游戏玩家可以在他们的 PC 上享受Android游戏体验,而应用程序(App)开发人员实际上可以在他们的 Windows 或Mac系统上测试基于 Android 的应用程序软件,这要归功于Bluestacks Android 模拟器等软件,它可以在您的(Bluestacks Android emulator)Windows PC上运行Android应用程序和游戏。Windows 11/10 旨在成为一个多功能操作系统,可在所有设备上运行,无论是智能手机、PC、平板电脑,甚至是Xbox。但是,有许多用户使用Android进行应用程序开发或Android游戏体验。使用Android模拟器,用户可以运行(Android)使用Windows(Windows) PC从系统浏览器全屏显示Android应用程序。

Bluestacks是Windows PC上最受欢迎的Android 模拟器(Android emulators)之一。众所周知,您可以稳定地使用您的Google Play帐户,以便您可以访问Windows PC上的所有(Windows PC)Android应用程序和游戏。Bluestacks 应用程序(Bluestacks App)播放器可让您直接在Windows PC上安装(Windows PC)Android应用程序,以便您可以在自己的笔记本电脑或台式机上拥有完整的Android环境。(Android)
虽然我们现在知道Bluestacks如何在(Bluestacks)Windows上为(Windows)Android用户提供巨大的模拟环境,但该软件有时会导致在Windows PC上运行时出现问题。许多用户抱怨初始化Bluestacks时出现(Bluestacks)Windows错误问题。Bluestacks可能会卡在Initializing上,如果您使用的是旧版本的Bluestacks或者您使用的是功能较弱的 PC,通常会出现此问题。由于Bluestacks会消耗大量的硬件电量,如果您在后台运行的应用程序过多,可能会导致Bluestacks初始化时卡住 - 因此请确保关闭所有不需要的应用程序。
如果Bluestacks卡在初始化(Initializing)欢迎登录屏幕错误,这些建议一定会帮助您解决Windows 11/10/8/7 PC 上的问题。
您应该知道,拥有最新的.NET Framework对您来说至关重要,因为Bluestacks会消耗大量的硬件功率。如果您没有管理员权限,您也可能会收到此错误,因此请确保您已获得使用Bluestacks所需的权限。
在正常情况下,可以通过重新启动 PC 或重新启动Bluestacks应用程序播放器来解决问题。如果重新启动无法解决此问题,您可能需要尝试以下解决方案来修复错误。
始终将Bluestacks更新到最新版本,因为据说该错误发生在旧版本的Bluestacks中。如果您仍然看到错误,请下载最新版本的Bluestacks。在下载之前,请尝试从系统中完全卸载 Bluestacks并删除Bluestacks下的所有文件、文件夹和注册表项。
转到设置应用程序(Settings App),然后单击系统(System)。单击(Click)应用程序(Apps)和功能(Features)。选择 Bluestacks(Select Bluestacks)并点击卸载(Uninstall)按钮。
- C:程序文件BlueStacks
- C:ProgramDataBlueStacks
- C:ProgramDataBlueStacksSetup

搜索 。搜索栏中的 BST 文件并删除所有BST文件(BST)和文件夹。您可以使用任何清理工具应用程序,例如CCleaner来删除与Bluestacks关联的注册表项。
或者,您可以从他们的网站下载(their site)Bluestacks删除工具并使用它来完全卸载Bluestacks。
卸载Bluestacks 后(Bluestacks),下载最新版本的Bluestacks并安装。
2.以兼容模式运行(Compatibility Mode)Bluestacks程序

您可以在兼容模式下运行 Bluestacks,看看是否适合您。为此,请右键单击Bluestacks软件快捷方式,然后从上下文菜单中选择属性。
选择以兼容模式运行此程序,(Run this program in compatibility mode for)然后从下拉菜单中选择以前版本的Windows 。
单击应用(Click Apply)和确定以保存更改。
类似阅读(Similar read): BlueStacks 卡在启动引擎屏幕上。
3.检查(Check Administrator Privileges)Bluestacks的管理员权限

