每年,游戏鼠标都变得更快、更轻,配备越来越精确的光学传感器。创新具有挑战性,因为市场上充斥着各种满足每个游戏玩家需求和预算的设备。然而,Razer正在尝试使用新的Viper 8K Hz进行创新,这款鼠标具有独特的、破纪录的、超快的 8000 Hz 轮询速率!从理论上讲,这可以在电子竞技游戏中发挥作用,因为它应该有助于减少输入延迟。您想了解更多关于Razer Viper 8K Hz的信息吗?阅读我们的评论了解详情:
Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标:它适合谁?
- 在职业比赛中玩电子竞技游戏的玩家
- 那些想要符合人体工程学的灵巧游戏鼠标的人
- 对非常轻巧的鼠标感兴趣的人
关于Razer Viper 8K (Razer Viper 8K)Hz有很多好话要说:

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- 它具有符合人体工程学的设计,使用起来很舒适
- 这是一只灵巧的老鼠
- 它的传感器具有 20000 DPI(DPI)的超高分辨率
- 它具有 8000 Hz 的极快轮询速率
- 它很轻
- 它的售价与原版Razer Viper相同(Razer Viper)
Razer Viper 8K Hz唯一的缺点是,如果你想使用设置在 8000 Hz 轮询率上的鼠标,你需要有一台功能强大的电脑。

Razer Viper 8K Hz是一款独特的游戏鼠标。它的物理特性非常好,它的形状、大小和重量都推荐给任何类型的游戏玩家,无论是否有竞争力。Viper 8K Hz的轮询速率为 8000 Hz,可提供您可以从鼠标获得的最快数据传输。但是,要从中受益,您必须拥有一台功能强大的计算机,考虑到现代计算机具有多少处理能力,这有点令人印象深刻。幸运的是,如果您遇到性能问题,您可以轻松降低 Razer 软件的轮询率。如果您是游戏玩家并正在寻找一款出色的灵巧鼠标,我们相信Razer Viper 8K Hz是一个不错的选择。
Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标拆箱
Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标装在一个相对较小的盒子里。在正面,您可以看到该设备的大图像,周围是有关其主要功能和优势的详细信息。盒子的底色是黑色,强调色是雷蛇特有的绿色。

Razer Viper 8KHz 的包装

Razer Viper 8KHz:盒子背面
当你打开盒子时,你偶然发现了另一个由可回收纸板制成的盒子。打开它以获取您的新Razer Viper 8K Hz。除了鼠标本身,您还可以找到一个纺织袋、用户手册、一封欢迎信和一些Razer贴纸。

Razer Viper 8KHz的盒子里有什么
为 Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标拆箱是一种愉快的体验。我们感谢 Razer 对细节的关注和对可回收包装的使用。(Unboxing the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse is a pleasant experience. We appreciate Razer’s attention to detail and the use of recyclable packaging.)
Razer Viper 8K Hz是一款灵巧鼠标,其形状和大小与旧款Razer Viper型号相同。在舒适性和人体工程学方面,这是一个久经考验的成功秘诀,这是一件好事。尽管它的机身完全由塑料制成,并且非常轻巧(71 克或 2.5 盎司,不含电缆),但鼠标感觉可靠且非常坚固。

Razer Viper 8KHz 是轻量级的
除了常规的左右单击按钮和滚轮外,Razer Viper 8K Hz还有五个其他按钮。鼠标两侧各有两个可配置按钮,“野兽之腹”上还有一个DPI开关。🙂

Razer Viper 8KHz的每一侧都有两个额外的按钮
Razer Viper 8K Hz的速度和准确度由最高灵敏度为20000 DPI的高端光学传感器提供动力,同时也得益于 Razer 所谓的HyperPolling 技术(HyperPolling Technology)。这是第一款支持不超过 8000Hz 的轮询速率的鼠标。这个令人难以置信的数字赋予了鼠标它的姓氏:8K Hz。巨大的轮询率和快速的传感器让鼠标对您的手部动作做出即时流畅的响应。它还允许它达到每秒 650 英寸的最大速度和 50g 的最大加速度。

Razer Viper 8KHz:20000 DPI传感器和 8000 Hz 轮询率
Viper 8K Hz鼠标使用一组 Razer 自己的第二代光学开关。它们承诺速度极快且极其可靠,预计官方点击次数为 7000 万次。
最后,我们不能忽略这样一个事实,即Razer Viper 8K Hz鼠标背面有一个RGB发光区域 - 三棱蛇图形 - 并支持(RGB)Razer Chroma RGB。这意味着您可以将其灯光效果与您拥有的其他Chroma RGB兼容设备的灯光效果同步。

