在这篇文章中,我们将向您展示如何在Windows 11/10中有效且完全地阻止、停止、禁用和关闭Windows 更新(Windows Update),以便您可以在需要时安装它们。您将需要禁用Windows Update Service、WaaSMedicSVC、将网络设置(Set Network)为计量(Metered)连接,或使用工具。
如何在Windows 11/10Windows 更新(Windows Update)
没有使用Windows 11/10中的控制面板或设置应用程序(Settings app)停止或关闭 Windows 更新(stop or turn off Windows Updates)的选项,因为它曾经与早期版本的Windows一起使用。但是有一种解决方法可以在Windows 11/10中禁用或关闭Windows 更新(Windows Update),我们将在这篇文章中讨论。
(Turn)在Windows 8.1及更早版本中关闭自动 Windows 更新(Automatic Windows Update)
在Windows 8.1和更早版本中,我们有Windows 更新(Windows Update)为我们提供了以下选项:

- 自动安装(Install)更新(推荐)
- 下载(Download)更新但选择何时安装它们
- 检查(Check)更新,但让我选择是否下载和安装它们
- 从不检查更新(不推荐)
这些选项提供了一种延迟更新的方法,直到我们有足够的时间下载和安装它们或让它们自动下载然后在我们希望的时间安装它们。Windows 11/10 更新(Update)和安全设置(Security Settings)中不存在这些选项。
在 Windows 10中关闭或暂停自动 Windows 更新(Pause Automatic Windows Update)
现在在Windows 10中,打开Settings app > Update and Security > Windows Update > Advanced Options,您将看到以下设置:

家庭用户(Home users)现在可以选择暂停 Windows 更新(pause Windows Updates)。早些时候他们没有这个选项。Windows 10 还可以让您推迟重启,但这还不够,因为在某些情况下,后台下载可能会减慢您的浏览速度。
另一群用户是企业用户(Enterprise users),他们可以选择延迟更新,以便他们可以在空闲时保持更新。微软(Microsoft)表示,它将减少向此类用户推送更新的频率,以使他们面临的停机时间最短。这些是企业和实时用户,例如医院和自动取款机(ATMs)等。
回到家庭(Home)用户和专业(Professional)用户,甚至没有延迟更新的选项。它们将在可用时立即下载。普通用户可以使用Windows 更新(Windows Updates)意味着这些更新已经过Windows Insiders的测试。如果您是Windows 预览体验(Windows Insider)成员,运行Windows 10 家庭(Home)版或专业版(Pro),您将优先接收更新。在您测试更新几天后,如果它没有造成任何问题,它将发布到正常的用户圈。
因此,你被卡住了。Windows 11/10 将在更新可用时继续下载更新,并在您可能不想要的时候占用您的计算机资源。我们中的一些人会希望停止自动下载,以便我们可以在空闲时手动安装更新 - 当我们不处理紧急事情时。也就是说; 一些用户希望在他们(they)想要的时候而不是在微软(Microsoft)提供更新时自由和选择(liberty and option)下载和安装更新。
由于没有从控制面板(Control Panel)或PC 设置(PC Settings)中关闭Windows更新的选项,这里有一个解决方法。
阅读(Read):Windows 更新即使在关闭后也会自动启用。
在Windows 11中暂停或停止自动更新(Stop Automatic Updates)
最好让您的计算机保持最新状态,但有时您可能希望手动更新您的计算机,而不是让系统自动安装它。因此,在本文中,我们将了解如何在Windows 11中停止(Windows 11)自动更新(Automatic Updates)。您可以通过以下方式在Windows 11中通过“设置”停止、推迟或暂停自动更新。

首先(First),在几天内停止自动更新Windows的最简单方法是更改您的(Windows)Windows 设置(Settings),在本节中,我们将了解如何做同样的事情。
要从Windows 设置(Windows Settings)暂停自动更新(pause automatic updates),请按照给定的步骤操作。
- 通过 Win + I.打开 设置 。(Settings )
- 转到 Windows 更新。(Windows Updates.)
- 单击 暂停 1 周。(Pause for 1 week.)
在Windows 11或 Windows 10中完全关闭(Turn)Windows 更新(Windows Updates)
要在Windows 11/10中完全停止或禁用自动Windows 更新(Windows Updates),您必须:
- 禁用Windows 更新(Windows Update)和Windows 更新医疗(Windows Update Medic) 服务(Services)
- (Change WU)使用组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)更改 WU设置
- 将(Set)您的网络连接设置为“计量(Metered)”
- 使用可让您禁用自动更新的免费工具。
1]禁用Windows更新(Windows Update)和Windows更新医疗(Windows Update Medic) 服务(Services)

