您可以选择降低他们的互联网速度并限制他们的带宽,而不是直接阻止人们连接到您的WiFi网络。(WiFi)这样做不仅可以避免您因过度使用互联网而过度支付费用,而且还意味着您可以获得更多带宽。最好的部分是您可以自己轻松完成此操作,甚至无需使用任何第三方工具或软件。大多数现代WiFi路由器都提供了相当不错的管理选项来控制一些参数,如互联网速度、可用带宽、访问时间等。您还可以阻止某些网站(block certain websites)以及可能成为潜在黑客的流氓接入点。在本文中,我们将讨论各种类似家长锁的功能,您可以利用这些功能来防止他人占用您的互联网。
如何限制 WiFi 的 Internet 速度或带宽?(How can you Limit Internet Speed or Bandwidth of WiFi?)
使用 WiFi时速度不够快的原因是因为使用WiFi的人太多。默认情况下,WiFi路由器在连接到网络的所有设备之间统一分配总可用带宽。这意味着连接到网络的设备数量越多,您的互联网速度就越慢。为自己预留更多带宽的唯一方法是限制其他设备的带宽。
这可以通过访问路由器设置来完成。( router settings.)如前所述,每个路由器都有其单独的固件,可用于编辑多个设置。互联网(Internet)速度和可用带宽只是其中之一。要将特定人员或设备限制为有限的互联网连接,您需要知道他们的MAC 地址(MAC address)或 IP 地址。这是唯一的识别来源。您可能不想犯错误,因为它可能会不必要地惩罚错误的人。
限制 WiFi 的互联网速度或带宽的先决条件是什么?(What are the pre-requisites to Limit Internet Speed or Bandwidth of a WiFi?)
1.首先需要的是路由器的IP地址(IP address of the Router)。这通常写在路由器的底部。根据路由器的品牌和型号,它可以贴在底部的贴纸上,也可以刻在侧面。 和 是路由器最常用的一些 IP 地址。
2.接下来你需要的是用户名和密码(Username and Password)。这也可以在路由器底部找到。
3. 如果没有,可以在线搜索。谷歌你的路由器的品牌和型号,找出它的IP地址、用户名和密码。
如何在 TP-Link 路由器中限制 Internet 速度?(How to Limit Internet Speed in TP-Link router?)
1、首先打开浏览器,输入TP-Link固件的IP地址(IP address for TP-Link’s firmware)。
2. 现在在必填字段中填写用户名(Username)和密码(Password)并登录到您的帐户。现在,大多数人不会更改默认密码,在这种情况下,密码应该是小写的“admin” 。( ‘admin’)
3. 之后,点击高级路由(Advanced Routing)选项,然后在该选项下选择控制设置选项(Control Settings option)。
4. 这将打开带宽控制设置( Bandwidth Control Settings)。
5. 在这里,转到规则列表(Rules List)部分,然后单击“添加新”选项。
7. 在出口带宽(Egress Bandwidth)部分,输入可用于上传的最小和最大带宽值。
8. 在Ingress中,Bandwidth部分输入可供下载的最小和最大带宽值。
9. 之后,单击保存按钮。(Save button.)
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 如何在不泄露密码的情况下共享 Wi-Fi 访问(How to Share Wi-Fi Access without revealing Password)
如何在 D-Link 路由器中限制 Internet 速度?(How to Limit Internet Speed in D-Link router?)
