如果您转到Windows 10 设置(Settings),然后导航到更新(Update)和安全(Security),但突然弹出一条错误消息,提示“您的(Your)PC 未连接到互联网。要开始,请连接到互联网并重试。” 现在既然你必须已经连接到互联网(Internet),Windows怎么会不承认这一点,更重要的是如何解决这个烦人的问题,我们很快就会讨论所有这些。该错误不仅限于Windows 10 设置(Settings)应用程序,因为您在尝试访问Windows App Store时可能会遇到类似的错误。
现在要验证您是否可以访问Internet,您可以打开任何浏览器并访问任何网页以查看您是否已连接到Internet。好了,显然你可以正常浏览网页了,其他所有的应用程序都可以上网(Internet)了。为什么Windows无法识别这一点,为什么错误消息不断弹出?现在没有关于原因的明确答案,但您可以尝试各种修复程序来解决错误消息并再次正常访问您的系统。因此,不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何在尝试访问Windows App Store或Windows 更新时实际修复您的 PC 未连接到互联网错误(Windows Update)在下面列出的故障排除指南的帮助下。
您的 PC 未连接(Connected)到 Internet 错误 [已解决]
确保 创建一个还原点(create a restore point) 以防万一出现问题。
如果您遇到Windows Store App问题,请直接尝试方法 6(重置 Windows Store Cache(Reset Windows Store Cache)),如果它不能解决您的问题,请再次从以下方法开始。
方法一:重启电脑(Method 1: Restart your PC)
有时,正常的重启(Restart)可以解决互联网连接问题。因此,打开开始菜单(Start Menu),然后单击电源(Power)图标并选择重新启动。等待(Wait)系统重新启动,然后再次尝试访问Windows 更新(Windows Update)或打开 Windows 10应用商店应用程序(Store App),看看您是否可以修复您的 PC 未连接到互联网错误。(Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.)
方法 2:暂时禁用防病毒和防火墙(Method 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall)
有时防病毒(Antivirus)程序可能会导致错误,( error, )为了验证这里不是这种情况,您需要在有限的时间内禁用您的防病毒软件,以便您可以检查当防病毒软件关闭时错误是否仍然出现。
1. 右键单击系统托盘中的 防病毒程序图标( Antivirus Program icon) 并选择 禁用。(Disable.)
2. 接下来,选择 防病毒软件将保持禁用的时间范围。( Antivirus will remain disabled.)
注意:(Note:)选择尽可能短的时间,例如 15 分钟或 30 分钟。
3. 完成后,再次尝试连接以打开Google Chrome并检查错误是否解决。
4. 从开始菜单(Start Menu)搜索栏搜索控制面板,点击打开 控制面板。( Control Panel.)
5. 接下来,单击 系统和安全,( System and Security) 然后单击 Windows 防火墙。(Windows Firewall.)
6. 现在从左侧窗格中单击 打开或关闭 Windows 防火墙。( Turn Windows Firewall on or off.)
7. 选择关闭 Windows 防火墙并重新启动您的 PC。(Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.)
再次尝试打开Google Chrome并访问之前显示(Google Chrome)错误(error. )的网页。如果上述方法不起作用,请按照相同的步骤重新 打开您的防火墙。( turn on your Firewall again.)
Method 3: Flush DNS and Reset TCP/IP
1.打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。用户可以通过搜索“cmd”然后按 Enter 来执行此步骤。
2. 现在输入以下命令并在每个命令后按Enter :
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3.再次(Again),打开Admin Command Prompt并键入以下内容,然后在每个之后按回车:
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
4. 重新启动以应用更改。刷新DNS似乎可以修复您的 PC 未连接到 Internet 错误。(Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.)
方法4:取消选中代理(Method 4: Uncheck Proxy)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后键入msconfig并单击确定。
2. 选择启动选项卡(boot tab)并检查安全启动(Safe Boot)。然后单击应用和确定。
3. 重新启动您的 PC,然后再次按Windows Key + R重新启动,然后键入inetcpl.cpl。
4.点击确定(Hit Ok)打开互联网属性,然后从那里选择连接。(Connections.)
5. 取消选中“为您的 LAN 使用代理服务器(Use a proxy server for your LAN)”。然后单击确定。
6. 再次打开 msconfig 并取消选中安全启动选项(uncheck Safe boot option),然后单击应用和确定。
7.重新启动您的PC,您可能能够修复您的PC未连接到互联网错误。(Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.)
