Google Play Music是一款流行的音乐播放器,也是一款非常棒的音乐流媒体应用。它结合了Google的一些同类最佳功能以及一个庞大的数据库。这使您可以很容易地找到任何歌曲或视频。您可以浏览热门排行榜、最受欢迎的专辑、最新版本,并为自己创建自定义播放列表。它会跟踪您的聆听活动,从而了解您对音乐的品味和偏好,从而为您提供更好的建议。此外,由于它与您的Google帐户相关联,因此您下载的所有歌曲和播放列表都会在您的所有设备上同步。这些功能使Google Play 音乐成为(Google Play Music one)市场上最好的音乐应用程序之一。
但是,就像其他应用程序一样,Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)存在一些错误,因此在某些情况下会出现故障。多年来,Android用户经常报告各种错误、问题和应用程序崩溃。(Android)因此,现在是我们解决Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)的各种问题并帮助您解决这些问题的时候了。
解决 Google Play 音乐问题(Fix Problems with Google Play Music)
1. 谷歌播放音乐不工作(1. Google Play Music is Not Working)
您可能面临的最基本问题是应用程序完全停止工作。这意味着它不再播放歌曲。这个问题有很多潜在的原因。您需要检查的第一件事是您的互联网连接(check is your internet connection)。Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)需要稳定的互联网连接才能正常工作。因此,请确保您的 Wi-Fi 或蜂窝网络正常工作。尝试使用YouTube等其他一些应用程序来测试互联网带宽。如果问题是由互联网连接速度慢引起的,那么您可以降低歌曲的播放质量。
1.在您的设备上打开Google Play 音乐。(Google Play Music)
2. 现在点击屏幕左上角的汉堡图标,然后点击(hamburger icon on the top left-hand side)设置(Settings)选项。
3. 向下滚动到播放部分(Playback section),将移动网络和Wi-Fi的播放质量设置为低。
您还可以切换 Wi-Fi 或移动网络( toggle your Wi-Fi or mobile network)以解决连接问题。打开飞行(Airplane)模式然后将其关闭也有助于解决互联网连接问题。
如果互联网没有问题,则可能有多个人同时使用同一个帐户流式传输音乐。( multiple people are simultaneously using the same account to stream music.) Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)的设计方式是,只有一个人可以使用一个帐户在一台设备上流式传输音乐。因此,如果您是其他人登录到其他设备(如笔记本电脑)并播放音乐,那么Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)将无法在您的手机上运行。您需要确保情况并非如此。
很多时候,用户退出他们的设备并且他们不记得密码。这也有一个解决方法,因为您可以通过Google 密码恢复(Google Password Recovery)选项恢复您的密码。
2. 重复曲目(2. Duplicate Tracks)
有时,您会在音乐库中找到同一首歌曲的多个副本。如果您从 iTunes、MacBook或 Windows PC 传输音乐,则可能会发生这种情况。现在,Google Play Music不具备识别重复曲目并自动删除它们的能力,因此您需要手动删除它们。您可以浏览整个列表并一个一个删除它们,也可以清除整个库并重新上传它们,同时确保这次不存在重复项。
Reddit上也有针对此问题的替代解决方案。这种解决方案更简单,节省了大量的体力劳动。单击此处(Click here)阅读解决方案,然后如果您觉得可以自己尝试。请注意,上述方法不适合初学者。建议您仅在对Android(Android)和编程有所了解的情况下尝试此操作。
3. Google Play 音乐无法同步(3. Google Play Music is not able to Sync)
如果Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)未同步,则您将无法访问从其他设备(如 PC)上传的歌曲。设备之间的同步(Sync)很重要,因为它允许您在Android设备上播放音乐。同步无法正常工作的主要原因之一是互联网连接速度慢。尝试连接到不同的网络,看看问题是否得到解决。您可以尝试重新启动 Wi-Fi(try restarting your Wi-Fi)以确保接收到适当的稳定带宽。
Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)不同步的另一个原因是缓存文件损坏。您可以清除应用程序的缓存文件,然后重新启动设备。设备重新启动后,刷新您的音乐库。如果这没有帮助,那么您可能必须选择恢复出厂设置。
如果您将帐户转移到新设备,也会出现此问题。为了获取新设备上的所有数据,您必须取消对旧设备的授权。这背后的原因是Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)只能在具有特定帐户的单个设备上运行。为了在多个设备上同时播放,您需要升级到高级版本。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Google Play 音乐不断崩溃(Fix Google Play Music Keeps Crashing)
