Does your Android Phone is not getting recognized on Windows 10? Instead, your phone is only charging whenever you connect with your PC? If you’re facing this issue then you need to try our guide where we have discussed 15 different methods to resolve this particular issue. Read along!
Android手机是如此幸福,对吗?它只是一个无线、不知疲倦、完美无瑕的幸福盒子,具有无穷无尽的功能。从聆听美妙的歌曲到在线观看精彩的视频,甚至是“完美自拍”,它都能为您完成。但有时当内部存储器已满且 SD 卡阻塞时,您必须将这些文件传输到您的 PC。但是当您的 Windows 10 不承认您的手机时会发生什么?令人心碎(Heartbreaking),对吧?我知道。
通常,当您将Android手机连接到Windows时,它会将其验证为MTP(媒体传输协议)(MTP (Media Transfer Protocol))设备并继续进行。
但是,文件传输可能并不总是按预期工作。有许多报告指出,他们的台式机或笔记本电脑上没有识别/检测到 android 设备。这是很多安卓用户的通病。
修复 Windows 10 上无法识别的 Android 手机(Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10)
方法 1:更改 USB 端口并重新启动设备(Method 1: Change the USB port and restart your devices)
如果这不起作用,请尝试重新启动这两个设备,即您的 Windows 10 和Android设备。这应该运作良好。
方法 2:使用原装 USB 数据线
方法 3:检查 Windows 10 驱动程序(Method 3: Inspect Windows 10 drivers)
有故障的驱动程序可能是导致此问题的原因之一。此外,Windows 10 无法识别驱动程序损坏或故障的Android手机。(Android)如今,大多数Android设备都使用基本的媒体传输协议(Media Transfer Protocol)驱动程序来确保访问内部和SD 卡(SD Cards)存储。驱动程序必须是最新的,否则可能会产生问题。
以下是在 Windows 10 上更新驱动程序的步骤:
第 1 步(Step 1):通过 USB 连接手机。
第 2 步:(Step 2:)右键单击开始菜单(Start menu),然后单击设备管理器(Device Manager)。
第 3 步:(Step 3:)点击查看(View)并启用显示隐藏的设备(Show Hidden devices)选项。
第 4 步:(Step 4:) 展开(Expand)所有便携式设备,然后右键单击外部存储(External Storage)并选择更新驱动程序。 (Update Driver. )
第 5 步:(Step 5:)驱动程序将开始自动更新。
第 6 步:(Step 6:) 现在,在底部,您将看到通用串行总线(Universal Serial Bus)设备。
第 7 步:(Step 7:)右键单击您的Android图标并选择更新驱动程序(Update Driver)以启动驱动程序更新过程。
如果您的Android手机在连接(Android)Windows 10时仍然出现问题,只需卸载所有驱动程序,Windows将在系统重新启动时自动开始更新驱动程序。并且您应该能够 修复 Windows 10 上无法识别的 Android 手机问题(Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10 issue),如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 4:启用 USB 调试(Method 4: Enable USB Debugging)
有时启用 USB调试(Debugging)可以帮助解决这个问题,许多用户报告说这个技巧实际上已经解决了他们的问题。尽管这是一个很长的机会,但尝试一下是值得的。您可以在手机的开发者选项(Developer Option)中找到此功能,然后您可以从那里启用它。无需启用USB 调试(USB Debugging)部分中的所有选项。
以下是在 Android 设备上启用USB 调试的步骤:(USB Debugging)
第 1 步:(Step 1:)转到设置并查找About phone/ System.
第 2 步(Step 2):现在,点击内部版本号(7 次)。(Build number (7 times).)