方法5:重启路由器(Method 5: Restart your Router)
在某些情况下,重置调制解调器和路由器有助于修复网络连接。这有助于创建与您的Internet服务提供商 ( ISP ) 的新连接。执行此操作时,连接到您的 Wi-Fi 网络的每个人都将暂时断开连接。
方法 6:重置 Windows 存储缓存(Method 6: Reset Windows Store Cache)
1. 按Windows Key + R然后输入“ wsreset.exe ”并回车。
2. 运行上述命令,这将重置您的Windows Store缓存。
3. 完成后重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
Method 7: Adjust Date/Time
1. 按Windows Key + I 打开设置(Settings),然后选择时间和语言(Time & Language)。
2. 然后找到附加日期、时间和区域设置。(Additional date, time, & regional settings.)
3. 现在单击日期和时间,(Date and Time)然后选择Internet 时间选项卡。( the Internet Time tab.)
4. 接下来,单击更改(Change)设置并确保选中“与 Internet 时间服务器同步(Synchronize with an Internet time server)”,然后单击立即更新(Update)。
5. 单击确定(OK),然后单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定。关闭(OK. Close)控制面板。
6. 在日期(Date)和时间下的设置窗口中,确保启用“自动设置时间”。(Set time automatically)
7.禁用“自动设置时区”(“Set time zone automatically“),然后选择您想要的时(Time)区。
8. 关闭一切并重新启动您的 PC。
方法 8:运行网络疑难解答(Method 8: Run Network Troubleshooter)
1. 右键单击网络图标(network icon)并选择疑难解答。( Troubleshoot problems.)
2. 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作。
3. 打开控制面板,在右上角的搜索栏中搜索(Search Bar)疑难解答,然后点击(Troubleshooting)疑难解答(Troubleshooting)。
4. 从那里,选择“网络和 Internet。(Network and Internet.)”
5. 在下一个屏幕中,单击网络适配器。(Network Adapter.)
6.按照屏幕上的说明修复您的PC未连接到互联网错误。(Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.)
方法九:手动诊断网络(Method 9: Diagnose Network Manually)
1.打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)。用户可以通过搜索“cmd”然后按 Enter 来执行此步骤。
2. 在 cmd 中输入(Enter)以下命令并在每个命令后按 Enter:
reg delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost” /f
reg delete “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost” /f
3. 重新启动您的电脑,看看您是否可以解决错误消息,如果不能,则继续。
4.再次(Again)以管理员权限打开命令提示符(Command Prompt)并复制以下所有命令,然后将其粘贴到 cmd 并按Enter:
sc config BFE start= auto
sc config Dhcp start= auto
sc config DiagTrack start= auto
sc config DPS start= auto
sc config lmhosts start= auto
sc config MpsSvc start= auto
sc config netprofm start= auto
sc config NlaSvc start= auto
sc config nsi start= auto
sc config Wcmsvc start= auto
sc config WinHttpAutoProxySvc start= auto
sc config Winmgmt start= auto
sc config NcbService start= demand
sc config Netman start= demand
sc config netprofm start= demand
sc config WinHttpAutoProxySvc start= demand
sc config WlanSvc start= demand
sc config WwanSvc start= demand
net start DPS
net start DiagTrack
net start BFE
net start MpsSvc
net start nsi
net start NlaSvc
net start Dhcp
net start BITS
net start wuauserv
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start Wcmsvc
5. 等待上述命令完成,然后重新启动 PC 以保存更改。
方法 10:禁用然后重新启用网络适配器(Method 10: Disable and then Re-enable Network Adapter)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R,然后键入ncpa.cpl并按 Enter。
2. 右键单击您的无线适配器( wireless adapter)并选择禁用。(Disable.)
3. 再次右键单击同一个适配器,这次选择启用。(choose Enable.)
方法 11:重置 Internet Explorer(Method 11: Reset Internet Explorer)
1. 按 Windows 键 + R 然后输入inetcpl.cpl并按回车键打开Internet 属性(Internet Properties)。
2. 导航到高级( Advanced),然后单击重置 Internet Explorer 设置(Reset Internet Explorer settings.)下底部的重置按钮。(Reset button)
3.在出现的下一个窗口中,确保选择选项“删除个人设置选项。(Delete personal settings option.)”
5. 重新启动您的 PC 以保存更改并再次尝试访问网页。(access the web page.)
方法 12:执行干净启动(Method 12: Perform Clean Boot)
有时,第 3 方软件可能会与Windows 网络连接(Windows Network Connection)发生冲突,因此您应该无法使用互联网。要修复您的 PC 未连接到 Internet 错误( PC isn’t connected to the internet error),您需要在 PC 上执行干净启动(perform a clean boot) 并逐步诊断问题。
方法 13:创建新用户帐户(Method 13: Create New User Account)
1. 按 Windows 键 + I 打开设置(Settings),然后单击帐户。(Accounts.)
