Nintendo 64代表了图形和处理能力的巨大飞跃,从 16 位Super Nintendo转移到了一个全新的平台。PlayStation是其与世嘉土星(Sega Saturn)并列的主要竞争对手。
这些系统中改进的技术使游戏比以往任何时候都更加复杂,并将游戏机制的故事和复杂性(story and complexity)带到了前所未有的水平。

Nintendo 64拥有一些有史以来最伟大的游戏,其中许多游戏甚至为非游戏玩家所熟知。将最好的Nintendo 64游戏从平台的 338 个条目中筛选出来并不是(platform isn)一件容易的事,但它只是展示了它是一个多么具有开创性的系统(groundbreaking system)。
这是我们为有史以来最好的Nintendo 64(Nintendo 64)游戏挑选的。除了下面的列表之外,请务必查看(check out the video)我们在YouTube 频道(YouTube Channel)上制作的视频,我们在其中浏览了一些我们最喜欢的N64游戏并向您展示了一些游戏玩法。
塞尔达传说:时之笛(The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
被许多人认为是塞尔达系列(Zelda series)的巅峰之作,时之笛(Time)将(Ocarina)之前塞尔达游戏中最伟大的元素融合到(Zelda)了一场跨越七年时间的全面冒险中。这个故事不仅是迄今为止最黑暗的故事,而且还引入了许多元素和角色,这些元素和角色将继续成为该系列未来作品的标志。

(Ocarina)《时之(Time)笛》的预购量是之前任何类型游戏的三倍,并且在一周内售出了超过 100 万份。由于它为游戏设定的新标准,它 几乎获得了所有评论(review outlet)机构的好评。
从那以后, 《时之(Time)笛(Ocarina)》在GameCube和 3DS上重新发布,许多粉丝希望在Nintendo Switch上进行现代重制。
超级马里奥 64(Super Mario 64)
作为Nintendo 64(Nintendo 64)上的三个首发游戏之一, 《超级马里奥 64(Super Mario 64)》是许多玩家体验的首批游戏之一,它为游戏机的预期奠定了基础。超级马里奥 64(Super Mario 64)是第一款具有全 3D 图形和 360 度控制的马里奥游戏。(Mario title)

它脱离了《超级马里奥世界》和《超级马里奥兄弟(Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros)3》设定的主世界地图,而是选择了中心世界(hub world),桃子公主的城堡。这场比赛既是关于探索的,也是关于击败鲍泽(Bowser)的。
超级马里奥 64(Super Mario 64)是马里奥(Mario)游戏的黄金标准。从那时起,该系列中的许多其他条目都遵循了类似的模式。《超级马里奥银河(Super Mario Galaxy)》、《超级马里奥阳光(Super Mario Sunshine)》、《超级马里奥奥德赛(Super Mario Odyssey)》等——它们都有巨大的开放世界可供探索,每个角落都隐藏着秘密。
如果您从未体验过玩超级马里奥 64(Super Mario 64)的简单乐趣,那么您应该尝试一下。该游戏非常流行,以至于仍然可以找到副本,并且玩原版可能是最好的选择。Nintendo 64是出了名的难以模仿。
马里奥赛车 64(Mario Kart 64)
超级马里奥赛车(Super Mario Kart)是流行的卡丁车赛车阵容中的第一个条目,但虽然很受欢迎,但它并没有达到马里奥赛车 64(Mario Kart 64)的知名度。马里奥赛车 64(Mario Kart 64)有更好的图形并允许四人分屏游戏(split screen play)。

虽然它比其前身少了四张地图,但这些地图更大,具有三维效果,并且有许多复活节(Easter)彩蛋和捷径。还有一个镜像模式(mirror mode),允许玩家向后运行课程并增加更多的可重玩性。
Mario Kart 64作为N64的首选(N64)多人游戏(multiplayer title)而闻名。这是休闲和竞争的完美平衡,今天仍然是度过一个下午的有趣方式。(fun way)
金眼007(GoldenEye 007)
3D 第一人称射击游戏的想法相对未知。存在一些基于船的游戏,玩家熟悉PC 上的FPS游戏,但在(FPS)GoldenEye发布之前,他们几乎没有控制台存在。该游戏在皮尔斯布鲁斯南电影(Pierce Brosnan film)上映大约两年后问世,但由于单人关卡和广泛的战役而具有巨大的吸引力。