接下来,我们还有另一种关闭自动更新的方法,即停止Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务。
如果要停止Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service),请使用以下步骤。
- 从 开始菜单(Start Menu.)打开 服务 。(Services )
- 寻找“ Windows 更新” (Windows Update’ )服务。
- 右键单击它并选择 属性。(Properties.)
- 将启动类型 (Startup type )更改 为 已禁用 (Disabled ),然后单击Apply > Ok.
您还需要禁用Windows Update Medic Service或WaaSMedicSVC。Windows Update Medic 服务是最新版本的(Windows Update Medic Service)Windows 10中引入的一项新的Windows 服务(Windows Service)。引入此服务(Service)是为了修复Windows Update组件免受损坏,以便计算机可以继续接收更新。我们建议您先尝试此方法。
您可以通过 Windows 服务管理器(Windows Services Manager)禁用Windows Update Medic 服务(Windows Update Medic Service)。在“服务(Services)”窗口中,向下滚动到Windows Update Medic Service 并关闭该服务(Service)。要关闭它,请右键单击该进程,单击 Properties 并选择Disabled。这将处理未在您的计算机上安装的Windows 更新。(Windows Updates)
现在,如果您想启用服务(Service),请按照上述步骤操作,但这一次,将启动类型(Startup types )更改为 自动。(Automatic.)
由于Windows现在是一项服务,因此您必须保持计算机更新。为了能够安装下一组功能或更新版本,您将需要安装较早的更新。这就是为什么如果您使用上述解决方法,您将不得不转到Windows 服务(Services) 管理器(Manager)并偶尔打开它以下载和更新您的Windows副本。
打开Windows 更新服务(Windows Update Service)后,在设置(Settings)中打开 Windows更新(Update)时,您将看到一条消息,指出由于计算机已停止,未安装更新。您必须单击重试(Retry),以便下载并安装所有可用的更新。这可能需要两次或三次“检查更新(Check for Updates)”尝试。您必须继续单击“检查(Check)更新”,直到它说您的计算机是最新的。然后,您可以返回并关闭Windows 更新(Windows Update)服务,直到下次您觉得有足够的时间来更新您的Windows 11/10副本。
2]使用组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)更改 WU(Change WU)设置

如果您的Windows 11/10版本具有组策略(Group Policy),您还可以使用组策略编辑器(Group Policy Editor)更改某些设置。运行gpedit并导航到以下策略设置:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
在右侧,双击配置自动更新(Configure Automatic Updates)并更改其设置以满足您的要求。

阅读(Read):如何使用注册表配置 Windows 更新。
我们不建议(do not recommend)您在Windows 11/10中禁用自动Windows 更新(Windows Update)。如果您的计算机可以在后台下载并且不影响您的工作,则不建议这样做。但是,如果您因在后台下载和安装更新而导致计算机速度变慢,则上述在Windows 10(Windows 10)中关闭Windows更新的提示会有所帮助。
将您的网络连接设置为“按流量计费”,还可以阻止Windows 11/10自动下载更新(Updates)。您可以执行以下操作 -设置(Settings)应用程序> Network和Internet > WiFi > Advanced选项。将滑块移动到设置为计量连接(Set as metered connection)的打开位置。
Windows 10 用户(Windows 10 users):这篇文章将向您展示如何在 Windows 中设置计量连接(set Metered Connection in Windows)。
Windows 11 用户(Windows 11 users):如果您在网络上启用计量连接(Connection),则您的 Windows 11 计算机在连接到该特定网络时不会自动下载更新。按照给定的步骤执行相同的操作。

