如果您想更改(change)Windows 11中的网络配置文件类型(Network profile type),您可以使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings)、注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)和Windows PowerShell执行此操作。共有三种网络类型,您可以使用这些教程从一种切换到另一种。

如果您是普通的家庭计算机用户, 则主要有两种网络配置文件类型- Public 和 Private。但是,如果您的计算机连接到一个组织,您也可以 在Windows计算机上找到域网络(Domain network)选项。如果您想从公共(Public)切换到私人,反之亦然,您可以按照以下指南进行操作。
在开始之前,您必须知道这些更改是特定于网络的。例如,如果您有一个以太网(Ethernet)连接并且您将网络配置文件类型从Public更改为Private,它将仅应用于该特定的以太网(Ethernet)连接。如果您想对 Wi-Fi 连接执行相同的操作(甚至是不同的SSID(SSIDs)),您需要重复相同的步骤。
如何在Windows 11中更改(Windows 11)网络配置文件类型(Network Profile Type)
要更改Windows 11中的(Windows 11)网络(Network)配置文件类型,请按照以下方法操作:
- 使用 Windows 设置
- 使用注册表编辑器
- 使用 Windows PowerShell

这可能是在Windows 11(Windows 11)中的各种网络配置文件类型之间切换的最佳和最简单的方法。由于Windows 设置(Windows Settings)带有用户友好的界面,您可以快速导航到路径并进行更改。要使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings)更改网络配置文件类型,请执行以下操作:
- 按 Win+I 打开Windows 设置(Windows Settings)面板。
- 转到 网络和互联网(Network & internet)。
- 单击(Click)互联网源(以太网(Ethernet)或Wi-Fi)。
- 选择 Public 或 Private。
- 重启你的电脑。

可以使用注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)更改网络配置文件类型。只要您记下网络名称,就不需要太多时间。您可能必须一个接一个地检查所有条目才能找出网络名称并进行更改。要使用注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)更改网络配置文件类型,请执行以下操作:
按 Win+R 打开“运行”对话框。
按 regedit > 按Enter 按钮。
单击 UAC 提示符上的Yes 选项。(Yes )
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
双击 类别 (Category )REG_DWORD 值。
为公共 选择值数据 0 , 为私有 选择1 ,为域选择(1)2 。
单击 确定 (OK )按钮。
在 Profiles 键中,您可能会发现许多子键。每个子键表示您已连接到的特定网络。您需要检查 ProfileName 字符串值(Value)以找出特定网络。
3]使用Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell可以让你在Windows 11中做同样的事情。您可以使用Windows PowerShell或在Windows Terminal中打开它。为此,请执行以下操作:
- 在任务栏搜索框中搜索 powershell 。
- 单击 以管理员身份运行 (Run as Administrator )选项。
- 单击 是 (Yes )按钮。
- 输入以下命令: Get-NetConnectionProfile记下配置文件的 名称(Name) 。
- 输入此命令: Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “Network-Name” -NetworkCategory Public
- 关闭Windows PowerShell并重新启动计算机。
Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "Network-Name" -NetworkCategory Private
此外,您必须将 Network-Name 替换为您的原始网络配置文件名称。
您可以使用Windows 设置(Windows Settings)、Windows PowerShell和注册表编辑器(Registry Editor)来更改您的网络配置文件类型。在Windows 设置(Windows Settings)中,转到 网络和互联网(Network & internet) > 单击网络配置文件 > 选择 私有 (Private )或 公共(Public)。
要在Windows 11(Windows 11)中将网络从公共(Public)更改为私有,您需要转到 Windows 设置(Windows Settings)中的网络和互联网 (Network & internet ),单击以太网(Ethernet)或Wi-Fi,然后选择 私有 (Private )选项。供您参考,它会更改特定网络的网络配置文件类型。
阅读: (Read: )如何将网络配置文件从公共更改为私人丢失。(How to change Network Profile from Public to Private missing.)
How to change Network Profile Type in Windows 11
Іf you want to change the Network profile type in Windows 11, here is how you can do that using Windows Settings, Registry Editor, and Windows PowerShell. There are three network types, and you can switch from one to another using these tutorials.

There are mainly two Network profile types if you are a regular home computer user – Public and Private. However, if your computer is connected to an organization, you may also find Domain network option on your Windows computer. If you want to switch from Public to Private or vice versa, you can follow the following guide.
Before getting started, you must know that these changes are network-specific. For instance, if you have an Ethernet connection and you change the network profile type from Public to Private, it will be applied only on that particular Ethernet connection. If you want to do the same for a Wi-Fi connection (even different SSIDs), you need to repeat the same steps.
How to change Network Profile Type in Windows 11
To change the Network profile type in Windows 11, follow these methods:
- Using Windows Settings
- Using Registry Editor
- Using Windows PowerShell
To learn more about these ways, you need to keep reading.
1] Using Windows Settings

It is probably the best and easiest method to switch between various network profile types in Windows 11. As Windows Settings comes with a user-friendly interface, you can quickly navigate to the path and make the change. To change network profile type using Windows Settings, do the following:
- Press Win+I to open the Windows Settings panel.
- Go to Network & internet.
- Click on the internet source (Ethernet or Wi-Fi).
- Select either Public or Private.
- Restart your computer.
Once done, your computer will continue using the selected network profile type unless or until you change it manually.
2] Using Registry Editor

It is possible to change network profile type using Registry Editor. It doesn’t take much time as long as you have the network name noted. You may have to go through all the entries one after one to find out the network name and make the change. To change network profile type using Registry Editor, do the following:
Press Win+R to open the Run dialog.
Press regedit > hit the Enter button.
Click on the Yes option on the UAC prompt.
Go to this location:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
Click on the sub-key that represents your desired network profile.
Double-click on the Category REG_DWORD value.
Select the Value data 0 for Public, 1 for Private, and 2 for Domain.
Click the OK button.
Restart your computer.
In the Profiles key, you may find many sub-keys. Each sub-key denotes a particular network you have been connected to. You need to check the ProfileName String Value to find out a particular network.
3] Using Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell can let you do the same thing in Windows 11. You can use either Windows PowerShell or open the same in Windows Terminal. For that, do the following:
- Search for powershell in the Taskbar search box.
- Click on the Run as Administrator option.
- Click the Yes button.
- Enter this command: Get-NetConnectionProfileNote down the Name of the profile.
- Enter this command: Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name “Network-Name” -NetworkCategory Public
- Close Windows PowerShell and restart your computer.
Alternatively, you can enter the following command to change the network profile type to Private:
Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "Network-Name" -NetworkCategory Private
Also, you must replace the Network-Name with your original network profile name.
How do I change my network profile type?
You can use Windows Settings, Windows PowerShell, and Registry Editor to change your network profile type. In Windows Settings, go to Network & internet > click on the network profile > select Private or Public.
How do I change my network from public to private?
To change network from Public to Private in Windows 11, you need to go to Network & internet in Windows Settings, click on the Ethernet or Wi-Fi, and select the Private option. For your information, it changes the network profile type for a particular network.
That’s all! Hope this guide helped.
Read: How to change Network Profile from Public to Private missing.