但GoldenEye(GoldenEye)的真正核心不在于它的单人游戏,而在于它的多人游戏。四人分(Four-player split)屏比赛让玩家持续数小时,因为他们为控制金枪(Golden Gun)或仅仅为了最高分而战。GoldenEye拥有 20 张多人地图和种类繁多的游戏模式,是与朋友度过慵懒夏日周末(lazy summer weekend)的最佳方式之一。
任天堂明星大乱斗(Super Smash Bros)
全球现象(worldwide phenomenon)始于Nintendo 64。Super Smash Bros将每个人最喜欢的任天堂(Nintendo)角色聚集在一个地方,让他们相互竞争,一劳永逸地回答游戏玩家多年来争论的问题:谁会赢?

观看林克(Link face)与大金刚(Donkey Kong)对决的纯粹兴奋(sheer exhilaration)并没有结束游戏玩家的兴奋。虽然Super Smash Bros自N64以来一直在每台(N64)任天堂游戏机(Nintendo console)上都有条目,但第一个标题为即将到来的内容奠定了基础。
最初的Super Smash Bros没有像续集那样疯狂数量的关卡或角色,包括八个基本角色、四个可解锁角色和九个阶段,但该系列的核心在游戏中跳动。它还介绍了所有深受喜爱的迷你游戏,例如“打破目标(Targets)”。
今天如何玩 N64(How To Play N64 Today)
体验这些游戏的最简单方法是在原始硬件上玩它们。使用N64 控制器(N64 controller)的愚蠢设计是模拟器无法比拟的——如前所述,Nintendo 64模拟器很挑剔。
如果您无法使用实际的控制台,那么有两个模拟器值得一试。第一个是Project64 for Windows。它可能是市场上最容易使用的模拟器。
另一个选择是Mupen64Plus,一个适用于Windows、Mac和Linux的模拟器。使用Project64(Project64)并不那么容易,但它提供了更好的音频质量。当(希望不会)Nintendo 64 Mini发布时,它将成为再次体验这些经典的最简单的现代方式。
这五款Nintendo 64游戏是其中的佼佼者,但这并不是说它们是唯一的好游戏。这篇文章可以继续写下去,但更不用说像Jet Force Gemini、Star Fox 64 和 Harvest Moon 64(Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox 64, and Harvest Moon 64. )这样的荣誉提及,这将是一种伤害。N64是一款非常值得一试的控制台。
您最喜欢的最佳 Nintendo 64 游戏是什么?是什么让他们与众不同?请在下面的评论中告诉我们。(What are your favorites for the best Nintendo 64 games? What set them apart? Let us know in the comments below.)
The 5 Best Nintendo 64 Games
Thе Nintendо 64 represented a huge jump in graрhics and processing power, moving from the 16-bit Super Nintendo tо аn entirely new platform. The PlayStation was its primary competitоr alongside the Sega Saturn.
The improved technology in these systems allowed games to be more complex than ever before and brought the story and complexity of game mechanics to never-before-seen levels.

The Nintendo 64 is home to some of the greatest games ever made, many of which are known even to non-gamers. Narrowing down the best Nintendo 64 games out a total of 338 entries for the platform isn’t an easy task, but it just shows what a groundbreaking system it was.
Here are our picks for the best Nintendo 64 games of all time. In addition to the list below, make sure to check out the video we made on our YouTube Channel where we go through a couple of our favorite N64 games and show you some gameplay.
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Considered by many to be the pinnacle of the Zelda series, Ocarina of Time pulled together the greatest elements of previous Zelda games into one sweeping adventure that spanned seven years of time. Not only is the story the darkest yet, but it introduced many elements and characters that would go on to become hallmarks of future entries in the series.

