英雄联盟(League of Legends),俗称League或LoL,是Riot Games于 2009 年推出的多人在线视频游戏。该游戏有两支球队,每支球队有五名球员,一对一地争夺占领或保卫他们的竞技场。每个玩家控制一个称为冠军(champion)的角色。冠军在每场比赛中通过收集经验值、金币和工具来攻击对手队伍,从而获得额外的力量。当一支队伍获胜并摧毁位于基地内的大型结构Nexus时,游戏结束。(Nexus)该游戏在发布期间获得了积极评价,可在Microsoft Windows和 macOS 系统上访问。
鉴于游戏的受欢迎程度,称其为游戏之王(King)是轻描淡写的。但即使是国王(King)的盔甲也有裂痕。有时,您的CPU在玩此游戏时可能会变慢。当您的系统过热或启用电池保护选项时,会发生这种情况。这些突然的减速同时降低了帧速率。因此,如果您面临同样的问题,那么本指南将帮助您解决Windows 10上的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)丢帧或 fps 丢帧问题。
修复英雄联盟丢帧的 10 种简单方法
(10 Easy Ways to Fix League of Legends Frame Drops
英雄联盟(League)fps 掉线Windows (Legends)10(Windows 10)问题的发生有多种原因,例如:
互联网连接不佳(Poor internet connectivity )——这势必会导致在线完成的所有事情出现问题,尤其是在流媒体和游戏时。
电源设置(Power Settings)-省电(Power)模式,如果启用也会导致问题。
Outdated Windows OS and/or Drivers -过时的 Windows(Out-of-date Windows)操作系统和图形驱动程序会与这些新的图形密集型游戏发生冲突。
叠加层(Overlays )——有时,Discord、GeForce Experience等的叠加层可能会触发英雄(Legends)联盟(League)游戏中的FPS下降。热键组合可激活此覆盖并使FPS速率从其最佳值下降。
游戏配置(Game Configuration )- 当英雄联盟下载的文件损坏(Legends)、(League)丢失、未正确使用或配置不正确时,您的游戏可能会遇到此问题。
全屏优化(Full-Screen Optimization)- 如果您的系统上启用了全屏优化,那么您也可能会遇到此问题。
启用高端图形(High-end Graphics Enabled )- 游戏中更高的图形选项通过改善图形输出为用户提供实时体验,但有时会触发英雄(Legends)联盟(League)中的FPS下降。
帧速率上限(Frame Rate Cap )- 您的游戏菜单提供了一个选项,允许用户设置FPS上限。虽然这个选项很有帮助,但它不是首选,因为它会触发游戏中的FPS下降。
超频(Overclocking )——超频(Overclocking)通常是为了提高游戏的性能特征。但是,它不仅会损坏系统的组件,还会引发上述问题。
在 Windows 10 上修复英雄联盟 FPS 掉线的初步检查
(Preliminary checks to fix League of Legends FPS Drops on Windows 10
- 确保稳定的(stable) 互联网连接(internet connectivity)。
(Check minimum system requirements)检查游戏正常运行的最低系统要求。
- 以(as an) 管理员(administrator)身份 登录系统,然后运行游戏。
方法一:重置帧率上限(Method 1: Reset Frame Rate Cap)
要重置FPS上限并避免Windows 10中出现英雄(Legends)联盟(League)fps 下降问题,请按照以下步骤操作:
1. 启动英雄联盟(League of Legends )并导航到设置。(Settings.)
2. 现在,从左侧菜单中选择VIDEO并向下滚动到Frame Rate Cap框。
3. 在这里,从显示Uncapped的下拉菜单中将设置修改为60 FPS,如图所示。
4. 另外,请设置以下参数(set the following parameters)以避免在游戏过程中出现故障:
- 分辨率:匹配桌面分辨率( Match desktop resolution)
- 字符质量:非常低( Very Low)
环境质量:非常低( Very Low)
- 阴影:没有阴影( No Shadow)
- 效果质量:非常低( Very Low)
等待垂直同步:未选中( Unchecked)
- 抗锯齿:未选中( Unchecked)
5. 单击“确定”保存这些设置,然后(Okay)单击“游戏(GAME )”选项卡。
6. 在这里,导航到游戏玩法(Gameplay)并取消选中运动保护。(Movement Protection. )
7. 单击确定(Okay )保存更改并关闭窗口。
方法 2:禁用覆盖
(Method 2: Disable Overlay
覆盖是允许您在游戏期间访问第三方软件或程序的软件组件。但这些设置可能会触发Windows 10中的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)fps 掉线问题。
注意:(Note:)我们已经解释了在 Discord 中禁用覆盖(disable overlay in Discord)的步骤。
1. 启动Discord并单击屏幕左下角的齿轮图标,如图所示。(gear icon )
2. 在Activity SETTINGS(ACTIVITY SETTINGS)下的左窗格中导航到Game Overlay。
3. 在这里,关闭启用游戏内覆盖( Enable in-game overlay ),如下图所示。
4.重新启动您的 PC(Restart your PC)并检查问题是否已解决。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) Discord Overlay Not Working? 10 Ways to fix it!