4. 歌曲未在 Google Play 音乐上上传(4. Songs are not Uploading on Google Play Music)
另一个常见错误是Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)无法上传歌曲。这会阻止您播放新歌曲并将它们添加到您的资料库中。当您为一首歌曲付费但无法将其保存在您的资料库中时,这真的很令人沮丧。现在出现这个问题的主要原因有以下三个:
第一个条件,即歌曲下载已达到限制,似乎不太可能,因为Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)最近将其库容量增加到 100,000 首歌曲。但是,如果确实如此,那么除了删除旧歌曲为新歌曲创造空间之外别无选择。
下一个问题是不受支持的文件格式。Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)支持并可以播放MP3、WMA、AAC、FLAC和OGC格式的文件。除此之外(Apart),不支持任何其他格式,如WAV、RI 或AIFF 。因此,您尝试上传的歌曲需要采用上述任何一种支持的格式。
对于帐户不匹配的问题,请确保您在购买时使用的设备上登录的是同一个帐户。您可能使用家庭成员的帐户或共享的家庭帐户下载了歌曲。在这种情况下,歌曲不会上传到您的Android设备和Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)。
5. 无法在 Google Play 音乐中找到某些歌曲(5. Unable to find some songs on Google Play Music)
1. 首先,在您的 Android 智能手机上打开Google Play Music 。
2. 现在,点击屏幕左上角的汉堡图标。(hamburger icon on the top left-hand side)然后点击设置(Settings)选项。
3. 在这里,只需单击刷新按钮(Refresh button)。Google Play音乐可能需要几秒钟的时间,具体取决于已保存歌曲的数量。
4. 完成后,尝试搜索歌曲,您会在库中找到它。
刷新您的Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)库会导致应用同步其数据库,从而恢复所有丢失的歌曲。
6. Google Play 音乐的付款问题(6. Payment Issue with Google Play Music)
如果在您尝试订阅时Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)不接受付款,则可能是由于付款详细信息不正确、(incorrect payment details,)信用卡有问题或存储有关付款方式详细信息的缓存文件损坏。为了修复“卡不符合条件(card is not eligible)”错误,您可以尝试几件事。您可以做的第一件事是确保卡处于正常工作状态。尝试使用同一张卡支付其他费用。如果它不起作用,那么您需要联系您的银行并查看问题所在。您的卡可能因过期而被银行冻结。如果卡正常工作,那么您需要尝试其他一些替代解决方案。
尝试从Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)和Google Play 商店(Google Play Store)中删除您保存的付款方式。接下来,清除(Next)Google Play Music的缓存和数据。您也可以在此之后重新启动设备(restart the device)。现在再次打开Google Play Music并仔细准确地输入卡片详细信息。一切完成后,继续付款,看看它是否有效。如果还是不行,你需要联系谷歌(Google)看看是什么问题。在此之前,您可以使用其他人的卡付款,甚至可以切换到其他应用,例如YouTube音乐。
7.音乐管理器应用程序问题(7. Problem with the Music Manager App)
- 首先,在您的计算机上打开音乐管理器应用程序(music manager app)。
- 现在单击首选项(Preferences)选项。
- 在这里,点击高级(Advanced)选项。
- 您将找到退出(Sign Out)选项,单击它。
- 现在关闭应用程序,然后再次打开它。
- 该应用程序将要求您登录。输入您的(Enter)Google帐户的登录凭据并登录音乐管理器应用程序。
- 这应该可以解决问题。尝试将歌曲上传到Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music),看看它是否正常工作。
8. 上传的歌曲被审查(8. Uploaded songs are getting Censored)
当您将一堆歌曲从计算机上传到手机时,您可能会注意到一些上传的歌曲没有反映在您的库中。这背后的原因是谷歌播放音乐已经审查了一些上传的歌曲(Google Play Music has censored some of the uploaded songs)。您上传的歌曲由Google在云端匹配,如果存在歌曲副本,Google会直接将其添加到您的音乐库中。它不经过复制粘贴的过程。然而,这个系统有一个缺点。谷歌(Google)云上提供的一些歌曲是经过审查的,因此您无法访问它们。这个问题有一个解决方案。请按照以下步骤操作,以避免您的歌曲被审查
1.在手机上打开Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)
2. 现在点击屏幕左上角的汉堡图标。(tap on the hamburger icon on the top left-hand side)
3. 单击设置(Settings)选项。
4. 现在向下滚动到“播放(Playback)”部分,并确保关闭收音机上阻止露骨歌曲的选项。( block explicit songs on the radio is switched off.)
