OBS或Open Broadcaster Software是可以流式传输和捕获游戏音频的最佳开源软件之一。它与Windows、Linux和Mac操作系统兼容。但是,很多人都面临过OBS无法在(OBS)Windows 10 计算机(Computer)上录制音频的问题。如果您也是其中之一,并且想知道如何修复 OBS 无法捕获游戏音频( fix OBS not capturing game audio),那么您来对地方了。

如何修复 OBS 不捕获游戏音频(How to Fix OBS Not Capturing Game Audio)
如何在 OBS 中捕获游戏音频
1.在您的 PC 上启动OBS 。转到屏幕底部的Sources部分。(Sources)
2. 单击 plus sign (+),然后选择音频输出捕获( Audio Output Capture)。

3.选择添加现有(Add Existing )选项;然后,单击桌面音频( Desktop Audio ),如下所示。单击“确定(OK)”进行确认。

注意:(Note:)如果要进一步修改设置,请导航至Files> Settings> Audio。
4. 要捕获您的游戏音频,请确保您的游戏正在运行。在OBS屏幕上,单击开始录制。(Start Recording. )完成后,单击停止录制。( Stop Recording.)
5. 会话完成后,如果您想听到捕获的音频,请转到File> Show recordings. 这将打开文件资源管理器(File Explorer),您可以在其中查看使用OBS创建的所有记录。
如果您已经实施了这些步骤并发现OBS无法捕获桌面音频,请继续阅读下文以了解如何修复 OBS 无法捕获游戏音频问题。(how to fix OBS not capturing game audio issue.)
您可能不小心将设备静音。您需要在Windows上检查您的(Windows)混音器(Mixer)以验证OBS Studio是否处于静音状态。取消静音后,它可能会修复OBS无法捕获游戏音频的问题。
1. 右键单击任务栏右下角的扬声器图标。(speaker icon)单击(Click)打开音量混合器。(Open Volume Mixer.)

2.如果OBS静音,点击OBS下方的喇叭图标(speaker icon )取消静音。

方法 2:调整设备声音设置(Tweak Device Sound Settings)
1. 同时按下键盘上的Windows + R键。这将打开运行(Run )对话框。
2.在框中键入Control ,然后按( Control)OK启动控制面板。(Control Panel.)

3. 在右上角,转到查看方式(View by )选项。在这里,点击小图标(small icons)。然后点击声音(Sound)。

4. 右键单击空白区域并在菜单中选中Show Disabled Devices 。

5. 在播放(Playback)选项卡下,选择您正在使用的扬声器。现在,单击“设置默认值”(Set Default)按钮。

6. 再次选择此扬声器并单击属性。(Properties.)

7. 转到标记为Levels的第二个选项卡。检查设备是否静音。
8. 向右拖动滑块以增加音量。按应用(Apply )保存所做的更改。

9. 在下一个选项卡,即高级(Advanced)选项卡中,取消选中允许应用程序独占控制此设备( Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device.)旁边的框。(untick the box)

10. 单击应用(Apply),然后单击确定(OK)以保存所有更改。
11. 再次选择您的扬声器并单击配置。(Configure.)

12. 在音频通道( Audio Channels )菜单中,选择立体声。(Stereo.)单击下一步。(Next.)

方法 3:调整扬声器(Speaker)增强功能
1. 右键单击任务栏右下角的扬声器图标。(speaker icon)单击(Click)声音(Sounds)。_
2. 在声音设置中,转到播放( Playback)选项卡。右键单击您的扬声器(speakers),然后单击属性(Properties),如前一种方法中所述。

3. 在Speakers/Headphones Properties窗口中,转到增强(Enhancement)选项卡。勾选低音增强(Bass Boost)、虚拟环绕(Virtual Surround,)和响度均衡(Loudness equalization.)旁边的框。

4. 单击Apply > OK以确认并应用这些设置。
如果“ OBS未捕获音频”问题仍然存在,请继续使用下一种方法来修改OBS设置。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 为 Windows 10 中的每个应用程序启用深色主题(Enable Dark Theme for every Application in Windows 10)
1.启动开放广播软件(Open Broadcaster Software)。
2. 单击左上角的文件,然后单击( File)设置。( Settings.)