- 从开始菜单(Start Menu)打开设置(Settings)。
- 单击Network & Internet > Properties.
- 现在使用切换开关启用 计量连接。(Metered connection.)
以下是一些用于停止自动 Windows 更新的免费(Stop Automatic Windows Updates)Windows Update Blocker 工具(Windows Update Blocker tools)的列表。您可能想看看它们,因为它们允许您通过单击来控制Windows 11/10更新。
- Windows 更新阻止程序
- 停止更新10
- 吴10曼
- 杀戮更新
- 巫师
- 赢更新停止
- 赢更新禁用程序
- WAU 经理。
顺便说一句,微软(Microsoft)发布了一个名为Show or Hide Updates的工具 ,允许用户隐藏或阻止特定的不需要的 Windows 更新。使用它,您可以阻止Windows 11/10下载特定更新。
关闭正在进行的Windows 更新是否安全?(Windows Update)
如果我不更新 Windows 怎么办?
Windows主要使用更新来推出错误修复并向操作系统(Operating System)添加新功能。但是,如果您对操作系统的当前功能集及其稳定性感到满意,您可以跳过更新一段时间。
相关阅读:(Related reads:)
- 在下载更新之前让 Windows 11/10 通知您
- 如何使用 Windows Server 中的注册表配置 Windows 更新
- 如何停止自动驱动程序更新(stop automatic Driver updates)
- 阻止 Windows 11/10 自动升级您的计算机。
How to Turn Off automatic Windows Update in Windows 11/10
In this post, we will show you how you can effectively & completely block, stop, disable & turn off Windows Update in Windows 11/10 so that you can inѕtall thеm when you want to. You will need to disable Windows Update Ѕervice, WaaSMedicSVC, Set Network as Metered connection, or uѕe a Tool.
How to disable Automatic Windows Update in Windows 11/10
Some background information before you proceed!
There is no option to stop or turn off Windows Updates using the Control Panel or Settings app in Windows 11/10, as it used to be with earlier versions of Windows. But there is a workaround to disable or turn off Windows Update in Windows 11/10, that we’ll talk about in this post.
First, let us take a look at why people may want to turn off Windows updates.
Turn off Automatic Windows Update in Windows 8.1 and earlier versions
With Windows 8.1 and earlier versions, we had Windows Update giving us options to:

- Install updates automatically (Recommended)
- Download Updates but choose when to install them
- Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them
- Never check for updates (Not Recommended)
These options provided a way to defer updates until we had enough time to download and install them or to have them downloaded automatically and then install them at a time we wish. These options are not present in Windows 11/10 Update & Security Settings now.
Turn off or Pause Automatic Windows Update in Windows 10
Now in Windows 10, open Settings app > Update and Security > Windows Update > Advanced Options, you will see the following settings:

Microsoft has explained that it will provide updates in two distinct methods for its two distinct types of clients.
The Home users now have the option to pause Windows Updates. Earlier they did not have this option. Windows 10 will also let you defer restart, but that is not enough because a download in the background might slow down your browsing in some cases.
The other ring of users are Enterprise users who will have the option to delay updates so that they can hold it to the time when they are free. Microsoft said it would push updates to such users less frequently so that they are faced with minimum downtime. These are the corporates and real-time users such as hospitals and ATMs etc.
Coming back to Home users and Professional users, there is not even the option to delay the updates. They will be downloaded as soon as they are available. The availability of Windows Updates for normal users means that the updates have already been tested by Windows Insiders. If you are a Windows Insider, running Windows 10 Home or Pro, you will be in priority to receive updates. After a few days of you testing the updates and if it doesn’t pose any problems, it will be released to the normal ring of users.
Thus, you are stuck. Windows 11/10 will keep on downloading updates as soon as they are available and will occupy your computer resources, when you may not want it too. Some of us will want to keep the automatic downloads to be stopped so that we can install the updates manually when free – when we are not working on something urgent. That is to say; some users would want the liberty and option to download and install updates when they want and not when Microsoft provides them.
Since there is no option to turn off Windows updates from Control Panel or PC Settings, here is a workaround.
Read: Windows Update enables itself even after turning it Off.
Pause or Stop Automatic Updates in Windows 11
It is good to keep your computer up to date, but sometimes, you may want to manually update your computer instead of allowing the system to install it automatically. Therefore, in this article, we are going to see how to stop Automatic Updates in Windows 11. These are the following ways by which you can stop or defer or pause automatic updates in Windows 11 via Settings.

First of all, the easiest way to stop automatic updating of Windows for a few days would be to change your Windows Settings and in this section, we are going to see how to do the same.
To pause automatic updates from Windows Settings, follow the given steps.
- Open Settings by Win + I.
- Go to Windows Updates.
- Click Pause for 1 week.
After this, your computer will not automatically install new updates for a week, but in the meantime, you can manually update your computer.
Completely Turn off Windows Updates in Windows 11 or Windows 10
To completely stop or disable automatic Windows Updates in Windows 11/10, you will have to:
- Disable Windows Update & Windows Update Medic Services
- Change WU settings using the Group Policy Editor
- Set your network connection to ‘Metered’
- Use a free tool that lets you disable automatic updates.
Now let us see each of these suggestions in detail.
1] Disable Windows Update & Windows Update Medic Services