方法三:更新显卡驱动(Method 3: Update Graphics Card Driver)
1. 同时按下Window + R 键(keys)打开运行(Run) 对话框(dialog box)。
2. 键入dxdiag并单击OK,如图所示。
3. 在出现的Direct X 诊断工具(Direct X Diagnostic Tool )中,切换到显示(Display)选项卡。
4. 制造商的名称,以及当前图形处理器(Current Graphics Processor)的型号将在此处显示。
方法 3A:更新 NVIDIA 显卡(Method 3A: Update NVIDIA Graphics Card)
1. 打开任何网络浏览器并转到NVIDIA 网页(NVIDIA webpage)。
2. 然后,单击右上角的驱动程序(Drivers),如图所示。
3.根据您的计算机配置从提供的下拉列表中输入必填字段,然后单击(required fields)搜索(Search)。
5. 双击下载的文件(downloaded file)安装更新的驱动程序。重新启动您的 PC 并享受游戏。
方法 3B:更新 AMD 显卡(Method 3B: Update AMD Graphics Card)
1. 打开任何网络浏览器并转到AMD 网页(AMD webpage)。
2. 然后,单击DRIVERS & SUPPORT,突出显示。
3A。单击立即下载(Download Now)以根据您的显卡自动安装最新的驱动程序更新。
3B。或者,向下滚动并从给定列表中选择您的图形卡(your graphic card),然后单击提交(Submit),如上所示。然后,选择操作系统并(System)下载与您的Windows台式机/笔记本电脑兼容的AMD Radeon 软件(AMD Radeon Software),如下所示。
4. 双击下载的文件(downloaded file)安装更新的驱动程序。重新启动您的 PC 并启动游戏。
方法 3C:更新英特尔显卡(Method 3C: Update Intel Graphics Card)
1. 打开任何网络浏览器并转到英特尔网页(Intel webpage)。
2. 在这里,点击下载中心(Download Center)。
3. 单击选择您的产品(Select Your Product )屏幕上的图形(Graphics),如下所示。
4. 使用搜索选项中的下拉菜单(drop-down menu)找到与您的显卡匹配的驱动程序,然后单击下载(Download),如下图所示。
5. 双击下载的文件(downloaded file)安装更新的驱动程序。重新启动您的 PC 并启动LoL,因为现在应该修复英雄联盟掉帧(Legends)问题(League)。
另请阅读:(Also Read:)在 Windows 10 中更新图形驱动程序的 4 种方法( 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10)
方法 4:从任务管理器中关闭不需要的应用程序(Method 4: Close Unwanted Applications from Task Manager)
许多用户报告说,他们可以通过关闭所有不需要的程序和应用程序来修复 Windows 10 上的英雄联盟丢帧问题。( fix League of Legends frame drops problem on Windows 10)
1. 同时按下Ctrl + Shift + Esc键启动任务管理器。(Task Manager)
2. 在进程(Processes )选项卡中,搜索系统中任何CPU 使用率高的任务(task with high CPU usage)。
3. 右键单击它并选择End Task,如图所示。
注意:以管理员身份登录(Note: Log in as an administrator )以禁用启动过程。
4. 切换到启动(Startup)选项卡。
5. 右键单击英雄联盟(League of Legends)并选择禁用(Disable)。
方法 5:禁用第三方应用程序(Method 5: Disable Third-Party Apps)
要修复英雄(Legends)联盟(League)掉帧问题,建议您在系统中禁用GeForce Experience等第三方应用程序。
1. 右键单击任务栏(Task Bar),从菜单中选择任务管理器,如图所示。(Task Manager)
2. 在任务管理器(Task Manager)窗口中,单击启动(Startup)选项卡。
3. 现在,搜索并选择Nvidia GeForce Experience。
4. 最后,选择禁用(Disable)并重新启动(reboot)系统。
注意:(Note:)某些版本的NVIDIA GeForce Experience在启动菜单中不可用。在这种情况下,请尝试使用以下步骤将其卸载。
5. 在Windows 搜索 (Windows search )栏中,搜索控制面板(Control Panel)并从此处启动。
6. 在这里,设置View by > Large icons并选择程序和功能(Programs and Features),如下图所示。
7. 导航到NVIDIA Ge Force Experience并右键单击它。然后,单击卸载(Uninstall),如下图所示。
8. 重复相同的过程以确保所有NVIDIA 程序(NVIDIA programs)都已卸载。
9.重新启动您的电脑(Restart your PC)并确认上述问题是否已解决。如果没有,请尝试下一个解决方案。
方法 6:将系统设置为调整以获得最佳性能
(Method 6: Set System to Adjust for Maximum Performance
您系统上的最低性能设置也可能导致Windows 10上的英雄(Legends)联盟(League)丢帧。因此(Hence),设置最大性能功率选项是明智的。
方法 6A:在电源选项中设置高性能(Method 6A: Set High Performance in Power Options)
1.如前所述启动控制面板。(Control Panel)
2. 如图所示,设置查看方式(View by)>大图标(Large icons )并选择电源选项(Power Options)。
3. 现在,点击Hide additional plans > High performance ,如下图所示。
方法 6B:调整以获得最佳视觉效果表现