5. 之后,通过点击“设置”菜单中的“刷新”按钮刷新您的音乐库。(Refresh button)
6. 这可能需要几分钟,具体取决于您库中的歌曲数量。完成后,您将能够找到之前被审查的所有歌曲。
至此,我们来到了Google Play 音乐(Google Play Music)的各种问题及其解决方案列表的末尾。如果您遇到此处未列出的问题,则可以尝试一些常规修复,例如重新启动手机、重新安装应用程序、更新Android操作系统,最后恢复出厂设置。但是,如果您无法解决Google Play Music的问题,那么您只需要等待更新并在此期间使用其他一些应用程序。YouTube音乐是一种流行的选择,谷歌(Google)本身也希望其用户做出改变。
Fix Problems with Google Play Music
Google Play Music is a popular musіc player and a pretty great apр for music streaming. It incorporates some of Google’s best in class features along with an expansive database. This allows you tо find any song or video pretty easily. Yoυ can browse top charts, most popular albums, latest relеases, and create a сustom playlist for yourself. It kеeps track of your listening actiνity and thus, learns yоur taste and prefеrenсe in music to provide you with better suggestions. Αlѕo, since it is linked to your Google accoυnt, all your downloaded songs and playlists are synced aсross all your devices. Thesе are some of the featurеs that makе Google Play Mυsic one of the best muѕic apps available in the market.
However, just like other apps, Google Play Music has some bugs and thus malfunctions on certain occasions. Android users have often reported various errors, problems, and app crashes over the years. Therefore, it is high time that we address the various issues with Google Play Music and helps you fix these problems.
Fix Problems with Google Play Music
1. Google Play Music is Not Working
The most basic problem that you can face is that the app stops working completely. This means it just won’t play songs anymore. There are a number of potential reasons for this problem. The first thing that you need to check is your internet connection. Google Play Music requires a stable internet connection to work properly. Therefore, make sure that your Wi-Fi or cellular network is working properly. Try using some other apps like YouTube to test internet bandwidth. If the problem is caused by a slow internet connection, then you can lower the playback quality of songs.
1. Open Google Play Music on your device.
2. Now tap on the hamburger icon on the top left-hand side of the screen and tap on the Settings option.
3. Scroll down to the Playback section and set the playback quality on mobile network and Wi-Fi to low.
You can also toggle your Wi-Fi or mobile network to resolve the connectivity issues. Switching on Airplane mode and then switching it off also helps resolve internet connection issues.
If there is no issue with the internet, then it possible that multiple people are simultaneously using the same account to stream music. Google Play Music is designed in a way that only one person can stream music on a single device using one account. So, if you are someone else is logged on to some other device like a laptop and playing music, then Google Play Music will not work on your phone. You need to make sure that it is not the case.
Other prospective solutions include clearing the cache for the app and restarting your device. There is also no shame in making sure that you are logged in with the correct account. This can be checked easily by opening the app settings and clicking on the Account option.
A lot of times, users get logged out of their devices and they can’t remember the password. This too has a workaround as you can recover your password via the Google Password Recovery option.
2. Duplicate Tracks
At times you will find multiple copies of the same song present in your music library. This could happen if you have transferred your music from iTunes, MacBook, or a Windows PC. Now, Google Play Music does not have the ability to identify duplicate tracks and automatically delete them, and thus you need to manually get rid of them. You can either go through the entire list and delete them one by one or clear out the entire library and re-upload them while making sure that duplicates are not present this time.
There is also an alternative solution to this problem available on Reddit. This solution is easier and saves a lot of manual labour. Click here to read the solution and then if you feel like you can try it yourself. Take note that the above-described method isn’t for beginners. It is advisable that you try this out only if you have some knowledge about Android and programming.
3. Google Play Music is not able to Sync
If Google Play Music does not sync, then you won’t be able to access the songs that you uploaded from some other device like your PC. Sync between devices is important as it allows you to play music on your Android device. One of the main reasons behind sync not working is a slow internet connection. Try connecting to a different network and see if the issue is resolved. You can try restarting your Wi-Fi to ensure proper stable bandwidth is received.
Another reason behind Google Play Music not syncing is corrupted cache files. You can clear the cache files for the app and then reboot your device. Once the device starts again, refresh your music library. If that doesn’t help then you might have to opt for a factory reset.
This problem can also arise if you are transferring your account to a new device. In order to acquire all the data on your new device, you have to deauthorize your old device. The reason behind this is that Google Play Music can work only on a single device with a particular account. In order to play simultaneously on multiple devices, you need to upgrade to the premium version.