如果您使用的是D-Link路由器,那么您可以为连接到您的网络的设备创建单独的带宽配置文件。(Bandwidth)该过程类似于在 TP-Link 的固件中创建新规则作为规则。请按照以下步骤限制其他设备的互联网速度或带宽。
1.首先打开浏览器,输入D-Link官网的IP地址( IP address for D-Link’s official website)。
2. 现在通过输入用户名和密码(username and password)登录到您的帐户。
3. 访问路由器固件后,点击顶部菜单栏上的高级选项卡。(Advanced)
4. 之后,单击将鼠标悬停在屏幕左侧的“高级网络”选项上后会找到的“(Advanced Network)流量管理”选项。(Traffic Management)
5. 在这里,单击带宽配置文件(Bandwidth Profiles)并点击“启用带宽配置文件”旁边的复选框(checkbox next to ‘Enable Bandwidth Profiles’),然后单击保存(Save)按钮。
6. 之后,单击添加(Add)按钮以创建新的带宽(Bandwidth)配置文件。
7. 您需要做的第一件事是命名此配置文件,然后从下拉菜单中将“配置文件类型”设置为速率。
8. 之后,在必填字段中输入最小和最大带宽速率(Minimum and Maximum bandwidth rate),然后单击保存(Save)设置按钮。
9. 创建此配置文件后,可用于限制多个用户的带宽。为此,请将鼠标悬停在高级网络(Advanced Network)上并选择“流量控制”(‘Traffic Control’)选项。
10. 选中“启用流量控制”(‘Enable Traffic Control’)旁边的复选框。
11. 现在向下滚动并在“流量控制规则”(‘Traffic Control Rules’)下键入您要限制的设备的 IP 地址。
12. 最后,设置您刚刚创建的规则,它将应用于该特定设备。
如何在 Digisol 路由器中限制 Internet 速度?(How to Limit Internet Speed in Digisol router?)
1.您需要做的第一件事是打开浏览器并输入Digisol登录页面的IP地址(IP address for Digisol’s login page)。
2. 在这里,输入用户名和密码(username and password)登录您的帐户。
3. 之后,单击状态选项(Status option)并转到活动客户端表(Active Client Table)。
4. 现在单击顶部菜单栏上的高级选项卡(Advanced tab),然后从左侧菜单中选择QoS 设置。(QoS Setup)
5. 在这里,单击添加按钮(add button)以创建新的 QoS 规则(new QoS rule)。
6. 如果您在各个字段中填写所需的值,分别设置上传和下载的上限和下限,这将有所帮助。
7. 之后,您需要输入将受此规则影响的设备的 IP 地址。
8. 输入所有需要的数据后,单击添加(Add)按钮以保存QoS规则。
9. 如果有多个设备需要限制互联网速度或带宽,请重复这些步骤。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 适用于 Android 的 15 个最佳 WiFi 黑客应用程序(2020 年)(15 Best WiFi Hacking Apps For Android (2020))
腾达路由器如何限制网速?(How to Limit Internet Speed in Tenda router?)
我们名单上的下一个流行品牌是腾达(Tenda)。由于价格合理,腾达(Tenda)路由器是家庭和商业用途的首选。但是,多个活跃用户可能会严重减少可用带宽并降低设备上的互联网速度。请按照以下步骤限制连接到您网络的其他设备的Internet 速度(Internet Speed)和带宽。
1. 首先输入腾达网站的IP地址(IP address of Tenda’s website)(在路由器后面可以找到),然后用您的用户名和密码登录。
2. 之后,转到高级(Advanced)选项卡。
3. 在这里,您将找到DHCP 客户端列表(DHCP Client List)选项。点击它,它将为您提供可以访问您的网络或已连接到您的网络的所有设备的列表。
4. 寻找您想要限制其网速的设备并记下其 IP 地址。
5. 之后,单击QoS 选项卡(QoS tab)并选择屏幕左侧的带宽控制选项。(Bandwidth Control option)
6. 点击启用选项旁边的复选框以(checkbox next to Enable)启用带宽控制(enable Bandwidth Control)。
7. 现在输入您之前记下的 IP 地址,然后from the Download/Upload drop-down menu下载(Download) ” 。
8. 最后,输入将作为可用带宽限制值的带宽范围,进而限制互联网速度。(Bandwidth)
9. 之后,单击添加(Add)到列表按钮为特定设备保存此QoS规则。(QoS)
10. 您可以重复这些步骤以添加更多设备或点击确定按钮保存更改。
您可以为 WiFi 网络设置哪些其他限制措施?(What are some of the Other Restrictive measures that you can set for a WiFi network?)