(Method 6B: Adjust for Best Performance in Visual Effects
1. 启动控制面板(Control Panel)并在搜索框中键入高级,如图所示。(advanced )然后,单击查看高级系统设置。(View advanced system settings.)
2. 在“系统属性(System Properties)”窗口中,切换到“高级(Advanced )”选项卡并单击“设置...”(Settings… ),如突出显示的那样。
3. 在这里,选中标题为“调整以获得最佳性能”的选项。(Adjust for best performance.)
4. 单击Apply > OK 以保存更改。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复英雄联盟缓慢下载问题(Fix League of Legends Slow Download Problem)
方法 7:更改全屏优化和 DPI 设置(Method 7: Change Full-Screen Optimization & DPI Settings)
1. 导航到下载文件夹中的任何一个(Downloads folder )英雄联盟安装文件(League of Legends installation files),然后右键单击它。单击属性(Properties),如图所示。
2. 现在,切换到兼容性(Compatibility )选项卡。
3.在这里,选中标题为禁用全屏优化的框。(Disable fullscreen optimizations. )然后,单击突出显示的更改高 DPI 设置(Change high DPI settings )选项。
4. 现在,选中标记为覆盖高 DPI 缩放行为(Override high DPI scaling behavior )的框,然后单击确定(OK )以保存更改。
5. 对所有游戏可执行文件(all game executable files)重复相同的步骤并保存(save)更改。
方法 8:启用低规格模式(Method 8: Enable Low Specs Mode)
此外,英雄联盟(Legends)允许(League)用户以低规格访问游戏。使用此功能,可以将计算机图形设置和整体性能设置为较低的值。因此,您可以在Windows 10(Windows 10)上修复英雄(Legends)联盟(League)丢帧问题,如下所示:
1.启动英雄联盟(League of Legends)。
2. 现在,单击窗口右上角的齿轮图标。(gear icon )
3. 在这里,选中启用低规格模式(Enable Low Spec Mode )框并单击完成(Done)。
4. 最后,重启电脑(restart your PC)并运行游戏,享受不间断的游戏体验。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复Elder Scrolls Online无法启动(Fix Elder Scrolls Online Not Launching)
方法9:重新安装英雄联盟(Method 9: Reinstall League of Legends)
1. 转到开始(Start )菜单并键入应用程序(Apps)。单击第一个选项Apps & features。
2. 在列表中输入并搜索英雄联盟(League of Legends)并选择它。
3. 最后,点击卸载(Uninstall)。
4、如果程序已从系统中删除,您可以再次搜索确认。您将收到一条消息:我们在此处找不到任何可显示的内容。仔细检查您的搜索条件(We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria)。
要从Windows PC 中删除游戏缓存文件,请按照以下步骤操作。
5. 单击Windows 搜索框(Windows Search box)并输入%appdata%
6. 选择AppData Roaming文件夹并导航到英雄联盟(League of Legends)文件夹。
7. 现在,右键单击它并选择Delete。
8.对Local App Data文件( the Local App Data)夹(LoL folder)中的LoL文件夹执行同样的操作,搜索为%LocalAppData%
9.点击这里(Click here)下载LOL(download LOL)。
10. 等待下载完成并导航到文件资源管理器中的(File Explorer.)下载。(Downloads )
11. 双击安装英雄联盟(Install League of Legends) 打开它。
12. 现在,单击安装(Install )开始安装过程。
13. 按照屏幕上的说明(on-screen instructions)完成安装。
方法 10:避免热量积聚(Method 10: Avoid Heat Buildup)
- 确保在系统硬件内保持健康的气流(maintain healthy airflow),以避免任何性能下降。
清洁气道和风扇(Clean the airways and fans),以确保外围设备和内部硬件正常冷却。
禁用超频(Disable Overclocking ),因为超频会增加GPU的压力和温度,通常不建议这样做。
- 如果可能,请购买笔记本电脑散热器(laptop cooler),它可以帮助您最大限度地冷却显卡和CPU等长时间使用后容易过热的部件。
我们希望本指南对您有所帮助,并且您可以修复Windows 10(in Windows 10)中的英雄联盟帧丢失或 fps 问题(fix League of Legends frame drops or fps issues) 。让我们知道哪种方法最适合您。此外,如果您对本文有任何疑问/反馈,请随时将它们放在评论部分。
Fix League of Legends Frame Drops