2. 单击左侧菜单中的家庭和其他人选项卡,然后单击其他人下的将其他人(Family & other people tab)添加到此 PC(Add someone else to this PC)。
3.点击,底部我没有这个人的登录信息( I don’t have this person’s sign-in information)。( in the bottom.)
4.在底部选择添加没有 Microsoft 帐户的用户。(Add a user without a Microsoft account)
5. 现在输入新帐户的用户名和密码,然后单击(username and password)下一步。(Next.)
方法 14:修复安装 Windows 10(Method 14: Repair Install Windows 10)
这种方法是最后的手段,因为如果没有任何效果,那么这种方法肯定会修复您 PC 的所有问题。修复(Repair Install)使用就地升级来修复系统问题而不删除系统上存在的用户数据进行安装。因此,请按照本文查看如何轻松修复安装 Windows 10。(How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.)
就是这样,您已成功修复您的 PC 未连接到 Internet 错误 [已解决](Fix Your PC Isn’t Connected to the Internet Error [SOLVED]),但如果您仍然对这篇文章有任何疑问,请随时在评论部分询问他们。
Your PC Isn't Connected to the Internet Error [SOLVED]
If you go to Windows 10 Settіngs, then navigate tо Update & Security, but suddenly an error message pops up saying “Your PC isn’t connеcted to the internet. To gеt stаrted, connect to the internet and try again.” Now since you mυst be alrеady connected to the Internet, how come Windowѕ don’t recognize this and more imрortantly how to fix this annoying issue, we will obviously discuss all of this shortly. The error is not limited tо Windows 10 Settings app as you could face a similar error while trying to access the Windows App Store.
Now to verify if you can access the Internet, you could open any browser and visit any webpage to see if you’re connected to the Internet or not. Well, obviously you will be able to browse web pages normally, and all the other application or programs will be able to access the Internet. Why do the Windows don’t recognize this, and why does the error message keep popping up? Now there is no clear answer as to why but there are various fixes that you could try to resolve the error message and again access your system normally. So without wasting any time let’s see how to actually Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error while trying to access Windows App Store or Windows Update with the help of below-listed troubleshooting guide.
Your PC Isn’t Connected to the Internet Error [SOLVED]
Make sure to create a restore point just in case something goes wrong.
If you face issues with Windows Store App then directly try method 6 (Reset Windows Store Cache), if it doesn’t fix your issue then again start with the below method.
Method 1: Restart your PC
Sometimes a normal Restart can fix the internet connectivity issue. So open Start Menu then click on Power icon and select restart. Wait for the system to reboot and then again try to access Windows Update or open Windows 10 Store App and see if you can Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.
Method 2: Temporarily Disable Antivirus and Firewall
Sometimes the Antivirus program can cause an error, and to verify this is not the case here, you need to disable your antivirus for a limited time so that you can check if the error still appears when the antivirus is off.
1. Right-click on the Antivirus Program icon from the system tray and select Disable.
2. Next, select the time frame for which the Antivirus will remain disabled.
Note: Choose the smallest amount of time possible, for example, 15 minutes or 30 minutes.
3. Once done, again try to connect to open Google Chrome and check if the error resolves or not.
4. Search for the control panel from the Start Menu search bar and click on it to open the Control Panel.
5. Next, click on System and Security then click on Windows Firewall.
6. Now from the left window pane click on Turn Windows Firewall on or off.
7. Select Turn off Windows Firewall and restart your PC.
Again try to open Google Chrome and visit the web page, which was earlier showing the error. If the above method doesn’t work, please follow the same steps to turn on your Firewall again.
Method 3: Flush DNS and Reset TCP/IP
1. Open Command Prompt. The user can perform this step by searching for ‘cmd’ and then press Enter.
2. Now type the following command and press Enter after each one:
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
3. Again, open Admin Command Prompt and type the following and hit enter after each one:
ipconfig /flushdns
nbtstat –r
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
4. Reboot to apply changes. Flushing DNS seems to Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.
Method 4: Uncheck Proxy
1. Press Windows Key + R then type msconfig and click OK.
2. Select the boot tab and check Safe Boot. Then click Apply and OK.
3. Restart your PC and once restarted again press Windows Key + R then type inetcpl.cpl.
4. Hit Ok to open internet properties and from there select Connections.
5. Uncheck “Use a proxy server for your LAN“. Then click OK.
6. Again open msconfig and uncheck Safe boot option then click apply and OK.
7. Restart your PC, and you may be able to Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.
Method 5: Restart your Router
Resetting the modem and your router can help fix the network connection in some cases. This helps create a new connection to your Internet service provider (ISP). When you do this, everyone that is connected to your Wi-Fi network will be temporarily disconnected.