3. 在这里,单击Audio> Channels.为音频选择立体声(Stereo )选项。

4.在同一窗口中向下滚动(Scroll)并搜索Global Audio Devices。选择您用于桌面音频(Desktop Audio)以及 Mic/Auxiliary Audio.

5. 现在,单击设置(Settings)窗口左侧的编码。(Encoding )
6. 在音频编码下,(Audio encoding,)将比特率更改为 128(Bitrate to 128)。
7. 在Video encoding下,将最大比特率更改为 3500(max bitrate to 3500)。
8. 取消选中视频编码下的(Video Encoding.)使用 CBR( Use CBR)选项。
9. 现在单击设置窗口中的输出(Output)选项。
10. 单击“录制”( Recording )选项卡以查看选定的音轨。
11. 选择您要录制的音频。(Select the audio)
12. 按应用(Apply ),然后单击确定(Ok)。
重新启动 OBS(Restart OBS)软件并检查您是否能够修复OBS不录制麦克风音频问题。
方法 5:卸载 Nahimic
许多用户报告说Nahimic 音频管理器与(Nahimic Audio Manager)Open Broadcaster Software发生冲突。因此(Hence),卸载它可能会解决OBS不录制声音的问题。要卸载Nahimic,请按照以下简单步骤操作:
1. 点击Start menu> Settings.
2.点击应用程序( Apps);打开应用程序和功能。(Apps and Features.)

3. 从应用程序列表中,单击Nahimic。
4. 点击卸载(Uninstall)。
1. 在键盘上,同时按Windows + R键打开运行( the Run )对话框。键入appwiz.cpl并单击确定。(OK.)

2. 在控制面板(Control Panel)窗口中,右键单击OBS Studio,然后单击Uninstall/Change.

我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您能够修复(fix) OBS 无法捕获游戏音频(OBS not capturing game audio )的问题。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。如果您对本文有任何疑问/评论,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
How to Fix OBS Not Capturing Game Audio
OBS or Open Broadcaster Software is one of the best open-sourсe software that can stream and caрture gаme audio. It is compatible with Windows, Linυx, and Mac operating systems. However, a lot of people haνe faced issues with OΒS not recording audio on Windows 10 Computer. If you too are one of them and are wondеrіng how to fix OBS not capturing game audio, you have come to the right place.
In this tutorial, we will first go through the steps to use OBS to record your game audio. Then, we will proceed to the various fixes that you can try if you face OBS not recording desktop audio error. Let us begin!

How to Fix OBS Not Capturing Game Audio
For OBS to capture game audio, you will need to select the correct audio source of your games. Follow these simple steps to get started:
How to Capture Game Audio in OBS
1. Launch OBS on your PC. Go to the Sources section at the bottom of the screen.
2. Click on the plus sign (+) and then select Audio Output Capture.

3. Choose Add Existing option; then, click Desktop Audio as shown below. Click OK to confirm.

Now, you have selected the right source to capture game audio.
Note: If you want to modify the settings further, navigate to Files> Settings> Audio.
4. To capture your game audio, make sure your game is running. On the OBS screen, click on Start Recording. Once you are done, click on Stop Recording.
5. When your session is complete, and you want to hear the captured audio, go to File> Show recordings. This will open File Explorer, where you will be able to view all your recordings created with OBS.
In case you have already implemented these steps and found that OBS is not capturing the desktop audio, continue reading below to learn how to fix OBS not capturing game audio issue.
Method 1: Unmute OBS
It is possible that you might have accidentally muted your device. You need to check your Volume Mixer on Windows to verify that OBS Studio is on mute. Once you unmute it, it might fix OBS not capturing the game audio problem.
1. Right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom-right corner of the taskbar. Click on Open Volume Mixer.

