我们今天在这篇文章中评论的免费软件有些不合常规。它不是您常用的系统工具,也不是与Windows相关的东西。我们今天拥有的工具叫做TakeStock 2,它是一款功能丰富的Windows个人投资管理软件(personal investment management software)。尽管由于其应用程序和复杂的金融术语,该工具的受众可能有限,但它被认为是世界上最好的。
TakeStock 2个人投资管理(Personal Investment Management)软件
公平地说,TakeStock 2一开始似乎有点难以理解,因为我对投资及其运作方式缺乏了解。但是,一旦您深入了解用户指南,您就会了解该工具的所有功能以及如何在现实生活中使用它们。
该工具最初于 2002 年发布,经过重新编写并通过升级和新功能再次发布。开发商声称该工具已被全球各种专业投资者用于投资相关决策。
使用TakeStock,您可以轻松跟踪您的股票、ETF(ETFs)和共同基金的表现。该工具可以从各种来源获取数据,包括雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance)、TakeStock(加拿大(Canada))互惠基金(Mutual Funds)、MoneyControl(印度(India))、互惠基金(Mutual Funds)协会(Association)(印度(India))和澳大利亚(Australian)证券交易所(Securities)。(Exchange)
在投资组合中,您可以查看持有或卖出的头寸。此外,您可以查看您记录的所有交易。该工具将自动计算未实现收益(Gain)和边际权益(Marginal Equity)等值。
TakeStock是管理个人投资的绝佳工具。如果您对投资银行中使用的基本术语有所了解和掌握,该工具使用起来相当简单。用户指南写得很好,并且在本质上非常具有描述性。您可以轻松了解如何使用此工具来管理您的投资。再加上云和从各种提供商获取数据的能力等功能,使其成为一个很棒的软件包。单击此处(here)(here)下载 TakeStock 2。
Zoom Investment Portfolio Manager是您可能想要查看的另一款免费个人投资管理软件。(Zoom Investment Portfolio Manager is another free Personal Investment Management software you may want to check out.)
TakeStock 2: Free Personal Investment Management software for Windows
The freeware that we’ve reviewеd today in this post is somewhat unconventional. It is not your usual system tool or something that is related to Windows in particulаr. The tool that we’ve got today is called TakeStock 2, and it is a feature-filled personal investment management software for Windows. Although the tool might have a limited audience due to its application and complex terms from finance, it has been claimed to be the world’s best.
TakeStock 2 Personal Investment Management software
Fairly speaking, TakeStock 2 seemed a little difficult to understand in the first place because of my lack of knowledge about investments and how do they work. But as soon as you dive into the user guide, you get to know all the features of the tool and how to use them in real life.
The tool was initially released in 2002 and has been rewritten and released again with upgrades and new features. The developer claims that the tool has been used by various professional investors worldwide for investment related decisions.
Using TakeStock, you can easily track the performance of your stocks, ETFs and mutual funds. The tool can fetch data from various sources including Yahoo Finance, TakeStock (Canada) Mutual Funds, MoneyControl (India), Association of Mutual Funds (India) and Australian Securities Exchange.
To get started with the tool, you need to create a Portfolio. Numerous portfolios can be separated into different folders and can be easily accessed. Once a portfolio is created, you can start adding your transactions and positions. The tool provides you with a variety of options so that you can accurately enter and examine your data.
In a portfolio, you can view the held or sold positions. Moreover, you can view all the transactions you recorded. The tool will automatically calculate values such as Unrealized Gain and Marginal Equity.
Another interesting feature offered here is portfolio snapshot. You can easily take a snapshot of your entire portfolio and save it. These snapshots can help you at a later stage where you can track your portfolio’s history.
TakeStock is entirely free and does not display any advertisements, which is an identification of a good tool. You can create as many portfolios as you want and add as many transactions. You can even add comments and notes inside a portfolio.
The tool comes in both installer and portable format. Go for the installer variant if you would usually use this tool on your system or you can download the portable version if you think you might switch computers. The portable version would not store any data on the host machine, everything will be stored on the portable drive. Usually, the data related to investments is sensitive and the portable version takes good care of it.
There is also a free cloud addon available that lets you securely backup your database to TakeStock cloud. The data is synced across all the devices using same credentials and transfers take place over an encrypted network. The cloud add-on is good if you use different computers at home and work.
Apart from that, the tool lets you backup or restore your data to and from cloud or files. Moreover, you can even print the data or save it as a PDF to share it with other people.
TakeStock is a great tool to manage personal investments. The tool is fairly simple to use if you have an understanding and command over the basic terms used in investment banking. The user guide is well written and very descriptive in nature. You can easily find out how to use this tool to manage your investments. Plus the features such as cloud and ability to fetch data from various providers make it a great package. Click here to download TakeStock 2.
Zoom Investment Portfolio Manager is another free Personal Investment Management software you may want to check out.