Method 6: Reset Windows Store Cache
1. Press Windows Key + R then type “wsreset.exe” and hit enter.
2. Let the above command run which will reset your Windows Store cache.
3. When this is done restart your PC to save changes.
Method 7: Adjust Date/Time
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and then select Time & Language.
2. Then find the Additional date, time, & regional settings.
3. Now click on Date and Time then select the Internet Time tab.
4. Next, click on Change settings and make sure “Synchronize with an Internet time server” is checked then click on Update Now.
5. Click OK then click Apply followed by OK. Close the control panel.
6. In settings window under Date & time, make sure “Set time automatically” is enabled.
7. Disable “Set time zone automatically“ and then select your desired Time zone.
8. Close everything and restart your PC.
Method 8: Run Network Troubleshooter
1. Right-click on the network icon and select Troubleshoot problems.
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. Open Control Panel and search Troubleshooting in the Search Bar on the top right side and click on Troubleshooting.
4. From there, select “Network and Internet.”
5. In the next screen, click on Network Adapter.
6. Follow the on-screen instruction to Fix Your PC isn’t connected to the internet error.
Method 9: Diagnose Network Manually
1. Open Command Prompt. The user can perform this step by searching for ‘cmd’ and then press Enter.
2. Type the following command in cmd and hit Enter after each one:
reg delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost” /f
reg delete “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost” /f
3. Reboot your PC and see if you can resolve the error message, if not then continue.
4. Again open Command Prompt with admin rights and copy all the below commands then paste it into cmd and hit Enter:
sc config BFE start= auto
sc config Dhcp start= auto
sc config DiagTrack start= auto
sc config DPS start= auto
sc config lmhosts start= auto
sc config MpsSvc start= auto
sc config netprofm start= auto
sc config NlaSvc start= auto
sc config nsi start= auto
sc config Wcmsvc start= auto
sc config WinHttpAutoProxySvc start= auto
sc config Winmgmt start= auto
sc config NcbService start= demand
sc config Netman start= demand
sc config netprofm start= demand
sc config WinHttpAutoProxySvc start= demand
sc config WlanSvc start= demand
sc config WwanSvc start= demand
net start DPS
net start DiagTrack
net start BFE
net start MpsSvc
net start nsi
net start NlaSvc
net start Dhcp
net start BITS
net start wuauserv
net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
net start Wcmsvc
5. Wait for the above commands to finish and then reboot your PC to save changes.
Method 10: Disable and then Re-enable Network Adapter
1. Press Windows Key + R then type ncpa.cpl and hit Enter.
2. Right-click on your wireless adapter and select Disable.
3. Again right-click on the same adapter and this time choose Enable.
4. Restart your and again try to connect to your wireless network and see if the issue is resolved or not.
Method 11: Reset Internet Explorer
1. Press Windows Key + R then type inetcpl.cpl and hit enter to open Internet Properties.
2. Navigate to the Advanced then click the Reset button in the bottom under Reset Internet Explorer settings.
3. In the next window that comes up, make sure to select the option “Delete personal settings option.”
4. Then click Reset and wait for the process to finish.
5. Reboot your PC to save changes and again try to access the web page.
Method 12: Perform Clean Boot
Sometimes 3rd party software can conflict with Windows Network Connection and therefore, you should not be able to use the internet. To fix your PC isn’t connected to the internet error, you need to perform a clean boot on your PC and diagnose the issue step by step.
Method 13: Create New User Account
1. Press Windows Key + I to open Settings and then click Accounts.
2. Click on Family & other people tab in the left-hand menu and click Add someone else to this PC under Other people.
3. Click, I don’t have this person’s sign-in information in the bottom.
4. Select Add a user without a Microsoft account in the bottom.
5. Now type the username and password for the new account and click Next.
Method 14: Repair Install Windows 10
This method is the last resort because if nothing works out, then, this method will surely repair all problems with your PC. Repair Install using an in-place upgrade to repair issues with the system without deleting user data present on the system. So follow this article to see How to Repair Install Windows 10 Easily.
That’s it you have successfully Fix Your PC Isn’t Connected to the Internet Error [SOLVED] but if you still, have any queries regarding this post feel free to ask them in the comment’s section.