Razer Viper 8KHz支持Razer Chroma RGB
如果您想了解更多有关所有功能和技术规格的信息,请访问鼠标的官方网页:Razer Viper 8K Hz。
Razer Viper 8K Hz灵巧型游戏鼠标采用多年来证明其符合人体工程学的设计。在性能方面,其数据表列出了一些令人印象深刻的规格,重点是其超快的 8000 Hz 轮询率。(The Razer Viper 8KHz ambidextrous gaming mouse uses a design that has already proved itself over the years as ergonomic. In terms of performance, its datasheet lists some seriously impressive specs, with an emphasis on its ultrafast 8000 Hz polling rate.)
使用 Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标
我已经使用 Razer Viper 8K Hz鼠标有一段时间了,我必须说我对它非常满意。它的形状和大小使大多数人感到舒适,这在灵巧的老鼠世界中是非常罕见的。左右键都略微凹进去,让我的食指和中指很开心。🙂

Razer Viper 8KHz是一款舒适的游戏鼠标
侧面按钮很好地放置在鼠标的每一侧。保持在拇指休息位置上方是一个不错的选择:推动它们始终是有意的,绝不是偶然的。说到拇指,我喜欢Razer Viper 8K (Razer Viper 8K)Hz鼠标的另一件事是其侧面的橡胶涂层。它使鼠标牢牢地握在您的手中。

Razer Viper 8KHz 拥有良好的抓地力
在性能方面,20000 dpi 传感器、光学开关和超快的 8000 Hz 轮询速率使这款鼠标极其精确。我在工作和玩游戏时都使用了Razer Viper 8K Hz 。我仍然喜欢英雄(Legends)联盟(League),这是一款快速反应非常重要的MOBA游戏。(MOBA)我不能说 8 kHz 的轮询率是否真的很重要。从理论上讲,如果您是电子竞技冠军,它会有所作为。如果您是普通玩家,1000 Hz 可能与 8000 Hz 相同。至少在我的情况下,我在LoL中的输赢和其他任何一天一样多。

使用Razer Viper 8KHz游戏鼠标
我在使用Razer Viper 8K (Razer Viper 8K)Hz时注意到的一件意想不到的事情是,它可能会对您的系统性能造成影响。听起来是不是有点奇怪?这对许多人来说可能是第一次,但您应该知道,使用默认设置为 8000 Hz 轮询速率的Razer Viper 8K Hz会降低您的计算机速度。我测试这款鼠标的PC相当强大:AMD Ryzen 9 5900X处理器、16GB DDR4、AMD Radeon RX 5700显卡、华硕ROG Strix XG32VQ(ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ)(144Hz)显示器等。
当什么都不做时,只是在Spotify(Spotify)上听音乐和浏览网页,不移动鼠标,我的CPU利用率约为 3%。当我尽可能快地移动Razer Viper 8K Hz时,为了查看轮询率如何影响CPU消耗,我看到了高达 10 - 15% 的急剧增加!

Razer Viper 8KHz:8000 Hz 轮询率需要强大的计算机
Razer Viper 8K Hz是一款出色的灵巧游戏鼠标,具有出色的人体工程学和高端硬件规格。我喜欢在工作和玩游戏时使用它。然而,尽管其 8000 Hz 的超快轮询速率使其独一无二、速度惊人且准确,但它会占用您的计算机资源。除非您拥有功能强大的 PC,否则您可能希望将轮询速率降低到 1000 Hz。(The Razer Viper 8KHz is an outstanding ambidextrous gaming mouse with excellent ergonomy and high-end hardware specs. I loved using it both when working and when playing games. However, although its hyperfast 8000 Hz polling rate makes it unique, incredibly fast, and accurate, it takes a toll on your computer resources. Unless you have a powerful PC, you might want to decrease the polling rate to 1000 Hz.)
Viper 8K Hz可以使用 Razer 的Synapse软件进行配置和个性化。它的自定义(Customize)选项卡可让您对每个按钮的功能进行编程,选择您是左撇子还是右撇子,并将您调整的所有内容保存在鼠标配置文件中。

自定义 Synapse 中的按钮

调整Razer Viper 8KHz的性能设置(Razer Viper 8KHz)
Razer Viper 8K Hz鼠标上唯一的照明区域可以从Synapse 中的Lighting选项卡进行配置。(Lighting )

