这一天已经到来,今天微软(Microsoft)结束了对 Windows 7 的支持。微软(Microsoft)已经推送了一堆最新的更新,它们仍然可用。如果您到现在还没有这样做,您可能想最后一次更新您的 Windows 7。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论Windows 7 终止支持,然后是Windows 7 终止建议(Windows 7 End of Life recommendations )- 如果您选择继续使用Windows 7。

Windows 7 终止支持
那么Windows 7支持(Support)终止意味着什么?这意味着即使公开报告,微软也不会修复任何安全问题。(Microsoft)如果您打算在没有 Internet 的情况下使用Windows 7,那么您可能会做得很好,但如果不是,请非常小心。不道德的黑客和恶意软件创建者将准备好他们的交付包,该包不仅可以从您的计算机中窃取数据,还可以通过网络传播病毒,使用勒索软件(Ransomware)锁定文件等等。在生命周期结束后继续使用 Windows 7(risks of staying with Windows 7 after End of Life)的风险 可能太大了!
我确信Windows 7为您完成了非凡的工作,但最新版本的Windows 10发生了很大变化,并提供了更多功能和安全性。微软(Microsoft)不再维护它是没有意义的。
Windows 7停产(Life)建议
虽然微软可能会在(Microsoft)Windows 7爆发严重时发布安全更新,但不要抱有任何希望。到发布更新时,系统可能已经受到威胁。以下是我们的意见,如果您打算暂时使用Windows 7,请考虑以下几点:
- Windows 7 扩展安全更新
- 系统映像备份
- 将您的文件保存在云端
- 微软安全必备
- 锁定 Windows 7 计算机
1]订阅(Subscribe)Windows 7(Windows 7) 扩展安全更新(Extended Security Updates)
微软(Microsoft)为那些认真考虑迁移到Windows 10的人提供了最后一次机会。扩展安全更新是Microsoft的订阅计划。在其中,您可以每年为每台计算机的每位用户付费,以修复发现或报告的任何新漏洞。对于想要继续使用互联网进行业务和应用程序的任何人来说,它都是最佳选择。阅读更多内容以了解您的计算机是否符合安全更新的条件。
2]创建(Create)Windows 7 PC的系统映像
下载最后一组更新并将其应用到 Windows 7 PC 后,创建C(C Drive)盘的系统映像。如果可能,还可以为您的 Windows 7 计算机逐个扇区创建完整备份(sector by sector full backup of your Windows 7 computer)。如果需要,您可以在将来使用此图像恢复到良好状态。
3] 将您的文件保存在云端
我们建议您购买付费订阅计划并将所有文件移动到OneDrive、Google Drive和Dropbox等服务。养成将数据保存到您在Windows 7 PC 上安装的客户端或上传它们的习惯。它将确保您的数据始终安全。当我说文件时,它还包括照片、视频等。
与Windows XP End of Life不同,Windows 7 用户是幸运的。Microsoft将在未来三年内支持并推出恶意软件签名更新。大多数防病毒解决方案有可能会停止工作或会产生成本。如果您尚未下载并安装Microsoft Security Essentials ,请(Make)确保下载并安装。
5]锁定Windows 7计算机
使计算机与现有网络断开连接。如果可能,为Windows 7创建一个单独的WIFi SSID并仅通过它进行连接。它将确保没有恶意软件通过它传播到另一台计算机。
除此之外,每次启动计算机时创建一个还原点,删除其他用户的管理员权限,查看桌面虚拟化是您可能要考虑的其他一些临时解决方案。我们关于在2020 年 1 月(January 2020)支持结束后保护 Windows 7(securing Windows 7 after End Of Support) 的帖子肯定会为您提供很多关于此的提示。
如果您对从 Windows 7 升级的想法持开放态度,那么您可以这样做。(If you are open to the idea of upgrading from Windows 7, then here is what you can do.)
- Windows 7是一个有十年历史的软件。它既不能提供当前用户群今天需要的功能,也不能提供针对勒索软件等威胁的安全性(Ransomware)。因此,如果可以,请从Windows 7升级到Windows 10,您很可能可以免费获得它。如果您拥有正版Windows 7许可证,请将其升级到 Windows 10(upgrade it to Windows 10),免费升级优惠可能仍未结束。
- 如果适合您,您还可以选择升级到Linux或Mac。归根结底,想想从Windows 7迁移到任何现代操作系统。
- 如果Windows 10(Windows 10)太旧,它可能无法在Windows 7硬件上正常运行。(Windows 7)您可以考虑购买一台预装了Windows 10的新(Windows 10)Windows 10 PC 。它会帮你省钱。
- 使用PCmover Express或PCtransfer等工具将您的数据迁移到新的操作系统。
所有Windows 7用户最终都必须迁移到Windows 10或任何适合您的操作系统。我们的建议是立即转移到Windows 10 - 如果无法做到这一点,请购买扩展更新订阅计划并尽快退出Windows 7。
Stay safe and secure!