第 3 步(Step 3):返回设置(Setting),您将在其中看到开发人员选项(Developer options)。
第 4 步:(Step 4:)您需要做的就是寻找USB 调试并启用它(USB Debugging and enable it)。您现在可以出发了!=
方法 5:配置 USB 连接设置(Method 5: Configure USB Connection Settings)
由于乱线设置,很有可能发生此问题。修复这些设置可能对您有利。当您的手机连接到 PC 时,您可能需要多次在不同的连接选项之间切换,然后Windows才会将您的Android确认为单独的媒体设备。
以下是一些可帮助您更改 USB 设置的说明:(change your USB settings:)
第 1 步:(Step 1:) 单击 手机上的 设置,然后在下面的列表中找到(Settings)存储 (Storage )。
步骤 2:(Step 2:) 按 最右上角的更多图标按钮,然后选择(more icon button)USB 计算机连接( USB computer connection)。
第 3 步:(Step 3:)现在,选择USB配置下的媒体设备 (MTP)并点击它。(Media Device (MTP))
第 4 步(Step 4):尝试将您的Android设备连接到您的 PC;它有望承认您的手机/平板电脑。
方法六:安装MTP USB设备驱动(Method 6: Install MTP USB Device driver)
这种方法被证明是最有效的,也是系统无法识别您的设备的最常见原因。更新MTP(媒体传输协议)驱动程序(MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) drivers )肯定会解决问题,您可以浏览手机上的内容并根据需要进行更改,即添加或删除内容。
按照以下步骤安装MTP USB 设备(MTP USB Device)驱动程序:
第 1 步:(Step 1:) 点击 键盘上的Windows Key + X ,然后 从菜单中选择 设备管理器。(Device Manager)
第 2 步:(Step 2: )通过单击左侧箭头展开便携式设备并找到您的设备( (portable devices )Android设备)。
第 3 步:(Step 3:)右键单击您的设备并选择更新驱动程序。(Update Driver.)
第 4 步:(Step 4:)点击 浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序软件。(Browse my computer for driver software.)
第 5 步(Step 5):单击“让我从我的计算机的可用驱动程序列表中选择(let me pick from a list of available drivers from my computer)”。
第 6 步(Step 6):从以下列表中,选择 MTP USB 设备(MTP USB Device) 并点击 下一步(Next)。
第七步:(Step 7:)驱动安装完成后,重启电脑。
第 8 步:(Step 8:)您的Android设备现在应该可以被 PC 识别。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 在 Android 设备上打开手电筒的 6 种方法(6 Ways To Turn On Flashlight On Android Devices)
方法七:连接(Method 7: Connect P)手机作为存储设备(hone as a storage device)
第 1 步:(Step 1:) 将手机连接到 PC。
第 2 步(Step 2):现在,屏幕上将出现一个下拉列表,其中包含许多选项,其中您必须选择文件传输或 MTP。(File Transfer or MTP.)
注意:(Note:)选项因设备而异,并且可能具有不同的名称,例如 设备文件管理器 ( Device File Manager )或 传输文件(Transfer files)。
方法 8:(Method 8: )尝试卸载 Android 驱动程序(Try Uninstalling Android drivers)
第 1 步:通过(Step 1:) USB 端口(USB Port)将(Attach)您的Android设备连接到您的 PC,然后打开设备管理器(Device Manager)。
第 2 步:(Step 2:)在设备管理器(Device Manager)中,导航到您的Android设备。您可能会在其他设备(Other Devices)或便携式设备下找到它。( Portable devices.)
第 3 步:(Step 3:) 只需(Simply)右键单击设备名称并选择卸载(Uninstall)。
第 4 步(Step 4):卸载完成后, 断开(disconnect) 智能手机的连接。
第 5 步:(Step 5:)尝试重新连接,等待Windows 10再次自动安装驱动程序。您的Android现在应该可以连接并按预期工作。
第 6 步:(Step 6:)您应该能够修复 Windows 10 上无法识别的 Android 手机问题(Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10 issue),如果没有,则继续下一个方法。
方法 9: (Method 9: )将手机连接为 USB 大容量存储设备(Connect Phone as a USB Mass Storage Device)
如果以上方法均无效,请尝试将手机连接为USB 大容量存储设备(USB Mass Storage Device)。要将智能手机连接为USB 大容量存储(USB Mass Storage)设备,请执行以下步骤:
第 1 步(Step 1):导航到手机上的设置,然后点击(Settings)更多设置(More Settings)。
第 2 步:(Step 2:) 现在,选择 USB 实用程序(USB utilities),然后点击将存储连接到 PC(Connect Storage to PC)。
第 3 步:(Step 3:)接下来,点击打开 USB 存储。 ( Turn on USB storage. )您可能需要插入或拔出Android手机才能安装必要的驱动程序。
希望(Hopefully)在完成上述步骤后,您将能够修复 Android 手机无法识别的问题。(fix Android Phone not recognized issue.)