League of Legends, commonly known as League or LoL, is a multiplayer online video game launched by Riot Games in 2009. There are two teams in this game, with five players each, battling one-on-one to occupy or defend their arena. Each player controls a character called a champion. The champion gains additional power during every match by gathering experience points, gold, and tools to attack the opponent team. The game ends when a team wins and destroys the Nexus, a large structure situated within the base. The game received positive reviews during its launch and is accessible on both Microsoft Windows and macOS systems.
Given the popularity of the game, calling it King of games would be an understatement. But even the King have chinks in their armor. Sometimes, your CPU may slow down while playing this game. This happens when your system gets overheated or when the battery saver option is enabled. These sudden slowdowns drop the frame rate concurrently. So, if you are facing the same problem, then this guide will help you fix League of Legends frame drops or fps drops issue on Windows 10.
10 Easy Ways to Fix League of Legends Frame Drops
The League of Legends fps drop Windows 10 issue occurs due to many reasons, like:
Poor internet connectivity – It is bound to cause issues with everything done online, especially while streaming and gaming.
Power Settings – Power saving mode, if enabled can also cause problems.
Outdated Windows OS and/or Drivers – Out-of-date Windows operating system and graphics driver would conflict with these new, graphic-intensive games.
Overlays – Sometimes, the overlays of Discord, GeForce Experience, etc., might trigger an FPS drop in the League of Legends game. A hotkey combination activates this overlay and drops the FPS rate from its optimum value.
Game Configuration – When the downloaded files of the League of Legends are corrupt, missing, not in proper use, or not configured properly, then your game may encounter this issue.
Full-Screen Optimization – If full-screen optimization is enabled on your system, then too, you might face this issue.
High-end Graphics Enabled – Higher graphics option in games gives a real-time experience to the users by improving the graphics output, but sometimes triggers an FPS drop in League of Legends.
Frame Rate Cap – Your game menu provides an option to allow the users to set the FPS cap. Although this option is helpful, it is not preferred because it triggers an FPS drop in the game..
Overclocking – Overclocking is usually carried out to improve the performance characteristics of your game. However, it can not only damage the components of the system but also trigger the said issue.
Continue reading the article to learn the various methods to Fix the League of Legends frame drops issue.
Preliminary checks to fix League of Legends FPS Drops on Windows 10
Before you proceed with the troubleshooting,
- Ensure stable internet connectivity.
Check minimum system requirements for the game to function properly.
- Log into your system as an administrator and then, run the game.