Windows 7 End of Life recommendations – What next!?
The day has arrived, аnd today Microsoft ends Windows 7 support. Microsoft has already pushed a bunch of last updates, and thеу are still available. If you haven’t done it till now, уou might want to update your Windows 7 оne last time. In this post, we will talk about Windows 7 End of Support, followed by Windows 7 End of Life recommendations – should you choose to stay with Windows 7.

Windows 7 End of Support
So what does Windows 7 End of Support mean? It means Microsoft will not fix any security issues even if they are openly reported. If you are planning to use Windows 7 without the internet, then you may do fine, but if not, be very careful. Unethical hackers and malware creators will be ready with their delivery package that can not only steal data from your computer but can also spread viruses over the network, lockdown files using Ransomware, and more. The risks of staying with Windows 7 after End of Life may be far too much to handle!
I am sure Windows 7 is doing an extraordinary job for you, but the latest version of Windows 10 has changed a lot and offers more features and security. It makes no sense for Microsoft to maintain it anymore.
Windows 7 End of Life recommendations
While Microsoft may release a security update for Windows 7 if it’s a significant outbreak, do not cling to any hope. By the time the update is released, the system might already be compromised. So here are our opinions, if you plan to stick around with Windows 7 for a while, think of the following:
- Windows 7 Extended Security Updates
- System Image Backup
- Keep your Files in the cloud
- Microsoft Security Essentials
- Lockdown Windows 7 Computer
You can follow all or some of them based on the choice you make.
1] Subscribe for Windows 7 Extended Security Updates
Microsoft is offering one last chance to those who are serious about moving to Windows 10. Extended Security Updates is a subscription plan by Microsoft. In it, you can pay per user per computer every year to get fixes for any new vulnerability that is found or reported. It is the best option for anyone who wants to keep using the internet for their business and applications. Read more to find out if your computer is eligible for the Security Updates.
2] Create a system image of your Windows 7 PC
Once you download and apply the last set of updates to your Windows 7 PC, create a system image of the C Drive. And if possible, also create a sector by sector full backup of your Windows 7 computer. You could use this image in the future to restore to a good state, should the need ever arise.
3] Keep your Files in the cloud
We recommend you to buy a paid subscription plan and move all your files to services like OneDrive, Google Drive, and Dropbox. Build a habit of saving data into the clients you install on Windows 7 PC or upload them. It will make sure your data are always safe. When I say files, it also includes photos, videos, and more.
4] Microsoft Security Essentials
Unlike Windows XP End of Life, Windows 7 users are lucky. Microsoft will support and rollout malware signature updates for the next three years. The chances are that most of the antivirus solutions will either stop working or will cost. Make sure to download and install Microsoft Security Essentials if you haven’t done so.
5] Lockdown Windows 7 Computer
Keep the computer disconnected from an existing network. If possible, create a separate WIFi SSID for Windows 7 and connect only through it. It will make sure that no malware spreads through it to another computer.
Apart from this, create a restore point every time you start the computer, remove admin rights of other users, looking at desktop virtualization are some other temporary solutions you may want to consider. Our post on securing Windows 7 after End Of Support January 2020 is sure to give you a lot of tips about this.
If you are open to the idea of upgrading from Windows 7, then here is what you can do.
- Windows 7 is a decade-old software. It neither can offer features that the current user base needs today, nor the security against threats like Ransomware. So if you can, then upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, and chances are you can get it for free. If you have a genuine Windows 7 license, upgrade it to Windows 10, and the chances are that the free upgrade offer still hasn’t been closed.
- You can also choose to upgrade to Linux or Mac if that works for you. At the end of the day, think of moving from Windows 7 to any modern operating system.
- Windows 10 might not work well on Windows 7 hardware if it’s too old. You can think of getting a new Windows 10 PC, which comes preinstalled with Windows 10. It will save you money.
- Use tools like PCmover Express or PCtransfer to migrate your data to the new operating system.
All Windows 7 users will have to eventually move to Windows 10, or whichever OS works for you. Our suggestion would be to shift to Windows 10 right away – and if that is not possible, buy the extended update subscription plan and move out of Windows 7 as soon as it is possible.
Stay safe and secure!