自冠状病毒爆发以来,在线视频会议应用程序的使用有所增加。Google Meet就是这样的视频会议应用示例之一。您可以通过Google Meet(Google Meet)轻松主持或参加虚拟会议。但是,一些用户在使用Google Meet(Google Meet)平台时会遇到相机错误。如果您的摄像头停止工作,或者您在台式机或笔记本电脑上加入虚拟会议时收到“找不到摄像头”的提示消息,这可能会很烦人。有时,您也可能会遇到手机上的相机问题。为了帮助您,我们提供了一份指南,您可以按照该指南修复在 Google Meet 中找不到摄像头(fix no camera found in Google Meet)。
如何修复在 Google Meet 中找不到摄像头(How To Fix No Camera Found In Google Meet)
Google Meet 上的摄像头问题背后的原因是什么?(What are the reasons behind the camera issues on Google Meet?)
暂时,您可以学习如何在 Google Meet 上使用 Snap Camera,因为(How to Use Snap Camera on Google Meet)Google Meet应用中的相机错误可能有多种原因。其中一些原因如下。
- 您可能没有向Google Meet授予摄像头权限。
- 故障可能与您的网络摄像头或内置摄像头有关。
- 其他一些应用程序(例如Zoom或 skype)可能正在后台使用您的相机。
- 您可能需要更新视频驱动程序。
因此,这些是您可能在Google Meet(Google Meet)中遇到相机未找到错误的一些原因。
在 Google Meet 上修复“未找到相机”的 12 种方法(12 Ways to fix “No camera found” on Google Meet)
我们列出了一些您可以遵循的方法来 修复 Google Meet 相机无法在您的设备上运行。(fix Google Meet camera not working on your device.)
方法一:向 Google Meet 授予相机权限(Method 1: Grant Camera Permission to Google Meet)
如果您在Google Meet中遇到相机未找到错误,则可能是因为您必须授予Google Meet访问相机的权限。当您第一次使用Google Meet平台时,它会要求您授予摄像头和麦克风的权限。由于我们习惯于屏蔽网站要求的权限,因此您可能会不小心屏蔽了相机的权限。您可以轻松地按照以下步骤解决问题:
1. 打开浏览器,前往Google Meet 并登录(log in)您的帐户。
2. 现在,点击新会议(New meeting)
3. 选择“开始即时会议(Start an instant meeting)”。
4. 现在,单击屏幕右上角的摄像头图标,并确保您(camera icon)授予 Google Meet(grant permission to Google Meet)访问您的摄像头和麦克风的权限。
或者,您也可以从设置授予相机权限:(Alternatively, you can also grant camera permission from settings:)
1. 打开浏览器并访问Googlemeet.com。
2.单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后转到(three vertical dots)设置(Settings)。
3. 单击侧面板中的隐私和安全(Privacy and security),然后单击“站点设置(Site settings)”。
4. 在站点设置中(Site settings),点击 meet.google.com。
5. 最后,点击摄像头和麦克风旁边的下拉菜单,然后选择(drop-down menu)允许(Allow)。
方法 2:检查您的网络摄像头或内置摄像头(Method 2: Check Your Webcam or In-built Camera)
有时,问题不在于Google Meet,而在于您的相机。确保正确连接网络摄像头并确保摄像头未损坏。此外,您还可以在 PC 或笔记本电脑上检查相机设置(适用于 windows 10)。请按照以下步骤修复 Google Meet 相机无法正常工作:( Follow these steps to fix Google Meet camera not working:)
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings ),然后单击隐私选项卡。
2.从左侧面板中选择应用权限(App permissions)下的相机。(Camera)
3. 最后,单击更改(Change)并确保打开设备的(turn on)相机访问(Camera access for your device)开关。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在变焦时关闭我的相机?(How to Turn Off my Camera on Zoom?)
方法 3:更新您的网络浏览器(Method 3: Update Your Web Browser)
如果您使用的是旧版本的网络浏览器,那么这可能是您在Google Meet(Google Meet)中遇到找不到摄像头问题的原因。通常(Usually),如果有可用更新,您的网络浏览器会自动更新到最新版本。但是,有时自动更新会失败,您必须手动检查新更新。
由于谷歌浏览器(Google Chrome)通常是大多数用户的默认浏览器,您可以轻松地按照以下步骤检查更新以 修复在 Google Meet 中找不到摄像头的问题:(fix no camera found in Google Meet:)
1. 打开系统上的Chrome 浏览器(Chrome browser),然后单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点。(three vertical dots)
2. 前往帮助(Help)并选择关于谷歌浏览器(About Google Chrome)。
3. 最后,您的Chrome浏览器会自动检查新的更新。安装新的更新(如果有)。如果没有更新,您将看到消息“ Google Chrome 已更新(Google Chrome is up to date)” 。
方法 4:更新网络摄像头驱动程序(Method 4: Update Webcam Drivers)
要 修复 Google Meet 摄像头无法正常工作的问题(fix Google Meet camera not working issue),您可以尝试更新您的网络摄像头或视频驱动程序。如果您使用的是旧版本的视频驱动程序,那么这就是您在Google Meet平台上遇到摄像头问题的原因。以下是检查和更新视频驱动程序的方法。
1. 单击开始按钮并在搜索栏中输入设备管理器。(device manager)
2.从搜索结果中打开设备管理器。(Device Manager)
3. 向下滚动并找到声音、视频和游戏控制器。(Sound, Video, and Game controllers.)