Method 1: Reset Frame Rate Cap
To reset the FPS cap and avoid the League of Legends fps drops issue in Windows 10, follow the below-mentioned steps:
1. Launch League of Legends and navigate to Settings.
2. Now, select VIDEO from the left menu and scroll down to the Frame Rate Cap box.
3. Here, modify the setting to 60 FPS from the drop-down menu which displays Uncapped, as shown.
4. Additionally, set the following parameters to avoid glitches during gameplay:
- Resolution: Match desktop resolution
- Character Quality: Very Low
Environment Quality: Very Low
- Shadows: No Shadow
- Effects Quality: Very Low
Wait for Vertical Sync: Unchecked
- Anti-Aliasing: Unchecked
5. Save these settings by clicking on Okay and then, click on the GAME tab.
6. Here, navigate to Gameplay and uncheck Movement Protection.
7. Click Okay to save the changes and close the window.
Method 2: Disable Overlay
Overlays are software components that allow you to access third-party software or program during the game. But these settings might trigger the League of Legends fps drops issue in Windows 10.
Note: We have explained the steps to disable overlay in Discord.
1. Launch Discord and click on the gear icon from the bottom left corner of the screen, as shown.
2. Navigate to Game Overlay in the left pane under ACTIVITY SETTINGS.
3. Here, toggle off Enable in-game overlay as depicted below.
4. Restart your PC and check if the issue is resolved.
Also Read: Discord Overlay Not Working? 10 Ways to fix it!
Method 3: Update Graphics Card Driver
To Fix the League of Legends frame drops error in your system, try updating the drivers to the latest version. For this, you need to determine which Graphics chip is installed in your computer, as follows:
1. Press Window + R keys together to open the Run dialog box.
2. Type dxdiag and click OK, as shown.
3. In the Direct X Diagnostic Tool that appears, switch to the Display tab.
4. The name of the manufacturer, along with and model of the Current Graphics Processor will be visible here.
You can now follow the instructions given below to update the graphics driver according to the manufacturer.
Method 3A: Update NVIDIA Graphics Card
1. Open any web browser and go to the NVIDIA webpage.
2. Then, click on Drivers from the top right corner, as shown.
3. Enter the required fields according to the configuration of your computer from the drop-down lists provided and click on Search.
4. Click on Download on the next screen.
5. Double-click on the downloaded file to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and enjoy the gameplay.
Method 3B: Update AMD Graphics Card
1. Open any web browser and go to the AMD webpage.
2. Then, click on DRIVERS & SUPPORT, as highlighted.
3A. Either click on Download Now to automatically install the latest driver updates according to your graphic card.
3B. Or, scroll down and choose your graphic card from the given list and click on Submit, as shown above. Then, select the Operating System and download AMD Radeon Software compatible with your Windows desktop/laptop, as shown below.
4. Double-click on the downloaded file to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and launch the game.
Method 3C: Update Intel Graphics Card
1. Open any web browser and go to Intel webpage.
2. Here, click on Download Center.
3. Click on Graphics on the Select Your Product screen, as depicted below.
4. Use the drop-down menu in search options to find the driver that matches your graphic card and click on Download, as illustrated below.
5. Double-click on the downloaded file to install the updated drivers. Restart your PC and launch LoL as the League of Legends frame drops issue should be fixed by now.
Also Read: 4 Ways to Update Graphics Drivers in Windows 10
Method 4: Close Unwanted Applications from Task Manager
Many users reported that they could fix League of Legends frame drops problem on Windows 10 by closing all unwanted programs and applications.
1. Launch Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together.
2. In the Processes tab, search for any task with high CPU usage in your system.
3. Right-click on it and select End Task, as shown.
Now, launch the game to check if the said issue is fixed or not. If you still face the issue, then follow the below-mentioned steps.
Note: Log in as an administrator to disable the start-up processes.
4. Switch to the Startup tab.
5. Right-click on League of Legends and select Disable.
Method 5: Disable Third-Party Apps
To fix League of Legends frame drops issue, you are suggested to disable third-party applications like GeForce Experience in your system.
1. Right-click on the Task Bar and select Task Manager from the menu, as shown.
2. In the Task Manager window, click on the Startup tab.
3. Now, search and select Nvidia GeForce Experience.
4. Finally, select Disable and reboot the system.
Note: Some versions of NVIDIA GeForce Experience are not available in the start-up menu. In this case, try to uninstall it using the below steps.