方法 10:切换飞行模式(Method 10: Toggle Airplane Mode)
这个简单的修复对许多用户都有效,所以不要浪费任何时间,让我们看看如何禁用Android 设备上的飞行模式:(Airplane)
第 1 步: (Step 1: )关闭(Bring)快速访问栏(Access Bar)并点击飞行模式(Airplane Mode )以启用它。
第 2 步:(Step 2:)启用飞行(Airplane)模式后,它将断开您的移动(Mobile)网络、Wi-Fi连接(Connections)、蓝牙(Bluetooth)等。
第 3 步:现在在启用(Step 3:)飞行(Airplane)模式 时传输所有媒体和文件。
第 4 步:(Step 4:)完成传输后, 禁用飞行模式(disable Airplane Mode)。
这绝对有助于解决Windows 10上无法识别的Android Phone问题。
方法11:重启手机进入ODIN模式(Method 11: Restart Your Phone into ODIN mode)
此提示仅适用于 三星设备用户(Samsung device users) ,因为只有他们能够使用此功能,因为ODIN模式仅限于三星(Samsung)手机。使用ODIN(ODIN)模式时必须小心,否则可能会对您的设备造成严重损坏。此工具用于刷新Android 设备(Devices),使用时要非常小心。
第1步:(Step 1:) 按住 Volume Down + Home + Power 按钮打开手机。
第 2 步(Step 2):现在按 提高音量 (Volume Up )并将您的 Android 连接到 PC
第 3 步:(Step 3:) 让它 自动安装(Install) 强制驱动程序。
第 4 步:(Step 4:)您现在必须取出手机电池并 重新启动( Reboot) 手机。
最后,将您的设备连接到Windows 10 PC,您的手机应该可以被Windows识别。
方法 12:复合 ADB 接口可能是问题所在(Method 12: Composite ADB Interface can be the Problem)
ADB 接口(ADB Interface)是将媒体文件从Android设备传输到 PC的一项非常重要的功能。它用于来回复制媒体文件、运行 shell 命令以及安装和卸载应用程序。当您的 Windows 10 无法通过USB识别您的手机时,您可以依靠Composite ADB Interface来解决您的问题。
第 1 步:(Step 1:)通过使用开始菜单(Start Menu)搜索栏 搜索打开设备管理器。(Device Manager)
第 2 步:(Step 2:) 现在,导航 Android Composite ADB Interface。名称可能因设备而异。
第 3 步:(Step 3:) 右键单击 Composite ADB Interface并选择Uninstall。
第 4 步:(Step 4:) 检查 以下设备的卸载驱动程序软件 。(Uninstall driver software )
第 5 步:(Step 5:) 现在,重新启动(Restart)您的 PC 并尝试将您的Android设备重新连接到它。
方法 13:手动安装最新的 USB 驱动程序(Method 13: Manually Install the latest USB drivers)
您可以尝试从 Google 下载 USB 驱动程序并在(USB Drivers from Google)桌面(Desktop)上提取驱动程序。如果您在其他任何地方提取它,那么您需要记下该位置,因为稍后将需要它。
第 1 步:(Step 1:)打开设备管理器(Device Manager),然后从操作中单击扫描硬件更改。(Scan for hardware changes.)
第 2 步:(Step 2:)现在导航到Composite ADB Interface。
第 3 步(Step 3):右键单击它并选择 更新驱动程序。(Update Driver.)
第 4 步:(Step 4:)接下来,单击浏览我的计算机以获取驱动程序软件(Browse my computer for driver software )选项。
第 5 步:(Step 5:)转到您提取Google USB 驱动程序(Google USB Drivers)的位置,然后单击包含子文件夹 (Include subfolders )选项。
第六步:(Step 6:)安装驱动,点击下一步(Next)。
第 7 步:(Step 7:)使用管理权限打开命令提示符( Open Command Prompt with administrative rights)。
第 8 步:(Step 8:)现在在 cmd 中键入以下命令,然后在每个命令后按Enter :
- 亚行杀死服务器(ADB kill-server)
- 亚行启动服务器(ADB start-server)
- 亚行设备(ADB devices)
第 9 步:(Step 9:) 这应该适用于您的 PC 以及您的Android。
此提示适用于 Android 5.0 和更新版本(Android 5.0 and newer versions),但它也可能适用于旧版本的Android。
另请阅读:(Also Read:) 修复 Android Wi-Fi 连接问题(Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems)
方法 14: (Method 14: )重新启动您的智能手机(Reboot Your Smartphone)
将有关设备中任何问题的一切恢复原状的最基本和优选的解决方案之一是restarting/rebooting 手机。
这可以通过按住“电源按钮”(“power button”)并选择“重启”来完成。(“restart”.)
