Office 365 用户可以通过Outlook(Outlook)获得个性化或自定义的电子邮件地址。在创建电子邮件 ID 时,您可能会遇到一些问题。在本文中,您将找到一些在使用Outlook设置个性化电子邮件时出现的常见问题和解决方案。
个性化或自定义的电子邮件地址可让您为您的企业的联系页面提供专业的触感。您可以使用 之类的电子邮件,而不是使用 或 电子邮件ID。
如果您订阅了Office 365家庭(Home)版或个人版,那么(Personal)创建这样一个自定义电子邮件地址(create such a custom email address)非常容易。但是,由于一些常见的错误,人们经常会面临各种问题。如果您无法完成工作,您可以按照本指南进行操作,因为我们在此处列出了一些最常见的问题。
Outlook 找不到我的域
Outlook 只能连接GoDaddy域。换句话说,它无法验证在Google Domains、BigRock、Namecheap等其他公司注册的域。这意味着如果您想使用此服务,您需要先将您的域从当前注册商转移到GoDaddy 。
Outlook 在设置过程中显示此错误消息的原因主要有两个。首先(First),GoDaddy服务已关闭。其次,您没有为您的域使用默认的 NS 或名称服务器(Name Server)记录。如果您 100% 确定GoDaddy的服务已启动并运行,您应该专注于第二个原因。
大多数用户使用不同的公司进行域和托管来构建网站。例如,人们使用GoDaddy购买域名,使用Linode、DigitalOcean、SiteGround等购买托管。在将域映射到主机时,您需要输入主机公司提供的 NS 记录——这是最常见的做法。这是 Outlook 显示此错误消息的主要原因之一。
如果您更改了该DNS,则意味着您的域名服务器不再由GoDaddy管理。在这种情况下,您需要继续使用默认的GoDaddy NS记录。
您的域仍在配置中,这最多可能需要 24 小时

Outlook 可能需要大约 24 小时才能完成DNS传播。如果 24 小时时间线已经结束,但您仍然收到此消息,那么这里有一个解决方案来摆脱它。

当您拥有来自不同提供商的个性化电子邮件地址,并且您尝试使用Outlook获得相同的名称时,会出现此错误消息。例如,假设您有GSuite的(GSuite)[email protected]电子邮件地址,并且您尝试使用Outlook获取相同的电子邮件地址。
在这种情况下,您需要先删除GSuite的所有(GSuite)DNS记录。之后,您可以使用Outlook创建该电子邮件地址。当您尝试添加电子邮件地址时会出现同样的问题,该地址已经是您Microsoft帐户的别名。此时,您需要先删除该别名,然后再尝试创建电子邮件 ID。
在尝试删除个性化电子邮件地址之前,您需要将其从别名中删除。为此,请访问此页面(visit this page)并将其删除。
这是个性化电子邮件地址的另一个常见问题。连接域时,Outlook会向您的帐户添加一些DNS记录。如果您删除或更改它们,则有可能遇到此问题 - 您可能可以发送电子邮件,但收件箱中收不到任何内容。
Problems setting up custom domain email with Outlook
Offіce 365 users can get personalized or custom email address νia Outlook. While creating an emаil ID, you might encounter some issues. In this article, you will find some of thе common problems and solutions that appear while sеtting up personalized email with Outlook.
A personalized or custom email address lets you give a professional touch to your business’s contact page. Instead of using or email ID, you can have your email like
Problems setting up personalized email with Outlook
It is quite easy to create such a custom email address if you have Office 365 Home or Personal subscription. However, people often face various issues due to some common mistakes. If you are not able to finish the job, you can follow this guide as we have listed some of the most common issues here.
Outlook cannot find my domain
It is probably the most common issue that people get while setting up a new email address. There can be many reasons why Outlook fails to fetch or validate your domain, but the most common cause is the domain registrar.
Outlook can connect only GoDaddy domains. In other words, it cannot validate a domain that is registered with some other company like Google Domains, BigRock, Namecheap, etc. It means you need to transfer your domain from the current registrar to GoDaddy first if you want to use this service.
Your domain does not appear to be managed by GoDaddy
There are mainly two reasons why Outlook shows this error message during the setup process. First, the GoDaddy service is down. Second, you are not using the default NS or Name Server records for your domain. If you are 100% sure that GoDaddy’s service is up and running, you should concentrate on the second reason.
Most users use separate companies for domain and hosting to build the website. For example, people use GoDaddy to purchase the domain and Linode, DigitalOcean, SiteGround, etc. to buy the hosting. While mapping the domain to the hosting, you need to enter the NS records provided by your hosting company – it is the most common practice. That is one of the primary reasons why Outlook shows this error message.
If you have changed that DNS, it means that your nameservers aren’t managed by GoDaddy anymore. In that case, you need to keep using the default GoDaddy NS records.
Alternatively, you can create a template of DNS records containing all the default nameservers and apply that to your domain.
Your domain is still being configured, This can take up to 24 hours

Outlook might take around 24 hours to complete the DNS propagation. If the 24 hours timeline is over and you are still getting this message, here is a solution to get rid of that.
It appears when you use the default GoDaddy nameservers to validate your domain, and you change DNS records after successfully creating the email address.
You need to keep all DNS records that Outlook added while setting up your account. If you remove even one of them due to any reason, there is a chance of getting such error.
Sorry, that address is already in use, Please choose a different name

This error message appears when you have a personalized email address with a different provider, and you are trying to get the same name with Outlook. For example, let’s assume that you have [email protected] email address with GSuite, and you are trying to get the same email address with Outlook.
In that case, you need to remove all the DNS records of GSuite first. After that, you can create that email address with Outlook. The same problem occurs when you try to add an email address, which is already an alias on your Microsoft account. At this moment, you need to remove that alias first and then try to create the email ID.
Unable to remove the personalized email address
If you have made a spelling mistake or you want to remove a customized email address due to any reason, here is how you can do that. Nonetheless, many people often get some error while trying to delete a customized email address. It happens because of the alias setting.
Before trying to remove a personalized email address, you need to remove it from the aliases. For that, visit this page and remove it.
I can send an email, but I cannot receive any mail
It is another common problem with the personalized email address. While connecting the domain, Outlook adds some DNS records to your account. In case you remove or change them, there is a chance of getting this issue – you may be able to send an email, but you cannot receive anything in your inbox.
The solution is straightforward, as you need to add all the default DNS records to your GoDaddy account.
Gmail sends my mail to the Spam folder
Gmail is stringent in terms of filtering spam email – thanks to their in-built algorithm. If you’re sending an email from your personalized email address to your Gmail account, but it is landing on the Spam folder, here is a solution.
To be specific, you need to add all the default DNS records (especially the SPF record) for the personalized email address.
These are some of the most common issues that you might have faced so far. Do let us know if you are getting some other problems.