在使用Bluestacks App player 之前,您有必要检查您是否获得了运行应用程序所需的权限。要检查管理权限,请执行以下步骤
打开Bluestacks安装目录,然后转到C:\Program Files\Bluestacks
选择您的用户名,然后在权限(Permission)部分下为完全控制选择允许列。(Allow column for Full Control)
阅读:(Read:) 启用 Hyper-V 时 BlueStacks 无法启动(BlueStacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled)。
希望上面提到的解决方案可以帮助您解决问题。(Hope the solutions mentioned above helped you in resolving the problem.)
Bluestacks stuck on Initializing screen on Windows 11/10
Gamers can enjoy the Android gaming experience on their PC and App deνelopers can actually test thе android based applіcation software on their Windows or Mac system, thanks to ѕoftware like Bluestacks Android emulator which runs Android apps and games on your Windows PC. Windows 11/10 is designed to be a versatile operating system that runs on all devices be it smartphones, PC, tablets or even Xbox. However, there are many users who use Android for maybe app development or for an Android gaming experience. With Android emulators, users can run the Android apps in fullscreen from the system browser using Windows PC.

Bluestacks is one of the most preferred Android emulators for Windows PC. It is well known to work steadily with your Google Play account so that you can access all the Android apps and games on Windows PC. The Bluestacks App player lets you install the Android apps directly on Windows PC so that you can have a full Android environment on your very own laptop or desktop.
While we are now aware of how Bluestacks offers a tremendous simulation environment for Android users on Windows, the software sometimes causes trouble to run on Windows PC. Many users have complained about Windows error problems on initializing Bluestacks. Bluestacks may get stuck on Initializing, and this problem usually arises if you’re using an older version of Bluestacks or maybe you are on a less powerful PC. Since Bluestacks consumes a large amount of hardware power, if you have too many applications running in the background, it may cause Bluestacks to get stuck while initialization – so make sure that you close all the unwanted applications.
Bluestacks stuck on Initializing screen
If Bluestacks is stuck on the Initializing welcome login screen error, these suggestions are sure to help you fix the problem on Windows 11/10/8/7 PC.
You should know that it is essential for you to have the latest .NET Framework as Bluestacks consumes oodles of hardware power. You may also get this error if you don’t have administrator privileges so make sure you have been given the required privilege to use Bluestacks.
In a normal case, the problem may be solved by rebooting your PC or restarting the Bluestacks app player. If restarting does not help in resolving this issue, you may want to try the following solutions to fix the error.
1. Uninstall Bluestacks & download the latest version
Always update Bluestacks to the latest version as the error is said to occur in the older versions of Bluestacks. If you still see the error, then download the latest version of Bluestacks. Before downloading, try to completely uninstall Bluestacks from the system and remove all the files, folders and registry keys under Bluestacks.
Go to Settings App and click on System. Click on Apps and Features. Select Bluestacks and hit the Uninstall button.
Next, find and remove the following folders:
- C:\Program Files\BlueStacks
- C:\ProgramData\BlueStacks
- C:\ProgramData\BlueStacksSetup
Finally, open Run window by pressing WnKey+R. Type %temp% and click OK.

Search for .BST files in the search bar and delete all BST files and folders. You may use any cleaning tool app like say, CCleaner to remove registry entries associated with Bluestacks.
Alternatively, you may download the Bluestacks removal tool from their site and use it to completely uninstall Bluestacks.
Having uninstalled Bluestacks, download the latest version of Bluestacks and install it.
2. Run Bluestacks program in Compatibility Mode

You may run Bluestacks in Compatibility Mode and see if that works for you. To do so, right-click on Bluestacks software shortcut, and choose Properties from the context menu.
In the Properties window, select the Compatibility tab.
Select Run this program in compatibility mode for and select a previous version of Windows from the drop-down menu.
Click Apply and OK to save the changes.
Similar read: BlueStacks is stuck on Starting the Engine screen.
3. Check Administrator Privileges for Bluestacks

Before using Bluestacks App player, it is necessary for you to check if you are given the required privilege to run the application. To check for administrative Privileges proceed with the following steps
Open Bluestacks installation directory, and go to C:\Program Files\Bluestacks
Find HD-StartLauncher and right-click on it. From the context menu, select Properties. Next, select the Security tab and click on Edit.
Choose your Username and select Allow column for Full Control under Permission section.
Now click Apply and OK to save the change. See if this helps.
Read: BlueStacks cannot start when Hyper-V is enabled.
Hope the solutions mentioned above helped you in resolving the problem.