方法15:删除缓存和数据(Method 15: Delete Cache and Data)
删除外部(External)存储和媒体存储系统应用程序(Media Storage System App)不需要的缓存和数据肯定会解决问题。这是一个解决方案,得到了许多有相同问题的用户的“赞许”,并通过以下列出的步骤得到解决:
第 1 步:(Step 1:)打开手机上的设置,然后点击应用程序。 ( Apps. )
第 2 步:(Step 2:) 现在,单击右上角的三个点,然后选择 Show All Apps。
第 3 步:(Step 3:)点击外部存储(External Storage ),然后按缓存和数据(cache and data)的删除按钮。
第 4 步:(Step 4:)同样,点击媒体存储( Media Storage ),然后按删除按钮以获取缓存和数据。
第 5 步:(Step 5:)完成后,重新启动 (Reboot )手机并查看是否能够修复( f)Android 手机在 Windows 10 上无法识别的问题。(ix Android Phone not recognized on Windows 10 issue.)
希望(Hopefully)使用上述方法之一可以帮助您修复在 Windows 10 上无法识别的 Android Phone。(fix Android Phone not recognized on Windows 10. )感谢(Thank)您信任我们并让我们成为您旅程的一部分。如果您有任何问题或想在上述指南中添加任何内容,请随时在下面的评论部分中与我们联系。
Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10
Does your Android Phone is not getting recognized on Windows 10? Instead, your phone is only charging whenever you connect with your PC? If you’re facing this issue then you need to try our guide where we have discussed 15 different methods to resolve this particular issue. Read along!
Android phones are such bliss, am I right? It’s just a wireless, tireless, flawless box of happiness with endless features. From listening to amazing songs and watching awesome videos online, or even taking “the perfect selfie”, it does it all for you. But at times when that internal memory is full and the SD card is choked up, you gotta transfer those files to your PC. But what happens when your Windows 10 doesn’t acknowledge your phone? Heartbreaking, right? I know.
Usually, when you connect an Android phone to Windows, it will verify it as an MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) device and proceed further.
Sharing content with desktops and laptops has been improved upon over the past few years and even though this can be done wirelessly, users prefer the use of a traditional cable as file transfer happens much faster and it is much more effective i.e. there is little to no risk of disconnection.
However, the file transfer might not always work as expected. There have been many reports stating that the android device is not being recognized/detected on their desktop or laptop. This is a common problem among many android users.
Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10
This is a very common complaint by numerous Android users and we, as always are here to get you out of this mess. Here are a few hacks that will help you resolve this problem.
Method 1: Change the USB port and restart your devices
There is a slight possibility that the port which your device is connected to is faulty. In this case, switching to a different USB port may be effective. If the device shows up on the system as soon as it is connected, the problem is with the other USB port that the device was first connected to.
If that doesn’t work, try to reboot both the devices i.e. your Windows 10 and Android device. This should work well.
Method 2: Use an Original USB Cable
Sometimes, the fault might lie within the USB cable. It is quite hard to identify the problem just by inspecting the cable from the outside and if the cable proves to be faulty it is advised to get a new one rather than looking for problems with it. Get a new USB cable and use it to connect your device to the computer. If the device shows up on “File Explorer”, then the issue is fixed.
If it doesn’t, then it’s a software problem and had nothing to do with the hardware.
Method 3: Inspect Windows 10 drivers
The faulty driver could be one of the reasons for this problem. Also, Windows 10 does not recognize the Android phones, which have corrupted or faulty drivers. Nowadays, most of the Android devices use basic Media Transfer Protocol drivers to ensure the access of both internal as well as SD Cards storage. The driver must be up to date or else they can create a problem.
These are the steps to update drivers on Windows 10:
Step 1: Connect your phone via USB.
Step 2: Right-click on the Start menu and click on Device Manager.
Step 3: Tap on View and enable the Show Hidden devices option.
Step 4: Expand all the Portable devices and then right-click on the External Storage and select Update Driver.
Step 5: The driver will start updating itself automatically.
