.
After they set the password, they will see a screen that looks like just a normal calculator. People can conduct their normal calculations on this page. But if they want to access the hidden files, they need to simply input the password and press the “=” sign. It will open the vault.
After entering the vault, users will see options that allow them to hide, unhide, or even freeze apps. Click on “Hide Apps,” and a pop-up will open. Select the apps you want to hide and tap on “Ok.” This is how to password protect any files and folders on Android phones using the Smart Hide calculator.
Download Smart Hide Calculator
4. Gallery Vault
Gallery Vault is another one of the best options to encrypt files and folders on Android phones. It has features that allow users to lock their photos, videos, documents, and other files. Users can even hide the Gallery Vault icon altogether so that other people don’t know that the user is hiding some files.
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The first step is for users is to go to the Google Play Store on their phones and download the Gallery Vault application. Once users download the application, Gallery Vault will request some permission before proceeding. It is important to grant all permissions for the app to work. Gallery Vault will then ask the user to set a Pin or Password, as in the image below.
After this, users will go to the main page of the app, where there will be an option to add files.
Simply click on this option, and you will see the different types of files that Gallery Vault can protect. Choose the category and select the files or folders you want to encrypt. The app will automatically encrypt the file.
After all the steps, Gallery Vault will start to protect any files and folders that users choose. They will have to input the Pin or Password whenever someone wants to see those files and folders.
Download Gallery Vault
The above apps are the best options to password protect any files and folders on an Android phone. But there are also some other options that users can consider if they are not happy with the above apps. The following are alternative options to encrypt data on an Android Phone:
5. File Safe
File Safe does not offer anything different from the other applications on this list. Users can hide and lock their files and folders using this rather simple application. It does not have the most beautiful interface as it kind of looks like the File Manager on Android phones. If someone wants to access files on file Safe, they have to input a Pin/Password to do so.
6. Folder Lock Advanced
Folder Lock Advanced is a higher premium version of the Folder Lock App. It adds features such as Gallery Lock, which allows users to lock all photos and videos in their gallery. Moreover, the app has great graphics and performs better than the Folder Lock. Users can even protect their wallet cards using this app. The only drawback is that this app is a premium service and will only suit those who have highly confidential information on their phones. It might also interest you to read Top 10 Best Android Mobile Wallet.
7. Vaulty
This application is not exactly as broad as the other applications on this list. It is because it only allows users to hide and protect photos and videos from their gallery. The app does not support encryption on any other file type. This is an app only for people who just want to hide their gallery but do not have other important data on their phones.
8. App Lock
App Lock does not necessarily encrypt particular files and folders on an application. Instead, as the name suggests, it locks entire apps such as Whatsapp, Gallery, Instagram, Gmail, etc. It can be slightly inconvenient for users who only want to protect some files.
9. Secure Folder
The secure folder is arguably the safest and best option on this list in terms of the security it offers. The problem is that it is only available on Samsung Smartphones. Samsung developed this application to offer additional security for people who own Samsung phones. It has the highest security of all the apps on this list, and people who have Samsung phones do not even need to consider downloading other apps as long as Secure Folder is there.
10. Private Zone
Private Zone is much like all the other applications on this list. People have to put in a password to access hidden data, and users can hide many things such as photos, videos, and important documents. The big plus for this application is that it looks very good. The graphics and overall look of Private Zone is amazing.
11. File Locker
As the name suggests, File Locker offers users the option to easily make a private space on their phones for important files and folders. It can even lock and hide things such as contacts and audio recording in addition to the normal photos, videos, and files.
12. Norton App Lock
Norton is one of the world leaders in cybersecurity. Norton Anti-Virus is one of the best anti-virus programs for computers. Due to its high quality, Norton App Lock is an amazing premium option for users. It is very easy to secure files and folders using this app, but the only drawback is that people have to pay full access to the app’s features.
13. Keep Safe
Keep Safe is also a premium service that charges $5 per month after a 30-day free trial for users. The app has a very good interface and is highly convenient and easy to use. As with other apps, users need to input the pin to access files but Keep Safe also offers backup codes on the users’ email if they forget their pin.
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All of the above options will serve the need for basic protection for files and folders on an Android Phone. If someone has highly sensitive data on their phone, it is best to go with premium services such as Folder Lock, Norton App Lock, or Keep Safe. These will provide additional high security. For most people, however, the other apps are perfect options to password protect any files and folders on their Android phones.