1.设置活动时间(1.Set Active Hours)- 您可以将互联网访问的可用性限制在一天中的某些固定时间和一周中的某些天。例如,您可以将办公室WiFi网络上的 Internet 访问限制为仅限办公时间和工作日。这将防止员工滥用数据。
2. 设置访客访问(2. Set up Guest Access)–您可以设置访客(Guest Access)访问,而不是提供您的WiFi网络的实际密码。这允许人们在短时间内访问互联网,例如,您拥有一家咖啡馆或餐馆,那么在客户在您的机构期间授予客户临时访客访问权限更为明智。访客网络是一个单独的网络,这不会影响员工的互联网速度。您可以轻松地为访客网络设置带宽限制,这样即使流量很大,员工的互联网速度也不会受到影响。
3. 设置 Internet 过滤器(3. Set up Internet Filters)- 另一种选择是阻止网络上某些消耗大量数据并导致员工分心的网站。例如,您办公室网络中的员工可能会浪费太多时间观看YouTube视频或浏览社交媒体。这不仅会减少其他用户的可用带宽,还会降低工作效率。使用您的路由器管理员设置,您可以轻松阻止网络上的多个网站。您还可以应用 Internet 过滤器并查看安全设置,以防止外人访问您的网络或窃取您的数据。
推荐: (Recommended: )修复Android连接到WiFi但没有互联网(Fix Android Connected To WiFi But No Internet)
我们希望您发现此信息有用,并且您能够限制其他 WiFi 用户的互联网速度( limit the internet speed of other WiFi users)。我们特别提到了某些流行的路由器品牌,但您可能正在使用本文未涵盖的其他型号或品牌。在这种情况下,您会很高兴知道每个路由器限制Internet速度或WiFi带宽(Bandwidth)的过程或多或少是相同的。您唯一需要知道的是路由器固件的 IP 地址。这些信息很容易在互联网上获得,或者您可以致电您的网络服务提供商并询问他们。
How to Limit Internet Speed or Bandwidth of WiFi Users
Рeople can’t help thеmselves from going ovеrboard eνery tіme they are connected to a free and strong WiFi nеtwork. They will begin to download movies, TV ѕhows, update their device, download large software setup files or games, etc. Now, іf you are the one prоviding this free WiFi, you will definitely feel the pinch in your pocket at the end of the month while paying thе internet bill. Apart from that if multірle people are connected to your WiFi and actively using it, it simply means less bandwidth for you. This iѕ unacceptablе. We understand that it seems rude to deny friends and relatives or some times evеn the neighbors the WiFi password when they аsk for it. You end up ѕharing your password with multiple people who relentlessly consume your bandwidth and data regularly. Therefore, we are here tо provide you with a simple, elegant, and discreet solution to this problem.
Instead of directly preventing people from connecting to your WiFi network, you can choose to reduce their internet speed and limit their bandwidth. Doing so will not only save you from paying excessively for overusing the internet but also mean more bandwidth for you. The best part is that you can easily do this yourself without even using any third-party tool or software. Most of the modern WiFi routers provide pretty decent administrative options to control several parameters like internet speed, available bandwidth, hours of access, etc. You can also block certain websites and rogue access points that could be potential hackers. In this article, we will discuss the various parental lock like features that you can utilize to prevent others from hogging your internet.
How can you Limit Internet Speed or Bandwidth of WiFi?
The reason behind not getting enough speed while using the WiFi is because too many people are using it. By default, a WiFi router uniformly divides the total available bandwidth among all the devices connected to the network. This means that the more the number of devices connected to a network, the slower is your internet speed. The only way to reserve more bandwidth for yourself is to limit the bandwidth for other devices.