Step 6: Now, at the bottom, you will see Universal Serial Bus devices.
Step 7: Right-click on your Android icon and select Update Driver to start the driver update process.
If your Android phone is still creating a problem while connecting to Windows 10, just uninstall all the drivers, and Windows will start updating the drivers automatically when the system restarts. And you should be able to Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10 issue, if not then continue with the next method.
Method 4: Enable USB Debugging
Sometimes enabling USB Debugging can help with the issue, and many users have reported that this trick has actually fixed their issue. Even though it is a long shot, but giving it a try will be worth it. You can find this feature in the Developer Option on your phone and from there you can enable it. Enabling all the options in the USB Debugging section is not necessary.
These are the steps to enable USB Debugging on an Android device:
Step 1: Go to Settings and look for About phone/ System.
Step 2: Now, tap on the Build number (7 times).
Step 3: Go back to Setting where you will see Developer options.
Step 4: All you need to do is, look for USB Debugging and enable it. You are now set to go!=
Method 5: Configure USB Connection Settings
There is a good chance that this problem is occurring because of haywire settings. Fixing these settings will probably work in your favor. While your phone is connected to the PC, you might have to switch between different connectivity options a number of times before the Windows acknowledge your Android as a separate media device.
Here are a few instructions to help you change your USB settings:
Step 1: Click on Settings on your phone then find Storage in the list below.
Step 2: Press the more icon button in the extreme top right corner and select the USB computer connection.
Step 3: Now, select the Media Device (MTP) under USB configuration and tap on it.
Step 4: Try connecting your Android device to your PC; it will hopefully acknowledge your phone/tablet.
Method 6: Install MTP USB Device driver
This method proves to be the most effective and is the most common reason for your device not being recognized by the system. Updating the MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) drivers will definitely resolve the issue and you may be able to browse the contents on your mobile and change i.e. add or delete contents if required.
Follow these steps to install the MTP USB Device driver:
Step 1: Tap Windows Key + X on the keyboard and select Device Manager from the menu.
Step 2: Expand portable devices by clicking on the arrow to its left and locate your device (Android device).
Step 3: Right-click on your device and select Update Driver.
Step 4: Tap on Browse my computer for driver software.
Step 5: Click on “let me pick from a list of available drivers from my computer”.
Step 6: From the following list, select MTP USB Device and tap Next.
Step 7: After the installation of the driver is complete, reboot your PC.
Step 8: Your Android device should now be recognized by the PC.
If your device is still not being recognized, then it is recommended to uninstall the driver and install it again.
Also Read: 6 Ways To Turn On Flashlight On Android Devices
Method 7: Connect Phone as a storage device
If your device isn’t showing up on “File Explorer”, the issue may be related to how the device is connected to the system. When connected, the phone provides a couple of options as to what has to be done with the device such as MTP, charging only, PTP, and MIDI, etc. to use the computer as a power source, or use it to transfer media & files, or just use it to transfer photos.
Step 1: Connect in your Phone to your PC.
Step 2: Now, a drop-down list will appear on the screen with many options, amongst which you have to select File Transfer or MTP.
Note: Options will differ from device to device and may have different names for options like Device File Manager or Transfer files.
Method 8: Try Uninstalling Android drivers
If after updating the driver your Android Phone is still not recognized then it is recommended to uninstall the driver and install it again. This is done to ensure that the drivers are installed properly and if the already installed drivers are corrupted then re-installation will probably fix the issue.
Follow these steps to uninstall it:
Step 1: Attach your Android device through the USB Port to your PC and open Device Manager.
Step 2: In the Device Manager, navigate to your Android device. You will probably find it under Other Devices or Portable devices.
Step 3: Simply right-click on the device’s name and select Uninstall.
Step 4: After the uninstalling done with, disconnect your smartphone.
Step 5: Try reconnecting it again, and wait for Windows 10 to install the drivers again automatically. Your Android should now connect and work as intended.
Step 6: And you should be able to Fix Android Phone Not Recognized On Windows 10 issue, if not then continue with the next method.
Method 9: Connect Phone as a USB Mass Storage Device
If none of the above work, try to connect your phone as a USB Mass Storage Device. To connect your smartphone as a USB Mass Storage device, follow these steps:
Step 1: Navigate to Settings on your phone and tap on More Settings.
Step 2: Now, select USB utilities and tap on Connect Storage to PC.