Also Read: Fix Google Play Music Keeps Crashing
4. Songs are not Uploading on Google Play Music
Another common error is that Google Play Music is not able to upload songs. This prevents you from playing new songs and also adding them to your library. It is really frustrating when you pay for a song and then you are unable to save it in your library. Now there are three main reasons as to why this problem occurs:
Coming to the first condition, i.e. the limit has been reached for song download, seems highly unlikely as Google Play Music recently increased its library capacity to 100,000 songs. However, if that is actually the case then there is no alternative but to delete old songs to create space for new.
The next issue is that of an unsupported file format. Google Play Music supports and can play files that are in MP3, WMA, AAC, FLAC, and OGC. Apart from that, any other format like WAV, RI, or AIFF is not supported. Thus, the song that you are trying to upload needs to be in any of the above-mentioned supported formats.
For the issue of account mismatch, make sure that you are logged into the same account on your device with which you made the purchase. It is possible that you might have downloaded the song with a family member’s account or a shared family account. In this case, the song will not get uploaded to your Android device and Google Play Music.
5. Unable to find some songs on Google Play Music
You might have noticed that sometimes you are not able to find a particular song in your library which you know for sure was there earlier. Often pre-downloaded songs appear to have gone missing and this is a bummer. However, this is a relatively simple problem and can be solved by Refreshing the music library. Follow the steps given below to see how:
1. Firstly, open Google Play Music on your Android smartphone.
2. Now, tap on the hamburger icon on the top left-hand side of the screen. Then click on the Settings option.
3. Here, simply click on the Refresh button. Google Play music might take a couple of seconds depending upon the number of saved songs.
4. Once it is complete, try searching for the song and you will find it back in your library.
Refreshing your Google Play Music library causes the app to sync its database and thus bring back any missing songs.
6. Payment Issue with Google Play Music
If Google Play Music is not accepting payment while you are trying to get a subscription, then it is probably due to incorrect payment details, faulty credit card or corrupted cache files that store details about payment methods. In order to fix the “card is not eligible” error you can try a couple of things. The first thing that you can do is make sure that the card is in proper working condition. Try using the same card to pay for something else. If it does not work then you need to contact your bank and see what’s the problem. It is possible that your card has been blocked by the bank for being outdated. If the card works properly then you need to try some other alternate solutions.
Try removing your saved payment methods from Google Play Music and Google Play Store. Next up, clear the cache and data for Google Play Music. You can also restart the device after this. Now once again open Google Play Music and enter the card details carefully and accurately. Once everything is done, proceed with the payment and see if it works. If it still does not work, you need to contact Google and see what is the problem. Until then you can make the payment using someone else’s card or even switch to a different app like YouTube music.
7. Problem with the Music Manager App
A Music manager app is required to upload songs from your computer to your Android smartphone but sometimes it does not work properly. It gets stuck while uploading music. This could be due to a slow internet connection. So, make sure that the Wi-Fi network that you are connected to is working properly. If needed reset your router or connect to some other network. If the internet is not the reason behind the error, then you need to sign out and then sign in again to fix the problem. Follow the steps given below to learn how:
- Firstly, open the music manager app on your computer.
- Now click on the Preferences option.
- Here, tap on the Advanced option.
- You will find the option to Sign Out, click on it.
- Now close the app and then open it again.
- The app will ask you to sign in. Enter the login credentials for your Google account and sign in to the music manager app.
- This should solve the problem. Try uploading songs to Google Play Music and see if it works properly.
8. Uploaded songs are getting Censored
When you upload a bunch of songs from your computer to your mobile phone, you might notice that some of the uploaded songs are not getting reflected in your library. The reason behind this is that Google Play Music has censored some of the uploaded songs. The songs that you upload are matched by Google in the clouds and if a copy of the song exists, Google adds it to your library directly. It does not go through the process of copy-pasting. However, there is a downside to this system. Some of the songs that are available on the Google cloud are censored and hence you are not able to access them. There is a solution to this problem. Follow the steps given below to avoid your songs getting censored
1. Open Google Play Music on your phone
2. Now tap on the hamburger icon on the top left-hand side of the screen.
3. Click on the Settings option.
4. Now scroll down to the Playback section and make sure that the option to block explicit songs on the radio is switched off.
5. After that, refresh your music library by tapping on the Refresh button found in the Settings menu.
6. This might take a couple of minutes depending upon the number of songs in your library. Once completed, you will be able to find all the songs that were censored earlier.
With that, we come to the end of the list of various problems and their solutions for Google Play Music. If you are experiencing some problem that is not listed here then you can try some general fixes like restarting your phone, reinstalling the app, updating the Android operating system, and finally a factory reset. However, if you’re unable to fix problems with Google Play Music, then you just have to wait for an update and use some other app in the meantime. YouTube music is a popular choice and Google itself wants its users to make the switch.