4. 最后,右键单击您的视频驱动程序(Video driver),然后单击更新驱动程序(Update driver)。
方法 5:关闭 Chrome 扩展(Method 5: Turn Off Chrome Extensions)
当您通过添加不同的扩展程序使浏览器超载时,它可能是有害的,并会干扰您在网络上的日常任务,例如使用Google Meet。一些用户能够通过删除他们的扩展来 修复 Google Meet 相机未找到问题:( fix Google Meet camera not found issue)
1. 打开您的Chrome浏览器并单击扩展图标(Extension icon)或在浏览器的 URL 栏中输入Chrome://extensions/。
2. 现在,您将在屏幕上看到所有扩展程序,您可以在此处关闭每个(turn off)扩展程序(extension)旁边的切换以禁用它们。
方法六:重启浏览器(Method 6: Restart Web Browser)
有时,简单地重新启动网络浏览器可以修复系统上的Google Meet中未找到摄像头错误。因此,请尝试退出并重新启动您的网络浏览器,然后在Google Meet中重新加入会议。
方法 7:更新 Google Meet 应用(Method 7: Update Google Meet app)
如果您在IOS或Android设备上使用(Android)Google Meet应用程序,则可以检查任何可用更新以修复相机错误。
- 如果您是Android用户,请前往Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)并搜索Google Meet。如果有任何可用更新,您将能够看到更新按钮。
- 同样,如果您有 iPhone,请前往App Store并找到(App Store)Google Meet应用。检查可用的更新(如果有)。
方法八:清除缓存和浏览数据(Method 8: Clear Cache and Browsing data)
您可以考虑清除浏览器的缓存和浏览数据,以修复Google Meet上的摄像头问题。此方法适用于某些用户。请按照以下步骤操作此方法。
1. 打开您的网络浏览器并单击屏幕右上角的三个垂直点,然后转到(three vertical dots)设置(Settings)。
2. 单击左侧面板中的设置和隐私(Settings and privacy)。
3. 点击“清除浏览数据(Clear browsing data)”。
4. 现在,您可以单击浏览历史记录、cookie 和其他站点数据、缓存图像和文件(browsing history, cookies, and other site data, cached images, and files)旁边的复选框(checkbox)。
5. 最后,点击窗口底部的“清除数据”。(Clear data)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Gmail 帐户不接收电子邮件的 5 种方法(5 Ways to Fix Gmail Account Not Receiving Emails)
方法 9:检查您的 Wi-Fi 连接 (Method 9: Check Your Wi-Fi connection )
有时,不稳定的互联网连接可能是您的相机无法在Google Meet应用中工作的原因。因此,请检查您的设备上是否有稳定的连接。您可以通过速度测试应用程序检查您的互联网速度。
方法10:禁止其他应用在后台使用网络摄像头(Method 10: Disable other apps from using webcam in the background)
如果 Zoom、Skype 或 Facetime 等任何其他应用(If any other app such as Zoom, Skype, or Facetime is using your camera)在后台使用您的摄像头,那么您将无法在Google Meet中使用摄像头。因此(Therefore),在您启动Google Meet之前,请确保您在后台关闭了所有其他应用程序。
方法 11:关闭 VPN 或防病毒(Method 11: Turn off VPN or Antivirus)
用于欺骗您位置的VPN软件可以派上用场很多次,但它也可能会混淆Google Meet等服务以访问您的设置,并可能在连接您的相机时造成麻烦。因此,如果您使用任何VPN平台,例如NordVPN、ExpressVPN、Surfshark或任何其他平台。然后您可以考虑暂时关闭它以修复Google Meet相机无法正常工作:
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击更新和安全(Update and security)选项卡。
2. 从左侧面板中选择Windows 安全(Windows security),然后单击防火墙和网络(Firewall and network) 保护(protection)。
3.最后可以一个域网、私网、公网(domain network, private network, and public network)一个一个点击关闭防御者防火墙。
方法 12:重启设备(Method 12: Restart your device)
如果您没有任何效果,您可以重新启动系统或手机以修复Google Meet中的相机错误。有时(Sometimes),简单的重启就可以刷新系统并解决Google Meet中的摄像头问题。因此(Therefore),请重新启动您的系统并重新启动Google Meet以检查您的相机是否正常工作。
因此,这些是您可以尝试修复在Google Meet(Google Meet)中找不到摄像头的一些方法。
常见问题 (FAQ)(Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs))
Q1。如何修复在 Google Meet 上找不到摄像头?(Q1. How do I fix No camera found on Google Meet?)