2. Click on the speaker icon under OBS to unmute OBS if it is muted.

Or else, just exit the mixer. Check to see if OBS is now able to capture desktop audio. If not, move to the next method.
Method 2: Tweak Device Sound Settings
If there is something wrong with the settings of your computer speaker, then this might be the reason why OBS is not able to capture game audio. To fix this, follow these simple steps:
1. Press the Windows + R keys together on the keyboard. This will open the Run dialogue box.
2. Type Control in the box and press OK to launch Control Panel.

3. In the top right corner, go to the View by option. Here, click on small icons. Then click on Sound.

4. Right-click on the empty space and check Show Disabled Devices in the menu.

5. Under the Playback tab, select the speaker you are using. Now, click on the Set Default button.

6. Once again, select this speaker and click on Properties.

7. Go to the second tab marked Levels. Check if the device is muted.
8. Drag the slider to the right to increase the volume. Press Apply to save the changes made.

9. In the next tab i.e. Advanced tab, untick the box next to Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device.

10. Click Apply followed by OK to save all changes.
11. Select your speaker again and click on Configure.

12. In the Audio Channels menu, select Stereo. Click on Next.

Check if OBS is recording game audio now. If not, move on to the next solution to fix OBS not capturing game audio.
Method 3: Tweak Speaker Enhancements
Here are the steps to enhance the performance of computer speaker:
1. Right-click on the speaker icon located on the bottom-right corner of the taskbar. Click on Sounds.
2. In Sound settings, go to the Playback tab. Right-click on your speakers and then click Properties as explained in the previous method.

3. In the Speakers/Headphones Properties window, go to the Enhancement tab. Tick the boxes next to Bass Boost, Virtual Surround, and Loudness equalization.

4. Click on Apply > OK to confirm and apply these settings.
If the ‘OBS not capturing audio’ issue still persists, move on to the next method to modify OBS settings.
Also Read: Enable Dark Theme for every Application in Windows 10
Method 4: Modify OBS Settings
Now that you have already tried fixing the audio through desktop settings, the next step is to alter and tweak OBS audio settings:
1. Launch Open Broadcaster Software.
2. Click on File from the top-left corner and then click on Settings.

3. Here, click on Audio> Channels. Select the Stereo option for audio.

4. Scroll down in that same window and search for Global Audio Devices. Select the device you are using for Desktop Audio as well as for Mic/Auxiliary Audio.

5. Now, click on Encoding from the left side of the Settings window.
6. Under Audio encoding, change the Bitrate to 128.
7. Under Video encoding, change the max bitrate to 3500.
8. Uncheck the Use CBR option under Video Encoding.
9. Now click on the Output option in the Settings window.
10. Click on the Recording tab to view the audio tracks that are selected.
11. Select the audio that you want to record.
12. Press Apply and then click on Ok.
Restart OBS software and check if you’re able to fix OBS not recording mic audio issue.
Method 5: Uninstall Nahimic
Many users have reported that the Nahimic Audio Manager causes conflict with Open Broadcaster Software. Hence, uninstalling it might fix the OBS not recording sound issue. To uninstall Nahimic, follow these simple steps:
1. Click on Start menu> Settings.
2. Click on Apps; open Apps and Features.

3. From the list of apps, click on Nahimic.
4. Click on Uninstall.
If the above solutions did not help fix OBS not capturing game audio error, the last resort is to reinstall OBS.
Method 6: Reinstall OBS
Reinstalling OBS will fix in-depth program issues if any. Here is how to do it:
1. On the keyboard, press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialogue box. Type appwiz.cpl and click OK.

2. In the Control Panel window, right-click on OBS Studio and then click Uninstall/Change.

3. Once uninstalled, download OBS from the official website and install it.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you were able to fix OBS not capturing game audio issue. Let us know which method worked for you best. If you have any queries/comments regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.