Next up, we have another method for you to turn off automatic updates, that is, by stopping the Windows Update service.
If you want to stop Windows Update Service, use the following steps.
- Open Services from the Start Menu.
- Look for the ‘Windows Update’ service.
- Right-click on it and select Properties.
- Change the Startup type to Disabled and click Apply > Ok.
You need to also disable the Windows Update Medic Service or WaaSMedicSVC. The Windows Update Medic Service is a new Windows Service introduced in recent versions of Windows 10. This Service has been introduced to repair Windows Update components from damage so that the computer can continue to receive updates. We recommend you try this method first.
You can disable the Windows Update Medic Service via Windows Services Manager. In the Services window, scroll down to Windows Update Medic Service and turn off the Service. To turn it off, right-click on the process, click on Properties and select Disabled. That will take care of Windows Updates not being installed on your machine.
Now, if you ever want to enable the Service, follow the aforementioned steps, but this time, change the Startup types to Automatic.
Do remember to install updates though!
Since Windows is a Service now onwards, you have to keep your computer updated. To be able to install the next set of features or a newer build, you will require the earlier updates to be installed. That’s why if you use the above workaround, you will have to go to the Windows Services Manager and turn it on once in a while to download and update your copy of Windows.
After you turn on the Windows Update Service, when you open Windows Update in Settings, you will see a message that updates were not installed because the computer was stopped. You will have to click on Retry so that all the available updates are downloaded and installed. This may take two or three “Check for Updates” tries. You will have to keep on clicking “Check for updates” until it says your computer is up to date. Then you can go back and turn off the Windows Update service until the next time you feel you are free enough to spend time updating your copy of Windows 11/10.
2] Change WU settings using the Group Policy Editor

If your version of Windows 11/10 has Group Policy, you can also change some settings using the Group Policy Editor. Run gpedit and navigate to the following policy setting:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update.
On the right side, double-click on Configure Automatic Updates and change its settings to suit your requirements.
Once you configure the settings, you will see the result in the Settings app as follows:

Read: How to configure Windows Updates using Registry.
We do not recommend that you disable automatic Windows Update in Windows 11/10. If your computer is fine with downloads in the background and doesn’t affect your work, it is not advisable to do it. But if you face a slowdown of the computer due to updates downloading and installing in the background, the above tip to turn off Windows updates in Windows 10 will be of some help.
3] Set your network connection to ‘Metered’
Setting your network connection to ‘Metered’, can also stop Windows 11/10 from automatically downloading the Updates. You can do it as follows – Settings app > Network & Internet > WiFi > Advanced options. Move the slider to On position for Set as metered connection.
Windows 10 users: This post will show you how to set Metered Connection in Windows.
Windows 11 users: If you enable Metered Connection on a network, your Windows 11 computer won’t automatically download the update when connected to that particular network. Follow the given steps to do the same.

- Open Settings from the Start Menu.
- Click Network & Internet > Properties.
- Now use the toggle to enable Metered connection.
Now, your computer will download updated automatically when you are connected to that network.
4] Tools that help you block automatic Windows Updates
Here is a list of some free Windows Update Blocker tools to Stop Automatic Windows Updates. You might want to take a look at them as they allow you to control Windows 11/10 Updates with a click.
- Windows Update Blocker
- StopUpdates10
- Wu10Man
- Kill-Update
- WuMgr
- Win Update Stop
- Win Updates Disabler
- WAU Manager.
Incidentally, Microsoft has released a tool called Show or Hide Updates that allows users to hide or block specific unwanted Windows Updates. Using it, you can stop Windows 11/10 from downloading specific updates.
Is it safe to turn off Windows Update in progress?
No, you should never turn off your computer when it is installing the update. It can lead to some serious issues such as BSOD or corrupted Windows. If you are not sure whether you want to use the update in question, you can always roll back to the previous version. But, stopping the ongoing update should not be an option.
What if I don’t update Windows?
Updates are primarily used by Windows to roll out bug fixes and add new features to Operating System. However, if you are happy with the current set of features of your OS and its stability you can skip updates for some time.
But eventually, you have to update as you can’t afford to run an outdated OS. Otherwise, some of the applications will stop working and you will experience some other failures. Even some of the games want the latest version of Windows. Therefore, it is always recommended to keep your system up to date.
Related reads:
- Make Windows 11/10 notify you before downloading Updates
- How to configure Windows Updates using Registry in Windows Server
- How to stop automatic Driver updates
- Stop Windows 11/10 from upgrading your computer automatically.