Razer Viper 8KHz的灯光效果

校准 Razer Viper 8KHz
Razer 的 Synapse 软件设计精良,手感优美,可让您控制和自定义有关 Viper 8K Hz工作方式的一切。(Razer’s Synapse software is well designed, feels polished, and allows you to control and customize everything about the way Viper 8KHz works.)
你喜欢 Razer Viper 8K Hz吗?
现在您知道我们对Razer Viper 8K Hz游戏鼠标的喜好和不满意之处了。你对此有何看法?您是否相信超快的投票率可以在竞技游戏中发挥作用?在下面的评论部分让我们知道。
Razer Viper 8KHz review: The first gaming mouse with an 8000 Hz polling rate -
Each уеar, gaming mice are becoming faster and lighter, with more and more accurаte optical sensors. It’s challenging to innovate because the market is crowdеd with various devices that meet every gamer’s needs and budgets. However, Razer is trying to innovate with the new Viper 8KHz, a mouse that features a unique, record-breaking, hyperfast polling rate of 8000 Hz! Theoretically, that can make the difference in esports gaming, as it should help reduce input lag. Would you like to know more about the Razer Viper 8KHz? Read our review for details:
Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse: Who is it good for?
This mouse is an excellent choice for:
- Gamers who play esports titles in professional competitions
- Those who want an ergonomic, ambidextrous gaming mouse
- People who are interested in a very lightweight mouse
Pros and cons
There are plenty of good things to say about the Razer Viper 8KHz:
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- It has an ergonomic design that makes it comfortable to use
- It’s an ambidextrous mouse
- Its sensor has a very high resolution of 20000 DPI
- It features an extremely fast polling rate of 8000 Hz
- It’s very light
- It’s sold at the same price as the original Razer Viper
The only downside of the Razer Viper 8KHz is that you need to have a powerful computer if you want to use the mouse set on the 8000 Hz polling rate.

The Razer Viper 8KHz is a unique gaming mouse. Its physical characteristics are excellent, and its shape, size, and weight recommend it to any type of gamer, competitive or not. With a polling rate of 8000 Hz, the Viper 8KHz delivers the fastest data transfers you can get from a mouse. However, to benefit from that, you must have a powerful computer, which is a bit underwhelming, considering how much processing power lies in modern computers. Luckily, if you encounter performance issues, you can easily lower the polling rate from Razer’s software. If you’re a gamer and looking for a great ambidextrous mouse, we believe that the Razer Viper 8KHz is a solid choice.
Unboxing the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse
The Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse arrives in a relatively small box. On the front, you get to see a large image of the device, surrounded by details about its main features and strengths. The background color of the box is black, and the accent color is Razer’s distinctive green.

The package of the Razer Viper 8KHz
You can read more about the mouse’s characteristics and its system requirements on the back of the box.

Razer Viper 8KHz: The back of the box
When you open the box, you stumble upon another one made of recyclable cardboard. Open it to get to your new Razer Viper 8KHz. Besides the mouse itself, you will also find a textile bag, the user manual, a welcome letter, and a few Razer stickers.

What's inside the box of the Razer Viper 8KHz
Unboxing the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse is a pleasant experience. We appreciate Razer’s attention to detail and the use of recyclable packaging.
Design and hardware specifications
The Razer Viper 8KHz is an ambidextrous mouse identical in shape and size to the older Razer Viper model. It’s a tried and tested recipe for success in terms of comfort and ergonomy, and that’s a good thing. Although its body is made entirely of plastic, and despite being very lightweight (71 grams or 2.5 oz, without the cable), the mouse feels reliable and pretty solid.

Razer Viper 8KHz is lightweight
Besides the regular left and right-click buttons, and a scroll wheel, the Razer Viper 8KHz also has five other buttons. There are two configurable buttons on each side of the mouse, plus a DPI switch on the “belly of the beast.” 🙂

Razer Viper 8KHz comes with two additional buttons on each side
The speed and accuracy of the Razer Viper 8KHz are fueled by a high-end optical sensor with a maximum sensitivity of 20000 DPI, but also by what Razer calls HyperPolling Technology. This is the first mouse to support a polling rate of no more, no less than 8000Hz. This incredible number is what gives the mouse its surname: 8KHz. The huge polling rate and the fast sensor let the mouse respond instantly and fluently to your hand’s movement. It also allows it to reach a maximum speed of 650 inches per second and a maximum acceleration of 50g.