This can be done by accessing the router settings. As mentioned earlier, every router has its separate firmware that can be used to edit several settings. Internet speed and the available bandwidth are just one of them. To restrict a particular person or device to a limited internet connection, you need to know their MAC address or their IP address. This is the only source of identification. You probably wouldn’t want to make a mistake as it might unnecessarily penalize the wrong person.
If you have the correct MAC address, then you can easily set the upper limit for the bandwidth and in turn, the internet speed that the person will be entitled to. You can set restrictions for multiple users or probably all users except you.
What are the pre-requisites to Limit Internet Speed or Bandwidth of a WiFi?
Before we begin with the process, you need certain important information to access the admin settings of a router. To limit the internet speed for other users, you need to set a new rule for the router. To do so, you need to open the device’s firmware and go to its Advanced settings. Here is a list of information that you need to acquire before that:
1. The first thing that you need is the IP address of the Router. This is usually written down at the bottom of the router. Depending on the brand and model of your router, it could be either be on a sticker pasted at the bottom or engraved at the sides. and are some of the most common IP addresses for routers.
2. The next thing that you need is the Username and Password. This, too, can be found on the bottom of the router.
3. If it is not there, then you can search for it online. Google the brand and model of your router and find out its IP address, username, and password.
How to Limit Internet Speed in TP-Link router?
1. The first thing that you need to do is open your browser and enter the IP address for TP-Link’s firmware.
2. Now fill in the Username and Password in the required fields and log in to your account. Now, most people do not change the default password, and in that case, the password should be ‘admin’ in lower case.
3. After that, tap on the Advanced Routing option, and under that select the Control Settings option.
4. This will open the Bandwidth Control Settings.
5. Here, go to the Rules List section and click on the ‘Add New’ option.
6. Now you need to add the IP address of the device that you need to limit internet speed on.
7. In the Egress Bandwidth section, enter the values for minimum and maximum bandwidth that will be available for upload.
8. In Ingress, the Bandwidth section enters the values for minimum and maximum bandwidth that will be available for download.
9. After that, click on the Save button.
10. That’s it, the internet speed and bandwidth will be restricted for the device whose IP address you entered. Repeat the same steps if there are more devices that you need to apply the bandwidth restriction rule to.
Also Read: How to Share Wi-Fi Access without revealing Password
How to Limit Internet Speed in D-Link router?
If you are using a D-Link router, then you can create separate Bandwidth profiles for devices that connect to your network. The process is similar to creating a new rule as a rule in TP-Link’s firmware. Follow the steps given below to limit the internet speed or bandwidth for other devices.
1. Firstly, open your browser and enter the IP address for D-Link’s official website.
2. Now login to your account by entering the username and password.
3. Once you have gained access to the router’s firmware, tap on the Advanced Tab on the top menu bar.
4. After that, click on the Traffic Management option that you will find after hovering your mouse over the Advanced Network option on the left-hand side of the screen.
5. Here, click on Bandwidth Profiles and tap on the checkbox next to ‘Enable Bandwidth Profiles’ and then click on the Save button.
6. After that, click on the Add button to create a new Bandwidth profile.
7. The first thing that you need to do is name this profile and then set the ‘Profile Type’ to Rate from the drop-down menu.
8. After that, enter the Minimum and Maximum bandwidth rate in the required fields and click on the Save Settings button.
9. Once this profile has been created, it can be used to limit the bandwidth of multiple users. To do so, hover your mouse over Advanced Network and select the ‘Traffic Control’ option.
10. Select the checkbox next to ‘Enable Traffic Control’.
11. Now scroll down and under the ‘Traffic Control Rules’ type in the IP address of the device that you wish to restrict.
12. Finally, set the rule that you just created and it will be applied to that particular device.
How to Limit Internet Speed in Digisol router?
Another very popular router brand is Digisol and is especially used for setting up a home WiFi network. Thankfully, it has a simple and straightforward process to limit internet speed or bandwidth for other users connected to your WiFi network. Follow the steps given below to see how.