Step 3: Next, tap on Turn on USB storage. You may have to plug or unplug the Android phone to install the necessary drivers.
Hopefully, after following the above steps, you’ll be able to fix Android Phone not recognized issue.
Method 10: Toggle Airplane Mode
This simple fix has worked for many users, so without wasting any time let’s see how to disable the Airplane mode on your Android device:
Step 1: Bring down your Quick Access Bar and tap on Airplane Mode to enable it.
Step 2: Once you enable the Airplane mode, it will disconnect your Mobile network, Wi-Fi Connections, Bluetooth, etc.
Step 3: Now transfer all your media & files while Airplane mode is enabled.
Step 4: Once you are done transferring, disable Airplane Mode.
This should definitely help in resolving Android Phone not recognized on Windows 10 issue.
Method 11: Restart Your Phone into ODIN mode
This tip is exclusively for the Samsung device users because only they are capable of using this feature as ODIN mode is restricted to Samsung phones only. You have to be cautious while using ODIN mode, or it can cause severe damage to your device. This tool is used for flashing the Android Devices and is to be used very carefully.
To use the exclusive ODIN mode, follow these steps:
Step 1: Press hold the Volume Down + Home + Power buttons to turn your phone on.
Step 2: Now press Volume Up and connect your Android to the PC
Step 3: Let it Install the mandatory drivers automatically.
Step 4: You will now have to remove your phone’s battery and Reboot your phone.
Finally, connect your device to Windows 10 PC and your phone should be recognized by Windows.
Method 12: Composite ADB Interface can be the Problem
An ADB Interface is a very important feature for transferring media files from your Android device to the PC. It is used to copy media files, back and forth, run shell commands, and also to install & uninstall apps. When your Windows 10 doesn’t recognize your phone via USB, then you can count on Composite ADB Interface to fix your problem.
Follow the instructions to do so:
Step 1: Open Device Manager by searching for it using the Start Menu search bar.
Step 2: Now, navigate Android Composite ADB Interface. The name may differ from device to device.
Step 3: Right-click on the Composite ADB Interface and select Uninstall.
Step 4: Check the Uninstall driver software for the following device.
Step 5: Now, Restart your PC and try reconnecting your Android device to it.
Method 13: Manually Install the latest USB drivers
You can try downloading the USB Drivers from Google and extract the drivers on the Desktop. If you extract it anywhere else, then you need to make a note of the location as it will be required later on.
Step 1: Open Device Manager and from Action click on Scan for hardware changes.
Step 2: Now navigate to Composite ADB Interface.
Step 3: Right-click on it and select an Update Driver.
Step 4: Next, click on Browse my computer for driver software option.
Step 5: Go the location from where you extracted Google USB Drivers and click on Include subfolders option.
Step 6: Install the drivers, click Next.
Step 7: Open Command Prompt with administrative rights.
Step 8: Now type the following command into cmd and hit Enter after each one:
- ADB kill-server
- ADB start-server
- ADB devices
Step 9: This should work for your PC as well as for your Android.
This tip is for the Android 5.0 and newer versions, but it may also work for the older versions of Android.
Also Read: Fix Android Wi-Fi Connection Problems
Method 14: Reboot Your Smartphone
One of the most basic and preferable solution to put everything back in place regarding any issues in the device is restarting/rebooting the phone.
This can be done by pressing and holding the “power button” and selecting “restart”.
This will take a minute or two depending on the phone and often fixes quite a few of the problems.
Method 15: Delete Cache and Data
Deleting unwanted cache & data for the External Storage and Media Storage System App will definitely fix the issue. This is a solution has got many ‘thumbs up’ from the users who had the same issue and got resolved by following the below-listed steps:
Step 1: Open Settings on your Phone then tap on Apps.
Step 2: Now, click on the three dots in the extreme top right and select Show All Apps.
Step 3: Tap on the External Storage then press the delete button for cache and data.
Step 4: Similarly, tap on Media Storage then press the delete button for cache and data.
Step 5: Once you are done, Reboot your phone and see if you’re able to fix Android Phone not recognized on Windows 10 issue.
Hopefully, using one of the above methods will help you fix Android Phone not recognized on Windows 10. Thank you for trusting us and making us a part of your journey. If you have any questions or if you would like to add anything in the above guide then feel free to reach out in the comment section below.