Windows 10 中的处理器频率不匹配
在今天的帖子中,我们将探讨Windows 10(Windows 10)系统(System)属性页显示的CPU 频率(CPU frequencies)不匹配问题的原因和可能的解决方法。从系统(System)属性页面,您可以更改视觉效果、处理器调度、内存使用和虚拟内存。
如果您安装英特尔协作处理器性能控制 (CPPC)(Intel Collaborative Processor Performance Control (CPPC))驱动程序,则可能会发生这种情况,该驱动程序提供额外的电源管理并延长电池寿命。并且安装了Intel CPPC驱动后,系统(System)属性页面中列出的第二个CPU频率与第一个不匹配。
CPU频率在(CPU)Windows 10中不匹配
在Control Panel > System页面中,您可能会看到针对您的Processor列出了两个不同的CPU频率。为什么会这样?
根据微软支持知识库(Microsoft Support KB)文章:
The first frequency that is listed for the processor is fixed and part of the name of the processor. The second frequency is normally computed by Windows using P-states or the frequency of the time stamp counter. However, when the Intel CPPC driver is installed, the system uses CPPC to manage the frequency of the processor and not P-states. As a result, Windows uses the time stamp counter frequency to determine processor frequency. On systems with Intel-based processors that support configurable thermal design power (TDP), this may result in the second frequency listed being different from the first.
希望这些信息对您有所帮助。(Hope you find this information helpful.)
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