Razer Viper 8KHz: 20000 DPI sensor and 8000 Hz polling rate
The Viper 8KHz mouse uses a set of Razer’s own 2nd generation optical switches. They promise to be lightning-fast and extremely reliable, with an expected official lifespan of 70 million clicks.
Razer also equipped the mouse with an onboard flash memory that can store up to five user profiles. In other words, the settings you make in terms of performance and button assignments are kept when using your mouse on different computers.
Finally, we couldn’t skip the fact that the Razer Viper 8KHz mouse has one RGB lighted zone on its back - the snake triskelion graphic - and supports Razer Chroma RGB. That means that you can synchronize its lighting effects with those of other Chroma RGB-compatible devices you own.

Razer Viper 8KHz supports Razer Chroma RGB
If you want to read more about all the features and technical specs, visit the mouse’s official webpage: Razer Viper 8KHz.
The Razer Viper 8KHz ambidextrous gaming mouse uses a design that has already proved itself over the years as ergonomic. In terms of performance, its datasheet lists some seriously impressive specs, with an emphasis on its ultrafast 8000 Hz polling rate.
Using the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse
I’ve used the Razer Viper 8KHz mouse for a while now and must say that I’m quite happy with it. Its shape and size make it comfortable for most people, and that’s something quite rare in the world of ambidextrous mice. Both the left and right-click buttons are slightly concave, which makes my index and middle fingers happy. 🙂

The Razer Viper 8KHz is a comfortable gaming mouse
The side buttons are well placed on each side of the mouse. Staying above the thumb’s resting place is a good choice: pushing them is always intentional, never accidental. Speaking of thumbs, one other thing that I like about the Razer Viper 8KHz mouse is the rubberized coating on its sides. It makes the mouse stay firmly in your hand.

Razer Viper 8KHz has a good grip
Regarding performance, the 20000 dpi sensor, the optical switches, and the ultrafast 8000 Hz polling rate make this mouse extremely precise. I used the Razer Viper 8KHz both for working and playing games. I still enjoy League of Legends, a MOBA game where fast reflexes matter a lot. I can’t say whether the 8 kHz polling rate really matters. In theory, it can make a difference if you’re an esports champion. If you’re an average player, 1000 Hz is probably the same as 8000 Hz. At least in my case, I won and lost just as many matches in LoL as any other day.

Using the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse
One unexpected thing I noticed while using the Razer Viper 8KHz was that it could take a toll on your system’s performance. Does it sound a little strange? It may be a first for many, but you should know that using the Razer Viper 8KHz with its default setting of 8000 Hz polling rate can slow down your computer. The PC on which I tested this mouse is quite powerful: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X processor, 16GB DDR4, AMD Radeon RX 5700 graphics card, ASUS ROG Strix XG32VQ (144Hz) monitor, etc.
When doing nothing exceptional, just listening to music on Spotify and browsing the web, without moving the mouse, my CPU utilization was about 3%. When moving the Razer Viper 8KHz as fast as I could, to see how the polling rate influences the CPU consumption, I saw a sharp increase of up to 10 - 15%!

Razer Viper 8KHz: 8000 Hz polling rate requires a powerful computer
The Razer Viper 8KHz is an outstanding ambidextrous gaming mouse with excellent ergonomy and high-end hardware specs. I loved using it both when working and when playing games. However, although its hyperfast 8000 Hz polling rate makes it unique, incredibly fast, and accurate, it takes a toll on your computer resources. Unless you have a powerful PC, you might want to decrease the polling rate to 1000 Hz.
Drivers and software
The Viper 8KHz can be configured and personalized using Razer’s Synapse software. Its Customize tab lets you program what each button does, choose whether you’re a leftie or a rightie, and save everything you adjusted in the mouse’s profiles.

Customizing the buttons in Synapse
On the Performance tab, you can configure the DPI sensitivity stages and select the mouse’s polling rate.

Adjusting the performance settings of the Razer Viper 8KHz
The only illuminated area on the Razer Viper 8KHz mouse can be configured from the Lighting tab in Synapse.

Lighting effects on the Razer Viper 8KHz
Finally, on the Calibration tab, you can make your mouse more accurate by calibrating it for the surface type you use it on.

Calibrating the Razer Viper 8KHz
Razer’s Synapse software is well designed, feels polished, and allows you to control and customize everything about the way Viper 8KHz works.
Do you like the Razer Viper 8KHz?
Now you know what we like and what we don’t like about the Razer Viper 8KHz gaming mouse. What’s your opinion about it? Do you believe that the super-fast polling rate can make a difference in competitive gaming? Let us know in the comments section below.