1. The first thing that you need to do is open your browser and enter the IP address for Digisol’s login page.
2. Here, sign in to your account by entering the username and password.
3. After that, click on the Status option and go to the Active Client Table.
4. Now click on the Advanced tab on the top menu bar and then select QoS Setup from the left-hand side menu.
5. Here, click on the add button to create a new QoS rule.
6. It would help if you filled in the desired values in the respective fields to set the upper and lower limit for upload and download respectively.
7. After that, you need to enter the IP address of the device that will be affected by this rule.
8. Once all the required data has been entered, click on the Add button to save the QoS rule.
9. Repeat the steps if there are multiple devices that you need to limit the internet speed or bandwidth for.
Also Read: 15 Best WiFi Hacking Apps For Android (2020)
How to Limit Internet Speed in Tenda router?
The next popular brand on our list is Tenda. Tenda routers are greatly preferred for home and commercial purposes, owing to its reasonable price. However, multiple active users can severely reduce the available bandwidth and reduce the internet speed on your device. Follow the steps given below to limit Internet Speed and bandwidth for other devices connected to your network.
1. Firstly, enter the IP address of Tenda’s website (you can find this at the back of your router) and then login with your username and password.
2. After that, go to the Advanced tab.
3. Here, you will find the DHCP Client List option. Tap on it, and it will provide you with a list of all the devices that have access to your network or have connected to your network.
4. Look for the device whose internet speed you would like to limit and note down its IP address.
5. After that, click on the QoS tab and select the Bandwidth Control option on the left-hand side of the screen.
6. Tap on the checkbox next to Enable the option to enable Bandwidth Control.
7. Now enter the IP address that you previously noted down, then select Download from the Download/Upload drop-down menu.
8. Finally, enter the Bandwidth range that is going to act as limiting values for the available bandwidth and in turn the internet speed.
9. After that, click on the Add to List button to save this QoS rule for a particular device.
10. You can repeat the steps to add more devices or tap on the OK button to save changes.
What are some of the Other Restrictive measures that you can set for a WiFi network?
As mentioned earlier, limiting the Internet speed or Bandwidth isn’t the only thing that you can do to prevent people from misusing or exploiting your WiFi. Given below is a list of measures that you can take to avoid others from overusing your internet connection.
1.Set Active Hours – You can limit the availability of internet access to certain fixed hours in a day and for certain days in a week. For example, you can restrict internet access on your office WiFi network to office hours and weekdays only. This will prevent employees from misusing the data.
2. Set up Guest Access – Instead of giving out the actual password for your WiFi network, you can set up Guest Access. This allows internet access to people for a short duration of time, for example, you own a café or restaurant, then it more sensible to grant customers temporary guest access for the duration of which they are in your establishment. A guest network is a separate network, and this does not affect the internet speed of employees. You can easily set a bandwidth limit for the guest network so that despite heavy traffic, the internet speed for the employees are not affected.
3. Set up Internet Filters – Another alternative is to block certain websites on your network that consume a lot of data and cause a distraction for your employees. For example, employees in your office network might be wasting too much time watching YouTube videos or scrolling through social media. This not only reduces the available bandwidth for other users but also reduces productivity. Using your router admin settings, you can easily block multiple websites on your network. You can also apply internet filters and review security settings to prevent outsiders from gaining access to your network or stealing your data.
Recommended: Fix Android Connected To WiFi But No Internet
We hope that you find this information useful and you were able to limit the internet speed of other WiFi users. We have specifically mentioned certain popular router brands, but you may be using some other model or brand that has not been covered in this article. In that case, you will be glad to know that the process to limit Internet speed or Bandwidth of WiFi is more or less the same for every router. The only thing that you need to find out is the IP address of your router’s firmware. This information will easily be available on the internet, or you could call your network service provider and ask them.