5. In the Windows search bar, search for Control Panel and launch it from here.
6. Here, set View by > Large icons and select Programs and Features, as depicted below.
7. Navigate to the NVIDIA Ge Force Experience and right-click on it. Then, click on Uninstall, as illustrated below.
8. Repeat the same process to ensure all the NVIDIA programs are uninstalled.
9. Restart your PC and confirm if the said issue is fixed. If not, try the next solution.
Method 6: Set System to Adjust for Maximum Performance
The minimum performance settings on your system might also contribute to the League of Legends frame drops on Windows 10. Hence, setting the maximum performance power options would be wise.
Method 6A: Set High Performance in Power Options
1. Launch Control Panel as earlier.
2. Set View by > Large icons and select Power Options, as depicted.
3. Now, click on Hide additional plans > High performance as shown in the below picture.
Method 6B: Adjust for Best Performance in Visual Effects
1. Launch Control Panel and type advanced in the search box, as shown. Then, click on View advanced system settings.
2. In the System Properties window, switch to the Advanced tab and click on Settings… as shown highlighted.
3. Here, check the option titled Adjust for best performance.
4. Click on Apply > OK to save the changes.
Also Read: Fix League of Legends Slow Download Problem
Method 7: Change Full-Screen Optimization & DPI Settings
Disable full-screen optimization to fix League of Legends frame drops issue, as follows:
1. Navigate to any one of the League of Legends installation files in the Downloads folder and right-click on it. Click on Properties, as shown.
2. Now, switch to the Compatibility tab.
3. Here, check the box titled Disable fullscreen optimizations. Then, click on Change high DPI settings option, as highlighted.
4. Now, check the box marked Override high DPI scaling behavior and click on OK to save the changes.
5. Repeat the same steps for all game executable files and save the changes.
Method 8: Enable Low Specs Mode
In addition, League of Legends allows the users to access the game with low specifications. Using this feature, the computer graphic settings and overall performance can be set to lower values. Thus, you can fix League of Legends frame drops on Windows 10, as follows:
1. Launch League of Legends.
2. Now, click on the gear icon from the top right corner of the window.
3. Here, check the box Enable Low Spec Mode and click on Done.
4. Finally, restart your PC and run the game to enjoy uninterrupted gameplay.
Also Read: Fix Elder Scrolls Online Not Launching
Method 9: Reinstall League of Legends
If none of the methods have helped you, then try reinstalling the software. Any common glitches associated with a software program can be resolved when you uninstall the application entirely from your system and reinstall it. Here are the steps to implement the same:
1. Go to the Start menu and type Apps. Click on the first option, Apps & features.
2. Type and search League of Legends in the list and select it.
3. Finally, click on Uninstall.
4. If the programs have been deleted from the system, you can confirm by searching for it again. You will receive a message: We couldn’t find anything to show here. Double-check your search criteria.
To delete the game cache files from your Windows PC, follow the below steps.
5. Click the Windows Search box and type %appdata%
6. Select the AppData Roaming folder and navigate to the League of Legends folder.
7. Now, right-click on it and select Delete.
8. Do the same for the LoL folder in the Local App Data folder after searching for it as %LocalAppData%
Now, that you have successfully deleted League of Legends from your system, you can begin the installation process.
9. Click here to download LOL.
10. Wait for the download to be completed and navigate to Downloads in File Explorer.
11. Double-click Install League of Legends to open it.
12. Now, click on Install to begin the installation process.
13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
Method 10: Avoid Heat Buildup
It is normal for your computer to heat up during intense League of Legends matches but this heat could also mean that there is bad airflow in your system and it may affect the performance of your computer in both, short-term and long-term usage.
- Make sure you maintain healthy airflow within the system hardware to avoid any performance degradation.
Clean the airways and fans to ensure proper cooling of the peripherals and internal hardware.
Disable Overclocking as overclocking increases the stress and temperature of the GPU and is usually, not recommended.
- If possible, invest in a laptop cooler, which could help you in maximizing the cooling of the parts like graphics card and CPU which tend to overheat after being in use for a long period of time.
We hope that this guide was helpful and you could fix League of Legends frame drops or fps issues in Windows 10. Let us know which method worked for you the best. Also, if you have any queries/feedback regarding this article, then feel free to drop them in the comments section.