EasyBCD是用于修改(EasyBCD)Windows引导加载程序的强大工具。它非常有用,并通过Windows(Windows) 11/10 计算机上最精致的程序之一为您提供无与伦比的自定义功能。
这个工具可以让你对你的引导加载程序有太多的权力(too much power),所以你需要一些使用它的指导。这篇文章将提供此指南并向您展示如何配置引导加载程序以及如何在Windows中修改引导设置。
- 查看引导加载程序条目。
- 添加一个新的引导加载程序条目。
- 更改默认引导加载程序条目。
- 修改引导菜单选项。
- 重新排序引导菜单条目。

引导加载程序(Bootloader)条目是您在计算机启动时被要求选择的操作系统。要检查您现有的引导加载程序条目,请打开EasyBCD并选择 左侧的查看设置按钮。(View Settings)
默认情况下,显示模式(Display Mode)设置为 概览(Overview)。这仅显示有关条目的基本详细信息。有关您的条目的更多详细信息,请选择详细(调试模式)(Detailed (Debug Mode))。
要添加新的引导加载程序条目,请单击侧栏上的添加新条目(Add New Entry)按钮。接下来,您可以 为客户NeoGrub引导加载程序选择(NeoGrub)NeoGrub选项,也可以选择操作系统系列- Windows、Mac或Linux。
单击 操作系统部分中的Windows(Systems)以(Windows)添加条目。从类型 (Type )下拉菜单中指定Windows版本 ,给它一个自定义名称、驱动器号,然后点击添加条目 (Add Entry )按钮。

如果您为 EasyBCD 配置多个条目,您将在每次启动计算机时看到一个菜单。您可以在此菜单中选择要启动的内容。
要将您的机器设置为引导至默认操作系统,您可以选择 跳过引导菜单(Skip the boot menu)或 倒计时...(Count down from…)选项。跳过引导菜单(skip boot menu)选项使您的 计算机能够绕过引导菜单并选择默认条目。
当您确定要启动的操作系统时,此选项很有用。但是,如果您希望系统在决定默认操作系统之前给您一些时间来选择条目,请选择Count down from...选项并以秒为单位设置您的首选等待时间。一旦这段时间过去,您的系统会自动引导您进入默认条目。
如果您选择等待用户选择(Wait for user selection)选项,则引导加载程序将在世界范围内为您提供在启动系统之前进行选择的所有时间。此选项没有默认条目。
您可以从Edit Boot Menu页面找到这些用于配置 EasyBCD 的默认条目的选项。
使用EasyBCD(EasyBCD)轻松设置默认条目。在此屏幕上,单击您的首选条目并标记 默认(Default)复选框。执行此操作时,您会注意到文本从No变为 Yes,而其他条目变为 No ,因为您只能有一个默认条目。

更改菜单选项也发生在EasyBCD的(EasyBCD)Edit Boot Menu屏幕上。此页面包含大量设置,可以以您喜欢的任何方式修改菜单选项。
在这里,您可以从Locale(Locale)旁边的下拉菜单中更改默认语言 。
在Windows 8 之前的(Windows)Windows版本上运行计算机的用户会喜欢使用 Metro 引导加载程序(Use Metro bootloader)选项。
同样,您从 EasyBCD的Edit Boot Menu页面开始。(Edit Boot Menu)在 条目(Entry)字段中,单击操作系统,然后单击 向上(Up)或 向下(Down)按钮以重新排列条目。
要下载EasyBCD(EasyBCD)的免费、个人、非商业版本,您必须在 neosmart.com 上注册(register here on neosmart.com)。
提示(TIP):还可以查看适用于 Windows 10的Advanced Visual BCD Editor & Boot Repair Tool
How to modify Boot settings & configure Bootloader with EasyBCD
EasyBCD is a robust tool for modifying the Windows bootloader. It is incredibly useful and gives you unrivaled customization capabilities over one of the most delicate programs on your Windows 11/10 computer.
This tool can give you too much power over your bootloader, so you need some guidance for using it. This post will offer this guidance and show you how to configure your bootloader and how to modify your boot settings in Windows.
How to modify Boot settings & configure Bootloader
You can do a lot with EasyBCD to change the look and behavior of your computer’s bootloader. In this guide, we’ll only explore the following operations:
- View the bootloader entries.
- Add a new bootloader entry.
- Change the default bootloader entry.
- Modify the boot menu options.
- Reorder boot menu entries.
Without further ado, let’s get right into the steps for performing the above operations using EasyBCD.
1] View the bootloader entries

Bootloader entries are the operating systems you are asked to choose when your computer boots. To check your existing bootloader entries, open EasyBCD and select the View Settings button on the left.
By default, the Display Mode is set to Overview. This displays only the basic details about the entries. For more detailed information on your entries, choose the Detailed (Debug Mode).
2] Add a new bootloader entry
To add a new bootloader entry, click on the Add New Entry button on the sidebar. Next, you can either select the NeoGrub option for the customer NeoGrub bootloader or choose an operating system family – Windows, Mac, or Linux.
Click on Windows in the Operating Systems section to add an entry. Specify the Windows version from the Type dropdown menu, give it a custom name, drive letter, and hit the Add Entry button.
3] Change the default boot entry

If you configure EasyBCD with multiple entries, you will see a menu whenever you start up your computer. This menu is where you select what you wish to boot into.
To set your machine to boot into the default operating system, you can select the Skip the boot menu or Count down from… options. The skip boot menu option enabled your computer to bypass the boot menu and select the default entry.
This option is useful when you are sure of the OS you want to boot into. However, if you want the system to give you some time to select an entry before deciding the default OS, select the Count down from… option and set your preferred waiting time in seconds. Once this time elapses, your system boots you into the default entry automatically.
If you select the Wait for user selection option, the bootloader will give you all the time in the world to make a selection before starting up your system. There’s no default entry for this option.
You will find these options for configuring EasyBCD’s default entry from the Edit Boot Menu page.
Setting the default entry is a breeze with EasyBCD. On this screen, click on your preferred entry and mark the Default checkbox. On doing this, you’ll notice the text go from No to Yes, while the other entries become No because you can only have one default entry.
4] Modify the boot menu options

Changing the menu options also happens on the Edit Boot Menu screen of EasyBCD. This page contains loads of settings to modify the menu options in whatever way you like.
Here, you can change the default language from the dropdown menu beside Locale.
Users with computers running on Windows versions earlier than Windows 8 would love the Use Metro bootloader option.
It transforms the bootloader from the boring black-and-white screen to the graphical bootloader used in recent Windows editions.
5] Reorder boot menu entries
When you’re powering up your computer and are at the bootloader, it’s natural that you’d want your preferred OS to be at the top. You may wish to reorder the boot menu entries for this or any other reason.
Again, you start from the Edit Boot Menu page of EasyBCD. In the Entry field, click on an operating system and then hit the Up or Down buttons to rearrange the entry.
The above operations make changes to your bootloader. So, you must ensure that you follow the guide closely. If you don’t, you risk running into severe problems on your machine.
To download the free, personal, non-commercial version of EasyBCD, you will have to register here on neosmart.com.
TIP: Also take a look at Advanced Visual BCD Editor & Boot Repair Tool for Windows 10