要解决Google Meet上的摄像头问题,如果您在系统上使用网络摄像头,请检查您的摄像头设置。如果您的相机已正确连接到系统,则问题出在设置上。您必须授予Google Meet访问您的摄像头和麦克风的权限。为此,请前往浏览器的设置>隐私和安全>网站设置>点击 meet.google.com>点击相机旁边的下拉菜单,然后按允许。
Q2。如何在 Google Meet 上访问我的相机?(Q2. How do I access my camera on Google Meet?)
要在Google Meet(Google Meet)上访问您的摄像头,您必须确保没有任何应用在后台使用摄像头。如果Skype(Skype)、Zoom或Microsoft团队等任何其他应用在后台使用您的摄像头,您将无法在 Google Meet 中使用摄像头。此外,请确保您允许Google Meet访问您的相机。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复 Google Meet 中的内置摄像头或网络摄像头(fix your inbuilt camera or webcam in Google Meet)。如果您对本文仍有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分提出。
How To Fix No Camera Found In Google Meet (2022)
Since the coronavirus outbreak, there is an increase in the usage of online vіdeo conferencing apps. One such example of video conferencing apps is Google Meet. You can easily host or attеnd virtual meеtings vіa Google Meet. However, some users face camera error while using the Google Meet platform. It can be annoying when your camera stops working or you get a prompt message saying ‘camera not found’ while joining a νirtual meeting on your desktop or laptop. Sometimes, you may face the camera issue on your mobile phone as well. To help you oυt, we have a guide that you can follow to fix no camera found in Google Meet.
How To Fix No Camera Found In Google Meet
What are the reasons behind the camera issues on Google Meet?
For the time-being, you can learn How to Use Snap Camera on Google Meet as there could be several reasons behind the camera error in the Google Meet app. A few of these reasons are as follows.
- You may have not given camera permission to Google Meet.
- The fault is maybe with your webcam or inbuilt camera.
- Some other apps such as Zoom or skype may be using your camera in the background.
- You may have to update the video drivers.
So these are a few of the reasons why you may be facing the camera not found error in Google Meet.
12 Ways to fix “No camera found” on Google Meet
We are listing down some methods that you can follow to fix Google Meet camera not working on your device.
Method 1: Grant Camera Permission to Google Meet
If you are facing the camera not found error in Google Meet, then it is probably because you have to give permission to Google Meet to access your camera. When you use the Google Meet platform for the first time, it will ask you to grant permission for a camera and microphone. Since we have a habit of blocking permissions that the websites ask, you may accidentally block the permission for the camera. You can easily follow these steps to resolve the issue:
1. Open your browser, head to the Google Meet and log in to your account.
2. Now, click on the New meeting
3. select ‘Start an instant meeting.’
4. Now, click on the camera icon from the top-right corner of the screen and make sure you grant permission to Google Meet to access your camera and microphone.
Alternatively, you can also grant camera permission from settings:
1. Open your browser and go to Googlemeet.com.
2.Click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen and go to Settings.
3. Click on Privacy and security from the side panel then click on ‘Site settings.’
4. In Site settings, click on meet.google.com.
5. Finally, click on the drop-down menu next to camera and microphone and select Allow.
Method 2: Check Your Webcam or In-built Camera
Sometimes, the problem is not in Google Meet, but with your camera. Ensure that you connect your webcam properly and ensure that your camera is not damaged. Moreover, you can also check your camera settings on your PC or laptop (For windows 10). Follow these steps to fix Google Meet camera not working:
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and click on the Privacy tab.
2. Select the Camera under the App permissions from the panel on the left.
3. Finally, click on Change and ensure that you turn on the toggle for Camera access for your device.
Also Read: How to Turn Off my Camera on Zoom?
Method 3: Update Your Web Browser
If you are using an old version of your web browser, then it might be the reason why you are facing the no camera found issue in Google Meet. Usually, your web browser automatically updates to the latest version if any updates are available. However, sometimes the automatic updates fail, and you have to manually check for new updates.