Ocarina of Time had triple the preorders of any previous game across any genre and sold more than 1 million copies in a week. It received critical acclaim from nearly every review outlet due to the new standards it set for gaming.
Since then, Ocarina of Time has seen re-releases on the GameCube and 3DS, with many fans hoping for a modern remaster on the Nintendo Switch.
Super Mario 64
As one of three launch titles on the Nintendo 64, Super Mario 64 was one of the first games many players experienced—and it set the stage for what to expect on the console. Super Mario 64 was the first Mario title to feature full 3D graphics and 360 degrees of control.

It broke from the overworld maps set by Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros 3 and opted instead for a hub world, Princess Peach’s castle. The game was as much about exploration as it was about defeating Bowser.
Super Mario 64 is the gold standard for Mario titles. Since then, many other entries in the series have followed a similar pattern. Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Sunshine, Super Mario Odyssey, etc.—they all feature huge open worlds to explore, with secrets hidden behind every corner.
If you have never experienced the simple pleasure of playing Super Mario 64, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. The game is prevalent enough that copies can still be found, and playing the original is likely the best bet. The Nintendo 64 is notoriously difficult to emulate well.
Mario Kart 64
Super Mario Kart was the first entry in the popular kart-racing lineup, but while popular, it didn’t reach the levels of renown that Mario Kart 64 did. Mario Kart 64 had better graphics and allowed for four-player split screen play.

While it had four less maps than its predecessor, the maps were larger, three-dimensional, and featured numerous Easter eggs and shortcuts. There was also a mirror mode that allowed players to run the courses backwards and added even more replayability.
Mario Kart 64 made a name for itself as the go-to multiplayer title for the N64. It was the perfect balance of casual and competitive and still holds up today as a fun way to spend an afternoon.
GoldenEye 007
The idea of a 3D first-person shooter was relatively unknown. Some ship-based games existed, and players were familiar with FPS titles on PC, but they had little console presence before the release of GoldenEye. The game came out roughly two years after the Pierce Brosnan film hit theaters, but held a huge appeal due to the large single player levels and expansive campaign.

But the true heart of GoldenEye lay not in its single player, but its multiplayer. Four-player split screen matches kept players for hours upon hours as they fought for control of the Golden Gun or simply for the highest score. With 20 multiplayer maps and a huge variety of game modes, GoldenEye was one of the best ways to spend a lazy summer weekend with friends.
Super Smash Bros
The worldwide phenomenon had its start on the Nintendo 64. Super Smash Bros brought everyone’s favorite Nintendo characters together in one place and pitted them against each other to answer, once and for all, the question that gamers had debated for ages: who would win?

The sheer exhilaration of watching Link face off against Donkey Kong brought no end to the excitement for gamers. While Super Smash Bros has gone on to have entries on every Nintendo console since the N64, this first title set the stage for what was to come.
The original Super Smash Bros did not have the insane number of levels or characters as the sequels, featuring eight base characters, four unlockable characters, and nine stages, but the heart of the series beats strong in the game. It also introduced all of the beloved minigames like “Break the Targets.”
How To Play N64 Today
The easiest way to experience any of these games is to play them on the original hardware. There’s just something about using the goofy design of the N64 controller that an emulator can’t match—and as stated before, Nintendo 64 emulators are finicky.
If you can’t get your hands on an actual console, there are two emulators worth trying. The first is Project64 for Windows. It’s perhaps the easiest to use emulator on the market.
The other option is Mupen64Plus, an emulator that works for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It isn’t quite as easy to use a Project64, but it delivers better audio quality. When (hopefully not if) the Nintendo 64 Mini is released, it will become the easiest modern way to experience these classics once again.
These five Nintendo 64 games are the cream of the crop, but that’s not to say they’re the only good ones. This article could go on and on, but it would be a disservice not to mention a few honorable mentions like Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox 64, and Harvest Moon 64. The N64 was a powerhouse of a console that is well worth checking out.
What are your favorites for the best Nintendo 64 games? What set them apart? Let us know in the comments below.