Since Google Chrome is usually the default browser for most users, you can easily follow these steps to check for updates to fix no camera found in Google Meet:
1. Open the Chrome browser on your system and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Go to Help and select About Google Chrome.
3. Finally, your Chrome browser will automatically check for new updates. Install the new updates if any. If there are no updates you will see the message ‘Google Chrome is up to date.
Method 4: Update Webcam Drivers
To fix Google Meet camera not working issue, you can try to update your webcam or video drivers. If you are using the old version of your video drivers, then it is why you are facing the camera issue on the Google Meet platform. Here is how you can check and update the video drivers.
1. Click on the start button and type device manager in the search bar.
2. Open the Device Manager from the search results.
3. Scroll down and locate Sound, Video, and Game controllers.
4. Finally, make a right-click on your Video driver and click on Update driver.
Method 5: Turn Off Chrome Extensions
When you overload your browser by adding different extensions, it can be harmful and cause interference with your daily tasks on the web, such as using Google Meet. Some users were able to fix Google Meet camera not found issue by removing their extensions:
1. Open your Chrome browser and click on the Extension icon or type Chrome://extensions/ in the URL bar of your browser.
2. Now, you will see all your extensions on the screen, here you can turn off the toggle next to each extension to disable them.
Method 6: Restart Web Browser
Sometimes a simple restart of the web browser can fix no camera found in Google Meet error on your system. Therefore, try to quit and re-launch your web browser and then rejoin the meeting in Google Meet.
Method 7: Update Google Meet app
If you are using the Google Meet app on your IOS or Android device, then you can check for any available updates to fix the camera error.
- Head to Google Play Store if you are an Android user and search Google Meet. You will be able to see the update button if there are any updates available.
- Similarly, head to the App Store if you have an iPhone and locate the Google Meet app. Check for available updates if any.
Method 8: Clear Cache and Browsing data
You can consider clearing the cache and the browsing data of your browser to fix camera issues on Google Meet. This method works for some users. Follow these steps for this method.
1. Open your web browser and click on the three vertical dots from the top-right corner of the screen and go to Settings.
2. Click on Settings and privacy from the panel on the left.
3. Click on ‘Clear browsing data.’
4. Now, you can click on the checkbox next to browsing history, cookies, and other site data, cached images, and files.
5. Finally, click on ‘Clear data‘ at the bottom of the window.
Also Read: 5 Ways to Fix Gmail Account Not Receiving Emails
Method 9: Check Your Wi-Fi connection
Sometimes an unstable internet connection may be the reason why your camera is not working in Google Meet app. Therefore, check if you have a stable connection on your device. You can check your internet speed through the speed test app.
Method 10: Disable other apps from using webcam in the background
If any other app such as Zoom, Skype, or Facetime is using your camera in the background, then you will not be able to use the camera in Google Meet. Therefore, before you launch Google Meet, make sure you are closing down all other apps in the background.
Method 11: Turn off VPN or Antivirus
A VPN software to spoof your location can come in handy many times, but it can also confuse services like Google Meet to access your settings and may cause troubles while connecting with your camera. Therefore, if you are using any VPN platforms like NordVPN, ExpressVPN, Surfshark, or any other. Then you can consider turning it off temporarily to fix Google Meet camera not working:
Similarly, you can temporarily turn off your antivirus and firewall on your system. Follow these steps to turn off your firewall:
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and click on the Update and security tab.
2. Select Windows security from the left panel and click on Firewall and network protection.
3. Finally, you can click on a domain network, private network, and public network one by one to turn off the defender firewall.
Method 12: Restart your device
If nothing is working for you, you can restart your system or your phone to fix the camera error in Google Meet. Sometimes, a simple restart can refresh the system and can fix the issue with the camera in Google Meet. Therefore, restart your system and relaunch Google Meet to check whether your camera works or not.
So, these were some methods that you can try to fix no camera found in Google Meet.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. How do I fix No camera found on Google Meet?
To resolve the camera issues on Google Meet, check your camera setup if you are using a webcam on your system. If your camera is properly connected to your system, then the problem is with the settings. You have to grant permission to Google Meet to access your camera and microphone. For this, head to your browser’s settings> privacy and security>site settings>click on meet.google.com> click on the drop-down menu next to camera and press allow.
Q2. How do I access my camera on Google Meet?
To access your camera on Google Meet, you have to make sure that none of the apps are using the camera in the background. If any other app such as Skype, Zoom, or Microsoft teams is using your camera in the background, you will not be able to use the camera in Google Meet. Moreover, make sure you allow permission to Google Meet to access your camera.
We hope this guide was helpful and you were able to fix your inbuilt camera or webcam in Google Meet. If you still have any queries regarding this article, then feel free to ask them in the comments section.